DRAFTLearning Plan G10Q1 U1.
DRAFTLearning Plan G10Q1 U1.
DRAFTLearning Plan G10Q1 U1.
Guided Questions:
Why does the learner need to understand and know the importance of Work Power and Energy?
Before you proceed, write your initial answer to the essential question in the IRF question below.
You need to accomplish only part with initial answer.
Reference: Activity Sheets/ DepEd Learning Material in Science 9
Instructions: Compute and Compare outputs in going up and down the stairs.
Learning DEEPEN
M1. Instructions:
It is good to know and familiarize those ideas and information about this topic for us to be
aware and knowledgeable about the deepest concept and importance of work power and
Enduring Understanding/Generalization:
The students will understand that energy is capacity to do work. The chemical potential energy
stored in the body of a person and the fuel used to run a machine can be spent to perform work.
In this mechanism, the one who does the work transfers mechanical energy to the object on
which the work is done. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but can only be transformed.
C-E-R Questions:
CRITERIA Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning Rating
4 3 2 1
Explanation of Explanations and Explanations and Explanations and Explanations and
the product presentation of the presentation of the presentation of the presentation of the
(20%) output is detailed output is clear. output is a little output is difficult to
and clear. difficult to understand
understand but and is missing
includes critical several
component. components.
Relevance The output done The computations The computations The computations
(30%) are relevant and done are accurate done are done are erroneous
show and show a wise erroneous and and do not show
understanding of use of the show some use of wise use of the
the concepts. concepts. the concepts. concepts.
Utilization Resources are Resources are Resources are Resources are not
of Resources efficiently utilized fully utilized with utilized but a lot utilized properly.
(20%) with less than less than 10%- of excess.
10% excess 25% excess.
Attractiveness/ The output is The output is well The output is less The output is not
Craftsman well-crafted and crafted and useful useful in useful in
(30%) useful for for demonstrating demonstrating the demonstrating the
demonstrating the the expected expected model. expected model.
expected model. model. They
They showcase showcase the
the desired desired product.
product and are
artistically done.
Check (/) the appropriate box in order to determine how much you are learning so far.
Explain energy
transformation in various
activities/events 9e.g.,
waterfalls, archery,
amusement, rides)
Perform activities to
demonstrate conservation of
mechanical energy.
Value Integration: