CIRIA Membership Application Form (2023)
CIRIA Membership Application Form (2023)
CIRIA Membership Application Form (2023)
Application form
gain the CIRIA advantage
CIRIA Membership
Summary of the main conditions
The following points have been summarised from the (MAA) and are intended as a guide,
not as a substitute for the rules of membership. A full copy of the MAA of the Construction
Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) is available on request.
Member Representative
All member organisations appoint an individual to act as their Nominated Representative.
This is the person who acts as the member’s representative to CIRIA and in whom the voting
rights at General Meetings vest.
All Member organisations also have the right to appoint a Council Representative. This
person is authorised to attend and vote at Council meetings and represent their organisation
thereat. They may be the same person as the Nominated Representative.
Member organisations must give 6 months notice of resignation. The named subscription is
payable during this period, and all named benefits apply.
The Nominated Representative should inform CIRIA of any changes to its organisation,
particularly in terms of number of staff, turnover or construction spend that will have an
effect on its subscription band.
CIRIA Membership
Application form
Organisations supplying or procuring construction related services are eligible to become CIRIA Members.
Completed applications should be returned to:
Your name
Name of organisation
I hereby apply to be admitted as a Member of the Construction Industry Research and Information
Association (CIRIA) subject to the terms and conditions for membership (summarised on page 2), and at an
initial annual subscription (see Fees) of:
Fee £ (+VAT)
Job title
Please invoice me at the above address with purchase order number
Payment details I wish to pay by standing order:
Annually Bi-annually
*Member organisations must give six months notice of resignation.
If applicable, please provide all the related/subsidiary companies that you wish to be included in your
membership when submitting this form.
We nominate
to be our Representative* (see Summary) and to exercise all rights of membership on our behalf.
We agree to conform to the requirements of the conditions and terms of reference. Their details are:
Job title
CIRIA Membership
Micro up to 50 £1,650
Academic institutions
Annual Fee £3,300