The History and Legacy of The China Rose
The History and Legacy of The China Rose
The History and Legacy of The China Rose
By Howard Higson
Of the nearly two hundred species of roses, found
exclusively within the subtropical and temperate
northern latitudes, two have contributed uniquely
to our rose heritage: Rosa chinensis var.
spontanea (Rehd. & Wils.) T.T. Yu & Ku and R.
odorata var. gigantea (Collett ex Crépin) Rehd. &
Wils. (or R. gigantea) have provided the world
with traits highly prized in the modern age of rose
culture, thanks to centuries of domestication in
China and subsequent hybridizing in Europe .
China has, in fact, an unparalleled richness of
overall biodiversity, and its roses are found to be
no exception: 93 species and 144 varieties are
native to China , while 80 percent of these are
endemic (occur naturally only in one area).