Iso 7752 2 2011

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Second edition

Cranes — Control layout and

characteristics —
Part 2:
Basic arrangement and requirements for
mobile cranes
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Disposition et
caractéristiques des commandes —
Partie 2: Disposition et exigences de base pour les grues mobiles

Reference number
ISO 7752-2:2011(E)

© ISO 2011
ISO 7752-2:2011(E)


© ISO 2011
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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 7752‑2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Subcommittee SC 6, Mobile cranes.

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 7752‑2:1985), which has been technically
revised. It also incorporates the Addendum ISO 7752‑2:1985/Add 1:1986.

ISO 7752 consists of the following parts, under the general title Cranes — Control layout and characteristics:

— Part 1: General principles

— Part 2: Basic arrangement and requirements for mobile cranes

— Part 3: Tower cranes

— Part 4: Jib cranes

— Part 5: Overhead travelling cranes and portal bridge cranes

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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)


Mobile crane operators frequently transfer from one crane to another of different model or manufacturer. This
part of ISO 7752 establishes a consistent arrangement and movement for the basic controls used during the
crane-operating cycle, to reduce operator confusion or incorrect control in an emergency.

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Cranes — Control layout and characteristics —

Part 2:
Basic arrangement and requirements for mobile cranes

1 Scope
This part of ISO 7752 establishes the arrangement, requirements and direction of movement of the basic
controls for slewing, load hoisting and lowering, and boom luffing and telescoping, on mobile cranes as defined
in ISO 4306‑2. It deals with bi-directional controls and the basic arrangement and requirements for cross-shift
levers (multi-directional controls). It is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 7752-1.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.

ISO 4306‑2, Cranes — Vocabulary — Part 2: Mobile cranes

ISO 7752‑1, Cranes — Control layout and characteristics — Part 1: General principles

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 4306-2 and the following apply.

person operating the crane for the purposes of positioning loads

[ISO 7752‑1]

actuating device which forms an interface between the crane operator and crane control system

[ISO 7752‑1]

control station
permanent position of controls on or off the crane

[ISO 7752‑1]

4 Bi-directional levers, crane with fixed‑length boom

The basic controls shall be arranged as shown in Figure 1.

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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)

Figure 1 — Crane control diagram for cranes fitted with fixed‑length boom

4.1 Slewing control — Hand lever 1

Push the lever forward to slew towards the boom:

— slew left (operator’s position on right side);

— slew right (operator’s position on left side or centre of crane).

Centre the lever to release the slewing power.

Pull back the lever to reverse direction.

4.2 Hoisting control — Hand lever 2 and foot pedal 5, hand lever 3 and foot pedal 6
Pull the lever back to hoist the load.

Centre the lever to release the power and to hold the load (if equipped with an automatic brake) or to control
the load by depressing the brake pedal.

Push the lever forward to lower the load.

4.3 Boom luffing control — Hand lever 4

Pull the lever back to raise the boom.

Centre the lever to hold the boom in position.

Push the lever forward to lower the boom.

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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)

4.4 Boom luffing control — Alternative arrangement (foot pedal operation)

The basic controls shall be arranged as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 — Crane control diagram for cranes fitted with fixed-length boom and alternative
arrangement for boom luffing control (foot pedals)

4.4.1 Slewing control — Hand lever 1

Push the lever forward to slew towards the boom:

— slew left (operator’s position on right side);

— slew right (operator’s position on left side or centre of crane).

Centre the lever to release the slewing power.

Pull back the lever to reverse direction.

4.4.2 Hoisting control — Hand lever 2, hand lever 3

Pull the lever back to hoist the load.

Centre the lever to release the power and to hold the load.

Push the lever forward to lower the load.

4.4.3 Boom luffing control — Foot pedals 4 and 5

Depress foot pedal 4 to raise the boom.

Depress foot pedal 5 to lower the boom.

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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)

Release foot pedals 4 and 5 to hold the boom stationary.

5 Bi-directional levers, crane with telescoping boom

The basic controls shall be arranged as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 — Crane control diagram for cranes fitted with telescoping boom

5.1 Slewing control — Hand lever 1

Push the lever forward to slew towards the boom:

— slew left (operator’s position on right side);

— slew right (operator’s position on left side or centre of crane).

Centre the lever to release the slewing power.

Pull back the lever to reverse direction.

5.2 Boom telescoping control

5.2.1 Hand lever 2

Push the lever forward to extend the boom.

Centre the lever to hold the boom extension position.

Pull the lever back to retract the boom.

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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)

5.2.2 Foot pedal 6 — Optional (in place of hand lever 2)

Rock the pedal forward (toe down) to extend the boom.

Centre the pedal to hold the boom extension position.

Rock the pedal rearward (heel down) to retract the boom.

5.3 Hoisting control — Hand lever 3 and foot pedal 7, hand lever 4 and foot pedal 8
Pull the lever back to hoist the load.

Centre the lever to release the power and to hold the load (if equipped with an automatic brake), or control the
load by depressing the brake pedal.

Push the lever forward to lower the load (if equipped with an automatic brake) or activate “powered load

5.4 Boom luffing control — Hand lever 5

Pull the lever back to raise the boom.

Centre the lever to hold the boom in position.

Push the lever forward to lower the boom.

Additional levers may be located between levers 1 and 2 for independently telescoping boom sections.

6 Cross-shift levers (multi-directional controls), crane with fixed‑length boom

6.1 Basic control arrangement

The basic controls shall be arranged as shown in Figure 4.

As an alternative, foot pedals may be provided for luffing (see 6.2.3).

Figure 4 — Crane control diagram for cranes fitted with fixed-length boom

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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)

6.2 Direction of movement

6.2.1 Hoisting 2 and slewing control — Hand lever 1 and foot pedal 3 Vertical lever

Pull the lever back to raise the load (or fly jib).

Centre the lever to hold the load (or fly jib) in position (if equipped with an automatic brake), or control the load
by depressing the brake pedal.

Push the lever forward to lower the load (or fly jib). Horizontal lever

Move the lever to the left to slew left.

Centre the lever to release the slewing power.

Move the lever to the right to slew right.

6.2.2 Hoisting 1 and luffing control — Hand lever 2 and foot pedal 4 Vertical lever

Pull the lever back to raise the load.

Centre the lever to hold the load in position (if equipped with an automatic brake), or control the load by
depressing the brake pedal.

Push the lever forward to lower the load. Horizontal lever

Move the lever to the left to raise the boom.

Centre the lever to hold the boom in position.

Move the lever to the right to lower the boom.

6.2.3 Foot pedals 3 and 4

Foot pedals 3 and 4 may be used for luffing of the boom if hoist drums are equipped with automatic brakes
(see 4.4.3).

6.2.4 Luffing/luffing fly jib selection switch 5 in conjunction with hand lever 2 Selection switch 5 in position “Luffing” (see Selection switch 5 in position “Luffing fly jib”

Move the lever to the left to raise the luffing fly jib.

Centre the lever to hold the luffing fly jib in position.

Move the lever to the right to lower the luffing fly jib.

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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)

7 Cross-shift levers (multi-directional controls) — Cranes with telescoping boom

7.1 Basic control arrangement

The basic controls shall be arranged as shown in Figure 5.

As an alternative, a foot pedal may be provided for telescoping (see

Figure 5 — Crane control diagram for cranes fitted with telescoping boom

7.2 Direction of movement

7.2.1 Hoisting 2 and slewing control — Hand lever 1 and foot pedal 5 Vertical lever

Pull the lever back to raise the load (or retract the boom).

Centre the lever to hold the load (or keep the boom) in position (if equipped with an automatic brake), or control
load by depressing the brake pedal.

Push the lever forward to lower the load (or extend the boom). Horizontal lever

Move the lever to the left to slew left.

Centre the lever to release the slewing power.

Move the lever to the right to slew right.

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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)

7.2.2 Hoisting 1 and luffing control — Hand lever 2 and foot pedal 6 Vertical lever

Pull the lever back to raise the load.

Centre the lever to hold the load in position (if equipped with an automatic brake), or control the load by
depressing the brake control.

Push the lever forward to lower the load. Horizontal lever

Move the lever to the left to raise the boom.

Centre the lever to hold the boom in position.

Move the lever to the right to lower the boom.

7.2.3 Boom telescoping control in conjunction with a separate lever(s) Hand lever 3

Push the lever forward to extend the boom.

Centre the lever to hold the boom in position.

Pull the lever back to retract the boom.

NOTE The boom telescoping function can be the fore and aft movement of lever 1 (see Foot pedal 4 (optional) in place of hand lever 3

Rock the pedal forward (toe down) to extend the boom.

Centre the pedal to hold the boom extension position.

Rock the pedal rearward (heel down) to retract the boom. Boom luffing/boom telescoping/luffing fly jib selection switch 7 in conjunction with hand
lever 2 instead of hand lever 3 and foot pedal 4 Selection switch 7 in position “Boom luffing” (see Selection switch 7 in position “Boom telescoping”

Move the lever to the left to retract the boom.

Centre the lever to hold the boom in position.

Move the lever to the right to extend the boom. Selection switch 7 in position “Luffing fly jib”

Move the lever to the left to raise the luffing fly jib.

Centre the lever to hold the luffing fly jib in position.

Move the lever to the right to lower the luffing fly jib.

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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)

7.2.4 Luffing fly jib control (instead of hoisting 2) — Hand lever 1

Pull the lever back to raise the luffing fly jib.

Centre the lever to hold the luffing fly jib in position.

Push the lever to lower the luffing fly jib.

8 Remote control station

8.1 The relative positions and movements of controls shall be in accordance either with Clause 4 and 5 or
with Clause 6 and 7 depending on the case.

8.2 Provision shall be made for the crane motion to stop in the event of a malfunction in the control signal for
any crane motion.

8.3 Provision shall be made for emergency stop in the event of a device malfunction.

9 General requirements

9.1 The basic controls used during the crane operating cycle (see Figures 1 to 5) shall be located within easy
reach of the operator while he is at his station.

9.2 Hand levers and foot pedals shall be provided with a means for holding the control in the neutral position
without the use of positive holding devices. They shall return to the neutral position automatically upon release
by the operator unless intentionally restrained for functional purposes.

9.3 The required control operating forces shall not be greater than 160 N on hand levers, and not greater than
225 N on foot pedals.

9.4 The required control operating travel distance shall not be greater than 260 mm from neutral (mid-position)
to forward or reverse positions; for foot pedals, the travel distance shall not be greater than 260 mm.

10 Control for other functions

Other controls for mobile crane functions, not covered in this part of ISO 7752 (for example, travel, steering
and slewing brake), may be installed in conjunction with or within the area encompassed by the basic controls,
provided they are arranged to avoid operator confusion and/or physical interference.

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ISO 7752-2:2011(E)

ICS 53.020.20
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