Nov Dec 2011 Newsletter

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Sublette County School District #9

Mission Statement The mission of the LaBarge Elementary School is to provide a strong academic foundation for students in a safe environment. Each student will have opportunities to succeed. This will be achieved through open communication in our partnership with students, school personnel, parents, and community members.


This past month we had a visit from our school board who held their monthly meeting here at La Barge. Many patrons came and had a chance to express their opinions about our schools future. Alpin Hong, a concert pianist, presented an assembly for the students. The students had a great opportunity to hear a great pianist who related to the students and their music. We were also able to go to Exxon Pond this past month. The students learned about nature, listened to Game and Fish present on fish and some students fished in the pond and caught fish. Our first term ends this Friday and parent conferences are the following week. Please note the dates on your calendar. We are always happy to talk to parents about their students learning growth.

Classroom News:
Kindergarten: It has been a great nine weeks working with your children! This month we will be having a Thanksgiving feast on Wednesday, November 23. I am asking that each student bring their favorite food for the feast. The students are doing an awesome job on reading. We will continue to work on blending and segmenting three letter words and recognizing sight words. Please continue to read the leveled books that I am sending home and document it on their reading logs and the book it form. In math we will be working on numbers, measuring, probability, and graphing. Thank you so much for your support! First Grade: First graders have had a fast and fabulous first nine weeks of school. It is so fun to see the growth they have already
shown and exciting to see where they are headed. Be sure and tell your child how proud you are of them for their hard work. Looking ahead we are going to continue to work with short vowel words that focus on final clusters, diagraphs ( th, sh, ch. Ph, wh, tch), and then start with long vowel pattern words. In writing we will continue working on writing descriptive sentences and paragraphs. In Math we are going to begin working on basic addition facts, measurement, and telling time on the quarter-hour. In social studies we will begin talking about the earths features on a globe or map. Remember to sign off any books that your child reads on their Book-It Reading Log. They seem very excited about earning a free pizza. You can also access what we are doing weekly in class if you go to the school website and click on my website.

Second Grade: Halloween flew in and out and Thanksgiving is close behind it. In reading we will be working on a variety of vocabulary strategies. We will be focusing on an Authors purpose and determining whether a story is written to entertain, persuade or to inform the reader. We will continue working on money and clock skills and begin addition with 2 and 3 digits. In Social Studies we will be studying about what makes up a community. Weather permitting, we will be taking a walking fieldtrip around our community to identify the various parts that make up a community. In science we will begin studying trees and how to determine their age.. Hope you enjoy your Holiday season. Third Grade: Wow! Where is this school year going? It is flying by! Third grade has been working hard on many different

things. We are learning about the continents and oceans and starting a Thanksgiving unit. We have been learning how to add and subtract with and without regrouping. The students have really been working hard and doing their best. Make sure to tell your child to keep up the good work!
Fourth Grade: Fourth grade will hold its rock show about mid-November. We will also be doing our unit on government about then too. We are starting multiplication and division so please help your students learn their facts. It is worth a free lunch if they do well enough. Try to stay well and keep reading.

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