The student analyzed 5 potential topics for a rhetorical analysis paper: 1) the effects of bullying on adolescence, 2) how insomnia affects veterans, 3) how bipolar disorder affects children, 4) the prevalence of bullying, and 5) cyberbullying. For each topic, the student identified the main argument, common evidence used, relevance, and current situation. The student hopes to find experts on mental health, veterans' issues, and child behavior. Some potential counterarguments and situations addressed are also noted. The worksheets aim to help the student choose a topic and develop sources to argue how certain issues can be better addressed.
The student analyzed 5 potential topics for a rhetorical analysis paper: 1) the effects of bullying on adolescence, 2) how insomnia affects veterans, 3) how bipolar disorder affects children, 4) the prevalence of bullying, and 5) cyberbullying. For each topic, the student identified the main argument, common evidence used, relevance, and current situation. The student hopes to find experts on mental health, veterans' issues, and child behavior. Some potential counterarguments and situations addressed are also noted. The worksheets aim to help the student choose a topic and develop sources to argue how certain issues can be better addressed.
The student analyzed 5 potential topics for a rhetorical analysis paper: 1) the effects of bullying on adolescence, 2) how insomnia affects veterans, 3) how bipolar disorder affects children, 4) the prevalence of bullying, and 5) cyberbullying. For each topic, the student identified the main argument, common evidence used, relevance, and current situation. The student hopes to find experts on mental health, veterans' issues, and child behavior. Some potential counterarguments and situations addressed are also noted. The worksheets aim to help the student choose a topic and develop sources to argue how certain issues can be better addressed.
The student analyzed 5 potential topics for a rhetorical analysis paper: 1) the effects of bullying on adolescence, 2) how insomnia affects veterans, 3) how bipolar disorder affects children, 4) the prevalence of bullying, and 5) cyberbullying. For each topic, the student identified the main argument, common evidence used, relevance, and current situation. The student hopes to find experts on mental health, veterans' issues, and child behavior. Some potential counterarguments and situations addressed are also noted. The worksheets aim to help the student choose a topic and develop sources to argue how certain issues can be better addressed.
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Rhetorical Analysis Invention and Source Worksheet
Name: Jaden Maldomado
Question Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5
The main The main The main argument is how argument is how argument is What is the bullying can insomnia affects how bi-polar main affect veterans but is disorder has a argument of adolescence not talked about major effect this topic? mentally. enough. on children.
Studies, Interviews are Studies and
programs, and heavily used to interviews are interviews are show the people used because it What kinds of evidence is some commonly how much it has allows readers commonly used evidences affected the to see how it used for this to support the veterans’ lives. affects them. argument? argument.
The effects of People in my I believe that
bullying need to family have bi-polar be talked about suffered from disorder is more because it insomnia due to treated Why is this can help save what they saw in incorrectly in issue relevant people’s lives. war. children or significant because it is to you? believed that they are just misbehaving and nothing is wrong with them. It is being found The situation is People are out that younger that it is not started to people are talked enough, catch on to bi- What is the experiencing which hurts the polar disorder situation of bullying more support veterans early on, this issue? often and have are able to get. which helps taken different treatment. ways to find a way out. Question Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Give credibility Give ways to Show their into why I establish their credibility and should listen to credibility and be able to What does an what they are give the veterans support their author have to saying about the side of the story. claims with do, in your topic and evidence. opinion, to convince you provide some of his/her pathos of stance on the families that issue? have gone through something like this. I am hoping to Some experts I am hoping to find experts that that I want to find people know more see are people that specialize What kind of about mental that have in child experts do you think (hope) to health and how experience behavior. find regarding serious it is. dealing with this topic? veterans that have insomnia. I know that I don’t know I know that bi- bullying can much about this polar make people feel topic because it disorders is as if the whole is not really overlooked by What do you world is against talked about. people when know already them, which they are about this could help me children. I topic that will either help you see how the believe this or hurt you effects can relate will not help when to this. nor hurt me in analyzing? my analysis.
They give The author uses The authors information personal are from the from their interviews from Department of How do you studies and 60 students (30 Health know what the interviewed males and 30 Informatics, author says is students that females). which shows reliable? had gone they know the through effects of bullying. bullying on students. The authors’ The author’s The evidence evidence is evidence is that is used by legitimate legitimate the author is because they because they legitimate show the report talked about because it is that they made pass studies and being backed with their compared how by several studies. theirs was to the organizations Is the evidence others. The and the the author uses information authors are legitimate? from their study experts in the Why or why was legitimate field. not? because it allowed students to give honest responses since the interviewer was someone, they had personal contact with. They omitted They only took They only other programs data from talked about besides theater people that had students from What are the and drama. personal contact Taiwan. They exceptions to with the omitted every the argument? interviewer, other type of What have they which can affect bullying omitted? the answers except cyber- because they can bullying be close to the same thing. That creating That they did That students programs to help not get enough should not be with bullying participants to using their What would the can back-fire show that this phones during counter- arguments for and make data can be school hours this article be? students not accepted on a because it can want to talk large scale. lead to about it even bullying. more. The need to That the That create programs education cyberbullying to give students systems need to is something a better way to do more to that needs to What is the learn about prevent bullying be stopped not situation the bullying and its in their schools. only in author is affects. Taiwan, but in replying to? the rest of the world.
To show the To show the To show that
audience that audience how many Taiwan programs can students feel students are help students about bullying cyberbullied What is the author’s talk about what in their more often. purpose? is happening to institution. them.
That these That students Cyber-
programs can feel that bullying bullying is help students is something affect a good understand immoral and number of What is the bullying better should not be students. author’s claim? and be able to used. seek help faster. Staff of schools Members of any Parents of educational students of institution and Taiwan Who is the parents as well. students author’s audience?
The authors do The author does The author
use logos. They use logos. It is uses loges by are using it by used by giving giving readers giving the the questions charts in the audience the that were on the journal. These impact these questionnaire to charts are programs had on the audience to used to give the students. It issee what and readers an being used by what the idea of who is Does the author giving feedback students had being use logos,? If so, on the program responded with. cyberbullied. indicate where from the It is being used It is being used and determine students because it allows to show that how and why it is being used. Is themselves and it the audience to cyberbullying it effective? is used to show see what others happens in Why or why that the think about the certain ages not? programs help problem, more. It is students. It is especially those effective effective because that it affects. It because it it allows the is effective gives audience audience to see because it shows members a the logical part educational certain of the program. systems the data percentage to of what the show that only students feel teenagers are about bullying. being affected. Does the author The authors do Yes, the author Yes, the use pathos? If use pathos. It is does use pathos. authors are so, indicate where and being used the It is used in the using pathos determine how background conclusion. It is by giving and why it is information on being used by statements being used. Is it bullying of giving different from students effective? Why students in disorders that that have been or why not? school. It is can happen to cyberbullied. being used by people that are It is being used showing the being bullied. It because it different is being used to allows the outcomes that make the authors to could happen audience feel have sympathy when someone is bad for the for the bullied. They use victims and take students and it to show how action to make hate bullying bad bullying can changes to more. It is be. It is affective prevent this. effective because it makes because it audience makes the members feel audience want that bullying is to feel a horrible. certain way. The authors talk The author uses Yes, the about the BPS ethos by using a authors use drama/workshop study that says ethos by giving which they have that 35% of information on done for other students ages 13 their study to schools. The to 15 have been build their authors are bullied. It is credibility. It saying that the being used by is used program helps giving more throughout the students credibility to the entire journal, Does the author understand changes the and it is used bullying more. use ethos? If so, author wants by giving the indicate where To show to the schools to make. statistics of the and determine schools that this It is being used study then how and why it program can is being used. Is to give schools make the it effective? help students different ways to audience feel Why or why more. It is improve their bad for the not? effective because systems. It is students. It is it talks about effective because being used how the students it shows that because it all felt positive these changes allows the about the can work with authors to program and its the use of the show the effects. study. audience that cyberbullying can a huge negative effect on people. Is the language Yes, the author No, the author The author the author uses does use does not use does not use specific to the audience? How language that is language that is language that do you know? Is specific to the specific to the is specific to it effective? audience. I know audience. I the audience. I Why or why because it talks know because know because not? about programs the language is the text is easy that members of basic. The use of to understand. schools would be language is It is effective able to effective because because it understand, but it allows readers elevates the not others. It is to focus on the data from the used effectively study instead of study and lets because it makes the words that readers go readers want to are being said. through the learn more journal easily. about these programs and how they can be implemented into their school. It gives students It shows It shows how an opportunity educational cyberbullying How does this to learn about institutions how is one of the author’s bullying and students feel scariest types argument how it affects about bullying because you function as part students in a and ways they don’t know of the larger conversation more modern can help prevent who is doing it regarding this way. all types of to you. issue? bullying.