This Grade 9 Science course aims to cover the lessons in this scope and sequence with a higher priority on the
learning standards set in K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies.
Week # Standards in K-12 CG Codes Name of Units/Topics
a quarter Unit 4; Living Things and Their Environment
12 SOLT-la-b-26 La Respiratory and circulatory systems working
together to transport materials
3 SOLT-Ie-27 ‘Lb The effect of lifestyle in the functioning of
respiratory and circulatory systems
4 S9LT-Id-29 2. Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
2.a Location of genes on chromosomes
2.b Non-Mendelian inheritance
5-6 SOLT-le-f-30 3. Causes of Species Extinction
78 SOLT-Ig-j-31 4. Flow of Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
4.2 Photosynthesis
4.b Respiration
2" quarter Unit 2: Matter
1 SOMT-lla-22, 1. Electronic Structure of Matter
‘La Atomic Model
2 SOMT-HIb-14 2. Chemical Bonding
2, lonic and Covalent Bonding
3 SOMT lif -16 2b Metallic Bonding
4 SOMT -lig-17 3. The Variety of Carbon Compounds
3.a Carbon Atoms
5 S9MT -Ith -18 3.b Organic Compounds
6 SOMT -Ili-19 4, Mole Concept
4.a Mass
4.b Moles
7 OMT -j-20 4.c Percentage Composition of a Compound
3 quarter Unit 3: Earth and Space
1 S9ES -tNa-25 Volcanoes
1L.a Type of volcanoes
2 S9ES -Iilb-28 ‘Lb Voleanic Eruption
34 S9ES -Ille-d-29 ‘Lc Energy from volcanoes5 S9ES-Ille-30 2.Climate
2. Factors that affect climate
6 SOES-E-31 2.b Global climate phenomenon
78 S9eS-Ih33 3. Constellations
SOES-IMi34 3.a Characteristics of stars
S9ES -I}-35 3.b Arrangement of stars in a group
3.¢ Changing position of constellations during the
night and at different times of the year
3.d Beliefs and practices about constellations and
4" quarter Unit 4: Force, Motion, and Energy
1 SOFE-IVa-34 Motion in Two Dimensions
Projectile Motion
‘La Horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile
2 SOFE-IVa-35 ‘Lb Relationship between the angle of release and
the height and range of the projectile
3 S9FE-IVb-36 Lcimpulse and Momentum
S9FE-IVb-37 1.d Conservation of Linear Momentum
4 S9FE-IVb-40 2. Work Power and Energy
2.a Changes in form of mechanical enerey
2.b Conservation of energy
5 SOFE-IVd-42 3, Heat, Work, and Efficiency
3.a Relationship among heat, work, and efficiency
6 SOFE-IVg-45 3.b How Heat transfer and energy transformation
make heat engines like geothermal plants work
78 SOFE-IVhj-46 4. Electricity and magnetism
4.a Power generation and energy losses
4,b Transmission and distribution of electrical
energy from power plants to homes