Competency Level4 - Revised

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Level-4 : Competency based Appraisal (For AP(SG)s)

A. Self Appraisal:
Sl. No. Performance based Scaling
5 - Professional 4 – Proficient 3 – Specialist 2 – Practitioner 1 – Need (WF)
Skill Set
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Low
1. Strength in basic and fundamental knowledge of domain area/pedagogy, etc.
Strengthening the knowledge Elite Gold Elite Silver Elite Scoring Participation 2
through online courses (like NPTEL
and other MOOC offered by premier
2. Updating the skills by attending FDP programs & arranging training programs
2.1 Attending FDP/workshops/seminars At least one at At least one at At least one at Undergone one Undergone one 1
etc. per year relevant to the courses other Anna University Govt/Govt FDTP at FDTP within
taught/domain area/pedagogy states/IITs/NITs and other aided autonomous and NEC
premier institutions self financing
institutions institutions
2.2 Training programs organized Workshops/ Workshops/ Intra college Intra dept Intra dept 1
Seminars/FDP/ Seminars/ Programmes programmes programmes
STTP with FDP/STTP –self (One day) (One Session)
funding supporting
3. Involvement in teaching learning process by practicing innovative methods
Course file (Based on academic Positive No negative Some negative Deficiency in Not properly 1
auditing) comments remarks remarks documentation maintained
4. Ability to identify slow performers and guide them in acquiring enough knowledge and skills as Course Instructors
No. of slow learners improved (As Identified and Identified and Identified and Identified all Only identified 1
per the evidences available in the improved the improved the improved the slow learners the slow
course file) performances of performances of performances and efforts taken learners
all slow learners 50% slow of 25% slow
learners learners

5. Involvement in R& D Activity

No. of publications Two paper One paper Minimum one Minimum two Minimum three 2
5.1 published published and paper accepted papers are in papers are in
one accepted for for publication review submission
5.2 Research Publications – Impact >1.5 1.0-1.5 0.5-1 0.25-0.5 0.1-0.25 1

5.3 No. of project proposals Submitted at Complete Selected for Proposal is under Under 2
least one preparation sending review by preparation
proposal with all relevant R&D/NEC
5.4 Worth of projects >10 Lakhs 7.5-10 Lakhs 5-7.5 Lakhs 2.5-5.0 Lakhs Below 2.5 Lakhs 3

5.5 Supervisorship Produced at Guiding at least Guiding at least Guiding at least 2 Got supervisor 1
least one PhD 1 full time 1 full time scholars ship
within 4 years scholar with scholar
fromregistration fellowship
6 Ability to identify outstanding students and guide them in higher level academic activities
6.1 a) Mini Projects (Inter+Intra) Won Prize in Participation in Review and Completion of a Guiding mini 2
(Project based Learning) Inter college project documented mini project projects
competitions exhibition in (Intra) (Intra) (Intra)
Any inter college
one of level
(a-b) 6.1 b) Projects/product development Product Product Received Funds Submission of Process in
activities development completed through NEW proposal for progress
activities GEN IEDC/ funding
MSME et.
6.2 a) conducting skill development 4 students 3 students 2 students 1 student should Identifying and 1
program (Technical Presentation / should get should get should get get certified preparing them
TOFEL / IELTS/Gate) certified. certified. certified. for registration
BEC Grade A (5%) Grade B (10%) Grade C – Europe Level – Making eligible
(15%) B1 (80%) students to
register the BEC
one of
6.2 b) Students’ Publication One SCI indexed 2 papers in 1 paper in Inter 1 paper Scopus 1 paper in Inter
Journals Scopus indexed National indexed Journals National
journal Conference and Conference
1 paper Scopus
7 Organizing programs for School students/Department Programs
Any a)School programme State level State level State level State level State level 2
one of With a With a With a With a maximum Less than 20
(a-c) maximum of 75 maximum of 50 maximum of 40 of 30 school school
schools schools school participation participation
participation participation participation including 25% of including 15%
including 50% of including 40% including 30% schools from of schools from
schools from of schools from of schools from Kovilpatti Kovilpatti
Kovilpatti Kovilpatti Kovilpatti Education Education
Education Education Education District District
District District District
b) Department programme Coordinator for Coordinator for Coordinator Committee Committee
(Inter & Intra) 2 programs 1 program for 1 program convener for 2 convener for 1
programs program
(Inter -1 (Inter -1) (Intra -1)
& Intra-1)

c) Training programme for first year 3 days 2 days 1 day One session One hour
students-Minimum of 60 students (3hrs.) (1 and 1/2 hr.)
skills/Soft skills/Technical skill
Academic Performance Index (API)SA = (M1+M2+M3+M4+M5+M6+M7)
B. Review based Appraisal :
Sl. Performance based Scaling
No. 5 – Professional 4 – Proficient 3 – Specialist 2 – Practitioner 1 – Need (WF)
Skill Set
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Low
1. Continuous updating of knowledge in research area
Knowledge in area of research area Continuously Continuously Profound Adequate Inadequate 3
publishing papers preparing and knowledge with knowledge by knowledge
in reputed journals submitting recent research referring reputed
papers to survey journals
reputed journals
2. Updating of knowledge by attending online courses in the area of research area/pedagogy
Strengthening the knowledge through Capable of Able to deliver Able to conduct Adequate Inadequate 3
online courses (like NPTEL and other preparing and expert lectures classes with knowledge knowledge
MOOC offered by premier offering one credit in the relevant clarity
courses topics
3. Updating of knowledge by attending FDP in reputed institutions
Attending FDP/workshops/seminars Capable of Able to deliver Able to conduct Adequate Inadequate 3
etc. per year relevant to the research preparing and expert lectures classes with knowledge knowledge
area/pedagogy offering one credit in the relevant clarity
courses topics
4. Updating the skills by attending Industry know how program in reputed industries
Industrial Internship undergone per Able to provide Able to work for To work along To know the Inadequate 3
year in their area of specialization alternative problems in with industry working scenario knowledge
solutions for industry along people for their of the industry about the
industry problems with industry regular work industry
5. Communication skills
Clarity in delivering the core content Clear articulation  Poised and clear Clear articulation Some mumbling  Inaudible or 2
as requirement with enthusiasm articulation but not as Uneven rate too loud
and confidence  Proper volume polished Little or no  Slow/too fast
expression delivery
steady rate
 Uninterested
and monotonic
6. Content beyond curriculum initiatives
Capability of informing latest Make the students Make the Informing Delivering Delivering only 2
developments during content delivery to read and discuss students to read research status contents beyond curriculum
research articles and present relevant to curriculum contents
relevant to research articles COs/POs relevant to
COs/POs relevant to COs/POs
7. Capability of selecting appropriate tools for content delivery in relation with COs and their levels
Usage of appropriate content delivery Innovative content Effective use of Conventional Conventional Lectures and 2
methods delivery methods active and methods & methods & tutorials
declared/presented hybrid learning appropriate quality (Conventional)
methods other tools demonstration
8. Capability of selecting appropriate tools for assessing the CO attainment
Selection of assessment tools Innovative Conventional Conventional Conventional IAT and 2
assessment methods & methods & methods & tutorials
methods uncontrolled appropriate quality (Conventional)
declared/presented other tools assignments
book test
Academic Performance Index (API) RA = (M1+M2+M3+M4+M5+M6+M7+M8)

C. HOD’s Evaluation (HE)

Sl. Performance based Scaling

No. Skill Set 5 – Professional 4 – Proficient 3 – Specialist 2 – Practitioner 1 – Need (WF)
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Low
1. Transforming students’ potential as a Tutor
1.1 Academic Achievements Making more than Making more Making more Making more Making more 1
90% the students than 80% the than 70% the than 60% the than 50% the
to achieve the students to students to students to students to
allotted CGPAs achieve the achieve the achieve the achieve the
allotted CGPAs allotted CGPAs allotted CGPAs allotted CGPAs
1.2 Online courses Making 80% of the Making 60% of Making 40% of Making 20% of Motivating all 1
targeted students the targeted the targeted the targeted students to
to complete the students to students to students to register for
online courses complete the complete the complete the online courses
online courses online courses online courses equivalent to
elective courses
1.3 No. of slow learners improved Identified and Identified and Identified and Identified all Only identified 1
improved the improved the improved the slow learners the slow
performances of all performances of performances and efforts taken learners
slow learners 50% slow of 25% slow
learners learners
1.4 Encouraging outstanding students Making all the Making 80% of Making 60% of Making 40% of Making 20% of 1
for product development activities targeted students the targeted the targeted the targeted the targeted
and paper publication to achieve students to students to students to students to
achieve achieve achieve achieve
1.5 Encouraging the students to Making all the Making 80% of Making 60% of Making 40% of Making 20% of 1
participate in national and targeted students the targeted the targeted the targeted the targeted
international events (outside state) to achieve students to students to students to students to
achieve achieve achieve achieve
1.6 Competency training towards 90% of the 80% of the 70% of the 60% of the 50% of the 1
career settlement like skill rack, Students’ have Students’ have Students’ have Students’ have Students’ have
etc. attended attended attended attended attended
training/coaching training/coachi training/coachi training/coachin training/coachi
for their career ng for their ng for their g for their career ng for their
requirements career career requirements career
requirements requirements requirements
1.7 Career settlement 90% of the 80% of the 70% of the 60% of the 50% of the 1
Students’ career is Students’ career Students’ Students’ career Students’ career
settled by is settled by career is is settled by is settled by
placement and placement and settled by placement and placement and
ensured by scoring ensured by placement and ensured by ensured by
in competitive scoring in ensured by scoring in scoring in
exams competitive scoring in competitive competitive
exams competitive exams exams
(II Year tutors (1.1-1.4) III year tutors(1.3-1.6) and IV tutors (1.4-1.7))
During the starting of every academic years tutors will be allotted with targets for every criteria accrding to the students strength, and at
the end of every year it is evaluated by the HOD. Alloting targets and awarding marks for the attained targets should get approved from
the Principal.
2. In terms of Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Low 1
 Maintaining discipline
 Interpersonal relationship
 Volunteering

D. Other Criteria

Sl. Skill set 5 - Professional 4 – Proficient 3 – Specialist 2 – Practitioner 1 – Need (WF)

No. improvement
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Low
1. Student feedback (SF) 90-100% 80-90% 70-80% 60-70% 50-60% 2
Any other special skill acquired/achievements during last one year (Please provide the details with evidences)
The skill/achievements not covered in the self/review appraisal criteria are considered for bonus marks such as funded projects,
consultancy, patent, product development, guest lecture etc.

(Bonus Marks (BM) will be awarded by the Principal/ the Director during review and API will be recalculated)

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