Clinical Chemistry Introduction

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ALLOSTERIC SITE: Site other than the active site that may

lead to either attachment of substrate to the enzyme’s active
- Activities, properties of enzymes in specimen to aid
site or inhibition of attachment
diagnosis and treatment
ISOENZYMES: different form of an enzyme with different
genetic origins but catalyze the same reaction
- These are protein molecules that catalyzes a given
chemical reaction w/o being destroyed/altered
ISOFORMS: Results when an enzyme is subject to different
- Biological catalysts: causes reactions in the body to
post-transitional modification
take place
- Cellular catalysts: speed up rate of chemical
a. Primary Structure: Refers to the sequence of amino
- catalysts: not consumed, destroyed, alter or
acids joined by peptide bonds to form a polypeptide
changed by the reaction

b. Secondary Structure: Conformation of the segments
- The reactions they catalyze are frequently reversible
of polypeptide chain
which means that they can synthesize and
- Made up of alpha helices or beta-pleated
decompose molecules
sheets which are maintained by hydrogen
- They are complicated types of protein in terms of both
structure and function
- They easily denatured with varying molecular weight
c. Tertiary Structure: Arises from the interactions
and mass
among side chains/groups of the polypeptide chain
- These enzymes are amphoteric which are capable of
ionizing either as acid or base
- Structure are bent and folded and maintained by
- They are synthesized in an inactive state and
covalent disulfide bond
operates in the presence of a cofactor
- Changes in enzyme concentration reflect changes in
d. Quaternary Structure: Separate bended & folded
state of health.
structures are put together to form a functional unit
- Operate at high rates
- Enzyme variants – LDH, Creatine kinase

COENZYMES - non-protein organic biochemical that takes

The enzyme action model
part in the enzyme reaction
a. Enzymes act through formation of enzyme substrate
- Essential to the catalytic activity as a
b. The substrate must be bound to the active site of the
- Diffusible, heat stable, low molecular weight that when
combined tightly to enzymes, the coenzyme will be
c. The enzyme-substrate complex will then break down
called Prosthetic group
to give the reaction products and free the enzyme
- E.g. NAD, Pyridoxal phosphate
d. All enzyme reactions are in theory reversible however,
in practice, reactions are usually more rapid in one
ACTIVATORS - Inorganic ionic cofactor (effector molecules)
direction than the other.
- increase the catalytic activity of an enzyme when it
binds to specific site
- Metabolic regulator of enzyme reaction Usually metal
Michaelis-Menten Curve/Plot: shows the relationship of the
ions (esp. divalent cations)
reaction velocity to the substrate concentration
- E.g. Mg++, Na+, K+, Zn++
● Km - a constant for specific enzyme and substrate
HOLOENZYME: the combined enzyme & coenzyme
under defined reaction conditions
- Expression of the relationship b/w velocity of
APOENZYME: Enzyme without a cofactor
an enzymatic reaction and substrate conc.
- half of the maximum velocity/speed of enzymes
PROSTHETIC GROUP: A coenzyme that cannot be removed
- amount of substrate needed for a particular enzymatic
from its attachment to an enzyme using dialysis
- E.g. Pyridoxal phosphate in transaminase reaction
V: measured velocity of reaction
SUBSTRATE: Substance acted upon by an enzyme & is
Vmax: max. velocity
converted into a new substance
S: substrate
Km: Michaelis-Mendel constant of enzyme for specific sub.
PRODUCT: Substance derived from a transformed substrate
Lineweaver-Burk Plot
ACTIVE SITE: Site where substrate interacts with enzymes
- Transformation of Michaelis-Mendel curve - Catalyze reactions similar to the following: A > B
- Vmax: the reciprocal of the x-intercept of the straight - All reactions are reversible
line - Transformation from:
- Km: negative reciprocal of the x-intercept of the same - Cis (same side) to Trans (other)
line - L (OH on the left side) to D (OH grp position on
- More accurate and convenient determination right) form
- Aldehyde to Ketones (neither) ; contain carbonyl
- Based of catalytic activity - Ex: Glucose PO4 isomerase
- International Union of Biochemistry: Enzyme
Commission categorized enzymes into 6 classes f. Ligases
- Catalyzes joining of 2 substrate molecules coupled by
a. Oxidoreductase breaking of pyrophosphate bond
- Older names: Dehydrogenases & Oxidases - Enzymes causing bond formation between two
- Catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions molecule to form a larger molecule
- Catalyze the transfer of electrons from one molecule - Ex: Ligase, Animo Acyl t-RNA synthetase
(the oxidant) to another molecule (the reductant).
- Catalyze reactions similar to the following: A– + B → ENZYME NOMENCLATURE
A + B– where A is the oxidant and B is the reductant
- Assayed for investigation of cardiac & liver disorders TO CONSIDER:
- Ex: Glucose Oxidase, Cytochrome Oxidase, Lactate 1. Type of reaction catalyzed
dehydrogenase 2. Suffix “ASE” added to the name of the substrate
b. Transferases 4. Standard system (IUB and IUPAC)
- Catalyzes a group other than hydrogen
- Move an intact group of atoms (NH2 or PO4) from a. Systematic name
one molecule to another - Describes the nature of the reaction catalyzed
- Catalyze reactions similar to the following A + BX = - Numerical code designation prefixed w/ the letters
AX + B (ATP + Creatine = ADP+Creating PO4) E.C. (4 digit separated by decimal points)
- Gives information about liver damage - Example: E.C. = ALP
- Ex: Aspartate Aminotransferase, Alanine and E.C. = ACP
aminotransferase, Creatine kinase - 1st digit = denotes the class of the enzyme
- 2nd digit = sub-class of the enzyme
c. Hydrolases - 3rd digit = sub sub-class
- Catalyze the hydrolysis of various bonds - 4th digit = specific serial number
- Splits molecules with water as part of the reaction * This approach removes all ambiguity about the
process enzyme;’s identity
- Catalyze reactions similar to the following: L A + H20
=B+C b. Trivial name
- Three (3) Groups: - a.k.a Non- specific, Practical name, Working name
a. Esterases: ACP, ALP, Lipase - Uses acronyms and abbreviations
b. Peptidases: Leucine aminopeptidase, Pepsin - Examples: SGOT, SGPT
c. Glycosidases: Amylase,

d. Lyases
- Removal of groups form substrate w/o hydrolysis
- Product: Double bond
- Responsible for splitting molecules or breaking of
bonds (C to C; C to O; C to N, etc.)
- Catalyze reactions similar to the following: A = B + C
- Assayed in disorders of skeletal muscles
- Ex: Aldolase, Glutamate decarboxylase, Pyruvate

e. Isomerases
- Catalyze interconversion of geometric, optical or
positional isomers
- Responsible for the conversion of one isomer to
- Found in both mitochondria and cell sap
- These are several distinct forms of enzymes
- Important diagnosis of specificity


- Multi-chained enzyme of similar activity - The general relationship among enzyme, substrate and
- Appear in specific organ, cell & cell organelle of product (E+S = ES = P+E)
similar organisms E: unchanged enzyme (catalysts)
- Ex: Lactate dehydrogenase- catalyzes S: substrate
interconversion of lactic and pyruvate acid P: product
- Widely distributed in the body: heart, liver, skeletal ES: postulated enzyme- substrate complex ; physical binding
muscle, kidney, erythrocyte (high act) ; lung, smooth to a substrate
muscle, brain (low act)
- Contains H (heart) & M (muscle) subunit
(polypeptide chains) = combine is 5 isoenzyme

1. Electrophoretic mobility
2. Mobility in Ion Exchange Resin
3. Response to inhibition


4. Relative substrate specificities SUBSTRATE
Ex: ACP (RBC) less sensitive to a-naphthyl PO4 ● Energy
● Molecular compatibility
B. HETEROENZYMES ● Space availability
- Enzymes of similar catalytic activity but are specie ● Specificity
C. ALLOENZYME ● Lock and Key Theory
- Genetically transmitted enzyme - refers to the active site being complementary
- Important in defining biochemical characteristics of an in shape & size to the substrate (perfect)
individual - First presented by Emil Fisher


- The enzyme changes in shape during binding to
Classification in the blood accommodate the substrate
A. PLASMA SPECIFIC ENZYMES - Theory maintains that the active site and the
- Generally secreted by liver substrate are, initially, not perfect matches for each
- Enzymes that insert their functions in plasma other.

B. NON-PLASMA SPECIFIC ENZYMES C. Factors that influence the enzymatic reaction

- No specific functions in plasma (they lack a. TIME – The rate of enzymatic reaction
activators/coenzyme) * If the catalytic activity of an enzyme on a substrate
- Two classes: is fast, this will mean a shorter reaction time
a. Enzymes of secretion: secreted in plasma at
high rate but rapidly disposed off to excretory b.SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATION: the rate at which
b. Enzymes associated w/ cellular metabolism: an enzymatic reaction proceeds and whether the
carry out their functions w/in the cells in forward or reverse reaction occurs
which they are formed - Direct relationship (more enzyme = steady)
- Michaelis-Menten: the substrate readily bind
Classification based on distribution to free enzymes at a low substrate concent
- Found only in one location (cell sap) - First order Kinetics
o Enzyme conc. is fixed; Substrate conc. is varied
o Rate of reaction is almost directly proportional to
substrate conc. at low values
- Zero order Kinetics Reversible inhibition - Inhibitors are possible removed from
o When maximum velocity is reached, the rate of the system; enzyme is fully restored
increase in velocity is “O” - Physical processes that remove inhibitors: dialysis,
o Reaction rate is unaffected by increased substrate gel filtration
concentration Irreversible inhibition - Inhibitors covalently combine w/ the
o Dependent on enzyme concentration enzyme
- Physical methods are ineffective in separating
c. ENZYME CONCENTRATION: inhibitors from the enzymes
- Enzymes catalyzes physiologic reactions
and affects the rate EXAMPLES OF INHIBITORS:
- Direct relationship: The higher the enzyme 1. Excess substrate: causes competition b/w substrate
level the faster the reaction will proceed molecules for a single binding site

d. TEMPERATURE: 2. Product of reaction: maybe an inhibitor of forward reaction

- Increasing temp also increase reaction rate 3. E-S complex does not break to yield products
- Optimum temperature - °T considered 4. Chemical Substances
favorable for enzyme activity (30-37°C or 37
- Q10 value – reaction rate is doubled for - Small, non protein molecules (ex: vitamins)
every 10°C increase
- 40 – 50°C : enzyme undergoes inactivation J. PROSTHETIC GROUPS
and denaturation - Cofactors that bind tightly to proteins or enzymes
- Ex: Lipids, Carbs, metal ion
e. pH – Hydrogen Ion Concentration
- Changes in pH may denature an enzyme or
influence its ionic state resulting in structural
- Optimum pH - the point at w/c the reaction
rate is greatest
- At pH 7.0 – 8.0, many enzymes show
maximum activity
- Pepsin: 1.5 and ALP at 10.5

f. ACTIVATORS: increase reaction rate

- Nonprotein entities that must bind to
particular enzyme
- -Bind the substrate to the active site by
forming ionic bridges
- Orients the substrate so it is attached to the
enzyme in the correct configuration
- Common activators are metallic (Ca, Fe, Mg,
Mn, Zn, K), inorganic, non-metallic (Br,Cl)

- Decrease the rate of enzyme reaction
- Interfere w/ the reaction

Competitive Inhibition - Inhibitors Binds to the active site,

blocks access of the S to the E (REVERSIBLE)

Non-competitive inhibition - Binds elsewhere on the E

causing change in shape that interferes w/ S binding (may be
reversible or irreversible(destroys) )

Uncompetitive inhibition - Inhibition-inhibitors binds to the ES

complex, if substrate will be increased, there will be increase in
ES conc. increasing inhibition, this inhibition does not yield

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