Tugas Research On Trnslation (Ismei Alfiah) )
Tugas Research On Trnslation (Ismei Alfiah) )
Tugas Research On Trnslation (Ismei Alfiah) )
A Mini Research
An Analysis of Translation Method In The Song Lyric All of Me Sung By John Legend To
Seluruh Diriku Sung By Lizhara Delanies as A Youtuber
This study entitled An Analysis of Translation Method In The Song Lyric All of Me
Sung By John Legend To Seluruh Diriku Sung By Lizhara Delanies as A Youtuber.
Thenobjectives of this research are: 1) to find out the types of translation method are used to
translate the song lyric all of me to selururh diriku 2) to find out the translation quality are
used to translate the song lyric all of me to seluruh diriku. This study focuses on Newmark
classifications of translation method and Nababan parameters of translation quality. The
translation method are: Word for word translation, Literal translation, Faithful translation,
Semantic translation, Adaptation translation, Free translation, Idiomatic translation and
Communicative translation. The translation quality are: Accuracy, Acceptability, and
Readibility. Then, the data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. The source
of the data were original English lyric by John Legend and Indonesian lyric that was
translated by Lizhara Delanies as a youtuber from Indonesia.
From the background of the study, the researcher has problem statements
1. What types of translation methods are used to translate the song lyric All of
Me into the song lyric Seluruh Diriku?
2. What types of translation quality are used to translate the song lyric All of Me
into the song lyric Seluruh Diriku?
1. To find out the types of translation methods are used to translate the song lyric
All of Me into the song lyric Seluruh Diriku?
2. To find out the types of translation quality are used to translate the song lyric
All of Me into the song lyric Seluruh Diriku?
The theoretical contains theories from the books or experts which are closely
related to the research. The theory is necessary to help and support the researcher
in analyzing the data.
1. The Definition of Translation
There are many definitions of translation which are defined by
translation experts. Firstly, Newmark (1981:07) defines that translation is a
craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and /or
statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in one
language. Secondly, Catford in Sutopo (2001:1) defines that, translation is
the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent
textual material in another language (TL)..
Based on the definitions above, the research conclude that the
translation is the process of transferring thoughts and message from the SL
to the TL, either written or spoken.
2. Song Lyric Translation
A song is one of the media which relates to a translation process and
the song as a part of literature work has the unique pattern same as the
poetry. A song lyric is written in a similar way to that of poetry and its
translation can be regarded as a useful reference for the translation of song
(Warachananan & Roongratanakol. 2015). The translator must have good
knowledge to make a successful translation.
3. Translation Method
There are eight methods that divided into two forms by Newmark. The
first is the translation method emphasize on the source language,
consisting word for word, literal, faithful, and semantic translation.
Secondly, is the translation method emphasize to the target language,
consisting adaptation, free, idiomatic, and communicative translation.
The method of translation emphasize to the source language:
1. Word for word translation
The translator keeps the source language word order and uses
common equivalent words to express the meaning of the source
text. Some mechanical and cultural words are translated literally to
make it easier for translator to understand those words before
translating the text.
2. Literal translation
The translator tries to change the SL structure into TL structure but
the words are translated literally. It is also a pre-translation process
in which only the words are translated literally, not the structure
like in the previous method.
3. Faithful translation
The translator tries to translate the meaning of the source text
attempting to convey the writer’s intention. The translation keeps
the grammar of the SL and the lexis that deviate the TL norms.
4. Semantic translation
This method is almost same as faithful translation. The differences
are that semantic translation is more flexible, more accurate, and
has aesthetic value than faithful translation.
4. Communicative translation
In this translation attempts to deliver the exact meaning of the
source text considering the TL readers. So the translation product
can covey the meaning of the source the communicatively.
4. Translation Quality
Translation quality assessment is an activity to give value to a
translation product whether the product is having good quality or not.
Assessing or criticizing a translation is not easy matter because it needs an
extraordinary ability (Nababan, 2003). The translation product is not
always good. Assessment toward translation quality focuses in three things
namely accuracy, acceptability, and readability.
1. Accuracy
Accuracy is one of the factors in determining the translation
quality. It becomes one of the most important aspects in translation.
Sadtono (1985:9) explains that a translator should maintain the
meaning of a text. He states that a translator should attempt to
produce translation which has the same meaning as the source text.
He explains further that the most important thing in translating a
text is how the message is expressed in target language, not how to
maintain source text’s original form.
Scale for scoring accuracy
(Adapted from Nababan, 2010)
2. Acceptability
Acceptability covers the natural feeling of the text as an
original of the target reader. It deals with the target language
system and culture. A translator is allowed to reconstruct, adapt or
rewrite what is stated in source text as long as the message is still
the same.
Scale for scoring acceptability
(Adapted from Nababan, 2010)
3. Readability
Readability deals with how natural and essay a translation can be
read by the target readers. Nababan (1999:61) states that readability
is important because translation cannot be separated from reading
activity. Therefore, a translator should consider this aspect in
translating a text. Readability influences the reader’s understanding
of the content of a translation.
Scale for scoring readability
(Adapted from Nababan, 2010)
All of Me
Sung by John Legend
‘Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and al your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I’ll give my all to you
You’re my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I’m winning
‘Cause I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you
‘Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and al your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I’ll give my all to you
You’re my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I’m winning
‘Cause I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you
Give me all of you
‘Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and al your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I’ll give my all to you
You’re my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I’m winning
‘Cause I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you
Seluruh Diriku
Sung by Lizhara Delanies as a Youtuber
Aku tenggelam
Namun ku bernafas
Kau membuatku semakin gila
Seluruh diriku
Ku cinta segalanya tentangmu
Kelebihanmu, kekuranganmu
Berikan aku segala tentangmu
Kan ku beri segalanya padamu
Kau akhir dari segalanya
Meski sulit ku bahagia
Karna ku beri seluruh diriku
Dan kau beri seluruh dirimu
Aku tenggelam
Namun ku bernafas
Kau membuatku semakin gila
Seluruh diriku
Ku cinta segalanya tentangmu
Kelebihanmu, kekuranganmu
Berikan aku segala tentangmu
Kan ku beri segalanya padamu
Kau akhir dari segalanya
Meski sulit ku bahagia
Karna ku beri seluruh diriku
Dan kau beri seluruh dirimu
Beriku semua
Seluruh diriku
Ku cinta segalanya tentangmu
Kelebihanmu, kekuranganmu
Berikan aku segala tentangmu
Kan ku beri segalanya padamu
Kau akhir dari segalanya
Meski sulit ku bahagia
Karna ku beri seluruh diriku
Dan kau beri seluruh dirimu
The writer colected, analyzed, and compared the translation method which in
song lyric All of me to Seluruh diriku. Then, the writer describes the translation
method and translation quality used by the translator and gives its analysis of each
2. Literal translation
3. Adaptation translation
Source Target Language Analysis
Even when I Meski sulit ku The meaning of original text is very different
lose I’m bahagia with the target text. The source language even
winning when I lose I’m winning is translated to be
meski sulit ku bahagia, it is did not refect
the real meaning directly. So, the translator
used the closest meaning to translate that
utterance by adaptation translation method.
The world is Dunia It is found out incompatibility meaning
beating you mengasingkanmu between the song lyric of source language and
down target language. Target language does no has
the similar meaning to the source language
text as appropriate with the structure
construction. So, the translator seeks the
closest meaning to the source language.
4. Free translation
5. Communicative translation
Then, it was analyzed in translation quality. The respondent gives score one
until three in accuracy, acceptability and readability. Below are the table and
examples of translation quality:
Indication/Score 3 2 1
Accuracy 10 16 4
Acceptability 17 11 2
Readability 18 12 0
From that table, we know the higest and lower score, this was example of
1. Accuracy
Source Target Score Analysis
Language Language
What’s going on Apa yang ada 3 Based on writer’s opinion, the
in that beautiful dalam fikiranmu translation of this line is accurate.
mind Because the translation of this line is
very understandable by the audience,
and it is appropriate with the source
And I’m so Aku tak tahu, 2 Based on writer’s opinion, the
dizzy, don’t yang terjadi dan translation of this line is less accurate.
know what hit ku tak apa Because the translation between the
me, but I’ll be source language with the target
alright language is not appropriate, and there
are words that are translated. But, the
audience still understood the meaning
of the Indonesian lyric.
The world is Dunia 1 Based on writer’s opinion, the
beating you mengasingkanmu translation of this line is inaccurate.
down Because between the source language
and the target language is not very
suitable. So, the translation looks
unnatural. Audience is difficult to
understand the meaning of the
Indonesian lyric.
2. Acceptability
3. Readability
1. There are five translation methods used by the translator in translating The Song Lyric
All of Me Sung By John Legend To Seluruh Diriku. There are word for word
translation, literal translation, adaptation translation, free translation and
communicative translation.
2. The analysis of translation quality show that 10 data is accurate, 16 data is less
accurate, and 4 data is inaccurate. Then, 17 data is acceptable, 11 data is less
acceptable, and 2 data is unacceptable. The last, 18 data is readable, 12 data is less
readable, and there is no data is unreadable.