Cdi 326

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Lesson 1 The Evolution of Fire Science …………………………………………… 3

Lesson 2 The Sources of Ignition………………………………………………..….. 8

Lesson 3 The Fire Extinguishers……………………………………………….…... 21

Lesson 4 Fire Code of the Philippines (RA 9514) …………..……………...….…. 26

Lesson 5 Fire Operation………………………………………………………………. 35

Lesson 6 Republic Act 6975

Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990………….……. 37

Lesson 7 THE LAW ON ARSON……………………………………………………….38

Lesson 8 The Role of Fire Arson Investigator……………………………….……. 46

Lesson 9 Fire and Arson Investigation Procedures

(BFP SOP NUMBER: IID 2008 – 01) ………………………………………………….64

Annexes of SOP Standard Operating Procedure Nr. IID 2008-01 ……………..………...73

2|Pa g e F I R E P R OT E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G AT I O N C D I 3 2 6
The Evolution of Fire Science

The ancient Greeks believed that fire was one the four basic elements that composed all
things in the universe. In the mythology of virtually every culture, fire is a sacred substance that
gives life or power. Fire is not, in fact, a substance. When you gaze at the leaping flames of a
campfire, you’re observing not an object, but a process – a chemical reaction. It’s the same
chemical reaction that occurs when you cut an apple left on the counter turns brown, when silver
tarnishes or when an iron nail rusts.
People have been using fire to cook their food for almost as long as there have been
people on earth. African people invented on-purpose cooking fires probably about one million
years ago.
At first, people cooked on outside wood fires - there weren't very many people, so there
was plenty of wood to burn, and people spent most of their time outside anyway. When people
left Africa, about 60,000 years ago, they brought the idea of cooking fires with them all over the

The last Ice Age, which ended about 10,000 BC, made people invent the idea of fires
inside, to keep their caves warm.

But by the Late Stone Age, around 6000 BC, people were beginning to live in houses, and
the houses were in small villages. They needed to be more careful with their wood supply, to
make it last. They started to use ovens. Also, they began to make fired pottery around this time,
which needs very hot and long fires in a kiln (a sort of oven).

By 4000 BC they started to cook on charcoal fires, instead of just using wood. You make
charcoal by slowly burning wood in a kiln with very little air- this half-burned wood is charcoal. It
burns more efficiently and hotter than wood (You use charcoal today in backyard barbecues).

Around 3000 BC, people in West Asia began to use charcoal to smelt copper and tin
together into bronze. You need a hot charcoal fire to smelt metal - wood fires don't burn hot

Blacksmiths needed even hotter fires to smelt iron. The method was not invented until
about 1500 BC, by the Hittites in West Asia, and then it spread to the rest of Asia and to Europe
from there. African blacksmiths may have invented iron smelting for themselves, about 300 AD.

The Romans, beginning around 200 BC during the Roman Republic, used charcoal fires
to heat air and water and piped it through their houses to heat their houses and to get hot water
for public and private bath buildings. But most people used small charcoal fires in clay braziers to
heat their houses and to cook on at home.

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In the middle Ages in Europe, these pipes went out of use, and people went back to wood
or charcoal fires on hearths in their houses. They did start to use chimneys to get the smoke out
of their houses. At the same time, in the Islamic Empire in West Asia and North Africa, people
kept on using hot water pipes to heat rich people's houses and public baths, and clay braziers for
small fires.

The incidence of fire / fires suspected to be arson always on the run fire incidence is
common occurrence in any place wherever you are where ever you stay. There was an adage
that “It’s better to be a victim of a fire”, because they will only get the things that can only bring,
but if the fire will attack they will destroy all your property and everything even life will lost or turn
into ashes”, they only similarity of these two they both attack without your knowledge or they will
attack any time any day.

Historically speaking fire is very important in all walks of life of the human race because
of its natural uses. Fire incidence has been increasing over the past years both numbers and
percentage of all fires. Most often fire incidence is always occurred in the place on where the
informal settlers are commonly converging of fire is electrical short circuit or bitterly known as
faulty wiring.

Technically speaking faulty electrical wiring causes of fire is correct but logically this term
is not a right term because when we say faulty electrical wiring causes it means that during the
construction of the building or house the electrical technician installed the house wiring connection
when he test or tried this in order to determine if the said wiring connection is correct but it explode
or it turns into a short circuit, this is called as faulty wiring, but if he said wiring installation or house
wiring connection was already checked or inspected by the representative of the electrical power
provider approve the application therefore this wiring connection is properly correct. But if the time
comes the said building was burned due to cause of wiring connection then this is not a cause of
faulty wiring connection in short the right term to be use is electrical short circuit or overloading of
electrical power connection.


THROUGH the centuries there has been such an intimate connection of fire with the
cultural growth of humanity that whether relates to the antiquity of fire is important in tracing the
history of early process. And because all inventions make use of what has gone before, the step,
which lead up to the making of the first stoves.

Logically, of course, we may assume there was once a time when man had no fire, but
very early he must have become acquainted with fire derived from natural sources and made use
of it; for no remains of man’s art show him without fire as his companion. Much later in the scheme
of things he invented processes for making fire arterially.

Stealing fire from the gods, one of the first incident, was made more or less exciting by
the strategy employed in acquiring, it Prometheus, for example, stolen fire from the heavens in a
hollow tube, one of the feats which gave him the reputation of being a great benefactor of men.
After the transportation of the fire was solved, it was occasionally borrowed, and while the
meaning is lost, the phrase is still used when one says; ‘May I borrow a light?”

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With the acquisition of fire came the problem of preserving, it and interesting examples of
the ingenuity of man were presented. First, the fire was buried; preserved in the ashes of the fire
itself. Next, a type of slow-match or fire-stick was developed, and later, when man worked with
metals, the curfew, or “fire-cover” was invented. The coals were raked together and collected in
the chimney recess; the curfew set over them, preserving the fire until morning. Those surviving
are of sheet brass having perforations, and a handle.

In 1068 during the reign of William the Conqueror the bells were rung by law, at seven in
the evening, so that all might cover the fire and extinguish the lights. This also prohibited nocturnal
assemblies. Henry 1 repealed this law about 1100, but bells have continued to be rung for curfew
until very modern times. In the United States, an ordinance establishing a curfew was adopted by
many towns in colonial days and existed until first quarter of the 20 century.

In April 1943 the curfew law was again invoked in Massachusetts so that no one under 17
could be on the streets after 11p.m. during the existence of dim-out regulations. Fires needed
watching, not only to keep them from going out, but from spreading or theft, so a fire-keeper was
delegated to the work, thus starting a social organization.

History has failed to record the inventor, or to tell the place where chimneys as we might
recognize them were first used, but they seem to have been common in Venice before the middle
of the 14 century, for a number of them were thrown down by an earthquake there in 1368,” for

in that year Francesco de Carrao, Lord of Padua, with a large retinue arrived in Rome. There
were no chimneys in the inn where he stayed, and the smoke from the fire (built in a hole in floor)
was just too much for him, so he had two chimneys built by workmen (masons and carpenters)
he brought with him (anticipating the situation, no doubt) and over the chimneys he placed his

In England, the oldest actual remains of chimneys are supposed to be those of Win wall
House, Not-folk, and of Kenilworth and Conway Castles, built in the 12 century. “Leland, in his

itinerary, mentioned those of Bolton Castle: “One thing I much noted in the hauled of Boston, how
chimneys were conveyed by tunnels made on the sides of the walls by twixt the lights in the
hauled, and by this means, and by no covers, is the smoke of the baited in the hauled wonder
strangely conveyed.”

During the reign of the Tudors, chimneys became a prominent and beautiful architectural
feature, but even while Elizabeth was queen, apologies were made to guests if they could not be
given rooms with chimneys, and ladies were often sent to the neighbours where they could enjoy
this luxury, available for some time only in the homes of the wealthy.

In the homes of the common people the fire was still being kindled against a hob of clay
in the back or center of the room. Only part of the smoke which filled the room ever found its way
out through the opening- in the roof or wall, sometimes only a few feet above the level of the

Wattle and clay chimneys were being erected as late as 1621, when Mr. Skinner of
Sudbury, England was ordered to amend his dangerous chimneys,” and afterwards were fined
for not no man shall elect and build up any chimneys within the borough but only of brick, and to
be build above the roof of the house foyer feet and a half, upon the pain for every such offense to
be here after committed.

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On April 7, 1719 other clay chimneys were ordered to be rebuilt of brick”
In the New England colonies, chimneys on the first houses were built of wood. Longs or sticks
were placed one above another at right angles, and plastered with clay or mortar, and roofs were
thatched with reeds or flags.

Great exposure to fire was always imminent with this style of building, although chimneys
and roofs were subject to frequent inspection by officers detailed for the duty. The first fire in the
town of Boston occurred on the 16 of March, 1631 from the imperfect claying of one of the cattier”

chimneys and two buildings were destroyed. Later, officers known as “fire wards” were appointed
by the justices of peace and selectmen of the towns from time to time, and were distinguished by
a brass spire six inches long.”

Governor Dudley prohibited wooden chimneys and thatched roofs, and they were also
forbidden in the Dutch colony at Manhattan.

Despite the law, inflammable materials must have continued long in use, for President
Washington, in his tour of the eastern states in 1789, considered the fact that dwellings generally
hid stone or brick chimneys an item worthy or record in this diary.

The principles of the chimneys were out poorly understood for many years. No matter how
perfect they seemed the builders were never sure they wouldn’t smoke, and with a mysterious
pertinacity the smoke which should up came down. For a long time too, so called chimneys
doctors (who professed to remedy smoky chimneys) flourished; engaged in what today would be
termed a racket.”

The first recorded effort to study the matter of smoky chimneys on a scientific basis was
that of Louis Savot, a physician of Paris, during the 16 century. He failed to find the real trouble,

although he did improve the form of the fireplace opening by narrowing the width, so that less air
could enter on each side of the fire, and he showed that the flue should be smooth to lessen the
friction of the ascending smoke.

Benjamin Franklin spent a great deal of time trying to find a cure for smoky chimneys, and
after his reputation as an heating expert had been established, he complained that wherever he
vested he was asked to remedy one.

He repeatedly spoke of the disadvantages of the large fireplace and the necessity of the
chimneys cloth (a contrivance placed at upper opening of the fireplace to lower the opening) to
keep smoke from coming out into room. In his pamphlet published in 1745, Franklin listed the
inconveniences of the large fireplace, when he wrote; “They almost always smoke, if the door
were not left open. They require a large funnel and a large funnel carrier off a great quantity of
air, which occasions hat is called a strong draft to the chimney, without which strong draft the
smoke would come out of some part or other of so large an opening, so that the door can seldom
be shut; and the cold air so nips the backs and heels of those that sit before the fire.”

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The first Roman fire brigade was a grouped of slaves who were hired by Marcus Ignatius
Rufus, Augustus took his idea from Rufus and then build on it to form the vigils in 6 A.D. to combat
fires using buckets and pumps, as well as poles and hooks to tear down buildings in advance of
the flames. The Vigils patrolled streets of Rome to watch for fires and served the police force.

1666- United Kingdom (The Great Fire of London)

The Great of Fire in London in 1666 started in a baker’s shop in Pudding Lane, which
consumed about two square miles (around 5 square kilometers) of the city, leaving tens of
thousands homeless, prior to this fire; London had no organized fire protection system. Afterwards
insurance companies formed private fire brigades the company insured. These buildings were
identified thorough fire insurance marks. This was a turning point in the fire service.

Hans Hausth

A German inventor who improved the manual pump by creating the first suction and force
pump and adding some flexible hoses to the pump.

Jan Van Der Heyden

A Dutch inventor who invented the fire hose in 1672. Constructed from flexible leather and
coupled every 50feet (15 meters) with brass fittings, the length and connections remained the
standard up to this day.

Richard Newsham

A native of London further developed the fire engine in 1725, pulled as a cart to the fire
scene; these manual pumps were manned by teams of men and could deliver up to 160 gallons
per minutes at up to 120 feet (40 meters).

Governor John Winthrop

Boston Governor who outlawed wooden chimney and thatched roofs in 1631.

Governor Peter Stuvesant

New Amsterdam Governor who in 1648, appointed four men to act as fire wardens; they
were empowered to inspect all chimneys and to fine any violations of the rules. The City burghers
later appointed eight prominent citizens to the Rattle Watch. These men volunteered tom patrol
the streets at night carrying large wooden rattles. If fire were seen the men spun (spin) the rattles,
then directs the responding citizens to form bucket brigades.

Other Events and Personalities Significance to Fire Service

Bucket Brigade - first known fire fighting insurance policy and organized thousands of years.

Dr. Nicolas Barton - underwrote the first insurance policy and organized the first known fire

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Paul Hodge - designed and built the first steam- powered fire engine in New York in 1840.

Moses Latta – built bite engines in 1852 that was successfully put into service during the
Cincinnati. Ohio fire on January 01, 1853.

National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) - organized in 1896 to set standards on fire prevention
and firefighting procedures.

Great Triangle Fire - Occurred in 1911 in New York which led to the adoption and promulgation
of fire codes.

Regimen De Pompier - fire fighting unit organized in France during the First World War

Manila Fire Department - first organized fire department in the Philippines, established on
August 6, 1901 with Captain F.R Hodge as it first chief.

Captain Jacinto Lorenzo - first Filipino was appointed as fire chief on October 19, 1935 before
the inauguration of the Philippine Commonwealth Government. He also reduced the schedule of
duties of firemen from 4 straight day’s service with 7 hours day off and 15 hours right off to 48
hours duty and 24 hours off duty.

Presidential Decree (PD) 756 - signed on August 8, 1975 by then Pres. Marcos establishing the
integrated National Police (INP) integrating all local police and fire forces into one national

Presidential Decree (PD) 1185 - the first known fire code of the Philippines, signed into law by
then Pres. Marcos on August 26, 1977.

National Fire Service Council - created by Juan Ponce Enrile who was a Minister of Defense at
the time; the council recommended the establishment of national training center for the fire

National Fire Service Training Center (NFSTC) - established on October 1, 1979 with F/Col.
Jose V Cajipe as the first training commandant, now known as the Fire National Training Institute


The Sources of Ignition

Fire risk assessments are an essential component of workplace hazard identification.

Ignition sources must be identified and steps must be designed to minimize the chance of fire and
the risks incurred by workers should a fire break out. Since oxygen is present in almost all
processes, primary precautions are based on the handling and use of flammable materials (the
fuel) and the prevention of accidental ignition through an ignition source. The use of static
electricity free safety footwear is an example of a precaution aimed at eliminating an ignition
source, in this case, static electricity. In workplace risk assessments and safety precautions, every
attempt should be made to identify and avoid the accidental combination of fuel, oxygen and an
ignition source in order to prevent fires.

For successful ignition, an ignition source must be capable not only of raising the surface
temperature to the fire point, or above, but it must also cause the vapours to ignite. An impinging
flame will act in both capacities, but an imposed radiate flux from a remote source may lead to
the evolution of vapours at a temperature above the fire point, without the vapours igniting.

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However, if the evolved vapours are hot enough (which requires the surface temperature to be
much higher than the fire point), they may ignite spontaneously as they mix with air. This process
is known as spontaneous ignition.

Ignition sources

Example of potential ignition sources

Electrically powered equipment Electric heaters, hair dryers, electric blankets, etc.

Open flame source Match, cigarette lighter, blow torch, etc.

Gas-fuelled equipment Gas fire, space heater, cooker, etc.

Other fuelled equipment Wood stove, etc.

Lighted tobacco product Cigar, pipe, etc.

Hot object Hot pipes, mechanical sparks, etc.

Exposure to heating Adjacent fire, etc.

Spontaneous heating Linseed oil-soaked rags, coal piles, etc.

Chemical reaction Rare-e.g., potassium permanganate with glycerol

It should be noted that smouldering cigarettes cannot initiate flaming combustion directly
(even in common gaseous fuels), but can cause smouldering in materials which have the
propensity to undergo this type of combustion. This is observed only with materials which char on
heating. Smouldering involves the surface oxidation of the char, which generates enough heat
locally to produce fresh char from adjacent unburnt fuel. It is a very slow process, but may
eventually undergo a transition to flaming. Thereafter, the fire will develop very rapidly.

Materials which have the propensity to smoulder can also exhibit the phenomenon of self-heating
(Bowes 1984). This arises when such a material is stored in large quantities and in such a way
that heat generated by slow surface oxidation cannot escape, leading to a rise in temperature
within the mass. If the conditions are right, this can lead to a runaway process ultimately
developing into a smouldering reaction at depth within the materials.

The Chemistry and Physics of Fire

Combustion the act or process of burning or it is process where two chemicals are combined to
produce heat.

The fire triangle and the fire tetrahedron

The fire triangle identifies the three needed components of fire:

• fuel (something that will burn)

• heat (enough to make the fuel burn)
• and air (oxygen)

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All three components must be present to have a fire. Fire will burn until one or more of the
components are removed. Traditional fire extinguishing methods involve removing the fuel, heat, or oxygen.

Fuel it refers to a materials or a substance being oxidize (react with oxygen) or will burned
in the ignition process. In the field of scientific terms, the word fuel in combustion or ignition
reaction is called as the reducing agent. Commonly fuels contain a carbon along with a
combination of hydrocarbon-based fuels such as: gasoline, oil and plastics and other cellulose
materials like paper or woods.
Fuel gases are involved from solid fuels by pyrolysis. In the field of scientific study in relation to
the combustion, pyrolysis is a chemical decomposition of a substance through the action of heat.
The chemical process whereby fire consumes most solids materials is called pyrolysis.
Once the fuel becomes ignited the characteristics of the fire that follows depend upon the chemical
make up of the fuel, as the fuel becomes heated the moisture begins to procedure water vapor,
shortly thereafter the decomposition.
Is a thermochemical decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures in the absence
of oxygen (or any halogen). It involves the simultaneous change of chemical composition and
physical phase, and is irreversible. The word is coined from the Greek-derived elements pyro
"fire" and lysis "separating".

Pyrolysis Vaporization
• the conversion of solid fuel into • conversion of liquid fuel to its gas state
combustible gases
• it is a chemical change; new • it is a physical change; the same substances are
substances are produced present just their state has changed
• requires energy • requires energy
• converts solid fuel to a gaseous • converts fuel to a gaseous form that can burn
form that can burn

Types of Fuel
Solid Liquid Gases
Wood Gasoline Natural Gas
Paper Kerosene Butane
Charcoal Turpentine/varnish Acetylene
Plastic Alcohol Propane

The heat component of the tetrahedron represents heat energy above the minimum level
necessary to release fuel vapors and causing ignition. Heat commonly defined in terms of intensity
of heating rate or its total heat energy receive overtime in a fire, heat produces fuel vapors causes
ignition and it will promote fire growth and flames.
• heat is required to pyrolysis solid fuels and vaporize liquid fuels, converting them to the
gas state so that they can burn
• heat is also required for ignition, to get the particles of fuel and oxygen moving fast enough
that they will collide with enough force to ignite and catch on fire

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• heat is a product of fire because it gives off energy in the form of heat and light
• when fires give off heat, this is the source of energy to pyrolysis, vaporize and ignite the
fuels so that the fire will continue to burn (is self-sustaining)

Types of energy that can be used to ignite a fire

Energy Example
Chemical energy ∙ Phosphorus on a match head reacts with air to produce heat
∙ Oily rags slowly oxidize and produce heat that ignites the rags
Electrical energy ∙ Static electricity at the gas pumps can ignite gasoline vapours
∙ Spark plugs in a gasoline engine ignite the fuel in the pistons
Mechanical ∙ Friction creates heat when you strike a match, igniting phosphorus in the match head
energy ∙ Compression of diesel fuel in the pistons of a diesel engine ignites diesel vapours
Nuclear energy ∙ The sun produces energy by fusion reactions (joining atoms)
∙ Nuclear reactors produce energy by fission reactions (splitting atoms)
Light energy ∙ Radiant energy from the sun travels to the Earth. If it is focused using a magnifying glass,
it can ignite fuels

Oxygen is usually present in the surrounding air in sufficient quantities to support
combustion. Normal air contains 21 percent oxygen is in use or in high pressure diving or medical
chambers, combustion is greatly accelerated. A material that resists ignition or burn slowly in an
air can burn for fully if there is additional oxygen is present. Combustion can be initiated in an
ambiance with low percentage of oxygen and ut varies upon the fuel involve.
Is an oxidizing agent, oxidant agents is referring to materials that produced oxygen or other
gases during the course of a chemical reaction? Oxidizers are not themselves combustible. But
they support combustion when combined with a fuel (Hall and Adams 1998).
In cases on fire incidence the oxidizing agent is the oxygen fire can occur in the absence of
atmospheric oxygen when fuels are mixed with chemical oxidizers. Most of the chemical oxidizers
contain readily released oxygen. Normal air contains 21 percent of oxygen in oxygen is in use or
in a high-pressure diving or medical chambers combustion greatly accelerated. Materials that
resist ignition or burn slowly in air can burn vigorously when additional oxygen is present (Fire
Investigators Manual 1996).
Places where the air may be oxygen enriched:
• In a hospital or long-term care facility where people are on oxygen;
• In a lab where they use compressed gases or oxidizing agents; and
• In a factory or industry where compressed oxygen or oxidizing agents are used.

All three components must be present to have a fire. Fire will burn until one or more of the
components are removed. Traditional fire extinguishing methods involve removing the fuel, heat,
or oxygen.

In more recent years, a fourth component – the uninhibited chain reaction – has been
added to explain fire. This chain reaction is the feedback of heat to the fuel to produce the gaseous
fuel used in the flame. In other words, the chain reaction provides the heat necessary to maintain
the fire. The addition of this fourth component (which forms what is called the "fire tetrahedron")

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Self-Sustained Chemical Chain Reaction

Combustion is a complex set of chemical reaction that results in the rapid oxidation of fuel
producing heat, light and a variety of chemical by products. Slow oxidation such as rust or
yellowing of newspaper, which produces heat slowly that the combustion does not occur if when
there is a sufficient excess of heat from the exothermic reaction it radiates back to fuel to produced
vapors and cause ignition in the absence of the original ignition source.

Four main factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction

• temperature
• surface area
• concentration of reactants
• chemical reactivity of reactants

The common causes of fire at the gas stations:

• Many fires at gas stations are ignited by sparks of static electricity;

• When people get into and out of their car, the friction of their clothes rubbing against the
car seat builds up a static charge on their clothing;
• When they touch the nozzle to remove it from the car, the static charge jumps to the car
as a spark, which can be 12,000 – 20,000 V and ignites gasoline vapours around the
nozzle; and
• This is more common in women because they get into and out of their car more often while
the car is filling, to check their kids, their make-up, their cell phone etc.

To understand fire, we must have a scientific definition of fire consistent with our perceptions.
We must understand fire has played in history its benefits and cost to society in terms of people
and property damage. The study fire of uncontrolled fire appears to be motivated by clear risk to
society and by the societies having the means to invest in such study. The development of the
science of fire has accelerated over the last 150 years. It is a complex area involving many
disciplines and it is relatively primitive compared to other technological fields.

What is Fire?

The ancient Greeks believed that fire is one of the four basic elements that composed all
things in the universe. In the mythology of virtually every culture, fire is a sacred substance that
gives life or power. Fire is not, in fact, a substance. When you gaze at the leaping flames of a
campfire, you’re observing not an object, but a process – a chemical reaction. It’s the same
chemical reaction that occurs when you cut an apple left on the counter turns brown, when silver
tarnishes or when an iron nail rusts.

Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion,
releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. Slower oxidative processes like rusting or
digestion are not included by this definition. ... The flame is the visible portion of the fire.
That process is oxidation: combining oxygen with another substance. The defining
difference between a fire and your half-eaten apple is speed: fire is an oxidation process that
happens very fast, so that light, heat and sound are released — often with enough force and
majesty to justify the ancients’ reverence. The sudden release of energy causes temperatures to

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rise, sometimes by thousands of degrees. And it also results in smoke, the toxic waste of fire’s
Generally, fire is a mixture of hot gasses. Flames, are produced by a chemical reaction,
called combustion. At a certain process of combustion, there is a state, called ignition point, where
flames are produced. Flames are primarily consisted of carbon monoxide (CO), water vapour
(H20), oxygen (O2), and nitrogen (N2). Flames emit heat and light.

Difference between complete and incomplete combustion

• Complete combustion occurs when there is plenty of air (oxygen) so the fuel burns cleanly
producing a bright blue or yellow flame, very little soot and light coloured smoke.

• Incomplete combustion occurs when there is limited airflow and inadequate oxygen, so
the fuel does not burn cleanly. The flame is a dark orange colour and there is a great deal
of black smoke and soot.

The flame is the visible portion of the fire.

Behavior of Fire

The way that a fire develops is affected by many factors. At first, it is most affected by the
initial fuel supply; obviously, sufficient oxygen is readily available in the surrounding air. Fire
evolves and spread to other combustible following a natural path of least resistance. It extends
up and away from its point of origin, leaving behind distinctive patters common to all fires. The
color of the smoke and flame produced by a fire is also distinctive and depends on the type of fuel
and the temperature at which it is burning.

As a fire continues to grow, environment factors become increasingly important in

influencing its extent. Of particular importance is the amount of oxygen present in the immediate
fire area. Other facture includes fuel supply and composition, structural design, construction and
fire suppression.

Eventually, unable to sustain any one of the four components necessary for its continued
existence, a fire is extinguished.

Fire Behavior and Effects

• Weather Condition
• Fuel
• Topography

Weather Condition

The weather plays an important role when wild land fires burn. If it is very hot and humidity
is low, the vegetation is typically very dry, so wildfires burn rapidly. If the wind is blowing, it pushes
the fire into more vegetation and provides more oxygen for the fire to burn, which causes the fire
to rapidly grow. Wind can also blow embers for miles, causing new fires to start. If it rains, the fire
slows down or goes out. Storms can cause fire activity to increase or become completely
unpredictable. Fire-fighters must pay close attention to the weather in order to stay safe and
effectively extinguish fire.

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“Fuel” means vegetation, and Idaho has diverse ecosystems with different types of
vegetation. Large trees are very dense and massive, so they can burn for hours and create a lot
of heat. Grass burns very easily, but it is not very dense or big, so it goes out quickly. Typically, if
there is more fuel present, wildfires will burn longer and will be more intense. For example, wild
land fire-fighters can extinguish a small grass fire in a matter of hours, but large forest fires can
burn for weeks, even months, because of the dense vegetation, or fuel.


Wildfires are also affected by the terrain or topography where they burn. If a wildfire burns
in a mountainous area, it can be more difficult to contain. Why? Because fire burns more rapidly
up a slope, hill, or mountain. This happens for a couple of reasons; when a fire starts at the bottom
of a hill, as it moves up the hill, it preheats the unburned fuel above it, so when it reaches the
unburned fuel, that fuel is already hot, dry, and ready to burn. Wind also moves rapidly uphill, so
it helps to push fire up mountains or slopes. This is why fire-fighters recommend building homes
away from the tops of mountains or slopes; because if a wildfire starts below the home, the
mountain or slope will serve as a funnel for the fire and can easily catch the home on fire.

Fire Development

When the four components of the fire tetrahedron come together, ignition occurs. For a fire to
grow beyond the first material ignited, heat must be transmitted beyond the first material to
additional packages.


It is describing the period when the four elements of the fire tetrahedron come together
and combustion begins.

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Shortly after ignition, a fire plume begins to form above the burning fuel. As the plume
develops, it begins to draw or entrain air from the surrounding space into the column.

Fully Developed

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As the fire continues to burn and build up heat the pyrolysis process accelerates. The
thermal column of fire begins to develop and the heat rises and the temperature in the base area
of the fire may raise up to 800° F - 1000° F and at the ceiling.


As the fire consumes the available fuel in the compartment, the rate of heat released
begins to decline, fire has run out of fuel.

Special circumstances
• Rollover occurs when ignited fire gases, or incompletely burned fuels, rise to the ceiling,
and spread out horizontally. Then smoke appears to suddenly start burning. If nothing is
done to ventilate the room or cool the air, this condition leads to flashover.

• Flashover is the sudden, simultaneous ignition of everything in a room.

This is how it happens:

• Hot gases rise to the ceiling and spread out across to the walls.
• Heat radiates downward and intensifies until all combustible items reach their
ignition temperatures and burst into flames.

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• Temperatures soar to as much as 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit in a few seconds.
Even a fire-fighter in full protective gear is unlikely survive a flashover.
• Fire-fighters are trained to recognize the signs that flashover is about to occur:
dense black smoke with tightly packed curls ("black fire"); dense, black smoke
that pushes out of a doorway or window opening; smoke that has accumulated
as low as a doorknob, with the fire seen below.

• Backdraft is an explosion that occurs when oxygen is introduced into a room full of hot

• A fire burning in a confined area consumes all the oxygen.

• Visible flames disappear. Solid fuels smoulder, and hot flammable gases accumulate
and fill the room.
• The temperature increases, the gases expand, and pressure builds, pulsing against
doors and windows. From outside, the building may look like it is breathing or
• If an opening is made to admit oxygen, the hot vaporized fuel bursts into flames, and
the pressurized gases explode through the opening, resulting in a rolling fireball.

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Four Products of Combustion

1. Heat - is the product of combustion responsible for the spread of fire.

Injuries caused by heat are:
• Dehydration
• Heat Exhaustion
• Injury to respiratory tract
• Burns
2. Light – the luminous visible body of burning gases
3. Smoke
4. Toxic Gases - At most fires it consist of oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and
finely divided particles (soot).
Four ways to put out a fire

1. Cool the burning material

2. Exclude oxygen
3. Remove the fuel
4. Break the chemical chain reaction

How fire spreads

The transfer of heat from point or object to another is a basic concept in the study of fire
and the transfer of heat from the initial fuel package to other fuels in and beyond the area of fire
origin controls the growth of any fire.
Fire-fighters use their knowledge of heat transfer to estimate the size of a fire before
attacking it and to evaluate the effectiveness of an attack.
Heat can be transferred from one body to another by three mechanisms: conduction,
convection, and radiation.
1. Conduction:
• When a source of heat is applied to one part of a conductor, the particles absorb this heat
and start to move faster. They bump into the particles around them and transfer some of
the energy to these particles, so the surrounding particles move faster. In turn, these
particles bump into their neighbours, transferring some energy to them. Gradually, the heat
is transferred along the conductor as the particles collide with each other;
• Conduction is the only way that heat can be transferred through a solid; and
• In a fire, if there is a metal beam, wiring or plumbing, the heat from one part of a building
can be transferred to another part of the building by conduction through the metal,
spreading the fire.

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2. Convection:
• When heat is applied to a fluid (either a gas or liquid) the particles close to the source of
heat start to move faster. As they move faster, they hit each other harder, spread out,
become less dense and rise. Cooler, slower moving particles move into the space that the
heated particles left, and this creates a convection current;
• Convection can take place in either gases or liquids, but not solids;
• In a fire, convection carries heat to the surfaces above it which causes fuel on these
surfaces to pyrolyze and burn. This is why fuels that are “tilted” or vertical burn faster than
horizontal fuels;
• also, convection carries the hottest gases to the highest point in a compartment fire, and
thermal layering occurs because the gases will be arranged by temperature, with cooler
temperature gases found lower in the room; and
• Convection is the most important method of heat transfer in the development of most fires.

3. Radiation:
• Radiation is when heat travels as waves of light through space and no particles
are involved. For example, radiation carries the sun’s energy through space
(essentially a vacuum) to the earth; and
• Radiation may transfer heat from a fire to articles and structures around the fire. If
enough heat is absorbed by the surrounding material, it may ignite and cause the
fire to spread.

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• Fires are classified according to the type of fuel that is burning;
• If you use the wrong type of fire extinguisher on the wrong class of fire, you might make
matters worse; and
• It’s very important to understand the five different fire (fuel) classifications…


A class “A” fire can involve any material that has a burning ember or leaves an ash.
Common examples of class “A” fires would be wood, paper, or pulp. The preferred method for
extinguishing class “A” fires is to remove the heat. Water is the most common agent, but others
such as dry chemical, Halon, and foam can be used effectively.


A class “B” fire involves flammable liquid or gas. Familiar examples would be gasoline, oil,
propane, and natural gas. A variety of fire extinguishing agents are used on flammable liquid fires
employing all theories of fire extinguishment. Which agent is best to use is dependent upon the
circumstances involved. Flammable liquids do not ignite in their liquid state; rather it is the vapours
being generated by these liquids that ignite. The mixture of oxygen and flammable vapours in
proper proportion needs only an ignition source to start the combustion process.


Class “C” fires involve live electrical equipment and require the use of an extinguishing
agent and/or extinguisher that will not conduct electricity back to the fire fighter(s). Electricity is
an energy source and an ignition source, but by itself will not burn. Instead, the live electrical
equipment may serve as a source of ignition for a class “A “fire such as insulation or packing, or
a class “B” fire.


Class “D” fires involve exotic metals such as titanium, zirconium, magnesium, and sodium.
These fires require special agents such as dry powders and special application techniques. The
extinguishing agents and techniques used on “A”, “B”, or “C” fires will not work on class “D” fires,
nor will the agents and techniques used for class “D” fires work on any other classification of fire.
Many common agents like water will actually react to burning metals and increase the intensity of
the fire in a violent manner.


Class “K” fires involve cooking media. These can be any animal or vegetable based fats
or oils. These fires require special agents such as wet chemical extinguishers and systems that
are alkaline in nature and have superior cooling capabilities. The entire mass of the cooking
medium in a deep fat fryer must be secured and cooled below its auto ignition point in order to
achieve complete extinguishment.

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The Fire Extinguishers

When you run a business, you are responsible for the safety of your employees and
guests. A large part of safety is being prepared for accidents and emergencies such as a fire. You
may believe that you are prepared if you have a fire extinguisher on site, but you may not be as
prepared as you think.
The common fire extinguisher is one of the most well-known and widely used safety tools.
However, you cannot buy the first fire extinguisher you see and expect it to keep your business
safe. Every business is different and so are the potential dangers they face.
Fire extinguishers are specialized pieces of equipment that are designed to put out fires
of different classes. Fire extinguisher ratings are based on the five classes of fires. Do you have
the right fire extinguishers for your unique risks?
It is very important to have the right tool for a job. Fire extinguishers are no different. By
being aware of the five classes of fires, you can be sure that you are purchasing safety equipment
that will be effective should an accident or emergency occur.

Most fire extinguishers will have a pictograph label telling you which types of fire the
extinguisher is designed to fight.
For example, a simple water extinguisher might have a label like this…
which means it should only be used on Class A fires.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

Different types of fire extinguishers are designed to fight different classes of fire and the
four most common types of fire extinguishers are.
1. Water
2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
3. Dry Chemical (A, B&C) Fire Extinguishers
4. Film Forming Foam Fire Extinguisher
• Water Fire Extinguishers
Most are large silver fire extinguishers that stand about 2 feet tall and weigh about 25
pounds when full.

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Filled with ordinary tap water and pressurized air, they are essentially large squirt guns.

Water Fire Extinguishers by taking away the “heat” element of the Fire Tetrahedron.
• Water extinguishers are designed for Class A fires only: Like Wood, paper, charcoal,
cloth and etc.
• Using water on a flammable liquid fire could cause the fire to spread.
• Using water on an electrical fire increases the risk of electrocution.
• Water fire extinguishers are usually used in stockrooms, schools, offices, etc.

Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers

• The pressure in a CO extinguisher is so great, bits of dry ice may shoot out of the

• CO2’s are designed for Class B and C (Flammable Liquids and Electrical) fires
• CO2 cylinders are red. They range in size from 5 lbs. to 100 lbs. or larger. On
larger sizes, the horn will be at the end of a long, flexible hose.
• CO2’s will frequently be found in laboratories, mechanical rooms, kitchens, and
flammable liquid storage areas.
• In accordance with NFPA regulations (and manufacturers’ recommendations), all
CO2 extinguishers must undergo a hydrostatic testing and recharge every 5 years.
• Carbon dioxide is a non-flammable gas that takes away the oxygen element of the
fire tetrahedron. Without oxygen, there is no fire.
• CO2 is very cold as it comes out of the extinguisher, so it cools the fuel as well.
• A CO2 may be ineffective in extinguishing a Class A fire because it may not be
able to displace enough oxygen to successfully put the fire out.
• Class A materials may also smoulder and re-ignite

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Dry Chemical (ABC) Fire Extinguishers
It is extremely important to identify which types of dry chemical extinguishers are located
in your area!
• An “ABC” extinguisher will have a label like this, indicating it may be used on Class
A, B and C fires.
• You don’t want to mistakenly use a “BC” extinguisher on a Class A fire thinking
that it was an “ABC” extinguisher.
• You will find ABC’s in the public hallways of buildings, in shopping malls, break
rooms, offices, chemical storage areas, places of business, vehicles, kitchen, etc.

• Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)

Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) is a highly efficient type of fire suppressant
agent, used by itself to attack flammable liquid pool fires.
It is lighter than the burning liquid, it flows freely over the liquid surface and
extinguishes the fire by a smothering (removal/prevention of oxygen) action. Chemical
foam is considered obsolete today because of the many containers of powder required,
even for small fires.
Fires involving solids and burning liquids, such as paint and petrol but not suitable
for chip or fat pan fires.
AFFF extinguishers contain a proportion of water, so they are not recommended
for fires where live electricity is involved.

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How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
It’s easy to remember how to use a fire extinguisher if you remember the acronym TPASS:
• Twist
• Pull
• Aim
• Squeeze
• Sweep
• Pull the Pin…
This will allow you to discharge the extinguisher
• Aim at the base of the fire…
Hit the fuel.
If you aim at the flames...
… The extinguishing agent will fly right through and do no good.
• Squeeze the top handle…
Depress a button that releases the pressurized extinguishing agent.
• Sweep from side to side…
.. Until the fire is completely out.
Start using the extinguisher from a safe distance away, then slowly move forward.
Once the fire is out, keep an eye on the area in case it re-ignites.

Rules for Fighting Fires

Fires can be very dangerous and you should always be certain that you will not
endanger yourself or others when attempting to put out a fire.
For this reason, when a fire is discovered…
• Assist any person in immediate danger to safety, if it can be accomplished without
risk to yourself.
• Call 117 and activate the building fire alarm. The fire alarm will notify the fire
department and other building occupants.
• If the fire is small (and only after having done these 2 things), you may attempt to
use an extinguisher to put it out.

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. . . Before deciding to fight the fire, keep these things in mind:
• Know what is burning. If you don’t know what’s burning, you won’t know what
kind of extinguisher to use;
• Even if you have an ABC fire extinguisher, there may be something in the fire
that is going to explode or produce toxic fumes;
• Chances are you will know what’s burning, or at least have a pretty good idea,
but if you don’t, let the fire department handle it;
• Is the fire spreading rapidly beyond the point where it started? The time to use
an extinguisher is at the beginning stages of the fire;
• If the fire is already spreading quickly, it is best to simply evacuate the building;
• As you evacuate a building, close doors and windows behind you as you
leave. This will help to slow the spread of smoke and fire.

Do not fight the fire if:

• You don’t have adequate or appropriate equipment. If you don’t have the
correct type or large enough extinguisher, it is best not to try fighting the fire;
• You might inhale toxic smoke. When synthetic materials such as the nylon in
carpeting or foam padding in a sofa burn, they can produce hydrogen cyanide,
acrolein, and ammonia in addition to carbon monoxide. These gases can be
fatal in very small amounts; and
• Your instincts tell you not to. If you are uncomfortable with the situation for any
reason, just let the fire department do their job.
The final rule is to always position yourself with an exit or means of escape at your
back before you attempt to use an extinguisher to put out a fire.

In case the extinguisher malfunctions, or something unexpected happens, you

need to be able to get out quickly. You don’t want to become trapped.

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Fire Code of the Philippines (RA 9514)


A. A building or structure shall be classified as follows:

1. Assembly
a. Assembly occupancies include, but are not limited to, all buildings or portions
of buildings used for gathering together of fifty (50) or more persons for such purposes
as deliberation, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amusement, awaiting
transportation, or similar uses.
b. Assembly occupancies include: theatres; assembly halls; auditorium;
exhibition halls; museum; restaurants; drinking establishments; places of worship;
classrooms of 50 persons and over capacity; libraries; internet shops of over 50 persons
capacity; dance halls; club rooms; skating rinks; gymnasiums; cockpit arenas; bowling
facilities; pool rooms; armories; passenger stations and terminals of air, surface,
underground, and marine public transportation facilities; recreational facilities; piers;
court-rooms; conference rooms; and mortuary chapels or funeral homes.
c. Restaurants and drinking establishments with an occupant load of less than 50
persons shall be classified as mercantile occupancies.
d. Occupancy of any room or space for assembly purposes by less than fifty (50)
persons in a building of other occupancy and incidental to such other occupancy shall be
classified as part of the other occupancy and subject to the provisions applicable thereto.

2. Educational
a. Educational occupancies include all buildings or portions thereof used for the
gathering of group of six (6) or more persons for purposes of instruction.
b. Educational occupancies include: Schools; Universities; Colleges; Academies;
Nursery schools; Kindergartens; and Child Day Care facilities.
c. Other occupancies associated with educational institutions shall be in
accordance with the appropriate parts of this Chapter, except licensed day care facilities
of any capacity.
d. In case where instruction is incidental to some other occupancy, the Section of
the Chapter governing such other occupancy shall apply.

3. Health Care
a. Health care facilities are those used for purposes of medical or other treatment
or care of persons where such occupants are mostly incapable of self-preservation
because of age, physical or mental disability, or because of security measures not under
the occupants’ control.
b. Health care facilities include: hospitals; nursing homes; birth centers; and
residential custodial care centers such as nurseries, homes for the aged and the like.

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4. Detention and Correctional
a. Detention and correctional buildings are those used to house one or more
persons under varied degrees of restraint or security where such occupants are mostly
incapable of self-preservation because of security measures not under the occupants’
b. Detention and correctional occupancies shall include those used for purposes
such as correctional institutions, detention facilities, community residential centers,
training schools, work camps, and substance abuse centers where occupants are
confined or housed under some degree of restraint or security.

5. Residential
a. Residential occupancies are those occupancies in which sleeping
accommodations are provided for normal residential purposes and include all buildings
designed to provide sleeping accommodations.
b. Residential buildings, structures or facilities are treated separately in this Rule
in the following groups: hotels; motels; apartelles; pension houses; inns; apartments;
condominiums; dormitories; lodging or rooming houses; and one- and two-family
dwellings; and the likes.

6. Mercantile
a. Mercantile occupancies include stores, markets, and other rooms, buildings, or
structures for the display and/or sale of merchandise.
b. Mercantile occupancies include: malls; supermarkets; department stores;
shopping centers; flea markets; restaurants of less than 50 persons capacity;
public/private dry and wet markets; water refilling stations; drugstores;
hardware’s/construction supplies; showrooms; and auction rooms.
c. Minor merchandising operation in building predominantly of other occupancies,
such as newsstand in an office building, shall be subject to the exit requirements of the
predominant occupancy.
d. Office, storage, and service facilities incidental to the sale of merchandise and
located in the same building should be considered part of the mercantile occupancy

7. Business
a. Business buildings are those used for the transaction of business other than that
covered under Mercantile, for the keeping of accounts and records and similar purposes.
b. Included in this occupancy group are: offices for lawyers; doctors; dentists and
other professionals; general offices; City/Municipal halls; internet shops; massage parlors,
beauty parlors, barbershops of less than 50 occupants and court houses;
c. Minor office occupancy incidental to operations in other occupancy shall be
considered as a part of the dominant occupancy and shall be subject to the provisions of
the Chapter applying to the dominant occupancy.

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8. Industrial
a. Industrial occupancies include factories that make products of all 49 kinds and
properties which shall include but not limited to product processing, assembling and
disassembling, mixing, packaging, finishing or decorating, repairing and material recovery
including, among others, the following: factories of all kinds; laboratories; dry cleaning
plants; power plants; pumping stations; smokehouses; gas plants; refineries; and
sawmills, laundries; creameries.

9. Storage
a. Storage occupancy includes all buildings or structures utilized primarily for the
storage or sheltering of goods, merchandise, products, vehicles, or animals. Included in
this occupancy group are: warehouses; cold storages; freight terminals; truck and marine
terminals; bulk oil storage; LPG storage; parking garages; hangars; grain elevators; barns;
and stables.
b. Minor storage incidental to other occupancy shall be treated as part of the other

10. Mixed Occupancies

a. Refers to two or more classes of occupancies
occurring/located/situated/existing in the same building and/or structures so intermingled
that separate safeguards are impracticable.
b. The means of egress shall be sufficient to meet exit requirements for the
occupants of each individual room or section, and for the maximum occupant load of the
entire building. Fire safety construction, protective and warning systems and other
safeguards shall have met the requirements of most hazardous occupancy unless
otherwise specified in Division 8 through 17 of this Chapter.

11. Miscellaneous
a. This class of occupancy includes buildings or structure which cannot be properly
classified in any of the preceding occupancy groups. Such miscellaneous buildings and
structures shall conform to the fundamental guidelines provided for in Division 2 and to
any specific provisions applicable thereto in Division 17 both of this Chapter.

A. For purposes of this Chapter, the degree of hazard shall be the relative danger
of the start and spread of fire, the generation of smoke or gases, the danger of explosion
or other occurrences potentially endangering the lives and safety of the occupants of the
building or structure due to the nature of the contents or processes/operations therein.
B. The degree of fire hazard shall be determined by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal
having jurisdiction on the basis of the nature, character of the contents and the process or
operations being conducted in the building or structure: Provided, however, that where the
flame spread rating of the interior finish or other features of the building or structure are
such as to involve a fire hazard greater than the hazard of contents, the greater degree of
fire hazard shall govern, except if such hazardous areas are segregated or protected as
specified in Section of this IRR and the applicable sections of Divisions 8 through
17 of this Chapter.

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A. The hazard of contents of any building or structure shall be classified as follows:
1. Low Hazard
Those of such low combustibility that no self-propagating fire therein can
occur and that consequently, the only probable danger requiring the use of
emergency exits will be from panic, fumes or smoke or fire from some external
2. Moderate Hazard
Those which are liable to burn with moderate rapidity or to give off a
considerable volume of smoke but from which neither poisonous fumes nor
explosions are to be expected in the event of fire.
3. High Hazard
Those which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity or from which
poisonous gases or explosions are to be expected in the event of fire.

Hazard Classification
Hazard shall be classified according to the combustibility of the contents, giving primary
consideration to the intensity of fire that could occur; the form in which the products are stored;
method of storage; rate of heat release; and period of active burning, to wit:

• Low Hazard Materials

Items unpacked except as noted
• Appliances, electrical Cables and wiring on reels
• Fertilizers, bagged (excluding ammonium nitrate)
• Hides, leather
• Inert materials, bagged
• Metals on wood pallets
• Sugar, bagged, raw
• Tobacco in hogsheads
• Wallboard, gypsum
• Wool, baled

• Average Hazard Materials

Stocks in Cartons
• Books
• Ceramics
• Cereal
• Fibreboard, vegetable
• Foods, frozen
• Glass
• Glycols, in cans
• Hydraulic fluids, in cans
• Insulators, non-combustible
• Liquids, non-combustible, in bottles
• Lubricants, in cans
• Metals
• Paints, oil-based, in cans
• Pharmaceuticals, alcoholic elixir, tonics, etc., less than 80 proof
• Plastics, low hazard
• Stationery

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• Textiles
• Tobacco products
• Wiring, electric
• Yarns

Other Stocks
• Cartons flats
• Clothing, packaged or in racks
• Feed, bagged
• Fibreboard, vegetable on pallets
• Flour, bagged
• Grain, bagged
• Mattresses (excluding foamed) rubber and foamed
• plastics)
• Paper and pulp, rolled, vertical storage (adequately
• banded)
• Paper and pulp, horizontal storage (without racks)
• Pillows (excluding foamed rubber and foamed plastics)
• Pulp, bated
• Rags, baled
• Rugs (no foamed backing)
• Shingles, asphalt
• Sugar, bagged, refined

High Hazard Materials

• Flammable liquids posted in cans metals containers
• Baked cork or other insulating materials
• Upholstered furniture
• Linoleum rugs or piles
• Alcohol, weighty proof or higher, in barrels, tank or bottles
• Paper products in loosed form not baled not banded and stored
• Baled waste paper
• Pharmaceutical containing eighty (80) proof alcohol or higher, in
glass/plastic bottles.
• Other plastic products Bags and mats with plastic foam or cellular rubber

Very High Hazard Materials

• Paper products such as pulp/waxed paper, asphalt
• coated paper in loose form or bobbies or rolled, not banded or baled, and
stored vertically
• Pyroxylin or foam plastic products unpacked or packed in carton.
• Rubber goods and foamed rubber products, unpacked or
packed in carton
• Flammable liquids, such as acetone, alcohol, lighter fluids,
• varnish, paints, cleaning fluids, and the like, packed in plastic container
or glass bottles
• Cork or other insulating materials, NOT BALED
• Ammonium nitrate fertilizer

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Any change, alteration or addition that would reduce the means of egress below the
requirements for new buildings is prohibited.

A. Permissible Exit Components

An exit shall consist of the approved components that are described, regulated, and limited
as to use. Exit components shall be constructed as an integral part of the building or shall
be permanently affixed thereto.

B, Protective Enclosure of Exits

1. When an exit is required to be protected by separation from other parts of the building
by some requirements of this IRR, the construction of the separation shall meet the
following requirements:

a. The separation shall have at least one (1) hour fire resistance rating when the exit
connects three (3) storeys or less, regardless of whether the storeys connected
are above or below the storey at which the exit discharge begins.
b. The separation shall have at least two (2) hours resistance rating when the exit
connects four (4) or more storeys, whether above or below the floor of discharge.
It shall be constructed of non-combustible materials and shall be supported by
construction having at least a two (2)-hour fire resistance rating.
c. Any opening in the separation wall/construction shall be protected by an approved
self-closing fire resistive door.
d. Openings in exit enclosure shall be confined to those necessary for access, to the
enclosure from normally occupied spaces and for egress from the enclosure.

2. No exit enclosure shall be used for any purpose other than for means of egress.

C. Number of Means of Egress

1. The number of means of egress from any balcony, mezzanine, storey, or portion
thereof shall not be less than two (2)
2. When the occupant load for any storey or portion thereof is more than five
hundred (500) but not more than one thousand (1000), the means of egress shall not
be less than three (3); in excess thereof, the means of egress shall not be less than
four (4).
3. The occupant load of each storey considered individually shall be required to be used
in computing the number of means of egress at each storey, provided that the required
number of means of egress is not decreased in the direction of exit travel.
4. No doors other than hoist way door, the elevator car door, and doors that are readily
open able from the car side without a key, tool, special knowledge, or special effort
shall be allowed at the point of access to an elevator car.
5. Elevator lobbies shall have access to at least one exit. Such exit access shall not
require the use of a key, a tool, special knowledge, or special effort.

31 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
D. Arrangement of Exit

1. Exits shall be located and exit access shall be arranged so that exits are readily
accessible at all times.
2. When exits are not immediately accessible from an open floor area, continuous
passageways, aisles, or corridors leading directly to every exit shall be maintained and
shall be arranged to provide access for each occupant to not less than two exits by
separate ways of travel.
3. Corridors shall provide exit access without passing through any intervening rooms
other than corridors, lobbies, and other spaces permitted to be open to the corridor.
4. Remoteness shall be determined in accordance with the following:

a. When more than one exit is required from a building or portion thereof, such exits
shall be remotely located from each other and shall be arranged and constructed
to minimize the possibility that more than one exit has the potential to be blocked
by any fire or other emergency condition.
b. When two (2) exits or exit access doors are required, they shall be located at a
distance from one another not less than one-half (1/2) of the length of the maximum
over-all diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served, measured in a
straight line between the nearest edge of the exit doors or exit access doors, unless
otherwise provided in para (c) hereof.
c. In buildings protected throughout by an approved supervised automatic sprinkler
system, the minimum separation distance between two exits or exit access doors
measured in accordance with para (b) hereof shall not be less than one-third (1/3)
the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area to be
d. Where exit enclosures are provided as the required exits specified in para (b) and
para (c) hereof and are interconnected by not less than 1-hour fire resistance-rated
corridor, exit separation shall be measured along the line of travel within the
e. Where more than two exits or exit access doors are required, at least two (2) of
the required exits or exit access doors shall be arranged to comply with the
minimum separation distance requirement.

E. Fire Extinguisher General Requirements

1. The classification of fire extinguishers shall consist of a letter that indicates the class
of fire on which a fire extinguisher has been found to be effective, preceded by a rating
number (Class A and Class B only) that indicates the relative extinguishing
effectiveness, except for fire extinguishers classified for use on Class C, Class D
hazards shall not be required to have a number preceding the classification letter.
2. Portable fire extinguishers shall be maintained in a fully charged and operable
condition, and kept in their designated places at all times when they are not being
3. Fire extinguishers shall be conspicuously located where they will be readily accessible
and immediately available in the event of fire. Preferably they shall be located along
normal paths of travel, including exits from areas.
4. The following types of fire extinguishers are considered obsolete and shall be removed
from service:

32 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
a. soda acid
b. chemical foam (excluding film-forming agents)
c. vaporizing liquid (e.g., carbon tetrachloride)
d. cartridge-operated water
e. cartridge-operated loaded stream
f. copper or brass shell (excluding pump tanks) joined by soft solder or rivets

5. Cabinets housing fire extinguishers shall not be locked, except where fire extinguishers
are subject to malicious use, locked cabinets shall be permitted to be used, provided they
include means of emergency access.
6. Fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view, except in large rooms,
and in certain locations where visual obstruction cannot be completely avoided, arrows,
lights, signs, or coding of the wall are the acceptable means of identifying its location.
7. Portable fire extinguishers other than wheeled types shall be securely installed on the
hanger or in the bracket supplied or placed in cabinets or wall recesses. The hanger or
bracket shall be securely and properly anchored to the mounting surface in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions. Wheeled-type fire extinguishers shall be located in a
designated location. Portable fire extinguishers other than wheeled types shall be securely
installed on the hanger or in the bracket supplied or placed in cabinets or wall recesses.
The hanger or bracket shall be securely and properly anchored to the mounting surface in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Wheeled type fire extinguishers shall be
located in a designated location.
8. Fire extinguishers installed under conditions where they are subject to physical damage,
(e.g., from impact, vibration, the environment) shall be adequately protected.
9. Fire extinguishers having a gross weight not exceeding eighteen kilograms (18 kg) shall
be installed so that the top of the fire extinguisher is not more than one and five-tenths
meter (1.5 m) above the floor. Fire extinguishers having a gross weight greater than
eighteen kilograms (18 kg), except wheeled types, shall be so installed that the top of the
fire extinguisher is not more than one meter (1.0 m) above the floor. In no case shall the
clearance between the bottom of the fire extinguisher and the floor be less than one
hundred millimeters (100 mm).
10. Extinguisher operating instructions, original manufacturer’s labels, labels that specifically
relate to the extinguisher’s operation or fire classification, or inventory control labels
specific to that extinguisher shall be located on the front face of the extinguisher and be
clearly visible, except the hazardous materials identification systems (HMIS) labels, six-
year maintenance labels, hydro test labels, or other labels.
11. Fire extinguishers mounted in cabinets or wall recesses shall be placed so that the fire
extinguisher operating instructions face outward. The location of such fire extinguishers
shall be marked conspicuously.
12. Where fire extinguishers are installed in closed cabinets that are exposed to elevated
temperatures, the cabinets shall be provided with screened openings and drains. Vented
fire extinguisher cabinets should utilize tinted glass and should be constructed to prevent
the entrance of insects and the accumulation of water. Vented fire extinguisher cabinets
constructed in this manner will lower the maximum internal temperature 5.6°C to 8.3°C.
13. Water-type (e.g., water, AFFF, FFFP) fire extinguishers shall not be installed in areas
where the temperatures are outside the range of 40°f to 120°f (4°c to 49°c). All other types
shall not be installed in areas where temperatures are outside the range of -40°f to 120°f
(-40°c to 49°c). Fire extinguishers shall not be exposed to temperatures outside of the
range shown on the fire extinguisher label, except where it is installed in locations subject
to temperatures outside these ranges, it shall be of a type approved and listed for the

33 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
temperature to which it is exposed, or it shall be placed in an enclosure capable of
maintaining the stipulated temperature range.
14. The fire extinguisher owner or the owner’s agent shall be provided with an instruction
manual that details condensed instructions and cautions necessary to the installation,
operation, inspection, and maintenance of the fire extinguisher(s). The manual shall refer
to this standard as a source of detailed instruction.

F. Distribution of Fire Extinguishers

1. General Requirements
a. Fire extinguishers shall be provided for the protection of both the building structure
and the occupancy hazards contained therein.
b. Required building protection shall be provided by fire extinguishers suitable for
Class A fires.
c. Occupancy hazard protection shall be provided by fire extinguishers suitable for
such Class A, B, C, D, fire potentials as might be present.
d. Fire extinguishers provided for building protection can be considered also for the
protection of occupancies having a class a fire potential.
e. Buildings having an occupancy hazard subject to Class B or Class C fires, or both,
shall have a standard complement of Class A fire extinguishers for building
protection, plus additional Class B or Class A fire extinguishers, or both.
f. Rooms or areas shall be classified generally as light (low) hazard, ordinary
(moderate) hazard, or extra (high) hazard. Limited areas of greater or lesser
hazard shall be protected as required.

2. Size and Placement

a. Class A Hazards



(m) (m2)
LOW 2-A 15 200
MODERATE 3-A 12 100
HIGH 4-A 10 75

i. Fire extinguishers for the different types of hazards shall be provided on the basis of Table.

ii. The protection requirements shall be permitted to be fulfilled with fire extinguishers of
higher rating, provided the travel distance to such larger fire extinguishers does not exceed
fifteen meters (15 m).

iii. In cases where building spaces are compartmentalized or separated from each other by
fire barriers, each compartment not exceeding the maximum protection area specified in
Table shall be provided with at least one (1) fire extinguisher.

34 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6

A. Any process, operation or storage having a degree of hazard greater than that
normal to the general occupancy of the building or structure under consideration
shall be enclosed with construction having at least a 4-hour fire resistance rating
or shall be provided with automatic fire protection or both. Where a hazard is high,
both the fire-rated construction and automatic fire protection shall be used.
B. All construction enclosing hazardous operation or storage shall have not less than
2-hour fire resistance, and all openings between the balance of the building and
rooms or enclosures for hazardous operations or processes shall be protected with
self-closing or automatic fire doors.
C. Where hazardous processes or storage area of such a character as to involve an
explosion hazard, explosion venting to outside the building shall be provided by
thin glass or other approved vents.
D. Where automatic protection is required, such protection shall be by automatic
sprinklers in accordance with Section of this IRR or other approved
extinguishing system appropriate to extinguish fires in the hazardous materials
stored or handled.


Fire Operation




An act or process of preventing the fire from spreading, thus preventing further damages.
The practice of reducing the heat output of a fire, reducing the area over which the fire exists, or
suppressing or extinguishing the fire by depriving it of fuel, oxygen, or heat.
Act or process of lowering down the intensity of heat.
Sharply reducing the heat release rate of a fire and preventing its regrowth by means of a direct
and sufficient application of water through the fire plume to the burning fuel surface.

10 Phases of Fire Operation

1. Pre – Fire Planning
Planning ahead can make a huge difference in the outcome of a fire. By understanding in advance
the construction, occupancy and layout of a burning building, the decision-making process of Fire
Officers becomes streamlined and more efficient.
An effective pre-fire plan involves both the fire department and you - the owner and occupants of
a building. Pre-fire planning should be a joint venture between the fire department and your
property management team. A Fire Officer may be the expert in fire safety and firefighting, but
your property management personnel are experts on your building.

2. Size – Up - the process of gathering and analyzing information that will influence decisions
fire officers make and actions firefighters take.

35 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
Mental evaluation by the Ground Commander which enables him to determine his course of action
and to accomplish his mission.
- To estimate the situation.
- Begins after alarm is received.
a) Nature of fire.
b) Tools or equipment available.
c) The action to take. (Decision from the Ground Commander)
d) Wind direction.

3. Rescue - comprises responsive operations that usually involve the saving of life, or
prevention of injury during an incident or dangerous situation.

4. Cover Exposure - To prevent the fire into extending/spreading to other

uninvolved buildings.
• Placing fire streams directly to expose building.
• Placing fire streams between burning building and exposed building.
• Entering exposed building and from windows placing fire streams directly to
burning building.

5. Confinement - To prevent the fire from extending to the other portion of the burning
building Involves protection of avenues of extension.

6. Ventilation - is a part of structural firefighting tactics, and involves the expulsion of heat
and smoke from a burning building, permitting the firefighters to more easily and safely
find trapped individuals and attack the fire.

Some consideration during ventilation process

• Make an opening (forced ventilation)
• Use of fog streams
• Always consider the wind direction.

7. Extinguishment - is based on removing any one or more of the four elements in

the fire tetrahedron to suppress the fire. In order to remove the heat, something must be
applied to the fire to absorb the heat or act as a heat exchanger.

Proper use and techniques of applying fire streams.

• DIRECT ATTACK – If fire is limited and approachable. Applying a solid stream
directly to the base of the fire.
• INDIRECT ATTACK- If the fire involves a large area and confined by locating the
hottest portion and applying a stream over hottest portion.
• COMBINATION ATTACK – If the whole building id already involve by the fire
and entry is difficult.

8. Salvage - is the protection of buildings and their contents from unnecessary damage due
to water, smoke, heat, and other elements. A significant amount of fire loss is created
during extinguishment operations and other events after the fire has been controlled.


• Removal or evacuating of properties according to its priority.
• Removal of properties to avoid fire spread.
• Protect properties by arranging covering to avoid damage.
• Removal of personal belonging of the victims for safe keeping

36 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
9. Overhauling - is to reduce the incidence of secondary fires, control loss, and stabilize the
incident scene while providing for firefighter safety in doing so.

Additional objectives include:

• Preserving evidence
• Securing the fire scene
• Looking for remaining sources of ignition such as embers, open flames, sparks
among debris.
• Making the area safe and habitable.
• Gathering physical evidences among debris to determine cause of the fire.

10. Post Fire Analysis – To conduct a critique of what was done during the fire operation.
The cooperative discussion of fire personnel about all phases of fire from the time of the
alarm was received until return to station.


Republic Act 6975

Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990



Section 53. Composition. — The Bureau of Fire Protection, hereinafter referred to as the
Fire Bureau, is hereby created initially consisting of the existing officers and uniformed members
of the fire service of the Integrated National Police as constituted under Presidential Decree No.

Section 54. Powers and Functions. — The Fire Bureau shall be responsible for the
prevention and suppression of all destructive fires on buildings, houses and other structures,
forest, land transportation vehicles and equipment, ships or vessels docked at piers or wharves
or anchored in major seaports, petroleum industry installations, plane crashes and other similar
incidents, as well as the enforcement of the Fire Code and other related laws. The Fire Bureau
shall have the power to investigate all causes of fires and, if necessary, file the proper complaints
with the city or provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over the case.

37 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6


THERE is truism in the great scientific truth that depending on its usage fire could be a
friend or a foe. Its significance becomes more conspicuous when it is being used in the
commission of a criminal act since there are variances of felonies which criminals could commit
by means of fire. The criminal intent of the malefactor is determinative in the proper determination
of the crime to be charged against him and criminal intent being a mental process, could be
gauged through physical manifestations.
The killing of a human being by means of fire, which is a qualifying circumstance in the
field of criminal law, is murder. But to qualify the killing to murder, the use of fire must be purposely
sought for or intended by the perpetrator. If it is otherwise, then the killing of the human being by
another is categorized only as homicide. In like manner, if fire was reported out of joke, then the
crime is only homicide because to qualify the killing to murder, the offender must have acted with
specific intent to kill by means of fire.
The distinction between homicide and murder is of utmost importance because the former
is penalized with prison term ranging from twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years,
while the latter is penalized with imprisonment ranging from twenty (20) years and one (1) day to
forty (40) years. The difference between murder and homicide is also significant on the aspect of
bail or on the right of the accused to exercise his right to bail. In the crime of homicide, the accused
is entitled to bail in the amount of Forty Thousand (P40, 000.00) for his temporary freedom, while
the accused who is charged with the crime of murder, bail is not recommended for his provisional
The criminal act of setting a house, building or structure on fire and regardless of its value
is penalized as arson. It may also happen that while putting purposely a structure ablaze it results
to the death of the occupant. Under that morbid scenario the accused may be charged for qualified
arson, which carries the supreme penalty of death. If a person was killed and in order to hide the
killing the accused sets the house on fire, the malefactor may be indicted for two separate crimes
of homicide or murder, as the case may be, and a distinct crime of arson.
In other words, in cases where both burning and death occur, in order to determine what
crime/crimes was/were perpetrated – whether arson, murder or arson and homicide/murder, it is
de rigor to ascertain the main objective of the malefactor. If the main objective is the burning of
the building or edifice, but death results by reason or on occasion of arson, the crime is simply
arson, and the resulting homicide is absorbed. On the other hand, if the main objective is to kill a
particular person who may be in the building or edifice, when fire is resorted to as the means to
accomplish such goal the crime committed is murder only.
But if the principal purpose is to kill a particular person, and in fact the offender has already
done the killing, but fire is employed as a means to cover up the killing or to erase any evidence
of killing, then the accused could be indicted for two separate and distinct crimes of
homicide/murder and arson. It is also worthy of note that like the crimes of rape and adultery, the
crime of arson admits only of two stages, attempted arson and consummated arson. So, the
moment any part of the building or structure intended to be burned is blackened, the felony of
arson is already in the consummated stage.

38 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
Presidential Decree Nr. 1613
Amending the Law on Arson

SECTION 1. Arson – Any person who burns or sets fire to the property of another shall be
punished by prision mayor.

The same penalty shall be imposed when a person sets fire to his own property under
circumstances which expose to danger the life or property of another.

SECTION 2. Destructive Arson – The penalty of reclusion temporal in its maximum period to
reclusion Perpetua shall be imposed in the property burned is any of the following:

a) Any ammunition factory and other establishment where explosives, inflammable or

combustible materials are stored;
b) Any archive, museum, whether public or private, or any edifice devoted to culture,
education or social services;
c) Any church or place of worship or other building where people usually assemble;
d) Any train, airplane of any aircraft, vessel, or watercraft, or conveyance for transportation
of persons or property;
e) Any buildings where evidence is kept for use in any legislative, judicial, administrative or
other official proceedings;
f) Any hospital, hotel, dormitory, lodging house, housing tenement, shopping center, public
or private market, theater or movie house or any similar place or building; and
g) Any building, whether used as a dwelling or not, situated in a populated or congested area.

SECTION 3. Other Cases of Arson – The penalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion Perpetua
shall be imposed if the property burned is any of the following:

a) Any building used as offices of the government or any of its agencies;

b) Any inhabited house or dwelling;
c) Any industrial establishment, shipyard, oil well or mine shaft, platform or tunnel;

d) Any plantation, farm, pasture land, growing crops, grain field, orchard, bamboo grove or
e) Any rice mill, sugar mill, cane mill or mill central; and
f) Any railway or bus station, airport, wharf or warehouse.

SECTION 4. Special Aggravating Circumstances in Arson – The penalty in any case of arson
shall be imposed in its maximum period:

a) If committed with intent to gain;

b) If committed for the benefit of another;
c) If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred towards the owner or occupant of the
property burned;
d) If committed by a syndicate.

The offense is committed by a syndicate if it is planned or carried out by a group of three

(3) or more persons.

39 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
SECTION 5. Where Death Results from Arson – If by reason of or on the occasion of arson
death results, the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death shall be imposed.

SECTION 6. Prima Facie Evidence of Arson – Any of the following circumstances shall
constitute prima facie evidence of arson:

a) If the fire started simultaneously in more than one part of the building or establishment.
b) If substantial amount of flammable substances or materials are stored within the building
not necessary in the business of the offender nor for household use.
c) If gasoline, kerosene, petroleum or other flammable or combustible substances or
materials soaked therewith or containers thereof, or any mechanical, electrical, chemical,
or electronic contrivance designed to start a fire, or ashes or traces of any of the foregoing
are found in the ruins or premises of the burned building or property.
d) If the building or property is insured for substantially more than its actual value at the time
of the issuance of the policy.
e) If during the lifetime of the corresponding fire insurance policy more than two fires have
occurred in the same or other premises owned or under the control of the offender and/or
f) If shortly before the fire, a substantial portion of the effects insured and stored in a building
or property had been withdrawn from the premises except in the ordinary course of
g) If a demand for money or other valuable consideration was made before the fire in
exchange for the desistance of the offender or for the safety of the person or property of
the victim.

SECTION 7. Conspiracy to Commit Arson – Conspiracy to commit arson shall be punished by

prison mayor in its minimum period.

SECTION 8. Confiscation of Object of Arson – The building which is the object of arson
including the land on which it is situated shall be confiscated and escheated to the State, unless
the owner thereof can prove that he has no participation in nor knowledge of such arson despite
the exercise of due diligence in his part.

SECTION 9. Repealing Clause – The provisions of Articles 320 to 326-B of the Revised Penal
Code and all laws, executive order, rules and regulations, or parts thereof inconsistent with the
provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.

SECTION 10. Effectivity – This Decree shall take effect immediately upon publication thereof at
least once in a newspaper of general circulation.

Done in the City of Manila, this 7 day of March 1979.



Section 10. Article 320 of the same Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Art. 320. Destructive Arson. - The penalty of reclusion Perpetua to death shall be imposed
upon any person who shall burn:

40 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
1. One (1) or more buildings or edifices, consequent to one single act of burning, or because of
simultaneous burnings, committed on several or different occasions.
2. Any building of public or private ownership, devoted to the public in general or where people
usually gather or congregate for a definite purpose such as, but not limited to, official
governmental function or business, private transaction, commerce, trade, workshop, meetings
and conferences, or merely incidental to a definite purpose such as but not limited to hotels,
motels, transient dwellings, public conveyances or stops or terminals, regardless of whether
the offender had knowledge that there are persons in said building or edifice at the time it is
set on fire and regardless also of whether the building is actually inhabited or not;
3. Any train or locomotive, ship or vessel, airship or airplane, devoted to transportation or
conveyance, or for public use, entertainment or leisure.
4. Any building, factory, warehouse installation and any appurtenances thereto, which are
devoted to the service of public utilities; and
5. Any building the burning of which is for the purpose of concealing or destroying evidence of
another violation of law, or for the purpose of concealing bankruptcy or defrauding creditors or
to collect from insurance.

Irrespective of the application of the above enumerated qualifying circumstances, the penalty of
reclusion Perpetua to death shall likewise be imposed when the arson is perpetrated or committed by
two (2) or more persons or by a group of persons, regardless of whether their purpose is merely to
burn or destroy the building or the burning merely constitutes an overt act in the commission or another
violation of law.

The penalty of reclusion Perpetua to death shall also be imposed upon any person who shall burn:

1. Any arsenal, shipyard, storehouse or military powder or fireworks factory, ordnance,

storehouse, archives, or general museum of the Government; and
2. In an inhabited place, any storehouse or factory of inflammable or explosive materials.

If as a consequence of the commission of any of the acts penalized under this Article, death
results, the mandatory penalty of death shall be imposed."

We need to determine the motive for an arson in order to narrow the focus of the
investigation and try to identify the offender. Observation of offender behavior at the arson
scene can identify the motivation for the crime. REMEMBER: Motive is not an element of
the offense and need not be proven to obtain a conviction for arson. Evidence of
participation by a defendant is required to prove an arson case.

The investigator should study the victimology of the fire scene.

1. Who is the true victim - owner, insurance company, church, government, society? Using
checklists like the ATF Arson Investigation Guide, witness and owner interviews, prior
criminal history, is a good start.
2. Ask "why did the offender choose this target"? Assess victim and offender risk. What
characteristics of the victim make it a target?
3. Offenders use rational criteria to select targets even when the fire setting behavior
makes no sense. The offender decides if the fire setting is "profitable" (meets his needs)
and the risk is acceptable.

41 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
The Motives of Arson:

1. Profit. This offense normally involves burning of one’s own property to wrongfully collect
(defraud) insurance money for the loss, by fire, of the insured property.

A, Direct monetary gain includes.

• Insurance Fraud
• Liquidating property
• Dissolving a business
• Destroying unprofitable inventory

B. Indirect monetary gain can include.

• Creating employment
• Eliminating competition
• Remodel old property

2. Grudge and Spite Fires. An individual seeking to revenge a wrong, either real or fancied,
may attempt to injure or to cause hardship to the person who caused the wrong. Because
a fire may inflict both physical and financial injury, it may be used as a medium for revenge;

3. Fires to Cause Public Disturbances. An offender may resort to arson as a means of

causing a public disturbance. A fire attracts people, is destructive, causes confusion, and
gives rise to attendant problems that divert police attention;

4. Sabotage Fires. Arson is one of the saboteur’s most effective weapons;

5. Fires by Pyromaniacs. Because the pyromaniacs commit the crime of arson to satisfy
an overpowering impulse, he usually does not seek any insurance indemnity or other
material gain;

6. Fires by Vandals. Vandalism, as used in the discussion, is a general term denoting

intentional burning to destroy property.
a) This motive is sometimes called "malicious mischief" and helps identify the type of
offender - juveniles. REMEMBER however, mental age and chronological age do
not necessarily correspond.
b) May be the result of peer or group pressure.
c) Typical targets include schools, abandoned buildings and vegetation.

7. Fires to Conceal Other Crimes. A criminal may attempt to cover another crime with a
fire; he may reason that the burning will appear accidentally and will destroy the evidence
of the original crime. A murderer may burn both the scene and the victim in the hope that
the corpse will be destroyed, or the cause of death obliterated. A burglar may use fire to
cover burglary.

8. Excitement. Nuisance type fires such as dumpsters, recycling bins, trash piles; targets of
opportunity; may escalate as fire setting no longer provides enough excitement. Several

a. Thrills (most common excitement motive) - enjoys the turmoil created by fire setting.
b. Recognition (hero) - firefighter, police officer, security guard, employee
c. Attention - excited by idea everyone is looking for him.
d. Sexual gratification - unusual and usually present with other motives.

42 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
The following are some common characteristic and indicators of arson fires:
1. Separate or Multiple Fires - Separate, non-related, simultaneous burning fire, like fires
in separate compartments of an automobile, or separate parts of structures are good
evidence of an arson fire.
2. The Candle - is not only an ignition unit, but also a delay device which can be cut to a
desired burning-time length.
3. Matches - are used as igniters in many simple incendiary devices. Perhaps the simplest
match device involves tying a bundle of matches around a burning cigarette or inserting
a burning cigarette into a book of matches and then inserting any of these devices into a
“set-up” of flammable materials.
4. Accelerant - Although most of the accelerant is consumed in the fire, as mentioned
previously, in many cases, strong indications of the use of an accelerant can be found by
physical examination of the fire scene.
In addition to saturating items with accelerants, the arsonist may place buckets, can,
bottles and other containers at the point of origin or at other places on the premises.
Rubber containers are commonly used to hold accelerants because they can be used as
a delay device and are also consumed in the fire.
5. Electrical. Wiring systems, including telephone circuits, can be used as a fire-setting
tool. An electrical ignition device, such as an electric heating coil in a bag of wastepaper,
can be activated by turning lights on, ringing a doorbell or receipt of a telephone call.
Some electrical appliances are used to set fires.
6. Hot plates, iron and electric - barbecue starters can be effectively utilized to directly
ignite flammable objects placed on them. Electric light bulbs wrapped in cloth or paper
can be used as a delay and ignition device in conjunction with “set-ups” or accelerants
and other combustible materials.
7. Clock or watch-delay devices - can be easily rigged. By removing the minute hand,
setting a small screw in the crystal to a depth, it will contact the hour hand but not the
watch face, and using this screw and the main stem as the contact point to complete the
electrical circuit, the watch becomes a timing delay mechanism with a 12-hour span.
8. Flying sparks - are given particular attention. An arsonist who has set a fire while
another fire is burning in the vicinity may state that it was caused by flying sparks from
the first fire. It must be borne in mind that flying sparks can start a new fire only when
they have sufficient ignition heat and strike combustible material.
The direction of the wind is of importance; openings in a building where a subsequent
burning occurs usually face the direction of the wind. The time element may be of
importance in determining whether a fire is of arson or is caused by another fire.
9. The removal of contents from the building or vehicle before the fire.
10. Broken or damaged sprinklers, hydrants and extinguishes.
11. Tied or chained fire doors and other impediments to firefighting activities.
12. Damaged or disconnected fire alarms.
13. Gas jets turned on. Door of closets, cabinets, or files left open so the fire can destroy
records (open drawers and cupboards may also indicate burglary).
14. Windows and doors covered over from the inside to conceal the fire.
15. Entrances and aisles clogged with furniture and other large heavy items, so arranged as
to interfere with the work of fireman.
16. Unusual burning is another indicator of arson and may be a basis in establishing the
incendiary nature of a fire.

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The following are common accidental causes of fires and some background information:

1. Short Circuit, including improper voltage and low line capacity; electric motors that have
become overheated because of neglect in their care, cleaning, oiling and other required
maintenance and pressing, soldering, and other electric irons that have been unattended
while in use;

a) The electrical system of a building rarely causes a fire if the installation is up to date and
the fuses are working. Fires causes through the electrical system may be due to
overloading the circuit, faulty contacts, sparks, carelessness or intentional acts.
b) Wall receptacles in the area where a fire started may reveal evidence of multiple plug
devices which accidentally permitted overloading of the circuit.
c) Extension cords can cause fires by increasing the length of a circuit thus increasing the
resistance on the line which in turn cannot be handled by the light wire in the extension
d) Fires can start in electrical appliances, equipment or tool. In most cases where an electric
motor catches fire it is because of bearings not being lubricated, faulty starting mechanism
or excessive dirt or lint in the motor.
e) It is not uncommon in electrical fires for witness to see a brilliant flash and actually hear a
short circuit. The odor left in the air from the arcing of electricity is also recognizable.
f) Fires can start in electrical appliances, equipment or tool. In most cases where an electric
motor catches fire it is because of bearings not being lubricated, faulty starting mechanism
or excessive dirt or lint in the motor.

Table 1 Causes of US residential fires due to electrical distribution

Cause of fire Percent

fixed wiring 34.7

cords and plugs 17.2

light fixtures 12.4

switches, receptacles, and outlets 11.4

lamps and light bulbs 8.3

fuses, circuit breakers 5.6

meters and meter boxes 2.2

transformers 1.0

unclassified or unknown electrical distribution equipment 7.3

2. Spontaneous Combustion, is a phenomenon in which a combustible material or

combination of materials generate or produces heat because of internal chemical action
(oxidation) and eventually ignites without any exposure to external sources of fire, spark
or abnormal heat.

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a) The factors contributing to spontaneous combustion are many and varied
depending on the material concerned. Generally, hot, humid weather and lack
of air circulation facilitate the internal generation of heat.
b) Many substances have a tendency to spontaneous combustion when various
conditions operate to create or facilitate a dangerous condition. Coal dust,
flour, hay, grain, and other plant products; and porous materials such as rags,
papers, etc. soaked in oils are especially susceptible to spontaneous
3. Dried leaves, remember to clean the areas in and around your house regularly. You
should immediately dispose of dried leaves, wood shavings, and other items that may
easily catch fire.

4. LPG tanks, parents would always, always ask if the LPG tanks are turned off after
cooking, before going to bed, or leaving the house. Do not get annoyed when reminded
of this because LPG tanks are one of the most common causes of fire.
Make sure the LPG tank you have at home is not defective and substandard. Rusty and
corroded tanks are potential hazards.

5. Flammable Liquids, leaving flammable liquids near a heat source can start a fire.
Solvents, paint thinners, adhesives, cleaning agents, and any other raw materials should
never be placed anywhere near high temperatures, and weak ignition sources that may
cause an electric spark.

6. Unattended stoves and ovens, almost every homeowner has been guilty of leaving the
stove or oven unattended. While we think that it is harmless to go to another room for a
minute or two, it may lead to accidents.

To prevent kitchen fires, always keep combustibles like oven mitts, paper towels, and dish
rags away from heat sources. You should also pay close attention to your cooking. (Read:
no more quick TV breaks!)

7. Unattended candles, although candles can create a warm, cozy, and romantic feel in the
home, they can also be the cause of fires!
For a safe space, keep your candles on a sturdy holder on an even surface. Make sure
that they are out of reach of children and pets and always blow them out before leaving
the room.

8. Children playing with fire, on that note, always keep your matches, lighters, and torches
in places that your children can't reach. Bored and curious kids might inadvertently set
things on fire.

9. Careless smoking, if someone in your home smokes, always use large and deep
ashtrays. Clean the ashtrays regularly and place them away from materials that burn
easily. You should also check for cigarette embers or butts that can cause furniture to
burst into flames. As an added safety measure, you may also prohibit smoking in the

10. Sparks, Sparks may originate from nearby fires, chimneys, etc.

11. Explosions, Explosions can cause or result from fires. Explosive materials are readily
available to the arsonist or saboteur. Likewise, numerous explosive materials can be found

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in residences and military organizations that can accidentally explode as a result of fire or
resulting in a fire.

12. Action of the sun concentrated by a lens or concave mirror can ignite combustible material.

13. Animals, Animals rarely cause fires because of their natural fear of fire.

14. Miscellaneous Causes, besides the natural and accidental causes of fires already
mentioned, there are numerous causes that can be included such as carelessness in
careless handling and storage of flammables, and fires resulting from the use of blow torch
welding apparatus, etc.

The Role of Fire Arson Investigator

An arson investigator surveys the scene of a fire to determine if the blaze was accidental
or intentional. Arson investigators are called to the scene of a fire when an intentional start is
suspected. Arson investigation is part of the more complex science of fire investigation. The job
of an arson investigator is to figure out whether a fire has been intentionally set.
Arson investigators gather evidence and conduct interviews concerning fires. Since they
usually arrive after the fire has been extinguished, they need to ask detailed questions of
witnesses and firefighters in order to gather a picture of how the fire behaved and whether anyone
noticed anything unusual. They are often called to provide testimony under oath concerning their
methods for gathering evidence; therefore, they must keep detailed notes on their investigations
and file formal reports.

The Four Phases of Arson Investigation

1 Phase of Fire Scene Investigation



A. Recording/ B. Protect/Preserve Fire Scene C. Information

Documentation Gathering

Photography Barricade Elicitation

Sketching Cordon Rope Interview
Audio/Video Utilization Posting of Uniformed Personnel Interrogation
Note Taking Recognize Threats to Evidence
Fire Suppression
Over Haul
Use of Tools
Constant walking through the

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A. Recording
a. Photograph
1. Crowd
2. Vehicles
- Make and color
- Speedometer reading
- Key position
- Plate number
3. Color of Flames and Smoke
b. Audio, Video Utilization
c. Sketch Preparation
1. Rough Sketch
2. Progression Sketch

B. Secure and Protect the Scene

a. Determine the extent to which the scene has been protected.
b. Check the adequate scene security.
c. Take extensive notes, do not rely on memory.
d. Keep a record of persons/ individual who enters & leave.
e. Established frame of minutes to take control of scene regardless of circumstances
observed on arrival
f. Post Uniform Personnel, provide cordon rope and or barricade tape
C, Information Gathering

a. Noting Characteristics of the Fire:

1. Rapidity of the spread of flame.
2. Color of the Smoke and Flames.
3. Identifiable Odors
4. Area of origin
b. Taking Notes on the Following:
1. Unnatural state of the premises.
2. Obstacle on entry point.
3. Door and window locked.
4. Fire alarm or other fire protection equipment’s disconnected/sabotage.
5. Artificial drafts by making opening.
6. Block entrance.
7. Contents of the building.
C. Interview and Elicitation
1. Witnesses - Discoverer of fire
2. Fire Victims
3. Responding Firefighter as to area of origin.
4. Neighbors
- Outside the Involved Building
- Inside the Involved Building

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2 Phase of Fire Scene Investigation (Origin Determination)


Methods and Assessment

Detail Analysis of Observation Analysis Fire Pattern Analysis Vector Diagram

Location of Area of Non-Communicating Fires Fire Patterns and Their Burn Pattern
Origin Interpretation Analysis
How Fire Detected Present Condition& Fire Pattern Depth-of-Char
Location of Victim Development Grid Diagram

Unusual Event Prior to Incendiary Devices Systematic Observation

Fire Cause Missing Items Consumption of Material
in Melting
Last Person seen prior Unusual Appearance&
to the fire Location
Trace Evidence Discover

Detail Analysis of Information from Witnesses

• Location of Area of Origin

• How Fire Detected
• Unusual Event Prior to Fire
• Fire Cause
• Last Person seen prior to the fire

Observation Analysis

• Non-Communicating Fires
• Present Condition& Location of Victim
• Incendiary Devices
• Missing Items
• Unusual Appearance& Location
• Trace Evidence Discover

Fire Patterns and Their Interpretation

A fire pattern, also called a burn pattern, is the visible or measurable physical changes or
identifiable shapes formed by a fire effect or group of fire effects. Fire effects are the changes in
or on a material as a result of exposure to the fire.
The term ‘fire effects’ describes the artifacts left behind by many different processes,
including dehydration, melting, color changes, oxidation, charring, loss of material, alloying,
spalling, expansion and deformation, annealing, soot and smoke deposition, and clean burn. Even
damage to an electrical system can constitute a fire pattern. Fire investigators are thus presented
with a vast array of different patterns, all of which require some level of understanding of how they
are created and what they mean.
Accurate interpretation of fire patterns can lead the fire investigator to the correct origin of
the fire, and hopefully, to the correct identification of the fire’s cause. However, accurate
interpretation is often an elusive goal

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FIRE PATTERNS - are the visible or measurable physical effects that remain after a fire. These
include thermal effects on materials, such as charring, oxidation, consumption of combustibles,
smoke and soot deposits, distortion, melting, color changes, changes in the character of
materials, structural collapse, and other effects.
Fire Pattern Development - The damage created by the flame, radiation, hot gases, and smoke
creates patterns that investigators use to locate the area or point of fire origin.
Systematic Observation - Observation of fire patterns begins on the outside of the building,
where the investigator conducts a 360° survey of the building, taking note of areas where external
fire and smoke patterns are observed.
This will help the investigator determine where to look inside. The investigator continues
his systematic examination as he enters the building, working from the area of least damage to
the area of greatest damage as reflected by the fire patterns inside. The areas farthest away from
the fire will be cleaner. As the investigator approaches the fire area, smoke stains will appear on
the upper walls and get lower or descend as he gets closer to the room of fire origin. Flame
patterns may appear on the ceiling outside of the door.

The Six Major Fire Patterns

• Classic V - the fire starts at the top, goes half way to the bottom and then back up to the
top without burning the bottom. This type of fire is most common in house fires. As a fire
moves upwards on a vertical surface, it creates a distinct V pattern. The most severe
physical damage is usually found at the bottom of the V pattern. Because this is likely the
point of origin, investigators focus their investigation on this area for evidence of
accelerants or other possible causes of the fire.

Figure 01. The Classic V Pattern

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• Inverted Cone also called inverted "V"

The triangular patterns wider at the base than at the top. Inverted cone patterns
are the result of relatively short-lived fires which do not fully evolve into floor-to-ceiling
name plumes or flame plumes that are not restricted by ceilings. Since they often appear
on non-combustible surfaces, it was thought that they were caused by fast-burning fires.
The correct analysis of such patterns is that the burning was of short duration. Inverted
cone patterns also have been interpreted as proof of a liquid accelerant fire, but any fuel
that produces flame zones that do not become vertically restricted can produce such

Figure 02. The Inverted Cone or inverted "V"

• Clean Burn

The Clean burn occurs on non-combustible surfaces when the soot and/or smoke
deposits are burned off. Such clean burning is most commonly a result of direct flame
contact or intense radiant heat. Although such clean burns can indicate intense heating,
they do not, by themselves, necessarily indicate point of origin. Demarcation lines
between the clean burn and the sooted/smoked areas may be used to determine the
direction of fire spread or differences in intensity or time of burning.

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Figure 03. The Clean Burn Pattern

• Doughnut Burn

When a liquid accelerant is poured on carpet and ignited, it tends to create a

circular ‘doughnut’ type pattern. After the fire has been extinguished, evidence of
accelerant is often found inside the ‘doughnut’ because the melted carpet material in the
doughnut interior protects the carpet padding (which is saturated with fuel) from the
effects of the fire.

Figure 04. The Doughnut Burn Pattern

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• Ignitable Liquid Pour Pattern (Rundown Burn)

Intense burn patterns are caused by ignitable liquid hydrocarbon accelerants such as
gasoline, kerosene, or diesel that have high boiling points. When hydrocarbons burn, they tend to
cause physical damage and distinct dark-coloured patterns Accelerants with high vapour
pressures, such as alcohol, acetone, and paint thinner, tend to ‘flash and blacken’ surfaces.
Therefore, they cause less physical damage and more superficial scorching.

Figure 05. The Ignitable Liquid Pour Pattern (Rundown Burn)

• Trailers

In many incendiary fires, when fuels are intentionally distributed or “trailed” from one area
to another, the elongated patterns may be visible. Such fire patterns, known as “TRAILERS,” can
be found along floors to connect separate fire sets, or up stairways to move fires from one floor or
level within a structure to another. Fuels used for trailers may be ignitable liquids, solids, or
combinations of these.

Figure 06. The Trailers Burn Pattern

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The Spalling
Spalling occurs when extreme temperatures weaken the surface of concrete, masonry, or
brick, causing it to chip, pit, and scar. This phenomenon is primarily caused by rapid expansion
(if heated) or contraction (if cooled) of the surface of the concrete compared to the different rate
of expansion of the underlying layers of the material. Spalling can be recognized by distinct
striated lines on the surface, with chips, craters and broken pieces. Color changes can also be
observed: light areas where the top layer of material has burned away, exposing a clean
underlying area, and dark areas of soot deposits.

Myth understanding of Spalling

• Although spalling can be associated with the presence of an ignitable liquid, spalling is
NOT an "automatic" indicator that an accelerant was used in the fire. Spalling can be
caused by other factors, including water rapidly cooling hot concrete. Like all other
indicators, spalling must be considered with the totality of the evidence at a scene before
a cause determination can be made.
• The presence of spalling at a fire scene cannot be taken as a definitive indicator that an
accelerant was used in the fire. Rather, the presence of the spalling should be explained,
if possible, and then treated as one of many factors that enter into assessing the totality
of the circumstances at the scene and their relationship to determining the heat source
and first material ignited.

Consumption of Material in Melting

Typically, when wood or other combustible surfaces burn they lose material and mass.
The shapes and quantities of remaining combustibles can themselves produce lines of
demarcation and ultimately, fire patterns to be analyzed by the investigator.


During this process, the investigator should be making detailed, written or tape-recorded
notes. These notes should list all the pertinent observations, including the type, location,
description, and measurements of the patterns; the material on which the patterns are displayed;
and the investigator’s analysis of the direction and intensity of the patterns.

53 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
The patterns should be photographed several different ways to effectively show their
shape, size, relationship to other patterns, and the location within the fire scene. These variations
should include changes in the viewing angle of the camera when documenting the pattern and
different lighting techniques to highlight the texture of the pattern.
The use of heat and flame vector diagrams can be a very useful tool for analysis by the
investigator. Vectoring is applied by constructing a diagram of the scene. The diagram should
include walls, doorways and doors, windows, and any pertinent furnishings or contents.
Then, through the use of arrows, the investigator notes his or her interpretations of the
direction of heat or flame spread.

The arrows can point in the direction of fire travel from the heat source, or point back
toward the heat source, as long as the direction of the vectors is consistent throughout the
diagram. The arrows can be labeled to show any one of several variable factors, such as
temperature, duration of heating, heat flux, or intensity. Complimentary vectors can be added
together to show actual heat movement directions.

In that case, the investigator should clearly identify which vectors represent actual fire patterns
and which vectors represent heat flow derived from the investigator’s interpretations of these
patterns. A vector diagram can give the investigator an overall viewpoint to analyze.

54 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
The diagram can also be used to identify any conflicting patterns that need to be explained.

Development of U – shaped Pattern Truncated Cone Pattern

An important point to be made regarding this discussion is the terminology HEAT

SOURCE and SOURCE OF HEAT. These terms are not synonymous with the origin of the fire.

Instead, these terms relate to any heat source. The heat source may or may not be
generated by the initial fuel. An example of this would be a fire that spreads into a garage and
ignites the flammable liquids stored there. These flammable liquids then produce a new heat
source that produces fire patterns on the garage’s surfaces.

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The investigator should record in his or her notes the results of any depth-of-char surveys
that are conducted.
This notation should be documented in the notes as well as on a drawn diagram. For
analysis purposes, the investigator can construct a depth-of-char grid diagram.
Wood char depth patterns have been considered important by fire investigators in most
countries where significant use is made of wood as a construction material. This is natural, since
post-fire patterns found on wood members are generally more pronounced and extensive than
those found on many other construction materials.


The charring rate data that have commonly been used and cited in various studies have
been those obtained using standard fire-resistance test furnaces for simulating a post-flashover
fire exposure.

Figure 1 Hole burned through hardwood floor.

Figure 2 Floor burn-through in a Santa Ana Fire and subfloor underneath a mattress fire

56 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
Figure 3 Floor burn-through in another fire test, no liquids were used

Figure 04. Burn through of carpet and 12.7 mm Santa Ana Fire Dept. fire test; no liquids were
used plywood floor in a room test involving no liquid and less than 4 min. of post flash over burning


If a liquid is poured onto a floor and ignited, the heat flux that is presented to the floor
material under the liquid is very small and is of brief duration.
If an ignitable liquid is poured on a wood floor, four outcomes are possible:

1. The fire burns for around 1 min and produces only surface scorching or a very shallow
2. Somewhat longer burning is sustained at the cracks between floorboards, possibly
dripping fire down into the space below. But it must be kept in mind that radiant heat alone
sometimes preferentially chars cracks and edges.

57 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
3. Additional combustibles within the room get ignited and the burning progresses to a whole
room fire. If a severe room fire then takes place in the area where the liquid was poured,
the condition of the burned wood surfaces may not be useful towards making a
determination if a liquid accelerant was used.
4. Liquid dropping into the space below starts a large fire below, and this eventually burns
through the floor overhead.

Figure 5 Char pattern from a 1 L gasoline pour onto floor consisting of 25 mm maple floor atop two
layers of 13 mm plywood

Figure 6 Char pattern from an 0.6 L gasoline pour onto a wood parquet floor

58 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
Figure 7 Floor burn-through in USFA test Initiate by pouring gasoline on floor; ample ventilation

Figure 8 Floor burn-through in USFA test initiated by pouring gasoline on floor; limited ventilation
Investigators will make an assessment of fire spread throughout the examination of the
scene. These assessments include recognizing and documenting heat movement and intensity
patterns and analyzing the importance and direction of each pattern found.

59 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
3 Phase
rd Search, Recognize, Collect/Preserve, Evidence

Search Record/Document Evidence Recognize/Identify Evidence Collection,

Method Prior to Collection Evidence Packaging Transport

Strip Photograph Evidence Prior to Flagging Observe Standard Collection

Method Collection Requirements
(Wearing of Gloves)
Double Sketch & measure Evidence Marking Place Evidence to Suitable
Method Location Container

Zone Audio & video Recognition Marking Tag, Seal & Mark
Method utilization

Wheel Note Taking Evidence Marking Prepare Evidence Chain of

Method Custody Form

Spiral • Packaging
• Transmittal Letter
2 witness requirements


I. Preparation
A. Team Briefing

1. Materials requirement of involved member

2. Discussed search pattern use:
• strip
• double strip
• wheel
• spiral
• zone
3. Assignment / role of individual team members.
4. Set up command post
5. Organize communication with services auxiliary.
6. Coordination with other agencies.
II. Initiates Preliminary Survey

• Accomplished a cautious walk through the scene.

• Acquire preliminary photograph.
• Delineate extent of the search area.
• Determine personnel and equipment needs.
• Identify and protect transient physical evidence.
• Develop general theory of the crime.
• Record vehicles identification number, key position and odometer reading.
• Concentrate on most transient evidence and work to the least transient form of physical
• Focus first on the easily accessible areas in open view and progress eventually to
possible outer view locations, look for a purposively hidden items.
• Consider whether the evidence appears to have been moved inadvertently.
• Evaluate whether or not the scene and evidence appears unintentionally contrived.

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Two basic search approaches:
1. "Cautious" search of visible areas, taking steps to avoid evidence loss or
contamination; and
2. After the "cautious “search, a vigorous search for hidden concealed areas.
III. Depict Scene Photographically

a. Begin photography as soon as possible.

b. Document the photographic effort with a photographic logbook.
c. Insure that a progression of overall, medium and close-up view of the scene is establish.
d. Use recognize scale device for size determination when applicable.
e. When scale device is used first take photograph without the inclusion of the device.
f. Photograph evidence in place before its collection and packaging.
g. Be observant on photographs areas adjacent to the crime scene – points of entry, exits,
and windows.
h. Photograph items, places, etc. to collaborate the statement of witnesses, victims, and
i. Prepares photographic sketch and photo logbook.
j. Do not hesitate to photograph something which has no apparent significant at that time,
it may later prove to be a key element in the investigation.

IV. Prepare Sketch of the Scene

The diagram establishes permanent record of items condition and distance/ size
relationship - diagram photographs.

a. Typical Materials on rough sketch (not drawn to scale)

• Case Identifier
• Location
• Date/Time
• Scale or Scale Disclaims
• Compass Orientation
• Measurements
• Key of Legends
• Sketch Preparer

b. General Progression of Sketches

• Layout basic perimeter

• Set forth fixed objects, furniture, etc.
• Insert evidence as it is recovered
• Record appropriate measurements
• Set forth key/ Legends compass orientation
• Others

c. Number designation on sketch should be coordinated with same number designation

on evidence log.
d. Insure that enough room is allowed to include all pertinent information and measurement.

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V. Collect and Preserve Evidence

a. Collect evidence in accordance with standard practice.

b. Use specialized search patterns (strip, double strip, zone, wheel)
c. Photograph all items before collection and enter notation in photographic logbook.
d. Mark evidence location in diagram sketch.
e. Have at least 2 persons:
• See evidence in place before collection;
• Observe it being collected;
• Tag zeal evidence;
• Place identifying marks on evidence container and document the proceeding by
f, do not handle evidence excessively after recovery.
g, If feasible, have one person as an evidence custodian to prepare evidence chain of
custody, and evidence log.
h, Seal all evidence containers at the crime scene.
I, The best container for physical evidence such as debris with possible flammable
accelerants is clean can, or jar and thus, evidence plastic container can do.
j, do not forget entrance/ exit areas at the scene to obtain appropriate and substantial known
K, Do not over document the physical evidence.

VI. Conduct Final Survey

a. This survey is a critical review of all aspects of the search.
b. Double check documentation to detect inadvertent errors.
c. Insure that photographs are taken of scene showing final condition after completion of search.
d. Check to insure all evidence is accounted for before departing scene.
e. Release of the fire scene is accomplished only after completion of the final survey.
f. Secure affidavit that no looting/ lost cause by responding firefighters.

4th Phase Fire Cause Determination

The systematic approach recommended of the scientific method, which is used in the
physical sciences.
This method provides for the organizational and analytical process so desirable and
necessary in a successful fire investigation. The scientific method is a principal of inquiry that
forms a basis for legitimate scientific and engineering processes, including fire incident

The scientific method is applied using the following seven steps.

Recognized the Need (Identify the Problem)

Define the Problem

Collect Data

Analyze the Data (Inductive Reasoning)

Test the Hypothesis (Deductive Reasoning)

Select Final Hypothesis (Determine Cause)

62 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
A. Recognize the need (identify the problem)
i. First, one should determine that a problem exists. In this case a fire or
explosion has occurred and the cause should be determined and listed so
that future, similar incidents can be prevented.
B. Define the Problem
i. Having determined that a problem exists, the investigator or analyst
should define in what manner the problem can be solved. In this case, a
proper origin and cause investigation should be conducted.
ii. This is done by an examination of the scene and by a combination of
other data collection methods, such as the review of previously conducted
investigations of the incident, the interviewing of witnesses or other
knowledgeable persons, and the results of scientific testing.
C. Collect Data
i. Facts about the fire incident are now collected. This is done by
observation, experiment, or other direct data gathering means. This is
called empirical data because it is based on observation or experience
and is capable of being verified.
D. Analyze the Data (Inductive Reasoning)
i. All of the collected and observed information is analyzed by inductive
ii. This is the process in which the total body of empirical data collected is
carefully examined in the light of the investigator’s knowledge, training,
and experience. Subjective or speculative information cannot be included
in the analysis, only facts that can be clearly proven by observation or
E. Develop a Hypothesis
i. Based on the data analysis, the investigator should now produce a
hypothesis or group of hypotheses to explain the origin and cause of the
fire or explosion incident. This hypothesis should be based solely on the
empirical data that the investigator has collected.
F. Test the Hypothesis (Deductive Reasoning)
i. All other reasonable origins and causes should be eliminated. The
investigator does not have a truly provable hypothesis unless it can stand
the test of careful and serious challenge.
ii. This is done by the principle of deductive reasoning, in which the
investigator compares his or her hypothesis to all known facts. If the
hypothesis cannot withstand an examination by deductive reasoning, it
should be discarded as not provable and a new hypothesis tested.
G. Presumption of Cause
i. Until data have been collected, no specific hypothesis can be reasonably
formed or treated. All fires, however, should be approached by the
investigator w/o presumption.
H. Select final hypothesis (determine cause)

63 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
Fire and Arson Investigation Procedures (BFP SOP NUMBER: IID 2008 – 01)


As mandated by the provisions of Section 50, Rule VIII, Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Republic Act 6975, otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local
Government Act of 1990, stipulates among others that the Bureau of Fire Protection shall have
the power to investigate all causes of fire and if necessary, file the proper complaint with the City
or Provincial Prosecutor’s Office which has jurisdiction over the case. The tasks and responsibility
of the fire arson investigators are not only limited in conducting exhaustive investigations and filing
of complaints to the prosecutor’s office but also includes the appearance and giving of testimonies
before the court of law during legal proceedings.

The criminal offense of Arson is punishable under the Revised Penal Code Particularly Articles
320 to 326-B as amended by Presidential Decree 1613, 1744 and Section 10 of Republic Act
7659 (Heinous Crime Law). As provided by law it is the prosecution who has the burden of proof
and the quantum of evidence is proof beyond reasonable doubt. Once proven, the maximum
highest penalty for its commission is life imprisonment under the present rule since the abolition
of the death penalty law. Arson is a classic heinous crime that requires skilful, scientific and
systematic investigation procedures thus, the respective chiefs of the investigation and
intelligence offices of the BFP are enjoined to closely supervise the conduct of the investigation
in order to attain effective and plausible results.

This BFP Standard Operating Procedure Nr. IID 2008 - 01 shall be known as:


A. To have a uniform and systematic procedures in the conduct of fire and arson investigation
from the BFP National Headquarters down to the lowest investigation and intelligence units, to
include the prompt submission of fire investigation reports.

B. To have a clear and explicable guideline in conducting fire and arson investigation and the
filing of the necessary complaint documents before the office of the City / Provincial Prosecutor.

C. To ensure the quality and value of the investigation being conducted by all BFP fire and arson
investigators and to expedite the investigation process and disposition of fire and arson cases.


During the occurrence of a fire incident, the following initial actions should be assumed by
the fire arson investigator:
Section 1. - Upon the notification of a fire call or fire incident, the duty Fire Arson Investigator
(FAI) who has jurisdiction over the location of the fire incident shall mandatory to immediately
respond at the soonest possible time. The conduct of initial inquiry through interview and
elicitation from all available witnesses at the fire scene must be done instantaneously.

64 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
Section 2. - As soon as the area of origin or the focal point of the fire is ascertained, the FAI shall
make necessary coordination with BFP firefighting personnel to include the volunteer fire brigades
to exert diligent and careful efforts in the conduct of fire suppression operation in the identified
area of origin to preserve the evidential value and the focal point of the fire that might be destroyed
due to excessive flooding in the area.
Section 3. - The fire scene should be well protected and secured. Coordination with local police
units or barangay personnel should be done in order to secure the fire scene from looters and
other persons who has intention of entering the burned premises, so as to avoid contamination of
the fire area.
Section 4. - In the event that the FAI discovered suspected hazardous materials / suspected
illegal or regulated chemicals, during the conduct of investigation on the burned premises, the
circumstances shall be immediately reported to proper office (eg: BFP Hazardous Materials
Office, or other law enforcement agency).
Section 5. - Once the Fire Ground Commander (FGC) declared “Fire Out” the FAI shall take
cognizance the responsibilities of protecting and securing the whole fire scene by sealing / closing
the perimeter with barricade tape (Fire Lines). Posting of uniformed BFP personnel for security
purposes may also be carry out as deemed necessary.


The followings are the mandatory duties of the Fire Arson Investigators conducting
thorough investigation on the fire scene:
Section 1. - Shall perform systematic, scientific examinations and visual reconstruction of the fire
of the fire area of origin by the use of photography, diagrammatic sketch and notes. The
diagrammatic sketch should clearly depict the FIRE SCENE, its AREA / POINT OF ORIGIN,
AREA MEASUREMENTS, LOCATION OF EVIDENCE and other important details.
Section 2. - Conduct interview to all witnesses. The interview should be done in QUESTION AND
ANSWER FORM and shall be done under oath preferably by a person of authority whenever
available, or be administered by the concerned BFP officer with the rank of INSPECTOR and
above. The authority of a BFP officer to administer oath is pursuant to the provisions of Chapter
III, Section 50 of R.A. 6975. All witnesses to be conducted with a formal interview shall be
FORMALLY INVITED to the fire station / investigation office concerned in a form of INVITATION
Section 3. - Conduct thorough analysis of the fire scene in order to identify the ignition source,
initial materials ignited and other factors which bring them together to produce a fire. Examination
of fire spread and fire pattern which includes thermal effects on materials such as charring,
oxidation, consumption of combustibles, smoke and soot deposits, distortion, melting effect, color
change, changes of material structure and structural collapse, must be conducted.
Section 4. - Identify, recognize and collect physical evidence found at the fire scene that have
probative value on fire cause determination. Pieces of evidence to be collected shall be
photographed first and shall be collected in the presence of witnesses independent to the
investigating body. Proper DOCUMENTATION, sealing and packaging of evidence recovered
prior to submission to Arson Laboratory Section (ALS) - BFP National Headquarters for laboratory
examination shall be observed.

The FAI shall strictly follow the instructions pertaining to evidence collection and handling
as stipulated in MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NR: 2006-01: Guidelines in the Handling,
Preservation, Transport and Submission of Physical Evidence AT the ALS - BFP National
Headquarters. (Memorandum Circular Nr. 2006-01 is hereto attached for reference - Annex B)

65 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
Section 5. - On the first phase of the investigation, the FAI shall prepare the listing of documents
needed to be accomplished / submitted by the fire victim/s, building occupant/s and other parties
affected by fire. The required documents are as follows: (Please see attached standard letter for
these requirements for the fire victims - Annex C)
A. Affidavit of Loss pertaining to Fire Damage (itemized and duly notarized)
B. Sworn statement of loss submitted to insurance adjusters / companies
C. Latest complete inventory of stocks prior to the fire incident
D. Complete inventory of salvaged items after the fire incident
E. Complete copies of insurance policies to include co-insurances
F. Income Tax Return (ITR) for the last three (3) years
G. Financial statements for the last three (3) years
H. Balance sheets for the last three (3) years
I. Mayor’s permit and Business License
J. Occupancy permit
K. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) registration
L. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration
M. Latest Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)
N. Complete list of employees
O. Approved Floor, Building and Electrical Plans
P. Copy of lease contract agreement
Q. Land title / tax declaration

Section 5.1 - The above listed documents to be secured to the fire victim will vary based on the
TYPE OF OCCUPANCY or the INVOLVED STRUCTURE gutted by fire. Any other documents
that may be irrelevant based on type of occupancy may not be required. In addition, the FAI are
also AUTHORIZE TO REQUIRE any other pertinent documents, materials and items to the fire
victims as determined by the FAI concerned, that will give support to the conduct of the
Section 6. - The FAI must inform all concerned persons, occupants and managements of the
burned premises that the fire scene is RESTRICTED TO ENTRY to any person until the
investigation being conducted by the BFP at the burned premises is COMPLETED and / or

Any removal, retrieval of items stored at the scene of the fire, demolition, reconstruction
and rehabilitation of the fire scene is only allowed upon securing approval to the investigating
body through submission of a formal written request by the fire victim.

The said formal written request should contain specific purpose. It should be addressed
to the respective chiefs of the BFP investigation and intelligence offices through the fire arson
investigator handling the case. The concerned Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office,
together with his proper recommendation, shall endorse the subject letter request of the fire victim
to the concerned BFP Head of Office, who shall then issue the Property recovery and clearing
permit (PRCP), to the requesting party.

In such case that the fire incident is suspected to be, INTENTIONAL in nature issuance
of PRCP is temporarily RESTRICTED, until proven otherwise. If the fire incident is found to be
intentional in nature and a case was already filed in the court of law, it will be the discretion of the
court handling the case whether to issue appropriate document in the clearing or demolition of
the burned premises.

66 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
Section 7. - In such event that death results from a fire incident (FATAL FIRES), the concerned
FAI shall immediately have sought the assistance of the Philippine National Police - Scene of the
Crime Operation (PNP - SOCO), or any other legal / recognized group for lifting and autopsy of
the cadaver / body found at the fire / crime scene.

Section 8. - All conduct of follow-up investigation to the fire incident should be covered with
appropriate Letter / Mission Order signed by the respective Chief of the Investigation and
Intelligence Offices, and noted by the respective BFP Head of Office.

Section 9. - All FAI are also directed and mandated to perform any other task as deemed
essential to the development of case build-up and the exhaustive investigation being conducted.


A. Spot Investigation Report (SIR) - Shall be made and accomplished by the FAI
concerned during the actual response to a fire incident. The SIR should contain basic information
about the fire incident. (Please see attached standard SIR format for reference - Annex F)

All SIR must be submitted IMMEDIATELY (within 24 hours) to respective Fire Marshals
with copy furnished the OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION, thru fax
message at the office of the INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE DIVISION - BFP National
Headquarters with Telephone / Fax Number: (02) 911-7223, for immediate information and
recording purposes.

The copy (original copy / photo copy) of the SIR of all fire incident transpired with in the
respective Area Of Responsibility (AOR) shall be consolidated and be submitted thru proper
shall then submit the consolidated SIR to the office of the IID - BFP National Headquarters in BI-
MONTHLY basis (every 15th and 30th day of the month) thru mail courier, for recording and
proper disposition.

B. Progress Investigation Report (PIR) - Shall be made and accomplished by the FAI
concerned after the conduct of follow-up investigation was made. The PIR or any succeeding
PIRs (2nd PIR) shall be accomplished within 7 to 15 days. (Please see attached standard PIR
format for reference - Annex G)

The copy (original copy / photo copy) of the PIR of all fire incident transpired with in the
respective AOR shall be consolidated and be submitted thru proper CHANNEL. The respective
consolidated PIR to the office of the IID - BFP National Headquarters in BI-MONTHLY basis
(every 15th and 30th day of the month) thru mail courier, for recording and proper disposition.

C. Final Investigation Report (FIR) - Shall be made and accomplished by the FAI
concerned upon the completion of the exhaustive investigation. All completed FIR should be
signed by the concerned FAI and its respective Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office.
(Please see attached standard FIR format for reference - Annex H)

The FIR should be submitted the soonest time the case was resolved by the investigating
office handling the case. The maximum allowable time for the investigating body to submit the
FIR shall be 30 to 45 DAYS commencing from the first day of investigation. On the given period,
the FAI shall already come up with a proper RESOLUTION or RECOMMENDATION about the
case being investigated.

67 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
For the lower investigating units, the FIR shall be accomplished in five (5) complete copies
for distribution to:

1. Office of the Chief, BFP thru the office of the Investigation and Intelligence
Division, BFP National Headquarters;
2. Office of the Regional Director for Fire Protection;
3. Office of the District / Provincial Fire Marshal;
4. Office of the City / Municipal Fire Marshals.

The last copy (ORIGINAL or DOCUMENT ORIGINAL) shall remain in the possession of
the FAI concerned for his own personal copy and for future verification.

No UNDETERMINED cause should be reflected in any FIR.

D. Fire Incident Investigation Report (FIIR) - This kind of investigation report can only
be made in such circumstances that the investigation report cannot be completed for some
reasons independent to the will of the FAI. (Please see attached standard FIIR format for
reference - Annex I)

FIIR can only be accomplished in fire cases with UNDETERMINED cause and this kind of
case should be considered as ON-PENDING INVESTIGATION, subject to REOPENING in
circumstances that relevant evidence and / or a witness shall surface in the future.

The copy (original copy / photo copy) of the FIIR of all fire incident transpired with in the
respective AOR should also be consolidated and be submitted thru proper CHANNEL to the
higher headquarters in BI-MONTHLY basis (every 15th and 30th day of the Month) thru mail
courier, for recording and proper disposition.


Since fire incidents entails damages to property, the level of authority in conducting fire
and arson investigation and completion of FIR will be based on the degree or the amount and
value of the total (aggregated) damages incurred in a certain fire incident. These levels of authority
are as follows:

A. Municipal Fire Marshal - Municipal Limit, LEVEL 1 - The municipal level, through its
responsibility and power to investigate fire incidents with a total amount of damage not exceeding
to Twenty Million Pesos (Php 20,000,000.00).

B. City Fire Marshal - City Limit, LEVEL 2 - The city level, through its CITY
INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE SECTION (CIIS) shall have the full responsibility and
power to investigate fire incidents with a total amount of damages not exceeding to Thirty Million
Pesos (Php 30,000,000.00).

C. District Fire Marshal - District Limit, LEVEL 3 - The district level, through its DISTRICT
INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE BRANCH (DIIB) shall have the full responsibility and
power to investigate fire incidents with a total damages amounting to above Thirty Million Pesos
(Php 30,000,000.00), but not exceeding to Forty Million Pesos (Php 40,000,000.00). DIIB
operatives can assume the conduct of investigation on fire incidents with damages amounting to
more than 20 Million Pesos in Municipal Levels only within their respective jurisdictions.

68 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
D. Provincial Fire Marshal - Provincial Limit, LEVEL 3 - The provincial level, through its
responsibility and power to investigate fire incidents with a total damages amounting to above
Thirty Million Pesos (Php 30,000,000.00), but not exceeding to Forty Million Pesos (Php
40,000,000.00). PIIB operatives can assume the conduct of investigation on fire incidents with
damages amounting to more than 20 Million Pesos in Municipal Levels only within their respective

E. Regional Director for Fire Protection - Regional Limit, LEVEL 4 - The regional director
for fire protection level, through its REGIONAL INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE
BRANCH (RIIB) shall have the full responsibility and power to investigate fire incidents with a
total damages amounting to above Forty Million Pesos (Php 40,000,000.00), but not exceeding
to Sixty Million Pesos (Php 60,000,000.00).

F. Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection - National, LEVEL 5 - The Chief, Bureau of Fire
Protection, through the office of the INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE DIVISION - BFP
National Headquarters (IID) shall have the full responsibility and power to investigate fire
incidents with a total damages amounting to above Sixty Million Pesos (Php 60,000,000.00).


Section 1. - In determination of the total damages incurred in a certain fire incident, the
copy of the AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS (duly notarized and itemized) from the fire victim shall prevail.
The amount of damages to be determined with regards to the Level of Authority to Conduct
of all fire victims of the subject fire incident.

Section 2. - The fire damage estimate made by the investigating team / FAI shall not be
the full basis for determination of jurisdictional level of investigation. Be it noted that Aggregate
Damages refers to the total damage of the whole area burned, which will be used to determine
the Level of Authority to Conduct Investigation. In such circumstances that the damage to property
is apparently high or evidently beyond the level of authority of the present investigating units, the
case shall be turned-over to higher investigating unit.

Section 3. - In circumstances that the property gutted by fire is currently insured in any
insurance company, all copy of the duly accomplished SWORN STATEMENT OF LOSS
submitted to the INSURANCE ADJUSTERS by the fire victim must also FORM PART and be
ATTACHED together with the AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS submitted by the fire victim to the BFP
investigating body.

Section 4. - In connection with the Level of Authority to Conduct Investigation, the

concerned office handling the investigation of the fire incident shall issue FIRE CLEARANCE
CERTIFICATE (FCC) to the fire victim in lieu of the Final Investigation Report (FIR), for purposes
of insurance claims and for other lawful applications. FCC can only be issued to fire incidents
which is ACCIDENTAL in nature. (Please see attached two forms of FCC, for insurance and non-
insurance purpose - Annex J)

gutted by fire, the FCC should only be issued to the concerned party where the FIRE
ORIGINATED. Other occupants AFFECTED by the fire incident shall be issued with FIRE
INCIDENT CERTIFICATION (FIC) for their record purposes and other legal use upon their

69 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
request. (Please see attached two forms of Fire Incident Certification for insurance and non-
insurance purpose - Annex K)

Section 5. - Issuance of the copy of the FIR to any concerned party can only be allowed
arise. The request for FIR should be made in writing by the requesting party and should be
addressed to respective Chiefs of BFP Offices / Fire Marshals who handled the conduct of
investigation on the fire incident for their appropriate action.

Section 6. - All written requests for a copy of the FIR should COPY FURNISHED the
Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection with attention to the office of the IID - BFP National Headquarters,
for documentary reference.


Once a fire incident could be determined by the investigating body to be beyond their Level
of Authority to Conduct Investigation, the conduct of investigation should be immediately turned-
over to the proper office concerned in a form of ENDORSEMENT, together with the SIR and or
PIR, to include all pertinent documents / attachments. (Please see attached standard
Endorsement form for reference - Annex L)

Any other recognized investigating body of the government cannot INTERCEDE in the
conduct of fire and arson investigation without formal communication to the concerned office
handling the investigation. The intercession of any investigating body of the government should
have LEGAL AUTHORITY in order to be allowed to conduct LATERAL INVESTIGATION in the
investigation being conducted by the BFP. In case that a CONTROVERSY INVOLVED and / or
CONCERNING TO CONFLICTING ISSUES arises in the conduct of investigation, subject fire
incident case shall be turned over to the NEXT LEVEL OF INVESTIGATING BODY for
appropriate action and disposition. However, lower investigating units are fully encouraged to
resolve fire cases that fall within their respective Level of Authority.

In case that a fire incident resulted to a GREAT NUMBERS OF FATALITY / MULTIPLE

DEATHS (death of 10 persons and above), or any other issues concerning to the death of the fire
victims, the investigation of the subject fire incident upon the approval of the Chief BFP, should
be turned over to the office of the IID - BFP National Headquarters for appropriate action.

Any other fire incidents shall be immediately turned over to the higher headquarters for
investigation and completion of the Final Investigation Report upon the written order and direction
of the Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection.

If a prima facie evidence of arson is established or the case is suspected to be

INTENTIONAL in nature, the FAI concerned with the guidance of their respective City / Municipal
Fire Marshal, should IMMEDIATELY file the appropriate charge to the prosecutor’s office who has
jurisdiction over the case and the same must also be reported to the IID, BFP National
Headquarters for further appropriate disposition and guidance. (Please see attached Complaint
Sheet for reference - Annex M)

Whenever death results in any fire incident identified to be INTENTIONAL in nature, the
MOTIVE for the commission of arson must immediately established in order to ascertain whether
a crime of MURDER qualifies. Murder cases committed thru the burning of one’s property may

70 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
be referred to the Philippine National Police for proper disposition. However, the FAI should still
pursue the filing of the arson case.

The FAI can immediately effect arrest on any suspect/s once such person is / are
POSITIVELY IDENTIFIED by a complainant or witnesses to be the one who perpetrated the
commission of the crime during the course of actual investigation, most specifically during the
event of the actual fire incident, and in accordance with law.

The following rights of the arrested suspect shall be observed by the FAI during
CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION as embodied under the provisions of R.A. 7438. The suspect shall
be apprised of his constitutional rights in accordance to Section 12, Article III, 1987 Constitution,
to wit:

a. Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to
be informed of his right to remain silent.

b. To have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice;

c. If the person cannot afford to the services of counsel he must be provided with one;

d. These rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of a counsel.

All suspects, once arrested / invited by the FAI and determined to have the probability to
commit the crime must immediately be INQUEST to the city / municipal prosecutor before the
lapse of thirty-six (36) hours or the legal regulated period.

The followings are the special / supplemental guidelines for FAI in conducting arson
investigation and filling of complaint procedures:

- Arson is established by proving the corpus delicti, usually in the form of

CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE such as the criminal agency, meaning the substance used, like
gasoline, kerosene, or other combustible materials which caused the fire. It can also be in the
form of electrical wires, mechanical, chemical or electronic contrivance designed to start a fire; or
ashes or traces of such objects which are found in the ruins of the burned premises.

- If the crime of ARSON was employed by the offender as a means to kill the offended
party, the crime committed is MURDER. The burning of the property as the MEANS to kill the
victim is what is contemplated by the word “fire” under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code
which qualifies the crime to MURDER.

- When the burning of the property was done by the offender only to cause damage but
the ARSON resulted to the DEATH of the person, the crime committed is still ARSON because
the death of the victim is a mere CONSEQUENCE and not the INTENTION of the offender.

- There is no special complex crime of ARSON WITH HOMICIDE. What matters in

resolving cases involving arson is the CRIMINAL INTENT of the offender.

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- When the burning of one’s property results from reckless imprudence and it leads to
serious physical injuries and / or damage to property of another, the penalty to be imposed shall
not be for the crime of arson under P.D. 1613 but rather, the penalty shall be based on Article 365
of the Revised Penal Code as a felony committed by means of culpa - imprudence and
negligence. (e.g. Reckless Imprudence Resulted to Damage to Property / Reckless Imprudence
Resulted to Serious Physical Injuries)


Section 1. - The Respective Regional Directors for Fire Protection / District and Provincial
Fire Marshals / City and Municipal Fire Marshals shall supervise the proper implementation of this
Standard Operating Procedure to ensure that their subordinates will comply and respond
effectively to the requirements as stipulated in this Standard Operating Procedure.

Section 2. - City / Municipal Fire Marshals shall seek assistance from their respective
District / Provincial / Regional Investigation and Intelligence Offices or at the office of the
Investigation and Intelligence Division - BFP National Headquarters, if deemed needed.

Section 3. - As the highest fire and arson investigating agency of the Bureau of Fire
Protection, the Office of the Investigation and Intelligence Division, BFP National Headquarters
shall have the authority to monitor, evaluate, conduct of arbitrary verification to the fire cases and
investigation procedures conducted by the lower investigating units of the BFP. The
aforementioned office may also be sought to provide technical knowledge, assistance,
suggestions and recommendations to lower investigating units of the BFP.

___________________________END OF MODULE __________________________________

72 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
Annexes of SOP Standard Operating Procedure Nr. IID 2008-01:

(Station Letterhead)

Date (day month year)

AUTHORITY: Section 50, Rule VIII, Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 6975
(DILG Act of 1990) and Bureau of Fire Protection - Standard Operating Procedure Nr. IID 2008-
01: Operational Standards on Comprehensive Fire and Arson Investigation and Filing of Criminal
Complaint Procedures.

TO: (Names / party to be invited)


This pertains to the fire incident that transpired on or about (Time of fire incident) of (Date of
fire incident) located at (Address of the fire incident).

In this regard, you are hereby requested to appear before the (Name of office and complete
on (Preferred date of appearance to the investigating body) at around
address of the investigating body)
(Preferred time).

Your cooperation regarding this matter is highly appreciated.

(Name and Signature of the respective

Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

NAME : ______________________
SIGNATURE : ______________________
DATE / TIME : ______________________

(BFP personnel served the invitation to
Include the telephone number of the office)

73 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “A”)

(Station Letterhead)

Date (day month year)

(Name and address of the

letter recipient)


This pertains to the ongoing investigation being conducted by (Name of the investigating body)
on the fire incident that transpired at (Name of establishment / address of the fire incident) last (Date of
fire incident).

In view of this, the following documents are hereby being requested by the undersigned in
order to completely facilitate the investigation being conducted by this office, to wit:

A. Affidavit of loss (itemized and duly notarized)

B. Sworn statement of loss submitted to insurance adjusters / companies
C. Latest complete inventory of stocks prior to the fire incident
D. Complete inventory of salvaged items after the fire incident
E. Complete copies of insurance policies to include co-insurances
F. Income Tax Return (ITR) for the last three (3) years
G. Financial statements for the last three (3) years
H. Balance sheets for the last three (3) years
I. Mayor’s permit and Business License
J. Occupancy permit
K. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) registration
L. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration
M. Latest Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)
N. Complete list of employees
O. Approved Floor, Building and Electrical Plans
P. Copy of lease contract agreement
Q. Land title / tax declaration

The documents are requested to be submitted to this office one (1) week after the receipt
of this letter. In addition, be informed that the burned premises are restricted for access to all
persons. Retrieval of any items at the fire scene, reconstruction and demolition of the affected areas
are only permitted upon written coordination with this office.

Should you have any immediate inquiry regarding this matter, please contact our office at
(Complete address of the investigating body to include the telephone number).

Your cooperation regarding this matter is highly appreciated.

(Name and Signature of the respective

Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

74 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “C”)

(Station Letterhead)

Date (day month year)


(Name and address of recipient)

In connection with your request letter dated (Date of the request letter from the fire victim), for
Property Recovery and Clearing Permit in the fire incident that transpired at (Name of establishment
/ address) last (Date of the fire incident), is hereby GRANTED, provided however that all necessary
documents and other requirements of the fire and arson investigators are duly complied with.

This permit is limited only for specific purpose of property recovery / removal,
reconstruction and demolition of the burned premises and not for any other purpose. The issuing
office possess no liability in any untoward incident that may transpire in this undertaking thus, the
exercise of extreme precaution and safety is hereby advice.

ISSUED this (Date of issuance) at (Office name and address of issuing authority).

(Name and Signature of the respective

Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

Noted By:

(Respective head of office)

75 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “D”)

(Station Letterhead)

Date (day month year)

NUMBER: (Series of Mission Order Number per Station)

AUTHORITY: Section 50, Rule VIII, Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 6975 (DILG
Act of 1990) and BFP Standard Operating Procedures Nr. IID 2008-01: Comprehensive Fire and
Arson Investigation and Filing of Criminal Complaint Procedures.

TO : (Complete names of fire and arson investigator)

PROCEED TO : (Name and complete of address of the establishment

to be investigated)

PURPOSE : (State the purpose of the MO - preferably to conduct follow-up

investigation on the subject fire incident)

DURATION : (Date duration on the conduct of investigation)

REMARKS : (State the instructions of the signatory / Commanding


(Name and Signature of the respective

Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

Noted By:

(Respective head of office)

76 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “E”)
(Station Letterhead)


FOR : (Respective head of office)

SUBJECT : Spot Investigation Report

DATE : (Date SIR was completed)

DTPO : (Date, Time and Place of Occurrence / Location)

INVOLVE : (Type of occupancy / Involved structure)
NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT : (Complete name of the establishment gutted by fire)
OWNER : (Owner of the property gutted by fire)
OCCUPANT : (Occupant of the property gutted by fire)
CASUALTY Fatality : (Number of persons died in the fire incident)
Injured : (Number of person injured in the fire incident)
ESTIMATED DAMAGE : (Initial aggregated damage in terms of Peso)
TIME FIRE STARTED : (Exact time the fire started)
TIME OF FIRE OUT : (Exact time the fire extinguished)
ALARM : (Highest fire alarm tapped by the FGC)


This section should contain:

• The complete narration on the details of the fire incident as gathered by the Fire Arson
Investigator during the actual response to the fire incident.
• Other initial information about the fire incident and its occurrence.


This section should contain:

• The disposition and assessment of the fire and arson investigator regarding the case.
• May also contain whether the case will be turned over to the higher headquarters

(Name and Signature of the

Fire and Arson Investigator)
Noted by:
(Name and Signature of the respective
Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

77 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “F”)
(Station Letterhead)


FOR : (Respective head of office)

SUBJECT : Progress Investigation Report

DATE : (Date PIR was completed)


a. Section 50, Rule VIII, Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 6975 (DILG Act of
1990) and BFP SOP Nr. IID 2008-01: Operational Standards on Comprehensive Fire and Arson
Investigation and Filing of Criminal Complaint Procedures.
b. Mission Order Nr. (Series number of MO) dated (Date of MO)


a. The origin and cause of the fire incident.

b. The suspect / perpetrators if there is any.
c. Other matters in the occurrence of the fire incident.


This section should contain:

• The matters investigated.

• The statements of witnesses as interviewed by the Fire Arson Investigator.
• Other affected structures / establishments.
• Other important / relevant matters concerning to the exhaustive investigation conducted and the
scene of the fire and on the documents submitted.


This section should contain:

• The disposition and assessment of the fire and arson investigator regarding the case.
• May also contain whether the case will be turned over to the higher headquarters

(Name and Signature of the

Fire and Arson Investigator)
Noted by:
(Name and Signature of the respective
Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

78 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “G”)
(Station Letterhead)


FOR : (Respective head of office)

SUBJECT : Final Investigation Report

DATE : (Date FIR was completed)


(Complete address of the respective
(F.I.R.) Investigation and Intelligence Office)


(Date and time of the fire incident -
(Complete address where the fire incident occurred) 0000H Date / Month / Year)
(Name of establishment gutted by fire and the type of
occupancy) (State the complete name of the fire victim/s)


(Amount of damage in Peso based on the affidavit of loss and
sworn statement of loss submitted)
06. ORIGIN OF FIRE: (Clearly state where the fire originated)
07. CAUSE OF FIRE: (Clearly state how the fire occurred)

08. SUBSTANTIATING DOCUMENTS: (Ideal documents to be gathered by the fire and arson
investigator in relation to Chapter IV, Section 5 of BFP SOP NR. IID 2008-01)
A. Spot Investigation Report
B. Progress Investigation Report
C. Affidavit of loss (itemized and duly notarized)
D. Sworn statement of loss submitted to insurance adjusters / companies
E. Latest complete inventory of stocks prior to the fire incident
F. Complete inventory of salvaged items after the fire incident
G. Complete copies of insurance policies to include co-insurances
H. Sworn statements of witnesses
I. Income Tax Return (ITR) for the last three (3) years
J. Financial statements for the last three (3) years
K. Balance sheets for the last three (3) years
L. Mayor’s permit and Business license
M. Occupancy permit
N. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) registration
O. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration
P. Latest Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)
Q. Complete list of employees
R. Approved Floor, Building and Electrical Plans
S. Copy of lease contract agreement
T. Land title / tax declaration

79 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
U. ALS BFP National Headquarters Laboratory Report
V. Photographs of the fire scene


This section should contain:

• Details of the fire incident.

• Physical details of the burned premises
• All matters concerning to the SUBSTANTIATING DOCUMENTS as attached in the FIR.
• Narration of the witnesses.
• Interpretation of the documents submitted.
• Other affected structures / establishments.
• Other important / relevant matters concerning to the exhaustive investigation conducted and the
scene of the fire and on the documents submitted.
This section should contain:

• The conversation and the line of reasoning of the Fire Arson Investigator on how he arrived in the
result of the investigation conducted.
• Argumentation on the matters concerning the FINDINGS of the FIR.
• Details and explanation on the photographs taken at the fire scene.


This section should contain:

• The complete details on how the fire occurred, the CAUSE OF FIRE, to include the IGNITION
• The result whether the fire was ACCIDENTAL or INTENTIONAL in nature.
• Any other pertinent data of the FINDINGS.


This section should contain:

• The recommendation of the fire and arson investigator pertaining to the case investigated.

SIGNED this (Date of FIR completed) at the (Complete name of office to include the address),

(Name and Signature of the

Fire and Arson Investigator)
Noted By:

(Name and Signature of the respective

Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

80 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “H”)
(Station Letterhead)


FOR : (Respective head of office)

SUBJECT : Fire Incident Investigation Report

DATE : (Date FIIR was completed)

01. DTPO : (Date, Time and Place of Occurrence / Location)

02. ESTABLISHMENT BURNED : (Name of establishment gutted by fire and the type of
03. FIRE VICTIM/S : (State the complete name of the fire victim/s)
05. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY : (Amount of damage in Peso based on the affidavit of loss
and / or sworn statement of loss submitted)
06. ORIGIN OF FIRE : (Clearly state where the fire originated)


This section should contain:

• Documents submitted by the fire victim.


This section should contain:

• Details of the fire incident.

• Physical details of the burned premises
• All matters concerning to the SUBSTANTIATING STATEMENTS submitted.
• Narration of the witnesses.
• Interpretation of the documents submitted.
• Other affected structures / establishments.
• Other important / relevant matters concerning to the exhaustive investigation conducted and the
scene of the fire and on the documents submitted.

81 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6

This section should contain:

• The conversation and the line of reasoning of the Fire Arson Investigator on how he arrived in the
result of the investigation conducted.
• The explanation on the FIRE SPREAD / PATTERN.
• Argumentation on the matters concerning the UNDETERMINED CAUSE.
• Details and explanation on the photographs taken at the fire scene.
• Any other pertinent / relevant data.


This section should contain:

• The appropriate recommendation of the Fire Arson Investigator pertaining to the case

SIGNED this (Date of FIIR completed) at the (Complete name of office to include the address),

(Name and Signature of the

Fire and Arson Investigator)

Noted By:

(Name and Signature of the respective

Chiefs of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

82 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “I”)
(Station Letterhead)


To Whom It May Concern:

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that as per available records of this office, on or about (Time and
date of fire alarm), a fire incident occurred at (Name of establishment / occupancy involved)
located at (Complete address where the fire incident transpired).

Investigation conducted on this fire incident disclosed that the fire originated at (State the
complete location where the fire originated) and was caused by (State the complete cause of fire).
The fire incident resulted to a total damage of (State complete amount of damage in terms of
Peso) based on the Affidavit of Loss and Sworn Statement of Loss submitted to this office by the
fire victim, dated (Dates of the Affidavit of Loss and Sworn Statement of Loss).

After careful examination of all documentary and physical evidences, this fire incident is
considered closed and solved for being accidental in nature, without prejudice to case reopening
or reinvestigation if the law and circumstances warrants.

This Fire Clearance Certificate was issued this (Date of issuance of FCC) upon the request
of (Name of the requesting party) for reference use; requirements for insurance claims to (State
the complete names of all insurance companies where the property currently insured) with
Policy Numbers (State complete policy numbers), and other lawful purpose.

For any verification and inquiry, the Final Investigation Report (FIR) of this fire incident
was completed on (Date of FIR) with FIR Case Nr: (Number series of FIR per Station),
investigated by (Complete name and address of the investigating body) with Telephone / Fax
Numbers (State telephone numbers).

SIGNED this (Date of FCC signing) at the (Office name and address of the issuing

(Respective head of office)

83 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “J”)

(Station Letterhead)


To Whom It May Concern:

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that _____(name of person / applicant)_____ whose house /

residential dwelling is located at __________(complete address)__________ was gutted by fire
during the fire incident that transpired on or about ___(date of fire incident)___ at
__________(complete address of fire incident) __________.

This certification was issued this _(date)_ day of __(month)__ 2009, upon the request of
the above mentioned fire victim for whatever legal purpose it may serve.

For any verification or inquiry, the investigation of this fire incident is being undertaken
by _____(BFP unit / station conducting investigation)_____ with office address at _____(complete
address of station)_____ and Telephone Numbers ___(telephone number)___.

Signature of concerned
City / Municipal Fire Marshal

84 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “K”)

(Station Letterhead)



Respectfully turn over the conduct of investigation to (Name of office who has jurisdiction over
the case based on the level of authority to conduct investigation, to include address) thru (Complete and proper
channel), the here in attached case folder of the fire incident that transpired last (Date of fire alarm)
at (Name of establishment / occupancy involved) located at (Complete address).

For appropriate action.

(Name and Signature of the respective

Chiefs of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

Noted By:

(Respective head of office)

85 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “L”)

(Station Letterhead)

Date (day month year)




The undersigned respectfully submit herewith a case of (state the case) based on the complaint
of the (Office name and address of issuing authority) against the suspect (name of suspect), (age), (sex), (civil
status), (address), in connection with the fire incident that transpired on or about ( DTPO) which
resulted to __________.


1. (name, age, civil status, address)

2. (name, age, civil status, address)


1. Crime Report
2. FIR
3. Sketch of the Fire Scene
4. Sworn Statements of the witnesses
5. And others that may be presented


1. Photographs
2. Laboratory Report

This case will be presented to your good office by (investigator) of the (Office name and
address of issuing authority).

Respectfully yours,

(Name and Signature of the respective

Chiefs of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

86 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(Annex - “M”)

(Station Letterhead)

Date (day month year)








(Narration of Facts)


(Statement of Findings)


(State the appropriate Recommendation)

(Name and Signature of the

Fire and Arson Investigator)

(Name and Signature of the respective

Chiefs of the Investigation and Intelligence Office)

87 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Justice
National Prosecution Service
__________ City

People of the Philippines,


-versus- I.S. No. _________________________

For: Destructive Arson

The undersigned Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Division (IID) of the
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) National Headquarters, with office address at Agham
Road, Barangay Bagong Pag-asa, Diliman, Quezon City, hereby accuses MARIO
SANTOS y REYES of the crime of DESTRUCTIVE ARSON committed as follows:

“That on or about the 9 of May 2012, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (narration of circumstances) _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _”


__________ City, Province of __________________, Philippines, May 16, 2012.

Name of Chief of Office

Chief, Investigation and Intelligence Division
BFP National Headquarters

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of May, 2012 at

__________ City, Province of _______________, Philippines.

88 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
(2 page / Criminal Complaint / Santos)


1. Spot Investigation and Update Spot Investigation from ______ City Fire Station
both dated May 19, 2012
2. After Inspection Report issued by BFP __________ City
3. Sworn Statement of _______________________
4. Sworn Statement of _______________________
6. Photographs of the Fire Scene
7. Sketch of the Fire Scene
8. And others.


4. And others.

Nota Bene: Accused MARIO SANTOS y REYES may be served with subpoena
at No. 400 G. Aguinaldo Street corner 15 Avenue, Barangay 57, District 2, Caloocan

City, Metro Manila.

89 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6

TAGAPAGSIYASAT: Ikaw, Ginoong JUAN DELA CRUZ Y SANTOS ay inimbitahan sa pagsisiyasat na

ito upang magbigay ng salaysay patungkol sa isang sunog na naganap sa Pamilihang Bayan ng San
Pedro, Laguna noong ika 12 ng Pebrero 2012, ngunit bago kita tanungin ay nais ko munang
ipabatid sa iyo ang iyong mga karapatan bilang malayang mamamayan alinsunod sa itinadhana
ng ating Bagong Saligang Batas, gaya ng mga sumusunod:

a. Karapatan mo ang manahimik o huwag sumagot sa aking mga tanong kung inaakala mong
ito ay makasasama sa iyong pagkatao.
b. Karapatan mo ang kumuha ng iyong sariling abugado para makatulong sa iyo sa
pagbibigay mo ng salaysay at kung sakali na ikaw ay walang kakayahang kumuha ng sariling
abugado, ang himpilang ito ang kukuha para sa iyo ng walang bayad.
c. Ipinaaalala ko rin sa iyo na ang lahat ng iyong sasabihin at isasagot sa aking mga tanong
ay pawang katotohanan lamang sapagkat ito ay maaaring gamiting ebidensiya laban o panig sa
iyo sa alin mang hukuman dito sa ating bansa.

TANONG : Matapos kong ipaliwanag sa iyo ang iyong mga karapatan bilang isang malayang
mamamayan alinsunod sa itinadhana ng ating Bagong Saligang Batas, ito ba ay iyong naintidihan
at naunawaan?
SAGOT : _____

TANONG : Nakahanda ka bang magbigay ng iyong malaya at kusang loob na salaysay kahit
wala kang abugado na naririto sa ngayon, na hindi ka pinilit, tinakot, sinaktan o pinangakuan ng
ano mang bagay?
SAGOT : _____


Ako, si JUAN DELA CRUZ Y SANTOS ay nagpapatunay sa pamamagitan ng paglagda ko sa

ibaba na ako ay pinaaalahanan ng aking mga karapatan bilang isang mamamayan alinsunod sa
ating Bagong Saligang Batas at hindi ko na kailangan pa ang isang abugado dahil pawang
katotohanan lamang ang aking sasabihin, at ako ay hindi pinilit, tinakot, sinaktan o pinangakuan
ng ano mang bagay patungkol sa pagsisiyasat na ito.


90 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6

T 01 : Ikaw ba ay nakakaintindi, nakakapagsulat at nakakapagsalita ng wikang tagalog na sya

nating gagamitin sa pagsisiyasat na ito?
S :
x- - - - - - - - - - - -x

Ikalawang Pahina, malaya at kusang loob na salaysay ni Juan Dela Cruz Y Santos

T 02 : Ikaw ba ay magsasabi ng buong katotohanan at pawang katotohanan lamang sa

pagsisiyasat na ito?
S :

T 03 : Ano ang iyong natapos sa pag-aaral?

S :

T 04 : Maaari mo bang sabihin sa akin ang iyong buong pangalan at iba pang bagay na
mapagkikilanlan sa iyo?
S :

T 05 : Nalalaman mo ba kung bakit ka naririto ngayon sa aming tanggapan?

S :

T 06 :
S :

T 07 :
S :

T 08 :
S :

T 09 :
S :

T 10 :
S :

T 11 :
S :

T 12 :
S :

T 13 :
S :

91 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
T 14 :
S :

T 15 :
S :

T 16 :
S :

T 17 :

T 18 :
S :
x- - - - - - - - - - - -x

Ikatlong Pahina, malaya at kusang loob na salaysay ni Juan Dela Cruz Y Santos

T 19 :
S :

T 20 :
S :

T 21 :
S :

T 22 :
S :

T 23 :
S :

T 24 :
S :

T 25 :
S :

T 26 :
S :

T 27 : Pansamantala ay wala na muna akong itatanong sa iyo. Ipababasa ko sa iyo ang iyong
salaysay (ipinabasa ng tagapagsiyasat ang salaysay). Ngayon, may nais ka bang baguhin o idagdag
sa iyong salaysay na sa iyong palagay ay makakatulong sa pagsisiyasat na ito.

92 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6
S :

T 28 : Nakahanda ka bang lagdaan ang iyong salaysay, na binubuo ng tatlong pahina, bilang
patunay na ang iyong mga isinalaysay ay pawang katotohanan lamang?
S :




x- - - - - - - - - - - -x

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _____ day of __________ 2012 here at the
Office of the Investigation and Intelligence Division, BFP National Headquarters, Agham Rd., Brgy.
Bagong Pag-asa, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.

I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I have personally examined the herein affiant under oath and
that I am fully satisfied that he voluntarily executed and understood his statement.

Administering Officer

93 | P a g e F I R E P R O T E C T I O N A N D A R S O N I N V E S T I G A T I O N C D I 3 2 6

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