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Seasonal Influenza Awareness Guide

2023 - 2024
What is seasonal influenza?
Seasonal influenza is a acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses
which circulate worldwide in certain seasons.

What is the pathogen?

Influenza viruses belong to the Orthomyxoviridia family. They are classified
into types A, B and C on the basis of their core proteins.

What are the signs and symptoms of influenza?

Signs and symptoms range from mild to severe. Symptoms usually subside
within a week, without any medical intervention. And it may cause severe
illness that requires hospitalization and may lead to serious complications,
particularly among certain high-risk groups.

Fever Headache Malaise

Cough Muscle and joint ache Sore throat and

a runny nose
Younger children may
experience vomiting
and diarrhea.

Who are at a high-risk of getting influenza and its complication?

Pregnant women, at any Individuals with chronic medi-

stage of pregnancy cal conditions such as chronic
cardiac, pulmonary, renal,
Children below 5 neurodevelopmental, liver or
years of age hematologic diseases

Elderly Health-care workers

Incubation period:
The time from contracting the infection to illness, is about 2 days, but may
range from one to four days.

Modes of transmission:

1. Direct mode of transmission: Droplets that are dispersed through cough-

ing, sneezing and talking of an infected person.

2. Indirect mode of transmission: Touching contaminated hands or objects

and surfaces and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

How to diagnose Seasonal Influenza?

laboratory investigation

Treatment of Seasonal Influenza:

1.Patients that are not from the high-risk group can manage with symptomatic
treatment to relive fever and pain and other symptoms and are advised, to stay
home in order to minimize transmission to others.

2.High-risk patients might need a different plan of treatment depending on the

physician’s evaluation.
How to prevent Seasonal Influenza?

Those feeling unwell ( feverish

Vaccination is the most or showing other symptoms of
Good respiratory
effective way to pre- influenza) should self-isolate
hygiene: applying cough
vent the disease early on to prevent infecting
and sneezing etiquette

Regular hand-washing Avoiding close con- Avoiding touching eyes, nose or

and sanitizing tact with sick people mouth

Clean and sterilize

frequently used sur-
faces and tools

What is the influenza vaccine?

The “flu shot “is an inactivated vaccine (containing killed virus) that is given
usually in the arm.

Who can get the vaccine?

All individuals from age 6 months and above

Important groups that should take the flu vaccination:

It is highly recommended for the following groups to take the influenza vaccination,
as they are more likely to contract the disease and its complications:

Elderly Health care providers Children from 6

months to 5 years

Pregnant women at all Those with chronic

medical conditions
stages of pregnancy
When should you get vaccinated?
Ideally the best time to get the influenza vaccine is annually in September or
early (winter) before the influenza season starts. However, even if you did not
get vaccinated at that time, vaccination is still recommended later as influenza
may peak in later months during the year.

When does the flu vaccine become effective?

Two weeks after vaccination. That’s why it’s best to get vaccinated before
influenza viruses start to spread in the community.

Is the influenza vaccine safe?

Flu vaccines have a good safety record and have been used on millions of
people for more than 60 years. Side effects of the flu vaccine are generally
mild and go away on their own within a few days.

What side effects can I get after vaccination?

Redness, swelling at Headache Muscle aches

the site of injection

Fever Nausea

These side effects are usually mild and short-lasting.

Where to get the flu vaccine?

Flu vaccines are offered in all government and private health care centers
Facts about seasonal influenza

Worldwide, annually epidemics result

Seasonal Influenza occurs all over
in about:
the world, with an annual global
attack rate of: 3 to 5 million cases of severe
5-10% in adults
290,000 to 650,000 respiratory
20-30% in children

Although patients will mostly Every flu season is different, and influ-
recover without complications. enza can affect people differently.

However, it can be associated with

serious illnesses, hospitalizations,

and serious complications special-

Among elderly people, vaccination
ly in high-risk groups.
may reduce the number of

hospitalizations by 25-39%

and has also been shown to:

Flu vaccination has been shown in
reduce overall mortality by
several studies to reduce severity
of illness.

Influenza vaccines offer approxi-

mately 70-90% protection against
clinical disease in healthy adults.
Benefits of the influenza vaccination

Decreases the risk of flu-asso- Prevents you from falling sick

ciated hospitalization. with influenza.

Protects pregnant women from If you get the vaccine you are
acquiring the illness during and protecting your family and
after pregnancy and helps pro- community from contracting
tect infants in their first few the disease, especially if they
months of life. are from high-risk groups.

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