An FPS 117

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Long Range Solid-State Radar
Lockheed Martin FPS-117
Long Range Solid-State Radar
The World’s Leading 3D Surveillance Radar
NATO certified and proven in more locations around-
the-world than any radar in its class, the FPS-117
Long Range Radar offers superior performance in
real-world environments thanks to its state-of-the-art
solid-state design and L-Band operation. This lower
frequency band combined with the FPS-117’s
Advanced Pencil Beam Architecture allows for
exceptional detection and tracking as well as out-
standing adaptability to changing environmental con-
With its highly reliable all solid-state components,
continuous automatic performance monitoring, and
ease of maintenance, the FPS-117 is second-to-none
in system availability and low cost of ownership. The
FPS-117 Long Range Radar provides both air surveil-
lance and en route air traffic control.

More than 120 Systems

in Operation Worldwide
Lockheed Martin solid-state radar is the radar of choice
for over 15 nations on six continents. These systems
have accumulated over 1000 system-years of operating
experience and are adding one more year every four
days. More FPS-117 systems are in operation today
than all other competitive radars combined assuring
worldwide support.

Solid-State for High Reliability L-Band for Unsurpassed

and Low Cost of Ownership Performance in Clutter
Solid-state electronics have an The FPS-117 performs exceptionally well in rain or
impressive field track record for harsh weather conditions where radars operating in high-
highly reliable performance. In er frequency bands can be virtually blind. The combina-
fact, the FPS-117 has a proven tion of L-Band operating frequencies with MTI/MTD
availability rate in excess of processing, sidelobe nulling, and advanced CFAR pro-
99.7%. The modular architecture cessing allows the radar to detect targets in the presence
allows for exceptionally easy of ground and weather clutter. The radar automatically
maintenance translating into adapts to and rejects land, sea, or weather clutter for
maintenance costs of less than maximum system performance. Velocity discrimination
5% of the system’s acquisition is also used to reject low velocity targets, such as birds.
costs over a twenty-year period.
Superior ECCM
The inherent design of the FPS-117 includes rapid response to jamming and antiradia-
tion missiles and offers many other counter counter measures.

A Full Range of Features, Customized

for Your Unique Needs
• Fixed site or transportable with local C 3I configurable to spe-
cific user needs
• Remote, display, control and monitoring for unmanned opera-
• Monopulse Beacon Systems with Mode 4, Mode S, or other
• Enhanced weather and clutter mapping displays Both transportable and fixed site (shown above) models can pro-
vide long range surveillance and air traffic control - dual use.
• Customized data formats including plots, tracks, control and
radar status
Multi-Mission Capability
• Local data recording and analysis with mission playback
Available in both fixed site and transportable models, possible
• Enhanced tracking/Ground-Controlled Intercept (GCI) sys- missions include:
tem, weapons control, flight plan correlation, and a wide • Turnkey air surveillance systems with local airspace control
array of operator controlled display features
• Air surveillance sensor (manned or unmanned) in networked
• Integration of Electronic Support Measures (ESM) system system
• Dual-use air traffic control/air defense
• Special purpose operating modes such as maritime surface
and land traffic surveillance, detection/vehicle rejection, and • Multi-mode sensor with missile detection
missile tracking and tracking

• Radar Environment Simulator (RES) for advanced operator


Advanced Pencil Beam Architecture for Superior Overall

Performance and Adaptability

The FPS-117 pencil beam capability

allows complete flexibility in
customizing the beam patterns
to optimize performance in
challenging terrain and
clutter applications. The
pencil beam architecture
offers the flexibility to
“look down” from elevat-
ed sites to detect aircraft
in valleys. The system also
can automatically reconfig-
ure to address changing envi-
ronmental conditions.
Proven Performance…
Now Available in a Tactically
Transportable Package

The transportable version of Lockheed Martin’s FPS-117 – the TPS-77

Tactical Transportable Radar – combines the best of the FPS-117’s per-
formance, reliability and low cost of ownership. The antenna array and
electronics shelter are both standard ISO packages for simplified trans-
port loading. The radar can be configured for C-130, C-17, truck, rail or
helicopter transport.

For more information, contact us at:

Lockheed Martin
Maritime Systems & Sensors - Radar Systems
P.O. Box 4840
Syracuse, New York 13221-4840 USA
Phone: (1) 315-456-1990
Fax: (1) 315-456-0530
We also invite you to visit our website at

FPS-117 03/04 Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems & Sensors in Syracuse • SEI Level 5 and CMMI Level 4 Rated Company

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