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Level of social media usage

[1] Google Scholar. (n.d.). https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?






In today’s world, social media is playing an indispensable role on the learning behavior of

university students to achieve sustainable education. The impact of social media on

sustainable education is becoming an essential and impelling factor. The world has

become a global village and technology use has made it a smaller world through social

media and how it is changing instruction. This original study is amongst the few to perform

a focalized investigation on revealing the relationship between positive and negative

characteristics of social media and the learning attitude of university students for

sustainable education. However, this study aims to examine the constructive and adverse

factors that impact on students’ minds and how these helped students to share positive and

negative aspects with others. It is increasingly noticeable that social networking sites and

their applications present enormous benefits for as well as risks to university students and

their implications on students’ psychological adjustment or learning behaviors are not well

understood. This study adapted the cluster sampling method, and respondents participated

from five selected regions. Researchers distributed 1013 questionnaires among the

targeted sample of university students with an age range of 16 to 35 years, and they

collected 831 complete/valid responses. This study applied the social gratification theory to

examine students’ behavior practicing social media usage. This study specifically identified
18 adversarial and constructive factors of social media from the previous literature. The

findings revealed that the usage of social media in Pakistan has a negative influence

on a student’s behavior as compared to positive aspects. Results may not be

generalized to the entire student community as findings are specific to the specific

respondents only. This study presents a relationship between antithetical and creative

characteristics of social media and exhibits avenues for future studies by facilitating a better

understanding of web-based social network use.

[2] Google Scholar. (n.d.-b). https://scholar.google.com/scholar?



Social media which is an important product of Computer and Internet Technologies

has a growing usage level day by day. Increasing social media usage level gives

opportunity for new software developments and making investments in this area.

From this aspect, therefore, social media has not only economic function but also

make persons participate in social life. Furthermore, it also provides opportunities

for undemocratic actions and operations as in terms of democratic society life.

Identifying users' habits has an important function on determining economic, social and

cultural effects of social media. From this perspective, this research aims to determine

social media usage habits of high school students. The data was collected from 853

students in total (419 female and 434 male). In research, "Frequency of Social Media

Instruments Usage Scale" for determining usage frequency of 10 different social media

instrument, and to determine the reasons of these instruments' usage

[3] Google Scholar. (n.d.-c). https://scholar.google.com/scholar?



Personal social media usage is pervasive in both personal and professional lives.

Practitioner articles and news stories have commented on the addicting and distracting

nature of social media. Previous empirical research has established the negative effects of

distractions on primary tasks. To date, little research has looked at the potentially

distracting nature of social media and the negative effects that can arise from usage. This

research addresses this gap by investigating the effects of personal social media usage on

task performance. To extend this research, I also examined the effects that the personal

social media usage has on individuals’ technostress and happiness levels. I tested these

effects by creating a classroom task environment and measuring subjects’ usage of social

media and their task performance. From this, it was found that higher amounts of

personal social media usage led to lower performance on the task, as well as higher

levels of technostress and lower happiness. These results are consistent across

different levels of attentional control and multitasking computer self-efficacy. These results

suggest that the personal usage of social media during professional (vs. personal or play)

times can lead to negative consequences and is worthy of further study.

[4] Google Scholar. (n.d.-d). https://scholar.google.com/scholar?


In today’s society, social media have become an almost indispensable part of daily life, particularly

among university students, who are generally heavy social media users. Social media multitasking

has also been increasingly prevalent. Little, however, is known about how social media usage and

social media multitasking influence the academic performance of university students. This study

examined whether and how these two behaviors predict academic performance among university

students. From a sample of 348 undergraduate students at a comprehensive university in Hong

Kong, this study found that using social media for academic purposes was not a significant

predictor of academic performance as measured by cumulative grade point average,

whereas using social media for nonacademic purposes (video gaming in particular) and

social media multitasking significantly negatively predicted academic performance.

[5] Google Scholar. (n.d.-e). https://scholar.google.com/scholar?



As social media sites continue to grow in popularity, it is our premise that technology is a vital part

in today’s student success equation. This descriptive, exploratory research study drew a random

sample (N= 48) of males (n= 26) and females (n= 22) who were administered a student

perception questionnaire on how social media affects college students. Thirty-five percent of the

participants were undergraduates and 65% were graduate students, studying at Johnson & Wales

University. Thirty-one percent of participants have full-time jobs, 30% have part-time jobs and 39%

do not have jobs. The results of the survey questionnaire indicate that 45% of the sample admitted

that they spent 6-8 hours per day checking social media sites, while 23% spent more than 8

hours; 20% spent 2-4 hours and only 12% spent less than 2 hours on this task. Results indicate
while most college students use social media and spend many hours checking social

media sites, there was a negative aspect to college students’ use of social media.

[6] Google Scholar. (n.d.-f). https://scholar.google.com/scholar?



Social media has gained widespread and universal usage among higher education

students and started to serve as a new communication platform in teaching and learning

process. This article presents the results of a survey study conducted to 394 undergraduate

students to analyse the relationship between the variables of social media usage and

undergraduate student’s academic performance. Additionally, to explore the relationship

between using social media in communication activities for academic purposes and

undergraduate student’s academic performance are among the main concerns of this

study. The relationships between mentioned variables were studied by correlational method

in descriptive manner. Research results reveal once again the high level of social

media usage among undergraduate students to perform variety of daily activities. It

has been also determined that, social media as an out of class environment that

allows communication about academic issues plays a weak but positive role to

increase the level of being more active in class and time spent for preparation to the

course before class that are all related to higher academic performance.

[7] Philippines: social media reach 2029 | Statista. (2023a, November 22). Statista.



e social media penetration in the Philippines was estimated at 74.72 percent in 2022, or

uivalent to about 84 million people using a social network. The penetration rate of social media

the country was estimated to continue increasing in the following years. Digital adaption in the

lippines has proven to contribute greatly to the growth of the digital economy, contributing about nine

cent to the country’s GDP. Across sectors, telecommunication services, professional and business

vices, and e-commerce were the leading components in this industry. Since social media usage is not

y limited to communication and entertainment purposes, social commerce can also be expected to

ntinue driving the e-commerce sector.

[8] What are the cultural and social effects of social media in the Philippines? | 5 Answers

from Research papers. (n.d.). SciSpace – Question. https://typeset.io/questions/what-are-


cial media use in the Philippines has had significant cultural and social effects. It has been

und that a large percentage of Filipinos, particularly young adults, are active users of social

tworking sites [1]. The excessive exposure to social media has been linked to the development of

cial anxiety and fear of missing out (FoMO) [2]. Additionally, social media has been found to influence

political involvement of Filipino youth, particularly in terms of radical participation [3]. Social media

s also played a role in shaping popular culture, as seen in the impact of the series “La casa de Papel”

social media users [4]. Furthermore, social media has transformed the way Filipino young people

proach and behave in intimate relationships, providing both opportunities and risks in terms of sexual

d reproductive health outcomes [5]. These findings highlight the need for further research and
mprehensive education to address the cultural and social implications of social media use in the


What are the cultural and social effects of social media in the Philippines? | 5 Answers from

search papers. (n.d.). SciSpace – Question. https://typeset.io/questions/what-are-the-cultural-


Filipinos are some of the most active social media users, spending an average of 4 hours on

networking sites like Facebook and Twitter every day. That’s more time than any other nationality

except for the Brazilians.

t it’s not just the quantity of time that Filipinos spend on social media that makes them stand out – it’s

o the quality. In a study conducted by Socialbakers, a social media analytics company, the

ilippines ranked first in the world for “engagement” on Facebook – meaning that Filipinos are

ore likely to comment, share, and like posts than users from any other country. This high level of

gagement is due in part to the fact that Filipinos use social media to connect with friends and family

o live far away. With nearly 10 million Filipinos working overseas, this “long-distance communication”

vital to maintaining relationships.

t social media isn’t just used for personal reasons – it’s also playing an increasingly important role in

itics and news. In 2010, when a typhoon struck the Philippines, Twitter was used extensively to

ordinate relief efforts. And during last year’s elections, Facebook and Twitter were instrumental in

anizing protests against corruption and vote-buying.

t are the cultural and social effects of social media in the Philippines? | 5 Answers from

h papers. (n.d.). SciSpace – Question. https://typeset.io/questions/what-are-the-cultural-and-


finds the Impact of social media usage on the academic performance of students. It shows that

ents use social media to do academic works, get information about current events, read

nt news, and many more. Furthermore, students also use it for their enjoyment and

such as watching movies, communicating with their friends and relatives, and looking at

dia. It is also a way to unwind themselves from academic stress.

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