L'équipe de 4e: ERM IS Over

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February 4th, 2013 March 31st, 2013

News from gr. 4

Lquipe de 4e
L e s p r o f e s s e u r s d e 4 e

T E R M 1 I S OVE R !
Term 1 is over We are in need Whats going on Important Dates 1 1 2 3

As term 1 comes to an end, it is exciting to look ahead at what is still to come. I encourage students to reflect first on their accomplishments throughout term 1 and what their hopes are for term 2. Students have been working so hard on numerous projects, studying for tests and quizzes

and putting forth 100% effort daily to achieve success, they should be very proud of what they have done thus far in grade 4. Term 2 will bring a new strand of learning in various subject matters. Students are encouraged to set three goals for term 2 that they feel are achievable. Parents and

students should discuss these goals together so that all parties, parent, student and teacher are all on the same page to help achieve those success goals. Best of luck to everyone in term 2. The grade 4 team

Contact with the teacher
If at any time throughout the year you need to speak with me or would like to book a teacher/ parent conference regarding a concern or a question, I encourage parents/guardians to let me know ahead of time in order to get your childs file ready. We can schedule conferences before or right after school. You can use your childs agenda for communication purposes as I will be signing them daily. You can also call at convenient hours such as before or after school (905) 668-2225 or e-mail oconnor_helene@durham.edu.on.ca

SENDING MONEY When paying for anything school related (lunch lady, special guests), please be on time and bring exact change or even better, write a cheque in the exact amount to Julie Payette. We do not have exact change in our classrooms and it causes many disruptions.

SCHOLASTIC Any scholastic orders, please pay by cheque payable to Scholastic Canada.

THANK YOU! Thank you for your generous donations of tissues, paper towel and hand sanitizer. We are definitely using them during the cold season! Mille mercis!

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Lquipe de 4e






Art: Moving away from drawing and colouring with crayons and Our area and perimeter unit pencil crayons, students will be Science: Students have been has come to a close, students were able to create gardens learning about gears. How gears using markers, glues, construction where they calculated the area turn, what gears are used for and paper, pastels and paint during Term 2. They will learn how to and perimeter. Term 2 will different types of gears. We will begin with 2D and then 3D ge- also be looking at pulleys, fixed, mix colours to make shades of the ometry. We will looking at pol- mobile, and block and tackle pul- same colour but also how to mix to make new colours. ygons, attributes of shapes, as leys. Our next unit of study will well as similarities and differbe light and sound. Music: Students have been learnences between shapes. We will Social Studies: As our Canada ing how to read music and create also be learning about angles. unit is now complete, we will be music using their recorder. StuIn March, students will be redents will continue to expand taking a short break from Social viewing mathematical operastudies to focus on Science. After their recorder knowledge for the tions (adding, subtracting). beginning of term 2. our light and sound unit, stuEach student will receive a dents will be taken back to the Drama/Dance: . Dance is now multiplication package to use Middle Ages. It is a very inover for term 1 and we are now to practise at home before the formative and interesting unit as starting Drama for term 2. In March Break. student learn a great deal about Drama, students will be focusing Language: We are finishing up this specific era in history. on how to become a character usour procedure unit. The class Physical Education: We will be ing different strategies. We will will have an opportunity to cre- focusing on basketball, providing be using symbols and objects to ate their classmates sundaes in students will some skills and help create and/or represent a order to see if they wrote a character. drills to allow them to feel more good procedure. A letter will be at ease with the sport. We will coming home soon to inform look at how to bounce the ball, you of what students will need chest and bounce pass the ball as to bring for their sundaes and well as how to shoot the ball when it will take place. Stuproperly. Our next unit will be dents learned the process of re- fitness. vising and proofreading their Health: We are beginning our work independently with the help of vocabulary lists, check- unit on Growth and Development where students have lists and work samples. This learned about the 4 stages of life: month, we will be focusing on visualizing. We will be reading infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood. We have disand learning how to visualize parts of a story, characters and cussed some of the emotional, events. A third book report will physical and interpersonal asbe coming soon. Our grammar pects of each stage. We will then take a look at nutrition. focus is plural and singular

endings for adjectives and verbs as well as verbs ending in ER.

News from gr. 4

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Lates and Absences:
Winter is upon us, and thus many students have been arriving after our 8:05am. Just a reminder that our first bell rings at 7:50 (where students are supervised outside) and then the school bell rings at 8:00am allowing students 5 minutes to get to class before classes start at 8:05am. I WAS ABSENT! Students are responsible for asking Mme what work they have missed and are also responsible for completing that work in a timely fashion. REPORT CARDS ARE COMING SOON: Term 1 is coming to an end and students have been finishing up several assignments. You will notice that some evaluations are being sent home for signature and review. Please take the time to read over these evaluations with your child, sign them and then return them back to school as the students put them into their work portfolios. Should you have any questions or concerns, please write me a note or call the school to discuss. Report cards will be sent home February 13th, 2013

Those who wish to bring valentines on February 14th may do so as Mme will set aside a time to exchange them. Please bring a valentine for everyone in the class if you are participating. A class list will be provided. For those who do not wish or do not celebrate, an alternate activity will be given during the exchange.



KEY DATES TO REMEMBER: February 7th Wear a sweater day February 14th Making our sundaes : ) Reports cards go home February 13th P.A DAY -February 15th Family Day-February 18th March Break March 8-15 Be sure to take a look at the school website calendar for other relevant information and important dates.

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