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Reproduction (2002) 124, 181–196 Review

Early history of in vitro fertilization

Barry D. Bavister
Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Orleans, and the Audubon Center for
Research of Endangered Species, New Orleans, LA 70148, USA

Although in vitro fertilization (IVF) is used widely for a variety of purposes, it is often not
appreciated how this technology was developed. A large number of experiments
beginning in 1878 contributed to the first successful reports of IVF over 75 years later. The
discovery of sperm capacitation in 1951 was central to the development of IVF
technology, and it was rapidly followed by the first convincing reports of IVF in several
species. The ability to fertilize oocytes in vitro has allowed major advances to be made
into understanding the mechanisms involved in fertilization and early development, and
IVF now supports reproductive biotechnology in animals and in humans. This article is a
historical review of key experiments that helped to provide the basis for present day IVF
procedures, placed into context with current practice.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a well-established technology research. This cutoff date is used because most of the review
with a variety of applications in basic and applied sciences. was written as the Introduction of the author’s unpublished
The technology supports the production of embryos used PhD dissertation (Bavister, 1971). That Introduction has
for research investigations, for treating human infertility, for now been expanded and updated to recognize the current
enhancing the productivity of food animals, and for status and practice of IVF. The 1950s and 1960s were the
conservation of endangered mammals. For most species, ‘golden age’ of IVF, when, after the discovery of sperm
IVF protocols are available that routinely provide high or at capacitation, the first convincing successes were reported
least acceptable proportions of fertilized ova, leading to the for several important species including the rabbit, mouse,
production of viable embryos that can develop into normal hamster, rat and human. It seems timely to present the
offspring after transfer to recipient females. In view of the earliest work to remind present-day scientists how much is
extraordinary advances in IVF technology during the past owed to the IVF pioneers, and how much the routine,
few decades, and its current role in many areas of basic and protocol-driven IVF technology relies heavily on the
applied science, it is easy to ignore the origins of IVF in information they provided.
basic research studies conducted as long ago as 1878, and The focus of this review is on spermatozoa and the
to overlook the enormous significance of the discovery of changes they need to undergo before becoming able to
sperm capacitation. For example, it is not well recognized fertilize an oocyte. It does not address the complexity of
that the basis for the first documented human IVF success in changes undergone by oocytes as a consequence of sperm
1969 can be traced back to two groundbreaking articles penetration, in part because the author’s early research
with hamster gametes (Yanagimachi and Chang, 1963, focus was on sperm capacitation, and in part because so
1964); these studies were the first to report mammalian IVF little was known before 1971 about parallel events
using spermatozoa capacitated in vitro. An earlier study by occurring in mammalian oocytes during fertilization. Since
Chang (1959) showing that rabbit eggs fertilized in vitro the advent of IVF technology, many detailed reviews and
could develop into normal young was also crucial to the articles have been published on the responses of oocytes to
acceptance starting 20 years later of human IVF as a clinical activation by spermatozoa (for example, Yanagimachi,
infertility treatment. Moreover, many of the key studies 1994; Fissore et al., 1998; Hewitson et al., 2000). The
underlying the development of IVF were published before present review does not address embryonic development
electronic databases such as Medline began cataloguing subsequent to IVF, about which a very large number of
articles, and some reports appeared in sources not articles have also been published (see Bavister, 1995;
represented in these databases. Niemann and Wrenzycki, 2000; Khosla et al., 2001). The
The present review attempts to describe the contributions cited publication list is not exhaustive but includes those
to IVF made by numerous pioneering scientists up to 1971 articles that were considered by the author in 1971 to be
and to illustrate some of the difficulties encountered in this most relevant to sperm capacitation and IVF up to that time,
as well as some representative contemporary references to
illustrate how the field has progressed in theory and in
Email: practice since then.
© 2002 Society for Reproduction and Fertility
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182 B. D. Bavister

Early in vitro fertilization studies fertilization (Schenk, 1878; Pincus and Enzmann, 1935;
Pincus, 1939). Other workers were aware of this problem.
In spite of intensive research efforts conducted since the
Rock and Menkin (1944) and Menkin and Rock (1948)
latter half of the 19th Century, by 1971, knowledge of the
cultured human ovarian oocytes for a time before
physiology, biochemistry and morphology of mammalian
insemination but, in retrospect, the time allowed for
fertilization and embryonic development was still sparse
maturation of oocytes in vitro, which was based on the data
and inadequate, compared with the wealth of knowledge
of Pincus and Saunders (1939), was probably inadequate,
about that of amphibians and sea-urchins. The progress of
judging from the work of Edwards (1965). Although it is
research was hindered by the internal site of mammalian
possible that maturation of some oocytes could have been
fertilization, which means that events involved in fertilization
completed within the period during which the spermatozoa
of mammalian eggs and early embryonic development
and eggs were incubated together, this still does not provide
cannot be investigated readily in their natural environment.
evidence that fertilization was accomplished in vitro.
Therefore, information concerning the relationship between
Most of the criteria used to judge the results of IVF
the egg or the developing embryo and the immediate
experiments can be misleading: for example, extrusion of
maternal environment is difficult to obtain. A potentially
the second polar body and development of eggs through
useful technique is to recover fertilized eggs or early
the early cleavage stages may also be evoked by
embryos from the female reproductive tract, and to study
parthenogenetic activation, or mimicked by fragmentation.
their subsequent development in vitro. This approach has
Eggs of the rabbit, the most commonly used species for the
been used widely, but provides little information about the
earliest IVF experiments, can be activated readily in culture
preceding events in vivo. Moreover, the timing of ovulation
by a variety of stimuli other than sperm penetration (Pincus,
and of fertilization in vivo cannot be predicted accurately,
1936, 1939; Thibault, 1949; Chang, 1954). The results of a
which particularly restricts the investigation of rapidly
study by Dauzier and Thibault (1956) indicated that the
occurring events, such as the penetration of spermatozoa
incidence of parthenogenetic activation of rabbit eggs in
through the egg investments and the changes undergone by
culture was increased by the presence of spermatozoa.
the gametes during the early stages of fertilization.
However, cleavage of unfertilized rabbit eggs in culture was
Information can be derived much more readily from the
reported to be much less common if the eggs were
study of eggs that are fertilized and then develop in vitro.
incubated with scrapings of Fallopian tube mucosa (Smith,
Not only can the process of fertilization be closely
1951). Before the study of Smith (1951), only Schenk (1878)
observed, but also factors contributing to normal and
had used reproductive tract mucosa in the culture system.
abnormal fertilization and development can be examined.
Parthenogenetic activation may be induced by cooling the
The progress of fertilization or embryogenesis can be
eggs of some species; for example, the rat eggs used by Long
frequently, if not continuously, observed and the conditions
(1912) are particularly susceptible in this respect (Austin,
of culture can be varied to examine their effects on
1956a,b). With the exception of Smith (1951), none of the
development. Thus, a wealth of information is available
investigators in this field from Schenk (1878) to Shettles
from studies in vitro, given the technical ability to
(1953) maintained the eggs at 37⬚C to preclude the
accomplish them.
possibility of cooling-induced activation. It is also possible
that incubating eggs for prolonged periods at less than
Early attempts to fertilize mammalian eggs in vitro
normal body temperature limited or even destroyed their
Between 1878 and 1953, numerous attempts were made ability to undergo normal fertilization and development.
to fertilize mammalian eggs in vitro. Although many reports As the eggs of some mammalian species may undergo
were published claiming successful results, in the light of parthenogenetic development in culture, the occurrence of
modern knowledge, most of these claims seem unjustified. apparently normal activation and cleavage of eggs in vitro is
Fertilization is a progressive, continuous process, beginning insufficient evidence for fertilization. The demonstration of
with the penetration of an egg by a spermatozoon, which sperm penetration into eggs in vitro, together with the
results in the extrusion of the second polar body from the formation of pronuclei and the second polar body, provides
egg. This extrusion is followed by the formation, growth and more convincing evidence for fertilization. No studies
juxtaposition of the pronuclei, and the process of conducted before 1954 seem to have achieved this.
fertilization culminates in the union of maternal and In some of the early experiments in rabbits, sperm heads
paternal chromosomes (syngamy), restoring the diploid that were apparently within the egg cytoplasm may have
state. Some authors still refer to the timing of specific events been superimposed during histological preparation (Moricard
as occurring ‘post-fertilization’ when they actually mean and Bossu, 1949; Moricard, 1950). Shettles (1953) reported
‘post-insemination’ of the oocytes. For example, erroneous that perivitelline spermatozoa were found in five human
and contradictory statements such as ‘pronuclear formation eggs that were inseminated in vitro, but the photographic
begins [several] hours post-fertilisation’ have been evidence supporting this claim is by no means convincing
published. and, in some cases, there appear to be breaks in the
Several early investigators attempted IVF using ovarian continuity of the zona pellucida through which spermatozoa
oocytes that were probably not mature enough to undergo might have gained entry. Smith (1951) claimed that 10 of 35

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tubal rabbit eggs were penetrated by spermatozoa after eggs undergoing fertilization increased rapidly (Austin,
finding sperm nuclei or developing male pronuclei in the 1951). This significant delay before egg penetration was not
egg cytoplasm; however, photographic evidence was not an artifact of experimental interference, as in oestrous rats
submitted to support this claim. One additional egg permitted to mate naturally but only after ovulation had
cleaved, but no sperm penetration was observed, and so occurred, penetration of eggs still did not start for about 2 h,
parthenogenetic activation cannot be excluded. even though spermatozoa rapidly reached the oviducts
The evidence for achievement of fertilization in vitro (Austin, 1952).
presented by Pincus and Enzmann (1934) appears more Both Austin and Chang postulated that the spermatozoa
convincing. These workers obtained offspring after incubating of some mammalian species need to reside for some time
rabbit eggs and spermatozoa in vitro and transferring the within the female reproductive tract before acquiring the
eggs, after washing them, to a recipient doe. However, capacity to penetrate eggs, and Austin (1951) coined the
these eggs may have been fertilized after transfer to the term ‘capacitation’ to refer to the change that spermatozoa
oviduct of the recipient animal. The removal of all adherent undergo during this time. The need for rabbit spermatozoa
spermatozoa from freshly ovulated, cumulus-enclosed eggs to undergo capacitation almost certainly contributed to the
is difficult (Chang, 1968), so it is likely that some failure of most attempts made before 1954 to achieve IVF in
spermatozoa escape the washing procedure and can be this species. In these experiments, spermatozoa were
transferred into the oviducts along with the eggs. In the invariably recovered directly from the male reproductive
study by Pincus and Enzmann (1934), the interval between tract. Today, it is known that spermatozoa from many
the start of gamete co-incubation in vitro and transfer of the species can be capacitated in vitro, but in several key
eggs was only 20 min, so spermatozoa attached to oocytes animals, including rabbits, the spermatozoa must be treated
were probably still capable of effecting fertilization in vivo. in special ways before they can take part in fertilization (see
This criticism also applies to the experiments of Venge section on ‘Mechanisms of capacitation and the acrosome
(1953), in which two litters of rabbits were obtained. In reaction’).
these experiments, the time interval between insemination
of eggs in vitro and their transfer to recipients (3.5 h) was
Fertilization of eggs in vitro after the discovery of
still insufficient to exclude the possibility of in vivo
fertilization. This inherent problem is highlighted by the
later adoption of this procedure as a treatment for infertile Renewed interest in the fertilization of mammalian eggs
women, in which spermatozoa and eggs are mixed together in vitro followed the discovery of capacitation. Within a few
in vitro and then transferred rapidly into the oviduct (Asch years, rabbit eggs were fertilized in vitro for the first time,
et al., 1986). The high pregnancy success rates achieved using spermatozoa recovered from the uterus (Dauzier et al.,
with this ‘gamete intra-Fallopian transfer’ procedure 1954; Thibault et al., 1954; Dauzier and Thibault, 1956).
indicate that the early claims for IVF success using this Many other workers confirmed these results, at first using
approach in animals were unwarranted. spermatozoa capacitated in vivo (Brackett and Williams,
In retrospect, it seems that most of the claims to have 1965, 1968; Brackett, 1968). However, almost 20 years
fertilized mammalian eggs in vitro made before 1954 were elapsed after the first rabbit IVF before this was repeated
inadequately substantiated or were probably based on using spermatozoa capacitated in vitro (Ogawa et al., 1972;
misinterpreted results. This conclusion is not surprising in Brackett and Oliphant, 1975; Brackett et al., 1978; Hosoi
view of the many experimental pitfalls discussed above; et al., 1981).
however, the possibility that IVF was obtained in some In a landmark study, Chang (1959) showed that in vitro -
cases cannot be ruled out. fertilized eggs could develop normally. After transfer of IVF
rabbit eggs to foster mothers, living young were born that
resembled their parents in coat colour. The observation that
Discovery of capacitation
eggs showed morphological signs of fertilization (including
The probable cause of the lack of success of most of the cleavage) before transfer (Chang, 1959) precludes the
early IVF experiments emerged with a major discovery by possibility that eggs were simply fertilized in vivo by
Austin (1951) and Chang (1951). These workers found that attached spermatozoa, which was not excluded in earlier
if spermatozoa were introduced into the oviducts of rabbits studies. Numerous other studies duplicated these results (for
shortly after the predicted time of ovulation, very few eggs example, Thibault and Dauzier, 1961; Brackett, 1969;
were fertilized, despite rabbit eggs remaining fertilizable for Brackett and Oliphant, 1975).
up to 8 h after ovulation (Chang, 1952; Adams and Chang, During the ‘golden age’ of IVF, good morphological
1962a). In contrast, a high proportion of eggs was fertilized evidence was provided for success in several other
if oviductal insemination was performed several hours important mammals. Technical aspects of IVF in a wide
before ovulation. Observations carried out on rats showed variety of species are thoroughly described and evaluated
that when spermatozoa were deposited directly into the by Rogers (1978). Sperm penetration, emission of the
ovarian capsule after ovulation, no penetrated eggs were second polar body and formation of pronuclei were all seen
recovered until about 4 h later, after which the number of in golden (Syrian) and Chinese hamster eggs inseminated in

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184 B. D. Bavister

vitro (Yanagimachi and Chang, 1963, 1964; Barros and achieved in 1969, as evidenced by sperm penetration, polar
Austin, 1967; Pickworth and Chang, 1969). In one study, body emission and formation of pronuclei (Bavister et al.,
45% of golden hamster eggs inseminated in vitro were 1969; Edwards et al., 1969). This advance was based on
fertilized and cleaved to the two-cell stage in culture modifications of the culture medium protocol used by
(Yanagimachi and Chang, 1964). However, in spite of Yanagimachi and Chang (1963, 1964), so it may be claimed
intensive efforts, none of these eggs developed further in that hamster IVF paved the way for human IVF (Bavister,
vitro as a result of the ‘two-cell block’, which held up 2002). In a classic understatement, Edwards commented
progress with cultured hamster embryos for 25 years after that ‘Human oocytes have been matured and fertilized by
the landmark articles of Yanagimachi and Chang (1963, spermatozoa in vitro. There may be certain clinical and
1964) (Schini and Bavister, 1988), and it was not until 1992 scientific uses for human eggs fertilized by this procedure.’
that the first IVF hamster pups were born (Barnett and (Edwards et al., 1969). Some IVF human eggs were capable
Bavister, 1992). of undergoing apparently normal cleavage and differ-
Whittingham (1968), Iwamatsu and Chang (1969, 1970) entiation in culture (Edwards et al., 1970; Steptoe et al.,
and Toyoda et al. (1971a,b) reported IVF of mouse eggs 1971). However, the first human birth from an IVF embryo
using spermatozoa capacitated in vitro. Whittingham was not reported until 1978 (Steptoe and Edwards, 1978),
(1968) transferred in vitro-fertilized mouse eggs at the two- apparently because the ovarian stimulation regimens may
cell stage to recipient mice, and subsequently recovered have interfered with establishment of pregnancy or
normal 17-day-old fetuses that genetically resembled their produced incompetent eggs. Since 1978, the clinical
parents. Cross and Brinster (1970) and Mukherjee and applications of human IVF have become widespread, so
Cohen (1970) confirmed this result with mouse eggs that that probably more than a million IVF babies have been
were both matured and fertilized in vitro. born worldwide. Originally proposed by Edwards and
Toyoda and Chang (1968) were able to fertilize rat eggs Steptoe as a treatment for infertility in women, human IVF
in vitro, but only after removal of the zona pellucida. and its derivative intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are
Miyamoto and Chang (1973) reported IVF of intact eggs now used to treat male infertility, and even azoospermia.
with rat spermatozoa recovered from the uterus of mated Progress with IVF in non-human primates was slower
females. Subsequently, in vitro capacitation and fertilization than it was in humans. Successful IVF in the squirrel
in the rat were accomplished by Toyoda and Chang monkey was first reported by Gould et al. (1973) and by
(1974a,b). Kuehl and Dukelow (1975). However, in these studies, the
Thibault and Dauzier (1961) reported the fertilization of presence of fertilizing sperm tails in the eggs was not
a few sheep eggs and one pig egg in vitro, but many years shown, and the developmental ability of the IVF eggs was
elapsed before protocols were devised that supported very low. Unequivocal evidence for IVF in rhesus macaques
consistent IVF results in these species and offspring were was reported by Bavister et al. (1983), who showed the
produced (Bondioli and Wright, 1980; Crozet et al., 1987; presence of sperm tails in eggs, and considerable post-
Slavik and Fulka, 1991; Abeydeera, 2002). fertilization development. Stimulation of spermatozoa with
Cat eggs that were inseminated in vitro with spermatozoa caffeine and cyclic AMP was essential for supporting sperm
incubated in utero cleaved as far as the 16-cell stage fertilizing ability (Boatman and Bavister, 1984). Non-
(Hamner et al., 1970). However, the first IVF using human primate IVF, mostly using macaque species, is now
spermatozoa capacitated in vitro was not reported until used by several laboratories world-wide to investigate
1977 (Bowen, 1977). IVF using spermatozoa capacitated in primate fertilization and early embryonic development. In
vitro has been used more recently by several laboratories to all cases, spermatozoa capacitated in vitro have been used.
produce embryos for conservation of endangered species There appears to be only one report of IVF in chimpanzees
(Roth et al., 1994a,b; Pope et al., 2000, 2001). (Gould, 1983). Oocytes were inseminated in vitro using
Guinea-pig eggs were fertilized in vitro using epididymal Ham’s F10 medium supplemented with serum and
spermatozoa (Yanagimachi, 1972), although it took up to caffeine–cyclic AMP but it is not known whether these
18 h before penetration began. It was later shown that chemical stimulators are essential for sperm capacitation in
guinea-pig sperm capacitation is retarded by glucose and by chimpanzees. Of 18 oocytes that were mature at the time of
magnesium ions; in their absence, the time required for collection, 11 were fertilized in vitro and five cleaved to
sperm capacitation was shortened to only 2–3 h (Rogers about the three-cell stage.
and Yanagimachi, 1975, 1976; Rogers et al., 1979).
Fertilization of dog eggs in vitro was reported by Mahi
Relationship between capacitation and the acrosome
and Yanagimachi (1976) and the time needed for
capacitation of canine spermatozoa in vitro was estimated
at 7 h. It was reported by Rogers (1978) that dog In most of the IVF studies carried out between 1954 and
spermatozoa could become capacitated and undergo 1971, spermatozoa were either capacitated in vivo before
acrosome reactions in the absence of any egg or cumulus insemination of the eggs, or it could be demonstrated or
factors. inferred from the timing of egg penetration that capacitation
Fertilization of human eggs in vitro was first convincingly was required and had occurred in vitro. The spermatozoa of

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mammals must undergo an acrosomal change called the consistent with the apparent lack of capacitation in animals
acrosome reaction before penetration (Yanagimachi, 1994). exhibiting external fertilization, in which spermatozoa are
The acrosome reaction was first demonstrated by Austin deposited in direct proximity to the oocytes, undergo
and Bishop (1958a,b), who used the novel technology acrosome reactions almost immediately, and have very
of phase-contrast microscopy to discover that the short functional lifespans, usually encompassing only a few
spermatozoa of guinea-pigs, hamsters and Libyan jirds lost minutes. In contrast, it appears that mammalian spermatozoa
their acrosomes as they penetrated the zona pellucida. Later may be sustained within the female reproductive tract
studies using the electron microscope, first with hamster without losing their fertility for many hours or even days.
spermatozoa, showed that this loss is restricted to the outer
acrosomal membrane and acrosomal contents (Barros et al.,
Capacitation in different species
1967; Franklin et al., 1970). The acrosome reaction was
found also to be prerequisite for fertilization in rabbits The evidence derived from early studies of a need for
(Bedford, 1967, 1968), rats (Pikó and Tyler, 1964) and pigs capacitation in mammals was necessarily circumstantial,
(Dickmann and Dziuk, 1964), and bull spermatozoa were being largely derived from the timing of penetration of eggs
also found to undergo an acrosome reaction (Blom, 1963; in vivo (Austin, 1951; Chang, 1951, 1969; Bedford, 1970a)
Saacke and Almquist, 1964; see also Colwin and Colwin, or in vitro (Yanagimachi and Chang, 1963, 1964).
1967). In light of all this evidence, it was assumed that the Nevertheless, the sheer volume of this evidence in a wide
acrosome reaction is a common characteristic of variety of mammals (Austin, 1969; Yanagimachi, 1994)
mammalian spermatozoa (Yanagimachi, 1994). provided strong support for the concept of capacitation,
At first, there was considerable confusion over even though very little was known about its mechanism.
nomenclature concerning the changes that spermatozoa In rabbits, a large mass of information was gathered
undergo before penetrating eggs. Austin and Bishop (1958b) concerning the need for spermatozoa to undergo capacita-
suggested that the acrosome reaction constituted a part of tion before penetrating eggs (for a review, see Chang, 1969);
the process of capacitation, whereas Yanagimachi (1969a) however, much of these data were conflicting and confusing
considered that the acrosome reaction ‘... must represent with regard to the conditions needed for capacitation. Most
the final phase of sperm capacitation’. However, an of the information related to capacitation in the rabbit
acrosome reaction that is basically similar to that undergone uterus, but the oviduct was shown to be the major site of
by mammalian spermatozoa is exhibited by the capacitation (Bedford, 1970a,b), although capacitation
spermatozoa of many marine invertebrates, including was accomplished in the shortest time (5–6 h) when
annelids, molluscs and echinoderms, and by spermatozoa spermatozoa passed from the uterus to the oviduct (Chang,
of two other vertebrate groups, lampreys and sturgeons 1955; Adams and Chang, 1962b). Bedford (1970a) provides
(Dan, 1956, 1967; Colwin and Colwin, 1965, 1967). the best discussion on the state of knowledge regarding
However, capacitation seems peculiar to mammals. In capacitation in the rabbit and in other animals during the
agreement with the views of Bedford (1968) and Pikó ‘golden age’ of IVF.
(1969), it seems most appropriate to consider that Further studies on the time relationships of fertilization in
capacitation is a discrete physiological change that enables vivo in rats (Austin, 1952; Noyes, 1953; Austin and Braden,
mature spermatozoa to respond to appropriate stimuli, and 1954) confirmed the original observation (Austin, 1951) that
thereby to undergo the acrosome reaction. This is the most capacitation was required in this species. In golden
logical way to view the changes undergone by spermatozoa hamsters, the need for capacitation was firmly established
within the female reproductive tract. Although the from the timing of fertilization in vivo (Strauss, 1956; Chang
acrosome reaction is a fundamental change in structure and Sheaffer, 1957; Yanagimachi, 1966; Hunter, 1969),
undergone by the spermatozoa of animals from widely together with IVF data (Yanagimachi and Chang, 1963,
diverse groups, capacitation may be regarded as a process 1964; Yanagimachi, 1966, 1969a; Barros and Austin, 1967;
that has evolved to suit some peculiar feature of mammalian Barros, 1968). In early IVF studies, high percentages of
reproduction (for a review, see Pikó, 1969). Most likely, golden hamster eggs were fertilized in vitro with epididymal
capacitation represents a conditioning process that prepares spermatozoa that had not been exposed to the female
spermatozoa to undergo acrosome reactions very rapidly reproductive tract (Yanagimachi and Chang, 1963, 1964;
once they are exposed to mature oocytes within the Barros and Austin, 1967; Barros, 1968). Barros (1968)
oviduct. However, in the absence of appropriate stimuli reported a delay of about 3 h before egg penetration took
(that is, zona pellucida or cumulus oophorus components), place in vitro. This delay was reduced to less than 30 min by
most capacitated spermatozoa would not automatically preincubating spermatozoa with oviductal fluid containing
undergo acrosome reactions in vivo, thus maintaining them ova in cumulus. These results were interpreted as indicating
in a stable configuration for several hours, even days, before that golden hamster spermatozoa can be capacitated in
the arrival of ovulated oocytes. Thus, capacitation may be vitro by incubation with cumulus oophorus fluids. Barros
viewed as a mechanism for coordinating acrosome and Austin (1967) showed that hamster follicular eggs could
reactions with the availability of unfertilized oocytes, which be fertilized in vitro, and that follicular contents could
has evolved together with internal fertilization. This view is induce the acrosome reaction in hamster spermatozoa.

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These workers concluded that hamster epididymal amply confirmed using IVF with spermatozoa capacitated
spermatozoa could be capacitated in vitro, in the absence in vitro in domestic and endangered felids (Andrews et al.,
of any contribution from the female reproductive tract, as 1992; Roth et al., 1994a,b; Pope et al., 2000, 2001). The
reported by Yanagimachi and Chang (1963, 1964). Later results of several early studies indicated a need for
work by Yanagimachi (1969a) amply supported this capacitation of ram spermatozoa. When ejaculated
conclusion. It became accepted that capacitation of spermatozoa were introduced into the oviducts of ewes
hamster spermatozoa is a change undergone normally shortly after ovulation, no penetrated eggs were recovered
within the female reproductive tract, but which may occur until 3–5 h later. After incubation for several hours in the
in vitro under special conditions. Follicular fluid is able to ligated uterus, spermatozoa were able to penetrate eggs
provide these conditions (Yanagimachi, 1969a,b), and the 1.5–2.0 h after deposition into the oviduct (R. Moore, C.
presence of this fluid was essential in these early studies to Polge and L. Rowson, unpublished). However, Mattner
allow hamster spermatozoa to undergo the acrosome (1963) found that tubally inseminated spermatozoa needed
reaction and penetrate eggs in vitro. Alternatively, follicular only 1.5 h to penetrate eggs even without prior incubation
fluid can be replaced by serum albumin (Bavister, 1969) or in utero. Dauzier and Thibault (1959) were able to fertilize
by the fluid component of the cumulus oophorus (Bavister, sheep eggs in vitro with spermatozoa recovered from
1982). Although the need for capacitation was firmly the uterus of a mated ewe, but not with ejaculated
established by 1971 in rabbits, rats and golden hamsters, spermatozoa. In retrospect, this failure was probably due to
the demonstration of capacitation in other mammalian unsuitable culture conditions for supporting capacitation in
species was less well documented. After their introduction vitro, because several authors have since reported
into the tubal ampulla via the ostium, ferret spermatozoa successful IVF in sheep using spermatozoa taken directly
did not penetrate eggs within the oviduct until 3.5 h had from the male reproductive tract (Bondioli and Wright,
elapsed (Chang and Yanagimachi, 1963). This delay 1980; Crozet et al., 1987; Slavik and Fulka, 1991) and the
presumably represents the time needed for capacitation of need for ovine sperm capacitation is now well established.
ferret spermatozoa in the oviduct. The time relationships of The few critical observations available on the timing of
hybrid fertilization of rabbit eggs by snowshoe hare fertilization in the pig up until 1971 were consistent with a
spermatozoa indicated that capacitation of these sperma- need for capacitation in this species. Boar spermatozoa
tozoa was necessary and took 6–10 h in the rabbit oviduct; introduced into the oviducts soon after ovulation did not
this timing is very similar to that for oviductal capacitation penetrate eggs until 4 or 5 h later (Polge, 1969). Hunter and
of rabbit spermatozoa (Chang et al., 1971). In a study of the Dziuk (1968) found that only 2 h elapsed between the time
time relationships of fertilization in the Mongolian gerbil of artificial insemination and the beginning of egg
and in the deer mouse, animals were artificially inseminated penetration. This delay presumably represents the time
after the time of induced ovulation (Marston and Chang, needed for capacitation and the acrosome reaction, as the
1966). The time interval between insemination and the time needed for sperm transport to the oviducts is only
earliest recovery of penetrated eggs was about 4 h for the 15 min in this species (First et al., 1968). In view of the
gerbil and 3 h for the deer mouse. These data were observation made by Polge (1969), capacitation does not
consistent with the idea that capacitation occurs in both of appear to proceed optimally in the oviduct alone. Although
these species. The time needed for IVF of a few Chinese production of viable pig embryos by IVF is now quite
hamster eggs by epididymal spermatozoa was approximately routine using in vitro-matured (IVM) oocytes, the problem
the same as that required for golden hamster eggs of polyspermic fertilization remains and the aetiology of this
(Pickworth and Chang, 1969). defect is not understood (Abeydeera, 2002). Moreover,
In mice, the time relationships for fertilization in vivo embryos produced by IVM and IVF have low average
indicated that either capacitation occurred within a very developmental competence in vitro, which may also be the
short time (about 1 h) or else capacitation was not required result of inadequate maturation of the egg cytoplasm
in this species (Braden and Austin, 1954). However, (Niemann, 2001).
Iwamatsu and Chang (1970) subsequently reported that The early observations of Ericsson (1967a) and
although 1 h or more was needed for untreated epididymal Lauderdale and Ericsson (1970) indicated that capacitation
spermatozoa to penetrate eggs in vitro, spermatozoa that was necessary for bull spermatozoa, and an unpublished
had been preincubated in heterologous follicular fluid were result of Edwards (quoted by Austin, 1969), concerning the
able to effect penetration in only 20 min. This result was time needed for the penetration of cow eggs in vitro,
interpreted as indicating that capacitation of mouse supported this suggestion. However, Mahajan and Menge
spermatozoa was required, and occurred within about 1 h. (1966) were unable to demonstrate any advantage of uterine-
This timing is consistent with later estimates made using a incubated bull spermatozoa over control spermatozoa in
quantitative fluorescence assay of between 30 and 90 min terms of ability to fertilize eggs in vivo. Thus, the need for
for mouse sperm capacitation (Ward and Storey, 1984). capacitation of bull spermatozoa was not convincingly
The IVF experiments of Hamner et al. (1970) indicated demonstrated by these early studies. However, it has since
that cat spermatozoa require about 0.5–2.0 h of incubation been shown unequivocally that bull spermatozoa, like
in utero for capacitation to occur. This supposition has been those of all other mammals studied, do require capacitation,

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Early studies on in vitro fertilization 187

which can be achieved in vitro under special conditions may occur very rapidly in some species (for example, mice),
(see ‘Mechanisms of capacitation and acrosome reaction’). so it may be assumed that capacitation is a universal
The technique of IVF in cattle (Bos taurus) is among the most phenomenon in mammals.
successful of all species; 40% or more of inseminated IVM
oocytes can develop into blastocysts, and many calves have Hyperactivated motility of spermatozoa
been born that were derived from these processes (Brackett
Concomitant with the completion of capacitation in
et al., 1978; Hasler, 1998).
vitro, golden hamster spermatozoa exhibit ‘whiplash’
It was uncertain from the early studies whether primate
flagellar activity that can easily be observed under a phase-
spermatozoa require capacitation. In humans, the IVF
contrast microscope (Yanagimachi, 1970). After 3–4 h
experiments of Edwards et al. (1969) showed a delay of
incubation under capacitating culture conditions, most
about 7 h between insemination of the eggs and the
motile spermatozoa show this vigorous ‘hyperactivated’
beginning of penetration; it seemed likely that this delay
pattern of activity characterized by high amplitude flagellar
reflected a need for sperm capacitation. Unfortunately,
bending, whereas in the early IVF studies, spermatozoa
insufficient material was available at that time to investigate
incubated under non-capacitating conditions never showed
this possibility more thoroughly. The observations of
activation. Hyperactivated sperm motility was also
Marston and Kelly (1968) on the time relationships of
observed through the wall of the oviductal ampulla in
fertilization in rhesus monkeys did not allow any
mated hamsters and mice, and hyperactivated spermatozoa
conclusions to be drawn regarding the need for capacitation
have been flushed from ampullae of several other species
in this species. Now, it is clear that primate spermatozoa
near the time of fertilization (Katz and Yanagimachi, 1980,
do need a period of capacitation. Macaque monkey
1994; Demott and Suarez, 1992). These observations
spermatozoa require treatment with chemical mediators to
indicate that this change in flagellar activity is a natural
acquire the capacity to undergo acrosome reactions and to
event in capacitation that is involved in sperm penetration
bind and then penetrate the zona pellucida (Boatman and
through the egg investments (Yanagimachi, 1970; Katz et
Bavister, 1984). This finding is curious because human
al., 1989; Suarez et al., 1991) and is perhaps also necessary
spermatozoa require only washing and incubation for a few
for spermatozoa to reach the site of fertilization (Shalgi
hours in a culture medium, without any specific chemical
et al., 1992). Hyperactivated motility of spermatozoa
treatments, to become capable of fertilizing oocytes in vitro
incubated under capacitating conditions also occurs in
(Mortimer, 1994, 2000).
many other species (Yanagimachi, 1994). Although the
It has also been claimed that some amphibian
precise functional significance of hyperactivation is still not
spermatozoa undergo capacitation. Shivers and James
clear, this marked change in motility could be a useful
(1970) showed that untreated frog spermatozoa penetrated
indicator of capacitation in individual spermatozoa.
very few eggs from which the jelly-coats had been removed;
However, hyperactivation can also occur under non-
however, spermatozoa that had been preincubated with
capacitating conditions. When golden hamster spermatozoa
uterine eggs (that is, with intact jelly-coats) were subse-
are incubated in the absence of serum albumin and
quently able to penetrate a high proportion of de-jellied
cumulus oophorus factors, after 3–4 h they begin to exhibit
eggs. These workers inferred a need for capacitation of frog
hyperactivated motility that appears identical to that seen
spermatozoa. In addition, Wolf and Hedrick (1971) found
under capacitating conditions. However, these spermatozoa
that Xenopus laevis spermatozoa needed to react with jelly-
incubated in the absence of serum albumin and cumulus
coat materials before penetrating eggs, and concluded that
oophorus factors are not capacitated, do not undergo
capacitation was required. However, these studies do not
spontaneous acrosome reactions and cannot fertilize
indicate whether the short time-interval between insemination
oocytes (Bavister, 1981, 1982).
and penetration of eggs (5 min in frogs; 20–30 min in
Xenopus) includes a period of capacitation, similar to that in
mammals, or whether it represents only the time needed for
Mechanisms of capacitation and the acrosome
an acrosome reaction to take place. If capacitation does not
occur, the prolonged time needed for acrosome reactions in
amphibian spermatozoa may represent an interesting It seems surprising that research into the nature of
evolutionary intermediate between the spermatozoa of capacitation proceeded very slowly for 20 years after its
some invertebrates in which the acrosome reaction occurs discovery (1951–1971). Some of the early developments in
immediately on contact with the egg capsule (Dan, 1956; this research were reviewed by Austin (1961, 1967) and
Colwin and Colwin, 1967), and the spermatozoa of later developments were reviewed by Yanagimachi (1994). A
mammals, which need a period of capacitation usually major obstacle to progress was, and remains, the absence of
requiring several hours. a suitable means of determining whether individual
It can be concluded that capacitation of spermatozoa is spermatozoa have been capacitated, other than by
peculiar to mammalian reproduction and is a prerequisite observing their ability to penetrate eggs. In a sperm
for fertilization. Capacitation has not been found to be suspension incubated in vitro, there will be a heterogeneous
unnecessary in any mammal so far investigated, although it population of living and dead, motile and non-motile,

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188 B. D. Bavister

capacitated and non-capacitated spermatozoa, and the spermatozoa, after removal of seminal plasma by washing
relative proportions of all these will change over time. This or gradient centrifugation (Mahi and Yanagimachi, 1976,
fluctuating heterogeneity of sperm suspensions in vitro 1978; Mortimer, 1994, 2000). Rabbit spermatozoa can also
makes biochemical studies into the mechanism of be capacitated in vitro by simply washing and incubation,
capacitation difficult, and it may be unwise to ascribe but there must be a second wash step after an initial short
particular chemical or physical properties found in the period of incubation, probably to eliminate soluble seminal
population as a whole to those few spermatozoa capable plasma factors from the culture environment (Brackett and
of fertilizing eggs. Bavister (1986) suggested that Oliphant, 1975; Hosoi et al., 1982). In contrast to human
‘…characteristics evaluated in a large sperm population spermatozoa, in another primate genus, the macaque
may be more representative of nonfertile than of monkeys, spermatozoa require both washing and treatment
capacitated spermatozoa’. with caffeine and cyclic AMP to support acquisition of
In spite of this concern, a large amount of information fertilizing ability in vitro (Boatman and Bavister, 1984).
has been gathered on the changes undergone by Golden hamster epididymal spermatozoa under in vitro
spermatozoa during capacitation in vivo and in vitro. The conditions also require treatment with chemical mediators,
results of several early studies indicated that, at least in both to sustain motility (hypotaurine) and to stimulate
rabbit spermatozoa, no readily detectable morphological acrosome reactions (catecholamines such as adrenaline;
change occurs during capacitation (Adams and Chang, Leibfried and Bavister, 1982; Bavister, 1989; Boatman et al.,
1962b; Austin, 1963; Bedford, 1963, 1964). A report of 1990). Although hamster, mouse, dog and human
progressive elevation or loosening of the rabbit sperm spermatozoa thrive on or require glucose in the culture
plasma membrane during capacitation (Bernstein, 1966) medium (Bavister and Yanagimachi, 1977; Mahi and
was unsubstantiated by other workers, and the observations Yanagimachi, 1978; Fraser and Herod, 1990; Rogers and
probably resulted from fixation artifacts (Bedford, 1969a,b). Perreault, 1990; Travis et al., 2001), glucose inhibits or
Nevertheless, some subtle changes do occur in the surface greatly delays the completion of capacitation in guinea-pig
of spermatozoa during capacitation. Spermatozoa within and bull spermatozoa (Rogers and Yanagimachi, 1975;
the uterus of the oestrous rabbit were readily engulfed by Parrish et al., 1989a; Vredenburgh-Wilberg and Parrish,
leucocytes, but in the pseudopregnant uterus, where little or 1995). In bull spermatozoa, this inhibition is the result of
no capacitation occurs, leucocytes failed to ingest intact glycolysis blocking the normal increase in intracellular pH
motile spermatozoa (Bedford, 1965). In addition, a potent that accompanies capacitation with heparin (Parrish et al.,
substance found in the seminal plasma of a fertile rabbit 1989a). An increase in intracellular pH also appears to
merely agglutinated ejaculated or epididymal spermatozoa, accompany the acrosome reaction of mouse spermatozoa
but immediately immobilized spermatozoa recovered from (Rockwell and Storey, 2000). Even if they are artifacts of the
the uterus (Bedford, 1970c). Furthermore, the net negative in vitro culture of spermatozoa, these apparently contradictory
charge was reduced on the surface of rabbit spermatozoa capacitation requirements need to be resolved if a common
after incubation in the oestrous uterus (Vaidya et al., 1971). mechanism is to be established and the events involved
In the early studies, a considerable volume of elucidated.
information was accumulated on the metabolic changes One consistent feature of early culture systems for
that occur in spermatozoa after incubation in the female supporting in vitro sperm capacitation and acrosome
reproductive tract, or during incubation in vitro with reactions was the use of biological fluids (usually follicular
secretions from the tract (for a review, see Iritani et al., or cumulus oophorus fluids; Iwamatsu and Chang, 1969;
1969). It is not known to what extent these metabolic Yanagimachi, 1969a,b; Bavister, 1982). These fluids were
changes are involved with capacitation; they may reflect later replaced by serum albumin (Bavister, 1969, 1981,
changes in membrane permeability resulting from 1982, 1989; Miyamoto and Chang, 1973a,b,c; Hoppe and
capacitation, facilitating the exchange of ions and substrates Whitten, 1974; Davis, 1976). In modern IVF protocols,
between the spermatozoon and its environment, or they either bovine or human serum albumin is almost always
may be merely contemporaneous with capacitation. used, although cumulus oophorus fluids may also be
It does seem paradoxical that, whereas capacitation of present. The way in which serum albumin supports
spermatozoa is accepted as being universally required in capacitation and acrosome reactions is still not fully
mammals, methods for supporting this process in vitro differ understood. At least two mechanisms have been proposed:
markedly among species. The mechanism of capacitation, removal of either lipids or zinc ions from sperm membranes
and hence the in vitro conditions for capacitating by albumin, leaving them more unstable and thus able to
spermatozoa, might be expected to be very similar across undergo membrane fusion leading to acrosome reactions.
species, but this is clearly not so. Mouse spermatozoa can Some of the earliest work on this topic was done by Davis et
be capacitated simply by diluting epididymal contents into al. (1979, 1980) who showed that in a capacitating culture
a suitable culture solution and incubating them for as little medium, serum albumin depleted cholesterol from rat
as 30 min; guinea-pig spermatozoa can be capacitated spermatozoa while transferring phosphatidylcholine to
in the same way by incubation for 2–3 h (Rogers, 1978). them. Further evidence for involvement of cholesterol
This simple approach also works for human and dog depletion in sperm capacitation was provided by Langlais

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Early studies on in vitro fertilization 189

and Roberts (1985) and Langlais et al. (1988). Alternatively vice versa (Harper, 1970), the method as a whole lacks
or additionally, serum albumin depletes zinc from precision. It is not easy to examine the biochemical
spermatozoa by chelation (zinc stabilizes membranes and is conditions prevailing in the female reproductive tract
a counter-ion to calcium, inhibiting many of its functions). during capacitation of spermatozoa, and it is not possible to
Hamster spermatozoa can be capacitated in vitro without control these conditions, except crudely by making drastic
albumin, using a chemical chelator that depletes zinc hormonal or surgical changes to investigate the effect upon
concentrations in spermatozoa by 40% or more (Andrews et capacitation (for example, see Soupart and Orgebin-Crist,
al., 1994), but these spermatozoa could not undergo 1966; Bedford, 1970b). In addition, once capacitated
acrosome reactions without addition of serum albumin, spermatozoa are incubated with eggs in the female repro-
even in the presence of zonae pellucidae (Andrews and ductive tract, little further information can be gained
Bavister, 1989). When albumin was separated from concerning the acrosome reaction and other events
spermatozoa by a semi-permeable membrane, acrosome associated with egg penetration.
reactions did not occur (Dow and Bavister, 1989). In spite of It was realized that more precise and perhaps less
much attention, the way in which albumin supports conflicting information could be gained by capacitating
acquisition of sperm fertilizing ability is unknown, in part rabbit spermatozoa in vitro, but the validity of early claims
because of the problem of discriminating which spermatozoa to have achieved this (Kirton and Hafs, 1965; Ericsson,
in a suspension are actually capacitated, but also because of 1969; Johnson and Hunter, 1971) is in some doubt because
fluctuating concentrations of contaminants in commercial of the lack of confidence in the rabbit capacitation test
serum albumin preparations, such as fatty acids (Chen, system (see above). This situation would be improved by
1967) and even a factor that activates the phospha- fertilizing rabbit eggs consistently in vitro. However, the
tidylinositol system in a number of cells (Tigyi et al., 1991), necessary degree of reproducibility was initially difficult to
which may counteract the biological activities of serum achieve (for example, see Fraser et al., 1971) and
albumin preparations, or which conversely may even be reproducible protocols were devised only after methods
responsible for them. Certainly, the biological activity of were developed for capacitating spermatozoa in vitro
these preparations is batch variable, but not particularly (Brackett and Oliphant, 1975; Hosoi et al., 1982), by which
species-specific. Alternative methods for capacitating time, IVF in rodents had become the predominant approach
spermatozoa would be particularly useful as there is for assessment of sperm capacitation and the acrosome
potential for disease transmission by using bovine or human reaction.
serum albumin preparations. The induction of acrosome
reactions by lysophosphatidylcholine showed that sulphated
In vitro fertilization in the hamster
glycoconjugates, including heparin, could capacitate bovine
spermatozoa (Parrish et al., 1989b). Further research into Golden hamsters are highly suitable for the study of
non-serum-derived capacitating compounds is needed in sperm capacitation, and a well-defined protocol for achieving
view of the potential for transmitting bovine spongiform IVF in this species has been described by Bavister (1989).
encephalopathy or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease from infected There were numerous advantages when hamsters were used
animal or human donors, as well as for elucidating the for IVF studies: not only were capacitation of spermatozoa
mechanism of capacitation. and penetration of eggs accomplished easily in vitro, but the
hamster acrosome reaction (like that in rabbits, guinea-pigs
and dogs) is pronounced enough to be discernable under
Assessment of sperm fertilizing ability the phase-contrast microscope in living, motile spermatozoa
(Yanagimachi and Chang, 1964; Yanagimachi, 1966, 1972,
Egg penetration or fertilization as tests for capacitation
1994; Mahi and Yanagimachi, 1978), so that the percentage
and the acrosome reaction
of reacted spermatozoa can be readily assessed at any time.
In early studies, in the absence of more suitable methods, However, a problem encountered with the early attempts
most information relating to capacitation was derived from to fertilize hamster eggs in vitro was the highly variable
experiments involving penetration or fertilization of eggs. outcome of the experiments, ranging from near 0 to
Rabbits were the most widely used animal in such 80–90% fertilization of eggs. This variability was the result
experiments, not only because the need for capacitation of differences in the pH of the culture medium used for IVF,
had been clearly established in this species, but the which was uncontrolled and altered by the numbers of
relatively short and predictable fertilizable life of rabbit eggs live spermatozoa present. After pH was controlled using
was particularly useful in the capacitation test system (as a bicarbonate–CO2 buffer system, high, reproducible
described by Soupart, 1967). The major disadvantage of this frequencies of IVF were obtained (Bavister, 1969). These
method was that the onset and duration of ovulation in early experiments with hamster spermatozoa were the first
rabbits are highly variable (Walton and Hammond, 1928; to show that occurrence of the acrosome reaction, sperm
Harper, 1961, 1963). Although this objection was largely binding to the zona pellucida and fertilization are pH-
overcome by the technical refinement of adding recently dependent events. This culture system was then used
ovulated eggs to the preincubated spermatozoa instead of successfully for the first documented human IVF (Bavister

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190 B. D. Bavister

et al., 1969; Edwards et al., 1969). The sequence of concentrated salt solutions (Yanagimachi et al., 1979;
experiments that connected hamster IVF to the first human Boatman et al., 1988; Yoshimatsu et al., 1988). When the
IVF is described by Bavister (2002). Studies by Miyamoto block to polyspermy is destroyed in this way, many,
and Chang (1974) showed that pH was also important for perhaps hundreds of, spermatozoa can penetrate each zona
IVF in mice and rats. pellucida, thus increasing the efficiency of this ‘capacitation
In virtually all IVF experiments with hamster gametes, detection’ system by two or more orders of magnitude
spermatozoa have been obtained from the cauda epidi- (Boatman et al., 1988). This method has also been used to
dymidis. Not only is it easy to obtain viable spermatozoa in assess the fertility of spermatozoa from endangered species
this way, but the time-course of capacitation and using oocytes from related common animals (Andrews
penetration of eggs in vitro with epididymal spermatozoa et al., 1992). A different approach is to count the proportion
(Barros, 1968; Yanagimachi, 1969b) is similar to that of spermatozoa able to respond to a challenge that induces
observed in vivo after normal mating (Strauss, 1956; Chang acrosome loss, such as lysophosphatidylcholine (Parrish
and Sheaffer, 1957; Yanagimachi, 1966). Moreover, et al., 1988, 1989b), after capacitation treatments, although
methods for routinely collecting ejaculated hamster how accurately this procedure mimics the natural acrosome
spermatozoa have not been developed. Although it is more reaction is not clear.
practical to investigate capacitation using hamster epididymal An early attempt to devise a chemical test for
spermatozoa and the IVF approach, it must be kept in mind capacitation was reported by Ericsson (1967a,b). This test
that capacitation of epididymal spermatozoa may not be involved the fluorescent labelling of spermatozoa with
identical to capacitation of ejaculated spermatozoa, that tetracycline hydrochloride and the subsequent removal of
events occurring in culture conditions may not be the same fluorescence during capacitation. Unfortunately, the time
as events after normal mating, and that the process of courses, sites and conditions of fluorescence removal and of
capacitation in hamster spermatozoa may not be fully capacitation were not strictly correlated (Vaidya et al.,
representative of capacitation in other mammals. One 1969), so the test was of dubious value for the study of
obvious difference between conditions in vitro and in vivo capacitation. Nevertheless, this approach was a valuable
is that under most IVF conditions, a very large population of stimulus to further attempts to develop chemical tests for
spermatozoa is present but only a small proportion seems capacitation. A refinement of this approach uses chlor-
capable of penetrating zonae pellucidae in a timely tetracycline (CTC) fluorescence to quantitate mouse sperm
manner, whereas in vivo, a small number of spermatozoa is capacitation (Saling and Storey, 1979); distinct patterns of
present at the site and time of fertilization but most of the fluorescence change as capacitation progresses (Ward and
spermatozoa appear to be capable of fertilizing oocytes Storey, 1984). This assay has also been used with human
(Austin, 1951; Zamboni, 1970; Yanagimachi and Mahi, spermatozoa (Lee et al., 1987).
1976). The total number of spermatozoa in a typical IVF Johnson and Hunter (1970) used a fluorescent antibody
culture drop often exceeds the number of eggs present by technique to identify rabbit sperm-specific and sperm-
three or more orders of magnitude. However, when the coating antigens; the sperm-coating antigens were removed
culture conditions for hamster sperm survival and capacitation after prolonged incubation in rabbit uteri, re-exposing
in vitro were optimized, very small numbers of spermatozoa acrosomal sperm-specific sites. This approach seemed
(⭐ 5) could be used for gamete co-incubation and were promising, not only as a potential test for capacitation, but
capable of fertilizing eggs (Bavister, 1979). also as a method of investigating the nature of this process.
Brackett and Oliphant (1975) measured the removal of
rabbit sperm surface antigens as a progressive indicator of
Alternative sperm fertility assays
capacitation taking place in vitro.
The ability of spermatozoa to penetrate the zona The occurrence of the sperm acrosome reaction, in the
pellucida and to fertilize eggs is the only unequivocal test absence of fertilization, has often been used to indicate that
for completion of capacitation and the ensuing physiological capacitation has taken place (Barros and Garavagno, 1970).
acrosome reaction. However, IVF is far from satisfactory as However, structural changes in the acrosome are not
a means to evaluate sperm fertilizing ability in a large sperm necessarily the result of capacitation of spermatozoa, but
population, as it introduces large experimental variations, can also occur under other circumstances, as degenerative
such as differences in the fertilizability of eggs, and yields changes (Blom, 1945; Hancock, 1952; Austin and Bishop,
no information on the frequency of capacitation. One 1958c) or ‘false’ acrosome reactions that are not dependent
obvious reason for this problem is the rapid operation of the on previous capacitation (Bedford, 1969b). Thus, the
block to polyspermy (Austin and Braden, 1954; Stewart- occurrence of an acrosome reaction is an insufficient
Savage and Bavister, 1988), such that only one spermatozoon, indication that capacitation has occurred, except in species
or at most several, can gain access to the oocyte before the in which the acrosomes are very large (for example, golden
properties of the zona pellucida are altered, preventing hamsters and guinea-pigs), so that the acrosome reaction
further sperm entry. One way to overcome this limitation to (detachment or loss) can be seen clearly in freely motile
testing sperm fertilizing ability is to inhibit the block to spermatozoa that do not appear to be moribund
polyspermy, for example, by storing oocytes for a time in (Yanagimachi, 1994).

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Early studies on in vitro fertilization 191

Two remarkable procedures derived from IVF have been Terada et al., 2000) indicating a need for more animal
devised for evaluating sperm fertilizing ability: one testing with ICSI to provide a more complete understanding
procedure uses oocytes without zonae pellucidae, and the of the long-term consequences (Yanagimachi, 1995).
other uses zonae pellucidae without oocytes. The hamster Although one major study showed no differences in defects
egg can be fertilized by spermatozoa of other species if the at birth (Bonduelle et al., 2002), it is possible that problems
zona pellucida is removed (Yanagimachi, 1994). This resulting from ICSI will be revealed later in life.
‘zona-free penetration assay’ is very useful for evaluating
human sperm chromosomes (Rudak et al., 1978; Martin, Conclusions (2002)
1985) and has been used as a surrogate test for human
sperm fertility (Yanagimachi et al., 1976; Rogers et al., During the last 30 years, it has become clear that IVF can be
1979); however, its predictive value is dubious, and most achieved in many mammals and has important practical
clinical IVF programmes no longer use it. A major problem applications in human clinical medicine and in animal
with this assay is that, in the absence of the zona pellucida, breeding. It is apparent from evaluating both the early and
which is a natural stimulator of acrosome reactions, the contemporary literature that successful fertilization of
spermatozoa may fail to exhibit acrosome reactions or to mammalian eggs in vitro has depended upon the use of
fertilize hamster eggs, yet remain capable of effecting spermatozoa that have undergone capacitation, either in
fertilization of homologous zona-intact (human) eggs vivo or in vitro. However, precise information concerning
(giving a false negative result). Conversely, spermatozoa the nature of capacitation has been gained by studying the
from an infertile male may be artificially induced to requirements for accomplishing IVF. Therefore, the studies
undergo acrosome reactions by the conditions of the test, of IVF and of capacitation are complementary, so it is not
such as overnight incubation of the sperm sample at 4⬚C, surprising that knowledge about these processes has
and thus become able to fuse with hamster egg plasma advanced in parallel.
membranes and form pronuclei (giving a false positive The preceding account of early IVF studies illustrates the
result). The ‘hemi-zona assay’ avoids the problems with the rather primitive state of knowledge during the first 20 years
hamster egg zona-free penetration assay by using human after the discovery of capacitation about the mechanisms of
zonae pellucidae to gauge sperm-binding capability, which this process and of the ensuing acrosome reaction, and
should correlate with fertilizing ability. Each zona pellucida about the functional significance of these events for
is bisected and one half is inseminated with a sperm sample fertilization in mammals. In the ensuing 30 years, much has
of unknown fertility. The resulting sperm binding frequency been learned on these topics, and IVF technology is
is compared directly with sperm binding to the matched currently being applied routinely in a wide variety of
half-zona pellucida using a control sample of known species. However, several key questions remain completely
fertility (Oehninger et al., 1992; Franken et al., 1993; or partially unanswered. For example, what is the stimulus
Coddington et al., 1994). This assay does not measure for the initiation of capacitation within the female
ability of the spermatozoa to form pronuclei because no reproductive tract? What molecular events are involved in
egg is present. capacitation? How exactly does the completion of
A variant of IVF that has gained great popularity in recent capacitation lead to the acrosome reaction? How does
years is ICSI, in which a single spermatozoon is selected serum albumin induce capacitation and the acrosome
and injected into the egg cytoplasm with a fine pipette. The reaction? Considering that it takes only one or a few
first successful human ICSI was reported by Palermo et al. spermatozoa to fertilize oocytes within the oviduct, why are
(1992) but this approach was first demonstrated with animal so many spermatozoa needed to effect fertilization in vitro?
gametes many years earlier (Uehara and Yanagimachi, How is capacitation stimulated within the female
1977). Uehara and Yanagimachi (1977) showed that reproductive tract in species such as the hamster or rhesus
hamster spermatozoa from the cauda epididymidis could monkey that require chemical stimulators for supporting
undergo decondensation and form pronuclei after injection sperm capacitation in vitro? Does the application of ICSI
into eggs. This demonstration that testicular spermatozoa make IVF obsolete or redundant, or does IVF, by preserving
could form pronuclei after ICSI pre-dated by many years the the natural mechanisms for selecting against the entry of
use of this technique for azoospermic men (Palermo et al., abnormal spermatozoa into the oocyte, safeguard against
1999). ICSI in humans is very effective for addressing ‘male defects that may be introduced using ICSI? Full answers to
factor’ infertility (van Steirteghem et al., 1993; Oehninger et these perplexing questions concerning fertilization should
al., 1995) but some clinics routinely use ICSI in place of IVF be provided during the next 30 years of research into this
for convenience. Although numerous offspring have been fundamental aspect of mammalian reproduction.
born after ICSI in humans (Palermo et al., 1992, 1999; van I am grateful to the Marshall Laboratory, University of
Steirteghem et al., 1993; Oehninger et al., 1995; Bonduelle Cambridge, for supporting my graduate studies from 1967 to 1972.
et al., 1999, 2002) and in animals, there are concerns about I thank Bob Edwards, David Whittingham and John Marston for
potential abnormalities during fertilization and even in the their advice and guidance. Above all, I am deeply indebted to my
offspring themselves as a result of this technique (Kent-First PhD supervisor, C. R. ‘Bunny’ Austin, to whom this article is most
et al., 1996; Wakayama et al., 1998; Hewitson et al., 2000; affectionately dedicated.

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References Bavister BD (1969) Environmental factors important for in vitro fertilisation

in the hamster Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 18 544–545
Key references are identified by asterisks. Bavister BD (1971) A Study of In Vitro Fertilisation and Capacitation in the
Abeydeera LR (2002) In vitro production of embryos in swine Hamster PhD Dissertation, University of Cambridge
Theriogenology 57 256–273 Bavister BD (1979) Fertilization of hamster eggs in vitro at sperm egg ratios
Adams CE and Chang MC (1962a) The effect of delayed mating on close to unity Journal of Experimental Zoology 210 259–264
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