neural crest cells Groups of cells that break away keratinized (ker′ă-ti-nīzd) stratified squamous
from the neuroectoderm during development. epithelium, found in the skin.
Epithelial (ep-i-thē′lē-ăl) tissue, or epithelium (ep-i- Tight junctions hold cells together and form a
the′lē-ŭm), covers and protects surfaces, both permeability barrier.
free, or apical (ap′i-kăl), surface where cells are adhesion belt of glycoproteins is found just below
exposed and not attached to other cells. the tight junction.
a lateral surface where cells are attached to gap junction is a small, specialized contact region
other epithelial cells. between cells.
basal surface attached to a basement
membrane. specialized cell-to-cell connections called
intercalated disks.
present. Glands with ducts are called exocrine (ek osteoclasts break it down.
′sō-krin) glands.
Collagenous- tough, flexible, resist, stretching.
no ducts; these are called endocrine (en′dō-krin)
glands. Fibroblasts are cells that form fibrous connective
Hormones secreted into the bloodstream and
carried throughout the body. fibrocytes maintain it.
acinar (as′i-nar) or alveolar shaped in saclike Platelets are fragments of hemopoetic cells
structures. containing enzymes and special proteins.
merocrine (mer′ō-krin) secretion most common type Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells are a type of
of secretion. adult stem cell that persist in connective tissue.
Osteoblasts form bone. (osteo means bone) link proteins to a long molecule of hyaluronic acid to
form a proteoglycan aggregate.
osteocytes maintain it.
Tanare, Abigaylle Althea E. BSN-107
Adhesive molecules in the ground substance hold the cartilage cells are called chondrocytes
the proteoglycan aggregates together.
spaces in which they are located are called lacunae
chondronectin is in the ground substance of
cartilage. Hyaline (hī′ă-lin) cartilage has large amounts of both
collagen fibers and proteoglycans
osteonectin is in the ground substance of bone.
Fibrocartilage has more collagen fibers than
fibronectin is in the ground substance of fibrous proteoglycans
connective tissue.
Elastic cartilage has numerous elastic fibers in
Embryonic connective tissue is called mesenchyme addition to collagen and proteoglycans dispersed
throughout its matrix
The major source of remaining embryonic
connective tissue in the newborn is in the umbilical Bone is a hard connective tissue that consists of
cord, where it is called mucous connective tissue, or living cells and mineralized matrix.
Wharton’s jelly.
Osteocytes (os′tē-ō-sītz), or bone cells
Spongy bone has spaces between trabeculae
Compact bone is more solid
Loose (less fiber, more ground substance)
with almost no space between many thin layers, or
Dense (more fiber, less ground substance)
Areolar- “loose packing” material of most organs and
Blood is unusual among the connective tissues
other tissues.
because the matrix between the cells is liquid.
Adipose- under the skin
Hemopoietic (hē′mō-poy-et′ik) tissue forms blood
Yellow adipose tissue is by far the most cells.
hemopoietic tissue is found in bone marrow
brown adipose tissue is found in specific
areas of the body, body, such as the axillae Red marrow is hemopoietic tissue surrounded by a
(armpits), the neck, and near the kidneys. framework of reticular fibers.
Reticular- kidney and spleen. Yellow marrow consists of yellow adipose tissue and
does not produce blood cells.
Reticular cells produce the reticular fibers
and remain closely attached to them.
Dense irregular connective tissue contains protein often branched and connected to one another by
fibers arranged as a meshwork of randomly oriented intercalated (in-ter′kă-lā-ted; inserted between)
fibers. disks, which contain specialized gap junctions and
are important in coordinating cardiac muscle cell
Cartilage (kar′ti-lij) is composed of cartilage cells
Smooth muscle forms the walls of hollow organs.
within an extensive and relatively rigid matrix.