TPM-The Need of The Hour For The Ethiopian Textile Industry: January 2013
TPM-The Need of The Hour For The Ethiopian Textile Industry: January 2013
TPM-The Need of The Hour For The Ethiopian Textile Industry: January 2013
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3 authors, including:
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The primary goal of total productive maintenance (TPM) program is to change the culture of the industry
maintenance policy by participation of all employees toward the maintenance system of the company. It aims to
reduce unplanned stoppage, breakdowns accidents and losses obstructing equipment effectiveness. In most of
Ethiopian industries maintenance is considered as evil activity. This paper is aimed at implementation of TPM
in Ethiopian textile industry (KK Textile Industry PLC, Addis Ababa) is presented. This study has exploited
various research methodologies by exploring their contribution toward the best triumph of the anticipated
results. Relevant primary and secondary information was congregated to induce superior maintenance system
for the industry. The relevant secondary data was collected from the technical manual, monthly and annual
report of the industry. Information was also gathered using questionnaire and interview in structured way
besides direct observation on site visit to enable the investigator to keep tracking the responses. The collected
data mainly aims at assessing the existing maintenance system and the future business plan of the industry. Data
analysis in the research has been conducted using appropriate tools in order to identify core problems in the
specified company. Based on the analysis for various maintenance activities of the industry, some work flow
and systems are developed and proposed. Finally, TPM system is developed along with its implementation and
master plan for the case industry.
Keywords: Total productive maintenance, OEE, textile industry.
for this may be the poor maintenance management quality product. The objectives of the research are
system of the industries does not allow the industries to critically examine and investigate the problems
to become more competitive. Maintenance is one of of the existing maintenance system of the industry,
the areas to be given due consideration in modern to study the maintenance system of the industry,
management to increase machine productivity and to identifying the causes of the existing problems
to produce quality products as well. The modern and propose developed maintenance system and
business world is exploiting better mechanisms to implementation model for the industry.
be competitive, so the last thing the industries need
is better maintenance management system, if they Scope and Limitation of the Study
are to provide better product to get in their own way The study conducted in the KK Textile Industry
to develop suitable system for the success of their PLC is based on the available data, questionnaire,
business. interview and visit. The available data is taken only
for fiscal year of 2006-2007 due to poor recording and
Generally the study will focus on assessing the reporting system prevailing in the industry. Further
existing maintenance system of the KK Textile more, the author couldn’t find a single industry,
Industry PLC to investigate potential area of which has experienced in the implementation of
improvement so as to develop and implement the TPM in the country to share the experience for TPM
TPM to the best achievement of the objective. development program for the industry. Hence, the
authors persuaded to rely on the literature review.
KK Textile Industry PLC is one of modern textile
industries in Ethiopia and the machineries are Significance of the Study
computerized except the one which bought from The study will have significant contributions to
Akaki textile industries. The industry is capable the industry to have well established maintenance
of producing different items through new and system that facilitates it to provide better services
computerized machineries but what is distressing is to its customer. Further more; the study can be used
that the industry has been operating under its planned with small adaptation in similar Ethiopian textile
capacity due to high rate of unplanned failure. industries. The study is also valuable for further and
Generally, the maintenance system of the industry better research.
is based on poor integration of all functions and
processes in the organization, which results in high LITERATURE REVIEW
maintenance cost, less availability and reliability of The goal of TPM focuses on improving corporate
equipments, high total maintenance hour and man culture through improvement of human resources
hour, frequent failure of machineries, low profit, low and plant equipment. The Japan institute of plant
production, and low workers dissatisfactions. maintenance (JIPM) has put forward the five goals
of TPM which are the minimum requirements for the
As the country is having high demand of textile TPM development (JIPM): (i) Improving equipment
products, enhancing the performance of the industry effectiveness. (ii) Improving maintenance efficiency
through implementing well developed and organized and effectiveness. (iii) Early equipment management
maintenance system will not only help the industry and maintenance prevention. (iv) Training to improve
to have efficient way of maintaining its different the skills of all people involved. (v) Involving
machineries but also it contributes its experience operators in routine maintenance.
for the similar industries toward providing high
Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 6(2) 103-126, 2013 105
Benefits of TPM
Johansson and Nord (1999) depicted the following The 5S
benefits derived from the implementation of TPM: The 5S (Table 1) practice is a preparatory phase
• Delivering the right quantity at the right time, in of TPM which is a technique used to establish and
the right quality. maintain quality environment in an organization.
• Productivity is improved through fewer losses in 5S improves safety, work efficiency, improves
the company. productivity and establishes a sense of ownership.
• Quality is also improved as a result, that the The 5S is developed in Japan for work place
failures and malfunctions are reduced and the organization and house keeping and represents
order and method are focused. for Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu
• The cost are lower, because the losses, and other and shitsuke which connote organization, tidiness,
not value generating work are reduced. cleaning, standardization and discipline respectively
• The delivery time can be kept better, because the (,
production without disturbances is easier to plan.
• Environment and security are better, because Table 1. 5S nomenclature.
leakages are tightened.
Japanese/ Features
• Motivation is higher, because the responsibility English 5S/
and rights are delegated and the investment in the English 5C
personnel is done, in the form of education. Seiri/ Sort out unnecessary items
Sort/ form the workplace and
• Plant productivity can be improved and overall Clear discard them
plant efficiency can be enhanced by 1.5 to 2 times Seiton/ Arrange necessary items in
Set in order/ good order so that they can be
from the existing.
Configure easily picked up for use
• Lower operating costs. Seisio/ Clean the workplace
• Improved equipment life span. Shine/ completely to make it free
Clean and check from dust, dirt and clutter
• Better ability to satisfy customer’s needs by
Seiketsu/ Maintain high standard of
100%. Standardize/ house keeping and workplace
Further more, better understanding of the Conformity organization
Shitsuke/ Train and motivate people to
performance of their equipment can be achieved by Sustain/ follow good housekeeping
operator through better training which lead to have Custom and practice disciplines autonomously
better equipment performance.
Benefits of TPM for operators and maintenance
personnel: (i) Increased skills through additional Once fully implemented, the 5S process can increase
training, (ii) Better job satisfaction: Operators- morale, create positive impressions on customers,
More involvement in solving annoying equipment and increase efficiency and organization (Melesse
problems and Maintenance-More challenging work. Workneh and Singh, 2012; Johansson and Nord,
(iii) Better job security. 1999).
Pillars of Total Productive Maintenance Once fully implemented, the 5S process can increase
The JIPM proposed a series eight pillars of TPM in morale, create positive impressions on customers,
a systematic way to optimize plant and equipment and increase efficiency and organization (Melesse
efficiency by crating perfect relationship between Workneh Wakjira and Singh, 2012; Johansson and
man and equipment. Nord, 1999).
106 Ejigayehu Lemma et al.
Autonomous Maintenance (Jishu Hozen) activities carried out in planned maintenance system
Autonomous maintenance is a unique feature of to have trouble free machines and equipments
TPM that aimed at developing machine operators producing defect free products for total customer
to become responsible for maintaining of their satisfaction: Maintenance activities, and Kaizen
equipment, taking care of routine maintenance tasks, activities.
and elimination of production defects at source.
These require the operator to be able to sense and Planned maintenance has eight activities conducted
find abnormality of the equipment (Robinson and by maintenance department (Robinson and Ginder,
Ginder, 1995). To acquire the above mentioned 1995) viz., support and guidance to autonomous
ability, operator should have the following basic maintenance, zero failure activities, planned
abilities: Ability to tell normality from abnormality maintenance structure, lubrication management, spare
precisely; Accustomed to strictly keeping the rules parts management, maintenance cost management,
of condition control; Ability to take quick and proper predictive maintenance and diagnostic method, and
actions against the abnormality. enhancement of maintenance technology and skill.
This reasons enough to make training a necessity. products especially cotton blankets, and agricultural
Training is an integral part of TPM. Training the products.
operators and the maintenance workers helps to Manufacturing: Dyed, acrylic yarn, and blankets of
achieve zero breakdowns as many breakdowns are a different quality, size, design, and color.
result of lack of skill (Johansson and Nord, 1999).
Maintenance System of the Industry
Office TPM Maintenance system of the blanket factory
This pillar involves other functions of the The maintenance system of the industry is according
organization to focus on improving productivity, to the skill of the maintenance personnel. The
bringing better efficiency in administrative function maintenance department of the industry has no
and eliminating losses. The aim of office TPM is to manual. The researcher’s tried to find the problem
make the production system efficient through the that the industry does not have the manuals, the
entire organizational activity. Office TPM addresses answer found was the equipment vendor’s didn’t
twelve major losses. They are - Processing loss; give enough material. The maintenance personnel
Cost loss including in areas such as procurement, just changes the items which failed by the operation
accounts, marketing, sales leading to high inventories; after the failure occurs. There is no analysis done to
Communication loss; Idle loss; Setup loss; Accuracy find the causes and the effect of the failure.
loss; Office equipment breakdown; Communication
channel breakdown, telephone and fax lines; Time Some of the maintenance plan of the industry
spent on retrieval of information; Non availability contains cleaning and making minor inspection on
of correct on line stock status; Customer complaints the machineries. The plans are not based on the
due to logistics; Expenses on emergency dispatches/ maintenance manuals due to unavailability. The
purchases. maintenance system the company uses is almost 85%
breakdown type and very small percentage about
2.2.8 Safety, Health and Environment 15% lubrication and change of oils. The maintenance
The basic principle of safety, health and environment system of the company doesn’t allow the operators
is to minimize the number of accidents, health to change any items before it break.
problems and damage to the environment. This pillar
plays a great role in the other pillars that addresses
workplace organization and discipline, regular
inspections and servicing, and standardization of
work procedures.
Table 2. Sample of monthly production of blanket to the machines are out of operation the company
(June to November, 2007). is loosing its profit. The idle time records show that
86 percent of the idle time is due to the shortage of
Months Production (Pieces) spare parts and the other minor causes are shown
June 20967 in the Figure 1. Table 2 shows the production of
July 27817
the new and old blanket factories during the last
August 24954
September 28550 six months. Table 3 shows the production and the
October 29217 waste products from June to November, 2007. Table
November 28848 4 shows the defect types recorded from June to
November, 2007.
Table 3. Production and the waste products (June to
November, 2007).
Overall equipment effectiveness
Months Production Waste Percent
Overall equipment efficiency (OEE) is a tool that
(Kg) (Kg) combines multiple manufacturing issues and data
June 91928.8 13227 14.38 points to provide information about the process. It is
July 78372.6 12615 16.09 an all inclusive benchmarking tool that serves to gauge
August 80286.8 11918.4 14.84
the various subcomponents of the manufacturing
September 68958.1 8601 12.47
process (i.e., availability, performance and quality)-
October 82927.8 11171.7 13.47
November 63251.6 8202 12.47 and used to measure actual improvements on 5S,
lean manufacturing, TPM, Kaizen and six sigma.
In current situation around 9 machines failed and When using OEE with these management systems
stopped operation out of 15 machines. All machines the benefits become tangible and noteworthy (www.
stopped by the problem of spare parts and this shows
that the maintenance system of the company doesn’t After all factors are taken into account, the OEE
follow the correct maintenance procedure and due result is converted (transmuted) in percentage. The
results (in %), therefore, can be regarded as a preview
Table 4. Defect types recorded (June to November, of the existing production efficiency of a particular
2007). line, cell or machine.
Salvage Loom Raising Cutting Total Having the right metrics, OEE provides a window
pantor waste (Kg)
to analyze out of the ordinary issues and gives you
June an established framework for improving the whole
4154 383.5 7303.5 1386 13227
manufacturing process.
4235.5 538.5 6587.5 1253.5 12615
OEE = Actual output ÷ Theoretical maximum
4039 518.5 5936.5 1424.4 11918.4 or, OEE = Availability ratio × Performance ratio ×
September Quality ratio
3371 639.5 3461.5 1129 8601 Availability ratio-the share of the actual production
time and the planned production time.
3913.1 743.3 5399.5 1115.8 11171.7
Availability = [Operation time (Scheduled time
3081.9 684.6 3496.5 939 8202 available–Downtime) ÷ Scheduled time available] ×
Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 6(2) 103-126, 2013 109
Performance ratio-Loss of production due to collected for randomly selected machineries. The
underutilization of the machinery. In other words, major losses that are identified and the OEE of the
losses are incurred when the equipment is not run selected machineries presented as follows.
with full speed. Short, unregistered, stops may affect • Equipment failure loss: In the industry the highest
the performance ratio as well. loss that hinders the efficiency of the machineries
is equipment failure loss.
Performance ratio=Processed amount × Ideal cycle • Setup and adjustment loss: This loss occurs
time ÷ Operation time mainly at the shift and rest time of the operators.
Quality ratio- The amount of the production that has Frequently, it is observed that the machineries
to be discharged or scrapped. are not operational at this time to prepare for the
Quality ratio=Amount good ÷ Total amount ensuing operation.
produced • Startup loss: In the industry at the beginning of
the machine there is small time loss to warm up
It is a significant performance indicator in TPM the machine.
which enables one to know how much the equipment • Minor stoppage and idling loss: The minor
is utilized to the fullest. A high level of equipment stoppage loss is the one in which minor trouble
effectiveness can be achieved only when all three causes the machine to refrain from operation.
rates are high. When breakage occurs during operation on
weaving machine and transpalet machine,
As it has been delineated previously, the method unplanned stoppage for cleaning and lubrication
distinguishes the six big loss types, and three is one of the minor stoppage and idling loss occur
key performance measurements: availability, on the factory.
performance rate and quality rate that combines • Speed loss: The weaving machines maximum
into one consolidated metric. To find the overall designed speed is 450rpm but the machines are
equipment efficiency of the textile industry, running with the speed of 280rpm.
identifying the six major losses of the machines • Defect and rework loss: The defects in the
was the first stride by organizing under three key blanket factory are not re worked but discarded as
factors. And then data pertinent to those losses was
waste but in the acrylic yarn factory most defects Unplanned stoppage means the period during which
are sold by lower price. In general the defects are the line is stopped due to equipment failure, setup,
likely to be considered as waste which should be adjustment, and change over and so forth. To find
disposed of. the availability of the machines, equipment failure
Calculating overall equipment effectiveness: loss of ten days is collected and shown in Table 5.
Some of the data pertinent to the above loss are Performance rate:
difficult to obtain, since the industry doesn’t apply It is expressed as:
the OEE concepts in evaluating the performance Performance rate=Speed operating rate × Net
of the machines at the individual level. It has been operating rate (2)
attempted to gather some relevant data to estimate
the OEE of the typical machinery. To find the performance rate for the machines,
the collected data (Table 6) indicates that the
Availability: scheduled speed of the machineries is 280rpm. The
The availability is the ratio of time needed for quality section performed calculations to find the
operating the equipment to the time actually performance of the machines. Table 6 shows the
consumed for operation and it is expressed as: performance of weaving machine.
Availability= Actual running time ÷ Scheduled According to the records the average performance
running time (1) rate of the pantor loom (weaving machine) is 80%.
From the observations and few recorded data Quality is fitness to use or exceeding customer
to calculate the availability of the machine, the satisfaction and so on. In the case industry the quality
researcher has treated the weaving machines as a parameters are defined in two factories that is blanket
whole as one machine and considered the available and acrylic yarn factory. The quality problems in
machines in that departments. Therefore accordingly the blanket factory arise from different reasons. But
the available machines on the days are collected and recorded data shows that the main reason for poor
recorded in the Table 5. quality product is negligence of operators.
Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 6(2) 103-126, 2013 111
Table 7. Yearly production plan of 2005/06. 3.2.3 Maintenance area of acrylic yarn factory
Acrylic yarn factory is one part of company and
Type of Production Actual its main products are different color yarns. During
product plan (Kg) production(Kg) the research period the researcher found that most
100gm yarn 1381200 480602.4 of the machineries in the factory are working and
250gm yarn 3222800 2745921 there was no recorded data available to assess the
250gm millage 0 12900.25 past data. The data
available to assess the production and quality of the
Table 8. Yearly production plan of 2006/07. factory are shown in Tables 7-9. The sample data
of the yarn production and the average waste taken
Type of Production Actual Actual/ from the monthly report of five months is as shown
product plan (Kg) production Planned
in the Table 9.
(Kg) (%)
100gm yarn 706500 144700 20
3.3 Problem Areas in KK Textile Industry PLC
250gm yarn 1468500 1591329 108
3.3.1 Allotting the maintenance activities to the
250gm 0 4900 -
millage operator in both acrylic yarn and blanket factories
In industry all maintenance activities are only
done by maintenance division which encompasses
Table 9. Sample data of type and amount of defects maintenance foreman. Deterioration prevention
in three years. based on fixed interval of time and restoration of the
equipment are the basic activities of the maintenance
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Total division of the industry. The purpose is to achieve
Defect type: industry goals through the implementation of
Bar mark:
operator initiated daily maintenance consisting of
569.64 413.2 376.05 1358.89
cleaning, adjustment, and regular inspections, as
Died cut:
well as improvement activities. And the maintenance
689.56 470.16 335.96 1495.68
Shrinkage: division also needs to participate only in inspection
325.85 248.8 67.05 641.7 and restoration of equipment which requires high
1585.05 1132.16 779.06 skill and specialization.
Retightening of loose parts on the above mentioned Executing training to develop the maintenance skill
machineries. of the maintenance personnel and operators on
(iii) Keep operating condition for Obem dyeing industry
machine, weaving boilers and other machines: (a) It is proposed that, the industry need to focus on
Operating properly. (b) Proper loading based on the providing continuous training to all of its operators
capacity of the machines. to increase the life and availability of the equipment.
(iv) Accomplishing minor inspection for the The following points picked out from the study that
equipments and machines: (a) Appearance inspection some of the skills that operators of the company
for the machines listed above. (b) Noise, vibration need to acquire are:
etc. tracking while operating by understanding • Ability to detect causal abnormalities.
irregularities for internal deterioration by the five • Ability to perform minor inspection and
senses. (c) Reporting the condition of the equipment restoration and more.
immediately for further investigation if it is
required. The training provided to the maintenance men
• The maintenance personnel’s of the two focuses on developing them as a teacher and leaders
factories duty should be: in the maintenance field. They should act in close
(i) Execution of time based maintenance for all the cooperation with operators. Some of the skills that
machines in the industry: (a) Prepare annual, monthly the maintenance men of both factories should have
and weekly maintenance plan for the weaving, include:
raising, and other machineries in the industry. (b) • Ability to prepare and train operators in both
Perform the above plans accordingly. factories.
(ii) Standardization of following points: (a) • Ability to promptly discover causes when ever
Standardization of replacement for every machinery a failure occurs for machineries.
in the industry. (b) Standardization of maintenance • Ability to make the repairs and checking of
activities and methods for every machinery in the equipment before handing it over.
industry. (c) Standardization of inspection methods • Ability to trace the causes of failure.
for all machines.
(iii) Providing training to the operators in both
acrylic and blanket factories.
(iv) Diagnosing failure mode and effect analysis
when failure occurs in any machine within the
(v) Prevent recurrence of failure that has occurred in
routine operation.
(vi) Discover potential failures (fatigue, faults and
equipment weaknesses) of priority equipment. Figure 2. Simplified maintenance system model.
3.3.2 Standardization of maintenance activities
In the industry it is observed that, most of maintenance
activities are executed without the base of standards. Proposed area of computerization for the industry
The following area is proposed for the industry to be Areas that many textile industries are now turning
standardized to have consistent maintenance system their attention are toward developing and using
(Appendix 1). computer programs geared toward control of
Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 6(2) 103-126, 2013 113
the maintenance organization. In light of this, it actual work activities and the resource needs, such as
is proposed that the industry need to force itself tools, materials and work skills for the maintenance
toward exploitation of the benefits from these eras task. Where as scheduling is the assignment of
technology to survive through cost effective solution numerous planned jobs into a defined period of time
to most of its problems. to optimize the use of the resources. Execution of
the maintenance task consists of such activities as
Improving the maintenance workflow installation, inspection, modification, restoration
No functions that are proposed in the above will and repair of the equipments.
be effective unless a workflow is developed for
planning and scheduling maintenance work. Once As it has been delineated in the previous sections,
established, this workflow must be followed the maintenance activities of the industry are not
consistently if significant results are to be expected. well equipped with training and work standards.
The maintenance workflow model proposed for the The proposed model incorporates training,
industry shown in Figure 2 is developed by taking autonomous maintenance, improvement concepts
the maintenance activities as a system that has an and standardization of the maintenance activities that
input and out put. Since maintenance system is a makes the model far better than the existing system.
complex system, irrespective of its function and In model the operators in both factories involve in
size. Internally, it is composed of interrelated and minor inspections, more over training is provided
interdependent parts. Externally to the maintenance for them to have know how of their equipment.
system, there are components that impact on The maintenance men are also trained to reduce
and/or are impacted by the organization. All are the repair mistakes and to prepare them to teach
interconnected and affect other systems to varying and lead the operators with better knowledge. This
degrees. Distinguish between activities moving simple proposed model is sustainable if and only if
into the system and those moving out of the system a industry implements the TPM system since the
were the first step in modeling the work flow. This central core of the TPM system is to integrate every
way of looking at the maintenance system enables activities of a industry with maintenance department
to incorporate all constituent parts that will assist in as well as involving the operators in maintenance
planning and coordinating recourses and activities. activities.
Further more, feedback the results of the out put in Overall TPM Development Program for the
to the maintenance system is also considered as a Industry
vital element for future development of the system. The implementation of TPM in the industry is intended
The input and out put that are considered for the to be carried out devising the implementation steps
maintenance activities of the industry are shown in systematically by breaking down each activities of
Figure 2. the appropriate pillars of TPM and leveling them
according to their priority. It is supposed that full
The main activities in maintenance system are implementation of TPM program of the industry will
planning, scheduling and execution of all practical take minimum 42 months. And also, the three years
maintenance work requests within their required of the program is partitioned into six implementation
completion dates. This work will include all levels which they will have six months of equal
breakdown and preventive maintenance tasks and interval. In each level, the required implementation
corrective work. Planning consists of planning the steps for each activity of the selected pillars of TPM
114 Ejigayehu Lemma et al.
executed according to their precedence. The target production and technique manager of the
is set for each level and the results are measured industry?
against it. If the implementation of that level is • Have the TPM lectures for corporate managers
successfully succeeded, the immediate level will be such as productions managers, quality control and
started to be implemented. But, if it fails, a thorough marketing managers been planned?
investigation carried out to discover the causes of • Is publicity given to the top management
the failure so as to use for the upcoming practice decision to implement TPM through industry
and the process of the achievement keeps on until it bulletin?
becomes satisfactory. The proposed execution model • Is presentation made for the purpose and
of the implementation process is shown in Appendix prospective effects of TPM to president in a case
A. Before the launching of the implementation where TPM introduction has decided by industry
model there is preparatory step. In this step the business department?
commitments of top management and necessary • Is owner of the industry an advocator for
budget will be allocated. An overview of TPM and TPM?
committee will be formed for each TPM pillars. It Is it decided to spend money and time for achieving
takes six months to perform such activity. improvement of equipment and human psychological
TPM implementation plan constitution through TPM in the industry?
This section endowed with developed steps that are Has declaration of introduction been ever made by
required to implement TPM system in KK Textile operators of the machine?
Industry PLC. However, the scope of this developed
implementation plan is that it is not exhaustive 2. Introductory education and campaign of TPM:
which entail iterative process and multidisciplinary • Is the purpose of TPM implementation
team for effective implementation plan. understood by all levels of the employees in the
Introductory step (step zero) • Did top management such as textile manager
The introductory step of TPM implementation plan and others participate in PM excellent plant award
used to make commitment of top management, and to winners lecture?
allocate the necessary budget for the implementation. • Did top management of the industry participate
In this step the TPM committee is established and in TPM lectures for the management?
any introductory lesson should be given step by step. • Did top management participate in TPM
Finally the introductory step should be evaluated executives’ course?
according to the questions prepared to asses it. • Did managers of different departments in the
industry participate in TPM manager’s course?
1. Announce top management of textile industry • Did supervisors and operators participate in
decision to introduce TPM: TPM training courses for the production field
• Did top management of textile industry make leaders?
an announcement to implement TPM? • Did team leaders participate in TPM training
• Is the announcement made in the board of courses for the production field leaders of the
directors of industry meetings? industry?
• Is the announcement made in meeting of textile • Have the employees been educated using TPM
industry general manager, finance manager, video and slides?
administration manager, commercial manager • Is the education disseminated by production
Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 6(2) 103-126, 2013 115
field leaders to the ordinary employees?
• Is campaigning of TPM done using posters, Setting basic policies and target for TPM (Establish
slogans etc in the industry? basic TPM policies and goals):
• Is sufficient budget secured from industry top • Is the TPM integration into the basic business
management for introductory education? policy of the industry or corporate mid/long term
• Did the top management of the industry take business plan clarified?
initiative in receiving the education? • Is the ideal condition clarified by each working
• Did the top management arrange the education level of the industry?
at each level of hierarchy in the industry? • Has the time needed for reaching PM excellent
• Did the top management of the industry evaluate award been predicted for the industry?
the progress of education? • Are the TPM targets decided for the followings
in the industry: (i) Failure reduction percentage?
3. Establishing TPM promoting organization and (ii) Overall equipment efficiency?
pilot organizations model: • Is the PM award screening level compared with
• Has the TPM committee been organized to the benchmark to predict the achievement and
promote TPM throughout the textile industry? estimate cost to effect for the industry?
• Does TPM promoting committee have a • Have the basic business policy or mid/long term
promotion office and full time personnel? business plan, cost management of the industry
• Are subcommittees organized by theme to be with TPM activities and targets of the industry
tackled and “Kobetsu-Kaizen” project teams for been adjusted?
the followings: (i) Public relations for the whole • Is the TPM basic policy confirmed and applied
industry? (ii) Education and training for the satisfactorily in the lower level of the industry?
operators in the industry? (iii) “Kebetsu-Kaizen”?
(iv) “Jishu Hozen”? (v) Planned maintenance? 5. TPM master plan:
(vi) Safety hygienic and environmental factors? • Is the promotion organization in the industry
• Are chiefs and managers of different departments established?
in the industry are TPM committee members? • Do adequate numbers of over lapping small
• Is TPM promotion organization and its groups in hierarchical system and promotion
personnel allocation done by top management of secretariat exist in the organization?
the industry? • Have the policy, targets and achievement goals
• Do the following committees of the industry been set?
held meetings once in a month: (i) TPM promotion • Are the following activities being exercised
committee in the industry? (ii) Section promotion in the industry: (i) TPM news? (ii) Contest
committee in the industry? (iii) Subcommittee using activities status board? (iii) Provision for
of the “Kobetsu Kaizen”? (iv) Subcommittee of presentation of activities? (iv) Organization of
“Jishu Hozen”? (v) Subcommittee of “planned Kaizen teams? (v) Selection of Kaizen theme?
maintenance”? (vi) Subcommittee of “initial (vi) Establishment of planned maintenance
production and flow control”? (vii) Subcommittee system? (vii) Management of lubricant and spare
of “Hinshitsu Hozen”? (viii) Subcommittee of parts? (viii) Establishing the initial production
“office improvement”? (vii) Subcommittee of and flow control? (ix) Standardization of process
“education and training”? (ix) Subcommittee of methods? (x) 3M (man, machine, material)
“safety and environmental factors”? analysis? (xi) FME and PM analysis? (xii)
116 Ejigayehu Lemma et al.
Simplification of accounting related procedures? TPM basic policy to be applied in the industry?
(xiii) Kaizen of production management system? (ii) TPM target for the industry? (iii) TPM
(xiv) Development of warehouse and storage development master plan of the industry? (iv)
management? (xv) Safety inspection manual? Repetition of decision making by top management
(xvi) Daily safety management activities? (xvii) of the industry? (v) Declaration of challenging
Establishing education system? (xviii) Individual PM excellent award by the representative of the
ability development? (xix) Maintenance skill employees of the industry?
training? (xx) Support for “Jishu Hozen” • Has the top management of the industry attended
activities? the kickoff meeting to reconfirm the declaration
of TPM introduction?
TPM kickoff: • Are encouragement speeches by guests from
• Is the announcement of TPM introduction made similar textile and other industries organized?
to all employees in the industry? • Are the customers of the industry, affiliated
• Is it confirmed if every employee in the industry companies and cooperative companies invited to
agrees with the top management policy of TPM? the event?
• Is any event to commemorate the occasion • Has the introductory TPM education been
planned when all the employees in the industry finished before kickoff day?
agree with the decision of the top management • Has the necessary arrangements made in
to completely eliminate 16 major losses of the advance concerning the events which will be held
industry? on the kickoff day?
• Is the right environment created in the • Has the round tour of production floor been
industry where every employee of the industry made to ask the forefront operators whether
agrees with the top management policy of TPM end purpose of TPM introduction been fully
implementation? understood?
• Is the morale of all employees in the industry
heightens to an extent where they can challenge Step 1: Declaration by board of directors and general
the ultimate end aggressively? manager to introduce TPM in the industry.
• Are the presentations made on these topics: (i) The commitment of the top management of the
industry is indispensable for rapid promotion of
Table 10. Introductory education conducted to the
TPM. In this step the following activities should
section head.
be conducted: (i) Meeting conducted by the board
Sections Heads No. of Person
of director of the industry to announce that the
Administration head 1
implementation of TPM is decided. (ii) To prepare a
Finance manager 1
Production and technique 1 schedule for training the managers of the industry.
Productivity improvement and 1 Step 2: Introductory education and campaign of
quality head TPM.
Marketing and sales head 1 After the declarations is made the introductory
Maintenance and technical 3
education to the managers and to all employees of the
department head
Blanket production head 1 industry conducted according to the plan scheduled
Store head 1 by the top managers. Initially, the introductory
Spare parts store head 1 education is presented to each head divisions of the
Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 6(2) 103-126, 2013 117
• Planned maintenance: Automate the operation The other situation analyzed from the data collected
system: (a) Based on the above study, initially review is the amount of waste (Figure 4). In this case it is
the type of hardware and software available in the difficult to analyze the amount of waste in Kg with
market. (b) Measure the performance of the system. the previous month waste, because it is proportional
(c) Train the maintenance men and the operator in to the amount of product. Therefore the researcher’s
the use of the system. (d) Implement the system. realized the percentage of waste.
• Improvement activity: (i) Clarify the phenomenon
of the weaving machine selected. (ii) Practice Figure 5 reveals that the wastage is not in increasing
industrial engineering techniques. rate. This is not to show that the company should be
• Quality maintenance: (i) Remove unnecessary satisfied by the result but still it has to perform much
motions in the industry shop floor. (ii) Remove to decrease the amount of waste scientifically.
the process which don’t add value to the product.
(iii) Apply just in time manufacturing process to Data collected and tabulated in Table 4 shows that
minimize inventory cost. there are four types of defects in the process of
• Office TPM: (i) Clear the emergency passages blanket. Figure 6 shows comparative analysis of the
and set standard to check them. (ii) Allocate articles types of defects in blanket.
in correct place.
• Safety and environmental factors: (i) Give Data analysis of acrylic yarn factory
one point lesson to employees of the industry. (ii) Figures 7-8 shows annual production plan and actual
Encourage the participation in the activities. production of acrylic yarn factory in 2005/2006 and
• Training: (i) Upgrade maintenance and operation 2006/2007 years. Figure 9 shows type and amount
skill. (ii) Increase the technological power of of defects in three years.
diagnosing equipment. • Defect: Bar mark, Cause: Improper loading,
Over loading, Stick misallocation, Over loading the
Data Analysis • Defect: Cutting, Cause: Improper detaching
the package, Carelessness in unloading, Carelessness
Data analysis of blanket factory in loading.
The required data are not available especially to • Defect: Shade variation, Cause: Raw material
asses the maintenance effectiveness of the industry, problem, Non uniform in quality, Mixed yarn, Low
but few related data are collected to asses the over quality yarn, Poor supervisor, Color incompatibility,
all performance and problem areas of the industry. Operator negligence.
As it can be analyzed from the Table 2 which shows • Defect: Shrinkage, Cause: Improper Loading
the monthly production of blanket the production and Stick misallocation.
of the factory is about to decrease as indicated in
the Figure 3. This is caused by different problems
of the company. One of the problems assessed is RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the unplanned stoppages of the machineries caused Some of the problems observed during the study are
by the shortage of spare parts. When we think listed as follows:
of production we have to think the health of the • The industry doesn’t have any maintenance
machineries first. Otherwise the unplanned stoppage record and during the study it was difficult to get data
is expecting situation. of each machine. In TPM concept the machineries
Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 6(2) 103-126, 2013 123
should have their own history and records. This aids • Concerning safety and environmental factors
the industry to perform the maintenance operation the industry has good attempt on environmental
smoothly. pollution by purifying the polluted water by different
• The above problems lead the company even to mechanisms. Even though the environmental safety
spend more money for maintenance and also high is satisfactory the attempt should be done on the
down time. Unplanned stoppages are also high and safety of the workers in the two factories. The
many machines are stopped by the shortage of the chemical in the acrylic factory and the dusts in the
spare parts. blanket factories are causing series problem on the
• From the observations and interviews there is workers. But still the observer did not observe any
lack of good management system and the workers worker who wears safety goggle or material.
of the industry compare their payment with the other • Kobetsu Kaizen (continuous improvement)
similar industries in that area. This causes the workers concept has not been applied by the industry.
to become highly dissatisfied. The operators of the • During the study the researcher’s observed that
machine are not interested to handle the machines no one is attempting toward the improvement in any
with care. aspect.
• The results found from the waste report of the • As it was discussed earlier quality maintenance
acrylic yarn factory indicate that most of the defects is not issue of the industry. To talk about the quality
are caused by the negligence of the workers and their of maintenance work we have to talk first about the
carelessness. effective maintenance.
• The maintenance personnel do not have • Concerning shop safety, some safety equipments
theoretical background to investigate the problem like fire fighting systems are installed in the factory
and to remove it from the source. but still training on how to operate and use is lacking
• From the planned maintenance point of view in the industry.
the industry policy is not based on preventing the
occurrence of failure. When the equipment breaks
they fix it. Here the problem is not only changing
the equipment or maintaining the equipment to its CONCLUSION
original working condition but also it may cause the
other equipments to fail. The study aims initially at scrutinizing the
• Concerning the autonomous maintenance maintenance system of the industry and categorically
much to be done to shift the maintenance concept concluded that the high rate of unplanned failure
from maintenance department to the production reigns in the industry. This can be attributed to
department. The equipment operators should be the condition of equipment, due to negligence
given training on basic inspection and cleaning of the operator and shortage of spare parts. The
methods of the equipment. underprivileged preventive maintenance system
• As an industry policy training has no consideration of the industry is also contributed to this effect.
for the employees. Without training and education The line of investigation winds up that the effect
we cannot increase the skill of the workers. of not involving the operator in minor inspection
• The result of observation shows the office and restoration of equipment escalates unexpected
arrangement is not inviting the managers to control number of failures which challenges to maintain the
the process and the filing system is not adequate for proactive maintenance program.
the controlling of the process.
124 Ejigayehu Lemma et al.
The study also supports that the industry is losing its RECOMMENDATIONS
expensive machines for the fact that it is using rebuilt The following recommendations are forwarded for
and low quality spare parts for the maintenance the industry and related Ethiopian industries that
activities with out inspecting their condition due to are executing maintenance work in their day to day
lack of work standards. Rarely, providing training activity.
to the operators, inspectors and mechanics also • Maintenance activity shouldn’t be considered
contributes to the deterioration of the equipment any more as a separate and isolated function that
due to operator’ mistakes and improper repair. As a makes repairs which is evil activities and that leads
result, the line of investigation further experienced to high expense. Rather, it should be considered
that the industry is experiencing loads of loss. It can as the main potential area to use as a competitive
be concluded that the industry may phase out unless advantage. Otherwise, higher cost will be incurred
some sustainable actions are implemented. after the equipments deteriorate which directly
affects the competitiveness of an industry.
In order to alleviate the current situations of the • The factories should involve achieving the
maintenance system a typical model (Appendix B) industry goal through the implementation of operator
has been proposed based on the above findings. The initiated daily maintenance consisting of cleaning,
model emphasizes three concepts of the modern adjustment, and regular inspections, as well as
era which are inevitable to implement in any day to improvement activities and minor restoration of
day activities, in addition to the four major duties equipment. And the maintenance men should only
of maintenance; inspection management, failure participate in inspection and restoration of equipment
management, work management, and spare part which requires high skill and specialization.
management. The concepts rely on the continuous • Empowering the operators and maintenance
improvement, empowering the employee and men through training should be given due attention
standardizing every activity to minimize the time of and conducted in sustainable manner to maximize
execution. And the model can be applicable to the the efficiency of the equipment in eliminating the
transport and manufacturing industries with some operators’ mistake and improper repair. Especially,
adaptation. the operator should be trained to pinpoint small signs
of troubles when ever anything out of the ordinary
The study also develops the implementation of occurs and to be able to operate in the proper way.
TPM system to preserve the results of the above • The industries need to introduce Kaizen them
model since the central core of the TPM system the concept of continues improvement. In this
is to integrate every activities of a industry with concept the major losses are identified and the plan
maintenance department as well as involving the is accomplished to eliminate them at the source.
operators in maintenance activities. The proposed • The industries should implement the OEE as
implementation process executed devising the a performance indicator to track the efficiency of
implementation steps systematically by breaking equipment in order to achieve higher target.
down each activities of the pillars of TPM and • It is foreseeable to standardize the diverse
leveling them according to their priority. maintenance activities from routine maintenance
and inspection to repair which cannot be performed
Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 6(2) 103-126, 2013 125