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CSCI 1301: Introduction to Computing and Programming

Lab 10 – More on Classes, Objects, and Methods

In this lab you will continue to practice defining your own classes, in this case implementing a class
called Stat that is described using a UML 1 class diagram. A class diagram describes the fields
(variables) and methods defined for a class. It also specifies the parameters and return types for methods,
and it describes whether particular fields and methods are public or private. Collectively, the fields and
methods of a class are called the members of the class, and the public members define an interface for the
class. It is through this interface that interaction with the class and its instances is made possible.

UML is widely used in software engineering to specify the structure and behavior of software systems.
We will only deal with a single UML class diagram in this lab, but UML allows one to visually represent
large numbers of classes and other structures as well as how they interrelate (for instance, that one class is
a specialization of another). For large software projects, formalisms such as UML are essential if one is to
cope with the complexity of the software system.

The Stat class stores an array of double values called data. As indicated by the class diagram, you
will need to implement public methods to compute the min, max, mode, and average of these values.
You will also implement methods to “get” and “set” the values held by data. Importantly, data should
be a private instance variable, meaning that each instance of the Stat class should have its own copy of
the data variable (each object would store different arrays of double values).

As indicated in the UML diagram, data has type double[]. This is a reference type, meaning that
data will store a reference to the memory location where that array is stored. That is, data will not
store the array itself.

We want to ensure that each distinct instance of the Stat class uses its own array of doubles, and in
order to do that, you should define getData()so that it creates a copy of the data array and returns a
reference to the copy and not a reference to the original. Otherwise, it would be possible to modify the
contents of the data array without going through the methods of the Stat class (and this is considered
bad design). Similarly, setData(double[] d) should create a copy of the array d and assign to
data a reference to the copy.

Review Section 5.3 of the textbook for more information on objects and references.

Lab Objectives
By the end of the lab, you should be able to create classes utilizing:
• constructors
• access modifiers;
• instance variables;
• void methods and methods which return values;
• methods calling other methods;
• accessor and mutator methods (getters and setters);
• The equals() method.

1Note that the textbook states that UML stands for “Universal Modeling Language.” However, “Unified
Modeling Language” is another common name.
CSCI 1301: Introduction to Computing and Programming
Lab 10 – More on Classes, Objects, and Methods

The lab deals with material from Chapter 5, 6, and 7.1 (one-dimensional arrays).

What to Submit
The Stat.java file should be submitted to eLC for grading.

Use the UML diagram and method descriptions below to create your Stat class.


- data: double[]

+ Stat()
+ Stat(double[] d)
+ getData(): double[]
+ setData(double[] d): void
+ equals(Stat s): boolean
+ toString(): String
+ min(): double
+ max(): double
+ average(): double
+ mode(): double

Observe that data should be private; you should define your class so that data (and its values) can only
be altered through getData and setData.

In your code, you are not allowed to use any java.util.Arrays methods or the java stream API (if
you are familiar with either of these). Using the java.util.Arrays class or Java stream in any way
will result in a grade of zero on this assignment.

Method Descriptions:
• Stat()—The default constructor for Stat. It should create a double array having a single
element 0.0.
• Stat(double[] d)—Constructs a Stat object using the values held in d. The constructor
should create a double array of the same length as d and holding copies of the values of d. A
reference to this new array should be assigned to data.
• getData()—This is an accessor (get or getter) method used to retrieve the values of data. This
method should not return a reference to data. Instead, it should create a new array containing
exactly the values contained in data, and then return a reference to this new array.
CSCI 1301: Introduction to Computing and Programming
Lab 10 – More on Classes, Objects, and Methods

• setData(double[] d) —This is a mutator (set or setter) method used to set the values of the
data array. The method should create a new array containing exactly the elements of d and assign to
data a reference to this new array (that is, the method should not simply assign d to data).
• equals(Stat s) —Returns the boolean value true if the data objects of both the calling
Stat object and the passed Stat object s have the same values (and in the same order). Otherwise, it
returns false.
• toString()—Returns a String representation of the data elements stored in the Stat object.
Use the samples listed below as guidelines for formatting.
• min()—Returns the minimum of the data array.
• max()—Returns the maximum of the data array.
• average()—Returns the average of the data array. The average is defined to be a double value
that returns the mean value of a given array of numbers.
• mode()— The mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a collection of values. In the
Stat class, if one value occurs more frequently in data than all others, then mode() should
return this value. Otherwise, mode() should return Double.NaN, indicating that no unique
value exists. Note: this method is more difficult to code than the other methods, and it should be
completed last.

Once you have created your Stat class, write a main method in a separate driver class or within
the same class to thoroughly test each method in your class. There are some example main methods
given below. You will want to run additional test cases.

Additional Requirements
These are things that make the graders lives easier, and ultimately, you will see in the real world as well.
Remember the teaching staff does not want to touch your code after they gave you requirements; they
want to see the perfect results they asked for! Here is a checklist of things you can lose points for:

• (-1 point) If the source file(s)/class(es) are named incorrectly (case matters!)
• (-1 point) If your source file(s) have a package declaration at the top
• (-1 point) If any source file you submit is missing your Statement of Academic Honesty at the top
of the source file. All submitted source code files must contain your Statement of Academic
Honesty at the top of each file.
• (-1 point) If you have more than one instance of Scanner in your program.
• (-1 point) Inconsistent I/O (input/output) that does not match our instructions or examples exactly
(unless otherwise stated in an assignment’s instructions). Your program’s I/O (order, wording,
formatting, etc.) must match our examples and instructions.
• (-2 points) If your submission is late
• (-7 points) If the source file(s) are not submitted before the specified deadline’s late period ends
(48 hours after the deadline).
• (-7 points) If the source file(s) do not compile. All classes must be declared as public and all
method signatures must match exactly what is in these instructions. Your program must compile
on the command line using the javac command and using the required Java compiler for this
course. Students are responsible for checking that their source code file(s) compile using the
javac command for all methods in these instructions.
• If your (-1 point) comments or (-1 point) variables are “lacking”
CSCI 1301: Introduction to Computing and Programming
Lab 10 – More on Classes, Objects, and Methods

o Here, “lacking” means that you or a TA can find any lines of code or variables that take
more than 10 seconds to understand, and there is no comment, or the variable name does
not make sense (variable names like b, bb, bbb, etc. will almost never be acceptable)
• (-1 point) Indentation is not consistent throughout your source code
o Refresh your memory of indentation patterns in chapter 2 in the course textbook
o Be careful of a combination of tabs and spaces in your files (use one or the other)
• (-7 points) If you use a non-standard Java library or class (StringBuilder class, Arrays class, any
class in java.util.stream) or other code specifically disallowed by the lab/project.

If any of the above do not make sense to you, then talk to a TA or your lab instructor.

eLC Submission and Grading

After you have completed and thoroughly tested your program, upload Stat.java to eLC to receive
credit. Always double check that your submission was successful on eLC!

• Students may earn 3 points for lab attendance and 7 points if their program passes various test
cases that we use for grading. Some test cases may use values taken from the examples in this
document and some test cases may not. You should come up with additional test cases to check
that your program is bug free.
• All source code must adhere to good Java programming style standards as discussed in lecture
class and in the course textbook readings.
• All instructions and requirements must be followed; otherwise, points maybe deducted.

Example 1

Example main method:

double[] data = {-5.3, 2.5, 88.9, 0, 0.0, 28, 16.5, 88.9, 109.5, -90, 88.9};
double[] data2 = {100.34, 50.01, 50.01, -8};
Stat stat1 = new Stat();

System.out.println("stat1 data = " + stat1.toString());

stat1 = new Stat(data);

System.out.println("stat1 has been altered.");

System.out.println("stat1 data = " + stat1.toString());

System.out.println("stat1 min = " + stat1.min());

System.out.println("stat1 max = " + stat1.max());
System.out.println("stat1 average = " + stat1.average());
System.out.println("stat1 mode = " + stat1.mode() + "\n");

Stat stat2 = new Stat();

Stat stat3 = new Stat(stat1.getData());
CSCI 1301: Introduction to Computing and Programming
Lab 10 – More on Classes, Objects, and Methods

System.out.println("stat2 data = " + stat2.toString());

System.out.println("stat3 data = " + stat3.toString());
System.out.println("stat1 is equal to stat2 using \"equals()\"? " +
System.out.println("stat1 is equal to stat3 using \"equals()\"? " +
System.out.println("stat1 is equal to stat3 using \"==\"? " + (stat1 == stat3));

Example output:

stat1 data = [0.0]

stat1 has been altered.
stat1 data = [-5.3, 2.5, 88.9, 0.0, 0.0, 28.0, 16.5, 88.9, 109.5, -90.0, 88.9]
stat1 min = -90.0
stat1 max = 109.5
stat1 average = 29.80909090909091
stat1 mode = 88.9

stat2 data = [100.34, 50.01, 50.01, -8.0]

stat3 data = [-5.3, 2.5, 88.9, 0.0, 0.0, 28.0, 16.5, 88.9, 109.5, -90.0, 88.9]

stat1 is equal to stat2 using "equals()"? false

stat1 is equal to stat3 using "equals()"? true
stat1 is equal to stat3 using "=="? false

Example 2
Example main method:
double[] data = {10.0, 20.0, 30.0};
Stat stat1 = new Stat(data);

data[0] = 100.0;
data[1] = 200.0;
data[2] = 300.0;

Stat stat2 = new Stat(data);

System.out.println("stat1 data = " + stat1.toString());

System.out.println("stat2 data = " + stat2.toString());
System.out.println("The two arrays should be different");

Example output:
stat1 data = [10.0, 20.0, 30.0]
stat2 data = [100.0, 200.0, 300.0]
The two arrays should be different

Example 3
Example main method:
double[] data1 = {10.0, 20.0, 30.0};
CSCI 1301: Introduction to Computing and Programming
Lab 10 – More on Classes, Objects, and Methods

Stat stat1 = new Stat(data1);

double[] data2 = stat1.getData();

System.out.println("The arrays are identical: " + (data1 == data2));

Example output:
The arrays are identical: false

Example 4
Example main method:

double[] data1 = {10.0, 20.0, 30.0};

Stat stat1 = new Stat();
Stat stat2 = new Stat(data1);
double[] data2 = stat1.getData();

System.out.println("The arrays are identical: " + (data1 == data2));

System.out.println("stat2 equals stat1: " +
System.out.println("stat1 equals stat2: " + stat2.equals(stat1));

Example output:
The arrays are identical: false
stat2 equals stat1: true
stat1 equals stat2: true

Example 5
Example main method:
Stat stat1 = new Stat();
System.out.println("stat1 data = " + stat1.toString());
System.out.println("stat1 min = " + stat1.min());
System.out.println("stat1 max = " + stat1.max());
System.out.println("stat1 average = " + stat1.average());
System.out.println("stat1 mode = " + stat1.mode());
System.out.println("stat1 data = " + stat1.toString());

Example output:

stat1 data = [0.0]

stat1 min = 0.0
stat1 max = 0.0
stat1 average = 0.0
stat1 mode = 0.0
stat1 data = [0.0]

Example 6
Example main method:
double[] data = {1,2,2,3,3,4};
CSCI 1301: Introduction to Computing and Programming
Lab 10 – More on Classes, Objects, and Methods

Stat stat1 = new Stat(data);

System.out.println("stat1 data = " + stat1.toString());

System.out.println("stat1 min = " + stat1.min());
System.out.println("stat1 max = " + stat1.max());
System.out.println("stat1 average = " + stat1.average());
System.out.println("stat1 mode = " + stat1.mode());
System.out.println("stat1 data = " + stat1.toString());

Example output:

stat1 data = [1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0]

stat1 min = 1.0
stat1 max = 4.0
stat1 average = 2.5
stat1 mode = NaN
stat1 data = [1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0]

Copyright © Sal LaMarca and the University of Georgia. This work is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
License to students and the public. The content and opinions expressed in this
document do not necessarily reflect the views of nor are they endorsed by the
University of Georgia or the University System of Georgia.

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