Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Introduction to Computer

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions

stored in its own memory that can accept data (input), process the data
according to specified rules, produce information (output), and store the
information for future use.

parts of a computer
Whether it's a gaming system or a home PC, the five main components that
make up a typical, present-day computer include:

• A motherboard
• A Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), also known as a video card
• Random Access Memory (RAM), also known as volatile memory
• Storage: Solid State Drive (SSD) or Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

In terms of construction, each of these main components is attached to the
motherboard and then put into a protective case—resembling the clean,
polished look most of us are accustomed to seeing.

1. Motherboard

What it is: All components of a computer communicate through a circuit board

called the motherboard, as was mentioned above.

What it does: Think of the motherboard as the glue that holds everything else

(The motherboard’s video card and Central Processing Unit are contained in
an integrated (built-in) chipset, shown in the picture below:

This is where input/output devices such as a keyboard, mouse, and speakers

get plugged in.

2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

What it is: The CPU is often called the "brain" of a computer, thanks to its
direct plug connection to the motherboard, and communication with all of the
computer’s other components.

What it does: Whenever you write a line of code (in Python, Java, C++, or any
other programming language), it's broken down into assembly language—
which is a language that the processor can understand. It fetches, decodes, and
executes these instructions.

And that’s where the CPU comes in—all the processes a computer handles are
taken care of by the CPU.

3. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

What it is: It's not uncommon to hear gamers obsess over the next new
graphics card, as these graphic cards make it possible for computers to
generate high-end visuals like those found in the many different types of video

In addition to video games, though, good graphics cards also come in handy
for those who rely on images in order to execute their craft, like 3D modelers
using resource-intensive software.

What it does: Graphics cards often communicate directly with the display
monitor, meaning a graphics card won't be of much use if there isn't a high -
end monitor connected to it.

4. Random Access Memory (RAM)

What it is: RAM, also known as volatile memory, stores data regarding
frequently accessed programs and processes. (It's called volatile memory
because it gets erased every time the computer restarts.)

What it does: RAM helps programs and games start up and close quickly.

5. Storage

What it is: All computers need somewhere to store their data. Modern
computers either use a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or Solid-State Drive (SSD).

What it does: HDDs are made of an actual disk onto which data is stored. The
disk is read by a mechanical arm. (HDDs are cheaper than SSDs, but are
slowly becoming more and more obsolete.)

SSDs have no moving parts and are faster than a hard drive, because no time
is spent waiting for a mechanical arm to find data on a physical location on
the disk.

Computer Components
Any kind of computer consists of


Computer hardware is the collection of physical elements that constitutes a
computer system. Computer hardware refers to the physical parts or
components of a computer such as a monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data
storage, hard drive disk (HDD), system unit (graphic cards, sound cards,
memory, motherboard, and chips), etc. all of which are physical objects that
can be touched.

Input Devices

Input device is any peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment to provide

data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer
or other information appliance.
Input device Translate data from form that humans understand to one that the
computer can work with. Most common are keyboard and mouse

Example of Input Devices: -

1. Keyboard 2. Mouse (pointing device) 3. Microphone

4. Touch screen 5. Scanner 6. Webcam
7. Touchpads 8. MIDI keyboard 9. Joystick
10. Graphics Tablets 11. Cameras 12. Pen Input
13. Video Capture Hardware 14. Microphone 15. Trackballs
16. Barcode reader 17. Digital camera 18. Gamepad
19. Electronic Whiteboard

Note: The most common use of the keyboard is the QWERTY keyboard.
Generally, a standard Keyboard has 104 keys.

Output devices

An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to

communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information
processing system (such as a computer) that converts the electronically generated
information into human-readable form.

Example on Output Devices:

1. Monitor 2. LCD Projection Panels

3. Printers (all types) 4. Computer Output Microfilm (COM)
5. Plotters 6. Speaker(s)
7. Projector

Note Basic types of monitors are:

a. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT).
B. Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD).
c. light-emitting diode (LED).
Printer types:
1-Laser Printer.
2-Ink Jet Printer.
3-Dot Matrix Printer

Software is a generic term for organized collections of computer data and
instructions, often broken into two major categories: system software that
provides the basic non-task-specific functions of the computer, and application
software that is used by users to accomplish specific tasks.

Software Types

A. System software is responsible for controlling, integrating, and managing the

individual hardware components of a computer system so that other software

and the users of the system see it as a functional unit without having to be
concerned with the low-level details such as transferring data from memory to
disk, or rendering text onto a display. Generally, system software consists of an
operating system and some fundamental utilities such as disk formatters, file
managers, display managers, text editors, user authentication (login) and
management tools, and networking and device control software.
B. Application software is used to accomplish specific tasks other than just
running the computer system. Application software may consist of a single
program, such as an image viewer; a small collection of programs (often called
a software package) that work closely together to accomplish a task, such as a
spreadsheet or text processing system; a larger collection (often called a
software suite) of related but independent programs and packages that have a
common user interface or shared data format, such as Microsoft Office, which
consists of closely integrated word processor, spreadsheet, database, etc.; or a
software system, such as a database management system, which is a collection
of fundamental programs that may provide some service to a variety of other
independent applications.

Comparison Application Software and System Software

System Software Application Software
Computer software, or just software is
a general term primarily used for
digitally stored data such as computer Application software, also known as an
programs and other kinds of application or an "app", is computer
information read and written by software designed to help the user to
computers. The app comes under perform specific tasks.
computer software though it has a
wide scope now.
Example: 1) Opera (Web Browser)
1) Microsoft Windows 2) Microsoft Word (Word Processing)
2) Linux 3) Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheet software)
3) Unix 4) MySQL (Database Software)
4) Mac OSX 5) Microsoft PowerPoint (Presentation
5) DOS Software)
6) Adobe Photoshop
(Graphics Software)
Interaction: Generally, users do not interact with Users always interact with application
system software as it works in the software while doing different activities.
Dependency: System software can run Application software cannot run without the
independently of the application presence of the system software.

Unit of Measurements

Storage measurements: The basic unit used in computer data storage is called a
bit (binary digit). Computers use these little bits, which are composed of ones and
zeros, to do things and talk to other computers. All your files, for instance, are
kept in the computer as binary files and translated into words and pictures by the
software (which is also ones and zeros). This two-number system is called a
“binary number system” since it has only two numbers in it. The decimal number
system in contrast has ten unique digits, zero through nine.

Computer Storage units:

Bit BIT 0 or 1
Kilobyte KB 1024 bytes
Megabyte MB 1024 kilobytes
Gigabyte GB 1024 megabytes
Terabyte TB 1024 gigabytes

Speed measurement:
The speed of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) is measured by Hertz (Hz),
Which represents a CPU cycle. The speed of the CPU is known as Computer


1 hertz or Hz 1 cycle per second
1 MHz 1 million cycles per second or 1000 Hz
1 GHz 1 billion cycles per second or 1000 MHz

When talking about a computer or a "PC," you are usually referring to a desktop
computer found in a home or office. Today, however, the lines of what makes a
computer are blurring. Below are all the different examples of what is considered
a computer today.


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