Science-4-Cot (2) Micro Demo

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School: West Visayas State Grade FOUR

University -Janiauy Level:



Teaching Quarter: 2ND
Dates/Time: 40 MINUTES


A. Content Standards Different organisms go through life cycle which can be affected by their environment.
B. Performance
C. Learning Describe the effect of the environment on the life cycle of organisms
Competencies S4LT-IIgh-14 (MELC)
II. CONTENT Effects of the environment on the life cycle of organisms
(SUBJECT MATTER) Value Integration: Caring for the environment
III. LEARNING BEAM 4. Unit 3. Life Cycle of Animals.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 199-205
2. Learner’s pp. 160-165
Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Module in Science 4, Quarter 2, Module 4/5
Materials from Module in Science 4, Quarter 2, Module 6
B. Other Learning Laptop, speaker, cellphone, headset, activity sheets/answer sheets

1.Recall/Review A.
A. Give 5 example of terrestrial plants TERRSTIAL PLANT
and 5 aquatic plants? 1. Corn
3. Banana tree
4. Cactus
5. Anahaw

1. water lily
2. kangkong
3. gulaman 0r seeweeds
4. mangrove

B. Identify and describe the specialized B.

structure of the following plants.

Example: Durian - They have fruits with

pungent odor.
1. They have thorns all along their
1. rose stems up to their flowers and buds

2. cactus 2. Have thorn-shaped leaves

3. pineapple 3. They have rough, slightly jagged

outer protective skin that is difficult to
break through, which protects the semi-
soft and juicy yellow-fleshed fruit inside
from being damaged, or from being
eaten or destroyed by predators and

4. They are a semiaquatic, tropical plant

4. kangkong that flourishes naturally in water and
constantly moist soil. They have long
shoots, stems and leaves that are
flexible and able to move with the
water currents.

5. hey have a thick, yellow outer skin or

5. banana peel, which serves to protect the soft
fruit inside from being squished or
damaged, or from being eaten or
destroyed by predators and insects.

2.Present the song “Habitat Song”

Engaging the pupils to sing the song

and answer questions afterwards.

1.What is the song all about? About the habitat of living things

2.How many habitats/ different homes There are 6 habitat

for living things in the song?

3.What are these habitats? Forest, Grassland, Freshwater, Poles,

Deserts, and Oceans

4.How important are these habitats to A habitat meets all the environmental
the living organisms or how are these conditions an organism needs to
affect the life cycle of organisms? survive.

B. EXPLORATION Present the pictures and guide questions

will be answered by the pupils.

Activity: “What is in the Picture?”

Directions: Look at the picture

below. Describe and Identify the
environmental factors affecting
life cycle of organisms in the
following environments.
Wildfire and food


Water acidity and oxygen level

Picture 2

Soil quality and nutrient levels

Picture 3
In pic 1 we can see the forest.
Guide Questions: In pic 2 we can see the aquatic ocean
1. What kind of environment is in or aquatic.
picture 1? picture 2? picture 3? What do In pic 3 we can see the land / on the
we call this habitat? farm.
We call it surroundings or environment.

Pic 1 - Trees, wild animals like Eagle,

Monkey or an Elephant.
Pic 2 - Aquatic plants, Fish, Octopus,
2. What organisms can be
Shark and etc.
found in environment/habitat 1?
Pic 3 - grass, Cow, Goat and Carabao
habitat 2? habitat 3?
First is the sunlight, water and the soil
it affects the life of the organism living
3. What are the environmental
in their environment.
factors affecting the life cycle of
The water is the one needs of all the
living organisms to survive also it is use
4.In what way does water help
to live or the aquatic organisms needs
in the life cycle of organisms?
water to have a habitat and also it
food? shelter? space?
helps many organisms regulate
metabolism and dissolves compounds
going into or out of the body.

 Without foods all the living

organisms will be sick because of
the malnutrition.
5.What will happen to the organisms if
there is:
 Without water all the living
a. limited food?
organisms will die because of the
b. insufficient water?
hot or the sunlight from the sun.
c. Limited space for the
 If the space of the habitat of the
d. no shelter?
living organisms it will be harder
for them to find food and shelter
also this will cause many
consequences for their species,
like starvation and death of their

 It will be harder for them to live

and it increased danger for all
the living things.

 A habitat is a place where

an organism makes its
home. Some examples of
habitats are the forest,
farm, wetlands, ocean,
freshwater, and desert. A
habitat meets all the
environmental conditions an (student can raise their hand if they
organism needs to survive. have an answer.)
 The main components of a
habitat are shelter, water,
food, and space. A habitat
is said to have a suitable
arrangement when it has
the correct amount of all of
 The environmental factors
affecting the life cycle of
organisms are as follows:
food, water, shelter and
space. Each factor affects in
the life cycle of the

 Food is an environmental
factor needed by all
organisms. They use it to
get energy and perform life
processes. Food is also
needed for organisms’
growth and development of
the body.

 Living organisms need

water to survive. Other
organisms require water to
break down food molecules
or generate energy during
the respiration process.
Water also helps many
organisms regulate
metabolism and dissolves
compounds going into or
out of the body.

 An organism’s shelter
protects it from other
animals and extreme
weather. Shelter also
provides space for eating,
sleeping, hunting, and
raising a family. Shelters
come in many forms. A (student can raise their hand if they
single tree, for example, have an answer.)
can provide sheltered
habitats for many different

 Organisms need a living

space or enough area for
them to obtain resources
like food, water, and
oxygen. It is also an area
where they can express
their physical and social

Directions: In 1-2 sentences,
describe the effects of the
following environments on the
life cycle of organisms.
(Student will answer in the sheet of
1. paper.)



(Student will answer in the sheet of


D. ELABORATION A. Directions: Look at the picture below and answer the questions that


1. What can you say about the picture? What organisms can you see?

2. What environmental factors are present in the picture of habitat?

3. Why do you think are water, food, shelter, and space important
to the organisms in that particular habitat?

4. What do you think will happen to the life cycle of organisms if all
environmental factors are present in a habitat? What if one or all
of the factors are absent?

5. How can you help organisms continue having a normal life cycle in
the environment?
Directions: Complete the table below by describing the effects of the
kind of environment to the life cycle of organisms. Then, answer the
questions that follow.

Type of Environment Effect to the life cycle of organisms

1. polluted seawater

2. deforested mountain

3. food shortage for animals in the zoo

4. overpopulated fishpond


1. What did you realize from the activity above?

2. What will happen if the environment cannot provide the needs of

the different living organisms?
3. How can you help maintain an environment that can sustain the needs
and life cycle of different organisms?

E. EVALUATION A. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers in your answer sheet.
1. It is something that provides nutrients to an organism’s body.
A. food B. shelter C. space D. water

2. It is vital for bodily functions such as regulation of temperature,

nutrient uptake, removing wastes, body weight, and health.
A. food B. shelter C. space D. water

3. What do you call the suitable environment for organisms that provide
a wide range for their needs?
A. food B. shelter C. space D. water

4. It cares for organisms needing protection and protects them from

other organisms and extreme weather conditions. B. shelter C. space D. water

5. The substances that provide energy for activity, growth, and all
functions of the body is called .
A. Nutrients B. shelter C. space D. water

6. Which of the following will happen if organisms will not have a

suitable environment to live in?
A. Their number will increase.
B. Their number will decrease.
C. They will satisfy their needs.
D. Their number will be the same

7. What do you think will happen if there will be no enough food in the
environment for different organisms?
A. Organisms will stay in their habitat.
B. Life cycle of organisms will continue.
C. There will be more competition for food.
D. Death among organisms will become less.

8. Which of the following should be avoided so as not to affect the

water, food, shelter, and space in the environment?
A. reforestation
B. controlled mining
C. water conservation
D. converting forest to residential areas

9. Why is space needed by living organisms?

A. They need it for protection.
B. They need it to maintain proper bodily functions.
C. They need to sustain the nutrients needed by their body.
D. They need it to express their physical and social behavior.

10. All of the following are factors that affect the life cycle of organisms,
A.air B. food C. Shelter D. water

B. Directions: List five (5) possible effects of environmental factors to

the life of organisms. Do this in your answer sheet.






F. Additional activities Directions: Get a piece of bond paper and pencil. Draw a habitat
for application and
where there is the presence of the different environmental factors
such as food, water, shelter and space. You will be rated using the
rubric below.
Rubrics for the Activity

Category 5 3 1

Demonstrate Demonstrate Lack

quality some quality Demonstration
of quality

Creativity Light original Lacks
original idea
idea original idea

Content is Lack of
Realism evident content is
12-15 - Excellent
8-11 - Better
4-7 Points-Good
0-3 points - Needs Improvement

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
activities for
who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my
Teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solved?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/ discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared & Demonstrated by: ALLYSA MARIE C. SILBOL


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