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Tanare, Abigaylle Althea E.



Tissues (tish′ūz) are collections of specialized cells  Protecting underlying structures.

and the extracellular substances surrounding them.  Acting as a barrier.
 Permitting the passage of substances.
Histology study of tissue.
 Secreting substances.
Extracellular matrix the composition of the  Absorbing substances.
noncellular substances surrounding the cells.
A biopsy (bī′op-sē) is the process of removing tissue
Simple epithelium consists of a single layer of cells.
samples from patients.
Stratified epithelium consists of more than one layer
autopsy (aw′top-sē) is an examination of the organs
of cells.
of a dead body.
 only the basal layer attaches the deepest
EMBRYONIC TISSUE layer to the basement membrane.
Approximately 13 or 14 days after fertilization, the
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium is a special
embryonic stem cells that give rise to a new
type of simple epithelium.
individual form a slightly elongated disk consisting of
two layers, the epiblast and the hypoblast.  The prefix pseudo- means false.

The suffix- blast means bud or germ.

endoderm (en′dō-derm), the inner layer, forms the Squamous (skwā′mŭs) cells are flat or scalelike.
lining of the digestive tract and its derivatives.
Cuboidal (cubelike) cells are cube-shaped—about as
mesoderm (mez′ō-derm), the middle layer, forms wide as they are tall.
tissues such as muscle, bone, and blood vessels.
Columnar cells tend to be taller than they are wide.
ectoderm (ek′tō-derm), the outer layer, forms the
skin. Nonkeratinized (moist) stratified squamous
epithelium , found in areas such as the mouth,
a portion of the ectoderm called neuroectoderm esophagus, rectum, and vagina, consists of living
(noor-ō-ek′tō-derm) becomes the nervous system. cells in the deepest and outermost layers.

neural crest cells Groups of cells that break away keratinized (ker′ă-ti-nīzd) stratified squamous
from the neuroectoderm during development. epithelium, found in the skin.

a unique type of stratified epithelium called

transitional epithelium lines the urinary bladder,
ureters, pelvis of the kidney, and superior part of the

goblet cells, which are specialized columnar

epithelial cells.

Desmosomes have some relatively strong adhesive


Hemidesmosomes attach epithelial cells to the

EPITHELIAL TISSUE basement membrane-like one-half of a desmosome.

Epithelial (ep-i-thē′lē-ăl) tissue, or epithelium (ep-i- Tight junctions hold cells together and form a
the′lē-ŭm), covers and protects surfaces, both permeability barrier.

free, or apical (ap′i-kăl), surface where cells are adhesion belt of glycoproteins is found just below
exposed and not attached to other cells. the tight junction.

 a lateral surface where cells are attached to gap junction is a small, specialized contact region
other epithelial cells. between cells.
 basal surface attached to a basement
membrane. specialized cell-to-cell connections called
intercalated disks.

Glands are secretory organs.

Tanare, Abigaylle Althea E. BSN-107

present. Glands with ducts are called exocrine (ek osteoclasts break it down.
′sō-krin) glands.
Collagenous- tough, flexible, resist, stretching.
no ducts; these are called endocrine (en′dō-krin)
glands. Fibroblasts are cells that form fibrous connective
Hormones secreted into the bloodstream and
carried throughout the body. fibrocytes maintain it.

multicellular glands Most exocrine glands are Chondroblasts form cartilage.

composed of many cells.
chondrocytes maintain it.
unicellular glands some exocrine glands are
Adipocytes (ad′i-pōs-sītz), also called adipose (ad′i-
composed of a single cell.
pōs; fat) cells, contain large amounts of lipid.
goblet cells are unicellular glands that secrete
Mast cells play important roles in inflammation.
White blood cells, or leukocyts, continuously move
Simple glands have a single, nonbranched duct.
from blood vessels into connective tissues.
Compound glands have multiple, branched ducts.
Macrophages are large, phagocytic cells found in
tubular, tubules (small tubes). some connective tissue types.

acinar (as′i-nar) or alveolar shaped in saclike Platelets are fragments of hemopoetic cells
structures. containing enzymes and special proteins.

merocrine (mer′ō-krin) secretion most common type Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells are a type of
of secretion. adult stem cell that persist in connective tissue.

Apocrine (ap′ō-krin) secretion involves the release of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX

secretory products as pinched off fragments of the
The extracellular matrix of connective tissue has
gland cells.
three major components: (1) protein fibers, (2)
Holocrine (hol′ō-krin) secretion involves the ground substance, and (3) fluid. The ground
shedding of entire cells. substance consists of non-fibrous protein and other
Collagen (kol′a-jen) fibers consist of the protein of
 Connective tissue is a diverse primary tissue collagen.
type that makes up part of every organ in
the body. Reticular (re-tik′ū-lār; netlike) fibers are very fine
 Connective tissue is diverse in both collagen fibers and therefore not a chemically
structure and function. distinct category of fibers.

Elastic fibers consist of the protein elastin (e-las′tin).

ground substance consists of nonfibrous molecules.
 Enclosing and separating other tissues.
 Connecting tissues to one another. Hyaluronic (hī′ă-loo-ron′ik; glassy appearance) acid is
 Supporting and moving parts of the body. a long, unbranched polysaccharide chain composed
 Storing compounds. of repeating disaccharide units.
 Cushioning and insulating.
 Protecting.
proteoglycan (prō′tē-ō-glī′kan) monomer is a large
CELLS OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE molecule that consists of a protein.

Blasts create the matrix. a protein core attached to many long

polysaccharides called glycosaminoglycans
cytes maintain it.
common glycosaminoglycan is chondroitin (kon-drō
clasts break it down for remodeling. ′i-tin) sulfate.

Osteoblasts form bone. (osteo means bone) link proteins to a long molecule of hyaluronic acid to
form a proteoglycan aggregate.
osteocytes maintain it.
Tanare, Abigaylle Althea E. BSN-107

Adhesive molecules in the ground substance hold the cartilage cells are called chondrocytes
the proteoglycan aggregates together.
spaces in which they are located are called lacunae
chondronectin is in the ground substance of
cartilage. Hyaline (hī′ă-lin) cartilage has large amounts of both
collagen fibers and proteoglycans
osteonectin is in the ground substance of bone.
Fibrocartilage has more collagen fibers than
fibronectin is in the ground substance of fibrous proteoglycans
connective tissue.
Elastic cartilage has numerous elastic fibers in
Embryonic connective tissue is called mesenchyme addition to collagen and proteoglycans dispersed
throughout its matrix
The major source of remaining embryonic
connective tissue in the newborn is in the umbilical Bone is a hard connective tissue that consists of
cord, where it is called mucous connective tissue, or living cells and mineralized matrix.
Wharton’s jelly.
Osteocytes (os′tē-ō-sītz), or bone cells
Spongy bone has spaces between trabeculae
Compact bone is more solid
Loose (less fiber, more ground substance)
with almost no space between many thin layers, or
Dense (more fiber, less ground substance)
Areolar- “loose packing” material of most organs and
Blood is unusual among the connective tissues
other tissues.
because the matrix between the cells is liquid.
Adipose- under the skin
Hemopoietic (hē′mō-poy-et′ik) tissue forms blood
 Yellow adipose tissue is by far the most cells.
hemopoietic tissue is found in bone marrow
 brown adipose tissue is found in specific
areas of the body, body, such as the axillae Red marrow is hemopoietic tissue surrounded by a
(armpits), the neck, and near the kidneys. framework of reticular fibers.
Reticular- kidney and spleen. Yellow marrow consists of yellow adipose tissue and
does not produce blood cells.
 Reticular cells produce the reticular fibers
and remain closely attached to them.

DENSE muscle tissue is it contracts, or shortens, with a force

and therefore is responsible for movement.
Dense regular- one-direction
Skeletal muscle is what we normally think of as
Dense irregular- multiple directions.
Dense regular elastic connective tissue consists of
Skeletal muscle cells are striated (strī′āt-ed), or
parallel bundles of collagen fibers and abundant
banded, because of the arrangement of contractile
elastic fibers.
proteins within the cells
 nuchal (noo′kăl; back of the neck)
Cardiac muscle is the muscle of the heart.
 ligament, which lies along the posterior of
the neck. They are

Dense irregular connective tissue contains protein often branched and connected to one another by
fibers arranged as a meshwork of randomly oriented intercalated (in-ter′kă-lā-ted; inserted between)
fibers. disks, which contain specialized gap junctions and
are important in coordinating cardiac muscle cell
Cartilage (kar′ti-lij) is composed of cartilage cells
Smooth muscle forms the walls of hollow organs.
within an extensive and relatively rigid matrix.

cartilage is surrounded by a layer of dense irregular NERVOUS TISSUE

connective tissue called the perichondrium.
Tanare, Abigaylle Althea E. BSN-107

Nervous tissue is found in the brain, spinal cord, and

nerves and is characterized by the ability to conduct
electrical signals called action potentials.

Neurons, or nerve cells, are the conducting cells of

nervous tissue.

cell body contains the nucleus and is the site of

general cell functions.

Dendrites (den′drītz) usually receive action


The axon (ak′son) usually conducts action potentials

away from the cell body.

Multipolar neurons have multiple dendrites and a

single axon

Bipolar neurons have a single dendrite and an axon.

Pseudounipolar neurons have only a single, short

process that extends from the cell body and then
divides into two branches.

Glia (g′lē-ă; glue) are the support cells of the brain.

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