ERMHS Informational Powerpoint
ERMHS Informational Powerpoint
ERMHS Informational Powerpoint
! ERMHS – Educationally Related Mental Health Services
Who may receive ERMHS
! Any student with an IEP
! Not limited to ED
! Services must be linked to a mental health need – can be an
internalizing or an externalizing behavior
! Must be educationally related
Requirements for reimbursable
ERMHS services
! School psychologist should assess in this area
! Some data should demonstrate the mental health need
! Clearly described on Present Levels of Performance
IEP Requirements
! Mental Health need documented
! Mental Health goal written
! Appropriate Service included
Allowable Services
! 510 Individual Counseling
! 515 Counseling and Guidance
! 520 Parent Counseling
! 525 Social Work Services
! 530 Psychological Services
! 535 Behavior Intervention Services
Other allowable costs
! Assessment (mental health related)
! Administrative costs
! Planning and consulting with other staff members
! Board and care for RTC
Determine who will deliver that
! Staff
! Non-public agency
! School psychologist
! Behavior specialist
! Counselor
Scenario 1
! Student A is eligible as Emotionally Disturbed. Student is
receiving individual and group counseling for his aggressive
personality. There is appropriate assessment, a social-
emotional need established on the present levels of
performance, and a goal.
• The individual and group counseling,
as well as the cost of assessment,
and administrative costs, are ERMHS
Scenario 2
! Student B is eligible as Learning Disabled. The student is
frequently defiant of staff and has received numerous
referrals. The student is receiving weekly group counseling to
improve his behavior with respect to the frequent defiant
! Not ERMHS allowable
! What more is needed?
Scenario 3
! Student C is eligible as Autistic. The student is mainstreamed
for all classes, and is pulled out for weekly social skills
training by a counselor.
! The counseling is NOT ERMHS allowable.
Scenario 4
! Student D is eligible as Speech/Language Impaired. Student
engages in self-harm behaviors periodically and appears to
be often anxious and depressed. No assessment in this area
has been done. Student receives weekly counseling sessions
to help with coping and avoiding the self harm behaviors.
! The counseling is NOT ERMHS allowable.
! What more is needed?
Scenario 5
! Student E is eligible as Learning Disabled. The student
frequently appears withdrawn and sad, and has missed
school on a weekly basis. The school psychologist has done
some assessment, including the CANS, and shown a mental
health need, reflected on the IEP. There is also a social
emotional goal and individual counseling, provided on
campus, by an MFT hired by the school.
! ERMHS allowable.