Final Demo Grade 3 English Adjectives
Final Demo Grade 3 English Adjectives
Final Demo Grade 3 English Adjectives
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Teacher: ANA BIANCA CONCUBIERTA-ABAN Division: Iligan City
Grade Level: THREE No. of pupils in class: 34
Subject: ENGLISH Date: May 23, 2023
B. Performance Standards
The learner shows proficiency in constructing grammatically correct
sentences in varied theme-based oral and written activities.
C. Learning Competencies/ At the end of the 60 minute period, the learners will be able to:
A. References
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Reference Pinkfong Baby Shark - Kids' Songs & Stories. (2019, May 26). Big Bigger
from Learning Biggest | Baby Shark Nursery Rhyme [Video]. YouTube.
Across Curriculum:
Science: Planets
D. Content Integration
Mathematics: Length
ESP: Values
E. Values Integration Relate how useful units of measure are in our lives
A. Reviewing previous
⮚ Prayer
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Let us start our class by thanking God for this wonderful afternoon.
Everybody, please stand. And may I request ____ to lead the prayer.
⮚ Greetings
⮚ Checking of Attendance
Before anything else, I would like to remind you about our class rules.
So I am expecting that everybody will observe our class rules throughout the
period. Would that be okay?
⮚ Checking of Assignment
⮚ Drill
Class, before we proceed to our lesson this morning, let us play a game. This
game is called 4 pics and 1 word. I will show you four pictures, and you will
guess the word that fits with the photos being presented. There are given
letters below in which you will choose from. Do you understand me, class?
Alright! Very good. So for those who want to answer, just raise your hand,
slow angry
⮚ Review
Now, let us have our review. Who among you can still recall our previous
topic in english?
Okay go on, let me hear it from you.
Correct. How about you Taylor? Can you use adjectives and describe your
Alright! Let us have a guessing game. So I have words here in the bowl, I
will pick one and then I will describe it and you will try to guess it. Are you
Let’s begin.
(The teacher will pick a word in the bowl and will describe it. For example: It
is the biggest thing here in the classroom, it is bigger than the TV. -The
answer is blackboard.)
Excellent. And that is what we are going to learn today. We have the
following objective. Let us read it.
At the end of the 60 minute period, the learners will be able to:
a. use the degrees of adjectives in making comparisons (positive,
comparative, superlative).
Alright. So, our topic today is all about “Degrees of Adjectives in Making
C. Presenting (The teacher will ask three female learners of different hair lengths to
examples/instances of proceed in front of the class. Ask the rest of the class of their observations.)
Very good. How about this one? Let us compare the Earth to other planets.
Let us compare it with Saturn.
Very good!
When we talk about one person or thing, we use adjectives like tall, small,
old, big, etc. But, what can you observe when we talk about two people or
things, what adjectives will we use?
Very good. How about when we talk about three or more people or things?
Excellent! That shows that adjectives change in form when they show
comparison. Now, let us watch this video for more examples.
The teacher will play the video Big Bigger Biggest | Baby Shark Nursery Rhyme |
Pinkfong Songs for Children
Great! Let’s learn together! Are you ready to visit the Kingdom of
Grammatical State?
Now, let us start our adventure. Listen carefully and take down some notes as
teacher Ken reads the story.
➔ Positive- small
➔ Comparative- smaller
➔ Superlative- smallest
Very good! What can you observe about Positive? Let’s look at the first
sentence. What adjective is being used?
● She is pretty.
Excellent! Now let’s look at the second sentence here. What adjective is
For example:
● She is prettier than me.
Very good! Now, what about the fourth sentence? What adjective is being
For example:
● She is the prettiest girl among the Grade 3 learners.
Very good! This degree of comparative indicates that the quality or quantity
is at its highest or is most intense.
E. Discussing new We are not yet done with our adventure. The King would like to give us a
concepts and practicing reward for helping the travelers, but he has another task for you.
new skill #2
Very good learners! Let us give ourselves the Good Job Clap.
Now, what have you noticed about the comparative and superlative degree?
1. For one-syllable adjective, add –er to form comparative and –est for
clear- clearer-clearest
Who can give me another example?
2. If an adjective ends with a single vowel and single final consonant letter.
Double the final consonant letter and add –er/-est.
thin- thinner- thinnest
3. When the adjectives end in “e”, add –r for the comparative and –st for the
wise- wiser- wisest
4. Adjectives that end in -y, change y to i and add -er for comparative and -
est for superlative.
pretty- prettier- prettiest
F. Developing mastery Complete the table using the correct adjectives in the word box. Write your
(Leads to Formative answer on the space provided.
Word Box
widest big luckier
kind smoothest
For group 1, your task is called “WHERE DO I BELONG”. Here are the
mechanics of the activity. You will be given POOL OF ADJECTIVES,
where there are lots of adjectives there, all you need to do is to put the
adjectives in the right place here in the WALL OF ADJECTIVES. Each
member of the group will take turns in picking a word and putting it in the
right place. Did you understand group 1 ?
For group 2, your task is called “USE IT”. You will be given a set of
adjectives that are in the positive form. What you are going to do is to
identify its comparative and superlative form, and then use each word in a
sentence. Write your answers in the cartolina here on the board. Did you
understand me, group 2?
1. a. young-___________________.
b. ______ - __________________.
c. ______- __________________.
2. a. happy-____________________.
b. ______ - __________________.
c. ______- __________________.
Very good. Now, you are given 3 minutes to do this activity. Assign someone
from your group to present your output. In doing this activity, do not forget
to follow the health protocols, okay?
Give an example.
Give an example.
Give an example.
What do you think is the importance of studying adjectives and its different
degrees in our lives?
Times up. Raise your paper and exchange with your seatmates.
1. Enrichment Activities for Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph about your family. Use at least 5 adjectives
remediation and be sure to use the proper degrees of comparison in your composition.
Underline all the adjectives that you used. Write it in a short bondpaper.
For example:
1. Instructional
2. Time Management
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
Prepared by:
Class Adviser – SPJ Discernment
Checked by:
Master Teacher