Crim Pro Midterms
Crim Pro Midterms
Crim Pro Midterms
What are the grounds for suspending Can the court dismiss the case based
arraignment? (SPP) on grounds that are not alleged in the
1. If the accused appears to be motion to quash?
Suffering from an unsound As a general rule, NO. The court
mental condition, which renders cannot consider any ground other than
him unable to fully understand those stated in the motion to quash. The
the charge against him and to exception is lack of jurisdiction over the
plead intelligently thereto. The offense charged.
court should order his mental
examination and his confinement, What are the grounds that the
if necessary. accused may invoke to quash a
2. If there exists a Prejudicial complaint or information?
3. If a Petition for review of the 1. That the facts charged do not
resolution of the prosecutor is constitute an offense;
pending either at the DOJ or the 2. That the court trying the case has
Office of the President. However, no jurisdiction over the offense
the period of suspension shall not charged;
exceed 60 days counted from the 3. That the court trying the case has
filing of the petition for review. no jurisdiction over the person of
the accused;
What is the test to determine whether 4. That the officer who filed the
the insanity of the accused should information had no authority to
warrant the suspension of the do so;
proceedings? 5. That it does not conform
The test is whether the accused substantially to the prescribed
will have a fair trial with the assistance form;
of counsel, in spite of his insanity. Not 6. That more than one offense is
every aberration of the mind or charged except when a single
exhibition of mental deficiency is punishment for various offenses is
sufficient to justify suspension. prescribed by law (duplicitous);
7. That the criminal action or
RULE 117 MOTION TO QUASH liability has been extinguished;
8. That it contains averments which,
When can the accused file a motion if true, would constitute a legal
to quash? excuse or justification;
9. That the accused has been accused is deemed to have submitted
previously convicted or acquitted himself to the jurisdiction of the court.
of the offense charged, or the case
against him was dismissed or What happens if the defendant
otherwise terminated without his enters his plea before filing a motion to
express consent. (double quash?
jeopardy) By entering his plea before filing
the motion to quash, the defendant
X filed a motion to quash an waives FORMAL objections to the
information on the ground that he was complaint or information.
in the US when the crime charged was
committed. Should the motion be But if the ground for the motion is any of
granted? the following, there is no waiver. The
The motion should be denied. ground may be raised at any stage of the
The accused is already making a defense. proceeding: FLED
Matters of defense are generally not a
ground for a motion to quash. They 1. Failure to charge an offense
should be presented at the trial. 2. Lack of jurisdiction over the
What is meant by the statement that 3. Extinction of criminal liability
“a motion to quash hypothetically 4. Double jeopardy
admits allegations of fact in the
information”? How is criminal liability
It means that the accused argues extinguished?
that assuming that the facts charged are Under Article 89 of the RPC, criminal
true, the information should still be liability is extinguished by: DAS MAPP
dismissed based on the ground invoked 1. Death of the convict, and as to
by the defendant. pecuniary penalties, liability
therefor is extinguished only
Can the accused move to quash on when the death of the offender
the ground that he was denied due occurs before final judgment;
process? 2. Amnesty;
No. Denial of due process is not 3. Service of sentence;
one of the grounds for a motion to 4. Marriage of the offended woman,
quash. as provided in Article 344 of the
X filed a motion to quash on the 5. Absolute pardon;
following grounds: that the court 6. Prescription of the crime;
lacked jurisdiction over the person of 7. Prescription of the penalty;
the accused and that the complaint
charged more than one offense. Can What is the effect of the death of the
the court grant the motion on the offended party on the criminal liability
ground of lack of jurisdiction over the of the accused?
person of the accused? Where the offense charged in a
No. A motion to quash on the criminal complaint or information is one
ground of lack of jurisdiction over the against the state, involving peace and
person of the accused must be based order, the death of the offended party
only on this ground. If other grounds before final conviction of the defendant
are included, there is a waiver, and the will not abate the prosecution. Neither
does the death of the offended party in s the the
private crimes abate the prosecution. offense offender
(looks from the
What are the means by which backwar consequen
criminal liability is partially d) ces of the
extinguished? offense
1. Conditional pardon (looks
2. Commutation of sentence forward)
3. For good conduct, allowances WHEN IT Before or Only after
which the culprit may earn while MAY BE after conviction
he is serving his sentence GRANTED prosecuti by final
on judgment
What are the distinctions between
pardon and amnesty? What is the effect of absolute pardon
upon criminal liability?
AMNES PARDON Absolute pardon blots out the
TY crime. It removes all disabilities
TYPE OF Political Infractions resulting from the conviction, such as the
OFFENSE offenses of the political rights of the accused.
(common What is the effect of pardon by the
crimes) offended party upon criminal liability?
BENEFICIAR Classes An As a general rule, pardon by the
Y of individual offended party does not extinguish
persons criminal liability. Only civil liability is
CONCURRE Necessar Not extinguished by express waiver of the
NCE OF y necessary offended party.
ACCEPTANC Beneficia Need for However, pardon granted before
E ry need distinct the institution of the criminal
not acts of proceedings in cases of adultery,
accept acceptance concubinage, seduction, abduction, and
on the part acts of lasciviousness shall extinguish
of the criminal liability.
JUDICIAL Courts Courts do What is the effect of marriage of the
NOTICE take not take offender with the offended party in
judicial judicial private crimes?
notice notice It shall extinguish the criminal
because because it action or remit the penalty already
it is a is a imposed. This applies even to co-
public private act principals, accomplices, and accessories.
act of the
President. However, where multiple rape is
Therefore, committed, marriage of the offended
it must be party with one defendant extinguishes
proved in the latter’s liability and that of his
court. accessories or accomplices for a single
EFFECT Abolishe Relieves
crime of rape cannot extend to the other conviction. The defense cannot be
acts of rape. waived. This is because the criminal
action is totally extinguished by the
If the offender in rape is the legal expiration of the prescriptive period.
husband of the offended party, how can The State thereby loses or waives its
the husband’s criminal liability be right to prosecute and punish it.
The subsequent forgiveness by the What is the proper action of the court
wife shall extinguish the criminal action when the accused raises the defense of
or the penalty. But the penalty shall not prescription?
be abated if the marriage is void ab The proper action for the court is
initio. to exercise its jurisdiction and to decide
the case upon the merits, holding the
Why is prescription a ground for a action to have prescribed and absolving
motion to quash? the defendant. The court should not
This is meant to exhort the inhibit itself because it does not lose
prosecution not to delay; otherwise, they jurisdiction over the subject matter or the
will lose the right to prosecute. It is also person of the accused by prescription.
meant to secure the best evidence that
can be obtained. What is the effect of prescription of
the offense on the civil liability of the
What are the prescriptive periods of accused?
crimes? The extinction of the penal action
does not carry with it the extinction of
OFFENSE PRESCRIPTIVE the civil action to enforce civil liability
PERIOD arising from the offense charged, unless
Punishable by 20 years the extinction proceeds from a
death, reclusion declaration in a final judgment that the
perpetua, or fact from which the civil liability might
reclusion arise did not exist.
Punishable by 10 years What should the court do if the
other afflictive accused moves to quash the complaint
penalties or information on grounds that can be
Punishable by 5 years cured by amendment (ex: duplicitous)?
arresto mayor The court should order that the
Libel or other 2 years amendment be made.
similar offenses
Oral 6 months What should the court do if the
defamation and accused moves to quash on the ground
slander by deed that the facts charged do not constitute
Light offenses 2 months an offense?
The court should give the
Can the accused still raise prosecution the opportunity to correct
prescription as a defense even after the defect by amendment. If the
conviction? Can the defense of prosecution fails to make the
prescription be waived? amendment, or if, after it makes the
The accused can still raise amendment, the complaint or
prescription as a defense even after information still suffers from the same
defect, the court should grant/sustain 2. the first jeopardy must have been
the motion to quash. validly terminated;
3. the second jeopardy must be for
What is the effect if a motion to the same offense or the second
quash is sustained? offense includes or is necessarily
The court may order that another included in the offense charged in
complaint or information be filed against the first information, or is an
the accused for the same offense, except attempt or a frustration thereof.
if the ground for sustaining the motion
to quash is either: What are the requisites for the first
1. Extinguishment of the criminal jeopardy to attach? VVACD
liability of the accused 1. Valid complaint or information
2. Double jeopardy. 2. Valid plea
The grant of a motion to quash on 3. Arraignment
these two grounds is a bar to another 4. Court of competent jurisdiction
prosecution for the same offense. 5. Defendant was acquitted,
If the order is made, the accused, if in convicted, or the case was
custody, shall not be discharged unless dismissed without his express
admitted to bail. consent.
If no order is made, or if no new
information was filed within the time A crime was committed in Makati.
specified by the court, the accused, if in The case was filed in Pasay. When the
custody, shall be discharged. prosecution realized that the complaint
should have been filed in Makati, it
What is the remedy of the accused if filed the case in Makati. Can the
the court denies his motion to quash? accused invoke double jeopardy?
The accused cannot appeal an No. The court in Pasay had no
order overruling his motion to quash. jurisdiction; therefore, the accused was in
This is because an order denying a no danger of being placed in jeopardy.
motion to quash is interlocutory; it does The first jeopardy did not validly attach.
not dispose of the case upon its merits.
The accused should go to trial and raise For purposes of double jeopardy,
it as an error on appeal later. when is a complaint or information
What are the two kinds of jeopardy? valid?
1. No person shall be twice put in A complaint or information is
jeopardy for the same offense. valid if it can support a judgment of
2. When an act is punished by a law conviction. It the complaint or
and an ordinance, conviction or information is not valid, it would violate
acquittal under either shall the right of the accused to be informed of
constitute a bar to another the nature and cause of the accusation
prosecution for the same act. against him. If he is convicted under this
complaint or information, the conviction
What are the requisites for the is null and void. If the conviction is null
accused to raise the defense of double and void, there can be no first jeopardy.
To raise the defense of double jeopardy, X was charged with qualified theft.
the following requisites must be present: X moved to dismiss on the ground of
1. a first jeopardy must have insufficiency of the information. The
attached prior to the second; case was dismissed. Subsequently, the
prosecution filed a corrected to trial because important witnesses
information. Can X plead double were unable to appear. Counsel for the
jeopardy? accused moved to dismiss the case. The
No. The first jeopardy did not court dismissed the case provisionally.
attach because the first information was Subsequently, X was charged with theft
not valid. again. Can X invoke double jeopardy?
No. The case was dismissed upon
X was charged with theft. During the motion of counsel for the accused, so it
trial, the prosecution was able to prove was not dismissed without his express
estafa. X was acquitted of theft. Can X consent. Moreover, the dismissal was
be prosecuted for estafa later without only provisional, which is not a valid
placing him in double jeopardy? termination of the first jeopardy. In
Yes. For jeopardy to attach, the order to validly terminate the first
basis is the crime charged in the jeopardy, the dismissal must have been
complaint or information, and not the unconditional.
one proved at the trial. In this case, the
crime charged in the first information X was charged with slight physical
was theft. X was therefore placed in injuries. On his motion, the case was
jeopardy of being convicted of theft. dismissed during the trial. Another
Since estafa is not an offense which is case for assault upon a person in
included or necessarily includes theft, X authority was filed against him. Can X
can still be prosecuted for estafa without invoke double jeopardy?
placing him in double jeopardy. No. The first jeopardy was not
terminated through either conviction,
The estafa case against X was acquittal, or dismissal without the
dismissed, but the dismissal contained express consent of X. The first case was
a reservation of the right to file another dismissed upon motion of X himself.
action. Can another estafa case be filed Therefore, he cannot invoke double
against X without placing him in jeopardy.
double jeopardy?
Yes. To raise the defense of X was charged with theft. During
double jeopardy, the firs jeopardy must trial, the evidence showed that the
have been validly terminated. This offense committed was actually estafa.
means that there must have been either a What should the judge do?
conviction or an acquittal, or an The judge should order the
unconditional dismissal of the case. A substitution of the complaint for theft
provisional dismissal, such as this one, with a new one charging estafa. Upon
does not validly terminate the first filing of the substituted complaint, the
jeopardy. judge should dismiss the original
Note, however, that in the second complaint.
kind of jeopardy (one act punished by a If it appears at any time before
law and an ordinance), the first jeopardy judgment that a mistake has been made
can only be terminated either by in charging the proper offense, the court
conviction or acquittal, and not by shall dismiss the original complaint or
dismissal of the case without the express information upon the filing of a new one
consent of the accused. charging the proper offense.
2. Such dismissal must not be on the deemed to have waived his right against
merits and must not necessarily double jeopardy if he expressly consents
amount to an acquittal. to the dismissal.
Before the prosecution could finish X was charged with murder. The
presenting its evidence, the accused prosecution moved to dismiss the case.
filed a demurrer to evidence. The court Counsel for X wrote the words “No
granted the motion and dismissed the objection” at the bottom of the motion
case on the ground of insufficiency of to dismiss and signed it. Can X invoke
evidence of the prosecution. Can the double jeopardy later on?
accused be prosecuted for the same No. X is deemed to have
offense again? expressly consented to the dismissal of
Yes. There was no double the case when his counsel wrote “No
jeopardy because the court exceeded its objection at the bottom of the motion to
jurisdiction in dismissing the case even dismiss. Since the case was dismissed
before the prosecution could finish with his express consent, X cannot
presenting evidence. It denied the invoke double jeopardy.
prosecution of its right to due process.
Because of this, the dismissal is null and X was charged with murder. After
void and cannot constitute a proper basis the prosecution presented its evidence,
for a claim of double jeopardy. X filed a motion to dismiss on the
ground that the prosecution failed to
The prosecutor filed an information prove that the crime was committed
against X for homicide. Before X could within the territorial jurisdiction of the
be arraigned, the prosecutor withdrew court. The court dismissed the case.
the information, without notice to X. The prosecution appealed. Can X
The prosecutor then filed an invoke double jeopardy?
information against X for murder. Can No. X cannot invoke double
X invoke double jeopardy? jeopardy. The dismissal was upon his
No. X has not yet been arraigned own motion, so it was with his express
under the first information. Therefore, consent. Since the dismissal was with his
the first jeopardy did not attach. A nolle express consent, he is deemed to have
prosequi or dismissal entered before the waived his right against double
accused is placed on trial and before he jeopardy. The only time when a
pleads is not equivalent to an acquittal dismissal, even upon motion of the
and does not bar a subsequent accuse, will bar a second jeopardy is if it
prosecution for the same offense. is based either on insufficiency of
evidence or denial of the right of the
If the accused fails to object to the accused to speedy trial. These are not
motion to dismiss the case filed by the the grounds invoked by X, so he cannot
prosecution, is he deemed to have claim double jeopardy.
consented to the dismissal? Can he still
invoke double jeopardy? X was charged with homicide. X
No. Silence does not mean moved to dismiss on the ground that
consent to the dismissal. If the accused the court had no jurisdiction. Believing
fails to object or acquiesces to the that it had no jurisdiction, the judge
dismissal of the case, he can still invoke dismissed the case. Since the court, in
double jeopardy, since the dismissal was fact, had jurisdiction over the case, the
still without his express consent. He is prosecution filed another case in the
same court. Can X invoke double or refuses to testify against his co-
jeopardy? accused in accordance with his sworn
No. X is estopped from claiming statement constituting the basis for the
that he was in danger of being convicted discharge, he can be prosecuted again.
during the first case, since he had himself
earlier alleged that the court had no Can a person accused of estafa be
jurisdiction. charged with violation of BP22 without
placing him in double jeopardy?
X was charged with homicide. The Yes. Where two different laws
court, believing that it had no define two crimes, prior jeopardy as to
jurisdiction, motu propio dismissed the one of the, is no obstacle to a prosecution
case. The prosecution appealed, of the other although both offenses arise
claiming that the court, in fact, had from the same facts, if each crime
jurisdiction. Can X invoke double involves some important act which is not
jeopardy? an essential element of the other. Other
Yes. When the trial court has examples: Illegal recruitment and estafa,
jurisdiction but mistakenly dismisses the illegal fishing and illegal possession of
complaint or information on the ground explosives, alarm and scandal and illegal
of lack of it, and the dismissal was not at discharge of firearms, brigandage and
the request of the accused, the dismissal illegal possession of firearms, consented
is not appealable because it will place the abduction and qualified seduction.
accused in double jeopardy. But take note of the following:
Conviction for less serious
X was charged with rape. X moved to physical injuries bars prosecution for
dismiss on the ground that the assault upon a person in authority.
complaint was insufficient because it Reckless imprudence resulting in
did not allege lewd designs. The court damage to property and serious or less
dismissed the case. Later, another case serious physical injuries is only one
for rape was filed against X. Can X offense. If it is slight physical injuries, it
invoke double jeopardy? can be broken down into two offenses,
No. Like the previous problem, X since a light offense cannot be
is estopped from claiming that he could complexed.
have been convicted under the first
complaint. He himself moved to dismiss X installed a jumper cable which
on the ground that the complaint was allowed him to reduce his electricity
insufficient. He cannot change his bill. He was prosecuted for violating a
position and now claim that he was in municipal ordinance against
danger of being convicted under that unauthorized installation of the device.
complaint. He was convicted. Can he still be
prosecuted for theft?
X was charged with murder, along No. Under the second type of
with three other people. X was jeopardy, when an act is punished by a
discharged as a state witness. Can X be law and an ordinance, conviction or
prosecuted again for the same offense? acquittal under once will bar a
It depends. As a general rule, an prosecution under the other. (But
order discharging an accused as a state remember, that there has to be either
witness amounts to an acquittal, and he conviction or acquittal. Dismissal without
is barred from being prosecuted again the express consent of the accused is not
for the same offense. However, if he fails sufficient).
with homicide. This is a supervening
What are the exceptions to double fact. But if the act of X was not the
jeopardy? When can the accused be proximate cause of death, he cannot be
charged with a second offense which charged with homicide.
necessarily includes the offense
charged in the former complaint or X was charged with reckless
information? imprudence resulting in homicide and
The conviction of the accused shall was acquitted. The heirs of the victim
not be a bar to another prosecution for an appealed the civil aspect of the
offense which necessarily includes the judgment. X claims that the appeal will
offense charged in the former complaint place him in double jeopardy. Is X
or information under any of the correct?
following circumstances: No. There was no second
1. Graver offense developed due to jeopardy. What was elevated on appeal
supervening facts arising from the was the civil aspect of the case, not the
same act or omission constituting criminal aspect. The extinction of
the former charge; criminal liability whether by prescription
2. Facts constituting the graver or by the bar of double jeopardy does not
charge became known or were carry with it the extinction of civil
discovered only after a plea was liability arising from the offense charged.
entered in the former complaint or
information; X was charged with murder and was
3. Plea of guilty to the lesser offense acquitted. Can the prosecution appeal
was made without the consent of the acquittal?
the prosecutor and the offended
party except if the offended party No. The prosecution cannot
fails to appear at the arraignment. appeal the acquittal, since it would place
the accused in double jeopardy.
What is the doctrine of supervening Even if the decision of acquittal was
fact? erroneous, the prosecution still cannot
appeal the decision. It would still place
If, after the first prosecution, a the accused in double jeopardy.
new fact supervenes on which the
defendant may be held liable, altering When can the prosecution appeal
the character of the crime and giving rise despite the dismissal or termination of
to a new and distinct offense, the accused the case?
cannot be said to be in second jeopardy if As a general rule, the dismissal or
indicted for the new offense. termination of the case after arraignment
and plea of the defendant to a valid
X was charged with frustrated information shall be a bar to another
homicide. There was nothing to prosecution for the same offense, an
indicated that the victim was going to attempt or frustration thereof, or one
die. X was arraigned. Before trial, the included or which includes the previous
victim dies. Can X be charged with offense. The exceptions are:
It depends. If the death of the 1. If the dismissal of the first case
victim can be traced to the acts of X, and was made upon motion or with
the victim did not contribute to his death the express consent of the
with his negligence, X can be charged defendant, unless the grounds are
insufficiency of evidence or denial year without the case having been
of the right to speedy trial; revived.
2. If the dismissal is not an acquittal For offenses punishable by
or based upon consideration of imprisonment of more than 6 years, the
the evidence or of the merits of provisional dismissal shall become
the case permanent after 2 years without the case
3. The question to be passed upon having been revived.
by the appellate court is purely After the provisional dismissal
legal so that should the dismissal becomes final, the accused cannot be
be found incorrect, the case would prosecuted anymore.
have to be remanded to the court
of origin for further proceedings RULE 118 PRE-TRIAL
to determine the guilt or
innocence of the accused. When is pre-trial required?
Pre-trial is mandatory in all
What is the effect of the appeal by criminal cases cognizable by the
the accused? Sandiganbayan, RTC, MTCs and
If the accused appeals, he waives Municipal Circuit Trial Courts.
his right against double jeopardy. The
case is thrown wide open for review and When should it be conducted?
a penalty higher than that of the original After arraignment and within 30
conviction could be imposed upon him. days from the date the court acquires
What should the accused do if the jurisdiction over the person of the
court denies the motion to quash on the accused.
ground of double jeopardy?
He should plead not guilty and What happens during pre-trial?
reiterate his defense of former jeopardy. The following things are considered:
In case of conviction, he should appeal POMM SW
from the judgment, on the ground of 1. Plea bargaining
double jeopardy. 2. Other matters that will promote a
fair and expeditious trial of the
When can a case be provisionally criminal and civil aspects of the case
dismissed? 3. Modification of the order of trial if
A case can only be dismissed the accused admits the charge but
provisionally if the accused expressly interposes a lawful defense
consents, and with notice to the offended 4. Marking for identification of
party. Provisional dismissal does not evidence of the parties
place the accused in double jeopardy. 5. Stipulation of facts
But, if the accused objects to the 6. Waiver of objections to admissibility
provisional dismissal, a revival of the of evidence
case would place him in double
jeopardy. What is the form required for the
pre-trial agreement?
When does the provisional dismissal Any agreement or admission entered
become final? into during the pre-trial conference
The provisional dismissal of should be: SIS
offenses punishable by imprisonment 1. Signed by the accused
exceeding 6 years or a fine of any 2. In writing
amount shall become permanent after 1 3. Signed by counsel
Otherwise, it cannot be used against the trial, except if authorized by the Supreme
accused. Court.
In which cases is the time limitation
What is a pre-trial order? not applicable?
It is an order issued by the court after
the pre-trial conference containing: REF 1. Criminal cases covered by the
Rule on Summary Procedure or
1. Recital of the actions taken, those where the penalty does not
2. Evidence marked. exceed 6 months imprisonment or
3. Facts stipulated a fine of P1,000.
The pre-trial order binds the parties, 2. When the offended party is about
limits the trial to matters not disposed of, to depart with no definite date or
and controls the course of the action return: trial shall commence
during the trial, unless modified by the within 3 days from the date of
court to prevent manifest injustice. arraignment, and cannot be
postponed except on grounds of
What is plea bargaining? Why is it illness of the accused
encouraged? 3. Child abuse cases: trial shall
It is the disposition of criminal commence within 3 days from
charges by agreement between the arraignment and cannot be
prosecution and the accused. It is postponed except on grounds of
encouraged because it leads to prompt illness of the accused or other
and final disposition of most criminal grounds beyond his control
cases. It shortens the time between 4. Violations of Dangerous Drugs
charge and disposition and enhances Law: trial shall be finished within
whatever may be the rehabilitative 3 months from filing of the
prospects of the guilty when they are information.
ultimately imprisoned. 5. Kidnapping, Robbery in a band,
Robbery against a Banking or
When is plea bargaining not Financial Institution, Violation of
allowed? the Carnapping Act, and other
It is not allowed under the heinous crimes: trial shall be
Dangerous Drugs Act where the finished within 60 days from the
imposable penalty is reclusion perpetua first day of trial.
to death.
What are the periods that should be
RULE 119 TRIAL excluded in computing the time within
which trial must commence?
How much time does the accused
have to prepare for trial? 1. Any period of delay resulting
After he enters his plea of not from other proceedings
guilty, the accused shall have at least 15 concerning the accused
days to prepare for trial. The trial shall 2. Any period resulting from the
commence within 30 days from receipt of absence or unavailability of an
the pre-trial order. essential witness.
3. Any period of delay resulting
How long should the trial last? from mental incompetence or
The entire trial period should not physical inability of the accused
exceed 180 days from the first day of to stand trial.
4. If the information is dismissed 6. Delay resulting from a finding of
upon motion of the prosecution the existence of a prejudicial
and thereafter a charge is filed question
against the accused for the same 7. Delay reasonably attributable to
offense, any period of delay from any period not to exceed 30 days
the date the charge was dismissed during which any proceeding
to the date the time limitation concerning the accused is actually
would commence to run as to the under advisement.
subsequent charge, had there been
no previous charge. (say what?) When is an essential witness
5. A reasonable period of delay considered absent?
when the accused is joined for When his whereabouts are
trial with a co-accused over unknown or cannot be determined with
whom the court has not acquired due diligence.
jurisdiction, or as to whom the
time for trial has not run and not When is an essential witness
motion for separate trial has been considered unavailable?
granted. When his whereabouts are known
6. Any period of delay from a but his presence at the trial cannot be
continuance granted by any court obtained with due diligence.
motu propio, or on motion of
either the accused or his counsel, What are the factors for granting a
or the prosecution, if the court continuance/postponement?
granted it on the basis of finding 1. Whether or not the failure to grant
that the ends of justice served by a continuance in the proceeding
taking such action outweigh the would likely make a continuation
best interest of the public and the of such proceeding impossible or
accused in a speedy trial. result in a miscarriage of justice;
What are examples of other 2. Whether or not the case taken as a
proceedings concerning the accused whole is so novel, unusual, and
which should be excluded from the complex, due to the number of
computation of time? accused or the nature of the
1. Delay resulting from an prosecution, or that it is
examination of the physical and unreasonable to expect adequate
mental condition of the accused; preparation within the periods of
2. Delay resulting from proceedings time established therein.
with respect to other criminal
charges against the accused; No continuance shall be granted
3. Delay resulting from because of congestion of the court’s
extraordinary remedies against calendar or lack of diligent
interlocutory orders; preparation or failure to obtain
4. Delay resulting from pre-trial available witnesses on the part of the
proceedings, provided that the prosecutor.
delay does not exceed 30 days;
5. Delay resulting from orders of Is the grant of a motion for
inhibition, or proceedings relating continuance or postponement a matter
to change of venue of cases or of right?
transfer from other courts;
No. It is a matter of discretion on charged is not present. It is incumbent
the part of the court. upon the prosecution to prove the
existence of this element.
If the accused is not brought to trial Affirmative defense, the accused
within the time limit required, what is admits the act or omission charged, but
the remedy? interposes a defense, which if proven,
The accused should move to would exculpate him.
dismiss the information of the ground of
denial of his right to speedy trial. He Who may examine a defense witness?
shall have the burden of proving the Who may examine a prosecution
motion, but the prosecution shall have witness?
the burden of proving that the delay was A defense witness may be
covered by the allowed exclusions of examined by any judge or by any
time. If the complaint or information is member of the bar in good standing
dismissed, the accused can plead double designated by the judge, or before an
jeopardy to a subsequent prosecution. inferior court.
A prosecution witness may only
What is the order of trial? be examined before the judge of the
The trial proceeds in the following order: court where the case is pending.