This Grade 10 Science course aims to cover the lessons in this scope and sequence with a higher priority on the
learning standards set in K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies.
Week# Standards in K-12 CG Codes Name of Units/Topics
a*quarter Unit 1: Earth and Space
13 S1OES — 2436.1 1. Plate Tectonics
La Distribution of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters,
5108S -1a}-36.2 and mountain ranges
4b. Types of plate boundaries
45 S10ES -10}.36.3 ‘Le Processes and landforms along plate boundaries
6 S10ES -I9j-36.4 1.d Internal structure of the Earth
7 S105 —la.-365 ‘Le Mechanism of plate movement
8 S9ES— la}}-36.6 Lf Evidence of plate movement
2” quarter Unit 2: Force, Motion and, Energy
12 S0FE-lla-b-47 1. Electromagnetic Spectrum
1a Wavelengths of different forms of
electromagnetic waves
34 SIOFEicd-48 1. Applications of EM Spectrum
5 S10FE-tle--49 ‘Le The effects of EM radiation on living things and
the environment
67 S1OFE-tIg-50 2. Light
2.a Reflection of Light in Mirrors
2.b Refraction of Light in Lenses
2.c Images formed by the different types of mirrors
and lenses
8 S0FE-tIh-52 2.d Practical uses of mirrors and lenses
9 S10FE-I-54 3. Electromagnetic effects
3.a Electric motor and generator
3° quarter Unit 3: Living Things and Their Environment
1 S2OLT-INb-34 1. Coordinated Functions of the Reproductive,
Endocrine, and Nervous Systems
La Hormone Action in the Male Reproductive System
2 S20LT-ANe-35 ‘Lib Hormone Action in the Female Reproductive
System3 S1OLT-Ne-36 1L.¢ Nervous System and Homeostasis
1.d Endocrine System
45 SIOLT-IN6-37 2. Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
S20LT-Nle-38 2.a Protein Synthesis
2.b Mutation
6 S1OLT-IIF-39 3. Biodiversity and Evolution
3.a Evidence of Evolution
7 SAOLT-INg-40 3.b Mechanisms of Evolution
8 ‘SMOLT-Ih-42 4, Ecosystems
SAOLT tii -42 4.a Biodiversity and Stability
4.b Population Growth and Carrying Capacity
4 quarter Unit 4; Matter
12 S1OMT-IVa-b-21 1. Gas Laws
‘La Kinetic Molecular Theory
{Lb Volume, pressure, and temperature relationship
34 S1OMT-IVe-d -22 2. Biomolecules
2.2 Elements present in biomolecules
2.b Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
56 SIOMT-IVe - g-23, 3. Chemical reactions
3.a Balancing Chemical Equation
3.b Types of Chemical Reactions
78 S1OMT -IVh-j-24 4, Chemical Kinetics