Article Review

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Ashley G.

HUMMS 11- St. Albert

Title: Bullying in Schools: What Every Parent Should Know

Authors: Myk Brennan Ferrer & Cloei Marie Castro

Question/s Paragraph number/ Page number Answer with supporting details

Whatg issue is given focus by The effects of bullying to a

the writer? learner’s mental and social well-
being. And how the parents
could help preventing the
negative effect of bullying in
Is the writer able to take a clear Yes. They wrote the possible
stand on this issue? actions a parent could do about
the issue. And they also stated
how this issue affect a student
socially and mentally..
What’s the writers’ purpose It serves as an instrument for
writing the article? parents to know what they can
do to help their child if ever they
are in the certain situation. And
to students to know how a
simple act of bullying or even
calling out someone can have
big impact on their emotional
and physical well-being.
What is the writers’ tone? Why? As I see it, they used assertive
and persuasive tones. Persuasive
because they are trying to tell
parents that they need to talk to
their children. And assertive
because they provided assertions
firmly and with confidence.
Does the writer assumes the Yes. Simply because they
readers to agree with their asserted information in an
stand? objective manner and they only
stated facts and statements that
are factual, so that everyone can
agree and believe it. Aside from
the fact that they provided
factual statements, some are also
relatable based on my
experiences, which makes it
What are the evidence presented The writers statements included
by the writer to support their the history of bullying, also its
claims? effects and what it could do to
its victim’s well-being. They
also included the feelings that
the students feels/felt when in
this situation

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