CHN (Theory)
CHN (Theory)
CHN (Theory)
Foster - Children whose parents can no longer Major Functions of the Family
Family take care of them are put into a 1. Reproduction
foster/substitute home by: 2. Status of placement of individuals in society
n Child protection agency 3. Socialization of family members
n The government 4. Physical maintenance
- The government issues money to 5. Welfare and protection
parents per child 6. Family health test
Prevents children from being raised
in large orphanage settings Family Health Tasks
Insecurity and inability to establish - Task à function accompanied by work or labor that is
meaningful relationships due to assigned or demanded of a person
frequent moves 5 Family Tasks (Maglaya, A. 2004)
Blended Increases security and resources 1. Recognizing interruptions of health development
Family Exposure to different customs or 2. Making decisions about seeking health care
culture may help children become 3. Dealing with health and non-health situations
more adaptable to new situations effectively
Rivalry or competition amongst 4. Providing care to all members
5. Maintaining a home environment conducive to
health maintenance
Difficulty adjusting to stepparents
Family Tasks (Freeman and Heinrich, 1981)
Gay Family (**refer to content above)
1. Providing members with access to promotion and
Additional Types of Family disease prevention
According to Descent 2. Recognizing the interruptions of health or
Patrilineal - Affiliates a person with a group of development
3. Seeking health care
relatives who are related to them
4. Managing health crisis and non-health crisis
through his father
5. Providing nursing care to the sick, disabled, or
Bilateral - Relatives on mother’s side and
dependent members of the family
father’s side are equally as important
6. Maintaining a home environment that is
from an emotional or monetary
conducive to growth
7. Maintaining a reciprocal relationship with the
Matrilineal - Affiliates a person with a group of
community and its health institutions
relatives who are related to them
Characteristics of a Healthy Family (Defrain, 1999 and
through their mother
Montalvo, 2004)
According to Location
1. Members interact with each other (open
Patrilocal - Family resides near the domicile of
the husband
2. Establishes priorities, able to gauge what is
Matrilocal - Family resides near the domicile of valuable
the mother 3. Affirm, support, and respect each other
According to Degree of Authority 4. Engage in flexible roles/role relationships, share
Patriarchal - Authority is exercised by the father; power, respond to change
Family descent is traced through him 5. Supports growth and autonomy of others
Matriarchal - Authority is exercised by the mother; 6. Power sharing and willingness to change/support
Family “under the saya” the growth of another family member
Modern - Everybody is involved in decision. 7. Healthy families share a spiritual core,
Democratic Making attend/teach societal values
Autocratic - Rigid and strict matters of parenting 8. If a family is healthy, they give positive
Family - Children aren’t allowed to talk back contributions to the community they live in
Laissez-faire - Full autonomy 9. Fosters responsibility and value service in others
- Parents don’t mind and don’t care 10. Understands the balance of play, work, and
- Everybody is independent and able relaxation
to do their own thing 11. Healthy families can cope with crisis and grow
Matricentric - Mother decides to take charge in the from problems
presence of an absent father
Patricentric - Father takes charge in the presence
of an absent mother
Knowledge of Concerned with the health condition Presence of Health Conditions that are conducive to
Health that is the occasion of care Threats disease and accident, or may
Condition result to failure to maintain
Application of Concerned with action in relation to wellness or realize health
the Principles maintaining family nutrition, securing potential, examples of this
of General adequate rest/relaxation for family include:
Hygiene members + carrying out preventive - Presence of risk for factors of
measures specific diseases
Health Concerned with the way the family - Threats of cross infection
Attitudes feels about health care in general, from a communicable disease
including preventive services, care of case
illness, and public health measures - Family size beyond what
Emotional Concerned with the maturity and family resources can
Competence integrity with which members of the adequately provide
family can meet the usual stresses and - Accident hazards
problems of life n Broken stairs
Family Living Concerned largely with the n Points or sharp objects,
interpersonal or group aspects of poisons
family life – how well the members of n Improperly kept medicines
the family get along with one another, n Fire/fall hazards
and the ways in which they make - Faulty/unhealthful
decisions that influence the family as nutritional/eating habits
a whole n Inadequate food intake
Physical Concerned with the home, the both in quality and quantity
Environment community, and the work n Excessive intake of certain
environment + how it affects the nutrients
family n Faulty eating habits
Use of Concerned with whether the family n Ineffective breastfeeding
Community keeps appointments, follows through n Faulty feeding techniques
Facilities with referrals, or tells others about - Stress-provoking factors
health department services n Strained marital/parent-
sibling relationship
Initial Database n Interpersonal conflicts
This consists of information such as: between family members
- Family structure, characteristics, and dynamics n Care-giving burden
- Socio-economic and cultural characteristics - Poor home/environmental
- Home environment condition/sanitation
- Health status of each family member n Inadequate living space
- Values, habits, practices of health promotion, n Lack of food storage
maintenance, and disease prevention facilities
n Polluted water supply
The Typology of Nursing Problems in Family n Presence of breeding or
Healthcare resting sites of vectors of
First Level Assessment diseases
Presence of A clinical or nursing judgement - Unsanitary food handling
Wellness about a client in transition from a - Unhealthful lifestyle and
Condition-stated specific level of wellness or personal habits
as Potential or capability to a higher level Presence of Health Instances in which there is failure
Readiness “Potential for Enhanced Capacity Deficits of health maintenance
for/Readiness for Enhanced Presence of Stress Anticipated periods of unusual
Capability for:” Points/Foreseeable demand on the individual/family
- Healthy lifestyle Crisis Situations in terms of adjustment
- Health maintenance - Marriage
- Health management - Pregnancy
- Parenting - Parenthood
- Spiritual well-being - Additional member
Christine Joyce (Magghie) Ellorimo – BSN-2H
Community Health Nursing (Theory) – Midterms
2M – “Family Health Nursing”
Christine Joyce R. Ellorimo, BSN-2H (2022)
Enabler and - Provide logistical support Municipal - Also known as “rural health physician”
Capacity n Support LGUs (local government Health - Heads the municipal level with the
Builder units) of the communities + Officer following roles:
private sector and other (MHO) 1. Administrator of the RHU
agencies 2. Prepares the municipal health plan
- Serve as the lead agency of health and budget for the vicinity/zone
and medical research as part of 3. Monitors the implementation of
capacity building basic health services
- Protecting standards of excellence 4. Manages the RHU staff
in the training and education of 5. Being a communication
healthcare providers 6. Conducts epidemiological studies
- DOH = mother agency 7. Formulates health education
Administration - Roll out of services in specific campaigns on disease prevention
of Specific health facilities, including at the 8. Prepares and implements control
Services subnational levels measures regarding rehabilitation
- Provide specific programmes + plans
programme components for the 9. Being a medical-legal officer of the
larger population (i.e., TB, malaria, municipality
HIV) - Medical-legal à people who
- Aid in development of strategies encounter, for example, motor
as a response to emerging health vehicular accidents
needs Public - Supervisor à supervises & guides all
- Providing leadership in health Health RHMs
emergency preparedness and Nurse - Data Manager à prepares the Field
response services (PHN) Health Service Information System
(FHSIS) quarterly & annual reports
Rural Health Unit - Health Care Provider à uses the
- Aka Health Centre, a primary level facility in the nursing process in responding to the
municipality health needs of individuals, families,
- FOCUS: preventive and promotive health services and and communities including health
supervision of Barangay Health Stations (BHS) promotion and disease prevention
- Recommended ratio for Human Resource for Health activities
(manpower) and Health Facilities Ratio to Population: - Collaborator à collaborates with other
n 1 RHU/HC Physician: 20,000 stakeholders to address the
n 1 Public Health nurse: 10,000 community’s health problems
n 1 Public Health midwife: 5,000 Rural - Supervisor à supervises BHWs
n 1 Public Health dentist: 50,000 Health - Manager à manages the BHS,
n 1 RHU: 20,000 Midwife including data needed at their level
n 1 BHS: 5,000 (RHM) (they ensure data management daily)
n 1 BHW: 20 HOUSEHOLDS - Health Care Provider à renders
n 1 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST: 50,000 midwifery services: patient
n 1 NUTRITIONIST: 20,000 assessment, normal deliveries,
n 1 SANITARY ENGINEER (POLICY MAKING): 20,000 referrals, family planning/cp
n 1 SANITARY INSEPCTOR: 20,000 Rural - Ensures a healthy physical
Sanitation environment
Sections of the RHU Inspector - Anything to do with the environment
Barangay - First contact healthcare facility at the (RSI) falls under the responsibilities of an RSI
Health barangay level - They advocate for monitoring and
Station n If people are affected by an illness or regulating activities including
(BHS) disease, this is where they go to first inspection of water supply, unhygienic
- Satellite station of the RHU, being household conditions, etc.
manned by volunteer barangay health Barangay - Interface between the community and
workers under the supervision of the Health the RHU
RHM Worker - Mediators between rural health
units/barangay health stations to the
Christine Joyce (Magghie) Ellorimo – BSN-2H
Community Health Nursing (Theory) – Midterms
3M – “Healthcare Delivery Systems”
Christine Joyce R. Ellorimo, BSN-2H (2022)
- Accredited by the local health board Service Delivery How is health being administered
- Trained in preventive health care with i.e., accessibility, availability, safety
a strong emphasis on maternal and Governance and Appointing people in office to
childcare, family planning, Performance implement different health
reproductive health, nutrition, and Assembly programmes
Universal Healthcare (UHC) Coverage
Factors Measuring the Health Status of the View All individuals and communities receive the
Population health services they need without suffering
1. Income and social status hardships (value of equity)
- Higher the income and social status, you are linked to Inclusion Essential, quality health services from health
better healthcare promotion to prevention, treatment,
- The greater the gap between the rich and the poor, the rehabilitation, and palliative (**disease or
greater the health differences illnesses without cure) care
2. Education and health services Law RA 11223 (February 2019) covers all Filipinos
- Low education levels are linked to poor health under the National Health Insurance
- The more educated the more you know Program of the Philippines (PhilHealth)
- Access to health services for disease and prevention Objective To provide all Filipinos access to
treatment can impact the levels of health comprehensive and cost-effective health
3. Physical environment care that covers all spectrums of services
- The very. Basics needed to live such as water and food Priority Marginalized and those who can’t afford
quality healthcare
4. Employment and working conditions
- Employed people are healthier, especially those with Public Health Programs
control over their working conditions 1. Reproductive and maternal health
- If the workers are happy with their working 2. Expanded Garantisadong Pambata (child health)
environment, and they’re treated well, there is a lower 3. Control of communicable diseases
risk for hazards 4. Control of non-communicable or lifestyle diseases
5. Social support networks 5. Environmental health
- The people you affiliate with influence your health
status, this includes friends, family, and communities Healthcare Delivery Systems
6. Culture, genetics, and gender - HCDS à the network of health facilities and personnel
- Culture can be linked to those practicing traditional which carries out the task of rendering health care to
disease prevention methods that aren’t backed up by the people
science Q: Why was the HCDS created?
- Genetics is linked to diseases we inherit from our family - Problems: lack of coordination across the different
7. Personal behaviour and coping skills levels of care and continuity in services provided, and
- Coping skills is linked to personal behaviour and the to meet the demands and needs of constituents
way we deal with stress - Goal: to reintegrate hospitals and public health services
for a holistic delivery of health care
Global Health Sector Reforms Relevant Acts and Orders for HCDS
- The aim of reforms is to strengthen local healthcare RA 7160 Local Government Code of 1991
delivery + to improve health outcomes of the local - The LGU functions as the head of
population the local government
- Despite reforms since 1999, universal and equitable - Acts to decentralize power,
healthcare for all has not been achieved authority, and resources from the
**Fourmula One (2005-2010) national level towards LGUs
** Kalusugan Pangkalahatan n They’re given relevant statistics
** Duterte Health Agenda – 2016 and equipment needed to
** FOURmula one Plus (F1 Plus) implement health programs
EO 205 Establishment of Interlocal Health Zones
The 4 Pillars of the DOH - Issued by the president to establish
Financing Responsible for budget allocation LILHZs to create/cluster several
Regulation Concerned with policies involved in adjacent municipalities and cities
the different healthcare n Allows for population groupings,
programmes which opens up appropriate
Christine Joyce (Magghie) Ellorimo – BSN-2H
Community Health Nursing (Theory) – Midterms
3M – “Healthcare Delivery Systems”
Christine Joyce R. Ellorimo, BSN-2H (2022)
Functions of the Local Health Board: Health RHU, BHS, other health facilities,
1. Proposing to the Sanggunian annual budgetary Facilities district/provincial hospitals
allocations for the operation and maintenance of Health DOH personnel, district or provincial
health facilities and services within the Workers hospitals, RHUs, BHSs, private clinics,
province/city/municipality volunteer health workers NGOs,
2. Serving as an advisory committee to the community-based organizations
Sanggunian on health matters - Primary Health Care à over-all approach to provide
3. Creating committees that shall advise local health people access to basic healthcare and ultimately
agencies on various matters related to health improve health of communities
service operations
(**chapter 11 – textbook notes; required reading)
Health Referral Systems Global Health Issues
- Referral à set of activities undertaken by a HCP or - Global health is about improving health of the people
facility in response to its inability to provide the and achieving health equity for all
necessary health interventions to satisfy a patient’s n Transcends national borders
needs n Globally impacts politics and economics
- Internal Referral à occur within the health facility from n Requires global cooperation in response, planning,
one health personnel to another prevention, preparedness, and care (Edmonson et al,
- External Referral à movement of patient from one 2017)
health facility to another - The Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 showed that:
n Vertical à from lower to higher level of health facility n Deaths from noncommunicable diseases = 72.3%
and vice versa n Deaths from communicable, maternal, neonatal, and
n Horizontal à referral to similar facilities in different nutritional diseases = 19.8%
catchment areas n Deaths from injuries = 8.4%
- There is a global shift from premature mortality
Functional Referral Systems (CMNN) diseases to those regarding old age
- Ensures continuity and complementation of health and (cardiovascular disease, stroke, etc.)
medical services n There are declining rates of CMNN across different
- Comprehensive, encompassing promotive, preventive, levels of sociodemographic index
curative, and rehabilitative care Shifts in causes of death reflects the need for improving
- Engages all health facilities from the lowest to the workforce capacity and higher cost-effective treatments
highest level for chronic conditions and new challenges brought about
- Involves movement of a patient from the health center by conflicts, terrorist, and climate change
(first contact) and the hospital (first referral level)
- When a hospital intervention is completed, the patient Communicable, Maternal, Neonatal, and Nutritional
is referred to the health center (two-way referral Diseases
system) - Communicable diseases decreased as a cause of death,
mainly due to reductions in deaths caused by HIV/AIDS,
Inter-Local Health Zone malaria, tuberculosis, and other diarrheal diseases
- ILHZ à the clustering of several adjacent municipalities
and cities Cause of Death % Decrease
- Each ILHZ has HIV/AIDS 45.8%
1. a defined population Tuberculosis 20.9%
2. defined geographical area
Diarrhea 24.2%
3. composed of core referral hospitals and several
Malaria 25.9%
primary level facilities, such as RHUs, BHS, and
Leishmaniasis 54.1%
Intestinal Infectious Diseases 14.7%
- Goal: a more responsive healthcare delivery to
ILHZ Components
People Recommended population size by
WHO is 100,000-500,000
Boundaries To establish accountability and
responsibility of health service