13 - Nuclei

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Recommended MCQs - 116 Questions - Nuclei

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Question 1. Question 5.
Which of the following pairs of nuclei are isotones? The density of gold nucleus is X. Density of silver
nucleus will be
1. 74
1. 2X
2. 92
2. X

3. 81

3. 4X
4. 40
4. X

Question 2.
Question 6.
A nucleus X has mass represented by m(A, Z). If m

The binding energy per nucleon in deuterium and helium
and m denote the mass of proton and neutron
n nuclei are 1. 1 MeV and 7. 0 MeV, respectively. When
respectively and BE the binding energy (in MeV), then two deuterium nuclei fuse to form a helium nucleus, the
[2007] energy released in the fusion is
1. BE = [m(A, Z) - Zm - (A - Z)m ] cp n
1. 47.12 MeV
2. BE = [Zm + (A - Z)m - m(A,Z)] c
p n
2. 34.4 MeV
3. BE = [Zm + Am - m(A, Z)] c
p n
3. 11.8 MeV
4. BE = m(A, Z) - Zm - (A, Z)m p n
4. 23.6 MeV

Question 3. Question 7.

The energy equivalent of one atomic mass unit is: The volume (V) of a nucleus is related to its mass (M) as:

1. 1. 6 × 10 −19
1. V ∝ M

2. 6. 02 × 10 23
J 2. V ∝

3. 931 MeV 3. V ∝ M

4. 9.31 MeV 4. V ∝


Question 4.
Question 8.
The binding energy of deuteron is 2.2 MeV and that of Two nuclei have their mass numbers in the ratio of 1 : 3. The
2H e is 28 MeV. If two deuterons are fused to form one
ratio of their nuclear densities would be
H e then the energy released is:
1. 1 : 3
1. 25.8 MeV 2. 3 : 1
2. 23.6 MeV
3. (3)1/3 : 1
3. 19.2 MeV
4. 1 : 1
4. 30.2 MeV

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Recommended MCQs - 116 Questions - Nuclei
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Question 9. Question 12.
Mp denotes the mass of a proton and M that of a n The binding energy per nucleon of deuterium and helium
neutron. A given nucleus, of binding energy B, contains atom is 1.1 MeV and 7.0 MeV. If two deuterium nuclei
Z protons and N neutrons. The mass M(N, Z) of the fuse to form a helium atom, the energy released is
nucleus is given by (c is the velocity of light)
1. 19.2 MeV
(1) M(N, Z) = NM n + ZMp − Bc
2. 23.6 MeV
3. 26.9 MeV
(2) M(N, Z) = NM n + ZMp + Bc

4. 13.9 MeV
(3) M(N, Z) = NM n + ZMp − B/c

(4) M(N, Z) = NM n + ZMp + B/c


Question 13.
The mass of a Li nucleus is 0.042u less than the sum of

Question 10. the masses of all its nucleons. The binding energy per
nucleon of the Li nucleus is near:

A nucleus with mass number 220 initially at rest emits


an α-particle. If the Q value of the reaction is 5.5 MeV, 1. 4.6 MeV

then the KE of α-particle is
2. 5.6 MeV
1. 4.4 meV
3. 3.9 MeV
2. 5.4 MeV
4. 23 MeV
3. 5.6 MeV
4. 6.5 MeV
Question 14.
In the reaction
Question 11. 3

H +

H →

He +

n ,
In a fission reaction,
236 1 1
if the binding energies of H, H, and He are 2

U → 117X + 117Y + n + n
92 0 0
respectively a, b, and c(in MeV), then the energy in
the binding energy per nucleon of X and Y is 8.5 MeV (MeV) released in this reaction is
whereas of U is 7.6 MeV. The total energy liberated
1. c + a - b
will be about [1997]
2. c - a - b
1. 2000 MeV
3. a + b + c
2. 200 MeV
4. a + b - c
3. 2 MeV
4. 1 keV

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Question 15. Question 19.
If M (A, Z), M , and M denote the masses of the
p n The Binding energy per nucleon of Li and H e 3

nucleus X, proton, and neutron respectively in units of

nucleon are 5.60 MeV and 7.06 MeV, respectively. In the
nuclear reaction Li + H → H e + H e + Q, the
7 1 4 4

u (1 u = 931.5 MeV/c2) and BE represents its binding 3 1 2 2

value of energy Q released is:

energy in MeV, then:
1. 19.6 MeV
1. M(A, Z)= ZMp +(A ‐ Z) M ‐ BE /c

2. -2.4 MeV
2. M(A, Z)= ZMp +(A ‐ Z) Mn + BE
3. 8.4 MeV
3. M(A, Z)= ZMp +(A ‐ Z) M ‐ BE
4. 17.3 MeV
4. M(A, Z)= ZMp +(A ‐ Z) Mn + BE /c

Question 20.
Question 16. Solar energy is due to
The stable nucleus that has a radius half that of F e 56
is 1. fusion reaction
1. Li 7
2. fission reaction
2. N a 21
3. combustion reaction
3. S 16
4. chemical reaction
4. Ca 40

Question 21.
Question 17. If the nuclear force between two protons, two neutrons
Binding energy per nucleon of a fixed nucleus X is 8 and between proton and neutron is denoted by

MeV. It absorbs a neutron moving with kinetic energy 4 F pp, F and Fnn respectively, then

MeV and converts into Y emitting a photon of energy 2 1. F pp ≈ Fnn ≈ Fpn

MeV. The binding energy per nucleon of Y (in MeV) is-
2. F pp ≠ Fnn and Fpn = Fnn
1. 8A+2

3. F pp
= Fnn = Fpn

2. 8A−2

A+1 4. F ≠ Fnn ≠ Fpn




4. 8A
Question 22.

The nuclear density of the material of atomic mass 27 is

'3ρ '. Then the nuclear density of the material of atomic

Question 18. mass 125 is-

If an electron and a positron annihiliate, then the energy 1. 5ρ 0

released is 2. 3ρ 0

(1) 3. 2 × 10 −13

(2) 1. 6 × 10 −13
4. ρ0

(3) 4. 8 × 10 −13

(4) 6. 4 × 10

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Question 23. Question 27.
The mass of an α-particle is The statement which is incorrect about nuclear force
between two protons is:
(1) Less than the sum of masses of two protons and two
neutrons 1. These are always attractive forces
(2) Equal to mass of four protons 2. These are non-central forces
(3) Equal to mass of four neutrons . 3. These are charge independent
(4) Equal to sum of masses of two protons and two 4. These are short-range forces

Question 28.
Question 24.
If a proton and anti-proton come close to each other and
annihilate, how much energy will be released:
The binding energy per nucleon of Li and He nuclei
7 4
3 2
(1) 1. 5 × 10 −10
are 5.60meV and 7.06meV, respectively.
In the nuclear reaction (2) 3 × 10 −10
Li +
H → He +
4 4
He + Q , the value of
3 1 2 2
(3) 4. 5 × 10 −10
energy Q released is -
(4) None of these

Question 29.
(c)8.4MeV The mass of N is 15.00011 amu, mass of O is
7 15 8 16

15.99492 amu and m = 1.00783 amu. Determine binding

(d)17.3MeV energy of the last proton of O 8 16

1. 2.13 MeV
Question 25. 2. 0.13 MeV
The energy equivalent of 0.5 g of a substance is : 3. 10 MeV
1. 4. 5 × 10 13
J 4. 12.13 MeV

2. 1. 5 × 10 13

3. 0. 5 × 10 13

4. 4. 5 × 10 16

Question 26.
Two nuclei fuse together to form a single nucleus as
B. If binding energy per nucleon of A and
2 2 4
A + A →
1 1 2

B are respectively x and y, then the energy released in the

process is
1. 4x + 4y
2. 4x - 4y
3. 4y - 4x
4. y - x

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Question 30. Question 33.
Calculate the Q-value of the nuclear reaction: A certain mass of hydrogen is changed to helium by the
12 20 4
process of fusion. The mass defect in fusion reaction is
2 C → Ne +2 He
6 10
0.02866 u. The energy liberated per nucelon is (given 1 u
The following data are given: = 931 MeV)
(1) 2.67 MeV
m(6C12) = 12.000000 u

m(10Ne20) = 19.992439 u (2) 26.7 MeV

m(2He4) = 4.002603 u
(3) 6.675 MeV
1. 4.16 MeV
2. 5.25 MeV (4) 13.35 MeV

3. 3.91 MeV
4. 4.65 MeV Question 34.
A certain mass of Hydrogen is changed to Helium by the
process of fusion. The Mass defect in the fusion reaction
is 0.02866 u. The energy liberated per u is : (given 1 u =
Question 31. 931 MeV)

The binding energies of the nuclei A and B are 1. 26.7 MeV

E and E
respectively. Three atoms of the element B
b 2. 6.675 MeV
fuse to give one atom of element A and an energy Q is
released.Then E , E and Q are related as
a b
3. 13.35 MeV

1. E a − 3Eb = Q
4. 2.67 MeV

2. 3E b − Ea = Q

3. E a
+ 3Eb = Q Question 35.
4. E b + 3Ea = Q The rest energy of an electron is

(1) 510 KeV

Question 32. (2) 931 KeV
The mass number of a nucleus is (3) 510 MeV
(1) always less than its atomic number (4) 931 MeV
(2) always more than its atomic number
(3) sometimes equal to its atomic number
(4) sometimes less than and sometimes more than its
atomic number

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Question 36. Question 40.
MP denotes the mass of a proton and Mn that of a The binding energies of the nuclei A and B are Ea and
neutron. A given nucleus, of binding energy B, contains Eb respectively. Three atoms of the element B fuse to
Z protons and N neutrons. The mass M(N, Z) of the give one atom of element A and an energy Q is released.
nucleus is given by (c is the velocity of light ) Then Ea, Eb and Q are related as:
(1) M(N, Z) = NMn + ZMP + Bc2 1. Ea – 3Eb = Q

(2) M(N, Z) = NMn + ZMP – B/c2 2. 3Eb – Ea = Q

(3) M(N, Z) = NMn + ZMP + B/c2 3. Ea + 3Eb = Q

4. Eb + 3Ea = Q
(4) M(N, Z) = NMn + ZMP – Bc2

Question 41.
Question 37.
The mass of proton is 1.0073 u and that of neutron is
The binding energy per nucleon in deutorium and helium
1.0087 u (u = atomic mass unit). The binding energy of
nuclei are 1.1 MeV and 7.0 MeV, respectively. When two
He is (Given : helium nucleus mass ≈ 4.0015 u)

deuterium neclei fuse to form a helium nucleus the 2

energy released in the fusion is - (1) 0.0305 J

1. 2.2 MeV (2) 0.0305 erg
2. 28.0 MeV (3) 28.4 MeV
3. 30.2 MeV (4) 0.061 u
4. 23.6 MeV

Question 42.
Question 38. If the activity of radioactive sample drops to 1/32 of its
If in a nuclear fusion process the masses of the fusing initial value after 7.5 Hr, half life will be
nuclei be m and m and the mass of the resultant
1 2
1. 3 Hr
nucleus be m , then

2. 4.5 Hr
(1) m3 = |m1–m2|
3. 7.5 Hr
(2) m3 < (m1 + m2)
4. 1.5 H
(3) m3 > (m1 + m2)

(4) m3 = m1 + m2
Question 43.
A freshly prepared radioactive source of half-life 2 hrs.
emits radiations of intensity which is 64 times the
Question 39. permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it
A nucleus represented by the symbol A
X has :- would be possible to work safely with the source is

1. 6 hrs.
(1) Z protons and A –Z neutrons
2. 12 hrs.
(2) Z protons and A neutrons
3. 24 hrs.
(3) A protons and Z –A neutrons
4. 128 hrs.
(4) Z neutrons and A –Z protons

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Question 44. Question 48.
In radioactive decay process, the negatively charged The relation between λ and T1/2 is : (T1/2 = half life, λ →
emitted β-particles are decay constant)
1. the electrons present inside the nucleus 1. T =
ln 2

2. the electrons produced as a result of the decay of

neutrons inside the nucleus 2. T 1/2
ln 2 = λ

3. the electrons produced as a result of collisions between 3. T 1/2


4. (λ + T ) =

4. the electrons orbiting around the nucleus 1/2 2

Question 45. Question 49.

If the half-life of a radioactive substance is 10 hours, then Half life of a radioactive substance is 20 minutes. The
its mean life is: time between 20% and 80% decay will be
1. 14.4 h 1. 20 minutes
2. 7.2 h 2. 40 minutes
3. 20 h 3. 30 minutes
4. 6.93 h 4. 25 minutes

Question 50.
Question 46. In a radioactive substance at t = 0, the number of atoms is
8×10 , its half-life period is 3 yr. the number of atoms

From a newly formed radioactive substance (Half life 2

1 × 10 will remain after interval [UP CPMT 2010]

hours), the intensity of radiation is 64 times the

permissible safe level. The minimum time after which 1. 9 yr
work can be done safely from this source is
2. 8 yr
(1) 6 hours 3. 6 yr
(2) 12 hours 4. 24 yr
(3) 24 hours
(4) 128 hours
Question 51.
In a radioactive material the activity at time t is R and
1 1

Question 47. at a later time t , it is R . If the decay constant of the

2 2

material is λ, then
Half-lives of two radioactive substances A and B
respectively 20 min and 40 min. Initially, the samples of 1. R 1 = R2 e
−λ ( t1 −t2 )

A and B have equal number of nuclei. After 80 min the

2. R = R2 e
λ ( t1 −t2 )

ratio of remaining number of A and B nuclei is 1

3. R

1. 1 : 16 1 = R2 (

2. 4 : 1 4. R 1
= R2

3. 1 : 4
4. 1 : 1

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Question 52. Question 54.
90% of a radioactive sample is left undecayed after time t The half life of a radioactive nucleus is 50 days. The time
has elapsed. What percentage of the initial sample will interval (t − t ) between the time t when of it has
2 1 2

decay in a total time 2t?
decayed and the time t when 1
of it had decayed is
1. 20% 1

2. 19% (1) 30 days

3. 40% (2) 50 days

4. 38% (3) 60 days

(4) 15 days

Question 53.
The graph shows the variation of the number of Question 55.
radioactive atoms left undecayed with time. The time t Half-life of a radioactive substance is 20 min. Difference
corresponding to
is: 5
between points of time when it is 33% disintegrated and
67% disintegrated is approximately-
1. 10 min
2. 20 min
3. 30 min
4. 40 min

Question 56.
A radioactive sample has a half-life of 1770 years. At
some instant, 20% of the sample has decayed. Taking this
instant as t = t , it is found that at t = t , 20% of the
1 2

sample is left. Then, t − t is

2 1

1. 1770 years
t0 ln ( 5 )
1. t =
ln ( 2/3 ) 2. 885 years

2. t =
t0 ln ( 5 )
3. 2655 years
ln ( 3/2 )

4. 3540 years
3. t = t0 ln(5)

t = t0 ln(5)×ln( )
Question 57.
The counting rate observed from a radio active source at t
= 0 second was 1600 counts per second and at t = 8
seconds it was 100 counts per second. The counting rate
observed, as counts per second, at t = 6 seconds will be
1. 400
2. 300
3. 200
4. 150

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Question 58. Question 62.
The half-life period of a radioactive substance is 6 h. Two radioactive nuclei P and Q, in a given sample decay
After 24 h activity is 0.01 μCi, what was the initial into a stable nucleus R. At time t=0, the number of P
activity? species are 4N and that of Q is and that of Q are N .
0 0

Half-life of P(for conversion to R) is 1 min whereas that

1. 0.04 μCi of Q is 2 min. Initially there are no nuclei of R present in
2. 0.08 μCi the sample. When number of nuclei of P and Q are equal,
the number of nuclei of R present in the sample would
3. 0.24 μCi be:
4. 0.16 μCi (1)3N 0


Question 59. (3)


The activity of a radioactive substance decays from 8000

becquerel to 4000 becquerel in 5 days. The activity of the (4)2N 0

substance after the next 10 days will be:

1. 500 becquerel
Question 63.
2. 1500 becquerel
The decay constant of a radio isotope is λ. If A and A
1 2

3. 2000 becquerel are its activities at times t and t respectively, the

1 2

number of nuclei which have decayed during the time

4. 1000 becquerel
(t1 − t2 )

(1) A 1
t1 − A 2 t2

Question 60. (2) A 1 − A2

Two radioactive substances A and B have decay constant (A1 −A2 )

5λ and λ respectively. At t = 0 they have the same λ

number of nuclei. The ratio of the number of nuclei of A (4) λ(A − A2 )


to those of B will be (1/e)2 after a time interval


Question 64.
2. 4λ
The numbers of nuclei of a radioactive substance at time
3. 2λ t = 0 are 1000 and 900 at time t = 2 s. Then number of
nuclei at time t = 4 s will be
4. 1

1. 800
2. 810
Question 61.
3. 790
The half-life of a radioactive sample undergoing α−
4. 700
decay is 1. 4 × 10 sec. If the number of nuclei in the

sample is 2. 0 × 10 , the activity of the sample is


nearly equal to:

1. 10

2. 10

3. 10

4. 10

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Question 65. Question 67.
Radioactive material 'A' has decay constant '8λ' and A radioactivity nucleus X decays to a stable nucleus 'y'.
material 'B' has a decay constant 'λ'. Initially, they have Then the graph of the rate of formation of 'y' against time
the same number of nuclei. After what time the ratio of 't' will be
the number of nuclei of material 'A' to that of 'B' will be





Question 66.
At any instant the ratio of the amount of radioactive
substances is 2 : 1. If their half lives be respectively 12
and 16 hours, then after two days, what will be the ratio
of the substances
(1) 1 : 1
(2) 2 : 1
(3) 1 : 2
(4) 1 : 4



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Question 68. Question 72.
The activity of the radioactivity element decreases to The activity of a sample of radioactive material is A at 1

one-third of the original activity A in a period of 7

0 time t and A at time t (t > t ). its mean life is T.
1 2 2 2 1

years. After a further lapse of 7 years, its activity will be Which of the following reaction is correct?
1. A0

1. A2 − A1 e

2. 2
2. A 1 t1 = A 2 t2


A1 −A2
6 = cons tan t
t2 −t1

4. 9

4. A2 = A1 e

Question 69.
Question 73.
A and B are two radioactive substances whose half-lives
are 1 and 2 years respectively. Initially 10 g of A and 1 g The rate of disintegration of a fixed quantity of a
of B is taken. The time (approximate) after which they radioactive substance can be increased by
will have the same quantity remaining is 1. increasing the temperature
1. 6.62 yr 2. increasing the pressure
2. 5 yr 3. chemical reaction
3. 3.2 yr 4. it is not possible
4. 7 yr

Question 74.
Question 70. What fraction of a radioactive material will get
10 g of radioactive material of half-life 15 year is kept in disintegrated in a period of two half-lives.
store for 20 years. The disintegrated material mass is [Pb. 1. whole
PMT 2002]
2. half
1. 12.5 g
3. one-fourth
2. 10.5 g
4. three-fourth
3. 6.03 g
4. 4.03 g
Question 75.
The radioactivity of a sample is A at a time t and A at 1 1 2

Question 71. time t . If the mean life of the specimen is T, the number

In a radioactive sample the fraction of initial number of of atoms that have disintegrated in the time interval of
t − t is:
radioactive nuclei, which remains undecayed after n 2 1

mean lives is 1. A 1
− A2


A1 −A2

2. e

3. (A − A2 )T

3. 1 − 1
4. A
e 1 t1 − A 2 t2

4. ( e−1

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Question 76. Question 80.
At time t = 0, N1 nuclei of decay constant λ1 and N2 The half-life of radium is about 1600 years. Of 100g of
nuclei of decay constant λ2 are mixed. The decay rate of radium existing now, 25g will remain undecayed after:
the mixture is (1) 6400 years
1. −N 1
N2 e
− ( λ1 +λ2 ) t
(2) 2400 years

2. −( N1
) e

(3) 3200 years

(4) 4800 years

3. −(N 1 λ1 e
−λ1 t
+ N2 λ2 e
−λ2 t

4. −N
−(λ +λ )t
1 2

1 λ1 N2 λ2 e

Question 81.

A sample of radioactive element containing 4 × 1016

Question 77. active nuclei. Half life of element is 10 days, then
number of decayed nuclei after 30 days : -
A sample of radioactive material has initial mass A,
decay constant B, molecular weight C and Avogadro's 1. 0. 5 × 10 16

constant D. The activity of the sample after t will be

2. 2 × 10 16

1. (

C 3. 3. 5 × 10 16

2. (
4. 1 × 10 16


3. (


Question 82.
4. (


Half life period of two elements are 40 minute and 20

minute respectively, then after 80 minute ratio of the
remaining nuclei will be (Initially both have equal active
Question 78.
1. 4 : 1
The half-life of a radionuclide is 77 days then its decay 2. 1 : 2
constant is: 3. 8 : 1
4. 16 : 1
1. 0.003/day
2. 0.006/day
3. 0.009/day Question 83.
4. 0.012/day
The decay constant of a radio isotope is λ. If A1 and A2
are its activities at times t1 and t2 respectively, the
Question 79. number of nuclei which have decayed during the time (t1
– t2) -
A sample of radioactive element has a mass of 10 gm at
an instant t = 0. The approximate mass of this element in 1. A1 – A2
the sample after two mean lives is :
(1) 1.35 gm 2. (A1 – A2) / λ

(2) 2.50 gm 3. λ (A1 – A2)

(3) 3.70 gm 4. A1t1 – A2t2

(4) 6.30 gm

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Question 84. Question 88.
In the nuclear decay given below:
A A A−4 A−4 Fusion reaction takes place at high temperature because
X → Y → B → B
Z Z+1 Z−1 Z−1

the particles emitted in the sequence are: 1. atoms get ionised at high temperature
2. kinetic energy is high enough to overcome the
1. β, α, γ
Coulomb repulsion between nuclei
2. γ, β, α

3. β, γ, α 3. molecules break up at high temperature

4. α, β, γ
4. nuclei break up at high temperature

Question 89.
Question 85.
What is the respective number of α and β -particles
A nuclear reaction given by emitted in the following radioactive decay?
A A 0 200 168
ZX →Z+1 Y +−1 e + v X → Y
90 80

represents (1) 6 and 8

(1) β-decay (2) 6 and 6
(2) γ-decay (3) 8 and 8
(3) fusion (4) 8 and 6
(4) fission

Question 90.
Question 86. Which of the following is used as a moderator in nuclear
An atomic nucleus Th emits several α and β


radiations and finally reduces to Pb. It must have

208 1. Plutonium

emitted 2.Cadmium

1. 4α and 2β 3. Heavy water

2. 6α and 4β 4. Uranium

3. 8α and 24β
4. 4α and 16β Question 91.
A radioactive element emitted one α and one β particle,
then the mass number of the daughter element
Question 87.
(1) Decreased by 4
After two alpha decays and four beta(-ve) decays, the
atomic number (2) Increased by 4

1. Decreases by 4 and mass number remains same (3) Decreased by 2

2. Remains the same but the mass number increases by 4 (4) Increased by 2

3. Remains same but mass number decreases by 8

4. Increases but mass number remains same

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Question 92. Question 95.
A nucleus X emits one α-particle and two
n β

particles. If in nuclear reactor using U235 as fuel, the power output
The resulting nucleus is: is 4.8 MW, the number of fissions per second is (Energy
1. m−6
released per fission of U235 = 200 MeV watts, 1 eV = 1.6
X 10–19 J)
2. m−4

1. 1.5×1017
3. m−4


2. 3×1019
4. m−6


3. 1.5×1025

4. 3×1025
Question 93.
What happens to the mass number and the atomic
number of an element when it emits γ−radiation? Question 96.
1. Mass number decreases by four and atomic number When a deuterium is bombarded on O nucleus, an α-
8 16

decreases by two. particle is emitted, then the product nucleus is

2. Mass number and atomic number remain unchanged. 1. 7N13

3. Mass number remains unchanged while atomic 2. 5B10

number decreases by one.

3. 4
4. Mass number increases by four and the atomic number
increases by two. 4. 7

Question 94. Question 97.

α -particle consists of:
Two radioactive materials X1 and X2 have decay 1. 2 protons only
constants 5 and respectively. If initially they have 2. 2 protons and 2 neutrons only
the same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number
3. 2 electrons, 2 protons, and 2 neutrons
4. 2 electrons and 4 protons only
of nuclei of X1 to that of X2 will be after a time

1. λ

Question 98.
2. 1


During negative β-decay

3. 1
1. Neutron converts into proton
4. e

λ 2. Proton converts into neutron

3. Neutron to proton ratio increases
4. None of these

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Recommended MCQs - 116 Questions - Nuclei
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Question 99. Question 103.
Ne nucleus after absorbing energy decays into two α- The number of beta particles emitted by a radioactive
particles and an unknown nucleus. The unknown nucleus substance is twice the number of alpha particles emitted
is by it. The resulting daughter is an

(1) Nitrogen (1) isobar of parent

(2) Carbon (2) isomer of parent

(3) Boron (3) isotone of parent

(4) Oxygen (4) isotope of parent

Question 100. Question 104.

In nuclear reaction 4

He +

X →

Y + B , B denotes The nucleus
C absorbs an energetic neutron and emit

(1) Electron
1. 14

(2) Positron
2. 13
(3) Proton 5

3. 13
(4) Neutron 7

4. 13


Question 101.
The number of beta particles emitted by a radioactive
Question 105.
substance is twice the number of alpha particles emitted by
it. The resulting daughter is an: O → F


+ A + B

1. isobar of parent In the given decay equation, A and B indicate:

2. Isomer of parent
1. Electron and antineutrino
3. Isotone of parent
4. Isotope of parent 2. Positron and antineutrino
3. Positron and neutrino
4. Electron and positron

Question 102.
A free neutron decays into a proton, an electron and
1. a beta particle Question 106.
2. an alpha particle A nucleus X emits 9 α-particles and 5 β− particles.

The ratio of total protons and neutrons in the final

3. an antineutrino
nucleus is
4. a neutrino Z−13
1. ( A−Z−23 )

( Z−18 )
2. ( A−36 )

( Z−13 )
3. ( A−36 )

( Z−13 )
4. ( A−Z−13 )

Page: 15
Recommended MCQs - 116 Questions - Nuclei
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Question 107. Question 111.
An element X decays, first by positron emission, and The power obtained in a reactor using U

then two α-particles are emitted in successive radioactive disintegration is 1000 kW. The mass decay of U 235
decay. If the product nuclei have a mass number 229 and hour is
atomic number 89, the mass number and the atomic
number of element X are: 1. 1 microgram
2. 10 microgram
1. 237,93 3. 20 microgram
2. 237,94 4. 40 microgram
3. 221,84
4. 237,92
Question 112.
For the given reaction, the particle X is :
11 11
C B +
Question 108. 6 → 5 + β + X

Fission of nuclei is possible because the binding energy 1. Neutron

per nucleon in them 2. Anti neutrino
1. Increases with mass number at high mass numbers 3. Neutrino
2. Decreases with mass number at high mass numbers 4. Proton
3. Increases with mass number at low mass numbers
4. Decreases with mass number at low mass numbers
Question 113.
Which of the following ray are not electromagnetic
Question 109. waves?

When Li nuclei are bombarded by protons, and the

7 (1) X-rays
resultant nuclei are Be , the emitted particles will be

(2) γ-rays
1. Neutrons (3) β-rays
2. Alpha (4) Heat rays
3. Beta particles
4. Gamma photons
Question 114.
Which of the following are suitable for the fusion process
Question 110. :-

If N
ratio in a nucleus is smaller than the required value (1) Light nuclei

for stability, then (2) heavy nuclei

1. It may emit α-particle (3) Element must be lying in the middle of the periodic
2. It may emit β particle

(4) Middle elements, which are lying on binding energy

3. It may go for K capture curve
4. All of the above are possible

Page: 16
Recommended MCQs - 116 Questions - Nuclei
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Question 115.

A deuteron is bombarded on 8O16 nucleus then α-particle

is emitted then product nucleus is -

(1) 7N13

(2) 5B10

(3) 4Be9

(4) 7N14

Question 116.
In the nuclear reaction: X(n, α) Li
the term X will be :

1. 5B10

2. 5B 9

3. 5B11

4. 2He


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