Ask students:
1. What is the picture all about?
2. How would you reconcile the
opposing situations depicted in
the scenarios?
3. Which of the scenarios would
you value the most?
B. Establishing a purpose for the The Force Be with You SPELL IT Observing the Text Let us check how well you have
lesson This activity is your initial step to skyscraper, mastered the lesson, by
take a stand on controversial mega bridges, progress, Students will be given 2 text to answering the 15 item quiz in
issues which require sound economy, modernization, observe. the evaluation.
analysis and judgment. scarcity,
nature 1. Obama: ‘There Were No
Winners In This’ Government
Ask them Shutdown
1. Are you familiar with these https://www.youtube.com/
expressions? watch?v=vKnBKq57aGw
2. What make these expressions
significant in our lives? 2. A Black woman’s crown
should be celebrated
By Lydia Dillard (TSU)
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of (BOARD WORK) Inquiring Minds Want to know Ask the students:
new lesson Accordingly, “A picture is worth 1. What is the first reading
a thousand words “, but in this Exploring varying perspectives… selection about?
activity, it is the other way In the previous activities, you 2. What ideas are presented in
around. A word can be a picture learned the different facets the second text?
of many things. Fill in the attached to industrialization. 3. Are the details presented in
diagram with words/ phrases This time, let us identify one first reading factual? What
that you can associate with more issue as our basis to about the reading selection
COVID 19. render judgment as to validity B? What made you say so?
after sound analysis has been
Process Questions
1. What is your most touching
and heart-breaking experience
about the COVID-19 pandemic?
2. How should the Philippine
Government and the world have
responded to the challenges
brought on by COVID-19?
D. Discussing new concepts and FACT OR OPINION Discussion of Economic Growth Discussion of
practicing new skills #1 A Fact is a piece of information And other destructive activities Factual information
that can be proved with we have done to nature in the And Subjective content or
concrete evidence while an guise of modernization. information
Opinion is a view or judgment
about something that cannot be
proved by evidence.
Read the following statements
and validate these issues
according to your own
conviction and understanding of
the Covid-19 pandemic.
Ask students:
1. Do you have an interesting
realization about the given
issue? What is it?
E. Discussing new Man the Battle Stations
concepts and practicing new skills (Group Activity)
#2-- Industrialization has given so
much comfort to mankind.
However, urbanization which is
developed because of
industrialization brought critical
issues and pressing needs for
solution. Study the picture in
each item and write your
thoughts by answering the
questions: 1. What do you think
is the issue here? 2. How can
you address such issue? 3. How
can society prevent issues like
this to arise?
J. Additional activities for Give them a copy of Obama: Writing an Essay They can still submit their essay
application and remediation ‘There Were No Winners In This’ Assess your learning by writing a until Friday.
Government Shutdown and A paragraph using factual
Black woman’s crown should be information and subjective
celebrated By Lydia Dillard information in giving reasons or
(TSU) and instruct students to evidence. You can choose the
do an advance reading. type of information you will use
in discussing your topic. Below
are suggested topics that you
can choose from. You will be
rated with the rubrics provided.
Suggested topics:
• Cigarette smoking is
dangerous to your health
• A person that you admire the
• A place where you would like
to live your whole life
• The job you dream.
• Smartphone users in the
• Most used social media
platform in the Philippines
V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other