05 - Analysis of Folded Rocks
05 - Analysis of Folded Rocks
05 - Analysis of Folded Rocks
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Primary Folds ............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Tectonic Folds...........................................................................................................................3
4 Structural Relationships for Aiding Mapping and Interpretation of Folded Rocks ..................37
4.1 Relationships Between Folded Layering and Cleavage..........................................................37
4.2 Fold Vergence.........................................................................................................................39
4.3 Younging and Structural Facing..............................................................................................40
5 Controls on Mineralisation.............................................................................................................44
5.1 Flexural slip folding .................................................................................................................44
5.2 Fluid Flow During Cleavage Development..............................................................................45
5.3 Mineralisation during Formation of Zones of High Extension Associated with Folding...........49
5.4 Shear-Assisted Folding Processes and Controls on Mineralisation .......................................54
List of Figures
Folds commonly occur in conjunction with cleavages. Cleavages and folds form in
response to applied stresses and show coeval evolution as the deformation progresses. It
is common to see rocks that show several stages of folding and cleavage development.
Cleavages that form at the same time as folds will show develop in an axial planar
orientation that broadly bisects the fold hinge. However, the angle between the cleavage
and the folded layer will be variable depending on fold shape.
Features that are commonly folded include bedding, tectonic foliations and igneous
intrusions. Successive stages of folding can lead to complex fold geometries and the
rocks are said to contain superposed folds.
Figure 1.1_1
Soft Sediment Folding of Bedding
Figure 1.1_3
Soft Sediment Folding in a Marl from Chelopech, Bulgaria
Figure 1.2_1
Diagram to show a rollover antiform developed in the hangingwall block of a curved extensional fault
Figure 1.2_3
Photograph of a thrust-generated fault-propagation fold (above the lens cap) in the Golden Age reef,
Wiluna, Western Australia
The curved fibres lie on a fault plane and are a product of a very complex fault opening and movement history.
Figure 1.2_5
Fold Geometry Defined by a Drag-Folded Pegmatite Vein Adjacent to a Fault
Figure 1.2_6
Trends of Tectonic Foliation around the Ardara Pluton, Donegal, Ireland
Figure 1.2_7
Macroscale folds of sedimentary country rocks surrounding salt diapirs in the Great Kavir, Iran
Some zones of folded rock will only be expressed by sporadic outcrops. This may disguise
the overall scale of large folds as their exposure may be restricted to small outcrops.
However, the characteristics of large folds can be inferred from outcrop- and hand
specimen-scale relationships
The analysis of folded rocks necessitates the use of a consistent terminology to describe
fold morphology and a consistent terminology to ascribe different the different structural
ages to fold-related elements. The first portion of this course looks at the classification of
folds and fold properties, and uses a deformation nomenclature that puts fold elements in
an age context with other ductile structures such as cleavages and lineations.
In addition to the information described above, there are three pieces of information that
are critical to structural analysis of folded rocks:-
The fold axis orientation is measured as a plunge and plunge direction. The plunge is
measured in a vertical plane that contains the fold axis. The angle between a
horizontal line and the fold axis in the vertical plane is the fold plunge. It is important to
note the fold plunge is measured in a vertical plane containing the fold axis, NOT in
the axial plane. For upright folds with subvertical axial planes the axial plane cleavage will
be approximately the same as the vertical plane containing the fold axis. However,
depending on the orientation of the fold, the difference in orientation between the axial
plane and the vertical plane containing the fold axis can be marked (Figure 2.2_2).
Figure 2.2_2
Diagrams to illustrate the relationship between a fold, its axial plane, and the plunge of the fold axis
Further information can be obtained such as the orientation of the form surface of folded
Figure 2.2.1_1
Features Associated with Folding
Fold classification by dip of the axial surface is based on subdivision of the dip into several
categories (Table 2.2.1_1).
Table 2.2.1_1
Fold Classification by Dip of the Axial Surface
Fold classification by plunge of the fold axis is based on subdivision into several categories
(Table 2.2.1_2).
Fold classification can be done in terms of the shape of the folds based on the relative
length of their limbs (Figure 2.2.1_1). Symmetric folds occur in fold hinges and are termed
M folds. Asymmetric folds occur on the limbs of relatively larger-scale folds and are
defined as S or Z folds depending on their asymmetric appearance.
When describing folds it is important to document both the orientation and the shapes of
the folds, including their asymmetry. Fold shape is important as it may be helpful in
correlating folds in isolated outcrops. Folds formed in the same deformation event may
have a consistent shape that is recognisable from outcrop to outcrop whereas folds formed
in different deformation events may have obviously different shapes.
The three-dimensional aspect of folds is also important with regard to fold documentation.
Some folds are cylindrical, which means they have straight, parallel hingelines and the
same size and shape of profile along the length of the fold axis. Other folds vary markedly
and individual folds may show plunges in opposing directions along the plunge direction of
the fold axis (Figure 2.2.1_3). Such folds are termed doubly plunging folds and can be
products of zones of high strain or due to an overprinting deformation that has deformed
folds that were originally cylindrical. Dome and basin geometries are common at all scales
and some of the terminology associated with these are given in Figure 2.2.1_4. In the
case of high strain zones the fold axes rotate toward parallelism with the
extension/stretching lineation and develop domal and sheath geometries. These high
strain geometries are covered in Section 2.4: Fold development in zones of high strain.
Figure 2.2.1_3
Variation in fold plunge direction for a single fold
Such folds are termed non-cylindrical. The asymmetries of parasitic folds are also shown.
Fold axes are just a special type of intersection lineation that is located on the hinge line of
a fold.
Fold axes are denoted by the letter ‘F’ and are described with a subscript and a
The superscript is the number of the oldest surface that is folded and the subscript is the
number of the youngest surface that folds it.
For example, if Surface A (SA) is the folded and Surface B (SB) is the axial plane of the
event that has caused the folding, then the line of Fold axis is called FAB.
Another example: If D3 folds bedding (S0), then the Fold axis is called F03.
Because Fold axes are just a special type of intersection lineation that is located on the
hinge line of a fold, they are parallel to intersection lineations produced during the same
For example, F03 is parallel to L03, F01 is parallel to L01 and so on.
Figure 2.2.2_1
Structural nomenclature for a simple fold
Figure 2.2.2_2
Structural notation for the description of fold axes
Figure 2.2.2_4
Ductile deformation features associated with two phases of folding
Figure 2.3_1
Diagram to illustrate the progressive development of a fold
The photos show the ongoing tightening of the folds along with associated intensification of cleavage and increasing
asymmetry to the fold geometries. Photos are from the Bogoso-Prestea trend, southern Ghana.
Crenulations develop in the same manner as the mesoscale folds and represent
microscale manifestations of the same strain state. Crenulations will typically duplicate the
same geometry as that of the portion of the fold they are located on. With increasing strain
the crenulations become progressively more asymmetric to the point where the long limbs
differentiate and are comprised of phyllosilicate-rich domains parallel to the fold axial plane
(Figures 2.3_4 and 2.3_5). Once throughgoing differentiation zones have developed they
accommodate much of the shearing strain that allows the movement necessary for
ongoing fold development (Figure 2.3_6).
Example of an advanced stage of folding where the short limbs of the asymmetric folds have been preserved and the long
limbs have accommodated significant shearing strain resulting in pronounced attenuation of the fold long limbs.
From the Wassa deposit, Ghana.
Figure 2.3_4
Asymmetric differentiated crenulations of bedding from the Hodgkinson Province,
A very important process that operates during fold development is that of reactivation.
Reactivation is a process involving accommodation of a sense of shear on inclined layering
that is the opposite to that on the macroscale fold limb. This opposite sense of shear is
accommodated by layering that is in a favourable orientation relative to the far field stress
and typically happens when the folded layering has been rotated to a moderate angle to
σ1. Thus, at intermediate stages of fold development it is common for the axial planar
cleavage to accommodate a synthetic sense of shear and to aid fold development while
adjacent layers will accommodate an opposite sense of shear and may even unfold some
pre-folded layers. As the folds tighten, the layers that were in favourable orientations for
accommodating reactivation are progressively rotated toward the orientation of the axial
plane cleavage, which accommodates a synthetic sense of shear. Consequently,
reactivation is then over-ridden by synthetic shearing as the previously reactivated layers
attain unfavourable orientations for accommodating the antithetic shear.
Garnet porphyroblasts (black) in the hinge regions of asymmetric differentiated crenulations. The cleavage is defined by
seams of mica that represent the mica-rich limbs of the crenulations. These limbs are zones of shearing strain and the
quartz-rich crenulation hinges are zones of shortening and minor shearing strain.
Form the Robertson River Metamorphics, north Queensland, Australia.
Figure 2.3_6
Diagram to illustrate the different senses of shear operating on opposite limbs of a fold
The fold is formed by shearing on the differentiated crenulation cleavage, which has different asymmetries on
opposite limbs of the fold.
Figure 2.3_7
Schematic diagram to illustrate the process of reactivation
Reactivation involves the accommodation of an antithetic sense of shear along the layering being folded.
Figure 2.4_1
Sheath/condom fold development
Development of a tubular sheath (or condom) fold in a zone of intense shearing strain. The fold axis rotates from lying
at a high angle to the stretching direction to being subparallel to it.
Figure 2.4_2
Sectional view of a sheath fold developed in calcsilicate rocks from the Overhang Jaspilite
The rocks that undergo the highest strains evolve into mylonites. The term ‘mylonite’
refers to a deformation texture rather than a type of rock and so should not be used as a
rock name within a stratigraphic sequence.
Mylonites are foliated and lineated rocks that show evidence for intense ductile
deformation. They can occur in any rock type and can form zones from millimeters to
several kilometres in width. Mylonites are recognizable by their small grain size and
strongly developed, unusually regular and planar foliations (Figures 2.4_4 and 2.4_5). The
high strain rates responsible for formation of mylonites are such that the deformed grains
are unable to recrystallise and grow to greater sizes.
Mylonites contain porhyroclasts, which are remnants of resistant mineral grains that are of
a larger size than the grains in the matrix (Figure 2.4_6). The planar fabric of mylonites is
called a mylonitic foliation and commonly shows an intense linear fabric on its surface
(Figure 2.4_7). The high strains commonly result in refolding and sheath fold formation of
the mylonitic fabric during a protracted progressive deformation. In addition to tubular
sheath folds, the lineation may define fold geometries due to formation under high strain
conditions and then deformation by the same strain field as the deformation progresses.
Linear fabrics are usually best developed in polymineralic rocks where intense grain size
reduction has taken place.
Mylonitic quartz-feldspar porphyry from the Porphyry deposit in the Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia. Extremely high
strain is evident in the grey bands that have evolved to ultramylonites.
Figure 2.4_5
Mylonite exposure that looks morphologically similar to sedimentary layering
Laminar mylonitic foliation in an underground exposure in the Quarters mine, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia.
This rock was originally misinterpreted as comprising a sedimentary sequence.
The top figure shows the dyke-metasediment contact, with the dyke being the lighter material. The lower figure shows the
mylonitic lineation developed along the contact surface of the dyke. The dyke exhibits a porphyroclastic texture due to the
preservation of feldspars that have a greater grainsize than the matrix. From the Annan River, north Queensland, Australia.
Figure 2.4_7
Mylonitic lineation
Well developed mylonitic lineation on the mylonitic foliation of a sample from Wassa mine, Ghana
Figure 3_1
Subvertical slaty cleavage cross-cutting inclined bedding
The keen-eyed geologist has determined that the cleavage-bedding relationship indicates an antiform to the right of the
photograph. From the northern Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia.
Lithological layering is parallel to the short edge of the photo. From the Robertson River Metamorphics,
Queensland, Australia.
Figure 3_3
Seamy dissolution cleavage developed in a marl due to pressure solution
The cleavage is parallel to the long edge of the photo. From Chelopech, Bulgaria.
Figure 3_5
Schistosity in amphibolite-grade rocks of the Robertson River Metamorphics
These fabrics are the result of grain-scale deformation processes. In the context of folding,
the orientation patterns of cleavages and the intensity of development reflect the state of
strain of the folded layers. The orientation of the cleavage generally coincides closely with
the plane of maximum flattening (i.e. the X-Y plane of the finite strain ellipsoid) although it
never equates exactly to this. In detail the cleavage planes anastomose such that the
average orientation of the cleavage approximates the X-Y plane.
This cleavage has evolved from a differentiated crenulation cleavage comprising mica-rich limb zones separating quartz-rich
hinge zones. Progressive deformation has destroyed many of the microfold geometries in the quartz-rich zones and
produced a well developed differentiated cleavage.
Figure 3_7
Gneissic foliation developed in granite gneisses of the Leeuwin Metamorphic Complex,
Augusta, Western Australia
Figure 3.1_1
Anastomosing axial planar cleavage
The cleavage is axial plane to a fold in a turbiditic sequence in the Hodgkinson Province, north Queensland, Australia.
Marked refraction of the cleavage occurs across boundaries separating layers of different competency.
Figure 3.2_1
Intense stretching lineation developed in schists in the Pakaka area of the Moto goldfield, DRC
Intense lineation defined by steeply plunging fold axes and parallel intersection lineations in the Bunkers pit,
The Granites goldfield, Northern Territory, Australia
Figure 3.2_3
Lineation defined by fold axes and boudins
Steeply plunging fold axis in the Bunkers pit, The Granites goldfield, Northern Territory, Australia.
The folded cherty layer has been boudinaged and the boudins plunge parallel to the fold axis.
Bedding makes an intersection lineation on the plane and dips from upper right to lower left.
Figure 3.2_5
Folded extension lineation on a folded cleavage surface in the Wassa open pit, Ghana
Extension lineation defined by elongate pock marks in metasedimentary rocks from the Dead Bullock Soak area,
Tanami Desert, Northern Territory, Australia
Figure 3.2_7
Extension lineation defined by the preferential alignment of andalusite porphyroblasts
Figure 3.2_9
Folded cherty layering in the Mt Majestic area, Tanami Desert
The preferred alignment of quartz pressure fringes, on the pyrites, define a stretching lineation in the cleavage.
Figure 3.2_11
Bedding-cleavage intersection and crenulation cleavage intersection lineations
The two different forms of lineations are developed on a cleavage surface in graphite-rich metasedimentary rocks in the
Prestea open pit, Ghana. Bedding has produced an intersection lineation at a low angle to the long edge of the photo. An
overprinting crenulation has produced a crenulation intersection lineation that trends from the end of the pen down to the
lower left.
The most obvious lineation trends at a low angle to the long edge of the photo and a finer-scale one is evident between these,
dipping moderately from upper left to lower right. The sample is from the Prestea open pit, Ghana
Figure 3.2_13
Mullion structures
Mullion structure developed in a sandy layer in turbitditic rocks from the Hodgkinson Province near Laura, north Queensland,
Australia. The mullions have developed on perturbations represented by primary convolute laminations. Long lost wedding
ring for scale.
Mullion structure developed in a sandy layer in turbitditic rocks from the Hodgkinson Province near Laura, north Queensland,
Australia. The mullions have developed on perturbations represented by primary convolute laminations. Long lost wedding
ring for scale.
Figure 3.2_15
Fibrous lineations wrapping a stretched pebble from the Mt Majestic area, Tanami Desert
Figure 4.1_1
Vergence relationships involving cleavage in folded rocks
The top diagram in the top figure shows how the angle between the cleavage and folded layering changes around the fold.
The asymmetry can be described in terms of the folded layering because this changes orientation. On the right-hand limbs of
the synform the layering lies clockwise of cleavage. On the left-hand limb of the synform the bedding lies anticlockwise of the
cleavage. Directions to the major antiform are shown in the lower diagrams: A) parasitic fold geometries and B) foliation-
layering asymmetries. In both cased the asymmetric geometries indicate the presence of a larger-scale antiform to the right
of the outcrops as view.
The bottom diagram shos S, Z and M asymmetries intersected in diamond core. Note the tight fold hinge between the Z and
S asymmetry folds
In conjunction with the asymmetry of the parasitic folds, the angular relationship between
axial planar cleavage and the folded layering can also be used. This is a powerful tool,
particularly in the absence of parasitic structures. In the hinges of the folds the cleavage
will be at a high angle to the layering that is folded. On the limbs the cleavage will be
closer in orientation to the folded layering and the angular relationship between the
cleavage and the layering will reverse across the fold hinge.
Comparisons of fold asymmetry must be made by looking in the same direction down
the plunge of the fold axes. In the absence of parasitic fold axes, the comparison of
vergence relationships must be made by looking in the same direction down the
plunge of the intersection lineation because this will be parallel to the fold axes.
Structural facing is defined as the direction, perpendicular to the fold axis and in the
plane of the cleavage, in which a sequence youngs (Figures 4.3_1 and 4.3_2).
Structural facing information can be critical for determining whether or not fold limbs are
overturned in areas of restricted outcrop. Because structural facing is determined in the
plane of the cleavage, its orientation will be constant for folds those folds that the cleavage
is the axial plane to. For some overturned limbs we will note upward younging but
downward facing. This indicates that the ‘normal’ sense of younging is actually a response
of overturning of the fold.
Sedimentary younging data is also used in conjunction with fold geometries to provide a
terminology for fold shapes. This terminology allows the geologist to distinguish between two
separate folds with similar geometry but with layering that youngs in two different directions.
For example, an antiform in one location may have the youngest strata in the core of the fold,
whereas an antiform in another location may have the oldest rocks in its core. This has
resulted in the terminology of anticlines and synclines shown in Figure 4.3_5.
Figure 4.3_2
Diagram to illustrate an outcrop with upward younging but downward facing
Such an outcrop could be interpreted as right-way-up in the absence of structural facing, when the layer is in fact overturned.
This is shown in context in Figure 4.3_3.
Note that the younging is locally right-way-up (i.e. upward) on the right-hand limb. However, structural facing is consistently
downward, indicating that the layer is overturned overall. This structure would be termed a synformal anticline because it is a
synform and the layering youngs outward away from the core of the fold.
Figure 4.3_4
Diagram to illustrate the relationship of structural facing and sedimentary younging
Note that the structural facing is determined in the cleavage in the direction that the sequence youngs. This direction is at
right angles to the fold axis and the intersection lineation, which are parallel..
Fold terminology incorporating fold geometry and sedimentary younging. In areas where there is doubt as to the direction of
younging it is best to describe the folds as antiforms or synforms i.e in terms of geometry alone.
Figure 5.1_1
Diagram to illustrate layer-parallel slip during flexural slip folding
Volume problems occur in the hinge regions, resulting in the formatio of space that can be infilled by hydrothermal minerals.
Figure 5.1_3
Sulphidation of a banded iron formation that has been localised in the fold hinges
Localisation of sulphidation in the fold hinges is probably due to focussing of hydrothermal fluids into the fold hinge during
flexural slip folding.
Slaty cleavage development has been suggested as involving substantial mass transfer,
sometimes on the scale of up to kilometres. Slaty cleavage development involves the
formation of subparallel, closely-spaced, relatively silica-poor and mica-rich bands that
have pronounced elongation (Figure 5.2_1). Loss of silica and feldspar are the main
processes during cleavage development and involve the movement of large volumes of
fluid. Water:rock ratios in zones of high strain have been suggested as being as high as
1000 -10,000.
Figure 5.2_1
Two examples of slaty cleavage from the Fiery Creek Slate Belt in north Queensland, Australia
At low-to moderate metamorphic grades the development cleavage shows a coeval control
of sulphide deposition and growth. Cleavage planes appear to play the role of dissolution
planes, fluid conduits, and local sites of deposition. It is common to see a preferred
alignment of sulphide grains (Figures 5.2_2, 5.2_3, 5.2_4 and 5.2_5), and less commonly,
gold (Figure .2_6), within the cleavage and this relationship is commonly used as evidence
that sulphide deposition and cleavage formation have taken place synchronously.
Preferred alignment of arsenopyrite grains in a turbidite from the Callie mine in the Northern Territory, Australia.
The arsenopyrite is elongate parallel to the cleavage. Bedding is subparallel to the long edge of the photo.
Figure 5.2_3
Preferred alignment of pyrrhotite within a cleavage in a handspecimen from the
Gimlet South Mine, Western Australia
Figure 5.2_4
Sulphide porphyroblasts parallel to an axial planar foliation
Preferred alignment of pyrrhotite grains in the axial planar foliation to mesoscale folds from the Callie deposit,
Northern Territory, Australia.
Figure 5.2_6
Preferred alignment of gold (bright white-yellow) parallel to a late foliation in the
Sunrise Mine, Western Australia
Syndeformational gold and base metal deposits commonly occur in thick turbidite terranes
that have undergone brittle-ductile or brittle deformation. Structures characteristically
involve ‘similar-style’ folds with great vertical extent (e.g. the Victorian goldfields, Australia)
and reverse faults are generally associated with anticlines. These faults provide fluid
pathways to anticlinal trapsites (Figure 5.2_7).
The faults and the reefs are interpreted as coeval products of the deformation responsible for folding.
5.3 Mineralisation during Formation of Zones of High Extension Associated with Folding
Zone of localised high strain can be very important for the localisation of mineralisation.
High strain zones can act as fluid conduits and can be very effective in this regard if the
strain rate is great enough to facilitate brittle failure of the rock, forming fractures for the
passage of fluids. Furthermore, extensional strain plays an important role in the
localisation of hydrothermal mineral deposition. If the rocks are unable to deform enough
to accommodate the shape and volume changes created by extension, local volume
problems will occur. These may be characterised by the formation of voids, which act as
sinks to hydrothermal fluids. Opening of these voids results in pressure decrease and
effectively sucks fluid in. In cases where the tensile strength of the rock is exceeded,
hydrothermal brecciation of the rock is common, resulting in jostling of breccia fragments
and allowing open space to be sustained.
Figure 5.3_1
Localisation of mineralisation in sheath folds that are elongate parallel to the extension lineation
Schematic diagram to illustrate rotation of fold axes toward the extension lineation during progressive deformation.
This can localise mineralisation in sheath folds parallel to the extension direction
Figure 5.3_2
Localisation of mineralisation within tensional sites developed in a competent layer
Sites that host mineralisation include boudin necks and conjugate extensional fractures.
Figure 5.3_4
Sulphides in tensional fractures
Chalcopyrite localised in tensional sites of a quartz vein that has undergone pinch-and-swell deformation.
From Cobar, New South Wales, Australia
Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite are localised in boudin necks of quartz veins that have undergone boudinage.
From Cobar, New South Wales, Australia.
Figure 5.3_6
Localisation of sulphides and gold during boudinage
Gold bounded by chalcopyrite in the tensional site developed between pyrite grains from Kanowna Belle,
Eastern Goldfields Province, Western Australia.
Gold hosted by tensional fractures in pyrite and in the low mean stress sites developed at the ends of the pyrite grain.
The pyrite grain is elongate in the regional tectonic foliation.
From Kanowna Belle, Eastern Goldfields Province, Western Australia.
Extensional strain in the plane of the cleavage can cause development of planar orebodies
that are parallel to the axial plane of folds and link fold hinges (Figure 5.4_1) In this case
the local zones of extension along individual fold axes link up to form a planar body that is
the product of originally linear orebodies. This may be the reason that planar orebodies
contain local high grade shoots with a preferred orientation.
Bulk movement
Bulk movement of of limb relative
hinge relative to limbs to hinge
Progressive deformation associated with fold formation produces sites of low mean stress and fluid inflow in the fold hinges.
Opposite shear senses also operate and promote the formation of low mean stress sites. The opposing movement senses
are the result of interaction between the bulk movement senses producing the macroscale fold, and an antithetic sense of
shear that is resolved along folded layering due to its oblique angle to the principal stress on the fold limbs. Ongoing folding
can cause linkage of hinge zone mineralised zones resulting in a planar orebody that is parallel to the axial plane of the fold.
The black arrows show the synthetic sense of shear that is the same for that forming the macroscale fold at the bulk scale.
The Red arrows show the sense of antithetic shear operating on favourably oriented layers comprising the fold limb.
These two opposing movement senses can interact to form zones of tensional strain that may localise brecciation and
deposition of hydrothermal mineralisation.
Packages of rock that contain one or more sequences juxtaposed against another across
angular discontinuities can be prime sites for localising extensional strain (Figure 5.4_3).
This is because layers in one orientation will be able to accommodate shearing strain
associated with deformation whereas those in the adjacent sequence will not. This causes
an accumulation of extensional strain at the discontinuity and can focus fluids into the pre-
existing fault. Furthermore, the different orientations of the pervasive fabrics in different
sequences may allow the opposite senses of shear to be accommodated by layers on
either side of the fault (e.g. Figure 5.4_3). The interaction of opposing movement senses
can further enhance the extensional strain and favour ingress of hydrothermal fluids.
Opposing shear senses can create dramatic results if they occur across major lithological boundaries. The example shown is
one such hypothesis for a geometric situation analogous to that hosting the copper orebodies at Mt Isa.