Automation and RPA in The Enterprise

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Automation and RPA

in the enterprise
How organizations are improving
productivity and accelerating value

Results from research conducted in 2021

by IBM Market Development & Insights
Automation and robotic
process automation

About the research

The IBM Market Development & Insights team conducted a series
of surveys on the experiences of companies that have deployed
or are considering deploying automation technologies, including
robotic process automation (RPA) solutions. The surveys capture
the perceptions, expectations and real-world experiences of
more than 600 decision makers in large enterprises and midsize
businesses across the United States, Canada, the United
Kingdom, Australia and India. Respondent roles span IT and
line of business (LOB), and their answers provide intriguing insight
into the experiences and challenges of effectively implementing
automation capabilities across the organization.

Automation and robotic
process automation

Table of contents

4 Automation for a world

of busines challenges

5–6 Embracing automation


7 Automation and robotic

process automation

8–12 Automation in action


13–14 Where the bots are

15–21 Perceptions, benefits

and challenges

22–27 What businesses want

28 Take the next step

Automation and robotic
process automation

Automation for a world

of business challenges

Automating business processes isn’t a new concept; what is new

are the many ways that innovative automation technologies are
being used and the kinds of real-world benefits being achieved
by organizations worldwide.

Applying automation to simplify routine or mundane tasks

frees up a workforce to do more strategic, higher value work,
such as bringing new products to the marketplace. It’s also
enhancing the customer experience by improving response
time and accuracy. Businesses are realizing the benefits of
automation through reduced inefficiencies and human errors,
which are lowering business costs and improving data quality.

Through robotic process automation, organizations are capitalizing

on artificial intelligence (AI) insights to streamline many repeti-
tive, formerly manual back-office tasks. Through RPA solutions,
including those offering low-code or no-code authoring tools,
line-of-business users are solving emerging business challenges
in real time. Although both general automation and RPA solutions
are delivering quantifiable business benefits, RPA adopters say
they’re getting even greater value from their solutions.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Embracing automation

Survey results overview

Respondents say their organizations have made automation an

increasing priority in recent years. This trend experienced even
greater urgency during 2020, with a heightened focus on maxi-
mizing efficiency and large segments of the workforce shifting to
working from home because of the pandemic.

report that automation is
a much higher or somewhat
higher priority compared to
12 months ago.

See Figure 1 for complete data.

RPA user, IT, US, large enterprise

“ Our company was already progressively moving
toward automating everything, and COVID forced
us to speed up that process.”

Non-RPA user, LOB, US, midsize business

“ It’s a different work environment post-COVID,
and efficient use of resources has been made
a higher priority.”

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Respondents revealed where automation is being deployed

most and the challenges they’ve faced

Most common functions where automation or RPA solutions

are deployed:
• IT
• Customer service and support
• E-commerce
• Supply chain management
• Marketing

Key prioritization areas:

• IT operations
• Digital and data security
• Workforce utilization and optimization
• Network optimization
• Customer experience optimization

Challenges in adopting or expanding the use of automation and

RPA solutions:
• Talent with automation expertise can be expensive
and hard to find.
• Ease of implementation is a concern.
• Learning automation technologies can be complex.

Survey respondents reported that despite these challenges,

deploying automation and RPA capabilities has been worth the
effort and that their organizations plan to ramp up their use of
automation solutions.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Automation and
At their most basic level, automation solutions digitize and
streamline routine work. Business process management

robotic process
was an early example of automation. While RPA and
artificial intelligence share some characteristics, AI is

data-driven, finding patterns in data that enable process
improvement. To achieve this, AI brings together capabili-
ties such as intelligent automation, machine learning (ML),
natural language processing (NLP), reasoning, hypothesis
generation and analysis. RPA, on the other hand, is process-
driven, using bots that can only follow processes that are
defined for it by a user.

Robotic process automation uses rules-based software to

perform many back-office tasks at extremely high speed
and high volume. Time-consuming actions, such as filling
in forms and moving files, are being automated, freeing
expensive human resources for more strategic or complex
activities. In addition to significant cost savings and higher
employee morale, RPA improves business agility to drive
higher customer satisfaction and helps reduce errors to
support compliance efforts. Furthermore, RPA solutions
can require less coding and won’t disrupt existing infra-
structure and systems because software bots work at
applications’ presentation layer.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Automation in action

Primary use cases today and what organizations are planning

for the next 12 months

Respondents were asked how their organization is using auto-

mation and RPA solutions currently and what additional use
cases they have planned for automation over the next year.


65% IT operations

63% Digital and data security

Workforce utilization
53% and optimization

52% Network optimization

Customer experience
50% optimization
Financial management
49% and planning

Next 12 months

Product recommendations
42% and offers

41% Sales forecasting

Product development
Predictive and preventive
Fraud and anomaly
40% detection
Human resources

See Figure 2 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Use cases by organization size

Breaking these answers down by company size, some differences

emerge in how automation is being used today:

Large enterprises

66% IT operations

62% Digital and data security

Workforce utilization
56% and optimization
Network optimization
Customer experience
52% optimization

50% Risk and compliance

Midsize businesses

64% Digital and data security

60% IT operations
Financial management
51% and planning

49% Marketing analysis

46% Sales forecasting

45% Network optimization

Workforce utilization
and optimization
Customer experience

See Figure 3 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Use cases by role

With a few exceptions, respondents in both IT and LOB roles

reported similar rates of adoption for their current use cases.
Some differences seen were expected, such as more IT roles
reporting automation being used in their organization for IT
operations and network optimization, while LOB roles had
greater adoption of automation for financial management and
planning as well as for sales forecasting:


70% IT operations

63% Digital and data security

57% Network optimization

Workforce utilization
53% and optimization

52% Risk and compliance

Customer experience
50% optimization


62% Digital and data security

59% IT operations
Financial management
55% and planning
Workforce utilization
52% optimization

49% Marketing analysis

Customer experience

See Figure 3 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Satisfaction with current automation products

Respondents were also asked about their satisfaction with the

automation and RPA products their organization currently uses,
their ability to effectively scale automation projects and the
return on investment (ROI) they’ve experienced.

68% 66% 63%

Meeting Able to scale to Achieved

expectations the degree desired desired ROI

Percentage of respondents answering
either 4 or 5 on a scale of 1–5, with 1
being not at all satisfied and 5 being
completely satisfied

See Figure 4 for complete data.

Decision makers were asked about their satisfaction with the

types of automation solutions their company is using.

of RPA users were very
or extremely satisfied.

of non-RPA users were
very or extremely satisfied.

See Figure 5 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

What people said:

RPA and automation technologies received enthusiastic praise from

respondents. Here’s a sampling of what they said:

RPA user, LOB, US, midsize business

“ The company’s goals have been achieved thanks
to this.”

RPA user, IT, US, midsize business

“ Made operations more efficient and more profitable.”

Non-RPA User, IT, Australia, large enterprise

“ Cleaner data, access to identical data sets that
are up to date which makes decision making and
customer service easier.”

Key takeaways

• Expanding existing automation capabilities is increasingly seen

as a business imperative—one becoming more vital by the day.

• Most respondents said that their organizations have deployed

automation capabilities for common tasks in areas that include
IT operations, security, network and workforce optimization,
and customer experience. Over the next 12 months, they plan
to extend automation and RPA capabilities for product recom-
mendations, predictive and preventive maintenance, product
development, and fraud detection.

• While a large majority of respondents believe that the

automation and RPA solutions deliver their expected value,
there is room for improvement in their ability to scale and
realize even stronger ROI.

Automation is delivering quantifiable business

benefits across a wide range of functions
and processes.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Where the bots are

Robotic process automation software bots are increasingly
being deployed to perform many repetitive, mundane tasks
that busy workers don’t have the time—or desire—to do.
Today, bots are orchestrating workflows, capturing data
and managing content. They’re becoming integrated with
business rules and decisions, shortening development
cycles, and reducing the traditional reliance on IT to quickly
stand up new capabilities.

Survey respondents indicated that their organizations are

using bots across multiple areas of the business.

See Figure 6 for complete data.

45% IT operations

35% Digital and data security

Workforce utilization
30% and optimization
26% Customer self-service
Customer experience
25% optimization
25% Risk and compliance
Product development
24% optimization
23% Customer center optimization

22% Network optimization

Supply chain analytics

21% and management
20% Fraud and anomaly detection

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Asked how many bots their company currently had in

production, survey respondents said:


More than 20





See Figure 6 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Perceptions, benefits
and challenges


Numerous benefits for automation and RPA solutions were

identified by participants who agree or agree completely with
the following statements:

Not using or expanding use

may have negative financial

73% Helps attract talent

Creates better collaboration
among team members

The effort and expense
are worth it

Provides many benefits
to development teams

See Figure 7 for complete data.

15 To table of contents
Automation and robotic
process automation

Breaking down these responses by role, some differences come

to light between IT and LOB respondents, as noted by those who
agree completely with the following statements:


44% 31% Provides many benefits

to development teams

39% 32% The effort and expense

are worth it

36% 30% Creates better collaboration

among team members

29% 22%
Helps attract talent

23% 20% Not using or expanding use

may have negative financial

See Figure 8 for complete data.

16 To table of contents
Automation and robotic
process automation

Respondents from large enterprises felt even more strongly

about some of these statements than did those from midsize
businesses, as noted by those who agree completely with
the following statements:

Large enterprises Midsize businesses

42% 30% Provides many benefits

to development teams

38% 31% The effort and expense

are worth it

36% 27% Creates better collaboration

among team members

See Figure 8 for complete data.

17 To table of contents
Automation and robotic
process automation

Key benefits

Asked about the specific benefits their organization has experi-

enced, better data quality and greater accuracy led the list.

Percentage of respondents answering
either 4 or 5 on a scale of 1–5, with
1 being not experiencing and 5 being
significantly experiencing

Reduction in expenses
on human resources

64% Improved customer satisfaction

Faster customer service

69% Increased workforce

71% Increased capabilities for

data collection
Reduction in manual errors

72% Increased accuracy of work

76% Improved data quality

See Figure 9 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Top challenges

Several challenges for deploying or expanding use of automation

and RPA solutions were named by respondents, which included:

See Figure 10 for complete data.

Difficulty in selecting the

43% right provider

44% Difficulty in proving ROI

Difficulty in prioritizing
45% use cases

Infrastructure is not sufficiently
integrated to proceed

Other initiatives have

48% higher priorities
Implementation concerns
51% Complexity of learning
automation technologies
Talent with this expertise is
54% expensive and hard to find

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Once again, respondents from large enterprises agreed more

strongly with most of the following statements than did those
from midsize businesses:

42 45 44 43 48 37 49 41 49 46 52 46 52 49 55 53

LE = Large enterprises
MM = Midsize businesses

Percentage of respondents answering
either 4 or 5 on a scale of 1–5, with 1
being not a significant challenge and 5
being extremely significant challenge


Talent with this expertise is

55% / 53% expensive and hard to find

52% / 49% Implementation concerns

Complexity of learning
52% / 46% automation technologies

Other initiatives have

49% / 46% higher priorities

Infrastructure is not sufficiently

49% / 41% integrated to proceed

Difficulty in prioritizing
48% / 37% use cases

44% / 43% Difficulty in proving ROI

Difficulty in selecting
42% / 45% the right provider

See Figure 10 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Key takeaways

• Even with the challenges, respondents say the effort required

to implement both automation and RPA is worth it.

• The benefits to development teams, improved collaboration

and the ability to attract skilled talent were noted by an
overwhelming majority.

• Primary challenges centered on integration with current

systems and processes; lack of internal talent; and the
need for support in prioritizing use cases, proving ROI
and vendor selection.

Ultimately, most respondents believe that not

implementing automation and RPA into the
organization will be a costly mistake.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

What businesses want

Support, price, and the ability to integrate and scale

head the list

While most automation and RPA users report being satisfied

by their current automation products and solutions, many are
looking to new vendors for additional capabilities, lower prices,
and more effective help in integrating and supporting their
automation solution.

A full one-third of respondents said they are likely to switch

providers in the next 12 months, with a significantly higher
percentage of RPA users saying they’re even more likely to
seek new vendors:

Likely to switch providers Percentage of respondents answering
either 4 or 5 on a scale of 1–5, with
1 being not very likely and 5 being
extremely likely

RPA users

31% 34%
non-RPA users total users

See Figure 11 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Asked to rank the top five things from a lengthy list of vendor
attributes that were most important to them, respondents most
commonly selected:

RPA users non-RPA users

38% 42% Technical support

30% 44% Competitive price

Integrates easily with

35% 39% my business processes

36% 37% Easily scalable

Ability to integrate with

35% 37% existing systems

34% 34% Proven ROI

35% 34% Ability to meet our regulatory

and compliance requirements

32% 34% Easy to do business with

32% 31% Integrates AI capabilities

See Figure 12 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Breaking these responses down by role, differences emerge in

what IT and LOB responders are looking for in a vendor:


38% 44% Technical support

36% 44% Competitive price

Integrates easily with

36% 40% my business processes

41% 32% Easily scalable

Ability to integrate with

33% 39% existing systems

35% 33% Proven ROI

33% 36% Ability to meet our regulatory

and compliance requirements

31% 36% Easy to do business with

33% 28% Integrates AI capabilities

See Figure 13 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Asked about the primary factors driving them to consider switch-

ing automation providers, RPA and non-RPA users called out
functionality, customizability and price, as well as the provider’s
ability to handle projects from end to end, among their most
common answers:

RPA users Non-RPA users

Improved functionality
29% 43% to meet our needs

36% 36% Ability to customize/flexibility

30% 39% Looking for a better price

Ability to handle end-to-end

38% 29% projects from strategy to

Need better customer service

28% 35% and support
Looking for improved
31% 32% product performance
Ability to support and inte-
31% 31% grate our broader technology

34% 27% Enhanced security capabilities

See Figure 14 for complete data.

An interesting note is that 33 percent of RPA users say they’re

likely to switch vendors as a result of moving to a new cloud
platform or cloud services provider, while only 16 percent of
non-RPA users say the same.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Asked about the type of cloud or other infrastructure used for

their automation and RPA solutions, respondents indicated a mix
of technologies.

RPA users Non-RPA users

77% 76%
Private cloud

62% 49%
Public cloud

15% 13% Non-cloud infrastructure

See Figure 15 for complete data.

Users were also asked if they use the same or different vendors
for their automation and their cloud solutions.

RPA users Non-RPA users

27% 24% Always use the same

providers for automation
and cloud solutions

60% 69% Sometimes use

the same providers

13% 7% Always use different providers

See Figure 16 for complete data.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Participants were then asked about their preference for buying

automation and RPA solutions from a single vendor or on a single
platform versus buying products or solution components from
multiple vendors or platforms. Both roles slightly preferred a
single vendor or platform:

RPA users Non-RPA users

57% 55%

Percentage of respondents answering
either 4 or 5 on a scale of 1–5, with 1
being prefer multiple vendors and 5
being prefer single vendor (platform)

See Figure 17 for complete data.

Key takeaways

• Vendor flexibility and the ability to design, deploy and customize

solutions from end to end were valued by respondents.
• Most reported using a mix of private and public cloud, and
using a single vendor for their automation solutions was the
preferred approach.

While automation solutions are seen to be

delivering real value for organizations, users
want even more features and flexibility, lower
costs, and more help with implementation and
integration—and they’re willing to look at new
vendors to achieve their aims.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

Take the next step

Automation and robotic process automation technologies are help-

ing organizations across a range of industries speed development,
reduce costs, improve business agility and enhance the customer
experience. Respondents are convinced that automation will
continue to play a major role in the future of their organizations.

Find out how far your automation journey

can take you.

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Automation and robotic
process automation

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Automation and robotic
process automation


Automation priority level compared to 12 months ago

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415

37% Much more

43% Somewhat more

17% No change

2% Somewhat less

Figure 1

Q1. Compared to 12 months ago would you say that automation is?

Q1a. Why is automation less of a priority than 12 months ago?

Q1b. Why has your focus on automation stayed the same in comparison to 12 months ago?

Q1c. Why is automation more of a priority now than 12 months ago?

Appendix To table of contents


Top automation/RPA SW use cases

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415

Not using, not likely Likely to implement

Currently use
to implement in next 12 months

IT operations 8% 37% 65%

Digital/data security 7% 38% 63%

Workforce utilization and optimization 11% 28% 53%

Network optimization 11% 33% 52%

Customer experience optimization 13% 34% 50%

Financial management and planning 14% 39% 49%

Marketing analysis 16% 37% 48%

Risk and compliance 15% 36% 48%

Logistics analysis and optimization 16% 34% 47%

Customer self-service 15% 27% 46%

Supply chain analytics and management 16% 32% 46%

Fraud/anomaly detection 15% 30% 45%

Sales forecasting 16% 31% 43%

Production and inventory forecasting 19% 34% 43%

Contact center optimization 21% 34% 41%

Product development optimization 18% 30% 41%

Human resources optimization 19% 35% 41%

Physical security 29% 34% 37%

Predicting mechanical failures/preventive maintenance 22% 31% 37%

Product recommendations or offers 24% 32% 34%

Figure 2

Q7. For what use cases is your organization applying [INSERT “RPA” IF RPA USER] automation
software today, and in what areas are you most likely to apply new automation tools in the
next 12 months?

Appendix To table of contents

Use cases by organization size Use cases by role

Top automation/RPA SW use cases (% currently using)

A/B Significant difference at the 95% level

Role Size

(A) (B) (A) (B)

IT operations 65% 70% 59% 66% 60%

Digital/data security 63% 63% 62% 62% 64%

Workforce utilization and optimization 53% 53% 52% 56% B 45%

Network optimization 52% 57% B 47% 56% B 45%

Customer experience optimization 50% 50% 49% 52% 45%

Financial management and planning 49% 43% 55% A 47% 51%

Marketing analysis 48% 47% 49% 48% 49%

Risk and compliance 48% 52% B 43% 50% B 41%

Logistics analysis and optimization 47% 48% 46% 49% 41%

Customer self-service 46% 47% 44% 47% 42%

Supply chain analytics and management 46% 46% 45% 48% B 39%

Fraud/anomaly detection 45% 47% 42% 48% B 38%

Sales forecasting 43% 39% 48% A 42% 46%

Production and inventory forecasting 43% 43% 43% 46% 37%

Contact center optimization 41% 43% 38% 42% 37%

Product development optimization 41% 41% 40% 43% 35%

Human resources optimization 41% 41% 41% 41% 40%

Physical security 37% 37% 37% 40% B 31%

Predicting mechanical failures/preventive maintenance 37% 36% 38% 40% B 30%

Product recommendations or offers 34% 33% 35% 35% 31%

Figure 3

Q7. For what use cases is your organization applying [INSERT “RPA” IF RPA USER] automation
software today, and in what areas are you most likely to apply new automation tools in the next
12 months?

Appendix To table of contents


Extent automation has met expectations

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415

26% 5 Completely Been able to meet expectations with

your current automation products?
42% 4

24% 3

6% 2

2% 1 Not at all

24% 5 Completely Been able to scale your automation

projects to the degree you’d like?
42% 4

24% 3

9% 2

2% 1 Not at all

18% 5 Completely Achieved your desired ROI from

automation projects?
45% 4

30% 3

5% 2

1% 1 Not at all

Figure 4

Q3. To what extent has your organization …

Appendix To table of contents


Satisfaction with automation/RPA solutions currently using

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415

A/B Significant difference at the 95% level


15% Extremely satisfied

48% Very satisfied

32% Somewhat satisfied

3% Not very satisfied

1% Not at all satisfied

RPA users (A)

B 22% Extremely satisfied

50% Very satisfied

24% Somewhat satisfied

3% Not very satisfied

1% Not at all satisfied

Non-RPA users (B)

12% Extremely satisfied

48% Very satisfied

A 36% Somewhat satisfied

3% Not very satisfied

1% Not at all satisfied

Figure 5

Q13. How satisfied would you say you are with the [INSERT “RPA” IF RPA USER] automation
solutions your organization currently uses?

Q14. What is driving your satisfaction with your current [INSERT “RPA” IF RPA USER]
automation solutions?
[IF Q13 = 1–3] What could be improved?
[IF Q13 = 4–5] What is going well?

Appendix To table of contents

Where the bots are

Purpose of bots (among those using RPA with a bot in production)

45% IT operations

35% Digital/data security

30% Workforce utilization and optimization

26% Customer self-service

25% Customer experience optimization

25% Risk and compliance

24% Product development optimization

23% Customer center optimization

22% Network optimization

21% Supply chain analytics and management

20% Fraud/anomaly detection

19% Logistics analysis and optimization

17% Human resources optimization

17% Physical security

16% Marketing analysis

15% Sales forecasting

15% Production and inventory forecasting

15% Predicting mechanical failures/preventive maintenance

10% Product recommendations or offers

10% Financial management and planning

Figure 6

Q8. You mentioned that you currently are using RPA in your organization. Approximately how many
bots do you have in production? (n=189)

Q9. What is the purpose of the bots you currently have in production? (n=181)

Q10. [Ask of those who indicated they use RPA in S4] What proportion of your RPA bots are being
used for back-office processes vs. front office processes? (n=168)

Appendix To table of contents


Agreement level on automation statements

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415

Do not agree Agree

Disagree Neither Agree
at all completely

Provide many benefits to development teams 0% 2% 11% 49% 38%

The effort and expense of adoption is worth it 1% 2% 12% 50% 36%

Creates better collaboration among team members 1% 3% 16% 48% 33%
Helps attract talent 1% 5% 22% 47% 26%
Keeping up with the pace of innovation is challenging 1% 7% 21% 47% 23%
Not using/expanding use may have negative financial
3% 8% 23% 44% 22%
Decisions often derailed by executive disagreement
5% 19% 27% 32% 16%
or inaction

Are overkill for most of our needs 14% 31% 20% 22% 15%
Implementation of is overwhelming 6% 21% 23% 35% 14%

Figure 7

Q6. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements related to automation?

Appendix To table of contents


Agreement level on automation statements (% agree completely)

A/B Significant difference at the 95% level

Role Size

(A) (B) (A) (B)

Provide many benefits to development teams 38% 44% B 31% 42% B 30%

The effort and expense of adoption is worth it 36% 39% 32% 38% 31%

Creates better collaboration among team members 33% 36% 30% 36% B 27%

Helps attract talent 26% 29% B 22% 25% 26%

Keeping up with the pace of innovation is challenging 23% 26% 20% 22% 27%
Not using/expanding use may have negative financial
22% 23% 20% 24% 18%
Decisions often derailed by executive disagreement
16% 18% 13% 16% 16%
or inaction
Are overkill for most of our needs 15% 17% B 11% 14% 15%

Implementation of is overwhelming 14% 17% B 11% 15% 12%

Figure 8

Q6. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements related to automation?

Appendix To table of contents


Degree to which benefits of automation/RPA are experienced

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415

A/B Significant difference at the 95% level

Don’t know/ 1 5
too early Not 2 3 4 Significantly
to tell experiencing experiencing

Improved data quality 3% 1% 3% 17% 38% 38%

Reduction in manual errors 4% 1% 5% 18% 37% 34%

Increased accuracy of work 4% 1% 4% 20% 40% 32%
Faster customer service 4% 2% 3% 22% 37% 32%
Increased capabilities for
4% 2% 4% 19% 41% 30%
data collection

Increased workforce productivity 4% 1% 6% 20% 39% 30%

Improved customer experience 5% 2% 5% 24% 36% 29%
Improved customer satisfaction 7% 1% 5% 23% 37% 27%
Reduction in expenses on
5% 3% 8% 22% 34% 27%
human resources
Enhanced DM support to ID best
6% 1% 7% 24% 36% 25%
actions to resolve issues quickly
Ability to scale to add or reduce
5% 2% 8% 23% 40% 23%
quickly as needs fluctuate
Ensure policy compliance 7% 2% 6% 25% 37% 23%
Shortened development cycles 6% 2% 8% 25% 35% 23%
Reduced reliance on IT by enabling
5% 3% 9% 27% 35% 22%
business users

Figure 9

Q11. To what degree is your organization experiencing the following benefits of [INSERT “RPA”
IF RPA USER] automation software?

Appendix To table of contents

Top challenges

Degree of challenges to adoption/expansion of automation/RPA software

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415

A/B Significant difference at the 95% level

1 5
Not Extremely LE MM
2 3 4
significant significant (A) (B)
challenge challenge

Talent with this expertise

is expensive/difficult 6% 12% 28% 35% 19% 55% 53%
to find
Concerns with
7% 15% 28% 36% 15% 52% 49%
Complexity of learning
6% 11% 32% 34% 17% 52% 46%
automation technologies
Other initiatives are
7% 14% 31% 30% 18% 49% 46%
higher priorities
Infrastructure is not
sufficiently integrated 9% 14% 30% 32% 14% 49% 41%
to proceed
Difficulty prioritizing
which use cases to apply 8% 15% 33% 31% 14% 48% B 37%
automation software to
Difficulty proving ROI 7% 18% 31% 29% 15% 44% 43%

Difficulty selecting the

10% 16% 31% 26% 17% 42% 45%
right provider
Lack of core KPIs assigned
9% 16% 32% 29% 13% 42% 44%
to define success
Not enough advocates in
our org./skepticism among 9% 20% 30% 27% 13% 39% 43%
sr. execs
Lack of industry standards 12% 20% 30% 25% 14% 39% 37%

Fear of vendor lock-in 13% 19% 31% 26% 11% 38% 36%

Figure 10

Q12. Please rate the degree to which each of the following has been a significant challenge in
successfully adopting or expanding the use of [INSERT “RPA” IF RPA USER] automation
software within your organization.

Appendix To table of contents


Likelihood to switch automation/RPA providers in next year

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415

A/B Significant difference at the 95% level


14% 5 Extremely likely

20% 4

31% 3

19% 2

16% 1 Not very likely

RPA users (A)

B 22% 5 Extremely likely

21% 4

28% 3

16% 2

14% 1 Not very likely

Non-RPA users (B)

11% 5 Extremely likely

20% 4

33% 3

20% 2

16% 1 Not very likely

Figure 11

Q16. How likely are you to switch [INSERT “RPA” IF RPA USER] automation providers
in the next year?

Appendix To table of contents


Ranked importance of automation/RPA provider attributes

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415

Ranked 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Technical support 6% 11% 8% 7% 8%

Competitive price 9% 7% 8% 7% 8%
Integrates easily with my business processes 11% 7% 8% 4% 7%
Easily scalable 8% 8% 6% 7% 7%
Ability to integrate with existing/legacy systems 5% 7% 7% 10% 7%
Proven return on investment (ROI) 8% 8% 5% 8% 6%
Ability to meet our regulatory and compliance
6% 5% 8% 8% 7%
Easy to do business with 8% 5% 7% 8% 5%
Integrates AI capabilities 7% 7% 6% 5% 6%
Industry expertise 7% 6% 7% 5% 6%
Process expertise 6% 5% 5% 6% 7%
Provides market leading security 4% 5% 4% 7% 6%
Used/trusted by many well-known companies 3% 6% 4% 4% 4%
Large portfolio of automation solutions 3% 4% 3% 4% 6%
Relevant use cases 3% 4% 4% 4% 3%
Existing relationship with the provider 4% 2% 4% 3% 2%
Use of agnostic approach (open standards/
2% 2% 3% 3% 3%
open source)

Figure 12

Q15. Which of the following attributes are most important in selecting an [INSERT “RPA” IF RPA
USER] automation provider? Please rank the 5 most important attributes from this list.

Appendix To table of contents


Ranked importance of automation/RPA provider attributes (% ranked in top 5)

A/B Significant difference at the 95% level


(A) (B)

Technical support 41% 38% 44%

Competitive price 40% 36% 44% A

Integrates easily with my business 38% 36% 40%

Easily scalable 37% 41% B 32%

Ability to integrate with existing/legacy systems 36% 33% 39%

Ability to meet regulatory and compliance requirements 34% 33% 36%

Proven return on investment (ROI) 34% 35% 33%

Easy to do business with 33% 31% 36%

Integrates AI capabilities 31% 33% 28%

Industry expertise 31% 31% 30%

Process expertise 29% 28% 31%

Provides market leading security 26% 30% 23%

Used/trusted by many well-known companies 22% 24% 19%

Large portfolio of automation solutions 20% 18% 21%

Relevant use cases 19% 19% 18%

Existing relationship with the provider 16% 17% 16%

Use of agnostic approach (open standards/open source) 14% 17% B 10%

Figure 13

Q15. Which of the following attributes are most important in selecting an [INSERT “RPA” IF RPA
USER] automation provider? Please rank the 5 most important attributes from this list.

Appendix To table of contents


Driving factors for switching vendors (among those who are likely to switch in the next year)
Total n=207, RPA users n=80, non-RPA users n=127

A/B Significant difference at the 95% level

RPA users Non-RPA users

(A) (B)

Improved functionality to meet our needs 29% 43% A

Ability to customize/flexibility 36% 36%

Looking for a better price 30% 39%

Ability to handle end-to-end projects from strategy to implementation 38% 29%

Need better customer service and support 28% 35%

Looking for improved product performance 31% 32%

Ability to support and integrate our broader technology needs 31% 31%

Enhanced security capabilities 34% 27%

Need something easier to use/learn 28% 29%

Regulatory and compliance knowledge 25% 29%

Need for global deployment/support 31% 24%

Industry-specific knowledge/offerings 30% 24%

Leading-edge/innovative offerings or features 25% 26%

Better cadence of refreshes/updates 29% 23%

Desire for compatibility with other infrastructure 21% 24%

Desire to consolidate to another platform and/or suite or products 29% 18%

Moving to a cloud platform/cloud services provider 33% B 16%

Breadth of ecosystem 24% 20%

Figure 14

Q17. [ASK IF Q16=4-5] What factors are driving you to switch vendors?

Appendix To table of contents


Where automation solutions are deployed

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415

76% Private cloud

53% Public cloud

14% Non-cloud infrastructure

Figure 15

Q22. Where do you deploy your automation solutions?

Appendix To table of contents


Same or different vendors used for automation/cloud solutions

Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415


Always use the same providers for

25% automation and cloud solutions
67% Sometimes use the same providers
9% Always use different providers

RPA users (A)

Always use the same providers for

27% automation and cloud solutions
60% Sometimes use the same providers
13% Always use different providers

Non-RPA users (B)

Always use the same providers for

24% automation and cloud solutions

69% Sometimes use the same providers

7% Always use different providers

Figure 16

Q21. Do you use the same or different vendors for automation and cloud solutions?

Appendix To table of contents


Preference for single vs. multiple automation solutions (platform vs. best of breed)
Total n=604, RPA users n=189, non-RPA users n=415


23% 5 Prefer single vendor (platform)

33% 4

22% 3

13% 2

9% 1 Prefer multiple vendors (best of breed)

RPA users (A)

23% 5 Prefer single vendor (platform)

34% 4

20% 3

14% 2

10% 1 Prefer multiple vendors (best of breed)

Non-RPA users (B)

23% 5 Prefer single vendor (platform)

32% 4

23% 3

13% 2

9% 1 Prefer multiple vendors (best of breed)

Figure 17

Q20. Do you prefer to buy automation solutions from a single vendor (platform) or from multiple
vendors (best-of-breed approach)?

Appendix To table of contents

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