Dashboard For Accident Detection Using IOT

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)

Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June- 2022 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930

Dashboard for Accident Detection using IOT

Dr. Harish B G1, Shriraksha A S2
1Co-Ordinator, Department of Master of Computer Application,UBDTCE,Davangere
2Shriraksha A S,PG Student, Department of Master of Computer Application,UBDTCE,Davangere
ABSTRACT Majority of accidents (78.4%) are caused due to driver’s fault.
With an increase in population, there is an increase in the number This includes over speeding, driving under the influence of
of road accidents. These are unpredictable and situations could alcohol or drugs, and hit and run cases.
not be reported to nearby hospitals on time.
Other causes of road accidents include fault of others (7.1%) such
In most of the cases, the lack of unavailability of emergency as fault of cyclists, pedestrians or drivers of other vehicles. Fewer
services and providing the first aid along with timely service can accidents are caused due to neglect of civic bodies (2.8%), defect
lead to the loss of life. Hence, there is a need to develop a in motor vehicle (2.3%), and poor weather conditions (1.7%).
system that caters to all these problems. This work is to
construct a system that detects road accidents and pass the METHODOLOGY
information to the concerned for medical treatment. The
developed system uses Internet of Things (IoT) to detect the Methodology is the flow of solving the objectives, below figure 1
accident and notification with the use of integrated smart sensors, shows the flow diagram which is used in developing system.[18]
GPS, a microcontroller fixed in the vehicle modules that can
trigger at the time of an accident. Data Collection

With the help of LoRa (Low Power and Long Range Technology) Design of LoRa Transmitter and Receiver
open frequency band the road accident information is sent to
centralized server , Where information is saved in the form of
records which display information like vehicle number, geo User Interface Design
location in the dashboard. Later this information is fetched by
concerned authorities and immediate ambulance service is
provided for medical treatment.
Server Side Scripting
The main aim of this project is to detect road accident and to
inform the concerned authorities for emergency medical services.
Database Design
Keywords: IoT(Internet of Things), LoRa(Low power and Long Figure 1 : Methodology Flow Diagram.
range), Gps module, Sensors, Dashboard, web server
Accident detection
Background Authors of the paper [4] recommend to use vibration sensor at
vehicle side and based on the status of the vibration sensor they
Road safety continues to be a major developmental issue, a public will draw a conclusion regarding accident.
health concern and a leading cause of death and injury across the
world, killing more than 1.35 million globally as reported in the Authors of the paper[8] proposes to use tilt sensor to be mounted
Global Status report on Road Safety 2018 with 90% of these on vehicle and take decisions based on the values, along with
casualties taking place in the developing countries and 11%alone vehicle inform also proposes to track heart beat information of the
being accounted for by India. users to understand severity of the accident.

As per the Report on Road accidents in India 2019, the accident propose to use ultra sonic sensor to detect range between vehicles
related deaths in India in 2019 were1,51,113 in number. It is and take actions based on the range values returned by the
indeed a matter of great concern that despite the continuing efforts sensor.[9]
of the Government in this regard and our commitments for
halving fatalities we have not been able to register significant Accident prevention
progress on this front.
The paper [1] authors suggest detecting drowsiness of the driver
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has been taking by tacking the eye blink information and alerts driver if
multiple initiatives including those related to vehicular and road downiness is detected.
engineering as well as educational measures for raising awareness
in the field of Road Safety. The year 2019 saw the culmination of Authors of the paper [2],[3],[5],[8] have proposed to use speed
our efforts in the field of Road safety through the enactment of the detection and traffic rule violation procedures of the vehicle and
Motor Vehicle Amendment Act 2019, which among other things, attempts to inform concerned authorities to take action on such
provides for a stiff hike in penalties for traffic violations with the drivers in early state and hence accident could be avoided.
aim of bringing in discipline and a responsible attitude amongst
road users.

© 2022, IJSREM | www.ijsrem.com DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM14388 | Page 1

International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June- 2022 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930

Accident alerting location where the accident has occurred and directs casualty alert
to the authorities concerned.[6]
Authors of the paper [6],[9],[5] suggests to fetch geo location of
the accident using GPS and upload the information to concerned Vehicle accidents cause lot of damage. Early detection and timely
authorities using wifi network and also Bluetooth. action will help a lot in accident situations. Researchers proposed
methods to analyze vehicle mounted sensor data to detect
Papers from [10] to [17] lights on importance of LoRa technology accidents. To get a big clear picture, we need to correlate and
in collecting agricultural parameters and taking decisions analyze pieces of sensor data instead of analyzing them
concerned with crops, these papers pays attentions to how one independently. Along with it, if we also analyze traveler’s heath
could build WSN using LoRa ,advantages of open frequency band data, it will be helpful to take rescue actions. It may not be
in data collection techniques. straightforward to correlate and analyze all these datasets in real
time. A big system and framework is required to-do so. An
The authors of this research present the EBM (Eye Blink architecture and design methodology is proposed in this paper to
Monitoring) technology, which warns the focus when the person analyze the data provided by the vehicle mounted sensors and
is drowsy. An embedded system that monitors head motions and health data sent by passenger’s wearable devices to detect
eye movements relies on the psychological state of focus to accidents in real time. After detecting the accidents, system
inform drivers who are in the sleep cycle stage of tiredness. The assesses the impact of the accident. Then it either alerts relevant
outcomes of the system are unaffected by a simple eye blink.[1] people for rescue action or it does needful actions (as described
by the domain experts) on its own.[7]
Researchers have developed an Automated Speed Detection
System in this study that can detect a vehicle's speed and, if over Road accidents rates are very high nowadays, especially two
speeding occurs, remove the vehicle's license number and mail it wheelers. Timely medical aid can help in saving lives. This
to a Toll Plaza for a fine. In this case, the Doppler Effect is used system aims to alert the nearby medical center about the accident
to measure the speed. When over speeding is detected, a camera to provide immediate medical aid. The attached accelerometer in
captures a vehicle's image.[2] the vehicle senses the tilt of the vehicle and the heartbeat sensor
on the user’s body senses the abnormality of the heartbeat to
In this paper the researchers conceived and built a unique system understand the seriousness of the accident. Thus the systems will
that can easily recognize speed violations on roadways and assist make the decision and sends the information to theSmartphone,
drivers in adhering to traffic regulations by keeping a speed connected to the accelerometer and heartbeat sensor, through
within the authorized speed limit. RFID (Radio Frequency Bluetooth. The Android application in the mobile phone will sent
Identification), GSM (Global System for Mobile), and PIC text message to the nearest medical center and friends.
(Personal Identification Code) are all components of the designed Application also shares the exact location of the accident that can
system (18F45K22). This technique has given dependable, low- save the time[8].
cost, and efficient results.[3]
A large number of precious lives are lost due to road traffic
The authors proposed a novel Vibration Sensor Device to be accidents every day. The common reasons are driver’s mistake
installed on the vehicle. If an accident occurs, vibration is and late response from emergency services. There is aneed to
engaged, and the location of the car is determined using a GPS have an effective road accident detection and information
finder. The incident was immediately reported to Patrol and Life communication system in place to save injured persons. A system
Support so that the accident could be recovered and the suspect that sends information messages to nearby emergency services
could be followed using a GPS tracker.[4] about the accident location for timely response are absolutely
indeed. In research literature, a number of automatic accident
The authors in this paper have proposed a system for detecting
detection systems are proposed by numerous researchers. These
aggressive driving on highways and alerting traffic authorities if a
include accident detection using smart phones, GSM and
violation is detected. Many procedures necessitate human
GPStechnologies, vehicular ad-hoc networks and mobile
attention and involve numerous attempts that are difficult to
applications. The implementation of an automatic road accident
perform. Researchers wanted to develop a technology for early
detection and information communication system in every vehicle
detection and alert of unsafe vehicle during patterns connected to
is very crucial. This paper presents a brief review on automatic
rash driving in this publication.[5]
road accident detection techniques used to save affected persons.
Automatic vehicle accident detection is a life saving application An automatic road accident detection technique based on low cost
that is vital in today’s high speed motorways. In case of motorway ultrasonic sensors is also proposed.[9]
accidents, notification to the proper authorities must be done
Presently developing yields are turning into an extremely
efficiently and expediently. The main objective of this paper is to
tumultuous errand for the ranchers on account of the capricious
create a Real Time Traffic Accident Detection System (RTTADS)
atmosphere and cost of the seeds. Due to the eccentric and abrupt
using Wireless Sensor networks (WSN) and Radio Frequency
difference in the atmosphere the harm proportion will be high and
Identification (RFID) Technologies. This paper explains the
even the misfortune rate will be high. So as to beat this situation
hardware prototype setup for RTTADS, the algorithms used, the
we need to receive a plan methodology which ought to be viable.
advantages and the limitations of the entire system. Also the
The answer for this issue is by following the procedures of
configuration of the setup and application software is elaborated.
exactness agribusiness otherwise called savvy horticulture.
Sensors installed in a vehicle detect the accident location, the
Accuracy Agriculture is a procedure of giving a right arrangement
vehicle’s speed just before the accident and the number of
of contributions to the harvests or terrains as indicated by the
passengers in the vehicle. The sensors then send an alert signal to
earth changes. Exactness Agriculture pursues a characterized set
a monitoring station. The monitoring station, in turn, tracks the
of principles. They are gathering the information, preparing the

© 2022, IJSREM | www.ijsrem.com DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM14388 | Page 2

International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June- 2022 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930

information, sending the information to the incorporated machine LoRa Alliance has characterized the higher layers and system
and as indicated by the information got the choices will be taken design on top the LoRa physical layers and named them Lora
by the master.[10] WAN. Together, these highlights make LoRa appealing to
engineers who can construct total framework arrangements over it
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have created at a quick pace as for both geological and private/mechanical kinds of IoT systems,
of late and have additionally been one of the major focal points of in this manner optimizing its market selection. Regardless of this
research in remote innovation. This fast advancement has been achievement, LoRa has not yet pulled in comparative dimensions
encouraged by the advancement of gadgets scaling down, of consideration from the scholarly and look into network with
development in execution, remote innovations, vitality without a doubt, not very many friend assessed concentrates
proficiency, and the improvement of conventions. The sensors distributed to date.[17]
that gather natural data from the environment have been scaled
down gratitude to the quick execution, enhancement, and scaling Problem definition
down innovation of the equipment. The improvements of new
remote correspondence advancements and falling costs have In existing system vehicles which met with accident have no
empowered fresh out of the plastic new uses for remote sensor automated alert system hence it is difficult to provide timely
organize gadgets.[11] service to people who are in trouble due to road mishaps.
Hospitals receive information from people over a phone call with
The emergence of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) impelled
respect to road accidents; it is not possible to provide a emergency
another heading of research in horticultural and cultivating space.
service due to poor communication.
As of late, WSNs are broadly connected in different rural
applications. The potential WSN applications are checked on, and
the particular issues and difficulties related with conveying WSNs Limitations of existing system
for improved cultivating. To concentrate on the particular
prerequisites, the gadgets, sensors and correspondence strategies  Accident zones and hospitals are not inter connected
related with WSNs in rural applications are dissected  Poor communication leads to loss of life
exhaustively.[12]  Emergency service fails to do its duty
 Persons who are traveling in a new place find it difficult avail
medical service in case of road mishaps
LoRa is a long-run, low-control, low-bitrate, remote media
communications framework, advanced as a foundation answer for
the Internet of Things: end-gadgets use LoRa over a solitary It is required to develop an automated system which helps in
remote bounce to convey to gateway(s), associated with the detecting the events such as accidents and populates the
Internet and which go about as straightforward extensions and information to concerned authorities to take care of victims. In the
country like India where we have huge population, often get to
transfer messages between these end-gadgets and a focal system
know people being killed in road accidents, in may cases victims
have lost their life due untimely treatment.
Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) systems are gaining staggering CONCLUSION
ground from plan, institutionalization, to commercialization.
During this season of quick paced appropriation, it is of most In the proposed system a tilt sensor and vibration sensor are being
extreme significance to dissect how well these advances will scale used at vehicle side which detects the sudden changes in the
as the quantity of gadgets associated with the Internet of Things position of the vehicle i.e orientation and exertion of external
(IoT) unavoidably develops. force to vehicle, we can measure the tilt being happened in angles.
When a vehicle rams with other objects its position gets changes
The most recent years have seen much enthusiasm for Low Power abruptly this is identified by the sensor and similarly vibration
Wide Area (LPWA) advances, which are increasing extraordinary sensor fetches information of collisions, having detected either of
force and business enthusiasm towards the acknowledgment of the two incidents the location information is fetched using GPS
the Internet of Things (IoT). There are numerous competitors that module and the information is saved to remote centralized server
have shocked the exploration network, effectively seeking after which is available to hospitals and police department
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© 2022, IJSREM | www.ijsrem.com DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM14388 | Page 3

International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June- 2022 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930

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© 2022, IJSREM | www.ijsrem.com DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM14388 | Page 4

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