Real Time Sentiment Analysis of Student's Feedback: VOLUME XX, 2017 1
Real Time Sentiment Analysis of Student's Feedback: VOLUME XX, 2017 1
Real Time Sentiment Analysis of Student's Feedback: VOLUME XX, 2017 1
Student’s Feedback
Educational Data Mining (EDM) plays integral role in the improvement of education by keeping a check on the performance
of the student in his/her studies and by trying to understand learning of the students. Conducting feedbacks from students
toward the year's end/semester has an issue and disadvantage, as the students who previously taken the course are not getting
the benefit of the course as their issues were not solved. In order to benefit the students, those who are currently taking the
course, their feedback should be taken in real time and their issues must be resolved in real time. This is a beneficial
approach as this allows the teacher and students to resolve the teaching and learning issues. Analyzing the student’s
comments and feedbacks by using the sentiment analysis techniques helps to identify student’s positive, neutral or negative
review towards the current teaching methodology adopted by teacher. In this article, we have proposed a system that will
analyze the student’s feedback in real time. Furthermore, based on the proposed solution it will also help the teacher to
benefit the students by managing the conflicts in an efficient way. Lastly this technique will help to depicts more accurate
results then previous solutions.
INDEX TERMS Sentiment analysis, Data Mining, Educational Data Mining, Student’s Feedback,
teaching methodology, Education, positive, negative, neutral, polarity.
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The hyper parameters are, LSTM layer has 196 nodes,
it is the result aspect of word vector. In order to
train model varies parameters are used. The dropout
rate is 0.2 and softmax is used as activation function.
Adam optimization function with batch size 64 is used
Figure 1 Sentiment Analysis Model Structure. for model training, on the thick layer softmax
quickening work for multi-arrangement is utilized. In
order to avoid overfitting dropout regularization is
LSTM is A type of recurrent neural network which is used. The text feedbacks that are inputs entered to the
capable of learning order dependence in a sequence embedding layer, converting individual word to 300-
prediction problem is call Long Short-Term Memory dimensional vector.
(LSTM) network. The representation of a sentence is
done by LSTM model in a sequential manner. Word The word embedding layer parameters are
vector works as an input for one stage that fed the maximum features, embedding features, input
LSTM layer and in order to compute the next hidden length and vector is entered to LSTM model.
state, the previous closed state is taken to LSTM. The LSTM layer forwards the final output to the dense
fundamental benefits for the execution of LSTM for layer for the predictions of output. Categorical
sentence vector is that to out the decent length sentence cross-entropy for multiclass sentiment
vector for any irregular variable length sentences. It classification is used as the loss function.
additionally stores the request for word and it has no
reliance on other etymological highlights in order to
compute semantics. The predictions are in RNN, It Ot
sequentially, which assign a memory to the network Input Output
The 3 elements of an LSTM cell are called gates. The LSTM block
first element is referred to as Forget gate, the second
Ct tanh
one element is called the Input gate and the closing one
is the Output gate.The results got from the previous
predictions can help to improve the future predictions. tanh
LSTM provides an additional feature to RNN which
gives RNN a fine-grained control over the memory.
This feature is responsible to control that how much Forget
the current input concerns in the creation of new
memory, and which sections of memory plays
important role in output generation. The performance Figure 2 LSTM Model Block Diagram
of the model is improved by word2vec without any
large supervised preparing set. The following equation
shows the course of LSTM model where sigmoid
strategic function is used and there are some basic IV. Experiments and Results
gates, input gate controls how much new inputs are Nowadays, internet has become one of the major
added into model, forget gate shows the amount of old source for individuals to communicate their
information sent by past hidden state and the output sentiments. Clients are currently more ready to
gate is used to determine the amount of influence of impart and communicate their insights or inputs
current node to the external network. Following are the online [8]. There is a benefit as an ever increasing
equations involved in order to compute the values of number of suppositions can be separated from a
LSTM: more extensive scope of source. In data mining,
interpersonal organizations have been utilized for
quite a long time [9]. This gave such countless
great benefits in utilizing online media, for
example, twitter as twitter is forward-thinking and
offers data about current news and occasions
happening all around the globe [10]. In this project
the information must be continuously and for this
reason twitter will be utilized The tweets of the
clients are gathered from the twitter based on that
info indicated by client is as Hashtags [10]. The
course of tweet order is started first by the
collections of the tweets. It is feasible to gather the
information of twitter by utilizing a twitter API.
The work defined in this paper is a step forward in
direction of quick filtration of hashtags. Short
messages are more difficult to categories than
large corpus of textual content. This is usually due
to the fact there are few phrase occurrences and
therefore it's very hard to capture the semantics of
such messages. Hence, conventional tactics like
“Bag-Of-Words” which were implemented to
classify short texts or hashtags now no longer
carry out in addition to expected. Existing works
on class of quick textual content messages
combine messages with meta-facts from different
facts reasserts including Wikipedia and WordNet.
Automatic textual content class and hidden topic
extraction tactics carry out properly while there's
meta-facts or while the context of the fast textual
content is prolonged with know-how extracted the
usage of massive collections. But those tactics
require on-line querying which may be very time-
eating and undeserving for actual time
applications. We have proposed a framework to
categories Twitter messages which serves an
excellent candidate for quick textual content