CH 12 History
CH 12 History
CH 12 History
1. The constitution should observe the principles of democracy, freedom, equal tolerance and
social justice as laid down by Islam.
4. Minorities and the poor would be legally protected from social injustice.
5. All fundamental human rights should be guaranteed. 6. The legal system should be
independent of government.
Chapter 12
7 marks questions
to provide framework for the future constitution
After Independence Pakistan kept Government of Indian Act 1935 as a toy constitution and
Pakistan could not keep it as an original constitution. It was necessary to have its own
constitution which could satisfy all sections of society and to become an independent and
sovereign state having it's on constitution.
Therefore, objective resolution was passed to provide a frame work or a preamble for the
future constitution which should be within the parameters of some clear principles advised in
Objective Resolution.
To satisfy minorities in Pakistan.
In newly established Pakistan minorities had fear of being dominated by Muslims. They also had
fear of being treated unjustly and their rights would not be protected due to their less
Hence objective resolution was passed to remove all these suspicion of minorities and it was
clearly stated in the objective resolution that the rights of minorities would be protected in the
new constitution because minorities are the integral part of Pakistan.
to satisfy the religious groups of Pakistan.
All religious groups started pressurizing the newly established Government to implement
principles of Islam as the new country was achieved on the name of Islam.
Scholars like Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani, founder of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, strongly
supported the objective resolution of 1949.
Therefore, objective resolution was passed to satisfy religious groups by stating clearly that the
future constitution would not be modelled entirely
on a European pattern, but on the ideology and democratic faith of Islam.
Why was the First Report of Basic Principle Committee came under criticism?
First report of Basic principle committee came under criticism because of the
Issue of equal no of seats in the Assemblies.
(Parity of seats)
As per the report there should be Central Legislature was to be bicameral (two houses) Upper
house and lower house.Upper House had total 120 seats out of which 60 given to East Pakistan
and 60 given to West Pakistan.
Similarly, lower House were given real powers with total number of seats 400 seats out of with
200 given to East Pakistan and 200 given to West Pakistan. It was unfair fair with East Pakistan
because they were having 55% population of Pakistan. This is how the politicians and people of
east Pakistan severely criticized this parity of seats.
So,due to the equal no of seats in upper and lower houses, reduced the principle of majority
and turned East Pakistan into a minority led to the criticism on first report of BPC.
The objection of Ulema.
Religious groups complained that the constitution was not sufficiently Islamic. They demanded
that head of State should be Muslim and the Islamic scholars should be give a decisive role in
making and breaking of any law.
Hence, the Ulema were not satisfied as per the report of the committee so they rejected and
started agitation against first report of BPC.
the Objection of Politicians on the role of Governor General.
As per the Report of first BPC, Governor General could declare state of emergency.He could
abrogate constitution and issue ordinances through Wich he can pass any law.He could dissolve
assembly as per his wish.
Therefore,the powers can give possibility of misusing the office of Governor General
for his personal gains or to crush opposition against him. There was a great chance of political
instability in the country so this report of first BPC was criticized by all politicians.
Q3. Why was the Second Report of Basic Principle Committee came
under criticism?
The second report of BPC came under criticism due to
Language issue raised by East Pakistan.
Urdu was declared as the National Language of Pakistan beyond the fact that below 7% people
were having it as their mother tongue.
East Pakistani were speaking Bengali and were proud of their culture and language.
Both Urdu and Bengali could have been made National languages but only Urdu was given that
Therefore making Urdu as national language and neglecting Bengali in the report , made a
fierce opposition from East Pakistan(Bengalis) which led to the severe criticism on second report
of BPC in 1950.
The Appoint of a board of Islamic Experts.
Ulema were demanding a board of Islamic Experts to be appointed to advice on any legislation,
they wanted a decisive role in making of any law because they thought that all laws should
follow the rules of Islam.
Thus they were given a role demanded in this report.
Politicians became unhappy because this step was considered as to give more powers to
religious parties than the politicians The true spirit of democracy was not allowed to be
prevailed over Pakistan so this report came under heavy criticism.
The fear of minorities
The Second Report of BPC suggested that only Muslim should be the head of state.This offended
minorities because the Objective resolution claim of Pakistan to provide equal rights to
minorities could not be justified. Minorities considered it as an insult.
Thus the report was reject by the minorities as a result the report of second BPC became under
severe criticism.
One unit policy was introduced to
promote nationalism and to avoid provincialism.
The government of Pakistan wanted to remove differences among its federating units. The
difference of language culture and lifestyle was present among provinces Furthermore, the
people of each province were more loyal towards their province as a result provincialism was
getting deep roots in Pakistan.
Therefore, it was decided to reduce the influence of provincialism and to promote nationalism
in Pakistan with the introduction of One Unit Scheme.
to provide effective administration and development.
President Iskandar Mirza believed that by making only Two units East and West Pakistan it
would be easier for him to provide effective administration and control. He thought that in this
way there would be greater chances of development because resources would be share equal in
two wings
and there would be no need to divide resources for example funds, Taxation,Aid etc, into five
So, these benefits helped Iskandar Mirza taking initiative for announcing one unit scheme
to maintain power of West Pakistan or politicians of Punjab.
Politicians of Punjab had fear of dominating by East Pakistanis as the were in majority (10
million more in numbers than west Pakistanis). With this they wanted to justify the parity of
seats between East Pakistan and West Pakistan.
Therefore, one unit scheme was announced to maintain the power of West Pakistan by granting
equal representation to both in two wings of Pakistan.
Unfair and Unequal distribution of wealth
One unit scheme was made to equally distribute the wealth and resources between two
wings East and West Pakistan but most of the development took place in West Pakistan because
politicians of West Pakistan used their political influence to do so and this helped the
accomulation of wealth in West Pakistan.
At the other end East Pakistan remained short of funds and under developed.
Therefore, one unit scheme faced severe opposition of East Pakistan and finally it led to its
cancellation in 1969.
Criticism on equal representation in National Assembly
One unit scheme was criticized by East Pakistanis because all provinces of west Pakistan were
joined to make one western wing.
This allow equal number of seats in National Assembly for West Pakistan beside the fact that
the whole population of West Pakistan who were multi ethenic and were 45% compare to the
55% population of East Pakistan who were all from one Bengali ethnicity.This created opposition
to one unit scheme because East Pakistan thought it was the step to snatch political rights and
powers of East Pakistan by West Pakistan despite the fact that East Pakistan had more
population than West Pakistan.
So, East Pakistan wanted to have representation in National Assembly according to their
Criticism from smaller provinces of West Pakistan.
One unit scheme was criticized by smaller provinges of Pakistan especially People of Baluchistan
considered it a step to dominate their cultural identity by the most populace and developed
province of Punjab. Sindh and NWFP were also thinking on the same lines and feel deprived.
Smaller provinces considered it as an insult because they thought that their culture and
tradition was ignored and they are merged with other communities of Pakistan.
Objection from religious groups.
The objection raised by religious groups on the proposed design of future constitution was due
to some religious leaders like,
Maulana Mawdudi, "founder of Jamat-e-Islami"
objected to the secular design of the constitution. He also had objection on the proposed
proposals for new constitution that there was no true reference or steps to govern Pakistan on
the basis of Islamic doctrines of governance.
Therefore the dissatisfaction of religious circle on the proposed proposals caused much delay in
constitution making process during 1950.
Secondly,was the
Objection by politicians on power of center.
on the amount of powers given to the Federal Legislature,(center) politicians objected to the
head of state's emergency powers as the constitution provided no safeguard against their
misuse. Besides, the power of promulgating ordinances was also given to head of state and
head of provinces. Politicians had serious objection to the powers vested in presidency post.
Therefore the political leaders from both wings criticized severely the limited provincial
autonomy and their limited input in decision making or law making process, thus delayed there
constitution making process in 1950.
Lastly, the
Objection of East Pakistan on the draft proposal of 1950.
East Pakistan had serious objection on equal representation in both houses as recommended by
First Basic Principle Committee Report. According to them, they were more than 55% to that of
West Pakistan. Besides, they also opposed the formation of Urdu as a national language. The
attempt to change majority into minority and to give preference Urdu over Bengali thus created
disagreement ona hey constitution in 1950.
Inability to make new constitution.
First Constituent Assembly was formed to make new constitution keeping the geography,
culture and religion of Pakistan into account. Under the Indian Independence Act, the
Constituent Assembly was given two functions, one was to prepare a constitution and secondly
to act as a Federal Legislative Assembly. But, it only produced two or three drafts for a
constitution since its formation in 1947. This was why Pakistan had to continue with
Government of India Act 1935 as an interim constitution.
Therefore,inability to form new constitution and also the demand of forming new Constituent
Assembly proved to be an important reason for the dissolution of First Constituent Assembly in
1954 by Ghulam Muhammad.
Secondly, the
Attempts of Constituent Assembly to curb powers of Governor General.
The first constituent assembly was not happy with the increasing role of Governer General in
Government affairs. The way Malik Ghulam Muhammad as Governor General dismissed the
Government of Khawaja Nazimuddin,was totally opposed and disliked by legislatures of first
constituent assembly. During the official tour of Malik Ghulam Muhammad to NWFP, the
constituent assembly amended the constitution and snatched away the power of dismissing
Government or Assembly by Governor General. On his return to Karachu Malik Ghulam
Muhammad gathered the support of important politicians e.g. Ayub khuhro, Mumtaz Daultana,
Fazlul Haq, and Ayub Khan etc, and struck back by dissolving constituent assembly in 1950.
The power struggle between constituent assembly and Malik Ghulam Muhammad thus became
a major reason for the dissolution of the first constituent assembly in 1954.
Anti-American campaign by members of First Constituent Assembly.
Infact, both Malik Ghulam Muhammad as Governor General and Muhammad Ali Bogra as Prime
Minister of Pakistan were pro-American and wanted to bring Pakistan into Western Camp but,
the United Front of East Pakistan and some members of Constituent Assembly like Fazlul Haq,
were highly critical on joining Western American Camp because they thought it would make
Pakistan a colony of America, Furthermore, the victory of United Front in the 1954 provincial
assembly and the decision of Constituent Assembly to send trade delegation to USSR with an
idea to bring two countries closer.
Thus, the serious threat emerged in the way of achieving intentions of Ghulam Muhammad and
Bogra to Join Western camp or American camp force them to dissolve Assembly in 1954.
Food crisis and rioting during 1951 to 1953.
During 1951 to 1953, Pakistan faced serious food crisis on account of drought conditions across
Pakistan.This leads to demonstrations and riots against Government.Besides this, the religious
parties also launched anti-Ahmedhi Movement which turned violent and spread throughout
Pakistan which resulted Martial law at Lahore.
Therefore this give a Justification to Malik Ghulam Muhammad to dismiss Khawaja
Nazimuddin's Government by blaming it incapable of controlling economy and civil unrest.
Power struggle between Malik Ghulam Muhammad and Muhammad Ali Bogra. 1953-54.
Muhammad ali Bogra 1953-54 After Khawaja Nazimuddin, Muhammad Ali Bogra was
nominated as new Prime Minister in 1953. Muhammad Ali Bogra tried to clip the powers of
Governor General Malik Ghalam Muhammad through passing resolution in Assembly While
Ghulam Muhammad was out of Capital. But Ghulam Muhammad regained powers by imposing
emergency and dissolving the first Constituent Assembly.
Therefore, the dismissal of Bogra and his reappointment was only because Malik Ghulam
Muhammad did not want to lose his powers as Governor General and wanted to control in his
own hands.
Iskandar Mirza as a powerful President from 1956-1958.
The most disturbing time period in politics of Pakistan was from 1956 to 1958. During this
period, Iskander Mirza as a Governor General tried to maintain his powers. Several Prime
Ministers like Hussainn Shaheed Suhrawardy, Ibrahim Ishmail Chundrigar and Feroze Khan
Noon, were dismissed on account of their failure to create census on one Unit Scheme, to
control economy and coalition partners.
Therefore, the power struggle between Prime Ministers and Governor General proved to be the
reason for frequent changing of Governments from 1956 to 1958.
Iskandar Mirza changed so many Prime ministers between 1955 to 1958 because of
The Personal Choice of resigning by Chaudhri Muhammad Ali.
The first reason of dismissing Chaudhri Muhammad Ali as Prime Minister was his own personal
choice to resign in 1956. Though he was appointed by Islander Mirza after the dismissal of
Muhammad Ali Bogra in 1955. He was unable to gather much support for new constitution and
one unit scheme. He even failed to control his own political party "Muslim League".
Furthermore, situation became worse due to floods and food shortages in 1955.
Therefore, the growing discontentment within his own party and poor statesmanship in
handling affairs of the country led to his own downfall.
No desire to become puppet ruler by Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy.
the dismissal of Prime Minister Hussein Shaheed Suhrawardy in 1957 by Iskander Mirza, was his
desire to gain more power as Prime Minister and did not want to become a mere puppet ruler.
The threat of clipping powers of President by prime Minister compelled Iskander Mirza to force
Hussein Shaheed Suhrawardy resign. However, Iskander Mirza Justified the dismissal of Hussein
Shaheed as his failure to control economic disparity and to initiate One Unit Scheme and to
control the influence of business monopoly politics.
Thus Iskandar Mirza removed Hussain Shaheed Suharwardi from premiere ship to gain control
of key affairs.
Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar as a weak Prime Minister. 1957.
The last reason for the dismissal of I.I.Chundrigar as a Prime Minister, was his weaker position.
He was a nominated Prime Minister but he held a very weak position from the very beginning.
He headed a coalition Government including the Krishak Sramik Party, Nizam-i-Islam party the
Muslim League and the Republican Party.
The inability of bringing coalition Government in creating census on major issues like One Unit
Scheme, economic policies etc,
Therefore all the facts compell I.I. Chundrigar for his dismissal in 1957.
Dissolution of First Constituent assembly By Ghulam Muhammad in 1954.
In August 1947, Muhammad Ali Jinnah (RA) made fist Constituent Assembly of Pakistan for two
purposes, one to prepare the new constitution and second to act as Parliament until the new
constitution was enacted. But the power struggle between Muhammad Ali Bogra as Prime
Minister and Ghulam Muhammad as Governor General led its dissolution in 24 October 1954.
All efforts and work for preparing constitution since 1947 was badly damaged and halted by this
act of Ghulam Muhammad.
So, by this act of Gulam Muhammad the political crisis of Pakistan intensified and Pakistan
faced a constitutional crisis.
Maulvi Tamizuddin's case in Sindh High court.
Molvi Tameezudin was the speakers of first Constituent Assembly. Upon the dissolution of
assembly by Ghulam Muhammad, he filed case against this dismissal in Sind High Court which
gave decision in favour of Tazmizuddin by declaring the dissolution as illegal and unfair. But,
Federal Government or Ghulam Muhammad appealed against the order of Sindh High Court in
Federal Court. Where this case was reopened and reheard and this highest court of country
cancelled the Sindh High Court decision and gave verdict in favour of Ghulam Muhammad.
The long drawn out hearings in courts led to the political and constitutional uncertainty in
Pakistan, hence only deepened the constitutional crisis of 1954-55.
Lastly, due to
The role of Muslim League In Constitution Making During 1954-55.
During the regime of Muhammad Ali Bogra, Muslim League was defeated in the provincial
elections in East Pakistan in 1954. Muslim League had a comfortable majority in First
Constituent Assembly but it lost this position in the Second Constituent Assembly after elections
of 1954. Besides, it faced very bad defeat in East Pakistan Provincial Assembly. Out of 80 seats in
Second Constituent Assembly, Muslim League only won 25 seats where as United Front won 16
and Awami League won 12 seats. Consequently, Muslim League needed coalition partners for
making government and the authority to frame the constitution, therefore, later challenged by
the United Front. The people of West Pakistan became frustrated with the role and
performance of Muslim League. With opposition mounting in both Wings, the Muslim League's
efforts to proceed with Constitution-making only added to bitterness, suspicion and distrust.
Hence, being a founder party of Pakistan due to weak leadership, lack of vision and will put
Pakistan in a grave constitutional crisis.
Disagreement on Parity of Seats.
the objection from East Pakistan on equal number of seats or representation in National
assembly paved the way to abrogate the first constitution.Since Bengalis comprised 55% of total
population of Pakistan, in effect, more in number than West Pakistan who were 45%. They
wanted to have fair share in Government in terms of their numerical strength. They were of the
view that the true democratic system facilitates the majority to rule therefore, the right to rule
should be awarded to East Pakistan.
So,this was the reason why Bengalis had serious reservation on 1956 constitution which
undermined their wish to rule, consequently leading to failure of first constitution,because it
lost support from major community.
Growing unpopularity of Iskandar Mirza during 1958.
Iskandar Mirza, being a President of Pakistan, became highly unpopular during 1958 because he
sacked number of Prime Ministers like Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy,I.I Chundrigar and Feroze
Khan Non to save his powers. But, 1956 constitution was introduced with the promise to hold
elections in 1957 which he could not arrange as a matter of fact he became very unpopular
politically that if elections had been held, he would have been lost power.
So to save power as President, he not only abrogated 1956 constitution but also proclaimed
Martial Law as well which leads to the abrogation of construction.
No real provincial autonomy given to provinces in 1956 constitution.
The 1956 constitution provided a "Federal form of Government in which center would assist
provinces to run their affairs. But Center controlled and directed provinces through its power of
appointments of Bureaucrats, Provincial Governors, controlling financial and administrative
resources. The greatest wish of provinces to run their affairs freely and to exploit their natural
resources for uplifting economic and social sectors was not addressed by this constitution.
thus the losing support from provinces led to its abrogation in 1958.
Section 3
Chapter 12
14 marks questions
Q1.Who of the following contributed the most to Pakistan's domestic policies between 1948
and 1958 ?
Liaquat Ali Khan,
M.Ghulam Muhammad,
Iskander Mirza.
Explain your answer with reference to all three of the above.
Liaqat Ali Khan contributed in the following maner to the domastic policies of Pakistan like he
Presented the Objective Resolution in 1949.
After independence, Pakistan had to adopt Govt of India Act 1935 as an interm constitution, for
running state affairs, liaqat Ali Khan laid a foundation for making a constitution by presenting
Objective Resuletion in 1949. In this, principles of Islam Justice, freedom, democracy and basic
human rights were guaranteed. The undertaking of constitution making process keeping the
social, religious, cultural and political values of Pakistan into account,
thus an important domestic political policy of Liaquat Ali Khan.
However, it did not satisfied religious clerics/Ulemas in Pakistan and this was severely criticized
for its liberal approach.
his approach towards economic stability of Pakistan.
Pakistan faced acute economic issues in the beginning that were tectfully resolved by the
economic policies of Liaquat Ali Khan. He produced surplus Budget for new state. Along with
this, he took several economic development steps like the establishment of State Bank of
Pakistan in 1949, setting up of currency issuing mill in Karachi and setting up of Pakistan
Industrial Corporation for large and small Scale industries for industrial development.
Thus, helping new country standing up on its own foot economically was a major contribution
of Liaquat Ali Khan in domestic policies of Pakistan during his premiership. However, his
economic policies were heavily dependent upon US Aid.
(You may also write about PRODA and The discovery of Rawalpindi conspiracy)
However, Malik Ghulam Muhammad also contributed in domestic policies of Pakistan like he
bring economic development in Pakistan
Malik Ghulam Muhammad launched a Six Years plan for Pakistan in 1951. In this plan, major
economic sectors were focused like agriculture,power industry, mining, transport and
communication industries Furthermore, it also covered social uplift schemes. In 1953, a
Planning Board was set up to review the development of recent years. These schemes brought
economic development in Pakistan like Jute processing plant was set up in East Pakistan in 1952
at Narayanganj, and in the same year, largest gase was discovered at Sui in Balochistan. This is
why the economic development stability in Pakistan during Ghulam Muhammad's period
considered an important
contribution in domestic policies.
Weak planning to deal with food crisis, and to control the agitation of religious elements in
Pakistan from 1951 to1953.
Despite taking some important decisions in improving economy by Ghulam Muhammad, in his
time severe drought condition hits Pakistan from 1951 to 1953 On account of this, Pakistan
faced serious food crisis which gave way to rioting across Pakistan. Besides this, conservative
religious elements launched campaign against Ahmedis. This aggravated the political situation
which was already volatile.The ill planning to counter drought and to meet food requirement of
the people and also the inability to satisfy religious elements politically.
So these events proved a major domestic failure of Ghulam Muhammad.
However, Iskander Mirza also contributed in positive and negative way in domestic policies like
He tried to unify country through the introduction of One Unit Scheme.
He believed in equal distribution of resources and wealth between two wings respectively East
and West Pakistan. Furthermore, he wanted to provide efficient administrative system in
Pakistan. Therefore, he introduced One Unit Scheme in which the provinces of West Pakistan
merged into one province or unit. To some extent this domestic policy created broader
nationalism by putting provincialism at back and he also helped in bringing constitutional
reforms in Pakistan therefore, it was a contribution in domestic policies by Iskander Mirza.
However, this scheme faced criticism from West and East Pakistan on issue of cultural identity
and equal representation.
Introduction of first constitution of Pakistan in 1956.
In 1956, second constituent Assembly of Pakistan passed the first constitution of Pakistan. In
this, the post of Governor General was replaced by President. Pakistan was given name as
"Islamic Republic of Pakistan"
So it was an important domestic policy of Iskander Mirza because it helped Pakistan to get rid of
1935 Government of India Act and eventually the politicians of Pakistan successfully made their
own constitution which encircled to some extent, the cultural, social and religious norms of
Q2.How successful were the Governments from 1947 to 1958 Explain your answer?
There were several successes and failures of the Governments from 1947 to 1958 in which few
of the successes are as follow
Thirdly, the Government of Ghulam Muhammad from 1951 to 1955 achieved another success
Launching Six Years development Plan
Ghulam Muhammad's Government launched a Six Years development Plan in 1951 to develop
agriculture,mining, industries, energy sector, transport and telecommunication sectors in
Pakistan. Hos Government also set up Planning Board in 1953 to review the economic
development due to which Pakistan economically made some progress like in 1952 a jute
processing Mill was set up in NarayanGanj,East Pakistan and in 1951,Sui Gas field was
discovered in Balochistan.
Therefore putting the country on economic progress and to stabilize the economy of Pakistan
can be considered as success.
The Government of Iskandar Mirza 1955-58 achieved a success by providing
Constitution of 1956 to Pakistan.
Since 1947, Pakistan tried to prepare its own constitution and wanted to get rid of Government
of India Act 1935 as an interim constitution but it could not be achieved till 1956 on account of
several reasons like parity of seats, language issue and Islamization issue etc. However, Iskandar
Mirza took this challenge seriously and he made a team of competent lawmakers to come up
with new constitution which was drafted in 1956.
So it was a success because Pakistan got its own constitution which represented its culture,
religion and social values. Besides it not only strengthened political system in Pakistan but also
facilitated Government to run its affairs within a legal frame work.
However there were some failures too for the all these Governments like
Lastly the Government of Iskandar Mirza was faced failure on the issue of
One Unit Scheme and parity of seats in Assembly.
One Unit Scheme faced fierce opposition or from East Pakistan and even from the smaller
provinces of West Pakistan.East Pakistan blamed West Pakistan on undermining the numerical
strength of East Pakistan by combining four federating units of West Pakistan into one. On top of
that the provinces of West Pakistan like Sindh, Balochistan and N.W.F.P(now KPK) also criticized
this scheme because they thought that it restricted their cultural identity and denied one unit
scheme to exploit their own natural resources.
Beside the 55% population of East Pakistan the number of seats were equally disstributed
between East and West which resulted in serious conflict.
So the dissatisfaction of provinces and severe criticism from East Pakistan on one unit Scheme
and parity of seats was a failure of Iskandar Mirza's Government.
I conclude that .successes/failures of Governments between 1947-1958 were more than it's
successes/failures because .......................
Q3.The untimely death of Mr. Jinnah was the main reason for the delay in constitution making
process during 1947 to 1956. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
The untimely death of Mr Jinnah in 1948 was one of the reason for the delay in construction
making process during 1947-56.
Mr.Jinnah helped in making new constitution by establishing constituent assembly in 1947, He
appointed Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan to commence constitution making process in country
and to strengthen political and administrative system in Pakistan. Being a lawyer and veteran
politician, Mr.Jinnah knew the importance of a constitation that how it provides legal
framework for all state institution and helps them to perform their duties within their limit. His
untimely death deprived Pakistan from a very wise veteran legislature and leader who could
have helped new county to have its undisputed constitution, based on Islamic principles of
democracy and cultural background of Pakistan.
Therefore, this unexpected untimely death of Mr Jinnah delayed the constitution making
process in Pakistan.
*However, there were other factors which also caused delay in constitution making process ,
Disagreement on Objective resolution in 1949.
The Objective Resolution was passed in 1949 by the first Constituent Assembly in the
premiership of Liaqat Ali Khan.Though it provided the base for the formation of new
constitution but no time frame was suggested to complete the process of constitution making.
Furthermore, it received a lot of criticism from minorities and even it disappointed some Islamic
scholars like Maulana Maududi.
The inability of Objective Resolution to be comstituted within a specific time period caused
delay and also the intense criticism on it compelled Liaqat Ali Khan to send it for review that
took few few more years.
Hence the objections from Ulema and the issue of timeframe made the constitution process
The Assassination of Liaqat Ali Khan.
Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated in 1951 during public meeting in Rawalpindi at Liaqat bagh. He
initiated the process of constitution making with interest in shape of presenting Objective
Resolution. So the death of another important and veteran leader of Pakistan caused delay in
constitution making process because he had ability to create census on political differences and
ability to finish this task timely.
Therefore his brutal assassination made the constitution making process further delayed
because he was the only politician who
could probably finish this job timely.
Criticism on First and Second Basic Principle Committee's reports.
The first basic principle committee report 1949 was presented in constituent assembly to
address criticisms made on Objective resolution, but this report faced severe criticism from East
Bengal on the issue of parity of seats and nominating Urdu as an official language. This report
further sent for review by forming second Basic Principle Committee which presented its report
in 1952 but again it faced serious criticism from East Pakistan on issue of parity of seats,
objections from politicians and minorities.
Therefore, the lengthy reviews and constant disagreement on some recommendations caused
much delay in constitution making process.
The constitutional crisis and the case of Molvi Tameezudin.
Maulvi Tamizuddin was the Speaker of the dissolved Assembly, he challenged the dissolution of
first Constituent Assembly in Sindh High Court to prove that dissolution of Assembly was illegal
step. In 1955, Sindh High Court ruled in favour of Maluvi Tamizuddin. But, Ghulam Muhammad
appealed to the Federal Court against this judgment and this court ruled that Ghulam
Muhammad had the authority to dismiss Assembly.
Thus the absence of Assembly and the dissolution case in courts took sufficient time to settle
the constitutional crisis
thus caused delay in constitution making process.
I conclude that .................. was the most important reason for the delay in construction making
process because.....................
Section 3
Chapter 12
4 marks questions
PARODA was an act to remove corruption from the society.It was Introduced in 1949 by Liaqat
Ali Khan. According to it
complaints of corruption made to Governor General or Provincial Governors against misconduct
of Government officials and Public representatives.
Judges had to enquire if anyone found guilty then an official could be debarred from holding
public office.
Later on the ruling elite started using it to settle personal scores with their rivals. It was lifted in
1954 by Bogra Government.
One Unit scheme was proposed by Muhammad Ali Bogra as Prime Minister in 1954.
It was Introduced in 1956 constitution by Iskander Mirza.
According to it all provinces and princely states of Pakistan were merged into one unit or
province.The main aim behind this scheme was to end provincialism and to promote
Nationalism. I
This faced so much opposition from both West and East Pakistan and became very much
This was a document drafted on the findings of 25 members of Basic Principal Committee to
provide a base for new constitution.Objective Resolution was Passed on 12th March 1949 by
first constituent assembly.
This document supported the principles of democracy, freedom, equality and social justice of
Protection to minorities,protection to fundamental human rights,equal representation to East
and West Pakistan in the Assembly and Urdu as an official language.
Section 3
Chapter 12
4 marks questions.
Liaqat Ali was born in 1895 he got his education from Aligarh university, later got education
from Oxford, England. He was a lawyer (barrister) and a politician by profession.He joined
Muslim League in 1923.
He was elected as a member in U.P. legislative assembly in 1926 and a member of Central
legislative assembly in 1940. He was nominated as Honorary Secretary of Muslim League in
He was a Finance Finance Minister during interim Government in 1946.He became the first
Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1947 and remains on this post till 1951.
Basic Democracy model was a political system Introduced by Ayub Khan in 1959.
It was a four tier(level)set of local bodies like Union Council, Tehsil Council, District and Division
councils elected by people directly.
It was a network of local self governing bodies to provide link between Government and
These local bodies were responsible for the development of their areas.
This system was an electoral college for the members of National Assembly and President.
Green revolution was the term used for the agricultural reforms of Ayub Khan due to which
Pakistan became self-sufficient in agricultural requirements.
Its basic purpose was to promote agriculture sector in Pakistan.
Land reforms were introduced to provide fair share of land in rural areas to the poor farmers.
HYV seeds were introduced like, JN-88 Maxi Pak etc.Dams, barrages and canal irrigation system
were made to provide water to agricultural fields.
Mechanization in agriculture was introduced like tractors, thrashers, harvesters etc Thes reform
greatly increased agricultural production in Pakistan due to which it is called green revolution.
The yen years tenure of Ayub Khan from 1958 to 1968 was known as Decade of Progress or
During this time period, Pakistan experienced advancement in agriculture through Green
revolution,industrial and Social progress.
Pakistan experience the highest growth rate 7%GDP which was three times more than India.
Due to these measures by Ayub Government that time period is known as decade of
Tashkent agreement was signed between Pakistan and Indian in 1966 at Tashkent city of the
then Soviet Union.
This was a peace treaty between India and Pakistan to end officially Second Indo Pak war or
second Kashmir War of 1965. This treaty was sponsored by Soviet Union. In this treaty the issue
of Kashmir was set aside and not discussed. Due to this treaty differences were mede between
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto(foreign minister) and Ayub Khan (President). Later on Bhutto resigned from
Ayub Government and formed his own party
known as Pakistan Peoples Party.
This treaty also considered as the beginning of the end of Ayub Khan's rule.
Chapter 12
Ayub Khan
14 marks questions.
Q1.Were the reforms of Ayub Khan the most important of his domestic policies during the
'Decade of Progress' between 1958 and 1969.Do you agree? Explain your answer.
Ayub Khan's social reforms were important along with his other reforms.
Firstly he
controlled the prices of basic products
Ayub Khan strictly deals with those who were involved in hording. As the black marketing was at
its height due to which prices of all products went high and inflation was at its peak.
Government took action to prevent hoarding and selling of hoarded products.Hoarders and
profiteers were arrested.
Furthermore to control the prices Ayub khan
fixed the prices of few products like milk, Meat,eggs etc
So, with all these measures Inflation and artificial high prices of products were controlled.
Availability of basic products in market helped poor people to manage their house-hold
expenditures thus was an important social reform.
After migration in 1947 refugees were having no homes and they were living in very poor
To help refugees and homeless people Government provided 5000 homes in Karachi and other
major cities of Pakistan.
Industries were also get bounded to provide accommodation to their workers
So,provision of permanent accommodation in major cities saved people from paying heavy fairs
of transportation and rented houses and helped them to lead a respectful life. Thus,was
another of his social reform initiated by Ayub Khan.
Therefore preventing exploitation of females in the male dominated society of Pakistan and
lifted their social status up to the level of males in Pakistan thus was a major social reform.
*However, other domestic reforms of Ayub Khan also had a deep impact in Pakistan such as
Political reform like
Lifting of Martial Law and
introduction of Basic Democracy system.
As Pakistan was suffering from Martial law which was imposed in 1958, Ayub Khan introduced
Basic democratic Model through which elections were held at all levels like, Union councils,
Tehsil,District, Divisional and at Provincial councils. It initiated a political process through which
President of Pakistan was also elected in 1960.
Therefore the conduction of successful BD elections and the election of President leads to the
lifting of Martial law thus became an important political reform by Ayub Khan.
He produced Constitution of 1962.
After the abrogation of the constitution of 1956 and imposition of Martial law, Ayub Khan
introduced a new constitution in 1962 which restored democracy in the country.He satisfied
Bengalis by declaring Bengali and Urdu as national languages.
If president would be from West Pakistan than Speaker of National Assembly should be from
East Pakistan
So the attempts to bridge the differences between East and West Pakistan the constitution of
1962 played an important role thus was Ayub Khan's important domastic policy
Economic policy
Ayub Khan boosted the economy through land reforms in which poor farmers get lands for
introduction of HYV seeds,Fertelizers, pesticides, insecticides, machinery and canal irrigation
system made Pakistan self-sufficient in the field of Agriculture.
Therefore increased agricultural production enabled Pakistan to overcome food crisis and even
exporting agricultural products thus an important domastic reform.
The Industrial expansion
A number of steps were taken to improve industrial setup like Oil refinery was setup at Karachi
in 1962, for the extraction of minerals,Mineral development Corporation was setup.Export
Bonus Scheme to increase exports of Pakistan. Different industries like cotton textile, cement,
fertilzers, sugar industries were setup.These steps brought highest ever economic growth of 7%
Increase industrial production not only reduced import of manufacture products but also
provided consumer products at low price thus was an Important Domastic reform.
I conclude that ................policy (pick any policy from above) was the most important of all in his
domastic policy because......... (Give one liner reason)
Section 3
Chapter 12
Ayub khan
14 marks question.
Q2. How successful were Ayub Khan's economic and agricultural policies? Give reasons for your
There were several successes and failures of the domastic policies of Ayub Khan in which few of
the successes are as follow.
Ayub khan redistributed land among poor farmers as under his agricultural policy in 1958.
Through this reform smaller landholdings were discouraged and
made a rule that no farm should be smaller than 12.5 acres while, large landholdings were
reduced up to 500 acres in irrigated and 1000 acres in un-irrigated land.
This resulted in the increase of crop production as well as it broke the monopoly of big land
lords and encoureged poor farmers in agriculture sector thus was a success of his agricultural
Under his Agricultural policy Ayub Khan introduced several measures which boosted the
economy like
Introduction of HYV seeds, new canal irrigation systems, construction of reservoirs like Dams
and Barrages. Farmers were given soft longest loans and they were encouraged to use
pesticides/insecticides/ chemical fertilizer and machinery like Tractors, Threshers and harvesters
So these measures increased agricultural production and Pakistan because self-sufficient in
agricultural products and also enabled to export it. Thus, it turned out to be a success of Ayub
Khan's agricultural policy
Another of his success was the achievement of all time high growth rate of 7% GDP.
Another of Ayub Khan's successful economic policy was his industrial policy under which an Oil
refinery was setup at Karachi in1962, Mineral Development Corporation was set up for the
exploration of minerals in Pakistan. Foreign and local investors were encouraged to set up
industries in Pakistan.
So,This not only generated a good number of employments for the people of Pakistan but also
pushed up economic growth rate at all time high by up 7% hence, was a major success of Ayub's
economic policy.
Another of his success was Export Bonus Vouchers Scheme and Tax incentives.
In 1959, Ayub Khan introduced Export Bonus Vouchers Scheme and tax incentives under his
economic policies, this scheme stimulated new industrial entrepreneurs and exporters in
Pakistan. Industrial machinery and raw material import was also facilitated by this scheme.Tax
concessions were offered to increase the investment rate in Pakistan.
So,these measures increased the number of industries in Pakistan and also produced a new
class of small industries in Pakistan, therefore, it was a success of his economic policy.
However there were some failures too for the policies of Ayub Khan.
His first failure in his Agricultural policy was the Limited benefits of land reforms for peasants on
farmers of local areas.
The land reforms of Ayub khan provided limited benefits to local farmers or peasents.Around
million of hectors of land in West Pakistan was given to specified people who were mostly
Military and Civil officers during 1958 to 1969 which created anew farming class of medium size
Therefore,Ignoring the existed class of small scale farmers and peasants in the process of free
distribution of large lands did not allow them to come out of the shackles of big landlords in
Punjab and Sindh, thus was a failure of Agricultural policy of Ayub Khan.
His second failure was of his Economic policy like the accumulation of wealth of in few hands.
The Economic policy of Ayub Khan has some serious fallouts like 22 families of West Pakistan
possessed 66% industrial assets pol assets and the same families also controlled 80% of
banking and insurance companies. All these families were belonging to West Pakistan and
moreover, this economic disparity did not go unnoticed in East Pakistan.
This further ignited the feeling of deprivation and resentment in East Pakistan.
The economic policies also made Pakistan heavily dependent on the foreign aids as well as raw
material. Therefore, it was a failure of Ayub khan's economic policy.
His third failure was also in the economic field like Limited economic development in East
The industrial and Economic policies were mainly West Pakistan oriented. For example most of
new industries were installed in West Pakistan like Oil Refinery at Karachi and construction of
canal irrigated system along with reservoirs in West Pakistan. The lack of economic
development in East Pakistan led to the high rate of poverty, unemployment and decline in per
capita income.
So by increasing gap between the economic condition of East and West Pakistan which later
leads to the seperation of Pakistan thus was a big failure of Ayub Khan's economic policy.
Section 3
Chapter 12
Topic Ayub Khan
7 marks questions
Political instability of 1956-58
There was political instability in Pakistan during Iskander Mirza's regime from 1955-58, because
in three years he dismissed four Prime Ministers like Chaudhry Mohd Ali,Hussain Shaheed
Suhrawardy, I.I. Chundrigar and Feroze Khan Noon. The political situation was that much terrible
that in 1958, in East Pakistan Assembly the Deputy Speaker Shahed Ali died due to an attack on
him through a paperweight.
In west Pakistan The state of Qillat planned to secede from Pakistan which was an alarm of
So,to normalize political condition in a county Ayub Khan decided to implement Martial law
thus he came to power.
Political pressure on president Iskander Mirza
East Pakistan's politicians were not given their due share to rule the country so Hussain Shaheed
Suharwardi united the politicians of
East and West Pakistan to get rid of Iskandar Mirza. Beside the promise and President Mirza
kept delaying in the announcement of the date of General election so a prominent political
leader of West Pakistan Qayyum Khan,
(president of Muslim League) Muslim League, threatened to launch direct action against Mirza's
Government which led to the clashes between Muslim league
workers and police in Karachi.
Situation further worsened when Awami League's Ministers resigned from the central cabinet of
Prime Minster Feroz Khan Noon further weekend the Government.
So Losing support of leading politicians key political parties like Muslim league and Awami
league compelled Iskandar Mirza to invite Ayub Khan to take charge as Martial law
Administrator thus it paved the way for Ayub Khan to take over.
The underdeveloped Economic condition of Pakistan
After the creation of Pakistan there was no major economic progress made except a six
years development Plan by Ghulam Muhammad. All economic sectors like Agriculture, Mining
and Industries, remained backward.
Inflation,hoarding and unemployment was at its peak.
So,to bring economic prosperity in all sectors so that Pakistan could gain important position in
world encouraged Ayub Khan to implement his own economic formula thus paved his way to
takeover the Government and implement Martial law.
Section 3
Chapter 12
7 marks questions.
Q2. Why were the years 1958 to 1969 called the decade of Progress?
The years 1958 to 1969 were called the development of progress because of
The Industrial progress
In the years mentioned above Ayub's government took massive steps to enhance industrial
development. Countries like USA, Germany, UK helped Pakistan to improve its industrial setup.
New industrial plants like Pakistan National Oil Refinery at Karachi, Textile mills, fertilizers
industries, cement industries, sugar mills were established.
This leads Pakistan economic growth(GDP) to 6.7% which was 3 times highest than India at that
Thus, the Highest industrial and Economic growth defines the years 1958-1969 the Decade of
The green revolution.
Through this agricultural progress Food was produced in more quantity which overcome the
food shortages.
Steps were taken like land reforms, Dams Construction, Development of canal irrigation system,
introduction of HYV and Fertilizers, Use of machinery like tractors and tube wells were
Increasing food and removing threat of famine which Pakistan faced in past was eradicated thus
to be conciderd as the years 1958-69 as the decade of progress for Pakistan.
The introduction of construction and political system
As Pakistan was suffering from constitutional crisis before 1958, there was no consensus on
previous constitution, elections were not held sice 1947, people were dissatisfied from the
politicians and political system, inflation was at its hight, martial was imposed due to political
So, Ayub Khan introduced a new constitution in 1962 which satisfied people by electing their
representatives through BD system, it also declared Bengali as a co national language of
Pakistan along with Urdu.
Hence satisfied the East and West Pakistanis. Therefore the years between 1958-69 are
considered as the decade of progress in political field.
Parity of seats in National Assembly for East and West Pakistan
The population of East Pakistan was 56% while West Pakistan was having 44% but in
construction equal no of seats were given to both wings of Pakistan in National Assembly.As this
was the demand of East Pakistan from 1948 that they must be given their representation as per
their population but their demand was not entertained.
Therefore the numerical strength of East Pakistan was ignored and deliberate attempt to
undermine their political strength so that they could not assume power thus led to failure of
the constitution of 1962.
Ignoring the religious sentiments by naming Pakistan as "Republic of Pakistan".
In the constitution of 1962 the offical name of Pakistan was replaced.In the constitution of
1956 it was Islamic Republic of Pakistan which was replaced as Republic of Pakistan in the
constitution of 1962. This step angered all the citizens of Pakistan because Islamic Republic was
suggested in objective resolution 1949, which is a preamble of any constitution.
This change was not accepted by opposition and was equally seen negativity in Islamic circles. It
was conciderd as an attempt to undermine the spirit of Islam in Pakistan.However, upon
opposition through first amendment it was changed but this made the constitution of 1962
unpopular and unsuccessful.
The negative impact of economic policies Explanation
Ayub Khan introduced effective economic policies to speed up the economic growth of Pakistan
but it also resulted negatively. Ayub khan Industrial policies concentrated 66% of industrial units
and 80% of banking sector and insurance assets in hands of 22 families of West Pakistan.
This concentration of wealth in the hands of specific families of West Pakistan did not go
unnoticed in East Pakistan.
Therefore rich became richer and poor became poorer specially in East Pakistan people
conciderd it as their discrimination and becoming against Ayub khan. So this huge failure of his
economic policy united opposition against him which finally forced him to resign in 1969.
The unification of opposition parties against Ayub khan.
Eight opposition parties formed a political alliance named as Democratic Action Committee at
Dhaka in1969 to oppose political repression and election rigging(1965) by Ayub
Khan.Democratic Action Committee, demanded free-fair elections, lifting of emergency and
provincial autonomy for East Pakistan.
The huge demonstrations and agitation all over the country led to an assassination attempt on
Ayub khan at Peshawar thus convinced him to resign in 1969.
Lastly, because of
A safer political and geographical capital.
Karachi, being a coastal city, has 300 km long coastline with Arabian Sea. Since, Pakistan had
very strain relations with India during that time period on account of Kashmir issue.The location
of Karachi was not safe in case of attack from sea by India.
This was because the location of Islamabad was chosen because Maragalla Hills are located at
its North with average height of 1000 meters and further north the Himalayas provided it a
natural barrier and defense. It is also just 15 km away from Rawalpindi, a military town which
further enhance it's defence at south.
Therefore, the safe place in terms of geographically and strategically needed capital made
Islamabad as a new capital of Pakistan.
Section 3
Chapter 13
4 marks questions.
Shaikh Mujeeb ur Rehman was Born in 1922 at Bengal.He was an active member of All India
Muslim League before independence.
He organized Awami league along with Hussain Shaheed Suharwardi and became it's General
During Black flag march he was arrested for demonstrating in favour of Bengali language to be a
co National language along with Urdu.
He was elected as a member of Provincial Assembly and later as member of National Assembly
of Pakistan.
After the death of H.Shraardy in 1965, he became the president of Awami League.
In 1966 at Lahore he presented his famous Six Points as a solution to provincial autonomy.
His party secured the most seats 162 than any party in 1970 elections.
After the fall of Dhaka Mujib was elected as first Prime Minister in Bangladesh.He was murdered
in a military coup in August 1975.
Q3. What was the 6 point Programme of Shaikh Mujeeb?
6 points were the political demand of Shaikh Mujeeb's Awami league. They were presented
in1966 at Lahore.
They were suggesting that West Pakistan should have its own troops and currency.
Furthermore each half should keep its own revenue.
Defence and Foreign affairs should be controlled by Federal Government while the rest of the
powers should be transferred to the provinces. On the basis of these points Mujeeb won 160
out of 162 seats in East Pakistan in 1970 elections.
This was an agreement signed between Bhutto and Indira Gandhi after 1971 Indo-Pak War.
Due to this agreement 93000 captured troops of Pakistan and the captured land was returned.
Both countries agreed to improve relations by mutual understanding India and Pakistan both
withdrew from land occupied in Punjab, Sindh and Kashmir during 1971 war.It was decided that
Kashmir would be discussed only between Pakistan and no third party or international
interference would be accepted.
He was hanged by General Zia in 1979 after being convicted to a murder of his political
Multi bahini was a rebel force in East Pakistan who started arm resistance against Pakistan
Army for their independence during operation search light at East Pakistan. This organization is
also known as Bangladeshi Force because it became a National Army of Bangladesh after its
independence.It was consisted of deflected soldiers, police and paramilitary forces of Pakistan.
It was having a support of Bengali people and Indian Government.
On 30 January 1971, an Indian Airlines domestic Fokker F 27, also named "Ganga", flying from
Srinagar Airport to the Jammu-Satwari Airport, was hijacked by two Kashmiri separatists
belonging to the National Liberation Front (NLF).
The hijackers were Hashim Qureshi and his cousin Ashraf Qureshi. The aircraft was flown to
Lahore Airport in Pakistan where the passengers and the crew were released and the aircraft
was burnt down.
Ganga was one of the oldest aircraft in the Indian Airlines fleet and was already withdrawn from
service but was re-inducted days before the hijacking.
India retaliated to the hijacking and subsequent burning by banning overflights of Pakistani
aircraft over Indian territory.
The ban, occurring in the run-up to the December 1971 war between the countries, had a
significant impact on troop movement into the erstwhile East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.
Operation Searchlight was the codename for a planned military operation carried out by the
Pakistan Army in an effort to curb the Bengali nationalist movement in former East Pakistan in
March 1971.
It is also known as operation Blitz Pakistan.
Operation Searchlight was started in March 1971. This operation was the result of the political
cricis due to the victory of Sheikh Mujib's party in the General Election of Pakistan in 1970.
The 1970 Bhola cyclone (Also known as the Great Cyclone of 1970 was a devastating tropical
cyclone that struck East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh) and India's West Bengal on
November 12, 1970. It remains the deadliest tropical cyclone ever recorded and one of the
world's deadliest humanitarian disasters. At least 500'000 people died in the storm, primarily as
a result of the storm surge that flooded much of the low-lying islands of the Ganges Delta. Bhola
was the sixth and strongest cyclonic storm of the 1970 North Indian Ocean cyclone season.