The Hindu Zone 06 April 2024

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Page No. 01 06.04.

2024 / Saturday
वीवीपीएटी बनाम मतों
क� पुनगर्णना एवं मत –
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GS Foundation Batch
For UPSC CSE 2024-25
19 April. 2024
th Hybrid Batch
Hindi Medium

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SSC CPO 2024 May-Jun 2024
CHSL 2024 Jun-July 2024

MTS 2024 July-Aug 2024
Staff Selection Commission CGL 2024 Sep-Oct 2024
Steno 2024 Oct-Nov 2024
WHY IN THE NEWS ? devastating flash floods that
The Uttarakhand administra- claimed numerous lives.
tion has formed two expert The glacial lakes in Uttara-
teams tasked with assessing khand are classified into three
the danger posed by five categories: ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’,
potentially perilous glacial with ‘A’ denoting the most
lakes situated in the area. sensitive ones. Among the 13
These lakes are susceptible lakes in Uttarakhand, five are
to Glacial Lake Outburst classified as ‘A’ (highly sen-
Floods (GLOFs), incidents sitive), four as ‘B’ (sensitive),
that have caused numerous and four as ‘C’ (relatively
calamities in the Himalayan less sensitive).
regions in recent times. Notably, the Pithoragarh
district hosts four of the
GLACIAL LAKES IN highly sensitive lakes, while
UTTARAKHAND one is situated in the Chamoli 31ST JAN 2024
Uttarakhand is home to 13 district. In terms of sensitive
of the 188 glacial lakes lakes, Pithoragarh has two,
identified in the Himalayan with one each in Chamoli and
region. These lakes gained Tehri districts. 29th05 िदसबं र 2023
significant attention follow- 11:00 - 12:00PM
ing a catastrophic event in TEAMS DEPLOYED TO
February 2021 when a gla- ASSESS UTTARA-
cial lake outburst in Chamoli KHAND’S RISKIEST
district resulted in the GLACIAL LAKES
destruction of a small hydro-
power project on the Rishi Read More
Ganga river and triggered Himanshu Mishra
Page No. 02 06.04.2024 / Saturday
Why in the news? South Asia: South Asia’s region: South Asia is caught
A new World Bank report, employment ratio dropped between a rock and a hard
“Jobs for Resilience,” by 2% from 2000 to 2023, place. The region is particu-
warns that South Asia, while most emerging mar- larly susceptible to the
kets held steady. This weak-
including India, is failing impacts of climate change,
to create enough jobs forness persists even after a but its limited government 12 th December
post-pandemic surge.
its young population. This resources make it difficult
could jeopardise Low Participation: Com-
the to implement large-scale
pared to other developing
region’s demographic divi- adaptation policies. This
dend, even though it’s economies, South Asia has leaves the burden of coping
expected to have the significantly lower employ- with climate shocks on
world’s fastest economic ment ratios across the businesses, farmers, and
growth (6.0-6.1%) in board. In 2023, only 59% of especially poor households, 30th SEP. 2023
2024-25. the working-age population who are often hit the hard-
was employed, far below est.
SIGNIFICANT FIND- the 70% average in other Jobless Growth: Unlike
Climate Vulnerability of the Read More
Decline in Employment in Himanshu Mishra


WHY IN THE NEWS? It will reduce the distance between the
strategically critical monastery town
In early March, Indian PM Modi’s visit in Autonomous Region (TAR)
of Tawang and Dirangby by 12 km
Prime Minister Narendra Arunachal pradesh for the and save around 90 minutes for trav-
Modi inaugurated the Sela inauguration of sela tunnel ABOUT SELA TUNNEL: elers in each direction.More impor-
Tunnel in Arunachal was criticized by China tantly, the tunnel provides a huge
Pradesh, close to the which it claims as its eastern According to an Indian media relief from weather-related issues.
Sino-India border. This territory and part of Tibet. report, the Sela tunnel project,
tunnel is crucial for including the tunnels — a
strengthening India’s China has developed main tunnel and an escape
defense at the Border state-of-the-art infrastruc- tunnel for emergency services BORDER INFRASTRUC-
region to counter China’s ture across the Sino-Indian — the approach and link TURE:
aggression at the border. border as well in the Tibetan roads is around 12 km.
Unfriendly neighborhood- India is
having tough relations on its northern
frontier with China and Pakistan.
There is also the possibility of a two
front war as increasing closeness
between China and Pakistan.

Hilly terrain- The geography in the

northern frontier includes himalayan
mountains and cold desert. Where it is
highly difficult to mobilize army

Chinese aggression- China’s salami

slicing strategy, which reflects an
aggressive attitude towards neighbor-
ing countries which is visible in its

Read More
Page No. 03 06.04.2024 / Saturday
वीवीपीएटी बनाम मतो ं क� पुनगर्णना एवं मत –
खबरों में �ों ? हाल ही में भारत के चुनाव आयोग द्वारा भारत के लोकसभा चुनाव 2024 के िव�भ� चरणों और तारीखों क�

घोषणा क� गई है । भारत के उ�तम �ायलय के इस फैसले का अ�धक इले�ॉ� िनक वोिटंग मशीनों
भारत में होनेवाले लोकसभा आम समथर्न करते हुए कहा है िक – “ ईवीएम में (ईवीएम) का उपयोग करके भारत के
चुनाव 2024 के िव�भ� चरणों क� जनता का िव�ास बढ़ाने और भारत में होने मतदाता अपना मत डालेंगे और इस
घोषणा के साथ ही िव�भ� राजनीितक वाले आम चुनावों में चुनावी प्रिक्रया क� चुनावी प्रिक्रया में अपनी भागीदारी
दलों द्वारा भारत के उ�तम �ायालय स�िन�ा सुिन��त करने के �लए 100 सुिन��त करें गे ।
में VVPAT प�चर्यों का EVM में पड़े प्रितशत वीवीपैट (VVPAT) का इ�ेमाल
वोटों से �मलान करने के सं बं ध में एक होना चािहए ।” वीवीपीएटी (VVPAT) का प�रचय :
या�चका दायर हुई है । वतर्मान समय में भारत में होने वाले आम वीवीपीएटी (VVPAT) का पूरा नाम –
भारत के उ�तम �ायलय के चुनावों में वोटों के गणना के स�ापन के वोटर वे�रिफ़एबल पेपर ऑिडट ट�ेल्स
�ायमूितर् ज��स बीआर गवई और �लए 5 रैं डम मतदान केंद्रों क� वीवीपैट पेपर है, जो चुनाव प्रिक्रया में इले�ॉ� िनक
ज��स सं दीप मेहता क� बेंच ने भारत प�चर्यों का ईवीएम से �मलान िकया जाता वोिटंग मशीन (ईवीएम) से जुड़ी
में चुनाव सुधारों के सं बं ध में दायर हुई है । मशीन होती हैं । जब कोई मतदाता
इस या�चका पर चुनाव आयोग और भारत में होने वाले लोकसभा चुनाव 2024 ईवीएम का उपयोग करके वोट डालता
केंद्र सरकार को नोिटस जारी कर दुिनया क� सबसे बड़ी लोकतांित्रक चुनावी
जवाब मांगा है । प्रिक्रया है, �जसमें करीब 900 �म�लयन से
कांग्रेस महास�चव जयराम रमेश ने Read More
Akhilesh Kumar

पीएम सोलर रूफटॉप योजना

ख़बरों में �ों ? हाल ही में भारत क� िव� मं त्री ने 1 फरवरी 2024 सं सद में अंत�रम बजट को पेश करते हुए लगभग 11.08 गीगावॉट है । ,
भारत में सौर ऊजार् को बढ़ावा देने के �लए पीएम सोलर रूफटॉप योजना क� घोषणा क� है । भारत में सौर ऊजार् �मता के मामले में राज�ान कुल
सौर ऊजार् �मता (18.7 गीगावॉट) के कारण भारत के
इस योजना के तहत भारत में एक करोड़ भारत में ऊजार् के �ेत्र में सौर ऊजार् का है । सभी रा�ों में में अग्रणी है जबिक गुजरात छत पर
प�रवारों को हर महीने 300 यूिनट तक मह� : हाल के िदनों में सौर ऊजार् में िवशेष रूप कुल सौर ऊजार् �मता के मामले में (2.8 गीगावॉट) के
फ्र� िबजली दी जाएगी । से मह�पूणर् वृ�द्ध देखी गई है, जो 2010 साथ भारत में शीषर् �ान पर है ।
इस योजना का प्राथ�मक ल� ऊजार् �ेत्र अंतरार्��ीय ऊजार् एजेंसी (IEA) के में 10 मेगावाट से बढ़कर 2023 में भारत क� कुल नवीकरणीय ऊजार् �मता में सौर ऊजार्
में भारत को आ�िनभर्र बनाना और अनुसार, भारत को अगले 30 वष� में 70.10 गीगावॉट हो गई है । का एक मह�पूणर् �ान है, जो लगभग 180 गीगावॉट
भारत के गरीब और म�म वगर् लोगों के वै��क �र पर सबसे बड़ी ऊजार् मांग है ।
�लए िबजली के िबल को कम करना है । वृ�द्ध का अनुभव होने क� उ�ीद है । भारत क� वतर्मान सौर ऊजार् �मता : भारत ने वषर् 2030 तक नवीकरणीय ऊजार् के �ेत्र में
सरकार का ल� नवीकरणीय ऊजार् के भारत में ऊजार् के �ेत्र में बढ़ती मांग को पूणर् रूप से आ�िनभर्र बनने का ल� िनधार्�रत िकया
उपयोग को बढ़ावा देना और पारं प�रक पूरा करने के �लए ऊजार् का एक वतर्मान में नवीकरणीय ऊजार् मं त्रालय है, �जसके तहत 2030 तक 500 गीगावॉट
ऊजार् स्रोतों पर िनभर्रता को कम करके िव�सनीय और िटकाऊ स्रोत द्वारा जारी एक �रपोटर् के अनुसार िदसं बर नवीकरणीय ऊजार् �मता प्रा� करने का ल�
घरे लू �र पर सौर ऊजार् को �ापक रूप मह�पूणर् है, �जसके तहत भारत को 2023 तक, भारत क� कुल सौर �मता िनधार्�रत िकया गया है ।
से अपनाने को प्रो�ािहत करना है । कोयले जैसे ऊजार् के पारं प�रक स्रोतों लगभग 73.31 गीगावाट (जीड�ू) है,
पर िनभर्रता को कम करना आव�क �जसमें छत पर सौर ऊजार् का योगदान �ा होता है रूफटॉप सोलर पैनल ?

रूफटॉप सोलर पैनल घर क� छत पर लगाए जाते हैं ।

इन पैनलों में सोलर �ेट लगी होती है । यह ऐसी
तकनीक है जो सूयर् क� िकरणों से ऊजार् सोखकर
िबजली उ�ादन करती है ।
इसके पैनल में फोटोवो��क बैटरी लगी होती है जो

25 30 सौर ऊजार् को िबजली में बदल देती हैं ।

सौर ऊजार् के तहत उ�ािदत िबजली भी वही काम
05 Oct. 2023 करती है जो पावर िग्रड से आई िबजली करती है ।

पीएम सोलर रूफटॉप योजना :

पीएम सोलर रूफटॉप योजना को वषर् 2014 में प्रारं भ

िकया गया था । यह योजना आवासीय �ेत्र में रूफटॉप

Read More
Akhilesh kumar
Page No. 04 01.10.2023
06.04.2024 / Sunday
/ Saturday

25thMar. 2024
Page No. 05 Bank & SSC Current Affairs 06.04.2024 / Saturday
World’s First Om-Shaped Nidhu Saxena Appointed as
Temple Inaugurated in MD & CEO of Bank of
Rajasthan Maharashtra
The world’s first-ever temple designed in the iconic Om In a significant development, the central govern-
shape has been inaugurated in the village of Jadan, Pali ment has approved the appointment of Nidhu
district of Rajasthan. This architectural masterpiece, Saxena as the Managing Director & Chief Execu-
spanning across 250 acres, is not only expected to attract tive Officer (MD & CEO) of the Bank of Maha-
tourists but will also boast an impressive visual presence rashtra. This appointment will be effective for a
visible from space. period of three years starting from 27 March 2024.

Indian Expert Kamal Kishore to

Lead UN’s Disaster Risk Q. What are the causes of ocean
Reduction Efforts currents? How do currents affect
The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres the temperature of a region?
has appointed Kamal Kishore of India as the new Assistant
Secretary-General and Special Representative of the Sec- View points:
retary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction. He will lead
the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
(UNDRR). Write in brief about Ocean Cur-

Enumerate the factors responsi-

Read More ble for their formation.
By Vikas Mavi
Explain how currents affect the
temperature and climatic condi-
tions of a region with examples.
Page No. 06 06.04.2024 / Saturday
Page No. 07 06.04.2024 / Saturday
Q1. Consider the following statements: Which of the statements given above is/are (d) Neither 1 nor 2
• Off-budgeting is a process which helps in (a) 1 only ANSWER: D
managing fiscal deficit. (b) 2 only EXPLANATION:
• Off-budgeting is a type of loan taken by a (c) Both 1 and 2 • Main objectives of Disinvestment in
public institution on the direction of the (d) Neither 1 nor 2 India:
central government. • Reducing the fiscal burden on the
• Parliamentary supervision is negligible in ANSWER: A exchequer.Thus, statement 1 is correct.
off-budgeting. EXPLANATION: • Improving public finances
• Off-budgeting is used as a tool to meet • A V-shaped economy is a type of economy • Encouraging private ownership
extra budgetary expenses. in which it recovers quickly after a slowdown. • Funding growth and development
• Economic survey 2020-21 highlighted that programmes
India’s economy has taken V-shape as it has • Maintaining and promoting competi-
ANSWER: C recovered quickly from the impact of lock- tion in the market
EXPLANATION: down imposed to check Covid-19. Hence • Disinvestment means sale or liquida-
• Off-budgeting is away from fiscal deficit statement 1 is correct. tion of assets by the government,
targets. According to the CAG report, • V-shaped economies signify public as well as usually Central and state public sector
off-budgeting is not counted or used in fiscal private investment to boost economic activity enterprises, projects, or other fixed
deficit targets. Hence statement 1 is not of the country. Hence statement 2 is not assets. In some cases, disinvestment
correct. correct. may be done to privatise assets but
• After taking direction from the central not all disinvestment is privatisation.
government, public institutions like IOCL, Thus, statement 2 is correct.
BHAIL, GAIL etc. can borrow money from Q3. The term ‘Bank run’ often seen in news • Disinvestment allows a larger share of
the market which is termed as off-budgeting. refers to_ PSU ownership in the open market,
Hence statement 2 is correct. • The National Statistical Office (NSO) reports which in turn allows for the develop-
• As off-budgeting is not formally a part of Gross Domestic Product at market prices in ment of a strong capital market in
the central government, hence it is not being India. India. Thus, statement 3 is correct.
regulated by Parliament. Hence statement 3 • GVA at basic prices includes the total impact
is correct. of the indirect taxes on the total economic
• Public institutions borrow money from the output of the economy. Q5. Which of the following are the
market which is spent by the government on objectives of Disinvestment in India?
developmental projects without being the 1. Reducing fiscal burden on the
part of the allocated budget. Hence statement ANSWER: D exchequer
4 is correct. EXPLANATION: 2. Encouraging private ownership
• The National Statistical Office (NSO), 3. Promoting competition in the
Which of the statements given above is/are Ministry of Statistics and Programme Imple- market
correct? mentation releases the estimates of Gross Choose the correct answer from the
(a) 1, 3 and 4 only Domestic Product (GDP). Thus, statement 1 is code given below:
(b) 1 and 4 only correct. (a) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only • Gross value added (GVA) is defined as the (b) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 4 only value of output less the value of intermediate (c) 1 and 3 only
consumption. Value added represents the (d) 1, 2 and 3
ANSWER: A contribution of labour and capital to the
EXPLANATION: production process. ANSWER: B
• A V-shaped economy is a type of economy • GVA at basic prices= GVA at factor cost + EXPLANATION:
in which it recovers quickly after a slow- (Production taxes less Production subsidies). • The Green Climate Fund (GCF), the
down. Thus, statement 2 is not correct. world’s largest environmental fund, was
• Economic survey 2020-21 highlighted that • GDP at market prices = GVA at basic prices established formally as a financing
India’s economy has taken V-shape as it has + Product taxes- Product subsidies. mechanism by the United Nations
recovered quickly from the impact of lock- Framework Convention on Climate
down imposed to check Covid-19. Hence Q4. Consider the following statements: Change (UNFCCC) in 2010 it is head-
statement 1 is correct. • The National Statistical Office (NSO) quartered in the Songdo district in South
• V-shaped economies signify public as well reports Gross Domestic Product at market Korea. Thus statement 1 is correct.
as private investment to boost economic prices in India. • As the fund was established to help
activity of the country. Hence statement 2 is • GVA at basic prices includes the total impact developing nations come up with
not correct. of the indirect taxes on the total economic disruptive policies, programmes and
output of the economy. projects that would eventually mitigate
Q2. With reference to the term ‘Thalinom- climate change. It is managed by the
ics’, consider the following statements: Select the correct answer from the code World Bank. Thus, statement 2 is
India is witnessing V- shaped recovery after given below: correct.
lockdown. (a) 1 only •It engages with the private sector
•V-shaped economies signify extremely high (b) 2 only directly in global mitigation and adapta-
investment by the government only. (c) Both 1 and 2 tion programmes. Thus it can be said
that the fund is a unique global initiative
to respond to climate change by
Page No. 08 06.04.2024 / Saturday

Community Questions
Q1. Which of the following is the correct formula for finding
the area of a circle?
(a) A = bh (b) A = lw

(c) A = πr^2 (d) A = 2πr

Q2. Which sociological theory emphasizes the importance of

power and conflict in society?
(a) Functionalism (b) Symbolic Interactionism
(c) Conflict Theory (d) Feminist Theory

Q3.Who is known as the father of modern anthropology?

(a) Franz Boas

(b) Bronislaw Malinowski
(c) Claude Levi-Strauss
(d) Margaret Mead
Q4. Who was the court poet of Samudragupta?

(a) Harisena (b) Asanga

(c) Veerasena (d) Vasubandhu
Q5. Which of the following is the primary function of the mito-
chondria in a cell?
(a) Photosynthesis (b) Protein synthesis
(c) Energy production (d) Cell division

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