Earth Science Module
Earth Science Module
Earth Science Module
Book: The Earth System by L.R. Kump, J.F. Kasting and R.G. Crane
Atmospheric Circulation
Atmospheric pressure and temperature variation.
➢The pressure and density differences cause air to move in a global scale
pattern of the wind belts, which are modified by Earth’s rotation
(Coriolis effect) and by the distribution of land and water.
Atmospheric Circulation
➢ In the process, energy is used to evaporate water from the land and
ocean surfaces, water vapor is carried by the wind, and energy is
released when the vapor condenses to form clouds. Thus, there are
close interactions between transport of energy and of water by means
of circulating air.
2. If the air is heated until its density is lower than that of its
surroundings, the lower density air will rise (convection).
Conversely, if an air mass is cooled until its density is higher than
that of the underlying air, it will sink (subsidence).
Atmospheric Circulation
Global energy distribution
➢ The average global temperature is determined by the balance
between the solar energy absorbed by the Earth and the infrared
radiation emitted to space (Global Energy Balance).
➢ However, neither the radiation received from the sun or nor the
infrared emission from the Earth is distributed uniformly across the
Earth’s surface.
➢ The incoming solar energy varies with latitude and with season,
whereas the outgoing terrestrial radiation depends on the surface
temperature and atmosphere at each location.
Atmospheric Circulation
General circulation of the atmosphere
➢The large solar input to the tropics heats the surface (primarily ocean),
which in turn heats the overlying air. When heated from below, air will
rise by convection creating a low-pressure region there.
➢The converging air mass that meet at the tropics and rise make up
intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ).
Atmospheric Circulation
General circulation of the atmosphere
➢ This higher temperature limits the convection and rising air in the
ITCZ, upon reaching this barrier, is forced to diverge poleward.
Atmospheric Circulation
General circulation of the atmosphere (Contd.)
➢ This poleward moving air subsides at about 30° N and 30° S latitude,
replacing the air that is moving equatorward at the surface. This
pattern of air circulation is called Hadley cell.
➢ The subsiding air at 30° N and 30° S latitude gets warm, which
prevents the condensation and cloud formation.
➢The very low temperatures at the poles result in increased air density
and high pressure near the surface, which leads to divergence and
movement of the cold air at the surface equatorward. The divergence is
accompanied by subsidence from above.
➢The equatorward moving cold air meets the warm air from subtropics,
producing a zone of steep temperature gradients known as polar front
zone at about 60° N and 60° S latitude.
Atmospheric Circulation
General circulation of the atmosphere (Contd.)
➢These cold and warm air masses do not mix easily. Due to density
difference, cold air sinks below the warm air when these air masses
meet. Therefore, the polar front zone slopes poleward with increasing
altitude in the atmosphere (Figure 4.7)
➢ However, with respect to a rotating (with a fixed axis of rotation and constant angular velocity
𝜔) frame of reference, equation of motion for an object of mass m moving with linear velocity
v changes to
𝑭 − 2𝑚 𝝎 × 𝒗 − 𝑚 𝝎 × 𝝎 × 𝒓 = 𝑚𝒂.
➢ Considerations of pressure differences (pressure gradient force), buoyancy, and the Coriolis
force have led us to obtain simple (a good first approximation) understanding of general
circulation of the atmosphere (Figure 4.11).
➢ The difference in the distance between Earth and Sun and (more importantly) the Earth’s tilt
or obliquity (~23.5°) are responsible for seasonal variations.
➢ The solar energy distribution varies with the seasons. (Figure 4.15)
Seasonal Variability
Atmospheric Circulation
Seasonal Variability
➢ The seasonal variability in the incoming energy shifts the atmospheric circulation patterns
northward and southward as the season change.
➢ Due to tilt, Sun shines continuously for six month at each pole. The hemisphere
experiencing summer has less of temperature gradient between tropics and the pole than that
of the opposite hemisphere.
➢ The reduced temperature gradient weakens the strength of the atmospheric circulation.
➢ At the same time, because the Sun is directly overhead somewhere away from equator (due
to tilt), the steepest temperature gradients are shifted toward the poles and circulation
patterns are also shifted poleward. (Figure 4.16)
Atmospheric Circulation
Seasonal Variability
➢ In the hemisphere experiencing winter, the equator-to-pole temperature gradient is much
stronger and the steepest gradients are shifted equatorward. Therefore, the atmospheric
circulation is more intense and the circulation patterns are shifted equatorward.
➢ The ITCZ also moves northward and southward as the season shifts. The ITCZ will reach its
maximum northward location late in the Northern Hemisphere summer. It will then migrate
southward crossing the equator in the fall and reaching its most southern location late in the
winter (Southern Hemisphere summer). (Figure 4.16)
➢ The upper tropospheric circulation is also affected by seasonal variations with more intense
wind speeds in the winter and jet streams shifting north and south with seasons.
Atmospheric Circulation
Seasonal Variability
➢ In general, temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric circulation are all closely linked and
interactions and feedbacks exist among all three of these components of Earth’s climate.
Global Distribution of Temperature and Rainfall
Land-Ocean Contrasts and Continentality
➢ Beyond the latitudinal distribution of solar energy, the global temperature patterns are
strongly influenced by the distribution of land and ocean.
➢ Since the albedo of the ocean surface is considerably lower than that of land surfaces, oceans
absorb more of the available solar energy than do the land surfaces at the same latitude.
➢ The heat capacity (a measure of energy required to change the temperature of an object) of
water is about three to four times that of the dry soil. Thus, the input of a given amount
of energy will raise land temperatures much more than it will raise sea-surface
Global Distribution of Temperature and Rainfall
Land-Ocean Contrasts and Continentality
➢ Land surfaces heat up quickly during the day and cool quickly at night, whereas ocean
surfaces warm slowly in the day and temperatures drops very little at night. The sea breeze
that occurs at coastlines is a direct consequence of this diurnal variability.
➢ As we have already seen that seasonal variations over midlatitudes and high latitudes is
much greater than in the tropics (due to tilt). This variability is much stronger over the land
surface than over the oceans because of their different thermal characteristics. This property
is called continentality.
➢ Land surfaces are much warmer than ocean surfaces in summer and much colder in the
➢ The greatest seasonal variability is found in the interior of large continental masses and the
lowest variability over the tropical oceans. The oceans provide a moderating effect in the
coastal regions that reduces the temperature extremes. (Figure 4.18)
Global Distribution of Temperatures
Global Distribution of Temperatures
Global Distribution of Temperatures (Annual Range: The difference
between summer and winter)
Average Sea-level Pressure
Average Sea-level Pressure
➢The moist air drawn in from Indian Ocean cools as it rises above the
mountains of southwest India and over the Himalayas.
➢In both the instances the rising air produces cloud and heavy rainfall
(the monsoon rain).
➢In winter, the pattern reverses: High elevations and persistent snow
cover enhances the continentality, producing even low temperatures.
Looks carefully
the wind patterns.
The Blue Planet: An Introduction to Earth System Sciences, 3rd
Edition by Skinner and Murck
Atmospheric Circulation
Upper-level flow
➢ Based on the solar energy distribution, on the large scale, troposphere has warm air in the
tropics and relatively cooler air at the poles.
➢ As the warmer air expands and cooler air contracts, then the depth of the troposphere
changes with latitude. As a consequence, the troposphere is thicker in the tropics that at the
poles. Therefore, the change in the pressure with height must be slower in the tropics.
➢ Under the influence of Coriolis force (always perpendicular to the path of air the parcel),
poleward moving air will curve to right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the
Southern Hemisphere.
Cyclone Formation
Convergence and Divergence
Convergence and Divergence
Convergence and Divergence
Convergence and Divergence
Global Precipitation Patterns
Cloud Formation