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General Biology 2
Levels of Organization
Body Systems
Homeostasis: A Balancing Act
1. Go to your respective groups and have 3 representatives to
stand up and balance themselves on one foot.
2. After one minute, let your representatives to put their other
foot down and record their pulse rate.
3. Record also their resting pulse for 15 seconds and multiply
this by 4 to have their pulse rate in 1 minute. Record your
4. Again, have 3 representatives to jog in place for 1 minute
then take their pulse again for 15 seconds. Multiply this by
4 to have their pulse rate in 1 minute.
5. Present your data and observations! ☺
What is homeostasis?
• A condition wherein steady state is regulated inside the
organism in order for it to adapt to internal and external

How did the body maintain


What factors can disrupt homeostasis?

• Deficiency occurs when beneficial pathways are
blocked and cells lack adequate quantities of vitamins
or minerals.
• Toxicity occurs when cells have an excess of a toxin
that poisons the cell.

• It is the maintenance of a constant internal environment (the

immediate surrounding of cells) in response to:
● the changing conditions of the external environment
● the changing conditions of the internal environment

• Homeostasis is a self-adjusting mechanism involving

feedback where the response to a stimulus alters the internal
conditions and may become a new stimulus.
How is homeostasis achieved?
To maintain cells, tissues and entre organisms within their
biological tolerance limits, various mechanisms have evolved:

1. Structural : the organism has particular physical features which

help its survival in an otherwise hostile environment

2. Functional : the metabolism of the organism is able to adjust to

changes in conditions as they are detected

3. Behavioral : the actions and interactions of the individual, either

alone or with others, help it to survive in its particular environment

The two systems of the body which are directly involved in

maintaining homeostasis are the nervous system and the
endocrine (hormone) system.
Feedback Mechanism-
• mechanisms that regulate changes to maintain a stable
internal environment.

Types of Feedback Mechanisms (Loops)

Negative feedback- a change in one direction of a feedback

mechanism that stops further change in that direction.

Positive feedback- a feedback mechanism that continues further

change in a direction.
Feedback Loops
○ stimulus : the change from ideal or resting conditions
○ receptor : the cells or tissue which detects the change due
to the stimulus
○ relay : transmission of the message, via nerves or
hormones or both, to the effector
○ effector : the cells or tissue (gland or muscle) which cause
the response to occur○ response : an action, at cell, tissue, or
whole organism level which would not have occurred in the
absence of the stimulus

○ feedback : the consequence of the response on the

stimulus – either positive or negative
Components Homeostatic Control
Two main types of feedback to which the system reacts:

1. Negative feedback: a reaction in which the system

responds in such a way as to reverse the direction of change.
I. Thermoregulation
II. Carbon dioxide concentration
III. Blood sugar level

2. Positive feedback: a response is occurs to amplify the

change in the variable. (This has a destabilizing effect, so does
not result in homeostasis. Positive feedback is less common in
naturally occurring systems than negative feedback, but it has
its applications.)
I. Blood clotting
II. Events in childbirth
Like the nervous system, the endocrine system sends
messages to the body’s cells.

Immediate reaction = nervous system

More long term change = endocrine system

Endocrine System- the system that creates hormones that

are used in chemical messages to control metabolism;
maintain salt, water, and nutrient balance in the blood;
controls the body’s responses to stress; and regulates growth,
development, and reproduction.
Assignment: (to be submitted on January 7, 2018)

Describe the homeostatic control of the

following using a flow chart:

I. blood glucose level

II. temperature regulation
III. water and salt balance
IV. carbon dioxide concentration
For example, a normal body temperature for a human is
98.6F. This homeostasis.

There is a range just above and just below this temperature

that is safe BUT

95F is too far below homeostasis and this is when

hypothermia sets in.

103 is too high above homeostasis and this is when the

person’s temperature can cause organs to shut down and
Regulating Blood Sugar (Glucose) Levels in the Body- Negative
Feedback Mechanism

1. A person eats an apple

Pancreas- the organ that detects high glucose.
Insulin- the hormone released by the pancreas to bring
glucose levels down in the bloodstream.
Liver- the organ that takes in glucose from the
bloodstream in response to insulin.
Glycogen- the carbohydrate that glucose is stored in in
the vacuole until needed later.
2. A person is hungry.
Pancreas- the organ that detects low glucose.
Glucagon- the hormone released by the pancreas to
bring glucose levels up in the bloodstream.
Liver- the organ that breaks down glycogen in response
to the glucagon.
Glycogen- the carbohydrate that is broken down into
glucose and released into the bloodstream by the liver.
Blood Glucose Control
Insulin- lowers blood glucose (tells liver to convert glucose into glycogen for future use)
Glycogen- increases blood glucose (stimulates the liver to break down

Hungry Receptors sense a Control center Effector

change secretes glucagon

Glucose in the Pancreas releases Glucagon signals the

blood is low the hormone liver to breakdown
glycogen and release
glucagon into the the glucose into the
blood blood

• Type 1 Diabetes is a condition where the pancreas produces

insufficient amounts of insulin. Glucose builds up in the body
instead of being used for energy. Often called juvenile
diabetes because it is diagnosed in childhood/early teens.

Symptoms Treatments

- constant thirst - injection of insulin into the

- undiminished bloodstream daily
hunger - regular measurement of blood
- excessive urination glucose level
• Type 2 Diabetes is a progressive, life-long condition in which
the pancreas either does not produce enough insulin, or the
body does not properly use the insulin it makes. Over time it
may be more difficult to manage symptoms and keep blood
sugar within the prescribed range.

Symptoms Treatments

- mild – sufferers usually - largely by diet/exercise

have sufficient blood alone
insulin, but insulin - may require insulin therapy
receptors on cells have and other medications later in
become life
• Poikilotherms are animals which cannot control body
temperature internally and do not maintain a constant body
● may be called ectotherms or “cold-blooded”
● invertebrates, fish, amphibians and reptiles
• Homeotherms are animals which do maintain a constant
body temperature through internal mechanisms and
● may be called endotherms or “warm-blooded”
● thermoreceptors are located in the skin and heat center
of the brain
● birds and mammals
• When body temperature is too high, it is known as
● vasodilation increases the diameter of blood vessels in the
skin, allowing heat to escape to the environment
● sweating removes heat from the body when sweat evaporates
– in animals without sweat glands, panting does the same thing
● hairs (or feathers) lie fat to minimize insulation
● decreased metabolism slows production of heat by cellular
● behavioral adaptations such as seeking shade or shelter
from the Sun, or swimming/bathing can help decrease body

Prolonged hyperthermia can damage cells and denature

When body temperature is too low, it is known as
● vasoconstriction decreases the diameter of blood vessels in the
skin, in order to keep heat in the body core (where vital organs are)
● shivering produces heat by rapid contractions of skeletal muscles
● increasing metabolism produces heat by cellular respiration
● the pilomotor reflex causes hairs (or feathers) to stand
perpendicular to the skin, trapping an insulating layer of air
○ in humans, this reflex produces goose bumps, which only make
us warmer by telling us to put on a sweater
● structural adaptations may help counteract hypothermia
○ polar bears have transparent hair and black skin to absorb
○ some animals have brown fat/blubber for insulation
● behavioral adaptations such as herding behaviour (to share body
heat) or putting on a sweater may help conserve heat

• Prolonged hypothermia can damage cells and cause death.

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