116 Sahel-Environmental Issues
116 Sahel-Environmental Issues
116 Sahel-Environmental Issues
25% = % at risk from desertification
MALI 250mm
SENEGAL 38% SUDAN isohyet
10% 23%
0 km 1000 isohyet
Environmental issues in the Sahel Geo Factsheet
Over-cultivation Salinisation
1. Characteristics 1. Characteristics
Over-cultivation occurs when the crop yield taken from land exceeds Salinisation is an increase in the salt concentration in topsoil to
carrying capacity. concentrations which are harmful to plants. Note that there are different
types of salinity - common salt (sodium chloride) is not the only soil
2. Causes contaminant.
• Expansion of cash crops - growing the same crops on the same piece
of land for many years has depleted the soil of nutrients. Where potential evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation, evaporation of
• Shorter fallow periods - this leads to nutrient depletion and reduced yields. water from the soil surface brings water upwards from below by capillary
• Use of agricultural machinery - heavy machinery compacts the soil action. Dissolved salts, brought to the surface, are deposited when the
and makes it more vulnerable to erosion by wind and water. water evaporates.
• Increased use of marginal land - steep and arid land is used for crops.
In Niger, for example, millet fields have appeared 100km north of the Good quality irrigation water contains only 100ppm of salt, yet will leave
official limit to cultivation. behind 314 kg of salt per hectare per year. Poorer quality irrigation water,
which may contain 500 ppm of salt, can leave up to 5000kg of salt per
3. Consequences hectare per year.
• Reduced soil nutrient content - 90% of soils in the Sahel are deficient in
phosphorus. Several years of arable monoculture exacerbates nutrient 2. Causes
deficiencies, and forces farmers to apply expensive artificial fertilisers. • Irrigation - if excess water (more than the crops can absorb) is
• Accelerated soil erosion - associated with periods when crop cover is applied, surface water is left on the soil surface.
low or when land is compacted by machinery. • Poor drainage - if the soil becomes waterlogged, salt accumulates and
• Salinisation and waterlogging - associated with inefficient irrigation poisons crops. In arid areas, the water table may rise, bringing salt-
practices (see below). containing water from deep underground.
• Deforestation - this increases soil surface temperature because there
Accelerated soil erosion is no longer absorption and reflection of insolation by the forest
canopy, and therefore promotes evaporation.
1. Characteristics
Exam Hint: Irrigation does not necessarily lead to salinisation.
Soil erosion is the removal of topsoil by water or wind. In the Sahel, soil
Remember that the excess surface water is the major problem.
erosion usually starts with deforestation and is accelerated by burning.
Sheet erosion by running water follows, followed by gully erosion. On
slopes this may lead to landslides in the short rainy summers. In the dry
3. Consequences
winter, widespread wind erosion is a major issue.
• Toxic soil - sensitive crops will not tolerate salinity above 1000 ppm.
Even salt-tolerant crops, like dates, will not tolerate salinity above
2. Causes 6000 ppm.
• Deforestation - the long-term clearance of forests by humans. Trees • Increased pH - basic compounds (e.g. sodium carbonate) can
are cut down to provide fuel wood and to increase the amount of land accumulate in salinised soils. High pH (alkaline) reduces crop yield
available for cultivation. In the Sudan, for example, there are now as it inhibits plant enzymes.
few trees within 90km of Khartoum city centre. In Burkina Faso, • Loss of soil structure - salts react with clay minerals to create
demand for wood now far exceeds natural regenerative capacity. It is impermeable soils.
estimated that while the Sahel can provide food for 3.9 million • Reduced potability of water supplies - salinity is a major determinant
people, it can only provide fuel in the form of firewood for 300,000. of water potability. The upper limit of suitability is 700ppm. Sea
• Over-grazing - which produces bare patches of land, especially water contains approximately 3500ppm of salt.
around boreholes, roads and settlements. • Accelerated salt weathering.
• Over-cultivation - which leads to nutrient depletion and reduces the
binding of soil particles.
• Use of dung for fuel - where wood is in short supply, cattle dung is
used for fuel. This removes a nutrient supply from farmland, and thus
encourages a loss of soil structure. 1. Characteristics
• Cultivation of steep slopes - vegetation clearance on steep slopes has Desertification is one part of the wider process of land degradation. Land
increased the susceptibility to erosion by running water. degradation is a loss in the utility of land, implying a reduction in
biological productivity.
Exam Hint: Population increase does not necessarily accelerate
soil erosion. Larger populations can plant more trees and change The 1977 United Nations Conference on Desertification defined it as “the
cultivation techniques, thus reducing the rate of erosion. diminution or destruction of the biological potential of the land that can
lead ultimately to desert-like conditions.” By 1990, the UN defined it as
“land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting
3. Consequences mainly from adverse human impact.” Fig. 1 shows the percentage of
• Loss of soil depth - in south-east Nigeria, for example, over 20% of population in the Sahel at risk from desertification.
agricultural land has been destroyed by landslides, sheet and gully
erosion. Desertification is sometimes inaccurately portrayed as the advance of
• Loss of soil fertility - associated with a reduction in net primary mobile sand dunes. Although some dunes can move (e.g. barchans can
productivity and loss of organic matter and nutrients move 30m per year) it is more common for desertification to occur in
• Reduction in available soil moisture. isolated pockets around boreholes, settlements and roads.
• Breakdown of soil structure.
Environmental issues in the Sahel Geo Factsheet
Less rainfall (total amounts and Decrease in
reliability), increased drought dry up Vegetation protective
Short term (frequency and intensity) dies vegetation cover
Climate change
Global warming: higher temperatures, Less reliability & amount of
Longer term increased evaporation, reduced rainfall Soil exposed
condensation to wind and rain -
increases erosion
Human Overgrazing: Vegetation
Increase in animals In some areas, livestock numbers Soil depleted of nutrients, cannot
(above carrying capacity increased by 40% in wetter (pluvial) land stripped of its re-establish Increase in
of fragile grasslands) years preceding mid-1960s protective grass cover itself evaporation from
soil - possible
Sahel population growth Farmers forced to change traditional Overcultivation: salination
1. High birth rates & methods of land use as more land needed Reduced soil fertility, soil
lowering death rates for food (grass ploughed up) & cash crops left exposed to rain & wind
2. Immigrants including Increased demand for wood for cooking, Deforestation: removed Increased risk of
refugees from civil heating, & building, especially in urban Usually for fuelwood soil erosion
wars and draughts areas
As can be seen from Fig. 2 the causes of desertification are complex – Practice questions
with both physical and human factors combining to increase the risk of (a) Explain what is meant by the term “desertification”. (15 marks)
desertification. (b) Using an area you have studied, examine the extent to which
desertification is caused by human activity. (30 marks)
2. Causes
• Drought - precipitation in the Sahel has decreased since the 1960s. (a) A clear definition is required which includes the main features and
During 1920-39 the 200mm isohyet passed through Khartoum in Sudan, causes of desertification. You should place desertification within the
but by 1965-84 the isohyet had shifted 200km to the south. There are wider issue of land degradation, discuss the reduction in land utility
fewer heavy-rainfall events. Lake Chad, the largest lake in the Sahel, has and productivity, and locate it within hot arid and semi-arid
contracted in size from 23500km2 in 1963 to 2000 km2 in 1985. Global environments. You might discuss the two views of desertification:
climate change is predicted to lead to further reductions in precipitation. first, the idea of the advancing desert front, and second, the idea of
• Direct human activity - over-grazing, over-cultivation, accelerated pockets of degradation around areas of human activity.
soil erosion and salinisation (all discussed above) have contributed to
land degradation. Where the vegetation cover is lost, there is more (b) A well-located answer is required. You should respond explicitly to
evaporation and the soil is exposed to erosion by wind and rain. It is the words “to what extent”. Start by discussing the direct and indirect
estimated that over-grazing is the main cause of desertification for human causes (over-grazing, over-cultivation, soil erosion,
65% of affected land in the Sahel. salinisation and social changes), then describe climatic factors (e.g.
• Indirect human activity - social changes like the expansion of cash- the drought of the 1970s and 1980s). The examiner will be looking
crop cultivation, sedentarisation of nomadic pastoralists and the loss for inter-relationships between the different processes that you have
of indigenous traditions for coping with droughts (e.g. long fallow discussed. Your conclusion should bring together both parts of the
periods) have led to practices which encourage desertification. essay and answer the question given in the title. Your own version of
• Rising population from natural increase (average 2-3% per annum) a diagram such as Fig 2 is well worth learning.
and in-migration of refugees from wars in Liberia, or Sierra Leone,
has led to increased demands for food and fuel wood. Further research
Thomas, DSG and Middleton, NJ 1994: Desertification: exploding the
Exam Hint: When describing the causes of desertification, you myth. A very detailed book that looks at the history, causes and
should refer to all the issues described in this Factsheet.
controversies of desertification. Chapter 5 examines the physical causes
(over-cultivation, over-grazing, soil erosion, etc.) and Chapter 6
3. Consequences examines the social causes.
• Decreased organic matter in soil because less litter is produced. This
reduces the soil nutrient content and the water-holding capacity of the Useful websites
soil. Nutrient recycling is slower because there is less biological activity. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/guide.html
• Soil surface crusting by rainsplash erosion may increase runoff by The Africa South of the Sahara site - contains many helpful articles.
40% in high-rainfall events. http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov/geo1/ch/toc.htm
• Decreased shading of the soil surface increases temperature so that The UN Global Environment Outlook Report 1997 contains a section on
more evaporation occurs. environmental issues in Africa, including a large amount of useful data.
• Decreased plant cover decreases the roughness of the soil surface,
thus reducing wind turbulence and increasing wind speed. Since soil
particles are less well connected, dust storms become more frequent. Acknowledgements;
• Loss of crop yield, leading to food deficit and malnutrition. Refugees This factsheet was written and researched by Simon Norman.
Geo Press. Unit 305B, The Big Peg, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham B18 6NF
from desertified land migrate into cities. For example, one sixth of the
Geopress Factsheets may be copied free of charge by teaching staff or students,
population of Mali and Burkina Faso has emigrated from degraded land. provided that their school is a registered subscriber.
• Desertification has played a part in armed conflict in arid lands, No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
having contributed to political instability, starvation and social transmitted, in any other form or by any other means, without the prior permission
breakdown in places such as Somalia. of the publisher. ISSN 1351-5136