IRJET Vehicle Accident Detection Prevent

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ISSN: 0974-5823 Vol. 6 No.

3 December, 2021
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering


R. Raffik, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore,
Tamilnadu, India – 641049.
M. Michael Jones, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, SNS College of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India – 641035.
T. Murugajothi, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PSNA College of Engineering
and Technology, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India – 624622.
B. Kannadasan, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and
Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India – 600048.

Abstract Sometimes it is difficult to access the exact location of the

accidents and delay in getting information regarding the
The speed of our lives has been boosted with the advancement
in the transportation system. In the present time, road traffic accident location leads to additional number of road accident
accidents have become a global concern all over the world. deaths. Most accidents occur on the highways and other
vehicles passing through the accident location are ignored to
Road traffic accidents are considered as one of the prominent
inform the police as well as hospitals. An immediate solution
reasons for the reduction of life period, loss of lives, properties,
is needed for this problem; therefore, the development of
and time. The death rate among people is rapidly increasing
with the rapid increment in road accidents. For the victims, an intelligent accident detection helps in tracking the accident
accident acts as a catastrophic condition in the case when it location and informing the police and hospital without the
involvement of humans. Intelligent accident detection (Sharma
occurs at the highways. In this article, an intelligent accident
& Sebastian, 2019)
detection has been developed to detect accidents on the road.
Intelligent accident detection involves location tracking as well
as notification systems that detect the accidents immediately
Literature Review
through the GPS location. The sensor connected to the vehicle
gets activated in the case of any accident. Phone calls and Implementation of alert systems in intelligent accident
notification messages will be sent to the nearby hospital, police detection will improve the security system in vehicles.
station, and family members through the Global System for Nowadays GPS is used to track vehicles and helps in
Mobile Communication (GSM). determining the past activities of the vehicles. The Vehicle
tracking system has been developed in the articles for providing
Keywords: GPS, GSM, Arduino, Gyroscope, Road traffic
security to the vehicles. In the vehicle, hardware is fitted that is
accidents, Location tracking, Vehicle
invisible and it covers the unit and sends situation data to the
monitoring data. Data from the tracking system is used in the
case of a vehicle stolen and helps to find the last location of the
vehicles. Accidents are spotted out by the accident detection
The civilization of human history has been rapidly changed due and alert system; it sends GPS signals to the specified computer
to the evolution of the transportation system. Transportation and mobile. The vehicle detection system has several benefits:
plays a vital role in our everyday life and its evolution has it saves the life of the people, as well as industries related to the
established effective communication among the people. transportation system, get maximum benefits (Dogru & Subasi,
However, in the present time, the rate of road accidents is 2018).
increasing which leads to loss of life. Road traffic accidents
have become a global concern that affects the lives of people. Smart technology helps to grow an interest in leading
As per Association for Safe International Road Travel, healthcare equipment manufacturers, dealers as well as
suppliers to invest heavily in the Internet of Things. In result,
approximately 1.35 million people death happens due to road
they get returns in terms of real time promotions as well as
accidents each year; on average approximately 3,700 people
efficient inventory management that helps to grow sales and
lose their lives on the roads every day. Around 20-50 million
reduced operational expenses. The Internet of Things is
people suffers due to non-fatal injuries, often results in long-
term disabilities. 50% of road traffic deaths occurs to fragmented as well as the expertise referred to exist across the
pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. In the whole world, various parts of value chain. The aim of this article is to find
out smart technology opportunities for automotive
road traffic accidents are considered as the 9th leading death
manufactures and the ecosystem limitations.
cause. Unavailability of the first aid provision during the time
of the accident is one of the major reasons for the death of the New technology brings a transformational to the automotive
person. sector as well as these changes are both disruptive and rapid.
Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol. 6 No. 3(December, 2021)
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
The main purpose of this transformation is centered connected helps to protect from the thief and the accident detection. Fire
vehicles as well as the associated opportunities and complexity. accidents are also detected through the device by placing the
The ability to convert technology into new value with fire detector in one of the pins. The transportation system,
capabilities as well as advances, is hugely driven by the traffic operators, and taxi companies are employed by tracking
customization and analytics that is a key component of the in India (Davydov & Bezzateev, 2020). The device is used by
Internet of Things (Smart technology). It left a significant the taxi operator to estimate the distance of the vehicle. The
impact on the smart vehicle to connect with the outside world device will estimate the traffic by determining the map in the
will surely increase the experiences of driver as well as case of accident detection. Tracking in countries like India will
passenger. help to control the traffic problems. The study aims to save
people from road accidents by alerting the nearest police station
The key opportunities for automobile manufacturers are
and hospital. The rescue team received the emergency alert
described below,
after sensing the accidents. Vehicles are targeted by the project
1. Infotainment: In car streaming and other customer that contributes to the automobile market. The project aims to
services design the final product which is affordable for every person.
2. Operational: such as predictive maintenance, telemetric, Various studies have been done on the alert system. In this
software updates study intelligent accident detection has been designed for
3. Autonomous vehicles/self-driving traffic road accidents (Shaik et al., 2018). GPS receivers
monitor the speed of the vehicle and make comparisons
Across the wide swath of industrial Smart technology between the previous and current speeds of the vehicle. The
distributions, most successful use cases have been in the location of the accident is sent by the system to an Alert Service
operational area. In this area, early deployments have tended to Center. It helps the rescue team to reach the accident location
exist. There are many direct impacts of self-driving vehicles in without delay. In this article, a system has been proposed that
different sectors. notified the emergency services such as police, hospitals, and
In both consumer levels as well as in commercial, smart family members. Smartphones have been programmed by the
technology applications brings different types of new system that supports the decision to detect the accident and
opportunities for vehicles such as vehicle tracking and store the records in the data center that can be used in the future.
connected cars and C-V2X. The accelerometer has been used to collect data regarding
accidents. At each side of the vehicle, Gyroscopes are used.
Connected vehicles can communicate throughout the world by The system allows sending the message to the emergency
using different sensors. For example, vehicles can recognize contact including the police station hospital and close family
the obstacles and alerts the driver by using the sensors. members. A shock sensor has been implemented to detect
Furthermore, the communication has a significant impact in accident location and additional information on the victim
designing Internet of Vehicles. There are three stages of including name, age, blood group, and date of birth are sent to
communication. the public safety organization (Maskey et al., 2020).
1. Vehicle to vehicle communication: In this stage vehicle Use Smart technology security analytics: It can be said that the
can communicate with the other vehicle. security issues as well as the vulnerabilities regarding Smart
2. Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication: In this system, technology, may be reduced by implementing the security
the vehicle can communicate with surrounding system analytics. It allows gathering, correlating as well as analyzing
like pedestrians, signaling system as well as obstructions data from different sources that can help Smart technology
security providers to detect potential threats as well as bite such
3. Vehicle to device communication: In this communication
issues in the bud. Ensure Communication Protection: The
system, the sensors send the data to a device to process.
concept of Smart technology left an impact on connecting
The purpose of smart technology is to establish an improved different devices. Some implemented encryptions are HTTP,
system that saves all the crucial data which is required for AES 128, AES 256 as well as a host of others. Use public key
human beings without using their hands directly. However, infrastructure: PKI secures the encryption of data through both
there are some risks in using smart technology that left a great symmetric as well as asymmetric encryption processes. Some
impact on the automobile industry. of the Smart technology PKI security methods are X509 digital
The developed system shows the location and position of the certificate and Cryptographic key, can be used as public or
chiles in real-time and generates data based on the time and private key management, revocation, and distribution.
position of the vehicles. All the data related to the vehicle are Materials and methods
stored in the tracking system such as its location, time taken to
In the proposed system Arduino UNO, GPS Module, GSM
complete the journey, and time to stop the vehicle. Data
Module, Gyroscope sensor, and Power Supply have been used.
storage, data capture, data analysis, and data transfer are the
The Arduino platform is a well-designed open-source platform.
important functions of the designed system (Chang et al.,
Arduino programming language (APL) is used for the
2019). The purpose of the modified detection system is to find
programmed boards. In the present time, Arduino is used in
out an accident and alert important people.
the industries apart from the hobbyists that are employed
Accidents and the intensity of accidents can be easily measured through the experts for creating the economic products.
through intelligent accident detection. This technique is ATmega328P datasheet is used for the Arduino Uno
implemented in the vehicle to identify the percentage of microcontroller board, 14 digital input/output are used in the
vehicles that are involved during accidents and the intensities. Arduino where 6 pins are used for analog inputs and another 6
Vehicle tracking and accidental alert systems are designed in pins as PWM output, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USM
the board that makes it more useful and valuable. The board
Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol. 6 No. 3(December, 2021)
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
connection, an ICSP header, a power jack are used (Dar et al.,
2018). All the basic requirements of microcontrollers are
supported by the Arduino. It helps to control the
microcontroller by connecting it with the computer through
USB cable and operate it with AC to DC adapter (Jesudoss et

Figure 3: GSM Module

Figure 1: Arduino UNO

These satellites use signals to convey data to the earth. This
signal information is received by the GPS receiver, which uses
it to calculate the user's precise location (Vatti et al., 2018). The
GPS receiver compares the time it takes for a satellite to
transmit and receive a signal. We can calculate the satellite's
distance using the computed time difference. The GPS unit can Figure 4: Gyroscope Sensor
determine speed, journey distance, bearing, distance to A gyroscope sensor is a gadget that uses the gravitational pull
destination, tack, dawn, and sunset times, and more after of the earth to determine its orientation. It's a sort of sensor
determining the user's location. found within an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit). A
gyroscope is a gadget that detects rotation around a single axis.
The device's heart is a rotor, which is nothing more than a freely
rotating disc. A spinning axis goes through the center of a larger
wheel, and the rotor is coupled to it.
The block diagram given below demonstrates a simple
overview of the system’s process flow.

Figure 2: GPS Receiver Module

GPS allows users to track locations, goods, and even
individuals all over the world and in all weather conditions.
You can use GPS technology if you have a GPS receiver (Desai
et al., 2018). These satellites use signals to convey data to the
earth. The GPS receiver compares the time it takes for a
satellite to transmit and receive a signal. We can calculate the
satellite's distance using the computed time difference. By
measuring the distance between a few additional satellites, the
user's position can be validated and displayed on the unit's
electronic map. The GPS unit can determine speed, journey
distance, bearing, tack, dawn and sunset times, distance to Figure 5: Block diagram
destination and more after determining the user's location
Working Methodology
(Mohanta et al., 2018). The MODEM controls these modules
(Iqbal & Khan, 2018). Let us begin by assuming that an accident has occurred. The
gyroscopic sensor will detect any irregularities in a matter of
seconds. The gyroscopic sensor sends signals to the
microcontroller, which in our instance is an Arduino. Before
issuing the alert, the Arduino will wait for the victim to
manually switch off the device (Menon et al., 2018). This aids
us in avoiding false alerts in circumstances where the injury
isn't life-threatening. This operation will take place at a certain
Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol. 6 No. 3(December, 2021)
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
time. When the Arduino detects no input from the victim, it
sends out alerts to the pre-programmed phone numbers. As a
result, the emergency contacts will know the victim's exact
location and will be able to alert the rescue team in the interim.
As a result, the death counts due to traffic accidents will get

Figure 8: GPS travel time calculation

The pseudo-code is transmitted by the satellite, and the GPS
receiver receives it. The difference between these two signals
is the travel time, which is calculated by comparing them
(Finogeey et al., 2018). The GPS receiver module generates
output signals in NMEA string format (National Marine
Electronics Association). It outputs serially on the Tx pin at a
default Baud rate of 9600. This GPS receiver provides
longitude, latitude, altitude, time, and other parameters in this
NMEA output string format which are separated by commas.
Each string begins with a dollar sign ($) and ends with a
carriage return or line feed sequence. The GSM module will be
activated once we get the victim's exact geographical
coordinates. Around 800 million people utilizes GSM across
Figure 6: Signal Flow Diagram 190 countries, which accounts for more than 70% of the
worldwide digital wireless communication market (Hu et al.,
2020). A geographical area is divided into hexagonal cells in
The gyroscopic sensor will activate after the accident has GSM, with the power and load of the transmitter determining
occurred. The gyroscope sensor operates on the idea of angular each side (number of end-user).
momentum conservation (Ashok Kumar et al., 2019). The GPS
GSM employed two 25-MHz-wide frequency bands at first:
sensor will activate once the gyroscope has completed its task.
uplink 890 to 915 MHz and downlink 935 to 960 MHz Later,
For tracking or detecting a location, GPS receivers are
two 75-MHz bands were added: uplink 1710 to 1785 MHz and
commonly utilized in cell phones, fleet management systems,
downlink 1805 to 1880 MHz (Zantallis et al., 2019).During the
and military applications.
execution of the program, the GSM modem gets the instruction
A GPS receiver must receive data from at least four satellites 'STOP,' which causes the MC to generate an output, the contact
to be accurate. These GPS satellites use radio frequency to points of which are utilized to disable the ignition switch. We
relay data to the receiver (1.1 to 1.5 GHz) (Menon et al., 2020). can send the warnings via telephone servers in this way,
regardless of the recipient's carrier or service provider (Khanna
et al., 2018). As a result, both voice calls and text messages
were used to send out alerts.
Results and Discussion
In the given figure below, the real-time results of the project
have been shown. Once the accident occurs to the vehicle,
immediately the emergency phone call was successfully made
to the pre-programmed number, nearby hospital, and police

Figure 7: GPS Distance Calculation

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Figure 9: Emergency Phone Call after accident detected
After locating the accident site, the emergency alert message emergency message providing the precise geographical
about the accident location with vehicle number was coordinates of the accident site was successfully delivered to
successfully issued to the pre-programmed number. An the required contacts which were programmed and inserted.

Figure 10: Emergency Alert Message delivery and vehicle with local governments to quickly dispatch a rescue team to the
location tracking accident location. The system must be implemented and put
into practice shortly. The predominant purpose of this
suggested accident detection and alert system is to reduce the
In this article, the prototype of an automatic accident detection number of individuals who die in various road accidents in
system is proposed. This device could be used to prevent unavoidable circumstances. Paramedics are called to the scene
vehicle thefts in the future. Because of the high accuracy of any accident to increase the chances of survival. For
tracking technology, this prototype might be used to trace down accidents that occur in deserted locations or at night, this gadget
those responsible for the horrible crimes. This prototype can is significantly more effective. This low-cost effective car
also be integrated with emergency services in collaboration

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
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Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol. 6 No. 3(December, 2021)
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

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