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1 s20 S2542660521001037 Main
1 s20 S2542660521001037 Main
Internet of Things
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/iot
Review article
Keywords: Intrusions in computer networks have increased significantly in the last decade, due in part to
Network security a profitable underground cyber-crime economy and the availability of sophisticated tools for
Computer security launching such intrusions. Researchers in industry and academia have been proposing methods
and building systems for detecting and preventing such security breaches for more than four
Intrusion detection
decades. Solutions proposed for dealing with network intrusions can be broadly classified
Intrusion prevention
Machine learning
as signature-based and anomaly-based. Signature-based intrusion detection systems look for
patterns that match known attacks. On the other hand, anomaly-based intrusion detection
systems develop a model for distinguishing legitimate users’ behavior from that of malicious
users’ and hence are capable of detecting unknown attacks. One of the approaches used to
classify legitimate and anomalous behavior is to use Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Several
intrusion detection systems based on ML techniques have been proposed in the literature. In
this paper, we present a comprehensive critical survey of ML-based intrusion detection approaches
presented in the literature in the last ten years. This survey would serve as a supplement to
other general surveys on intrusion detection as well as a reference to recent work done in the
area for researchers working in ML-based intrusion detection systems. We also discuss some
open issues that need to be addressed.
1. Introduction
Security breaches have increased significantly in the last decade, due in part to a profitable underground cyber-crime economy.
Tools and techniques used in such security breaches have also become very sophisticated. Traditional tools such as anti-virus software
and firewalls for preventing cybersecurity breaches cannot help in preventing or detecting such sophisticated attacks. One way to
deal with this problem is to install hardware/software to continuously monitor the network for intrusions/attacks. Research in
intrusion detection started in 1972 [1] when James Anderson published his report on the need for detecting breaches in computer
systems [2]. Since then, several monitoring systems such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
(which are also called Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)) have been proposed and implemented. These systems can
further be classified as host-based, network-based and hybrid [3]. These systems can be centralized, distributed or hybrid, depending
on how events related to intrusions/attacks are collected, processed and acted upon. Each of these approaches has its advantages
and disadvantages in terms of cost, performance, and other metrics.
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: adi252@uky.edu (A.S. Dina), mani@cs.uky.edu (D. Manivannan).
URL: http://www.cs.uky.edu/~manivann (D. Manivannan).
Received 29 August 2021; Received in revised form 7 October 2021; Accepted 8 October 2021
Available online 27 October 2021
2542-6605/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
IDSes can be further classified as signature-based and anomaly-based. Signature-based IDSes use the signatures of known attacks
to determine attacks. Such IDSes are not capable of detecting new types of attacks or zero-day attacks. On the other hand, anomaly-
based IDSes collect data relating to the behavior of legitimate users and then current observed behavior is analyzed to determine
if those are that of legitimate users or of malicious users; hence these types of IDSes are capable of detecting unknown attacks.
However, anomaly-based IDSes generally result in high false-positive rate while signature-based IDSes usually have more false-
negatives. Anomaly-based approach requires developing a model of legitimate users’ behavior by first collecting and monitoring
data related to normal operation of system in the training phase. Then, current observed behavior is compared with the model to
classify it as legitimate or anomalous. Next, we discuss some of the models used for anomaly detection.
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Neural Networks (NN) (also known as Artificial Neural Networks or ANN)
and Deep Learning (DL) are related fields; each of these fields, in this order, can be thought of as a sub-field of the previous one
as depicted in Fig. 1. In particular, ANN and DL are sub-fields of ML. John McCarthy, winner of Turing award and one of the
founders of the discipline AI, defines AI as ‘‘It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent
computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to
confine itself to methods that are biologically observable’’. In ML, algorithms are used to parse data related to solving a specific
problem (e.g., intrusion detection), learn from it and then this learning is used to discover patterns that are useful for solving
the problem. NNs are a network of neurons. Neurons are processing units which model the functioning of a biological neuron,
typically by computing weighted average of its inputs using a variety of algorithms. In a NN, data passes through several layers of
interconnected neurons. Haykin [4] defines NN as ‘‘Massively parallel combination of simple processing units which can acquire
knowledge from the environment through a learning process and store the knowledge in its connections’’.
NNs, in general, can be classified into feed-forward, recurrent, and convolutional Networks. In feed-forward NNs, connections
between the neurons do not form a cycle. In recurrent NNs (RNNs), connections between neurons form a directed graph. In RNNs,
a neuron’s output can serve as input to the same neuron. Convolutional NNs (CNNs), widely used in image processing, can take
images as input and be able to differentiate images by assigning weights and biases to various aspects of the image. Some researchers
consider all these NN models as sub-fields of DL while others define Deep learning as an NN with three or more layers.
Following are some ML based approaches tried by various researchers for intrusion detection: Artificial Neural Networks,
Association Rules and Fuzzy Association Rules, Bayesian Network, Clustering, Decision Trees, Ensemble Learning, Evolutionary
Computation, Hidden Markov Models, Inductive Learning, Naïve Bayes, Sequential Pattern Mining, and Support Vector Machine [5].
We discuss some of these approaches in Section 2. In this paper, our focus is to present a critical survey various intrusion detection
approaches based on ML (which includes NN and hence DL), presented in literature. There are many surveys on intrusion detection
techniques which we discuss in Section 4. Unlike other surveys, this survey focuses only on ML based intrusion detection techniques
presented over the last decade.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we present some background required. In Section 3, we present a
critical survey of the ML based intrusion detection techniques presented in the literature over the last decade. In Section 4, we
discuss the related work. In Section 5, we discuss our observations about the surveyed works and also bring out some open issues
that remain to be addressed. Section 6 concludes the paper.
2. Background
ML algorithms can be broadly classified as (i) supervised and (ii) unsupervised. Supervised learning algorithms use labeled data in
the training phase for determining abnormalities in new data samples. In unsupervised learning, the training data are not labeled; the
learning algorithm used tries to group/classify the training data based on some grouping techniques. Signature-based IDSes generally
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
use supervised learning algorithms whereas anomaly-based IDSes use unsupervised learning algorithms. Binary classification is the
basic classification type where the number of classification labels is two. For intrusion detection, binary classification uses the labels
normal and attack (or anomalous, abnormal, etc.). Under Multi-class classification, the number of labels used for classifying data
can be more than two. For example, for intrusion detection, data can be labeled as normal, Denial of Service Attack (DoS), User to
Root Attack (U2R), Remote to Local Attack (R2L), Probing Attack, etc. Next, we discuss some types of algorithms used for classifying
In this subsection, we describe some of the classification techniques used by ML algorithms for classifying and labeling training
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
In many of the datasets used for evaluating ML based IDSes, number of instances for various classes are not equally distributed.
i.e., some classes have more instances than others [16]. The classes that have large number of instances are called majority classes
and those classes that have small number of instances are called minority classes. The ratio between the number of instances in
minority class and the number of instances in a majority class could be as high as 1:100, 1:1000 or even 1:1000000 [17]. Many of
the ML-based algorithms used for classification of data are based on the assumption that there are equal number of instances for
each class. So, if data are imbalanced in the dataset, the interpretation of performance metrics of ML-based IDSes could be affected,
as we point out in Section 2.4.
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
Table 1
Class distribution of the KDD99 dataset.
Class Training (%) Testing (%)
Normal 972781 19.85 60593 19.48
DoS 3883390 79.27 231455 74.41
Probe 41102 0.83 4166 1.33
U2R 52 0.001 245 0.07
R2L 1106 0.02 14570 4.68
Table 2
Class distribution of the NSL-KDD dataset.
Class Training20 (%) Training+ (%) Testing (%)
Normal 13449 53.3 67343 53.5 9711 43.1
DoS 9234 36.7 45927 36.4 7458 33.1
Probe 2289 9.1 11656 9.3 2421 10.7
U2R 11 0.04 52 0.041 67 0.3
R2L 209 0.83 995 0.78 2887 12.8
Under-fitting and over-fitting: Under-fitting occurs when a ML model cannot capture the underlying structure of the data
adequately. For example, if we try to fit a linear model to non-linear data, under-fitting would occur. Such a model would fail to
capture the trend of the data. This happens when there is insufficient data to train the ML model. On the other hand, over-fitting
occurs when an ML model learns every detail of the training dataset including noise; this may fail to fit unseen data. To overcome
this, re-sampling techniques like K-fold cross validation can be used.
In this section, we discuss some datasets that are commonly used to evaluate IDSes based on machine learning techniques.
2.3.1. KDD99
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) [19], published in 1999, is considered as one of baseline datasets to evaluate different
IDSes including ML-based IDSes. This dataset was prepared by Stolfo et al. [20,21]. The KDD99 dataset was prepared based on
DARPA 98 [22]. Each record in KDD99 dataset has 41 features and records are either tagged as normal or an attack type. There are
basically four type of attacks in the dataset [21]. They are Denial of Service Attack (DoS), User to Root Attack (U2R), Remote
to Local Attack (R2L), and Probing Attack. The dataset has 78% and 75% duplicate records in training and testing datasets
respectively. The U2R (52 in training dataset) and R2L (1106 in training dataset) attacks are insufficient to train a ML model and that
makes KDD99 dataset imbalanced. Table 1 contains information about the data distribution for each class the dataset KDD99 [23].
2.3.2. NSL-KDD
Network Socket Layer-Knowledge Discovery in Databases (NSL-KDD) [24] is another commonly used dataset. This dataset was
prepared by Tavallaee et al. [21] based on KDD99 dataset. Unlike KDD99 dataset, NSL-KDD dataset does not contain any duplicate
records [21] which makes it more suitable for evaluating ML-based IDSes. However, like KDD99, data distribution among various
classes is imbalanced. Information about data distribution in various classes in NSL-KDD training set is given in Table 2 [25]. As
we can see, the training sample size of U2R and R2L are significantly low.
2.3.3. UNSW-NB15
Moustafa et al. [26] proposed a new dataset in 2015 to evaluate IDSes. It tries to capture network traffic data as realistic
as possible. It used tcpdump tool [27] for capturing raw network traffic. Argus and Bro-IDS [28,29] were used to extract key
features from traffic data [30]. The dataset has 49 features and 2, 540, 044 records. The dataset contains data related to the following
nine attack classes: Fuzzers, Analysis, Backdoor, DoS, Exploit, Generic, Reconnaissance, Shellcode, and Worm. However, the
dataset is not balanced as attack classes Analysis, Backdoor, Shellcode, and Worm have low training samples. Data distribution for
various attack classes in UNSW-NB15 is given in Table 3 [31]. The dataset is available at [32]
In this subsection, we present various metrics used for evaluating the performance of IDSes. Let 𝑇 𝑃 be the number of true
positive events detected by an IDS (i.e., the number of events/actions detected/declared by the IDS as intrusions which are actually
intrusions). Let 𝑇 𝑁 be the number of true negative events detected by an IDS (i.e., the number of events/actions detected/declared
by the IDS as normal which are actually normal). Let 𝐹 𝑃 be the number of false positive events detected by an IDS (i.e., the
number of events/actions detected/declared by the IDS as intrusions which are actually not intrusions). Let 𝐹 𝑁 be the number
of false negative events detected by an IDS (i.e., the number of events/actions detected/declared by the IDS as normal which are
actually intrusions). Performance of an IDS is generally evaluated based on the following metrics:
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
Table 3
Data distribution for various attack classes in the UNSW-NB15 dataset.
Class Training (%) Testing (%)
Normal 11200 32 7400 45
Generic 8000 23 3774 23
Exploits 6679 19.05 2226 13.5
Fuzzers 3637 10.37 1212 7.36
DoS 2453 6.99 818 4.97
Reconnaissance 2098 5.98 699 4.25
Analysis 400 1.14 135 0.82
Backdoor 349 1 117 0.71
Shellcode 227 0.65 76 0.46
Worms 26 0.07 9 0.05
Table 4
Confusion matrix or table of confusion.
Predicted class Actual class
Positive Negative
Positive TP FP
Negative FN TN
In this section, we present a critical survey of the papers on intrusion detection that use different ML techniques, published in the
last ten years. Most of these papers used supervised learning with binary and/or multi-class classification. They used many publicly
available benchmark datasets to evaluate their techniques. We discussed some of the widely used datasets in Section 2.3. We classify
the papers based on the classification type used in the paper for labeling datasets (binary or multi-class) and the datasets used for
evaluating the approach proposed in the paper.
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
Table 5
Acronyms used in this paper.
Acronym Expansion Detailed Description
PCA Principle Component Analysis PCA is commonly used to reduce the dimension of a large
dataset [33]. It is a descriptive method and does not require
any assumption about data distribution.
SVM Support Vector Machine SVM can learn from sample examples and assign labels to
unknown objects [34]. It can help in solving classification
and regression problems [35]. It supports standard kernel
functions and lets the user choose their own function.
ANN Artificial Neural Network First developed in the 1950s, inspired by the structure and
functioning of brain.
RNN Recurrent Neural network A class of ANNs.
DT Decision Tree A flowchart-like structure (explained earlier) used for
classification of data.
RF Random Forest Also called Random Decision Forest, an ensemble learning
method for classification.
LR Linear Regression A linear approach for modeling the relationship between a
scalar response and one or more dependent variables.
DNN Deep Neural Network A type of ANN.
DBN Deep Brief Network A class of DNNs, composed of multiple layers of hidden
units, with connections between the layers.
AE Auto Encoder It is a type of ANN used to learn efficient codings of
unlabeled data.
VAE Variational Auto Encoder A type of ANN.
CNN Convolutional Neural Network A type of ANN.
FNN Feed-forward Neural Network A type of ANN in which connections between the nodes do
not form a cycle.
MLP Multilayer Perceptron A class of feed-forward ANNs.
ELM Extreme Learning Machine A type of feed-forward ANN.
GA Genetic algorithm It is a method for solving optimization problems that mimics
biological evolution.
IoT Internet of Things Network of objects connecting and exchanging data with
other devices and systems over the Internet.
NB Classifiers Naïve Bayes Classifiers A family of classifiers based on Bayes’ Theorem.
K-NN K - Nearest Neighbors A classification method.
Binary classification is the basic classification type where the number of classification labels is two. For intrusion detection,
binary classification uses the labels normal and attack (or anomalous, abnormal, etc.). In this section, we discuss the papers using
binary classification for intrusion detection. We group the papers based on whether they used single data set or multiple datasets
for evaluation.
3.1.1. Binary classification based intrusion detection systems that used the dataset KDD99 for evaluation
In this subsection, we discuss the papers that used the dataset KDD99 for evaluation.
The hybrid approach introduced by Elbasiony et al. [36] has the following two parts: misuse (signature-based) detection part
and anomaly detection part. It has two phases: online and offline. Online phase is responsible for misuse detection by comparing
network traffic with known intrusion patterns (signatures). If there is no match with known intrusion patterns, it will be tagged as a
new type of attack and sent to the anomaly detection part. Anomaly detection is accomplished by using weighted K-means algorithm
wherein feature importance values are calculated using RF model. Their hybrid framework achieved 98.3% accuracy with 1.6% false
positive rate on the KDD99 dataset.
Collaborative Intrusion Detection Systems (CIDSes) which consist of multiple components at the network level and host level for
monitoring/analyzing and exchanging events to determine abnormal events have been proposed in the literature. CIDSes have some
limitations such as delays due to computational time or complex architecture of the network. To overcome such limitations, Abusitta
et al. [37] proposed a CIDS using ML techniques. They introduced stacked Denoising Auto Encoder (SDAE) as an unsupervised feature
learning technique to extract robust features. The goal of extracting robust features is to detect intrusion even when the IDS provides
partial information. They used logistic regression to perform binary classification. They also tested their model with the data that
had incomplete or partial information.
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
3.1.2. Binary classification based intrusion detection systems that used NSL-KDD dataset for evaluation
Ever et al. [38] employed three ML models, ANN, SVM, and DT. In this study, the goal was to find out the optimal ML technique
among ANN, SVM, and DT. They performed two experiments by using 60%, and 70% of the dataset NSL-KDD for training and the
rest of the dataset for testing. Their experiment shows that DT achieved 98.84% training accuracy. However, the authors have not
shown the accuracy level achieved for the other two ML models.
Begli et al. [39] discussed the challenges in securing remote healthcare monitoring over Internet. They proposed a layered
multi-agents based framework for securing such healthcare monitoring. First, they define agents based on patients, nurses, doctors,
etc. Then, the agents are grouped into three groups based on their energy capacity, and the amount of data they can hold from
different sensors. For each agent group, an IDS based on SVM is designed. They used three IDSes for each group/layer. The intrusion
detection success rates of their approach are 95.01%, 50.04%, and 97.2% for first, second, and third IDS respectively.
3.1.3. Binary classification based intrusion detection systems that used UNSW-NB15 dataset for evaluation
Chowdhury et al. [40] proposed a method to effectively detect intrusion based on the network traffic data. They selected three
features each time randomly from a features pool, and applied SVM to distinguish between attack and normal traffic. This process
was repeated until all possible combinations of the features have been covered. Their method achieved 98.76% accuracy on the
dataset UNSW-NB15.
3.1.4. Intrusion detection systems that used CIDDS-001 dataset for evaluation
Abdulhammed et al. [41] addressed the issue of imbalanced distribution of classes in the datasets. They proposed the following
four sampling techniques to balance different classes of data in the dataset. The techniques are [42,43]: (i) Up-sampling the minority
class, (ii) Down-sampling the majority class, (iii) Spread sub-sample, and (iv) Class balancer. They used coburg intrusion detection
dataset-001 (CIDDS-001) [44] for evaluation, and for classification they used DNN, RF, voting [45], VAE [46], and stacking machine
learning [47]. They compared their approach with some of the other approaches. Their approach achieved 99.99% accuracy which
is higher than the other compared models. They also show how data imbalance problem impacts the final results.
3.1.5. Binary classification based intrusion detection systems that used multiple datasets for evaluation
Bhamare et al. [48] point out the need for further research in the field of supervised learning for its application to cloud security
and presented a binary classification technique. They used two different datasets to determine the robustness of the existing ML
models. They trained the ML models with one dataset and tested it with another dataset. They labeled the data in the datasets as
normal and attack/anomaly. They used three ML models — SVM, LR, and DT. For training they used UNSW-NB15 [26,30], created
by Australian Center for Cyber Security (ACCS) and for testing the robustness of the models, they used ISOT [49] from French
chapter of the honeynet project. However, the training dataset is somewhat imbalanced. Only 32% of the total training dataset
belong to normal class.
Injadat et al. [50] proposed an ML based intrusion detection framework with multi-stage optimization. To study different
optimization algorithms, they designed a framework with multiple stages. In the data preprocessing step, they used Z-score
for data normalization and SMOTE algorithm [51] to solve the data imbalance issue in the dataset. SMOTE algorithm was
designed to synthetically increase the number of data samples in the minority classes (classes of data that have significantly low
sample size) [51]. For feature selection, they used information gain-based feature selection [52,53] and correlation-based feature
selection [54,55]. In the final step, they used K-NN and RF as classifiers. Random search (RS), meta-heuristic algorithm such as
particle swarm optimization (PSO), GA, and Bayesian optimization (BO) were used as hyper-parameter optimization algorithms. To
evaluate their framework, they used Canadian Institute of Cybersecurity’s IDS 2017 (CICIDS 2017) [56], and UNSW-NB15 datasets.
According to their evaluation, combination of BO with RF outperformed the other classifier combinations. This combination achieved
99.99% detection accuracy. The authors compared their approach with some of the other approaches. Accuracy achieved by their
approach has been shown to be 1%–2% higher than that of other compared approaches.
Andresini et al. [57] proposed the idea of multi-channel feature representation of network traffic. In the first step, they trained
two AEs separately for normal and attack classes. The goal was to get two different representations of each sample. In the next
step, they augmented the original sample with these two reconstructed samples and fed into a one dimensional CNN. Using softmax
classifier, they labeled the data as normal and attack. They used KDD99, UNSW-NB15, and CICIDS 2017 datasets to assess the
performance of their method. Their method performed better on two out of the three datasets. The accuracy of this technique are
92.49%, 93.49%, and 97.90% on KDD99, UNSW-NB15, and CICIDS 2017 respectively. Table 6 summarizes the merits and demerits
of the papers that used binary classification as data classification technique, discussed in this section.
Under multi-class classification, data in the training dataset are classified into several disjoint classes and data belonging to each
class is assigned the same label. Data in different classes are assigned different labels. In intrusion detection systems using multi-class
classification, besides data being labeled as normal, there are several other types of labels such as Denial of Service Attack (DoS),
User to Root Attack (U2R), Remote to Local Attack (R2L), etc. one for each type of attack. As in the previous section, first we discuss
the papers that used only one dataset for evaluation and then we discuss papers that used multiple datasets for evaluation.
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
Table 6
Summary of the papers that used binary classification.
Paper Year Method(s) used Dataset(s) used Type of Strengths and weaknesses
classification used
Elbasiony 2013 Weighted K-Means KDD99 Binary The authors calculated feature
et al. [36] and RF importance of each feature in the
Bhamare 2016 LR, SVM and DT UNSW-NB15, Binary Tests the robustness of the models. The
et al. [48] ISOT training dataset used is imbalanced.
Chowdhury 2016 Simulated Annealing UNSW-NB15 Binary The model achieves 98.76% accuracy
et al. [40] and SVM with a low false positive rate of 0.09%.
Their model is compared only with the
Naive SVM model with all the features
of the dataset. Time complexity of this
model is high due to its iterative nature
of selecting random features from the
Abusitta 2019 SDAE and Logistic KDD99 Binary The model can predict anomaly even
et al. [37] Regression when the IDS provides partial or
incomplete information.
Ever et al. [38] 2019 SVM, ANN, and DT NSL-KDD Binary The goal is to select the optimal method
from the chosen set of three methods.
Their experimental results show only
training accuracy but not testing
Abdulhammed 2019 DNN, RF, CIDDS-001 Binary They addressed the data imbalance
et al. [41] voting [45], and problem in the dataset by providing
VAE [46], stacking some solutions.
learning [47]
Begli et al. [39] 2019 SVM NSL-KDD Binary IDS for remote healthcare monitoring.
Their approach is not compared with
existing ML based IDSes and has not
been evaluated with real data.
Injadat 2020 K-NN, and RF CICIDS 2017, Binary Different optimization algorithms have
et al. [50] and UNSW-NB15 been explored for reducing time and
space complexity. This will help in
determining the performance of an IDS
in data imbalance scenarios.
Andresini 2020 AE, and CNN KDD99, CICIDS Binary They used the idea of multi-channel
et al. [57] 2017, and representation of samples using two AEs.
UNSW-NB15 CNN is used to fetch possible hidden
patterns in the multi-channel
representation. The structure and
characteristics of the attacks were not
well described.
3.2.1. Multi-class classification based intrusion detection systems that used KDD99 dataset for evaluation
Horng et al. [58] used SVM based technique to detect intrusions in the network traffic. They used hierarchical clustering for
preprocessing data. Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies (BIRCH) [59] was used as hierarchical clustering
algorithm. This clustering algorithm helped in reducing the size of training data as SVM cannot take large datasets in its training
phase. After significant reduction in the size of training dataset, it was fed into the SVM classifiers to train the SVM model. According
to their experimental results, their technique achieved 95.72% accuracy with false positive rate of 0.7%.
Li et al. [60], proposed an IDS for IoT using AI, taking advantage of software defined networks (SDN) [61]. Their approach
consists of several stages. In the initial stage, they used Bat Algorithm (BA) [62] with swarm division and binary differential
evaluation [63] to acquire optimal features from the original network traffic data. In the final stage, they used RF algorithm to
classify network traffic data into different classes. Their evaluation showed that their method had 96.42% accuracy and 0.98% false
positive rate.
In order to reduce the number of false positives and false negatives in intrusion detection, Ali et al. [64] introduced an ANN-based
model named as PSO-FLN. This model is developed using fast learning network (FLN) [65] with the optimization algorithm called
particle swarm optimization (PSO) [66]. They evaluated their model with ELM [67] along with different optimization approaches
such as GA, Harmony Search Optimization (HSO) [68], and Ameliorated Teaching Learning Based Optimization (ATLBO) [69].
They repeated these approaches with FLN and came up with PSO-FLN model which outperformed other compared models. PSO-FLN
achieved 99.69% accuracy.
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
3.2.2. Intrusion detection systems that used NSL-KDD dataset for evaluation
Zhang et al. [70], introduced a technique based on both GA and DBN to address security in IoT. GA was used to optimize the
number of hidden layers and the number of neurons in a layer for each type of attack. This optimization can help in reducing
the complexity of the neural network as well as obtaining an optimal neural network architecture for detecting intrusion based on
network traffic. They used NSL-KDD dataset to evaluate their technique. Before applying their technique, they normalized the dataset
using min–max normalization as it is difficult to use high dimensional dataset to detect intrusion in real time. This method has higher
accuracy on minority class type such as U2R compared to other compared methods. Gao et al. [71] introduced a novel approach
to detect intrusion in computer networks. NSL-KDD dataset is not balanced. To resolve it, they proposed MultiTree algorithm using
DT in four levels by adjusting the ratio of the class types. They introduced a model where they ensemble some base classifiers using
DT, RF, K-NN, and DNN, and make classification decision using their adaptive voting algorithm.
3.2.3. Multi-class classification based intrusion detection systems that used UNSW-NB15 dataset for evaluation
Moualla et al. [72], proposed an intrusion detection system using existing ML techniques. In the initial step, they balanced the
dataset using synthetic minority oversampling (SMOTE) [73] algorithm which oversamples the minority classes by creating synthetic
samples. In the preprocessing stage, they performed simple data cleaning and one-hot-encoding (transforming categorical features
into continuous features); then they normalized the dataset based on z-score. For feature selection, they used extremely randomized
trees classifier (Extra Tree classifiers) [74] for each class type to capture optimal features. Then, they used ELM classifier for each
class type. Finally, to aggregate the results of all the ELM classifiers, they used fully connected layer followed by a logistic regression
layer for deciding each class. Their approach achieved an overall accuracy of 98.43%.
3.2.4. Multi-class classification based intrusion detection systems that used MQTT-IoT dataset for evaluation
Hindy et al. [75] presented a case study to demonstrate the effectiveness of ML techniques for intrusion detection in IoT. They
used six ML models LR, NB, K-NN, SVM, DT, and RF to detect intrusions in the system. They used the simulated message queuing
telemetry transport protocol (MQTT) [76] based IoT dataset to evaluate the ML models. They also addressed uni-directional and
bi-directional flow-based and packet-based features while detecting intrusions in the system. They compared these ML models in
terms of their accuracy, precision, recall, and 𝐹1 score. They came to the conclusion that flow-based features are important to detect
MQTT-based attacks and packet-based features are good for detecting attacks in traditional networks.
3.2.5. Multi-class classification based intrusion detection systems that used multiple datasets for evaluation
Shone et al. [77] studied the feasibility and sustainability of current approaches in network intrusion detection. As the volume
of network data is increasing, analyzing network data in depth is required to make the IDSes more effective. Because of the different
types of protocols used in the Internet, we have diverse network data. This also makes the task of distinguishing normal network
traffic from attack traffic difficult. They combined deep and shallow learning in their model. They used two layers of Non-symmetric
Deep Auto Encoder (NDAE) for unsupervised feature learning. Unlike typical AE, the NDAE does not contain a decoder. RF was
used to perform the final classification of the network traffic into normal and attack. The authors evaluated their model using five
and thirteen layers of classification using the datasets NSL-KDD and KDD99. They performed 10-fold cross validation to overcome
over-fitting and under-fitting problem. Since the datasets contained imbalanced data, false alarm rate was very high in some attack
classes. Table 7, summarizes the merits and demerits of the papers that used multi-class classification, discussed in this section.
3.3. Intrusion detection systems that used both binary and multi-class classification
In this subsection, we survey the papers that used both binary and multi-class classification for classifying dataset. We classify
these papers into different classes based on whether they used a single dataset or multiple datasets for evaluating their approach.
First, we discuss the papers that used single dataset for evaluation.
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
Table 7
Summary of the merits and demerits of papers that used multi-class classification.
Paper Year Method(s) used Dataset(s) used Type of classification used Strengths and weaknesses
Horng et al. [58] 2011 SVM and BRICH KDD99 Multi-class The model used hierarchical
clustering for filtering out quality
data for training the SVM model.
Performance of the model on the
minority attack classes is not
Shone et al. [77] 2018 NDAE and RF NSL-KDD and KDD99 Multi-class Extensive experiments were done
to compare with other models.
The data imbalance problem in
the datasets used is not
Ali et al. [64] 2018 PSO-FLN KDD99 Multi-class Performance of the model is
better than all the other
compared models. The dataset
used lacks training data in some
attack classes.
Li et al. [60] 2018 Bat Algorithm KDD99 Multi-class The proposed method achieved
and RF low false positive rate. They used
improved Bat Algorithm with
differential evolution to identify
optimal features. It has room to
improve the detection rate of the
low frequency attack classes (e.g.,
User to Root (U2R), Remote to
local (R2L) attacks).
Gao et al. [71] 2019 MultiTree and NSL-KDD Multi-class Proposed an ensemble approach
Ensemble to combine some base classifiers
adaptive voting to develop a model so that it can
algorithm using use the advantages of each
some base classifier. The model’s
classifiers. performance against data
imbalance problem of NSL-KDD
dataset is not satisfactory.
Zhang et al. [70] 2019 GA and DBN NSL-KDD Multi-class The method has higher accuracy
on the minority class types such
as U2R.
Hindy et al. [75] 2020 LR, K-NN, DT, MQTT-IoT Multi-class The authors used a novel and
RF, SVM, and simulated dataset to evaluate six
NB ML models. Some attack types
have data imbalance issue in the
Moualla 2021 Extra Tree UNSW-NB15 Multi-class Overall performance of the model
et al. [72] Classifier and is good. The model has good
ELM accuracy on minority classes.
supervised learning). In the next level, after applying ANN or SVM, those entries detected as normal activities were clustered using
K-means method (using unsupervised learning). In some hybrid models, they integrated either PCA or Gradual Feature Reduction
(GFR) as feature selection method. Afterwards, they compared the performance of these models using the validation dataset.
Yin et al. [82] proposed a two step deep learning approach for intrusion detection. In the preprocessing step, they used one hot
encoding to transform categorical data into numerical values. After that, the dataset was normalized using min–max method due to
large variations in the data. In the classification step, RNN with forward propagation and backward propagation was used. Forward
propagation was responsible for calculating output values and backward propagation was used to calculate the error and update the
weights. Cross-entropy was used to calculate the difference between output values, produced by the forward propagation and true
value. Both binary and multi-class classification were performed in this approach. Performance of this approach using KDDTest-21
was around 64%.
Lee et al. [83] proposed a constrained optimization-based extreme learning machine (C-ELM) [84] approach for network intrusion
detection. Their approach added hidden neurons in an adaptively incremental way which helped in deriving output without re-
computation from scratch. They developed a method to adaptively increase hidden neurons and the optimization criteria. As a
result, time and effort could be saved during the construction process of an optimal C-ELM. Experimental results show that this
approach is effective in building models with good attack detection rates and fast learning speed. Although this was not a new
approach, it was more efficient in terms of recomputing the optimum C-ELM, according to the authors.
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3.3.2. Intrusion detection systems that used UNSW-NB15 dataset for evaluation
Almogren [85], proposed a method to detect intrusion in the Edge-of-things networks. This approach has the following three
steps: network data collection, feature extraction, and classification. In the feature extraction step, they transformed categorical
data into numerical data. After that they used min–max normalization to scale the feature values. In the classification step, they
used DBN which is stack of Restricted Boltzman Machines (RBMs) [79]. It is a two layer DBN. To find the optimal architecture of
the DBN, they varied the number of hidden neurons in the layers. Finally, 64 hidden neurons in layer-1 and 60 hidden neurons in
layer-2 were determined to give good performance. The author addressed the issue of imbalanced data by oversampling the dataset.
No cross validation was done to measure the confidence of the model’s accuracy.
3.3.3. Intrusion detection systems that used BoT-IoT dataset for evaluation
Ge et al. [86], proposed a deep learning based approach to detect intrusions in IoT. They used FNN to detect intrusions. They
extract features based on the information from header fields in IP packets. The reason to use header information in IP packets was
to capture generic features instead of generating attack oriented features. After extracting these features, they fed all the training
data to the FNN to do the classification. They performed both binary and multi-class classification. They used BoT-IoT dataset [87],
created in the cyber range lab of the UNSW Institute for Cyber Security. They compared their method with support vector classifier
(SVC). Their method achieved higher accuracy than SVC.
3.3.4. Intrusion detection systems that used multiple datasets for evaluation
In this subsection, we discuss the papers that used more than one dataset for evaluation.
Sangkatsanee et al. [88] used two datasets for their experiment. The first one is the RLD09 (Reliable Lab Data 2009), provided
by the King Mongkuts’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand. The first dataset was generated using various
established tools and contained data related to several types of attacks. The second one was the dataset KDD99 [89]. They divided
their proposed method into preprocessing, classification and post-processing. In the preprocessing step, they extracted different
network packets such as TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc. Packet information was partitioned based on the source and destination IP address
pairs of connections established connections. To form a record, they aggregated information received over 2 s. Based on extensive
experiments, they found the key features that can be used to define normal and attack traffic. They used information gain technique
to select 12 features. In the next step, they used different ML models to classify training data. In the final step, the goal was to remove
outliers from the classification. They used majority voting algorithm on five consecutive results for data collected for each (source,
destination) pair of IP addresses. If three out of five results are detected as attack, then it was considered as an attack; otherwise
it is considered normal. They created their own traffic data and preprocessed them. In the lab created dataset, distribution of data
is well balanced. Nevertheless, they did not consider using any publicly available datasets for validation. Therefore, assessing the
performance of this model is difficult.
Singh et al. [90], addressed the issues related to processing large network traffic data. To address the space and time complexity
in intrusion detection approaches, they proposed a method based on online sequential extreme machine learning (OS-ELM) [91],
where they addressed data imbalance problem and memory overhead problem. The authors used two network traffic datasets (NSL-
KDD and Kyoto University Benchmark Dataset 2009) to evaluate their model. They compared their model with ANN, AdaBoost,
Naïve Bayes, and ELM. Their approach performed better than other models compared. On the first dataset, their model’s accuracy
was around 3% higher than the closest competitor model. On the second dataset, it achieved around 2% higher accuracy than the
closest competitor model.
Vinayakumar et al. [92] proposed a hybrid DNN framework for intrusion detection, called scale-hybrid-IDS-AlertNet. This
can detect both host and network level intrusions. To make this framework scalable, they used Apache Spark cluster computing
platform117, developed over the Apache Hadoop Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN). They tested their model using publicly
available benchmark datasets KDDCup 99, NSL-KDD, Kyoto, UNSW-NB15, WSN-DS, and CICIDS 2017. They have done extensive
evaluation to compare their model with the other models. Overall performance of their model on all of the above datasets has been
shown to be superior to all the competitor models compared. Table 8 summarizes the merits and demerits of the papers using both
binary and multi-class classification, discussed in this section.
In this section we discuss some papers that evaluated the effectiveness of ML-based IDSes.
Wang [93] studied the effect of several adversarial attack methods on a DNN-based IDSes. To test the vulnerabilities of DNN-
based model with respect to those state-of-the-art attack algorithms, the author used NSL-KDD dataset as experimental dataset. The
author introduced malicious data samples into the dataset using those methods. Four common adversarial attack techniques were
used to test the vulnerabilities of this MLP model. They were Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) [94], Jacobin-based Saliency Map
Attack (JSMA) [95], Deepfool [96], and Carlini and Wagner (CW) [97]. Their evaluation showed that their approach achieved 94%
accuracy on the original dataset. After using those adversarial attacks, accuracy has significantly reduced. The CW attack was least
effective on accuracy; it reduced accuracy to 80%. FGSM and JSMA reduced the accuracy to 44% and 50% respectively. The author
also discussed how an attacker can manually change training data to facilitate adversarial attacks in real world.
Sikha et al. [98] conducted a study on botnet traffic where traffic data were collected in an IoT environment using benchmark
machine learning classifiers. The dataset they used to do the classification experiments was prepared by UCI [99]. The authors
addressed the imbalance problem in the dataset by selecting about equal amount of data for both benign and malicious attack
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
Table 8
Summary of the merits and demerits of papers that used both binary and multi-class classification.
Paper Year Method(s) used Dataset(s) used Type of classification used Strengths and weaknesses
Sangkatsanee 2011 DT, ANN, Bayes RLD09, KD99 Binary and Multi-class Used custom dataset and filtered
et al. [88] and Ripper Rule out important features.
Salama 2011 DBN, SVM and NSL-KDD Binary and Multi-class Feature selection technique is
et al. [78] DBN-SVM used to reduce the dimension of
the dataset. Cross validation and
data imbalance problems are not
Singh et al. [90] 2015 Alpha-FST-beta NSL-KDD and Binary and Multi-class Proposed to solve the problem of
and OS-ELM Kyoto 2009 data imbalance and space
problem in the system.
Javaid 2016 Soft-max NSL-KDD Binary and Multi-class Used feature learning technique
et al. [80] regression and before applying any classification
self-taught algorithm. There is data
learning imbalance problem in the
NSL-KDD dataset.
Yin et al. [82] 2017 j48, Naïve NSL-KDD Binary and Multi-class The resulting model is better
Bayes, RF, SVM, compared with some of the other
Multi layer models. The data imbalance
perceptron, NB problem in the NSL-KDD dataset
tree and RNN is not addressed.
Lee et al. [83] 2017 C-ELM NSL-KDD Binary and Multi-class Constructing C-ELM in a way that
hidden nodes and output weights
can be updated in incremental
way can save time.
Vinayakumar 2019 DNN KDDCup 99, Binary and Multi-class They used Apache Spark cluster
et al. [92] NSL-KDD, Kyoto, computing platform to make their
UNSW-NB15, framework scalable. For
WSN-DS, and multi-class classification, accuracy
CICIDS 2017 on some attack categories has
dropped on some datasets.
Ge et al. [86] 2019 FNN BoT-IoT Binary and Multi-class The authors used newly published
IoT dataset to evaluate their
model. They compared their
method with only one method
Almogren [85] 2020 DBN, SVM, ANN UNSW-NB15 Binary and Multi-class Addressed the data imbalance
problem in the dataset. May have
overfitting or underfitting
problem because cross validation
was not performed.
types. Before applying machine learning classifiers, they normalized the dataset using z-score. They used LR, SVM, and RF to do
the binary classification. According to their experimental results, all the classifiers reached above 99% accuracy.
Alqahtani et al. [100], analyzed widely used ML models on intrusion detection to test the effectiveness. They used KDD99 dataset
to evaluate ML models. After doing initial preprocessing of the dataset, they employed ML models to do the classification. They used
Bayesian Network (BN), NB, RF, DT, RT, Decision Table (DTb), and ANN as machine learning models. According to their analysis,
the RF model based IDS had better performance in term of accuracy, precision, recall, and 𝐹1 score than other classifiers. The authors
have done extensive evaluation of the ML models, however, they did not address the data imbalance problem in KDD99 dataset.
4. Related work
In this section, we briefly discuss the survey papers on intrusion detection, published over the last decade, to bring out the
difference between our survey paper and the existing ones. Ganapathy et al. [101] present a survey on feature selection and
classification techniques used for intrusion detection. They also present two new algorithms — an attribute selection based feature
selection algorithm and a rule-based multi-class support vector machine algorithm. Mitchell et al. [102] present a critical survey
of 28 intrusion detection techniques for cyber–physical systems. They classify these IDSes as knowledge-based and behavior-based.
They further classify each of these into two subclasses based on whether they use host-based audit data or network-based audit data
for detecting intrusion. They also discuss the performance metrics used in IDSes, the characteristics of the IDSes and their merits
and demerits. Butun et al. [103] present a survey of IDSes for wireless sensor networks. Milenkoski et al. [104] present a survey of
the common practices used for evaluating IDSes. They categorized the IDSes based on (i) monitored platform (host based, network
based or hybrid), (ii) attack detection method used (misuse based/signature based, anomaly based or hybrid) and (iii) deployment
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
architecture (distributed or non distributed). Then, they survey the evaluation approaches and methods used by these IDSes with
respect to workload, metrics used, and measurement methodology used.
Centralized IDSes do not scale well and are not capable of detecting many types of intrusions. To address this problem,
Collaborative Intrusion Detection Systems (CIDSes) which consist of multiple components at the network level and host level for
monitoring/analyzing and exchanging events to determine abnormal events have been proposed. Vasilomanolakis et al. [105]
present a detailed framework of requirements and building blocks for CIDSes. Then, they present a critical analysis of CIDSes
presented in the literature with respect to their framework.
Buczak et al. [5] present a detailed history of the evolution of ML and DM techniques, and the differences and similarities between
these techniques. They also present a detailed description of various datasets used by the ML/DM approaches for cybersecurity
applications. Then, they describe in detail various ML/DM methods used in cybersecurity applications such as Artificial Neural
Networks, Association Rules and Fuzzy Association Rules, Bayesian Network, Clustering, Decision Trees, etc. For each method, they
also present a critical survey of some of the seminal works which used that method for intrusion detection. Finally, they discuss the
computational complexity of ML and DM methods and some open issues.
Liu et al. [106] observe that the ML algorithms used in IDSes and the data used for training the IDSes are vulnerable to various
attacks and present a survey of the various security threats against a variety of learning algorithms such as Naïve Bayes, DT, SVM,
etc. They also classify the defensive mechanisms presented against those threats. Benkhelifa et al. [107] discuss how traditional
approaches for intrusion detection are not suitable for IoT and present a survey of intrusion detection techniques presented in the
literature for IoT. Then, they propose an architecture for IDSes, especially suitable for IoT.
Nisioti et al. [108] present a survey of unsupervised and hybrid ML approaches for intrusion detection. They compare and
analyze those approaches, identify their drawbacks and make recommendations for future research. How advanced data analytics
techniques can be used for correlating attacks to identify attackers is also discussed in this paper. They also identify new classes
of attacks that do not belong to any of the known classes of attacks and suggest methods for detecting them. Resende et al. [109]
point out the absence of surveys of IDSes using RF-based methods for classification, feature selection, etc. and filled in this gap.
Chaabouni et al. [110] present a survey of IDSes designed for Internet of Things. Khraisat et al. [111] classify and present a critical
survey of some of the recent works on IDS and also discuss the commonly used datasets for evaluating the IDSes. Liang et al. [112]
discuss in detail the benefits and drawbacks of using ML in designing and implementing IDSes.
Kiennert et al. [113] present a survey of intrusion detection techniques that use game theory for analyzing data and detecting
intrusions. They point out the limitations of these approaches and also discuss some future directions. Al-Garadi et al. [114] present
a survey of IDSes especially designed for IoT, and discuss their merits and demerits and also present some directions for future
research. Wu et al. [115] point out that the existing in-vehicle network (IVN) designs for vehicles such as CAN (controller area
network) did not take cybersecurity into consideration. Then, they present a survey of IDSes proposed in the literature for IVNs,
highlights their drawbacks and present some directions for future research. Bridges et al. [2] present a survey of IDSes that use
host based data sources such as system logs and other audit logs to detect intrusions. Our survey focuses on IDSes based on ML only,
presented in the last decade. So, this survey would serve as a supplement to the existing surveys as well as ready reference to work done on
intrusion detection based on ML in the last decade.
In this paper, we reviewed the research papers on ML-based IDSes, presented in the literature over the last 10 years. First,
we discussed some background related to ML approaches and also discussed some of the widely used datasets for evaluating the
performance of ML-based IDSes and their drawbacks. Then, we classified the papers based on whether they used binary, multi-
class, or a combination of both these two types of classification methods for labeling data. Within each of these three classes, we
also classified the papers based on whether they used a single dataset or multiple datasets for evaluating the performance of their
approach. We also presented a summary of the merits and demerits of the papers discussed in each class. Next, we discuss some
open issues that still remain to be solved.
A.S. Dina and D. Manivannan Internet of Things 16 (2021) 100462
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we presented a critical survey of research work done on intrusion detection using ML techniques over the last
decade. We also discussed some of the open issues that still remain to be addressed. This survey is complementary to other existing
surveys on intrusion detection and will serve as a supplement to other surveys. It will also serve as ready reference to researchers
working on intrusion detection using ML techniques.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
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