Iso 8686-1-2012-12

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Second edition

Cranes — Design principles for loads

and load combinations —
Part 1:
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Principes de calcul des
charges et des combinaisons de charge —
Partie 1: Généralités

Reference number
ISO 8686-1:2012(E)


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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)



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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.1 General principles ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.2 Methods of proof of competence calculations ............................................................................................................. 3
5.3 Assessment of loads ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.4 Categories of loads............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6 Loads and applicable factors ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 Regular loads ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.2 Occasional loads..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.3 Exceptional loads ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.4 Miscellaneous loads ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
7 Principles of choice of load combinations ..............................................................................................................................13
7.1 Basic considerations ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.2 Load combinations during erection, dismantling and transport ............................................................. 17
7.3 Application of Table 3 .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
7.4 Partial safety factors for the proof of rigid body stability ............................................................................... 20
Annex A (normative) Application of allowable stress method and limit state method of design .....21
Annex B (informative) General guidance on application of dynamic factors ϕ ....................................................26
Annex C (informative) Example of model for estimating value of dynamic factor ϕ4 for cranes
travelling on rails ..............................................................................................................................................................................................27
Annex D (informative) Example of determination of loads caused by acceleration ........................................31
Annex E (informative) Example of method for analysing loads due to skewing ..................................................40
Annex F (informative) Illustration of types of hoist drives ........................................................................................................46
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies
casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 8686-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Subcommittee SC 10, Design —
Principles and requirements.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8686-1:1989), which has been
technically revised.
ISO 8686 consists of the following parts, under the general title Cranes — Design principles for loads and
load combinations:
— Part 1: General
— Part 2: Mobile cranes
— Part 3: Tower cranes
— Part 4: Jib cranes
— Part 5: Overhead travelling and portal bridge cranes


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Cranes — Design principles for loads and load

combinations —
Part 1:

1 Scope
This part of ISO 8686 establishes general methods for the calculating loads and principles to be used
in the selection of load combinations for proofs of competence in accordance with ISO 20332 for the
structural and mechanical components of cranes as defined in ISO 4306-1.
It is based on rigid body kinetic analysis and elastostatic analysis but expressly permits the use of more
advanced methods (calculations or tests) to evaluate the effects of loads and load combinations, and
the values of dynamic load factors, where it can be demonstrated that these provide at least equivalent
levels of competence.
This part of ISO 8686 provides for two distinct kinds of application:
a) the general form, content and ranges of parameter values for more specific standards to be developed
for specific types of cranes;
b) a framework for agreement on loads and load combinations between a designer or manufacturer
and a crane purchaser for those types of cranes where specific standards do not exist.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 4302, Cranes — Wind load assessment
ISO 4306 (all parts), Lifting appliances — Vocabulary
ISO 4310, Cranes — Test code and procedures
ISO 20332, Cranes — Proof of competence of steel structures

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the definitions given in ISO 4306 and the following apply.
load or loads
external or internal actions in the form of forces, displacements or temperature, which cause stresses in
the structural or mechanical components of the crane
<rigid bodies> study of the movement and the inner forces of systems modelled by elements that are
assumed to be non-elastic


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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

<elastic bodies> study of the relative elastic displacements (distortion), movement and the inner forces
of systems modelled by elements that are assumed to be elastic

4 Symbols
The main symbols used in this part of ISO 8686 are given in Table 1.

Table 1 — Main symbols

Symbol Description Reference

ϕ Factors for dynamic effects Various
ϕ1 Factors for hoisting and gravity effects acting on the mass of the crane 6.1.1
ϕ2 Factor for hoisting a grounded load
ϕ3 Factor for dynamic effects of sudden release of part of load
ϕ4 Factor for dynamic effects of travelling on an uneven surface
ϕ5 Factor for dynamic loads arising from acceleration of crane drives 6.1.4
ϕ6 Factor for effects of dynamic load tests 6.3.2
ϕ7 Factor for elastic effects arising from collision with buffers 6.3.3
ϕ9 Factor for dynamic effects from unintentional loss of payload 6.3.5
HC1 to HC4 Hoisting classes assigned to cranes to to
β2 Factor assigned to hoisting class;
β3 Term used in determining the value of ϕ3
vh Steady hoisting speed, in metres per second
(Table 2b)
Fx, Fx2, Fx4 Buffer forces 6.3.3, Annex D
7.3.2, Table 3, A.2
γf Coefficients for calculating allowable stresses
to A.3
7.3.3, Table 3,
γp Partial safety factor, 7.3.8, A.2
to A.3
γm Resistance coefficient Table 3, Annex A
γn Coefficient for high-risk applications 7.3.6, Annex A
m Mass of pay load,,
mH Mass of the gross load
6.3.1, Annex D
ηm = mH − ΔmH Mass of that part of the hoist load remaining suspended from the crane 6.3.1
NOTE Further symbols are used in the annexes and are defined therein.

5 General

5.1 General principles

The objective of proof of competence calculations carried out in accordance with this part of ISO 8686
is to determine mathematically that a crane will be competent to perform in practice when operated in
compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

The basis for such proof against failure (e.g. by yielding, elastic instability or fatigue) is the comparison
between calculated stresses induced by loads and the corresponding calculated strengths of the
constituent structural and mechanical components of the crane.
Proof against failure may also be required in respect of overturning stability. Here, the comparison is
made between the calculated overturning moments induced by loads and the calculated resistance to
overturning provided by the crane. In addition, there may be limitations on forces that are necessary
to ensure the stability and/or to avoid unwanted displacement of portions of the crane or of the crane
itself, for example, the jib support ropes becoming unloaded or the crane sliding.
The effects of differences between actual and ideal geometry of mechanical and structural systems (e.g.
the effect of tolerances, settlements, etc.) shall be taken into account. However, they shall be included
specifically in proof of competence calculations only where, in conjunction with applied loads, they may
cause stresses that exceed specified limits.
When applying this part of ISO 8686 to the different types of cranes, operating in the same service and
environmental conditions, equivalent resistance to failure should be sought.

5.2 Methods of proof of competence calculations

There are two general approaches to structural design or proof of competence.
a) The allowable stress method: where the design stresses induced by combined loads are compared
with allowable stresses established for the type of member or condition being examined. The
assignment of allowable stress is made on the basis of service experience with consideration for
protection against failure due, for example, to yielding, elastic instability or fatigue.
b) The limit state method: where partial safety factors are used to amplify loads before they are
combined and compared with the limit states imposed, for example, by yielding or elastic instability.
The partial safety factor for each load is established on the basis of probability and the degree of
accuracy with which the load can be determined. Limit state values comprise the characteristic
strength of the member reduced to reflect statistical variations in its strength and geometric
parameters. This method is a prerequisite if this part of ISO 8686 is applied together with ISO 20332
and/or the 2nd order method.
Annex A gives a more detailed description of the application of the two methods.

5.3 Assessment of loads

To calculate stresses from applied loads, an appropriate model of the crane shall be used. Under the
provisions of this part of ISO 8686, loads which cause time variant load effects are assessed as equivalent
static loads from experience, experiments or by calculation. A rigid body kinetic analysis can be used
with dynamic factors to estimate the forces necessary to simulate the response of the elastic system.
Alternatively, either elasto-kinetic analysis or field measurements can be carried out, but to reflect the
operating regime, a realistic model of the actions of the crane operator may be required.
For both the allowable stress and limit state methods, and for considerations of stability and displacements,
loads, load combinations and load factors should be assigned either on the basis of experience, with
consideration of other International Standards or, if applicable, on the basis of experimental or statistical
data. The parameters used in this part of ISO 8686 are considered to be deterministic.
Where a specific loading cannot occur (for example, wind loading on a crane used indoors) then that
loading can be ignored in the proof of competence calculations. Similarly, loadings can be modified when
they result from
a) conditions prohibited in the crane instructions,
b) features not present in the design, or
c) conditions prevented or suppressed by the design of the crane.

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

If a probabilistic proof of competence calculation is used, the relevant conditions, particularly the
acceptable probability of failure, shall be stated.

5.4 Categories of loads

Clause 6 gives loads and ranges of values for the factors used in proof of competence calculations when
determining load effects.
NOTE Individual values for specific types of cranes, selected from these ranges, are to be found in the parts
of ISO 8686 applicable to specific crane types (see Foreword).

The loads acting on a lifting crane are divided into the categories of regular, occasional, exceptional and
miscellaneous. Individual loads are considered only when and if they are relevant to the crane under
consideration or to its usage, as follows.
a) Regular loads, occurring during normal operation, shall be considered in proof of competence
calculations against failure by yielding, elastic instability and, when applicable, against fatigue.
They result from gravity and from acceleration or deceleration produced by drives and brakes
acting on the masses of the crane and the hoist load, as well as from displacements.
b) Occasional loads and effects which occur infrequently may usually be neglected in fatigue
evaluations. They include loads induced by in-service wind, snow and ice, temperature and skewing.
c) Exceptional loads and their effects are also infrequent and may likewise usually be excluded from
fatigue consideration. They include loads caused by testing, out-of service wind, buffer forces and
tilting, as well as from emergency cut-out, failure of drive components and external excitation of the
crane foundation.
d) Miscellaneous loads include erection and dismantling loads as well as loads on platforms and
means of access.
The category in which a load is placed is not necessarily an indication of the importance or criticality
of that load: erection and dismantling loads, although in the last category, shall be given particular
attention, as a substantial portion of accidents occur during those phases of operation.

6 Loads and applicable factors

6.1 Regular loads

6.1.1 Hoisting and gravity effects acting on the mass of the crane

The mass of the crane includes those components which are always in place during operation, except for
the payload itself (see 6.1.2). For some cranes or applications, it may be necessary to add mass to account
for encrustation of materials, such as coal or similar dust, which build up on the crane or its parts.
The gravitational force induced by the mass of the crane (dead weight) shall be multiplied by a
factor, ϕ1, where

φ1 = 1 ± a, 0 ≤ a ≤ 0, 1 (1)

In this way the vibrational excitement of the crane structure, when lifting the pay load off the ground,
is taken into account. There are always two values for the factor, in order to reflect both the upper and
lower reaches of the vibrational pulses.
Factor ϕ1 shall be used in the design of the crane structure and its supports; in some cases, both values
of the factor shall be applied in order to find the most critical loadings in members and components.

Annex B gives a general comment on the application of ϕ factors.

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

6.1.2 Inertial and gravity effects acting vertically on the gross load Hoisting an unrestrained grounded load General

When hoisting an unrestrained grounded load, the crane is subject to dynamic effects of transferring the
load from the ground onto the crane. These dynamic effects shall be taken into account by multiplying
the gravitational force due to the mass of the gross load, mH, by a factor, ϕ2, see Figure 1.
The mass of the gross load includes the masses of the payload, lifting attachments and a portion of the
suspended hoist ropes.

Figure 1 — Dynamic effects when hoisting grounded load

Factor ϕ2 is calculated as follows:

φ2 = φ2,min + β 2 ⋅ v h (2)

β2 is the factor dependent upon the hoisting class of the crane in accordance with Table 2a;

vh is the characteristic hoisting speed in m/s of the drive system selected in accordance
with Table 2b;

ϕ2,min is the minimum value of ϕ2 in accordance with Table 2c. Hoisting classes

For the purposes of specific type, cranes are assigned to hoisting classes HC1 to HC4 in accordance with
the elastic properties of the crane and its support. The hoisting classes are given in Table 2a and shall be
selected on the basis of the characteristic vertical load displacement, δ.

Table 2a — Hoisting classes

Characteristic vertical load displacement β2
Hoisting class
δ s/m
HC1 0,8 m ≤ δ 0,17
HC2 0,3 m ≤ δ < 0,8 m 0,34
HC3 0,15 m ≤ δ < 0,3 m 0,51
HC4 δ < 0,15 m 0,68

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

The load displacement, δ, shall be calculated statically from the elasticity of the crane and its supporting
structure and the rope system using the appropriate maximum gross load value without amplifying factors.
As the load displacement varies for differing crane configurations, the maximum value of δ may be used
for the selection of the hoisting class. Hoist drive classes

For the purposes of ISO 8686, hoist drives are assigned to classes HD1 to HD5, depending on the control
characteristics as the weight of the load is transferred from the ground onto the crane. The hoist drive
classes are as follows:
HD1: creep speed not available or the start of the drive without creep speed is possible;

HD2: hoist drive can only start at creep speed of at least pre-set duration;

HD3: hoist drive control maintains creep speed until the load is lifted off the ground;

HD4: stepless hoist drive control, which performs with continuously increasing speed;

HD5: stepless hoist drive control automatically ensures that the dynamic factor ϕ2 does not exceed

See Annex F for further information and examples of typical hoist controls and their characteristics
for each class.
The characteristic hoisting speed, vh, to be used in load combinations A1, B1 and C1, is given in Table 2b.

Table 2b — Characteristic hoisting speeds vh for calculation of ϕ2

Load combination Hoist drive class

(see Clause 7) HD1 HD2 HD3 HD4 HD5
A1, B1 vh,max vh,CS vh,CS 0,5vh,max vh = 0
C1 vh,max vh,max 0,5vh,max vh,max 0,5vh,max
vh,max is the maximum steady hoisting speed of the main hoist for load combinations A1 and B1;
vh,max is the maximum hoisting speed resulting from all drives (e.g. luffing and hoisting motion) contributing to the hoist
speed in load combination C1;
vh,CS is the steady hoisting creep speed.

Load combination C1 is used to reflect exceptional situations when the lift is started at a speed higher
than that intended for load combinations A1 and B1. Minimum values for factor ϕ2

The minimum value of ϕ2 depends upon classes HC and HD and is given in Table 2c.

Table 2c — Values of ϕ2,min

Hoist drive class
Hoisting class
HC1 1,05 1,05 1,05 1,05 1,05
HC2 1,1 1,1 1,05 1,1 1,05
HC3 1,15 1,15 1,05 1,15 1,05
HC4 1,2 1,2 1,05 1,2 1,05


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ISO 8686-1:2012(E) Alternative methods

Alternatively, the value of ϕ2 may be determined through experiments or dynamic analysis. When
applying alternative methods, the true characteristics of the drive system and the elastic properties of
the overall load supporting system shall be simulated. Based upon these results, cranes may be assigned
to a hoisting class with equivalent ϕ2,min and β2.

--``,,,``,,`,```,,,,`,```,```,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Effects of sudden release of part of payload

For cranes that release or drop part of the payload as a normal working procedure, such as when grabs
or magnets are used, the peak dynamic effect on the crane can be simulated by multiplying the payload
by the factor ϕ3 (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 — Factor ϕ3

The value of ϕ3 is given by

φ3 = 1 − (1 + β 3 ) (3)
Δm is the released or dropped part of the payload;

m is the mass of the payload;

β3 = 0,5 for cranes equipped with grabs or similar slow release devices,

β3 = 1,0 for cranes equipped with magnets or similar rapid-release devices.

Annex B gives a general comment on the application of the ϕ factors.

6.1.3 Loads caused by travelling on an uneven surface Cranes travelling on or off roadways

The effects of travelling, with or without load, on or off roadways, depend on the crane configuration
(mass distribution), the elasticity of the crane and/or its suspension, the travel speed and on the
nature and condition of the travel surface. The dynamic effects shall be estimated from experience or
experiment, or by calculation using an appropriate model for the crane and the travel surface.

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E) Cranes travelling on rails

The effects of travelling with or without load on rail tracks having geometric or elastic characteristics that
induce accelerations at the wheels of the cranes depend on the crane configuration (mass distribution,
elasticity of the crane and/or its suspension), travel speed and wheel diameter. They shall be estimated
from experience or experiment, or by calculation using an appropriate model for the crane and the track.
The induced accelerations may be taken into account by multiplying the gravitational forces due to the
masses of the crane and gross load by a factor, ϕ4. International Standards for specific types of cranes may
specify tolerances for rail tracks and indicate conditions within which the value of ϕ4 may be taken as 1.
Annex B gives a general comment on the application of the ϕ factors.
Annex C gives an example of a model for estimating the value of ϕ4 to take into account the vertical
accelerations induced at the wheels of a crane travelling on rail tracks with non-welded steps or gaps.

6.1.4 Loads caused by acceleration of all crane drives including hoist drives

Loads induced in a crane by accelerations or decelerations caused by drive forces may be calculated
using rigid body kinetic models that take into account the geometric properties and mass distribution of
the crane drive and, where applicable, resulting inner frictional losses. For this purpose, the gross load
is taken to be fixed at the top of the jib or immediately below the crab.
A rigid body analysis does not directly reflect elastic effects. To allow for these, the change in the
drive force, ΔF, inducing either the acceleration or deceleration, may be multiplied by a factor, ϕ5,
and algebraically added to the force present before the acceleration or deceleration takes place. This
amplified force is then applied to the components exposed to the drive force and, where applicable, to
the crane and the gross load as well (see Figure 3).

1 motor force
2 brake force
X1 speed
X2 time
Y1 drive force
Y2 load effects on lifting appliances caused by drive force

Figure 3 — Factor ϕ5

The range of values for ϕ5 is 1 ≤ ϕ5 ≤ 2. The value used depends on the rate of change of the drive or
braking force and on the mass distribution and elastic properties of the system. In general, lower values

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

correspond to systems in which forces change smoothly and higher values to those in which sudden
changes occur.
For centrifugal forces, ϕ5 may be taken as 1.
Where a force that can be transmitted is limited by friction or by the nature of the drive mechanism, the
limited force and a factor ϕ5 appropriate to that system shall be used.
Annex B gives a general comment on the application of the ϕ factors.
Annex D gives an example of a determination of the loads caused by acceleration of a bridge crane having
unsynchronized travel gear and non-symmetrical load distribution.

6.1.5 Loads induced by displacements

Account shall be taken of loads arising from displacements included in the design, such as those resulting
from pre-stressing and those within the limits necessary to initiate response of skewing and other
compensating control systems.
Other loads to be considered include those that can arise from displacements that are within defined
limits, such as those set for the variation in the gauge between rails or uneven settlement of supports.

6.2 Occasional loads

6.2.1 Climatic effects In-service wind

Loads due to in-service wind shall be calculated in accordance with ISO 4302. Snow and ice loads

Where relevant, snow and ice loads shall be taken into account. The increased wind exposure surfaces

due to encrustation shall be considered. Loads due to temperature variation

Loads caused by the restraint of expansion or contraction of a component due to local temperature
variation shall be taken into account.

6.2.2 Loads caused by skewing

This subclause covers skewing loads that occur at the guidance means (such as guide rollers or wheel
flanges) of a guided, wheel-mounted crane while it is travelling or traversing in steady-state motion.
These loads are induced by guidance reactions which force the wheels to deviate from their free-
rolling, natural travelling direction. Similar loads, induced by acceleration acting on asymmetrical mass
distribution and that can also cause the crane to skew, are taken into account under 6.1.4.
Skewing loads as defined above are usually taken as occasional loads but their frequency of occurrence
varies with the type, configuration, accuracies of wheel axle parallelism and service of the crane. In
individual cases, the frequency of occurrence will determine whether they are taken as occasional or
regular loads.
NOTE Guidance for establishing the magnitude of skewing loads and the category into which they are placed
for a specific crane type is given in those parts of ISO 8686 covering specific types of cranes.

Annex E gives an example of a method for analysing skewing loads on a rigid crane structure travelling
at a constant speed. For cranes with structures that are not rigid in respect of applied skewing forces or

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

that have specially controlled travel guidance, appropriate models shall be used which take the system
properties into account.

6.3 Exceptional loads

6.3.1 Out-of-service wind conditions

When considering out-of-service wind conditions, the gravitational force on that part of the mass of the
hoist load remaining suspended from the crane, ηm, shall be taken into account:
ηm = mH − ΔmH (4)

mH − ΔmH is that part of the gross load remaining suspended from the crane;

mH is the mass of the gross load.

Wind loads shall be calculated in accordance with ISO 4302.

6.3.2 Test loads

The values of test loads shall be in accordance with ISO 4310.

Where values for dynamic or static test loads are required that are above the minimum given in ISO 4310,
proof of competence calculations for these test conditions may be necessary. In this case, the dynamic
test load shall be multiplied by a factor, ϕ6, given by

φ6 = 0, 5 1 + φ2 ( ) (5)

where ϕ2 is calculated according to 6.1.2.

Annex B gives a general comment on the application of the ϕ factors.
In the proof calculation for test load situations, a minimum level of wind of ν = 5, 42 m/s shall be taken
into account.

6.3.3 Buffer forces

Where buffers are used, the forces on the crane structure arising from collision with them shall be
calculated from the kinetic energy of all relevant parts of the crane moving in general at 0,7 to 1 times
the nominal speed. Lower values may be used where they are justified by special considerations such
as the existence of an automatic control system of demonstrable reliability for retarding the motion or
where there would be limited consequences in the event of a buffer impact.
The calculation may be based on a rigid body model. The actual behaviour of the crane and buffer system
shall be taken into account.
Where the crane or component is restrained against rotation — for example, by guide rails — the buffer
deformations may be assumed to be equal, in which case, if the buffer characteristics are similar, the
buffer forces will be equal. This case is illustrated in Figure 4 a) in which

Fx2 = Fx4 = Fˆx 2 (6)

Where the crane or component is not restrained against rotation, the buffer forces shall be calculated
taking into account the distribution of the relevant masses and the buffer characteristics. This case is
illustrated in Figure 4 b).


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a) Crane horizontally guided by rails (μ2 = μ4) b) Crane not restrained against rotation
(Fy3 = Fy4 = 0)

Figure 4 — Examples of buffer forces and buffer deformation (four-wheel bridge crane shown)

The resulting forces as well as the horizontal inertia forces in balance with the buffer forces shall be
multiplied by a factor, ϕ7, to account for elastic effects which cannot be evaluated using a rigid body
analysis. Factor ϕ7 shall be taken as 1,25 in the case of buffers with linear characteristics (for example,
springs) and as 1,6 in the case of buffers with rectangular characteristics (for example, hydraulic
constant force buffers). For buffers with other characteristics, other values justified by calculation or by
testing shall be used (see the following Note and Figure 5).
NOTE Intermediate values of ϕ7 can be estimated as

φ7 = 1, 25 if 0 ≤ ξ ≤ 0,5

φ7 = 1, 25 + 0,7 (ξ − 0,5 ) if 0,5 < ξ ≤ 1

In calculating buffer forces, the effects of suspended loads that are unrestrained horizontally (free to
swing) should not be taken into account.

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Figure 5 — Factor ϕ7

ξ =  Fx du ∫ (7)


ξ is the relative buffer energy:

for a buffer with linear characteristics: ξ = 0,5;

for a buffer with rectangular characteristics: ξ = 1.

6.3.4 Tilting forces

If a crane with horizontally restrained load can tilt when it, its load or its lifting attachment collides with
an obstacle, the resulting static forces shall be determined.
If a tilted crane can fall back into its normal position in an uncontrolled manner, the resulting impact on
the supporting structure shall be taken into account.

6.3.5 Unintentional loss of payload

The effects of unintentional loss of the payload shall be taken into account, especially subsequent rigid
body stability issues and strength issues such as the jib or whole crane structure springing back, the jib
whipping backwards and colliding with the crane structure, the jib falling back into normal position or
the reversal of loads in components designed as unidirectional (hydraulic cylinders, tension ties, etc.).
In cases where dynamic analysis is not performed, the effect of unintentional loss of the payload may be
calculated by applying the dynamic factor, ϕ9 = −0,3.

6.3.6 Loads caused by emergency cut-out

Loads caused by emergency cut-out shall be evaluated in accordance with 6.1.4, taking into account the
most unfavourable state of drive (i.e. the most unfavourable combination of acceleration and loading) at
the time of the cut-out. The value of the factor ϕ5 hall be chosen from the range 1,5 ≤ ϕ5 ≤ 2.

6.3.7 Loads caused by failure of mechanism or components

Where protection is provided by emergency brakes in addition to service brakes, failure and emergency
brake activation shall be assumed to occur under the most unfavourable condition. Where mechanisms
are duplicated for safety reasons, failure shall be assumed to occur in any part of either system.
In both these cases, the resulting loads shall be evaluated in accordance with 6.1.4, taking into account
any impacts resulting from the transfer of forces.

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6.3.8 External excitation of the crane support

Examples of crane support excitation are earthquakes (seismic loads) or wave-induced movements.
Loads caused by such excitations shall be considered only when they constitute a significant risk.
Seismic loads need to be calculated according to the appropriate methods[2].

6.4 Miscellaneous loads

6.4.1 Loads due to erection, dismantling and transport

The loads acting at each stage of the erection and dismantling process shall be taken into account, including
those arising from a wind speed of 8,3 m/s or greater. Higher values may be specified for the specific types
of cranes covered by the other parts of ISO 8686. They shall be combined in accordance with 7.2.
In some cases it may also be necessary to take account of loads occurring during transport.

6.4.2 Loads on platforms and other means provided for access

The loads are considered to be local, acting only on the facilities themselves and on their immediate
supporting members.
The following loads shall be taken into account:
— 3 000 N, where materials can be deposited;

— 1 500 N, on means provided for access only;
— not less than 300 N, horizontally on railings, depending on location and use.

7 Principles of choice of load combinations

7.1 Basic considerations

Loads shall be combined to determine the stresses a crane will experience during normal operation as
simulated by an elastostatic calculation. To achieve this,
a) the crane is taken in its most unfavourable attitude and configuration while the loads are assumed
to act in magnitude, position and direction causing unfavourable stresses at the critical points
selected for evaluation at the basis of engineering considerations, and
b) conservatively, loads can be combined at the values defined in this part of ISO 8686 or, when
appropriate, they can be combined with some loads factored to more closely reflect loading
conditions actually found in practice.
Basic load combinations are given in Table 3. In general, load combinations A cover regular loads, load
combinations B cover regular loads combined with occasional loads and load combinations C cover
regular loads combined with occasional and exceptional loads.
The load combinations appropriate to specific types of cranes shall be in accordance with the principles
set out in Table 3 and 7.2.

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Table 3 — Loads and load combinations

1 2 3 4 5 6
Load combinations A Load combinations B Load combinations C Line

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Cat. of Partial Partial Partial
load safety safety safety C C
A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9
factors factors factors 10 11
Loads, f i

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γp γp γp

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1) Mass of the crane *) ϕ1 ϕ1 1 — *) ϕ1 ϕ1 1 — — *) ϕ1 1 ϕ1 1 1 1 1 1 — — — 1
2) Mass of gross
1,34 ϕ2 ϕ3 1 — 1,22 ϕ2 ϕ3 1 — — 1,1 — η — 1 1 1 1 1 — — — 2
Gravitation, load
3) Masses of crane
and hoist load, trav-
1,22 — — — ϕ4 1,16 — — — ϕ4 ϕ4 — — — — — — — — — — — — 3
elling on an uneven
(see 6.1) a) Hoist
4) Masses drives ϕ5 ϕ5 — ϕ5 ϕ5 ϕ5 — ϕ5 — — — ϕ5 — — — — — — — — 4
Accelera- excluded
of crane
tion from 1,34 1,22 1,1
and gross b) Hoist
load drives — — ϕ5 — — — ϕ5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 5
5) See 6.1.5 **) 1 1 1 1 **) 1 1 1 1 1 **) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — — — —
1) In-service wind
— — — — 1,22 1 1 1 1 1 1,16 — — 1 — — — — — — — — 7

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Effects of 2) Snow and ice
Occasional — — — — 1,22 1 1 1 1 1 1,16 — 1 — — — — — — — — — 8
climate loads
(see 6.2)
3) Temperature
— — — — 1,16 1 1 1 1 1 1,05 — 1 — — — — — — — — — 9
Skewing 4) See 6.2.2 — — — — 1,16 — — — — 1 — — — — — — — — — — — 10

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*) For values of the partial safety factor to be applied see Table 4.
**) For values of the partial safety factor to be applied to loads due to displacements see 7.3.8.

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Table 3 (continued)

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1 2 3 4 5 6
Load combinations A Load combinations B Load combinations C Line

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Cat. of Partial Partial Partial
load safety safety safety C C
A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9

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factors factors factors 10 11
Loads, f i

γp γp γp

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1) Hoisting a grounded load — — — — — — — — — 1,1 ϕ2 — — — — — — — — — —

2) Out-of-service wind loads — — — — — — — — — 1,16 — 1 — — — — — — — — —

3) Test loads — — — — — — — — — 1,1 — — ϕ6 — — — — — — — —

4) Buffer forces — — — — — — — — — 1,1 — — — ϕ2 — — — — — — —

5) Tilting forces — — — — — — — — — 1,1 — — — — 1 — — — — — —

Excep- 6) Emergency cut-out — — — — — — — — — 1,1 — — — — — ϕ5 — — — — —

tional (see
7) Failure of mechanism — — — — — — — — — 1,1 — — — — — — ϕ5 — — — —
8) Excitation of the crane support — — — — — — — — — 1,1 — — — — — — — 1 — — —

9) Activating the overload pro-
— — — — — — — — — 1,1 — — — — — — — — 1 — —

10) Unintentional loss of payload — — — — — — — — — 1,1 — — — — — — — — — ϕ9 —

11) Erection, dismantling and
— — — — — — — — — 1,1 — — — — — — — — — — 1


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Resistance coefficient γm (limit state method) 1,1 1,1 1,1
Strength coefficient γf (allowable stress
1,48 1,34 1,22

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Table 3 (continued)

1 2 3
4 5 6
Load combinations A Load combinations B Load combinations C Line

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cat. of Partial Partial Partial
load safety safety safety C C
A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9
factors factors factors 10 11
Loads, f i

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

Load combinations
γp γp γp

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A1 and B1: Cranes under normal service conditions, hoisting and depositing loads, without in-service wind and loads from other climatic effects (A1), and with
in-service wind and loads from other climatic effects (B1). In general, the loads shall be combined to reflect the events during the acceleration, deceleration and
positioning of the loaded or unloaded crane, moving in both directions. During the hoisting of a grounded load or a grounded lifting attachment, only a combina-
tion of accelerating drive forces caused by other drives (excluding the hoist drive) shall be taken into account in accordance with the intended normal operation
as well as the control of the drives.
A2 and B2: Cranes under normal service conditions, sudden releasing of a part of the hoist load, without in-service wind and loads from other climatic effects
(A2), and with in-services wind and loads from other climatic effects (B2). Drive forces shall be combined as in A1 and B1.
A3 and B3: Cranes under normal service conditions, accelerating the suspended load, without in-service wind and loads from other climatic effects (A3), and
with in-service wind and loads from other climatic effects (B3). Other drive forces shall be combined as in A1 and B1.
A4 and B4: Cranes under normal service conditions, travelling on an uneven surface or track, without in-service wind and loads from other climatic effects (A4),
and with in-service wind and loads from other climatic effects (B4). Drive forces shall be combined as in A1 and B1.
B5: Cranes under normal service condition, travelling on an uneven surface at constant speed and skewing, with in-service wind and loads from other climatic
C1: Cranes under in-service conditions hoisting a grounded load under the exceptional circumstance applying, Table 2b.
C2: Cranes under out-of-service conditions, including out-of-service wind and loads from other climatic effects.

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C3: Cranes under test conditions. Drive forces shall be combined as in A1 and B1.
C4 to C8: Cranes with gross load in combination with loads such as buffer forces (C4), tilting forces (C5), emergency cut-out (C6), failure of mechanism (C7),
excitation of the crane support (C8).
C9: Activating the overload protection.
C10: Unintentional loss of payload.

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C11: Erection, dismantling and transport loads, see 7.2.

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

7.2 Load combinations during erection, dismantling and transport

Each stage of the erection and dismantling process shall be considered, taking into account the
appropriate loads and load combinations, which shall be as specified in those parts of ISO 8686 covering
specific types of cranes. Proof of competence calculations shall be carried out for each instance of
significant loading of a member or component.
In some cases it may also be necessary to take account of load occurring during transport.

7.3 Application of Table 3

7.3.1 General

The masses given in column 2, lines 1 to 3, shall be multiplied by gravitational acceleration, g, and the
masses in column 2, lines 4 and 5, by the appropriate accelerations. The resulting or given loads shall be
multiplied by the corresponding factors in accordance with 7.3.7.
Each combination of loads shall be applied in accordance with 7.1.

7.3.2 Allowable stress method


The allowable stresses for load combinations A, B and C shall be determined by dividing the appropriate
specified strength of the material, element, component or connection (for example, the stress at yielding,
buckling or limit of elastic stability) by strength coefficients, γf, as given in Table 3.

7.3.3 Limit state method

The various loads shall be multiplied by the partial safety factors, γ p, depending on the type of load and
load combinations A, B or C before being applied to the model.
The partial safety factors γp to be selected are listed in columns 3, 4 and 5 of Table 3.

7.3.4 Elastic displacements

In some instances, elastic displacements can render a crane unfit to perform its intended duties, affect
stability or may interfere with the proper functioning of mechanisms. In such instances, consideration of
displacements shall be part of the proof of competence calculations and, where appropriate, calculated
displacements shall be compared with established limits.

7.3.5 Proofs of fatigue strength

The effects of fatigue shall be considered. Where proofs of fatigue strength are found to be necessary they
shall be carried out in accordance with the principles set down in 7.1. In general, load combinations A1,
A2, A3 and A4 (regular loads) shall be taken into account.
In some applications it may be necessary to consider also occasional loads such as in-service wind, skewing
and exceptional loads such as test loads and excitation of the crane support (for example, wave effects).

7.3.6 High-risk applications

In special cases where the human or economic consequences of failure are exceptionally severe (for
example, ladle cranes or cranes for nuclear applications), increased reliability shall be obtained by the
use of a risk coefficient, γn > 1, the value of which shall be selected according to the requirements of the
particular application.
Using the allowable stress method, the allowable stresses shall be divided by the coefficient. Using the
limit state method, the loads shall be multiplied by γn (see Annex A).

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7.3.7 Masses of crane and crane parts Favourable and unfavourable masses

When calculating the loads from gravitation for a given load combination and crane configuration, the
masses of the different parts of the crane either increase (unfavourable) or decrease (favourable) the
resulting load effect in the critical point under consideration.
The same mass may be favourable in some configurations and unfavourable in others, or favourable for
one resulting load effect und unfavourable for another. Figure 6 illustrates this for a tower crane: With
respect to the bending moment, L, in the tower the mass of the counter weight acts as favourable when
a hoist load is applied and unfavourable without hoist load. With respect to the compression force in the
tower, the mass of the counter weight acts as unfavourable in both cases.

a) Mass of counterweight favourable b) Mass of counterweight unfavourable

L bending moment in tower
mf favourable acting mass
munf unfavourable acting mass

Figure 6 — Illustration of favourable and unfavourable masses Partial safety factors for the masses of the crane (limit state method)

The partial safety factors, γp, shall be chosen from Table 4, depending on the method of determining the
masses of the crane parts and the type of load effect.
A part of a crane (for example, total length of girder of an unloader, slewing upper structure of a tower
crane) having both favourable and unfavourable masses may be assigned only one partial safety factor
in each load combination, related to the centre of gravity of that part.

Table 4 — Values of partial safety factors γp

Method of deter- Load combinations according to Table 3
mining masses
of crane parts
and their centres
Unfavourable Favourable Unfavourable Favourable Unfavourable Favourable
of gravity
By calculation 1,22 0,95 1,16 0,97 1,10 1,00
By weighing 1,16 1,00 1,10 1,00 1,05 1,00
Special condition 1,16 1,10 1,10 1,05 1,05 1,00

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The factors for the special condition may be applied under the following two conditions:
a) masses of crane parts and their centres of gravity are determined by weighing;
b) the ratio of the sum load effect due to favourable masses of crane parts and the sum effect of unfavourable
masses of crane parts plus gross load shall be less than 0,6 — see Formula (10).
Unfactored static values of loads and masses shall be used.

< 0, 6 (10)
Lunf + Lh
Lf is the static load effect of favourable masses of crane parts;

Lunf is the static load effect of unfavourable masses of crane parts;

Lh is the static load effect of the gross load.

NOTE In general, partial safety factors for favourable masses should not be greater than 1. An exception is
provided in the special condition where the calculated resulting load effect would be excessive. Since the value
of the partial safety factor for the unfavourable masses should not be reduced, the partial safety factor for the
favourable masses has been allowed an artificial increase above 1,0. Safety factors for the masses of the crane (allowable stress method)

The coefficients, γf, of the allowable stress method do not take into account negative deviations of
favourable masses. In order to take those effects (e.g. mass is smaller than assumed) into account when
calculating the resulting load effect, favourable masses shall be multiplied be a reduction factor, γ red:
γred = 0,85 in load combinations A;

γred = 0,90 in load combinations B;

γred = 0,95 in load combinations C.

7.3.8 Partial safety factors to be applied to loads caused by displacements

For those parts of a crane where intended displacements are induced to affect resulting load effects,
upper and lower values of partial safety factors as given in Table 5 shall be taken into account to reflect
deviations of the displacements due to the inaccuracies of the prestressing process and its parameters.
In cases where intended displacements are applied locally to create compression forces in connections
to avoid gaping or to cause friction forces, such as the prestressing of high tensile bolts, the same upper
and lower limits of the partial safety factor shall be applied.

Table 5 — Values of partial safety factor γp to be applied to loads due to intended displacements

Values of partial safety Load combinations according to Table 3

factor γp A B C
upper value 1,10 1,05 1,00
lower value 0,90 0,95 1,00


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Any unintended, but reasonably foreseeable elastic or rigid body displacement acting in any direction,
which affect significantly the resulting load effects in a crane shall be considered as load and shall be
amplified with the partial safety factors given in Table 6.
In general, the direction of an unintended displacement can vary and therefore all directions should
be considered.

Table 6 — Values of partial safety factor γp to be applied to loads due to unintended

Load combinations according to Table 3
γp 1,10 1,05 1,00

7.4 Partial safety factors for the proof of rigid body stability
The partial safety factors used to prove that a crane is stable as a rigid body are given in Table 7 for the
relevant load combinations A1, A2, B1, C2, C3, C4, C6, C7, C9, C10 and C11.
In all these load combinations, dynamic factors ϕi, except for ϕ3 and ϕ9, shall be set to ϕi = 1,0; while ϕ3
shall be shall be set to −0,1, when the calculated value of ϕ3 > −0,1.
In cases where the overturning moment is governed by the crane masses, higher partial safety factors
are recommended to be applied in order to achieve an overall safety factor of 1,2.


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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

Annex A

Application of allowable stress method and limit state method of


A.1 General
Most of the principles for determining the loads and load combinations to be taken into account in proof
of competence calculations set out in this part of ISO 8686 (see Clause 5) are applicable to both the
allowable stress method and the limit state method of design. Both methods are equivalent in cases of
linear relationship between loads and stresses. In cases of nonlinear relationship between loads and
stresses (i.e. where the 2nd order method is applied) the limit state method of design shall be applied.
NOTE ISO 20332 gives values for limit states but not for allowable stresses.

A.2 Allowable stress method

Individual specified loads, f i, are calculated and amplified where necessary using the applicable factors ϕ.
They are then combined according to the load combination under consideration from Table 3. The
combined load, Fj , is used to determine the resulting load effects, S k , i.e. the inner forces and moments
in members or the forces on supports.
The stresses, σ 1l , due to the action of the load effects on a particular element or component are calculated
and combined with any stresses, σ 2l , resulting from local effects. The resulting design stress σ l should
be compared with an appropriate value of allowable stress, adm σ.
Admissible stresses are obtained by dividing the specified strengths, R, of the material, such as the
stresses corresponding to the yield point, limit of elastic stability or fatigue strength, by a coefficient, γf,
specified in Table 3, according to the basic load combination (see 7.1) and, where appropriate, by a risk
coefficient, γn (see 7.3.5).
Special care is required to ensure a valid proof of competence when the allowable stress method is
applied to cases where internal forces are not linearly proportional to the loads producing them or
critical values of stress result from the combination of independently varying loads which give stresses
of opposite signs.
A flow chart illustrating the allowable stress method of design is shown in Figure A.1.

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Table 7 — Partial safety factors for the proof of rigid body stability

Load comb. A L. comb. B Load combination C
Categories A1 A2 B1 C2 C3 C4 C6 C8 C9 C10 C11
of load

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S1, S1, S1,
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
Loads f i i *)

S2 S2 S2

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

Mass of

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crane, unfa- 1 1,1 1,05 1,1 1,05 1,1 1,05 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Gravitation, Mass of
acceleration crane, 1 0,95 1,0 0,95 1,0 0,95 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
impacts favourable
Mass of gross 1,0 1,0 1,0
Regular 2 1,34 1,22 1,0 1,0 1,22 1,1 1,0 1,0 — — 1,1 1,05 1,0 — — —
load **) **) **)

Masses of
crane and
gross load, 5 1,34 1,22 1,34 1,22 1,22 1,1 — — 1,1 1,0 — — — — — — — — —
from drives
hoist drives
Displacements 6 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,05 1,05 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 — 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Climate 7 — — — — 1,22 1,16 — — 1,0 1,0 — — — — 1,16 1,1 1,16 1,1 —
Occasional wind

Snow and ice 8 — — — — 1,22 1,22 — — — — — — — — — — — — —
*) According to line numbering in Table 3.

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Only to be applied if unfavourable.

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Table 7 (continued)

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Load comb. A L. comb. B Load combination C
Categories A1 A2 B1 C2 C3 C4 C6 C8 C9 C10 C11
of load

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

S1, S1, S1,
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
Loads f i i *)

S2 S2 S2

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Out-of-service wind loads 12 — — — — — — 1,16 1,1 — — — — — — — — — — —

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Test loads 13 — — — — — — — — 1,16 1,1 — — — — — — — — —
Buffer forces 14 — — — — — — — — — — 1,1 — — — — — — — —
Emergency cut-out 16 — — — — — — — — — — — 1,1 1,1 — — — — — —
Excitation of the crane sup-
18 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1,0 — — — — —
Exceptional port
Activating overload protec-
19 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1,0 1,0 — — —
Unintentional loss of pay-
20 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1,0 1,0 —
Erection, dismantling,
21 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1,1
S1, S2 are the stability classes.
Partial safety factors given in the columns of stability class S1 are applicable to all types of cranes.

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Partial safety factors given in the columns of stability class S2 may only be applied to cranes which fulfil the following conditions:
a) proof exists that the ground to support the crane can reliably withstand the supporting forces, without significant unintended displacements or taking into
account their affect on stability. This shall also be shown in the case, if supports (those not causing rigid body movement) become unloaded and thus cause maxi-
mum forces at other supports;
b) reliable load indicating and limiting system exists, that prewarns the crane driver and finally cuts out any movement if approaching a situation of rigid body
instability in any configuration, position and state of loading;

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c) relevant masses and their centres of gravity shall be evaluated by weighing with an accuracy of ± 2,5 %;
d) the crane being driven by competent crane drivers, who are familiar with the crane and its indicating and limiting devices.
*) According to line numbering in Table 3.
**) Only to be applied if unfavourable.
ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

fi load i on element or component
Fj load combination j

Sk load effects in section k of members or supporting parts (such as inner forces and moments resulting from
load combination Fl )

σ 1l stresses in particular element l as result of load effects S k

σ 2l stresses in particular element l arising from local effects

σl resulting design stress in particular element l

R specified strength or characteristic resistance of the material, particular element or connection — such as
the stress corresponding to the yield point, limit of elastic-stability or fatigue strength (limit states)
adm σ allowable stresses

γf coefficients applied to specified strength according to load combination under consideration

γn risk coefficient, where applicable

Figure A.1 — Typical flow chart of allowable stress method

A.3 Limit state method

Individual specified or characteristic loads, f i, are calculated and amplified where necessary using
factors ϕ multiplied by the appropriate partial safety factors, γp. They are then combined according to
the load combination under consideration to give Fj . Factors ϕ and partial safety factors γp for individual
loads are given in Tables 3 and 7.

Where appropriate, the risk coefficient γn is applied to Fj (see 7.3.6) to give the design load, γn Fj . Design
load effects, S k are determined from the design load. The stresses, σ1l, due to the action of the load
effects on a particular element or component are calculated and combined with any stresses, σ2l,
resulting from local effects which have also been calculated using the appropriate load coefficients.
The resulting design stress, σl, shall be compared with an appropriate limit value, lim σ.
A flow chart illustrating the limit state method of design is shown in Figure A.2.

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

fi load i on element or component
Fj load combination j from loads fi multiplied with partial safety factors and risk coefficient, when applicable

Sk load effects in section k of members or supporting parts (such as inner forces and moments) resulting
from load combination Fj

σ1l stresses in particular element l as result of load effects S k

σ2l stresses in particular element l arising from local effects
σl resulting design stress in the particular element l
R specified strength or characteristic resistance of material, particular element or connection — such as
stress corresponding to yield point, limit of elastic stability or fatigue strength (limit states)
lim σ limit design stress
γf partial safety factors applied to individual loads according to load combination under consideration
γn risk coefficients, where applicable
γm resistance coefficient
Instead of a comparison of stresses (see above), a comparison of forces, moments, deflections, etc. may be made.
NOTE A general description of the limit state method of design is given in ISO 2394.

Figure A.2 — Typical flow chart of limit state method


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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

Annex B

General guidance on application of dynamic factors ϕ

In general, the dynamic responses induced by different loads (see Clause 6) are taken into account by the
use of dynamic factors ϕ, by which gravitational forces due to the masses and inertia forces due to rigid
body movements are multiplied (see Figure B.1).
In cases where the load effect and dynamic response are not covered by these factors, elasto-kinetic
analyses or experiments shall be carried out, unless it is known from experience that these effects are
sufficiently small to be ignored.

a) Example of load effects covered by b) Example of load effects not covered by dynamic
dynamic factors ϕ factors ϕ

1 static axial forces
2 additional bending due to vibrations

Figure B.1 — Application of dynamic factors ϕ

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

Annex C

Example of model for estimating value of dynamic factor ϕ4 for

cranes travelling on rails

C.1 General
The dynamic loads caused by travelling or traversing on rails (see with steps or gaps may be
estimated by using appropriate elasto-kinetic models. Unevenness functions may be used to represent
the steps or gaps in the rails.

C.2 Elasto-kinetic model

In this example, the dynamic loads on the crane caused by excitation of the system are estimated using
a simple model.
A single mass, m, in kilograms, moving horizontally at constant speed, v, in metres per second, is
supported by a linear elastic spring with a spring constant, c, in newtons per metre, and is guided by a
rail (see Figure C.1).
With the unevenness function, h(t), and the coordinate, z(t), both expressed in metres, describing
the position of the spring supported mass, the dynamic force in the spring follows the expression
F(t) = c [h(t) − z(t)] in newtons.
The maximum force, Fmax, is given by the maximum value of expression F(t) during the period of
response. This may occur during or after the period of excitation.

Figure C.1 — Model for determining dynamic factor ϕ4

C.2.1 Movement of wheel centre when passing over step or gap

The movement of the wheel centre when passing over a step or gap and the corresponding formulae are
shown in Figure C.2.

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

e G2
e S ≈ 2rhS (hS << r) hG ≈ (eG ≈ r)

a) Passing over step b) Passing over gap

Figure C.2 — Movement of wheel centre

C.2.2 Approximate unevenness functions for exciting elasto-kinetic model

Approximate unevenness functions h(t) for exciting the elasto-kinetic model are shown in Figure C.3
and in the corresponding formulae in C.2.3.

hS hG
h(t ) = (1 − cos Ω ⋅ t ) h(t ) = (1 − cos Ω ⋅ t )
2 2
where Ω · t S = π where Ω · tG = 2π

a) Passing over step b) Passing over gap

Figure C.3 — Unevenness functions h(t)

C.2.3 Maximum vertical accelerations

C.2.3.1 Lower end of spring

The maximum vertical acceleration of the lower end of the spring, ĥ , when passing over a step or a gap
at constant speed v is given by

h h  π  v2
ĥ = S Ω 2 = G Ω 2 =  
2 2 2 r
where hS, hG, Ω, v and r are as shown in Figures C.2 and C.3.

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

C.2.3.2 Mass passing a step

ẑ , for a mass, m, passing a step is given by

The maximum vertical acceleration, 
zˆ = h ξ S(α S )


ω h 2r
αS =
πv hS
in which

ω = c /m

is the natural circular frequency of the elasto-kinetic model.

C.2.3.3 Mass passing a gap

ẑ , for a mass, m, passing a gap is given by

The maximum vertical acceleration, 
zˆ = h ξ G (α G )

ω eG
αG =

C.2.4 Factors ξS and ξG

In Figure C.4, the curves for factors ξS (αS) and ξG (αG) for a parabolic (par) unevenness function are
compared with those for the approximate cosine (cos) unevenness function previously introduced. The
numbers in brackets [(1) or (2)] indicate the periods for which the factors ξ are valid. Period (1) covers
times t S and tG and period (2) is the response time thereafter.
For both excitations (step or gap), the maximum values of ξS or ξG for α approximately < 1,3 have been
found to occur in period (2), i.e. after the time the wheel has passed the unevenness, and with the cosine
unevenness function [cos(2)].
In this case, the values of the factors may be determined analytically by

α S2
ξS = 2 + cos (2πα S )

1 − α S2

α G2
ξG = 2 − 2cos (2πα G )
1 − α G2

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a) For step b) For gap

Figure C.4 — Curves of unevenness function

C.2.5 Dynamic factor ϕ4

Dynamic factor ϕ4 is defined as
mg + mz h
φ4 = =1+ ξ
mg g
For the two cases and the assumptions made including α ≤ 1,3 using the formulae for ξS, αS and ξG, αG,
factors ϕ4 may be calculated as follows.
For a step:
π v
φ4 = 1 +   ξ S (α S )
 2  gr
For a gap:
π v
φ4 = 1 +   ξ G (α G )
 2  gr

C.2.6 Comments
The use of this simple elasto-kinetic model is restricted to cranes whose actual dynamic behaviour
corresponds to that of the model and which are excited in the manner shown by passing over steps or
gaps in the rails. If more than one natural mode contributes a significant response and/or rotation occurs,
the designer should estimate the dynamic loads using an appropriate model for the circumstances.

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

Annex D

Example of determination of loads caused by acceleration

D.1 Rigid body kinetic model

The example considered is that of a rigid crane (i.e. an overhead travelling crane) consisting of a
double-girder crane bridge, supported by four crane travel wheels, travelling at a constant speed. One
wheel on each side is driven by a simplified independent drive. A traversing loaded trolley is supported
by the crane bridge (see Figure D.1). See 6.1.4.


1 rail 1
2 rail 2

Figure D.1 — Loads acting on overhead travelling crane (see Table D.1)

The drive forces developed by the motors and brakes are transferred through one-step gears to the
crane travel wheels. The travel wheels are supported in the end carriages, those on one side being
laterally fixed and those on the other being laterally movable.

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

D.2 Symbols
The symbols used in this annex are given in Table D.1.

Table D.1 — Symbols used in Annex D

Symbol Description
Geometric parameters (in metres)
l Span of the crane
y Distance of centre of mass of loaded trolley from rail 1
a Distance of centre of gravity (CG) from rail 1
b Distance of centre of gravity (CG) from rail 2
c Wheel base
r1 Radius of gear wheel 1

r2 Radius of gear wheel 2

r Radius of crane travel wheels
Masses (in kilograms)
m1 Mass of crane bridge with travel drives
m2 Mass of crab
m3 Gross load, equivalent to mH
m Mass of the loaded crane (m = m1 +m2 +m3)
Mass moments of inertia (in kilogram metres squared)
θ1 Mass moment of inertia of motor, coupling, brake drum and gear wheel 1
θ2 Mass moment of inertia of gear wheel 2 and crane travel wheels (neglected in this example)
Internal friction losses
η Ratio of output power of gearing to input power of gearing
Speeds and accelerations (in radians or metres per second or second squared)
ψ ,ψ Rotational speed and acceleration, respectively, of motor, coupling, brake drum and gear wheel 1

x , 
x Travel speed and acceleration, respectively, of the crane
Torques (in newton metres)
M Drive torque acting on the first shaft of the crane travel gear
MM Torque due to the stationary characteristics of the motor
MB Torque of the mechanical brake

D.3 Forces
D.3.1 Drive forces and external forces
The motion of the crane, [x(t)], and load effects depend on drive forces which are in balance with the
internal frictional forces, the inertia forces and the external forces. The external forces include the
frictional forces due to mechanical resistance (losses) at the wheels, wind load and, in the case of an
inclined track, gravitational forces.
The torques, M = MM or M = MB, may be defined by the motor or brake characteristics. These are
illustrated by the examples given in Figures D.2 and D.3.

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MM steady-state output torque of motor at motor speed of ψ

M (M
motor starting torque (ψ = 0)

ψ (0) synchronous rotational speed of motor (MM = 0)

Figure D.2 — Resistor-controlled slip-ring motor — Simplified presentation of motor


ˆ , is taken as constant; mathematically

For simplification purposes, in Figure D.3 the magnitude of MB, M B
ˆ = −sgn (ψ ) M
it is expressed as M ˆ .

MB brake torque whose direction is opposite to that of ψ

Figure D.3 — Mechanical brake — Formal presentation of brake torque


D.3.2 Frictional losses at a wheel

Figure D.4 illustrates frictional losses at a wheel.

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ΔM1 torque loss due to friction in wheel bearing
ΔM2 torque representing the losses due to rolling friction in contact zone of rolling wheel
Fz wheel load
w equivalent friction coefficient (ΔM1 + ΔM2 = wFzr)

Figure D.4 — Frictional losses at wheel

D.4 Drive accelerations

The drive model shown in Figure D.5 is used for estimating drive accelerations. This representation
combines the two drives acting to balance forces and includes all significant effects.


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1 output side of gear element 1 5 wheels
2 input side of gear element 1 6 gears
3 output side of gear element 2 7 brakes
4 input side of gear element 2 8 motors

Figure D.5 — Crane drive model (sign convention)

x , of a
From rigid body kinetic analysis, neglecting the mass moments of inertia, θ2, the acceleration, 
crane not affected by wind forces can be expressed as

2Mr1−1 r2r −1η λ − sgn ( x ) wmg

2θ 1(r1−1 r2 r −1 )2η γ + m

λ = sgn (uF
 );

u is the tangential speed of gear wheels;

F is the tangential force to be transferred by the gear wheels.

NOTE Sign convention of speed and internal forces: internal forces of a gear element are assumed to be
positive when acting at the input side in the direction of the positive speed and at the output side opposite to the
direction of the positive speed. The speeds of gear elements are chosen positive if acting in the positive direction
of the movements of the crane, considering the kinematic interactions of the mechanical parts.


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D.5 Loads and load effects

The loads and load effects caused by crane drives during regular use can be taken into account
considering the relevant events, for example:

— event I: accelerating crane from rest, (ψ = 0 ) by applying starting torque, M (M0) , to each travel drive;
x = 0), by mechanical braking whereby the
— event II: decelerating crane from steady-state motion, (ψ = 
torque on each travel drive is changed from a motor torque M (ψ = 0) to a braking torque of − M ˆ .
For the purposes of this example, events I and II are taken to be instantaneous changes in torque; they
are illustrated in Figure D.6.

1 event I
2 event II

Figure D.6 — Illustration of events I and II

D.6 Accelerations
Before the design load effects arising from changes in torque can be calculated, such as those of events I
and II set out in Clause D.5, it is necessary to estimate the initial acceleration, x (i) , and the final
x (f) , bounding the event. This can be done as follows.
acceleration, 
For event I:
x (i) = 0

2M M r 2−1r2 r −1η − wmg
x (f) =
2θ 1 (r 1−1 r2 r −1 )2 η + m
since λ = +1 as (u > 0) and (F > 0).


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For event II:

2M M (ψ = 0 ) r1−1r2 r −1η − wmg

x (i) = 0 =
2θ 1 (r1−1 r2 r −1 )2η + m
since λ = +1 as (u > 0) and (F > 0);

ˆ r −1 r r −1 η −1 + wmg
x (f) = −
B 1 2
2θ 1 (r1−1 r2 r −1 )2 η −1 + m
since λ = −1 as (u > 0) and (F < 0).

From these results it can be seen that if M

(0) ˆ , the acceleration, 
= M x (f) , for event I is less than the
x (f) , for event II.
deceleration, 

D.7 Design load effects in mechanical components

As an example, the tangential force to be transferred by the gears and to be considered in design F is
estimated as follows (see Clause D.4 and Figure D.5):

F = ( M − θ 1ψ)r1−1


ψ = r1−1r2 ⋅ r −1 

Fˆ = F(i) + φ5∆F

where ΔF = F(f) − F(i).

For event I:
F(i) = 0

F(f) = [ M M − θ 1 r1−1 r2 r −1 
x (f) ]r1−1

For event II:

F(i) = M M (ψ = 0)r1−1

ˆ − θ r −1 r r −1 
F(f) = [ − M x (f) ] r1−1
B 1 1 2

D.8 Design load effects in the structural components

As an example, the horizontal loads and reactions to be transferred by the crane girder and to be
considered in design, are estimated as follows (see Figure D.7).

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a) Distribution of horizontal loads during b) Resultant loads — Acting drive forces,

acceleration of crane Fx3 = Fx1, and reacting forces, Fy3 = Fy1

Figure D.7 — Horizontal loads and reactions

The horizontal loads and forces are caused by drive forces accelerating the crane and do not include
skewing forces.
During acceleration, the two acting drives balance the mass forces (mx = m1 x + m2
x + m3
x ) and the
forces due to the frictional losses at all wheels (wmg). It is assumed that the crane drive characteristics
are identical as well as their control; therefore, the drive forces are equally distributed to both of the
 1 1 
drives  Fx3 = Fx1 = mx + wmg  . The resultant drive force acts in the centreline of the span.
 2 2 
Forces transverse to the runway, Fy4 = −Fy3, usually occur due to the distance, e = − a, between the
acting and reacting forces, and become
Fy4 = Fy3 = m( 
x + wg)

The design load effects, Fˆ, and the accelerations before [ 

x (i) ] and after [ 
x (f) ] changing the torques for
any considered event should be evaluated.
From the acting loads, the mass forces, [ mx(i) ] and [ mx(f) ], as well as the resultant friction forces, all
relevant load effects, F(i) [N(i), Q(i), M(i)] and F(f) [N(f), Q(f), M(f)], respectively, should be estimated by an
elastostatic calculation considering the crane girder as a plane (or space) frame (see Figure D.8).

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The design load effects may be evaluated, having reference to Clauses D.4 and D.7, from

Fˆ = F(i) + φ5 ∆F

where ΔF = F(f) − F(i).

x (i) = 0.
In the special cases of events I and II, 

a) Before changing torques (i) b) After changing torques ( f )

The reacting forces, Fy, may be distributed between the wheels grouped in the corners of the crane as

1 or 2 wheels per corner: Fy acting on the outer wheel;

3 or 4 wheels per corner: Fy acting on the two outermost wheels;

More than 4 wheels per corner: Fy acting on the three outermost wheels.

Figure D.8 — Loading state

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

Annex E

Example of method for analysing loads due to skewing

E.1 Model of crane

In order to enable an estimation to be made of the tangential forces between wheels and rails as well
as of the forces between the acting guide means, caused by skewing of the crane (see 6.2.2), a simple
travel-mechanic model is necessary. The crane is considered to be travelling at a constant speed without
anti-skewing control.
The model consists of n pairs of wheels transversally in line, of which p pairs are coupled. An individual
(i) pair of wheels can be defined, either as coupled (C) (i.e. same rotational speed obtained by mechanical
or electrical means) or mounted independently (I) of each other. The latter condition is also valid in the
case of independent single drives.
The wheels are arranged in ideal geometric positions in a rigid crane structure travelling on a rigid track.
Differences in wheel diameters are neglected in this model. They are either fixed (F) or movable (M) in
respect of lateral movement. The lateral degree of freedom can, for example, be provided by a hinged leg.
The different combinations of transversally in-line wheel pairs that are possible are shown in Table E.1.

Table E.1 — Different combinations of wheel pairs

Coupled (C) Independent (I)

Fixed/fixed (F/F)

(F/M) --``,,,``,,`,```,,,,`,```,```,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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In Figure E.1, the positions of the wheel pairs relative to the position of the guide means in front of the
travelling crane are defined by the distances, di.

1 guide means 5 wheel pair i
2 travelling direction 6 wheel pair n
3 wheel pair 1 7 rail 1
4 wheel pair 2 8 rail 2

NOTE Where flanged wheels are used instead of an external guide means, d1 = 0

Figure E.1 — Positions of wheel pairs

It is assumed that the gravitational forces due to the masses of the loaded crane (mg) are acting at a
distance, μl, from rail 1 and are distributed equally to the n wheels at each side of the crane runway.

E.2 Relationship between tangential forces and displacements

It is first necessary to assume a relationship between the tangential forces and the corresponding
displacements occurring between wheel and rail. Since the wheel has to transfer drive moments (My)
to the rail and its movement is restricted by the system (crane and runway) it slides in longitudinal and
lateral directions u(ux, uy). Corresponding tangential forces (Fx, Fy) react on the crane (see Figure E.2).


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a Sliding distance.
b Rolling distance.

Figure E.2 — Tangential forces and displacements

In general, a relationship exists between the sliding distances (ux, uy) the free-rolling distance rψ, the
wheel load Fz and the tangential forces (Fx, Fy), as follows:

Fx = fx (sx, s y, pc, surface conditions) Fz;

Fy = fy (sx, s y, pc, surface conditions) Fz .

The friction coefficients of the rolling wheel (fx, fy) depend on the slip, i.e. the relation between slide and free-
rolling distances (sx = ux/rψ) and (sy = uy/rψ) on the contact pressure between wheel and rail (pc) and the
surface conditions of the rail. To simplify the calculation, the following empirical relationships may be used:
fx = μ0 [1 − e(−250sx)], for sx ≤ 0,015,

fy = μ0 [1 − e(−250sy)], for s y ≤ 0,015

where the adhesion factor,

μ0 = 0,3 for cleaned rails, and

μ0 = 0,2 for non-cleaned rails (i.e. in a normal operation and environment)

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E.3 Loads due to skewing

The crane model is assumed to be travelling in steady motion and to have skewed to an angle α, as
shown in Figure E.3. The crane may be guided horizontally by external means or by wheel flanges.

1 direction of motion 5 instantaneous slide pole
2 direction of rail 6 rail 1
3 wheel pair i 7 lateral slip
4 rail 2 8 guide means

Figure E.3 — Loads acting on crane in skewed position

The skewing angle, α, which should be ≤0,015, should be chosen taking into account the space between
the guide means and the rail as well as reasonable dimensional variation and wear of the crane wheels
and the rails; α = αg +αt +αw may be chosen from Table E.2.


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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

Table E.2 — Skewing angle α

Skewing angle resulting from Flanged wheels Guide rollers
α g = s g min w b when sg ≤ s g min
Track clearance, sg
αg α g = 0,75s g w b when sg > s g min
Crane travelling sg ≥ sg min = 10 mm sg ≥ sg min = 5 mm
Trolley traversing sg ≥ sg min = 4 mm sg ≥ sg min = 2 mm
Tolerances (wheel alignment and
αt αt = 0,001 rad
straightness of rail)
αw Wear αw = 0,1 bh /wb αw = 0,03 bh /wb
wb is the wheel base (i.e. distance between guide rollers or between first and last wheel);
bh is the width of rail tread.

A guide force, Fy, is in balance with the tangential wheel forces, Fx1i, Fy1i, Fx2i, Fx1i, Fy2, which are caused
by rotation of the crane about the instantaneous slide pole. With the maximum lateral slip, s y = α, at
the guide means and a linear distribution of the lateral slip, s yi, between the guide means and the
instantaneous slide pole, the corresponding skewing forces can be calculated as follows.

E.3.1 Distance between instantaneous slide pole and guide means, h

h = ( pµµ ′l 2 + ∑d i2 )/ ∑d i for systems F/F

h = ( pµ l 2 + ∑d i2 )/ ∑d i for systems F/M

p is the number of pairs of coupled wheels;

μ is the distance of the instantaneous slide pole from rail 1;

μ′ is the distance of the instantaneous slide pole from rail 2;

l is the span of the crane;

di is the distance of wheel pair i from the guide means.

E.3.2 Guide force, Fy

Fy = vfmg



Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=sharabiani, shahramfs
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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

v = 1− ∑d i / nh for systems F/F;

= µ ′(1 − ∑d i / nh) for systems F/M;
f = μ0 [1 − e(−250 α)], where α ≤ 0,015 rad;

mg is the gravitational force due to the mass of the loaded crane.

NOTE Guide forces acting on flanged wheels can be distributed between the wheels grouped in the corners
of the crane as shown in Clause D.8.

E.4 Tangential forces, Fx and Fy


Fx1i = ξ1ifmg

Fx2i = ξ2ifmg

Fy1i = v1ifmg

Fy2i = v2ifmg

f and mg are as given in E.3.2, above;

ξ1i, ξ2i, v1i and v2i are as given in Table E.3, below.

Table E.3 — Values of ξ1i, ξ2i, v1i and v2i

Combinations ξ1i = ξ2i, v1i v2i
CFF μμ′l/nh µ d 
 1− i 
IFF 0 µ′  d  n h
 1− i 
n h
CFM μμl/nh

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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

Annex F

Illustration of types of hoist drives

This annex illustrates the five hoist drive types, presented in Table 2b, by means of their time histories
of actual rotational or linear hoist drive speed, ω, and resulting hoist force, F (see Figure F.1)

Figure F.1 — ω and F

Hoist drive types

HD1: Creep speed not available or start of drive without creep speed is possible
Time history:
t = 0: start of drive
t = t1: ω = ωmax
t = t 2: start of rope tightening (t 2 ≈ 0)
t = t 3: start of load lifting
Regular load (Combinations A, B):
ϕ2 = ϕ2,min + β2 vh,max
EXAMPLE Squirrel cage motor with or
without creep speed.


Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=sharabiani, shahramfs
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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

HD2: Hoist drive can only start at creep speed of at least pre-set duration
Time history:
t = t0: start of drive
t = t1: ω = ωCS
t = t4: start of acceleration to ωmax (t4 > t4min)
t = t5: ω = ωmax
t = t 2: start of rope tightening (t 2 ≈ 0)
t = t 3: start of load lifting
Regular loads (Combinations A, B):
ϕ2 = ϕ2,min + β2 vh,CS
Fmax (Φ5) = mH g + Φ5 (F(f) − mH g)
Where F(f) is the final drive force, see

Annex D.
Exceptional load (Combination C1):
ϕ2 = ϕ2,min + β2 vh,max
EXAMPLE Pole changeable squirrel
cage motor with creep speed. Time delay
t4min ensured by any means like time relay or
special push button.

HD3: Hoist drive control maintains creep speed until load is lifted off ground
The time histories of F and ω in HD3 are the same as those shown for hoist drive types HD2. However, whereas
HD3 type hoist drives ensure that t 3 < t4, HD2 type drives do not prevent the application of full speed while the
load is still grounded (i.e. foreseeable misuse of slack rope).
Therefore, in HD3, only regular loads with ϕ2 = ϕ2,min + β2 vh,CS can be considered in load combinations A and
EXAMPLE Any drive with creep speed and load measuring devices. The maximum speed can only be acti-
vated (either automatically or manually) when F stays constant and > 0 for a certain time, thus ensuring that
the load is lifted from the ground.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved 47
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ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

HD4: Stepless hoist drive control, performing with continuously increasing speed
Time history:
t = t0: start of drive
t = t5: ω = ωmax
t = t 2: start of rope tightening
t = t 3: start of load lifting
Regular load (Combinations A, B):
v h,max
φ2 = φ2,min + β 2
Exceptional load (Combination C1):
ϕ2 = ϕ2,min + β2 vh,max
EXAMPLE Any drive that acceler-
ates smoothly (e.g. ramp), e.g. by means of
frequency control or DC-motor or hydraulic

spool valve.
As foreseeable misuse (start of lifting with
slack ropes) is not prevented, load combina-
tion C1 needs to be considered.

HD5: Stepless hoist drive control automatically ensures that dynamic factor ϕ2 does not exceed ϕ2,min
Time history:
t = t0: start of drive
t = t5: ω = ωmax
t = t 2: start of rope tightening
t = t 3: start of load lifting
Regular load (Combinations A, B):
ϕ2 = ϕ2,min
Exceptional load (Combination C1):
v h,max
φ2 = φ2,min + β 2
EXAMPLE Frequency control, DC-motor
or hydraulic LS-valve plus load measuring
devices. Automatic control for smooth rope
tightening and cosine shaped acceleration or
direct load control.
For additional safety, load combination C1
needs to be considered.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=sharabiani, shahramfs
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/02/2013 04:25:08 MST
ISO 8686-1:2012(E)


[1] ISO 2394, General principles on reliability for structures

[2] ISO 11031, Cranes — Design principles for seismic loads


© ISO 2012 – All rights reserved

Copyright International Organization for Standardization 49
Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=sharabiani, shahramfs
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/02/2013 04:25:08 MST
ISO 8686-1:2012(E)

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© ISO 2012 – All rights reserved

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=sharabiani, shahramfs
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/02/2013 04:25:08 MST

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