Chapter 7 Plant Nutrition - Worksheet
Chapter 7 Plant Nutrition - Worksheet
Chapter 7 Plant Nutrition - Worksheet
c. Which factor affects the activity of the enzymes in the chloroplasts? ______
e. Because of the presence of this factor, plants are the main food producers. _____
3. Structured Question 1 [8 marks]
Leaf discs cut out from a destarched plant were divided into four groups and labeled
A, B, C and D. Groups A and B were floated on distilled water, while C and D were
floated on 5% glucose solution. Group A was exposed to light, while the others were
kept in the dark. Groups A, B and C had air but group D was kept in a vacuum (no
air). After 2 days, all the leaf discs were treated with iodine solution. The table below
summarizes the treatment given and the results of the iodine test.
Leaf discs A B C D
Floated on Distilled water Distilled water 5% glucose 5% glucose
Conditions Light; air Dark; air Dark; air Dark; vacuum
Iodine test Blue-black Pale brown Blue-black Pale brown
a. Plot a graph to show the relation between the rate of photosynthesis and
temperature. [3]