04 Task Performance 1
04 Task Performance 1
04 Task Performance 1
Task Performance
File Permissions
Software Requirements:
3. Set the permission of each folder and file based on the table below.
Folder/File Name Permission Setting
LinuxLab rwx------
FirstPart rwxr-xr-x
SecondPart rwxr-xr-x
Section1 rwxrwxrwx
Section2 rwxrwxrwx
file1.txt rw-------
file2.txt rw-r--r--
file3.txt rw-rw-rw-
file4.txt rwx------
file5.txt rwxr-xr-x
4. Create a Word document on your Windows PC (outside VirtualBox). Take screenshots of the
following and place them in your document.
• The result of the ls command for each folder
Point Description
76 – 100 All folders and files are created. The files are in the correct folders. All
files and folders have the correct permission settings.
51 – 75 All folders and files are created. The files are in the correct folders.
Some files and folders do not have the correct permission settings.
26 – 50 All folders and files are created. The files are in the correct folders.
Most files and folders do not have the correct permission settings.
1 – 25 All folders and files are created. The files are in the correct folders. All
files and folders do not have the correct permission settings.
0 No output