E - T Lecture Notes-Solar-2223

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Energy and Telecommunications

Lecture Notes

Jesús Mirapeix Serrano

Photonics Engineering Group
University of Cantabria

Revision of the English version by

Karen Louise Murphy
“We are star stuff harvesting sunlight.”
Carl Sagan, American astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist,
author, science popularizer, and science communicator in astronomy and other
natural sciences.

Energy and Telecommunications

Mirapeix Serrano, Jesús

c 2023 Jesús Mirapeix Serrano.

This work is available under a Creative Commons License.
University of Cantabria
39005 Santander
Energy and Telecommunications:
Renewable Energies
Solar Energy

A s we analyzed the basic concepts concerning renewable energies in the first chapter
of the course the course, it is now time to focus on solar energy, more specifically
on solar photovoltaics.
This chapter will begin with a brief revision of solar thermal and CSP technologies,
followed by a brief summary of the historical evolution of solar PV and the current
situation of the sector. A special focus will be given to the situation of solar PV in
Spain, which has suffered a radical change in 2019.
Afterwards, we will study the fundamentals of PV technology, the photoelectric
effect and the working principle of a solar cell. The characterization of solar cells and
modules and the design of stand-alone (that might be of particular interest for telecom-
munication engineers) and grid-connected installations will complete these sections.

To summarize, the main goals of this chapter are:

To obtain a basic knowledge and an understanding of the current worldwide situation

as regards solar energy

To become familiar with the fundamentals of solar photovoltaics

To be able to design solar PV installations

Energy and Telecommunications:
Renewable Energies
Course Structure

T his course has been divided into 4 chapters covering an introduction to renewable
energies and related concepts, solar energy (including thermal and photovoltaics
technologies) and wind energy. The final chapter will be focused on other REs, such as
hydro-power, biomass, ocean energies, etc.

. Chapter 1: Introduction to REs

The goal of this chapter is for students to become familiar with the basics of REs. This
includes understanding the reasons why these technologies came about, with a special
focus on climate change. Basic information is also provided on the current situation
in terms of renewable energies around the world and, obviously, in our country: Spain.
Which is the leading country Photovoltaics or wind energy? How has the situation
in China evolved over the last decade? What is Spain’s current situation foreseeable

. Chapter 2: Solar Energy

Solar Energy can be divided into thermal and photovoltaics. We will devote little time
to the former, talking about solar thermal installations (and their design) and also
about CSP (Concentrating Solar Power), where the sun’s energy is converted into heat
and, afterwards, into electricity. Solar Photovoltaics (PV) will be the main topic of
this course, given its relevance to telecom engineers. PV basics and practical issues
will be dealt with, and some grid-connected and stand-alone installation examples will
be analyzed.

. Chapter 3: Wind Energy

Wind energy is a well-known technology, with several installations in Spain. From a
different perspective, more related to communications and sensing, this technology is
also associated with the telecom industry. Wind turbine theory basics, the structure of
a modern wind turbine and current technological trends will be briefly explained.

. Chapter 4: Other Renewable Energies

Hydro, biomass, geothermal and ocean energies will be dealt with in this final chapter.
The relevance of hydro-power for electricity production will be discussed. In addition,
the fundamentals of both biomass and geothermal energy will be also discussed. Finally,
the different technologies associated with ocean energy will be briefly reviewed.


BTS Base Transceiver Station IR Infrared

CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage LCOE Levelized Cost of Energy
CSP Concentrating Solar Power PV Photovoltaics
E Energy
RE Renewable Energy
EU European Union
REE Red Eléctrica Española [Operator
GH Green-house of the Spanish Electricity Grid]
GHG Green-house Gas
SHM Structural Health Monitoring
IDAE Instituto para la Diversificación y
Ahorro de la Energía [The TFC Total Final Consumption
Institute for the Diversification TPES Total Primary Energy Supply
and Saving of Energy]
UV Ultraviolet
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change


C Celsius (temperature)
J Joule (energy)
K Kelvin (temperature)
Mtoe Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent
ppm Parts per million
ppb Parts per billion
ppt Parts per trillion
Wh Watt-hour (energy)
W Watt (power)(capacity)


Biomass is an industrial term for obtaining energy by burning wood, and other organic mat-
ter. Burning biomass releases carbon emissions, but has been classed as a renewable
energy source in the EU and UN legal frameworks, because plant stocks can be re-
placed with new growth. As an energy source, biomass can either be used directly via
combustion to produce heat, or indirectly after converting it to various forms of biofuel.

Concentrating solar power (also called concentrated solar thermal, and CSP) systems
generate solar power by using mirrors or lenses to concentrate a large area of sun-
light, or solar thermal energy, onto a small area. Electricity is generated when the
concentrated light is converted to heat, which drives a heat engine (usually a steam
turbine) connected to an electrical power generator.

Dynamic calibration (of power lines) refers to the possibility of transmitting a higher
current than the one associated with the nominal ampacity of the line by measuring
weather parameters such as sun radiation and wind speed and estimating their cooling
effect upon the line.

End-Use Energy is the energy directly consumed by the user, like electricity, gasoline or
natural gas.

Feed-in solar PV installation operates as a power plant, generating energy and injecting
it into the power grid for its distribution.

Fossil fuel is a fuel formed by natural processes, such as anaerobic decomposition of buried
dead organisms, containing energy originating in ancient photosynthesis. Examples of
fossil fuels are oil, carbon and natural gas.

Greenhouse gas is an atmospheric gas able to trap or reflect heat (infrared radiation).
Example of green-house gases are CO2 or methane.

Grid Parity occurs when an alternative energy source can generate power at a levelized cost
of energy (LCOE) that is less than or equal to the price of purchasing power from the
electricity grid. The term is most commonly used when discussing renewable energy
sources, notably solar power and wind power

Hydro Power refers to the power derived from the energy of falling water or fast running

Levelized Cost of Energy is a parameter that allows making a direct comparison between
different energy technologies, as it measures the lifetime costs of a given power plant
(cost of building, operation, etc.) divided by the energy production. Its units are
$/W h.
Photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons or other free carriers when light shines on
a material.

Primary Energy is the energy that is directly harvested from natural resources.

Pumped-Hydro Power is based on the transportation of water to a higher reservoir, where

that potential energy can be recovered by letting the water run to the base reservoir
and activating a turbine located between both sites.

Renewable Energy is the energy obtained from the continuous or repetitive currents of
energy recurring in the natural environment.

Self-consumption solar PV installation designed to provide energy to the building/sys-

tem where it is located, for example a single-family home.

Solar PV Energy is based on the conversion of sun radiation (photons) to electricity (elec-
trons) by means of the photoelectric effect.

Sustainable Development Development which meets the needs of current generations

without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainable Energy is the energy that does not significantly decrease with a continuous
use, does not imply significant contaminant emissions or other environmental risks and
does not imply the perpetuation of health risks or social injustices.


Acronyms I

Symbols II

Units II

Contents V

2 Solar Energy 1
2.1 The Sun as an energy source: the fusion process in the stars . . . . . . . . . 1
2.1.1 Nuclear Fusion: Energy from the Stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1.2 Fusion reactors: replicating the stars in the Earth . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Solar Thermal Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.1 Solar Thermal Energy: Low Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.2 Solar Thermal Energy: Medium Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.3 Solar Thermal Energy: High Temperature / CSP . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.4 CSP: Current Situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Solar Photovoltaics: a brief history of its evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 Solar PV: current situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4.1 Solar PV and the COVID-19 pandemic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4.2 Solar PV: Current Situation in Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4.3 PV Resource: Solar Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5 Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell . . . . . . . 31
2.5.1 Solar PV Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.5.2 PN Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.5.3 How do photons interact will a solar PV cell? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Índice general | VI

2.5.4 Solar PV Cell: Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

2.5.5 PV Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.5.6 PV Technologies: crystalline Si . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.5.7 PV Technologies: Thin film (2nd generation) . . . . . . . . 45
2.5.8 PV Technologies: Thin film (amorphous-Si) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.5.9 PV Technologies: 3rd Generation (Organic Cells) . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.5.10 Bifacial technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.6 Characterization of PV Cells and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.6.1 PV modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.6.2 PV Modules: Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.6.3 Standard Test Conditions: STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.6.4 Electrical characterization of PV cells/modules . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.6.5 PV Modules Connected in series/parallel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.6.6 PV Module Response: Temperature and Irradiance . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.6.7 PV Modules: Hot-Spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.7 PV Systems: Design and Dimensioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.7.1 PV system: elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.7.2 DC-DC Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.7.3 Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.7.4 Inverter: MPP Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.7.5 Inverter: Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.7.6 Power Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.7.7 Charge Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.7.8 Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.7.9 System cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
2.8 PV Systems: Dimensioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
2.8.1 Tilt and Orientation of a PV Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
2.8.2 Optimal Tilt Angle of a PV System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.8.3 Shading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
2.8.4 Estimating losses caused by shading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2.8.5 Exercise 1: Grid-Connected PV System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.8.6 Module Voltage Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
2.8.7 Selection of Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
VII | Índice general

2.8.8 Module/Inverter Configuration: Number of Strings . . . . . . . . . . 99

2.8.9 Exercise 2: stand-alone PV system for a home . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
2.8.10 Exercise: Stand-alone System for Home Outdoor Lighting . . . . . . 107
2.8.11 Exercise: PV System based in “The Martian” . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Chapter 2
Solar Energy

2.1 The Sun as an energy source: the fusion process in

the stars

G iven that this chapter will be devoted to solar energy, it might be useful to begin
this section with a brief description of the process that allows stars to generate huge
amounts of energy: the nuclear fusion process.
We all know that the Sun is the main energy source of our planet, thus being
responsible for life on Earth. Whether directly (solar PV, solar thermal, CSP) or indirectly
(wind power, hydo-power, ocean energies, biomass, etc.), the sun is behind almost all the
energy that we can harvest on Earth. Only a few exceptions, like geothermal energy, can be
considered completely unrelated to the Sun (Figure 1).
Important! 2.1: Looking for life beyond our Solar System
Huge research efforts are currently being focused on finding exoplanets, i.e. planets
outside our solar system that orbit other stars. Those planet should be within the so-
called HZD (Habitable Zone Distance), which depends on distance and luminosity
of the associated star.

Question 2.1: The Sun and Fossil Fuels [400 XP]

In the previous chapter, we spent some time talking about fossil fuels but: do you
know how they came about?
Look for information and explain with your own words the relationship between the
formation of fossil fuels and the Sun.

As can be derived from Figure 1, we are highly dependent on the sun, that contributes 5.4
million EJ (exa-jules = 101 8 jules) to the total energy available on Earth. Other mechanisms
not directly related to the sun, like tides (where the Sun has some influence) or convection
in volcanoes, show much lower figures.
2.1. The Sun as an energy source: the fusion process in the stars | 2

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the Sun’s influence on different energy sources. Source:
Open.edu http://bit.ly/2BHKnFT

2.1.1 Nuclear Fusion: Energy from the Stars

Without having to understand the underlying Physics, we realize that the Sun generates an
incredible amount of energy that comes to as light radiation1 . However, it is important to
study the process that generates energy in the stars, given that it might provide an outstanding
renewable energy source.
The Sun can be defined as a huge incandescent gas ball (a plasma), with a size approxi-
mately 1 million times larger than the Earth2 . The sun is about 4600 million years old, more
or less half its expected lifetime. It is formed by hydrogen (H, 73%) and hellium (He, 25%),
with temperatures of around 5600◦ C at the surface and 15 million ◦ C at its core.
How is energy generated in the Sun? Temperature and pressure are so high at the
Here, light has a broad sense, not limited only to the visible range, but also to other wavelengths such
as ultaviolet (UV) or infrared (IR).
The distance from the Sun surface to its core equals the distance from the Earth to the Moon (round
3 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 2. Life evolution of a star and current life of the Sun. Source: Wikimedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

core, that H and He atoms are accelerated at very high speeds. When these particles collide,
nuclear reactions take place.
Figure 3 shows an schematic representation of nuclear fusion. It can be understood as
the process where several atomic nuclei1 join to give rise to a single heavier nucleus, releasing
a huge amount of energy in the process.
In the Sun, two H protons get so close that the strong nuclear interaction overcomes the
mutual electrical repulsion. Deuterium (2H), which is formed in the process, will interact
with another H proton, enabling the formation of 3He and releasing gamma radiation. The
process ends with the formation of 4He.

Figure 3. Schematic representation of nuclear fusion in the stars. Source: Borb (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Nuclei is the plural of nucleus.
2.1. The Sun as an energy source: the fusion process in the stars | 4

We are talking about gamma rays but, doesn’t that sound ominous to you? Gamma rays
are the most energetic radiation known in the universe however, although they are generated
in the Sun, this radiation does not reach the Earth. We receive “light” in the UV, visible
and IR ranges. This can be explained taking into account that the transit time of a photon.
Thousands of years may go by from the moment a photon is created at the sun’s core until it
reaches the sun’s surface and escapes (some models estimate this time in ≈ 170.000 years!).
During its travel, the photon is continuously suffering interactions with other particles, for
example scattering with free electrons. This way, photons lose energy until they are able
to escape, thus having shifted their wavelength (and their energy) from gamma-ray to less
energetic ranges.
Question 2.2: Gamma Rays [600 XP]

How do energy and wavelength of gamma rays compare to those of visible radiation?
In what events do gamma rays participate in the universe?
Are gamma rays used on the Earth? In which applications?
Answer these questions in your own words.

The next question is: how much energy is generated in the Sun? The famous Einstein
equation can be used here:

E = mc2 (2.1)

In this expression, energy E and matter m are related by constant c (speed of light in
vacuum). In the Sun 600 million tons of H are burnt per second to generate 596 million
tons of He (via nuclear fusion) but: where are the remaining 4 million tons? They have been
converted into energy during the process. Thus, using the previous equation, we obtain the
following result:

100,000,000,000,000,000,000 KWh generated per second!

This estimation implies that the Sun is able to generate per second an amount of energy
higher than the global energy consumption in a year. The problem is, of course, how to
efficiently capture and use this energy.

Important! 2.2: Dyson Sphere

A Dyson Sphere is a hypothetical mega-structure, proposed by the physicist and math-
ematician Freeman Dyson, which will serve to optimize the energy harvesting of a
given star. This structure will completely encompass the star and might supossedly
serve to detect advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. In fact, last year this hypothesis
appeared in the news after the detection of a star with weird behaviour.
More information: http://bit.ly/2p6iNj1 .
5 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 4. Screenshot of the videogame Dyson Sphere Program.

Important! 2.3: Dyson Sphere Program

As a curiosity it is worth mentioning that one of the currently most acclaimed video
games (it was launched in January 2021) is Dyson Sphere Program, which is precisely
focused on the construction of a Dyson sphere.

2.1.2 Fusion reactors: replicating the stars in the Earth

The possibility of replicating the nuclear fusion that takes place in the stars on the Earth
has been explored for many years. The idea is to develop reactors where the nuclear fusion
process will be generated, thus obtaining an incredibly powerful renewable technology using
hydrogen as fuel, quite a common element on the Earth. This is obviously a remarkably
complex challenge, with different projects exploring its feasibility. One of the most well-known
proposals is ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), whose facilities are
located in Cadarache, France1 .
If this technology became feasible in the future, we would be facing a real energy (and
probably social and political) revolution, having found a virtually unlimited energy source.

Question 2.3: Fusion reactor: projects [500 XP]

There are several different projects on fusion reactos around the world.
Look for information and explain, in your own words, one of these projects, including
relevant information such as location, funding, current situation of the project, etc.

For more information: https://www.iter.org/
2.2. Solar Thermal Energy | 6

Figure 5. Image of a nuclear fusion reactor. Source: Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0) http://bit.

2.2 Solar Thermal Energy

A possible solution for using the energy of the Sun is to directly employ it to generate heat
(instead of converting it to electricity like in solar PV). This heat can then be used in different
ways: to heat water or to generate electricity, for example.
In general, solar thermal energy can be classified by working temperature:

Low temperature for working temperatures lower than 90◦ C

Medium temperature for working temperatures between 90 and 400◦ C
High temperature for working temperatures higher than 400◦ C

This classification is necessary given its energy applications are different depending on
the working temperature. Low temperature solar thermal is focused on domestic hot water
for homes; while medium and high temperature applications are normally devoted to the
generation of electricity.

2.2.1 Solar Thermal Energy: Low Temperature

Although we are probably more used to wind or solar PV energy, solar thermal energy, partic-
ularly low temperature installations (also known as Solar Water Heating (SWH) Systems), is
7 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

T < 90ºC
Flat plate/evacuated tube collector
Domestic hot water

Solar Thermal 90ºC < T < 400ºC

Energy Temperature
Parabolic trough
Heat / Electricity

T > 400ºC
Power tower / heliostats

Figure 6. Solar thermal energy classified by working temperature. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

widely employed in many countries. China is, for example, the world leader in installations,
and it is very common in other countries like Greece, Turkey, Australia, Japan or Austria.
Israel is another good example, with 85% of its homes using these systems.
This is a mature and low-cost (and low-complexity) technology. The latter is especially
true in locations with suitable weather conditions, where less sophisticated collectors will be
chosen. Low-temperature solar thermal collectors can be divided into flat plate and evacuated
tube types. The former work at temperatures up to 80 − 90◦ with a limited efficiency, being
the typical choice for locations with abundant solar radiation.

Figure 7. Flat plate collector (left). Illustration of a SWH system based on a flat plate collector
(right). Source (left): http://bit.ly/2zbKRRG. Source (right): Chixoy (License CC-BY-SA 3.0).

Flat plate collectors are formed by a layer of absorber material (dark) covered by a
protective glass. The absorber layer is in contact with tubes that carry a fluid (not necessarily
water, most likely antifreeze solutions, thus avoiding problems at low temperatures) that will
be heated and transported out of the collector. These designs usually also consider isolating
materials to reduce losses. These systems tend to be passive, with the water tank located
above the collector. Support tanks providing hot water when needed can be also included.
Active systems include a water pump and the water tank can be located elsewhere.
If a more efficient approach is required, evacuated tube collectors can be selected
(Figure 8). In this case vacuum tubes are employed to reduce thermal losses and improve
efficiency. Direct flow vacuum tubes have a working principle similar to flat plate collectors,
2.2. Solar Thermal Energy | 8

Figure 8. Working principle of evacuated tube collectors (left). Example of solar thermal sys-
tem based on evacuated tube (right). Source (left): http://bit.ly/2kUyt3x (Public Domain).
Source (right): Greensolarvacuum (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0) http://bit.ly/2kW0Gqv.

whereas heat-pipe tubes involve the use of liquids that turn into gas when heated, moving
up to the upper part of the tube and exchanging the heat with water. After this exchange,
the gas is cooled and returns to its liquid phase, going down the tube and fulfilling the cycle.
This way, the problem of tube overheating is avoided.
Question 2.4: Greenhouse effect [500 XP]

The greenhouse effect has been already discussed in this course. Both low-temperature
collectors (flat plate and evacuated tube) are based on the greenhouse effect.
Look for information and explain, in your own words, the working principle of evac-
uated tubes.

Important! 2.4: Solar thermal: more applications

Solar thermal energy can be used for more applications, some of them of great in-
terest in developing countries, like cookers (avoiding the use of biomass, where wood
harvesting can be difficult), water purification or drying of agricultural products, thus
avoiding the negative effect of insects and fungus.

2.2.2 Solar Thermal Energy: Medium Temperature

When working temperatures are above 100◦ C, solar thermal energy is normally used for the
production of electricity. Medium temperature installations are typically formed by parabolic-
trough mirrors designed to focused all the incoming radiation on a tube located above them
(Figure 9). This tube is used to guide a fluid (HTF: Heat Thermal Fluid) (normally an oil,
not water) that transports that heat that will eventually be used to generate electricity by
means of a turbine.
9 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 9. Working principle of a parabolic-trough (left). Parabolic-trough at the Harper Lake

plant (California, USA) (right). Source (left): http://bit.ly/2BxAAFE, License: CC BY-SA 4.0.
Source (right): http://bit.ly/2Bx7Gpb (License CC-BY-SA 3.0).

Why are oils chosen as HTF instead of water? Water has some disadvantages like:

It is aggressive, oxidant and leads to corrosion

It gives rise to a high vapour pressure

Its volume increases at solidification

Question 2.5: Are there parabolic-trough installations in Spain? [400 XP]

Look for information about this technology. Are there any installations in Spain?

2.2.3 Solar Thermal Energy: High Temperature / CSP

High temperature solar thermal energy, also known as Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)
is typically based on the power-tower scheme depicted in Figure 10. A set of heliostats
(mirrors) are oriented to focus the sun’s radiation onto a receptor situated in a tower, where
a fluid is heated to be used to activate a turbine. These heliostats are normally controlled by
computer to track the sun and thus optimize production. As with parabolic-troughs, water
is typically avoided as thermal fluid. As already explained in the previous chapter (section
devoted to large-scale storage solutions), molten salts allow storing the generated heat,
even enabling electricity production during the night.
2.2. Solar Thermal Energy | 10

Tower Radiation



Molten Salts
Turbine Generator

Figure 10. High-temperature solar thermal power / Concentrating solar power: power-tower
scheme. Source: Jesus Mirapeix

Figure 11. Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, at Mojave desert (California). Source:
Craig Butz/CC BY-SA 4.0. http://bit.ly/2CWqPNF.

A good example of a CSP plant is the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, located
in USA between Nevada and California, and with more than 300,000 installed heliostats
(Figure 11). This plant, that began operating in 2014, has 3 towers and a nominal capacity
of 400 MW (enough power to supply around 140,000 homes).
11 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

It is worth noting that, although we are talking about a renewable energy, the fact that
the plant covers a total area of 13km2 is considered by some groups as a negative impact, as
they think that the plant might be affecting animals, for example. The cost of the plant was
2,200 million dollars, with a cost per MW of 5.5million$/M W . By comparison, a nuclear
plant might cost around 8 − 10million$/M W and wind power around (1.5million$/M W ).
These figures should be only considered as an estimation.

Important! 2.5: Carbon Commentary

In this famous blog on renewable energies, this article was recently published about
the Ivanpah plant:
Concentrating solar. 2014 - its first year - was a near disaster for the 400 MW solar
tower and heliostats at Ivanpah in the California Mojave desert . This matters; Ivanpah
is the biggest concentrating solar plant in the world. Power production was very much
lower than expected and the maintenance requirements were heavy for this $2 billion
project. Many worried that the developers had underestimated cloud cover and I heard
rumors that contrails of aircraft flying into Los Angeles were helping reduce the yield.
The second year was very much better and almost met business plan projections. The
first year clouds may have been a result of the strengthening El Niño (which is now
fading) and maintenance issues have been resolved by a series of what seem like simple
technical fixes. The faith of investors and the power purchaser look better justified.

Figure 12. Solar thermal furnace installation in Odeillo (France). Source: http://bit.ly/
2zewRXF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0.
2.2. Solar Thermal Energy | 12

Important! 2.6: Heliodyssee

Heliodyssee is a center open to the public located in the South of France, whose
main attraction is the Solar furnace (world’s largest) formed by a set of heliostats
that focus solar radiation on a 40 cm2 spot, with a concentration power equivalent to
10.000 suns. The history of this facility is interesting, as it supposedly started with the
development of heliostats to be used as anti-aircraft weapons during the First World
War (probably inspired by the Archimedes story that appears below). The furnace was
built in 1962-68, having acted as a research center for solar thermal energy.

Figure 13. Illustration representing the supposed defense of Siracuse by means of a set of mirrors
designed by Archimedes. Source: http://bit.ly/2zfyBzT
13 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Important! 2.7: Archimedes and his Death Ray

Mirrors are known to have been used to cauterize wounds in the antiquity, but
Archimedes might be regarded as one of the “fathers ” of solar thermal energy ...
at least if we agree with the legend. The historical accuracy of his defense of Sira-
cuse is not clear, but he supposedly developed a set of mirrors able to focus the solar
radiation onto the Roman warships that attacked his city, Siracuse. The system, if it
really existed, seemed to not have been very successful, as the city was invaded and
Archimedes killed by a Roman soldier.
Several teams have tried to replicate this experiment, from the TV show “Myth-
busters”a to the MITb .

Question 2.6: Archimedes and the Death Ray? [500 XP]

What is your opinion about this historical fact?

Look for information about the historical sources and the possible feasibility of the
system. Do you think it was real?

2.2.4 CSP: Current Situation

As we already saw in the first chapter, Spain is the global leader in CSP installed capacity,
with 2.3 GW in operation, followed by USA with 1.7 GW. These two countries account for
around 70% of the global CSP capacity in operation in 2021 (last data available), but both
countries have experienced a standstill since 2013 (Spain) and 2015 (USA), with an almost
complete lack of new installations (see Figure 14). This situation might change in Spain,
where the government has announced the target of adding 5 GW of CSP capacity by 2030. In
this scenario, the new CSP capacity in recent years has been added only in emerging markets,
mainly China, Chile, India and United Arab Emirates.
It should be mentioned that the global CSP capacity sums up to 6.0 GW, whit a subtle
decrease in 2021, while figures for other modern RE technologies, like wind (845) or solar
PV (942) are much higher.

2.3 Solar Photovoltaics: a brief history of its evolution

Solar Photovotaics (PV) allows a direct conversion of solar radiation into electricity, thus
being completely different to solar thermal solutions. When can we date the beginning of
solar PV? We should probably go back to the discovery and explanation of the photoelectric
effect. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that Albert Einstein, regarded as the most
important physicist of the 20th centurty, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics precisely for
his explanation of the photoelectric effect (and not for his most well-known contribution,
his Theory of Relativity.)
2.3. Solar Photovoltaics: a brief history of its evolution | 14

Figure 14. Evolution of global CSP capacity (2011-2021). Source: REN21 (2022 Report). Link:

Figure 15. Global capacity associated with the main RE technolgies (2020-21). Source: REN21
(2022 Report). Link: https://bit.ly/3MR1R7x.

Einstein did not discover the photoelectric effect, as this phenomenon had been already
observed by different scientists. A summary of the key events in the first stage of the
evolution of photovoltaics is listed below:

1839 Edmun Becquerel discovered the photoelectric effect while he was working with metallic
electrodes in a conductive solution, by noticing the appearance of an electric current
with light radiation.

1873 Willoughby Smith discovered the photoelectric effect in solids (selenium).

1877 Adams y Day developed the first selenium PV cell.

15 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 16. Einstein at a conference in Vienna (1921). Source: Wikimedia. License: Public Domain

1904 Albert Einstein published his first paper on the photoelectric effect, at almost the same
time as another article on the Theory of Relativity.

1921 Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.

1954 Researchers at the Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey (Chaplin, Fuller y
Pearson) developed the first silicon PV cell, publishing the paper “A New Silicon p-n
junction Photocell for converting Solar Radiation into Electrical Power ”.

The second stage was based on a fast technological development driven by the aerospace

1955 American companies focused on developing PV solutions for space applications. Hoff-
man Electronic (Illinois (USA)) produced PV cells of 3% efficiency at 1500 $/Wp1 .

1957 Hoffman Electronic obtained an 18% efficiency in its PV cells (in laboratory conditions).

1958 On March 17th, the first satellite powered by PV technology (Vanguard I) was launched.
The satellite had 0.1W in an area of 100cm2 to power supply a backup transmitter of
5 MW that was fully operative for 8 years.

1959 Hoffman Electronic obtained a 10% efficiency in its PV commercial cells.

Later in the course the relevance of this parameter (cost per watt-peak (Wp)) will be analyzed.
2.3. Solar Photovoltaics: a brief history of its evolution | 16

1962 The first telecommunication satellite, Telstar, was launched with a total PV capacity
of 14 W.

1963 Sharp achieved a practical method for PV module fabrication. A PV system with 242
W was installed in a lighthouse in Japan.

1964 The Nimbus space ship was launched with 470 W of solar PV modules.

1966 The astronomical observatory with 1 kW peak power photovoltaic module field was
tracked in the earthly orbit.

1977 The global PV module fabrication reached 500 kW.

Figure 17. Vanguard-I scientists mounting the satellite in the rocket. Source: Wikimedia. License:
Public Domain http://bit.ly/2DJMvBn

Important! 2.8: Vanguard-I solar PV modules

Vanguard-I was the 4th satellite ever launched. This was the very first time that
PV technology was used for a real application. 6 solar panels (0.5 W each),
allowed the satellite to send data about the composition of the atmosphere back to
Earth during 6 years.

Now that PV technology had evolved sufficiently, the third stage was focused on the
development of huge PV installations devoted to electricity production:

1980 ARCO Solar (years later Siemens and Shell Solar) was the first company with a yearly
production of 1 MW.
17 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

1983 Global production exceeded 20 MW.

1994 The first international conference on PV took place in Hawaii (not a bad place!).

1998 Second international conference in Vienna. 1000 MWp installed worldwide.

2002 More than 500 MWp produced that year.

2003 Third international conference in Japan. Society and developing countries actively
back PV technology.

2010 More than 15 GWp fabricated.

2022 The solar PV global capacity exceeds the 1TWp limit.

Important! 2.9: Solar PV Evolution: Costs

This technological evolution has implied a parallel (and outstanding) evolution of the
associated costs. The Vanguard-I modules cost many thousand dollars per watt. By the
mid 1970s, this figure had dropped to 100 $, and nowadays this cost is significantly
lower than 1$/W, and it is declining ... or at least it has been declining until very
recently, because the effects of the pandemic are also impacting the PV market and
the prices of panels have started to increase for the very first time in decades.

As a complement to the information we have just seen, Figure 18 shows other milestones in
the evolution of PV solar energy from 1941 to the present, such as when the 20% efficiency
was first reached in silicon cells (1985) or the moment when 100 GW of global installed
capacity threshold was surpassed (2012).

2.4 Solar PV: current situation

After this brief review of the historical evolution of PV technology, it is now time to review
the current situation of this sector. Some key data were already presented in the previous
chapter, with China and the USA dominating the global arena in gross capacity and Ger-
many, Italy, Belgium and Japan in capacity per capita.

The rate of growth of PV capacity in recent years is absolutely remarkable, showing

the highest growth rate (among all RE technologies) in terms of electricity production. To
illustrate this evolution, Figure 20 shows PV capacity in the period 2011-2021 by region.
Within this remarkable rate of growth, the contributions of China, Japan, India and the
USA in recent years clearly stand out.
It can also be very interesting to analyze the current situation in terms of the shares (%)
of these technologies with respect to electricity generation. In this sense, Figure 21
shows the top 10 countries in terms of such coverage considering both wind energy (in blue)
and solar PV (in yellow). The analysis of this graph enables some interesting conclusions:
2.4. Solar PV: current situation | 18

Figure 18. Evolution of solar PV (1941-2018). Source: Irena (Future-of-Solar-Photovoltaic).


• The shares (%) of electricity generation is not directly related to the total installed
capacity (of course). Different factors, such as the size of the country or the use of
other energy technologies (derived from the use of fossil fuels, nuclear ...) have a
19 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 19. Top 5 countries by capacity/generation as of end-2021. Source: REN21 (2022 Report).
Link: https://bit.ly/3MR1R7x.

Figure 20. Evolution of PV global capacity by country and region (2011-2021). Source: REN21
(2022 Report). Link: https://bit.ly/3MR1R7x.

decisive influence in this regard.

• Despite showing the greatest growth today, PV solar power clearly contributes less on
average than wind power, a technology that can probably be considered more mature
2.4. Solar PV: current situation | 20

Figure 21. Top 10 countries in terms of shares (%) of variable renewable energy with respect to
electricity generation (2020). Source: REN21 (2022 Report). Link: https://bit.ly/3MR1R7x.

in this regard.

• The contribution of solar PV to electricity generation is, even today, still modest, always
standing (except in some small countries like Honduras) below 10 %.

Important! 2.10: Solar PV growth

Figures can be very illustrative, but some data may help us to understand the real
magnitude of this growth: 175 GW of solar PV capacity was added worldwide
in 2021, for a cumulative total of approximately 942 GW.

This is equivalent to the installation of nearly 50.000 solar PV panels every


To better understand the relevance of solar PV, it is interesting to analyze the future
perspectives that the main worldwide organizations have foreseen. In this sense, Figure 22
shows, not only the evolution of facilities worldwide to date, but also the increase in
annual capacity up to 2050. It could be seen how a very strong growth is expected
until 2030, exceeding 250 installed GWp. At this moment it is expected that the panels of
old installations will begin to be replaced, since the estimated lifetime of the panels ranges
between approximately 25 and 30 years. In 2050 it is expected to exceed 370 GWp.
21 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 22. Evolution of solar PV capacity until 2018 (historical series) and up to 2050 (forecast).
Source: Irena (Future-of-Solar-Photovoltaic). http://bit.ly/306lIao

Important! 2.11: Figure 22

It should be noted that Figure 22 does not show the total installed capacity (global)
for a given year, but the PV capacity added in that year.

To fully understand this context, it is also necessary to analyze the global capacity increase
in solar PV by regions, since as we have seen, countries like China are making a much greater
effort than the rest. Thus, in the prediction of PV capacity installed by 2030 and 2050,
Asia is again the clearly dominant region, followed by North America and, thirdly, Europe.
In Asia, the outlook indicates that in 2030 the installed capacity will be almost 7 times
higher than the current one, and in 2050 ... 17!.
There is also a clear correlation between the evolution of installed PV power and
the evolution of the cost associated with PV installations1 . As is generally the case
with economies of scale, the increase in the scale of operation of a certain sector (in this case
in the production of PV modules and the cost associated with PV installations in general)
results in a reduction in unit cost. This fact can be observed in Figure 24, where there is
a strong decreasing trend in the price of PV installations. It must be taken into account
that the cost of an PV installation considers, not only the cost of the photovoltaic modules,
but also the rest of the components (wiring, supports, inverters, etc.), as well as the cost of
assembly and inspection and the so-called soft-costs (costs associated with design, request
for permits, financing ...). As can be seen, not only has the trend been strongly decreasing in
the last decade, but the predictions for 2030 and 2050 indicate that this trend will continue
A typical indicator in this regard has been the cost of PV modules, although there are many more costs
associated with a PV installation.
2.4. Solar PV: current situation | 22

Figure 23. Evolution of solar PV capacity up to 2030 and 2050 (forecast) by region. Source: Irena
(Future-of-Solar-Photovoltaic). http://bit.ly/306lIao

in the coming years.

Important! 2.12: Wp : Watt-peak

This cost is usually expressed in $/Wp a . The concept of Wp (Watt-peak) will be

explained in detail in future sections.
Wp refers to Watt-peak, the unit associated to the power delivered by the panel for certain
measurement conditions called EMC: Standard Measurement Conditions (in English: STC ( textit
Standard Test Conditions))

The Figure 24 leads us to the concept of LCOE (levelized cost of energy, of great
relevance in the context of REs. The LCOE is a parameter that allows a direct comparison
between different technologies and measures the costs associated with a given generation
plant (during its entire estimated life period: manufacturing, maintenance, operation, etc.
costs).) divided by total energy production. Their units are $/W h.
The analysis of the LCOEs associated with solar and other renewable technologies allows
a better understanding of the current situation. Figure 25 shows the renewable technolgies
LCOEs. Logically, CSP shows nowadays a higher cost compared to solar PV, due to its
lower maturity and implantation. Solar PV still shows LCOEs higher than wind and hydro
(2019), although we already know that the tendency to lower prices in photovoltaics is very
significant. In this sense, it is necessary to take into account the value as a reference of hydro
power, being a mature technology with several decades of implementation, as well as the
strong growth that the solar PV is experiencing, which, as we know, has a direct influence
23 |
USD/kWp Lecture 2. Solar Energy

2030 2050

Figure 24. Evolution of costs involved in a solar PV installation (2010/18)/Forecast for 2030 and
2050. Source: Irena (Future-of-Solar-Photovoltaic). http://bit.ly/306lIao

on the associated prices.

Question 2.7: LCOE for wind: offshore and onshore [400 XP]

An interesting detail of Figure 25 is the different LCOEs for offshore and onshore winda .
Try to find an explanation to the current higher LCOE of offshore wind in comparison
to onshore projects.
In summary, onshore projects are deployed on land, while offshore projects are deployed in bodies
of water (e.g. the sea).

There is an interesting concept related to this: the PV learning curve. With learning
curves, the experience gained with a certain technology is expressed as learning rate, i.e. the
percentage at which the unit cost decreases with every doubling of cumulative production2 .
This is related to the famous Moore’s law for the number of transistors in integrated
circuits, and in this case it is referred to as Swanson’s law3 . It states that the price of solar
photovoltaic modules tends to drop 20 percent for every doubling of cumulative
shipped volume. Figure 26 illustrates this idea, where the evolution of PV costs (module
price) from the seventies to 2015. Current estimations show a decrease of PV module costs
(learning rate) around 24% for each doubling in the cumulative production.
“Prospects for PV: a learning curve analysis”, Bob van der Zwaan and Ari Rab (Solar Energy).
Named after Richard Swanson, founder of SunPower Corporation.
2.4. Solar PV: current situation | 24

Figure 25. LCOE for renewable power technologies (2010-2021). Source: IRENA Renewable
Power Generation Costs 2021. Link: https://bit.ly/3WwnddM

Figure 26. Swanson’s law: evolution of the average PV module price. Source: Delphi234. License:
CC0 http://bit.ly/2V4Vykr

Finally, it is worth highlighting the importance that REs and, in particular solar PV,
are exhibiting in the creation of employment. As shown in the table of Figure 27, it is
precisely the solar PV sector the one that most jobs occupied over recent years, with a
25 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 27. Jobs associated with REs (2012-20). Source: REN21 (2022 Report). Link: https:

total above 4 million. Although the figure is very important, it is also necessary to indicate
that approximately 60% of all these jobs were located in China, .
According to the growth forecasts for the coming decades, the number of jobs associated
with the PV sector is expected to multiply by a factor of approximately 3 and 5 for the
years 2030 and 2050, respectively.

2.4.1 Solar PV and the COVID-19 pandemic

It seems that the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects in the global economy will not greatly
affect the prospect of evolution of solar PV. It is true that the price of the panels have
increased after many years with a clearly decreasing trend, due in part to pandemic-related
disruptions, shortage of some key materials and the situation of producers in China. However,
the future looks very promising for solar PV, as this will be the technology leading new capacity
additions in the next decades, according to different forecast studies. See for example the
data provided in Figure 28, where the evolution of new capacity additions for solar PV, wind,
hydro and other renewables is shown (data for 2021 and 2022 is a forecast). Solar PV will
clearly dominate these new additions with a constant increasing trend.

2.4.2 Solar PV: Current Situation in Spain

As already explained in the previous chapter (Section 1.10: RE policies), the current situation
of the PV sector in Spain has significantly changed since 2019. Spain initially reached its top
2.4. Solar PV: current situation | 26

Forecast of new capacity additions for RE technologies

Figure 28. Forecast of new capacity additions for REs 2020-26. Source: (2022) Informe Anual
UNEF. License: REE/UNEF.

growth rate in 2008, backed by the subsidized policies (RD 661/2007 and RD 1578/2008)
developed by the Spanish government (see Figure 29). However, the unstable situation
generated, among other factors, by the financial crisis (2010) and the lack of stability in the
regulation led to a review and cutback of these subsidies. This caused an almost complete
standstill of the PV sector in Spain until 2018, giving rise to a lack of additions to the PV
capacity during many years.

Solar PV Capacity in Spain

Solar PV Capacity - annual additions (MWp)

Ground-based (MWp) Total (right axis)- (MWp)

Self-consumption (MWp)
Accumulated (MWp)

Figure 29. Evolution of solar PV capacity in Spain. Source: Informe Anual UNEF 2022. License:
27 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Spain: 2019 and beyond!

Despite the clear standstill of the solar PV sector in our country in recent years, its near
future seems very promising. As we have seen, the Spanish PV capacity grew by approxi-
mately 4 GW between 2007 and 2012, to show virtually zero growth rates in recent years:
48 MW between 2014 and 2017. However, in 2017 they were awarded through auctions
3,9 GW, which were undoubtedly an important boost for the sector, involving an investment
of some 3,500 million euros. The fact that these awards were made primarily to Spanish
companies will also imply a certain reactivation of the associated labor market 1 .
With this auctions as the main cause, the solar PV capacity has experienced an out-
standing increase over recent years years, growing from 4.7 GWp (2018) to more than
18 GWp at the end of 2022: almost 4 times in 4 years!. With this growth, Spain
has been second in PV new additions in Europe in 2021 and 2022, only surpassed
by Germany (Figure 30). As of January 2023, the PV capacity in Spain has reached
18,744 MW, thus clearly indicated the continuity of this growing trend, even in spite of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and their economic effects.

Figure 30. Top EU countries in terms of PV added capacity in 2021/22. Source: EU Market
Outlook for Solar Power 2022-2026 (Solar Power Europe). Link: https://bit.ly/3ZyLPVx.

The above data refer to installations connected to the grid, that is, large installations
designed to inject all the electrical energy generated to the power grid for consumption by
others, in the style of large conventional plants. As we will see, there are other types of PV
installations (self-consumption) designed to consume locally (in a house, business, factory
...) the generated energy. In this area PV capacity has also increased, with a remarkable
growth over recent years (100% increase in 2021 and 1200 additional MW, for example).
Current forecasts estimate between 9 and 14 GW for PV self-consumption power for
2030 in Spain.
Source:“ The current development of photovoltaic solar energy in Spain ” (UNEF) http://bit.ly/
2.4. Solar PV: current situation | 28

The explanation of this new situation of solar PV in Spain can be found in the
following causes:

Power awarded in auctions as we have already commented, with for example 4,000 MW
awarded in the July 2017 auction.

Increased activity of companies for the implementation of projects, not only associated
with auctions, but also with facilities without additional market remuneration, which
gives a clear idea of the current competitiveness of this technology (as previously
commented regarding the LCOE).

Approval of Royal Decree-Law 15/2018 (RDL 15/2018) , (October 5)1 , urgent mea-
sures for energy transition and protection of consumers with a positive effect that is
already being noticed and that has included the regulations for the definitive establish-
ment of self-consumption in our country.

Indeed, to date there were a series of regulatory barriers that hindered the development
of electricity consumption in Spain. Thus, RDL 15/2018 includes2 :

1. administrative simplification of the bureaucratic and technical procedures required, as

well as the registration in a register for installations up to 100 kilowatts.

2. the right to self-consumption shared by one or more consumers is recognized.

3. recognizes the right to self-consume electricity without tolls or charges, repealing the
so-called “Impuesto al Sol” or self-consumption charges for the energy generated and
consumed in your own facility.

4. RDL 15/2018 also includes provisions that have to do with tax regulations, whereby
the measure is temporarily adopted to suspend the 7% tax on the electricity generation,
approved in 2012, for six months.

Question 2.8: Auctions [500 XP]

We have talked about auctions related to these new PV installations.

Look for information about the last auction performed in Spain. Explain the outcomes
of this auction and the most relevant data associated to it in your own words.

Question 2.9: PV plants in Spain [500 XP]

What is the largest PV plant in Spain in terms of capacity (nominal power)?

Are there any large-scale PV power plants in or close to Cantabria?

What are the prospects for solar PV in Spain in the near future? By now, it seems that
the growth will continue, as the forecast of Figure 31 indicates. For example, in the auction
that took place in January, 2021, 2036 MW were assigned to solar PV.
29 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 31. Forecast of the solar PV capactiy evolution in Spain until 2030. Source: EU Market
Ourlook for Solar Power 2019-2013 (Solar Power Europe). Link: http://bit.ly/308cOcq

Figure 32. Tweet by APPA Renovables @APPA_Renovables regarding the Renovables 2020
conference: image of Santiago Muñoz, CNMC director. Source: APPA Renovables. Link:

Important! 2.13: Spain: PV current situation

The tweet referred to in Figure 32 makes it very clear, through the director of the
CNMC (National Market and Competition Commission), Santiago Muñoz, the current
trend of the sector FV in our country.

Subsequently also approved Royal Decree 244/2019.
Source: Study of the Macroeconomic Impact of Renewable Energies in Spain 2018 (APPA). Link: url
2.4. Solar PV: current situation | 30

Important! 2.14: Largest PV plant in Europe

Iberdrola’s PV plant “Nuñez de Balboa”, located in Badajoz, is today the one with the
highest capacity in Europe with 500 MWp. The installation has 1,430,000 solar panels,
115 inverters and 2 substations and was commissioned on April 6, 2020. Iberdrola
currently has 1,300 MW of photovoltaic associated with 6 projects to be developed,
and only in Extremadura it is planning to install 2,000 MW of solr PV by 2022.

Figure 33. Tweet by SolarPower Europe regarding the 500 MP “Nuñez de Balboa” PV plant.
Source: @SolarPowerEU https://bit.ly/36yessx

2.4.3 PV Resource: Solar Radiation

Within the framework of renewable energies and, in particular in this case, of solar PV, it is
important to take into account the availability of the solar resource (solar radiation or solar
irradiance) at the chosen location. Solar irradiance, that can be defined as the incoming
power of a given kind of electromagnetic radiation per square meter (or equivalent surface
unit), will not be the same in Andalucia and Cantabria, for example. This is clearly shown in
the map in Figure 34, where the annual average solar irradiance has been represented with
a color map. As expected, irradiance in Spain is much higher than in Germany, for example.
This factor should not be overlooked, as the same installation (e.g. a 10 MWp solar PV
plant) will not produce the same amount of energy in Seville as it will in Berlin.
Question 2.10: PV Estimation with PVGIS [500 XP]

PVGIS is an online tool developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European
Commission, which enables retrieving geographical data of solar resource for solar
installations, as well as studying their performance.
Using PVGIS (PV Estimation), estimate the production of a 10 MWp solar PV plant
in Rome, Copenhague and Lisboa.

For Spain, in the detail map of Figure 35 we can see that the irradiance, as we know, is
very different in the North or South of Spain. In fact, up to 5 zones are defined based on
the average annual irradiance received.
31 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 34. Solar resource (irradiance) in Europe. Source: PVGIS http://bit.ly/2CaGXLZ

2.5 Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and

Solar PV Cell

Following this introduction on the solar PV framework, it is now time to describe the funda-
mentals that explain the working principle of a solar PV cell.
As already mentioned, a solar PV cell is based on the so-called photoelectric effect,
discovered by Albert Einstein in 19041
The photoelectric effect, represented in Figure 36, basically explains why some ma-
terials (e.g. silicon) are able to produce an electric current when radiated by a specific
electromagnetic radiation. The features of this radiation are a key issue to understand the
operation and efficiency (actual sticking point of PV technology) of a solar cell.

If you have just nodded your head ... please go back to the first sections of this chapter ;)
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 32

Figure 35. Solar radiation in Spain. Source: PVGIS https://bit.ly/2CaGXLZ

Figure 36. Schematic representation of the photoelectric effect. Source: Hewitt-Drew-it!

PHYSICS 122. Photoelectric Effect (License: Youtube Standard) http://bit.ly/2BGhEQV
33 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Direct Gap Indirect Gap

Conduction Band

Conduction Band


Phonon assisted transition

Valence Band
Valence Band

Momentum Momentum

Figure 37. Elements with direct and indirect gaps. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=7wF8Jm5Zhvk (License: Public Domain)

2.5.1 Solar PV Cell

A solar PV cell can be simply defined as a PN junction with a surface large enough to
collect as many photons as possible1 .
We know that PN junctions are typically made of Silicon (Si), but: why is Si the material
of choice for building PV cells2 ? Is Si the best material for this application? The answer
is clear: NO!
On the one hand, Si is an indirect-gap material (Figure 37), which means that a tran-
sition from the valence to the conduction band will be more complicated than in a direct-gap
material (less likely, as represented in Figure 38, where the absorption coefficient of Si has
been compared to other direct-gap materials, like Ge.). This has a direct influence on the
thickness that solar cells need to achieve a given efficiency. To capture the same number of
photons, direct-gap materials will only need a few microns of material thickness, while Si will
a need much higher thickness, therefore more material, consequently involving a higher cost
and weight3 .

Let’s analyze this process of photon absorption/emission in more detail:

Interactions among particles (electrons, holes, photons, phonons ... ) must observe the
laws of energy and momentum conservation. The law of energy conservation implies that
when an electron “falls” from the conduction band to the valence band, the energy lost in the
process will be the same as the energy of the emitted photon (spontaneous emission of light).
The law of momentum conservation implies that, if there is a difference in the momentums
of the particles involved, this difference will have to be compensated for.

This is a structure well-known by telecom engineers that is also used to build LEDs (Light Emitting
At least up until now,: new materials are being researched in an attempt to produce higher efficiency
solar PV cells.
Weight is a key factor in solar PV installations.
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 34

Figure 38. Absorption coefficients vs. wavelength for typical solar PV materials. Source: Curso
EdX Solar Energy: 4.1. Properties of Crystalline Silicon. License: Creative Commons Attribution.

Direct Gap In a direct-gap semiconductor, the electron transition (from the valence to the con-
duction band (photon absorption) or viceversa (photon emission)) fulfills momentum
conservation, given that the momentums associated with the maximum energy of the
valence band and the minimum energy of the conduction band are the same.

Indirect Gap The situation is different in indirect gap semiconductors (e.g. Si) as there is a mis-
match between these momentums. As photons do not have an associated momentum,
the electron transition between bands in an indirect-gap material has to involve other
particles, such as phonons1 . As other particles are involved, these transitions are less
likely (in comparison to direct-gap materials).

Apart from being an indirect-gap material2 , Si shows a spectral response that is not
optimal in terms of the use/absorption of the solar radiation. The Si spectral response only
goes up to 1.1 µm, while the solar spectrum shows contributions at higher wavelengths
that can not be converted into electricity by a conventional Si solar PV cell.

2.5.2 PN Junction
A solar PV cell is basically a PN junction with some special features. A PN junction is based
on a semiconductor material, i.e. on a material able to carry an electrical current, but whose
conductivity will depend on an external parameter like temperature.
It is worth noting that an atom is considered stable when its last orbit is complete, or it
has at least 8 electrons (e-) there. Intrinsic semiconductors have 4 e- in their valence orbit:
if many atoms come together (e.g. Si atoms) a crystal lattice is formed by means of the
so-called covalent bonds.
Phonons are not real particles, but a perturbation on a set of atoms/molecules in solids or liquids.
In fact, crystalline Si also exhibits a direct-gap transition with a gap energy EGAP of 3.4 eV, thus
associated with UV radiation.
35 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 39. Spectral response of the Sun: AM0 standard (out of the atmosphere: e.g. for solar PV
satellite applications) and AM1.5 Direct and Global standards (for thermal collectors and solar PV
modules, respectively). Source: PVeducation http://bit.ly/2EcG32u

Figure 40. Crystalline-Si band diagram. Source: Course EdX Solar Energy: 4.1. Properties of
Crystalline Silicon. License: Creative Commons Attribution.
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 36

Figure 41. Crystal lattice formed by Si atoms: examples of p-type (left) and n-type (roght)
semiconductors. Source: 2017 Electronic Circuits. http://bit.ly/2EqZ1m5

ed ed (Difussion)
p op Bo
s do Bo usd ron
ru ron or hole do
ho electron hole
do sp
h electron pe
sp Ph
o d
Pho pe
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -

n-type p-type
n-type p-type

Figure 42. PN junction created with Si as base material dopped with p-type and n-type elements.
Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

A PN junction is obviously formed by the union of two (p-type and n-type) semiconductors
(Figure 41). The p-type is formed with Si doped with an element with 3 e- (e.g. Boron B)
in the valence layer, thus leaving a incomplete bond (the famous hole!). The n-type can
be similarly generated, using in this case an element with 5 e- in the valence layer, like
Phosphorus (P).
When the p and n semiconductors are put together (Figure 42), holes and e- will tend to
diffuse to their opposite regions. When a hole and an e- meet in the process, they recombine
and “disappear”. This way, the n-type region loses e- (becoming more positive) and the
p-type region loses holes (becoming more negative), thus generating a space charge region
(or depletion layer). This space charge region (its electric field) opposes the diffusion process
for both holes and e- (the positive potential of the n-type region opposes the holes coming
from the p-side, and viceversa). Finally, the space charge region will prevent the diffusion
process from going on, thus leaving equal concentrations on both sides. The potential of the
space charge region in Si is of 0.5 V.
How is a photon absorbed in a semiconductor (Figure 43)? When a photon is absorbed by
an atom, the energy associated with the photon is employed in lifting an e- from the valence
to the conduction band. Obviously, the energy of the photon must exceed the energy gap of
the material Eg , where the energy of the photon can be expressed as:
37 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

F Fotón - Electrón
Electron + Hueco

Banda de Conducción
Conduction Band
+ + + + - + + + + + + + + + + +


Eg F

- - - - + - - - - - - - - - - -
Banda Band
de Valencia
Figure 43. Absorption and emission processes in a semiconductor. Source: Jesus Mirapeix

Frontal metallic strips


Rear contact
e-/hole creation
e-/hole recombination

Figure 44. Schematic representation of PV cell operation. Source: Jesus Mirapeix

E = hν =⇒ E = (2.2)
In this equation h is the Planck constant, ν the frequency of the photon and λ its
wavelength (c is the speed of light in empty space (vacuum)).
How does the photoelectric effect take place in a solar PV cell? (Figure 44)
If a photon with a suitable energy reaches the depletion layer of the cell (to facilitate this a
thin n-type region is needed) and is absorbed by an atom, this will give rise to an e-/hole
pair. The electric field enables the transition of the e- to the n region (hole to p region). If
there are metallic conducting strips attached to the cell, the e- will circulate, being attracted
by the p region and enabling an e-/hole recombination, coming back to the original state of
the system.
Now we know the basics of solar PV cells. Even if it seems obvious, it is worth noting
that the photoelectric effect has dynamic behaviour, i.e. it is able to generate electricity
under certain given circumstances, but it will not enable the storage of energy. To do that,
a battery will be needed.
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 38

Figure 45. Forecast of the evolution of PV solar cells by crystalline Si material types. Source:
aleo-solar.com http://bit.ly/2Gx2YK1

Important! 2.15: p and n-type solar cells

Even if the very first solar cell was n-type, p-type, as the one shown in Figure 44 cells
have clearly dominated the PV scenario for decades. p-type solar cells are built on
a positively charged silicon base, being the wafer doped with boron. n-type solar
cells are built the other way around, i.e. with a n-type doped side acting as the basis
of the solar cell.
p-type cells took the lead of the market due to their better resistance to radiations
for space applications, which dominated the PV scene in the early days. After that,
economies of scale set the evolution of these technologies.
However, it seems that n-type cells (mainly mono) are starting to be relevant
due to its improved efficiency and immunity to the light-induced degradation
effect (see Figure 45). This is mainly due to the absence of boron, which recombinates
with oxygen damaging efficiency and performance.

2.5.3 How do photons interact will a solar PV cell?

Not all the photons coming to the Earth’s surface as part of solar radiation can be used1 to
produce electricity in a solar cell. We have seen the Sun’s spectrum in Figure 39, but it is
also important to also know the Si spectral response (Figure 46). As can be observed,
the Si spectrum comes up to around 1100 nm, with an associated gap energy of EGAP =
At least by current conventional PV technology.
39 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy


Intensity [a.u.]




λ = hc/Eg
400 600 800 1000
Wavelength [nm]
Figure 46. Si spectral response. Source: http://bit.ly/2lyIsvM. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

Equation 2.2 (above) indicates that this wavelength is related to the gap energy so, what
will happen if:

EF OT ON < EGAP If the energy of the incoming photon is lower than the gap energy, no
interaction will take place and the photon will go through the solar cell.

EF OT ON = EGAP This is the ideal situation: the photon is absorbed and it will free an e-
that will contribute to the total electric current.

EF OT ON > EGAP The photon will be absorbed, but the excess energy will be released as
heat. This is an undesirable effect that can compromise the cell performance.

2.5.4 Solar PV Cell: Efficiency

The efficiency of a solar PV cell is a key concept for any PV technology: How is
this parameter defined? This is very simple, PV efficiency can be defined as the ratio of the
electricity produced in terms of the energy derived from the solar radiation.

P ower(electrical)(W )
Ef f iciency(η) = W 2
Irradiance( m 2 )·Surf ace(m )

It is then necessary to measure the electrical power generated by the PV cell/module

(watts), as well as the solar irradiance1 (watts/m2 ), considering the surface of the cell/module
(m2 ).
Solar irradiance can be measured with a pinarometer: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piran%C3%
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 40

Current PV commercial technologies exhibit efficiencies of around 14 to 18% (crystalline-

Si), although other experimental technologies have achieved much higher efficiencies (60%),
but with costly procedures that prevent their mass production.
The next question that comes to our minds is: why is this PV efficiency so low?
Let’s see the different factors that limit it:

0.5% Series resistance

3% Reflection and shadow provoked by the metallic strips

8.5% Recombination losses

20% Potential barrier

23% Low-energy photons (IR photons)

32% High-energy photons (UV photons)

Improving these figures with conventional crystalline-Si technology has proved to be a

very complex task. On the one hand, losses due to the series resistance and the metallic
strips are interrelated. If the strips surface is diminished, more photons will reach the n-type
region, but the series resistance will increase. On the other hand, the Si spectral response
limit the amount of photons that can be converted intro electricity. Finally, recombination
and potential barrier losses are intrinsic to the PN junction and, consequently, very difficult
to overcome.

Solar PV Cell: Structure

The “main core” of a solar cell, the so-called PV laminate, is the PN junction. However,
there are more elements that form a commercial PV cell (Figure 47).

Glass layer The glass layer is used to protect the PV laminate (the PV cells). Special
attention must be paid to the optical properties of the glass, given that its transparency
is fundamental for achieving a maximum efficiency. There are some types of glass and
polymers whose optical properties can become degraded over time. Solarization, for
example, is a physical phenomenon that gives rise to this loss of transparency.

Anti-reflection layer Anti-Reflection Coatings (ARC) are typically used to avoid the reflec-
tion of photons in the PV cell.

Metallic strips They are necessary for conducting the electricity from the PV cells/panels
to the devices/grid where it will be used.
41 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy


Anti-reflection layer

ip s


e Si

Figure 47. Schematic representation of the structure of a solar cell. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

Important! 2.16: Solarization

You will find a very good example of solarization in the “Edificio I+D Teleco”
building of the University of Cantabria. On the 2nd floor, where the offices of the
Photonics Engineering Group are located, there is a corridor with several posters of
scientific contributions made by the group. Look at these posters and see if you can
find anything related to solarization.
This phenomenon is also typically observed in the light covers of some cars, mainly in
old models.

Incoming light Reflected light Reflected Incoming light


Absorbed light Absorbed light

Figure 48. Texturized front layer of a solar PV cell. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

Texturization is another key concept in PV technology (Figure 48). It is based on giving

a certain texture to the front side of the cell, for example with normal or inverted pyramids
(Figure 49). Its goal is to maximize the likelihood of photons being absorbed by forcing
more than 1 interaction on those photons that are initially reflected. At this point it is worth
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 42

Figure 49. Examples of texturized solar PV cells: inverted pyramid (left) and pyramid (right).
Source: http://bit.ly/2F61VvW. Images by The School of Photovoltaic & Renewable Energy
Engineering, University of New South Wales.

pointing out that, when particle interactions are under analysis, Quantum Physics/Mechanics
comes into play, where different events such as photon absorption, e- transitions and so on
will be modeled as probabilities.

2.5.5 PV Technologies

There are different PV technologies classified in terms of the materials used to build the
PV cell. First of all, they all divided into cells based on semiconductor wafers and thin
film cells.
The former constitutes the so-called 1st generation of PV cells, clearly dominated by
crystalline-Si technology (mono and poly-crystalline), with share of approximately 90% of
the global market.
Thin film technologies are used in 2nd to 3rd generations. The former is based on
conventional technologies, with amorphous silicon, CdTe, CIGS (Copper Indium Galium Dis-
elenide) and CZTS (Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide) cells.
3rd generation solar cells are emerging thin-film technologies such as dye-sensitized,
Perovskite1 , organic or quantum dot cells.
A PV technology can be evaluated attending to different factors, such as:

Efficiency This key parameter has already been defined. Of course, new technologies at-
tempt to obtain higher efficiencies for commercial purposes.

Stability Some technologies exhibit degradation over time, for example due to exposure to
UV solar radiation.

Manufacturing cost This is a key factor when it comes to technologies suitable for mass
production. Some technologies have got really high efficiencies (up to 60%), but if
their cost is too high, they are not suitable for commercialization.
More info on Perovskite solar cells on this article: http://bit.ly/2ngUtYr
43 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

PV Technologies

Based on wafers
Thin film cells
(1st generation)

Crystalline and Conventional thin film Emerging thin film
Si III-V (2nd generation) (3rd generation)

Mono Amorphous
crystalline CIGS Dye Organic
Si (35%) 2% Sensitized

Poly Cadmium Quantum

crystalline Telluride CZTS Perovskite dot
Si (55%) 5% PV

Figure 50. PV technology classification (% indicates market share). Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

Sustainability Some materials used for PV technologies may impose a environmental risk.
In this regard, technologies without these disadvantages, like organic cells, are more
likely to be successful.

As can be observed, the market is 90% dominated by crystalline-Si. It is also worth

noting that, although poly-crystalline Si has increased its market share in recent years due
to an improvement in its efficiency and a reduction in its manufacturing costs, current
forecasts predict an increase in the market shares of mono-crystalline modules.

2.5.6 PV Technologies: crystalline Si

Mono-crystalline Si has a slightly higher quality than poly-crystalline Si and, traditionally, a
slightly higher cost.
The simplest way of telling what kind of crystalline panel are we looking at is by means of a
visual inspection (Figure 52). Mono-crystalline cells show a uniform black color, whereas poly-
crystalline cells exhibit a non-uniform blueish color, where the formation of different “crystals”
can be appreciated. These differences arise from the different manufacturing processes, where
mono-crystalline Si comes from a higher quality material.
How are crystalline-Si cells manufactured? Although due to the limitations of the
course the manufacturing processes of the different PV technologies will not be studied, we
will briefly analyze the fabrication of crystalline-Si cells due to their relevance in the market.
The silicon needed for the PV cells has to go through several processes in order to reach
the required quality standards. The first level is known as metallurgical-Si1 . Only a 1%
About 70% of metallurgical-Si is employed in the automotive sector
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 44

P V P ro d u ct io n b y T e ch n o lo g y
P e rce n ta g e o f G lo b a l A n n u a l P ro d u ct io n
Production 2021* (GWp)
Thin film 10
Multi-Si 20
Mono-Si 160

© Fraunhofer ISE

Figure 51. Production of PV modules according to technology up to the year 2022 (Source:
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy (Photovoltaics Report). Link: https://bit.ly/3vYDDjQ).

Figure 52. Comparison of a poly-crystalline (left) and a mono-crystalline (right) PV cell. Source
(bottom image): https://bit.ly/2JGaTT1. License: original image by Klaus Mueller (CC BY-
SA 3.0). Source (top image): Course EdX Solar Energy: 4.1. Properties of Crystalline Silicon.
Licencia Atribución de Creative Commons (re-use allowed)

is used to obtain solar-grade Si (also known as electronic-Si) and it is derived from quartz
(SiO2 ) by heating it up to 900◦ C. The resulting Si exhibits a purity of around 98 or 99%.
Poly-silicon ingots (with a purity of 99.9999%) can be obtained from this metallurgical-
Si. The required processes imply the use of gases such as HCl at high temperatures to purify
the Si, for example via Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)1 .
The mono-crystalline ingots can be obtained by means of the Czochralski or the floating-
It is important to note that this processes that imply high temperatures are associated with a high cost
in terms of the energy required. More info on the CVD process: http://bit.ly/2ckESiE.
45 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

zone methods. In both cases, the Si is melted to obtain an ingot with a crystal oriented in
one direction. To generate a poly-crystalline ingot several crystals are melted, giving rise to
a standard ingot of 70x70x25cm.
Once the ingots have been created, it is time to produce the wafers. Very precise
cutting processes are required, as the average thickness of a crystalline-Si wafer is around
150 to 200 µm, and for each manufactured wafer around 100 µm of material has to be
discarded. After the cutting, other processes such as smoothing, texturizing, etc. take place.

2.5.7 PV Technologies: Thin film (2nd generation)

Figure 53. Thin film PV installation. Source: Fieldsken Ken Fields (CC BY-SA 3.0). http:

Thin film cells have a much lower thickness than crystalline-Si cells, around 5µm. This
implies low weight and even flexibility in some cases, although their efficiency is also lower
than the provided by crystalline-Si (an average of 6-8%). There are several categories for
thin film cells, depending on the chosen material: amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium telluride
(CdTe) or copper indium gallium selenide (CIS or CIGS). Some of these materials are not
environmentally friendly, which is a clear disadvantage.
One main advantage of thin film technology lies in the possibility of designing cells with
more than one semiconductor material, the so-called multi-junction solar cells. This way,
PV efficiency can be improved if the spectral response is tailored to obtain a wider spectral
range, thus increasing the number of photons that can be converted into electricity. This
idea has been illustrated in Figure 54, where InGaP, InGaAs and Ge PV laminates have been
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 46

Spectral irradiance BW/m2 µm)

1600 AM 1.5 Spectrum

Top Cell InGaP 1.86 eV

1200 Middle Cell InGaAs 1.4 eV

Bottom Cell Ge 0.65 eV



500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Wavelength Bnm)
Figure 54. Spectral response of a multi-junction thin film PV cell.Source: (CC BY-SA 3.0).

2.5.8 PV Technologies: Thin film (amorphous-Si)

Within thin film technologies, a few lines will be devoted to amorphous-Si (a-Si). Although
it has been used for years, its market share has decreased to 2%.
The manufacturing process is completely different from the one used for crystalline-
Si cells. Gas Si is deposited onto the chosen substrate, thus requiring much lower tempera-
tures and involving a much simpler process. Obviously, the associated costs are significantly
The a-Si crystal lattice is not organized: it grows randomly. As a result, a-Si does not
exhibit an indirect gap structure, but a direct gap, enabling an improved photon absorption.
Figure 55 shows this effect, with an improved absorption of a-Si especially for the photons in
the visible region.
Important! 2.17: Absorption Coefficient
The absorption coefficient determines how much the light will penetrate into a given
material in terms of its wavelength. A material with a low absorption coefficient and
a small thickness will imply a low probability of photon absorption.

Question 2.11: Absorption Coefficient [400 XP]

Figure 54 shows that there is a sharp drop in the absorption coefficient profiles for a
given wavelength. On the other hand, the value of the coefficient is not constant for
photon energies higher than EGAP . Explain these phenomena in your own words.

The main features of a-Si cells will be revised in Table 2.1.

The main disadvantages of a-Si are its lower efficiency and its shorter lifetime.
47 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Absorption coefficient (cm-1)



Wavelength (nm)

Figure 55. Absorption coefficient for different semiconductor materials. Source: http://bit.

Table 2.1. Advantages and disadvantages of a-Si technology

Advantages Disadvantages
More simple manufacturing process Lower efficiency (6-8%)
Lower fabrication costs Shorter lifetime (PV cell degradation)
Lighter PV cells
Suitable for locations with diffuse radiation or shadows
Better temperature response
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 48

a-Si Crystalline-Si

d ow o w
ha ad
S Sh

a-Si PV cell
Figure 56. Shadowing with a-Si and crystalline-Si modules. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

The latter is due to the degradation of the PV laminate with solar exposure, especially during
the first few months of operation. All in all, this is a suitable technology, not only for its
lower price, but also for locations where shadows can not be avoided or diffuse radiation1
Given the cell disposition in the a-Si modules, it is more difficult to completely shade a
whole cell, which gives rise to an improved performance when shadows are projected on the
panels2 . This situation has been depicted in Figure 56, where it can be observed that it is
easier for a shadow to completely cover a whole cell in a crystalline-Si module than in a a-Si
panel3 .

2.5.9 PV Technologies: 3rd Generation (Organic Cells)

Within the 3rd Generation “family”, organic cells constitute a very interesting and promis-
ing technology. An organic solar cell, as shown in Figure 57, is formed by organic electronics
that enable the generation of electricity by means of the photoelectric effect. Organic elec-
tronics is based on the employment of conducting organic polymer materials or small organic
molecules. Organic refers to the carbon content of these materials, for example henyl-C61-
butyric acid methyl ester (P C61 BM ).
One of the main advantages of this technology is its viability for being mass-produced
at very reduced costs, using for example printing technologies. Additionally, molecular engi-
neering allows modifying certain characteristics such as the band-gap, which can be of great
interest for improving the resulting cell efficiency. These materials are, in general, optimal in
terms of light absorption.
As current disadvantages, low efficiency, low stability and reduced durability should be
Diffuse radiation is provoked by clouds, while direct radiation refers to clear skies.
Shadows should always be avoided in a PV installation, but there might be some situations (trees, power
lines, chimneys) where this can not be prevented
In an a-Si module like the one shown in the figure, a cell is a strip whose length is equal to the panel
49 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 57. Organic solar PV cell. Source:http://bit.ly/2ASKYXO. License: CC BY-SA 3.0

PV Technologies: Comparative
An overview of the main aspects related to PV technologies has been provided in the previous
sections. In order to understand these main concepts, the following table summarizes them
in terms of efficiency, stability, production costs and sustainability.

Table 2.2. PV Technologies: Comparative and Conclusions

Cell Type Efficiency Stability Production Costs Environmental Impact

Mono-crystalline Si Very High Excellent Very High Medium-Low
Poli-crystalline Si Very High Excellent Medium Medium-Low
Amorphous Si (mono-junction) Low Very Low Low Medium-Low
Amorphous Si (multi-junction) Low Low Low Medium-Low
III-V Materials Very High Excellent Super-High Potentially High
Thin film (other compounds) Medium Good Low Potentially High
Organic Cells Low Low Potentially Low Very Low

Environmental impact (sustainability) has been included in the Table 2.2, given that
some technologies use compounds such as CdTe or InGaAs that may have an impact on
the environment when being removed and recycled. These factors, not previously taken into
account as PV technologies were just emerging, are now starting to be seriously considered
within the PV sector.
Undoubtedly, the main goal of the PV industry is to improve cell efficiency at reasonable
production costs. Research efforts are therefore being focused on overcoming the efficiency
limit imposed by crystalline technologies. Figure 58 shows the highest efficiencies achieved
with commercial cell/modules and Figure 59 presents efficiencies that have been measured
in laboratories (non-commercial prototypes).
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 50

E f f icie n cy C o m p a riso n o f T e ch n o lo g ie s
B e st L a b C e lls v s. B e st L a b M o d u le s

© Fraunhofer ISE

Figure 58. Efficiency associated with the main PV technologies. Source: Fraunhofer Institute for
Solar Energy (2022 Photovoltaics Report). Link: https://bit.ly/3vYDDjQ.

D e v e lo p m e n t o f L a b o ra t o r y So la r C e ll E f f icie n cie s

© Fraunhofer ISE

Figure 59. Efficiency evolution of PV technologies (laboratory prototypes). Source: Fraunhofer

Institute for Solar Energy (2022 Photovoltaics Report). Link: https://bit.ly/3vYDDjQ.
51 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

2.5.10 Bifacial technology

In recent years, bifacial technology seems to be gaining relevance in the photovoltaic sector,
to the point of becoming the new technology most likely to replace conventional
crystalline silicon panels. In this sense, it must be pointed out that, in reality, bifacial
panels are made up of cells of mono or polycrystalline silicon, so it is not a new technology
in the sense of using new materials as occurs with perovskites or cells. organic. The main
innovation in bifacial panels lies in their ability to capture radiation from the front
and rear faces of the cells, thus increasing the overall performance of the panel and, with
it, the final generation.
The concept of a bifacial cell is shown in Figure 61, where it can be seen that compared
to the conventional monofacial cell design (right), in the bifacial cell there is no opaque layer
on the back, allowing thus capturing sunlight on both sides.

Figure 60. Bifacial (left) and monofacial (right) cell designs. Source: LG.

When introducing the concept of bifacial cell, it is necessary to clarify the concepts related
to solar radiation, in particular direct, diffuse and reflected radiation, since the latter
two become highly relevant in this new type of cell.

Direct radiation is that received from the Sun without the photons having suffered any
interference, in particular any deviation in their path, in the Earth’s atmosphere

Diffuse radiation is the radiation that reaches the earth’s surface after having undergone
a change of direction in the atmosphere, typically by scattering or reflection processes,
for example by clouds

Albedo (reflected radiation) which can be defined as the amount of reflected radiation
(for example on the surface), versus the incident radiation

In traditional PV, direct radiation is mainly taken into account, although in locations
where diffuse radiation is relevant, this may have implications regarding the PV technology
to be selected, since some, such as amorphous silicon, present an improved response to to
this type of radiation.
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 52

Figure 61. Direct, diffuse and reflected radiation. Source: elforoverde.org https://bit.ly/

Question 2.12: Diffuse radiation [400 XP]

Why do some PV technologies have a better response under diffuse radiation condi-
tions? Find information on this topic and write a short answer in your own words:
does this happen with bifacial technology and why?

As we will see in the topic dedicated to PV sizing, the design of a conventional monofacial
solar PV installation is relatively simple, as it is possible to select the optimal angle of
inclination based on latitude, considering in this case direct radiation. However, the design
for the bifacial case is complicated, considering that the different types of radiation will vary
depending on factors such as:

Meteorology since, as we have just mentioned, in cloudy sky conditions diffuse radiation
will predominate (with an irradiance around 100 W / m 2 ), while on clear days direct
radiation will predominate , being able to reach 1000 W / m 2 in optimal conditions

Tilt of the panels the horizontal arrangement maximizes the capture of diffuse radiation
footnote For this reason it is possible that if you find yourself with a solar PV installation
with solar trackers, you can see on a cloudy day that the trackers have moved to
position the modules in a horizontal arrangement, very uncommon on the other hand
in traditional PV., but minimizes that associated with reflected radiation (albedo)

Albedo the albedo (and with it the proportion of reflected light) depends on the type of
surface as well as its color; For example, ice or snow have a very high albedo, while
53 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

white concrete will have a higher albedo than grass.

Movement of the Sun with respect to the Earth : the trajectories of the Sun change
throughout the year, so this will also influence the estimation of the optimal angle for
direct radiation as well as shadows and reflections

Figure 62 shows an example of a solar PV installation with bifacial modules, which can
be easily identified by removing the opaque back cover: now the photovoltaic laminate can
be seen from the front and back faces of the panel.

Figure 62. Solar PV plant with bifacial modules. Source: Soltec. https://bit.ly/2Kzy6fh

From the point of view of the historical evolution of this technology, it is not a recent
concept, but already in the 60s the idea was proposed in a Japanese patent, while in the
70s Russian and Spanish research groups began to actively investigate. It was not, however,
until a very few years ago that the technology began to be marketed through different
manufacturers, such as LG, Prism Solar, Sunpreme or Yingli Solar.

Main characteristics of bifacial cells/modules

Although we are talking about photovoltaic modules with a technology and a manufacturing
process very similar to conventional ones, the truth is that the fact of being able to receive
light from both sides makes bifacial panels present a series of characteristics and design con-
siderations very different from monofacial panels. To mention an example, it is believed that,
in terms of power generation, these modules will be more efficient in vertical deployments
and with an east/west orientation, something difficult to imagine just some years ago.
A first key parameter when characterizing bifacial cells/panels is the bifaciality factor,
which basically describes the relationship between the front and rear responses of the device
for given conditions. Thus, the bifaciality factor ϕ for the short-circuit current density JSC ,
the open-circuit voltage, the power and the efficiency 1 :
In the equations r (rear ) refers to the rear face of the panel, while f (front) refers to the front
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 54

Figure 63. PV plant with vertically deployed bifacial panels. Source: Next2Sun.

ϕJ sc = JSCr /JSCf (2.4)

ϕV oc = JSCr /JSCf (2.5)
ϕP max = PM AXr /PM AXf (2.6)
ϕe ta = etar /etaf (2.7)
Another key concept when dealing with this technology is that of bifacial gain BG
(bifacial gain), which basically determines the performance between bifacial and monofacial
module technologies through their annual energy production. Thus, with Ym being the
production of a monofacial panel and Yb that of a bifacial panel, the bifacial gain can be
calculated using the following expression:

Yb − Ym
BG = 100 (2.8)
What bifacial gain values can we expect? At present, it is estimated that the use of
bifacial modules could offer between 10 and 20% more energy, reaching ranges between
30 and 40% if we talk about optimized solutions with solar trackers.
Important! 2.18: Generation vs. LCOE
When evaluating this new technology, we may be tempted to focus exclusively on the
additional % of generation it provides; however, the really key factor for the evolution
of this technology is the LCOE.
Let us consider that there are ways of increasing the generation of an installation,
for example by means of two-axis trackers, which imply an increase in cost such that
it makes them very uninteresting for investors. Currently, the lack of real data and
adequate simulation tools is delaying the adoption of this technology, as investors want
certainty as to the advantages of this technology.
55 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

What aspects must be considered in a bifacial PV installation when minimizing

the LCOE?

Site selection : As with conventional PV, site will be an important factor in both cost
and weather conditions. Bifacial technology implies some additional factor, such as the
need to study in detail the separation between modules to achieve an optimal generation
(the radiation reflected in a module, or in the ground, can be used by a neighboring
module). In addition, these panels take better advantage of diffuse radiation, an aspect
to consider and which, for example, is associated with higher latitudes.

Albedo : this parameter, which can be defined as the amount of radiation reflected in
relation to the incident, is a fundamental aspect for a bifacial installation. We refer to
the albedo of the surface on which the installation is made, for example white concrete
being optimal. Sand, snow or ice are also good options.

Panel height : By taking advantage of both the radiation reflected from the ground and that
coming from other panels, the height of the panels becomes a key design parameter.
Today heights of 1 or 1.5 meters are considered optimal footnote NOTE: As always,
design considerations may imply other effects to consider. For example, the higher the
panels are, the more resistance they will present to the wind, a factor that will also be
affected by the angle of inclination of the modules..
Irradiance Distribution of Backside in Single Module

Front Side
8cm 58cm 108cm

top top top

Rear Side

bottom bottom bottom

2 2 2

5times difference uniform

*Test condition :horizontal irradiation 1006W/m2,Albedo 50%,Tilt angle 30deg

Figure 64. Irradiance at the rear side of the bifacial panel for 8, 58 and 108 cm heigths. Source:
LG Electronics Bifacial Design Guide. https://bit.ly/2K963Db.

Tilt angle Due to the use of reflected radiation, the optimal tilt angle will also be modified.
The optimum tilt angle is expected to be about 2 to 15◦ higher than conventional.

Row spacing again, to maximize the use of reflected radiation it will be necessary to carefully
study the impact of spacing between rows of panels. Separations of 6 to 8 meters may
be optimal, although this implies more land use and higher cost.

“Density” of MPPTs as we will see in the topic dedicated to the devices of a PV instal-
lation, particularly in the section on inverters, the monitoring of the maximum power
2.5. Solar PV Fundamentals: Photoelectric Effect and Solar PV Cell | 56

point (MPPT: maximum power point tracking) is a process that allows the inverter to
place a set of panels at their optimum working point, thus generating the maximum
possible energy at all times. An inverter can have several inputs for several module
chains, and at the same time it can have a single MPPT for all chains or 1 MPPT
for each chain. The higher the “density” of MPPTs, the better the monitoring will be
done, since there will be less probability of decoupling between modules, strings, etc.

Solar trackers the studies carried out to date have indicated that the use of single-axis
trackers can increase the generation of these installations by up to 35 %, thus reaching
a LCOE optimum:
“In general, with the same mounting structure, bifacial configuration outperforms
monofacial configuration. Tracker configurations outperform fixed-tilt configurations
significantly, with dual-axis tracker installations having marginally higher yield than one
axis.” 1

Currently, work is being done to increase the number of real case studies and the reliability
of bifacial system simulations to be able to accurately estimate the bifacial gain associated
with a given installation. This parameter is key to the resulting LCOE. In fact, today investors
are still skeptical when it comes to financing these novel facilities. This ironically increases
its LCOE (financing conditions do not usually take into account the estimated bifacial profit,
but are more conservative, going from 10 to 5% for example in their calculations).

World Market Share of monofacial and bifacial modules



World Market Share [%]

ITRPV 2022







2021 2022 2024 2026 2029 2032
bifacial module with bifacial cells monofacial module with bifacial cell monofacial module with monofacial cells

Figure 65. Evolution of market shares for both mono and bifacial modules with mono or bifacial
solar cells. Source: International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic (April 2022). Link: https:

This LCOE will also increase due to the higher cost of bifacial panels today and other
factors such as the need to use a larger area of land due to the separation between consecutive
rows. The cost increase for a fixed-angle installation could be around 5%, rising to
Fuente: https://bit.ly/2IVMAG1
57 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

15% in the case of using a single-axis tracker. As with floating PV installations, this
higher cost will be offset, to some extent, by the higher generation of these systems.
Despite everything, the expected evolution for this technology is very positive. The
Figure 65 shows the prediction in the market share evolution of bifacial panels compared to
traditional monofacial panels for the coming years, making it clear why the interest that is
being generated in the photovoltaic community.
Although the sizing calculations for a bifacial PV installation are still approximate,
due to factors such as the low maturity of the simulation tools available on the market for
these panels, sizing can be performed attending at different case studies already available.

Figure 66. Illustration of the concept of agricultural photovoltaics. Source: REN21 (2021 Report).
Link: https://bit.ly/3C00Zam.

In summary, bifacial PV is nowadays the most promising new PV technology,

with several available commercial models and new plants being planned and deployed. An
interesting advantage of this technology, apart from the obvious bifacial gain, lies in the
adaptability of these plants to the concept of agricultural PV: the use of the same site for
both energy and crop production is also a rapidly emerging sector that can address concerns
associated with land use, especially with the growing availability of bifacial systems1 .

Source: REN21 (2021 Report). Link: https://bit.ly/3C00Zam.
2.6. Characterization of PV Cells and Modules | 58

2.6 Characterization of PV Cells and Modules

We have looked at the working principle of a solar PV cell in the previous sections. It is now
time to see how a PV module/panel1 is built and its main electrical features, temperature
response and so on. This section describes the first stage for correctly designing a PV

2.6.1 PV modules

PV Module


PV Cell
Figure 67. PV module with cells connected in series.

A solar PV module is usually formed by PV cells connected in series (see Figure 67).
Although there are many possibilities, a standard crystalline-Si PV module could be the one
shown in the figure, with 36 cells connected in series.
What will be the voltage at the electrical connectors of the panel? In this case VP AN EL =
36·VCELL .
It is also common to find configurations with groups of cells (strings) arranged in parallel,
e.g. 2 strings in parallel with 18 cells connected in series (each string). At this point, it might
prove interesting to try to find out the current that will be delivered by the panel: Will the
same current go through all the cells? Will there be deviations even if all the cells belong to
the same model? We will answer these questions in the following sections.

2.6.2 PV Modules: Structure

Apart from the PV cells and their connections, a solar PV module is formed by the following

Aluminium Frame It covers the module perimeter, providing mechanical protection. Its
behaviour in terms of outdoor protection should be optimal2
Module and Panel will be equally used during the following sections.
The average estimated lifetime of a solar panel is about 20 to 25 years, depending on the manufacturer.
59 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Aluminium Frame
Glass Cover
PV Cell

Junction Back Sheet

Box Cell to Cell Connection
Electrical Connections
Module Clamp

Figure 68. PV Module: Elements. (c) University of Jaén http://bit.ly/2qCVnTb.

Glass Cover It protects the PV laminate (the cells). Its optical characteristics (also in terms
of aging) should be chosen so that the highest number of photons reach the cells.

Encapsulation Materials PV cells are not “free” within the panel. Encapsulation materials
(resins) such as ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) are used to provide additional protection
against outdoor conditions (humidity, etc.).

Back Sheet It protects the back of the panel, where transparency is not required.

Junction Box It is normally located on the rear side of the panel. It should be hermetic
(IP65) and it is formed by by-pass diodes, electrical connections, etc.

Module Clamp To facilitate the fastening of the module to its support (rails, solar tracking
system, etc.).

Question 2.13: IP Code [400 XP]

Look for information about the IP Code (International Protection Marking), briefly
explaining the code system and mentioning some examples related to REs or Telecom-

Different tests have to be carried out to verify the correct operation of the panel according
to associated standards. UV-radiation, ice and water resistance (water fog) are some examples
of these tests (Figure 69).
As occurs with any device, the manufacturing and installation of PV panels must fol-
low different norms specified in international standards. There are many different norms,
depending for example on the PV technology under analysis.

IEC 61215 Rev 2 (2005) Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design
qualification and type approval

IEC 61646 Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type
2.6. Characterization of PV Cells and Modules | 60

a) b)

Figure 69. PV module tests: a) water fog; b) Detail of the PV module within the water fog tank;
c) UV radiation aging test. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

There are also standards concerning the different tests to be considered:

IEC 60904-1 Measurement of photovoltaic current-voltage characteristics (that will be spec-

ified by the manufacturer in the module datasheet)

IEC 60891 Irradiance and temperature corrections (the energy produced by the panel will
depend on several factors, such as temperature or irradiance)

IEC 61345 UV radiation aging test (to verify that the glass, the encapsulation resins and
the PV laminate are not degraded due to UV exposure)

IEC 61724 Mechanical tests (to verify that the mechanical resistance of the modules is
good enough, for example to withstand hail)

Important! 2.19: PV Modules: Tests

There are more tests to be considered for PV modules: visual inspection, electrical
characterization for different conditions (Standard Test Conditions (STC), Nominal
Operation Cell Temperature (NOCT), electrical isolation, measurement of temperature
parameters, hot-spot, thermal cycle...
61 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

2.6.3 Standard Test Conditions: STC

Imagine the following situation: You are an engineer working for a telecom company and
your boss asks you to buy a 100 Wp PV module. We go outdoors to test the panel and it
only delivers 40 W.
What is happening? Is the panel broken? Have you been cheated? Will you
lose your job?
The first matter to consider is the conditions that were used to estimate the nominal
power of the module:
Will the panel generate the same power on a sunny day as on a cloudy day? Will the panel
produce the same power regardless of how it is mounted (e.g. if the panel is horizontally or
vertically placed)?
The answer is pretty clear: NO!
The answer to this question is given by the definition of the Standard Test Conditions
(STC). These conditions define the values of the key parameters to be considered for the
electrical characterization of any PV cell/module.

Irradiance As already commented, solar irradiance can be defined as the power (of a given
type of electromagnetic radiation) per unit of surface. STCs define an irradiance of
1000 W/m21 .

Cell Temperature As will be analyzed in the following sections, temperature plays a key
role in the performance of a PV module. This is why it is necessary to establish a
temperature to estimate the power delivered by a panel. STCs indicate a temperature
of 25◦ C 2

Sun Spectrum As studied in previous sections, the Sun’s spectrum will greatly affect the
module’s performance, given that not all photons (associated with different wave-
lengths) can be converted into electrons. PV modules are characterized indoors (for
practical reasons) with lamps, thus it is important to clearly define the spectrum of the
light generated by these lamps (that should be similar to the Sun spectrum). This is
defined by the AM1.5 spectrum, already shown in Figure 39.

2.6.4 Electrical characterization of PV cells/modules

The electrical parameters specified by the manufacturer in the datasheet are measured con-
sidering STCs. As an example, Figure 70 shows the characteristics of a commercial panel
(Panasonic HIT N240/N235). These electrical parameters define the module’s I-V (current-
voltage) and P-V (power-voltage) curves, as represented in Figure 71.

1000 W/m2 is the value that can be expected on a sunny day. A cloudy day may give rise to 100 W/m2
WATCH OUT! It is important not to mix up STC and NOTC temperatures!!!
2.6. Characterization of PV Cells and Modules | 62

■ Specifications
■ Electrical Performance under Standard Test Conditions (*STC)
Maximum Power (Pmax) 87W (+10%/− 5%)
Maximum Power Voltage (Vmpp) 17.4V
Maximum Power Current (Impp) 5.02A
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 21.7V
Short Circuit Current (Isc) 5.34A
Max System Voltage 600V
Temperature Coefficient of Voc − 8.21× 10-2 V/℃
Temperature Coefficient of Isc 2.12× 10-3 A /℃
*STC : Irradiance 1000W/m2, AM1.5 spectrum, module temperture 25℃

■ Electrical Performance at 800W/m2, NOCT, AM1.5

Maximum Power (Pmax) 62W
Maximum Power Voltage (Vmpp) 15.3V
Maximum Power Current (Impp) 4.06A
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 19.7V
Short Circuit Current (Isc) 4.31A
NOCT (Nominal Operating Cell Temperature): 47 ℃

Figure 70. Example of module datasheet: electrical parameters for STC and NOCT conditions.
Source: http://bit.ly/2m7d73H

It is now time to introduce the parameters that will the define the module electrical
curves. These parameters will be necessary to perform a correct design of a PV

Maximum Power PM AX is the maximum electrical power that the module will deliver under
STCs. This parameter is used as reference to name a specific model (e.g. HIT N240,
where 240 denotes the module PM AX http://bit.ly/2D8bn28). It is worth noting
that this power will not be delivered by the module at all times, as it refers to the STC
irradiance of 1000W/m2 that will only be achieved at optimum weather and installation
conditions. PM AX is commonly expressed in watt-peaks (Wp).
Maximum Power Voltage VM P Voltage associated with the optimum working point of
the panel, the one that delivers maximum power (MPP).
Maximum Power Current IM P Current associated with the optimum working point of the
panel, the one that delivers maximum power (MPP).
Open Circuit Voltage VOC is the maximum voltage that the panel can deliver. It is there-
fore a good reference for carrying out the design and dimensioning (e.g. to estimate
the voltage associated with a string of modules to verify if that voltage does not exceed
the one specified for the inverter).
Short Circuit Current ISC is the maximum current that the panel can deliver. It is there-
fore a good reference for carrying out the design and dimensioning.

These parameters can also be expressed in the datasheet for NOCT conditions. NOCT
(Nominal Operation Cell Temperature) is defined as the cell temperature for the fol-
63 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Current Power

I-V Curve PMAX


u rv


Figure 71. I-V and P-V curves of a solar PV cell. Source: http://bit.ly/2wZ3Odu

lowing conditions: solar irradiance of 800 W/m2 , solar spectrum AM1.5, air temperature of
20◦ C and wind speed of 1 m/s. Obviously, the temperature of the cells will be very different
from the air temperature1 It is important to know the cell temperature as it will greatly
affect the module performance. In Figure 70 the values of the main parameters estimated
for the NOCT conditions have also been included. It is important to notice the difference
between the STC and NOCT: see for example the value of the Maximum Power in both cases.

There is an expression for deducing cell temperature from the air temperature:

(N OCT − 20)
Tcell = Tair + G[ ] (2.9)

In this equation G refers to solar irradiance and NOCT to the nominal cell temperature
indicated by the module manufacturer.

A good example to understand this might be the temperature of the pavement in summer.
2.6. Characterization of PV Cells and Modules | 64

Important! 2.20: STC and NOCT

Check again the STC and NOCT parameters indicated in Figure 70. The VOC estimated
for the STCs is 21.7 V, while for NOCT conditions is 19.7 V. Even if there seems to be
a subtle difference, take into account that if many modules are connected in series (as
is commonly the case in PV installations), this difference will be multiplied n times,
where n is the number of panels in series.
CONCLUSION: an error in the selection of these parameters might lead to an incor-
rect PV dimensioning, where even some devices (e.g. inverters) might be jeopardized.
The dimensioning of a PV system will ALWAYS refer to STCs.

2.6.5 PV Modules Connected in series/parallel

Imagine that we have a PV module like the one presented in Figure 70. What will happen if
we connect N modules in series?
The answer is very simple: the association will have the same ISC , as the same current
will circulate for the cells. However, the output voltage of the association will be:

VOC = N ·VOC (2.10)

This simple relationship is repeated if we want to consider N modules in parallel: in this

case VOC will remain constant and the current will be multplied by the number of panels in

ISC = N ·ISC (2.11)

Important! 2.21: PV Series and Parallel Design

A typical recommendation in PV dimensioning is to always (if possible) go for designs

in series. This is normally a better solution in terms of simplicity and costs, given
that the cable section will be determined by the current.
This rule has its own exceptions, for example when the installation is affected by
shadowing. We will discuss this case later on.

2.6.6 PV Module Response: Temperature and Irradiance

We have already seen the typical I-V and P-V curves of a PV module but, would you be able
to explain how that curve will vary with solar irradiance?
65 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

We know that the curve is obtained for the STC irradiance (1000 W/m2 ). Let’s assume
that the irradiance diminishes to 200 W/m2 at steps of 200. We can intuitively suppose that
the output power will decrease, but the behaviour of V and I will not be the same. This can
be appreciated in Figure 72: variations in the irradiance give rise to a linear response of the
module current, while the voltage remains unaffected.

Module output with irradiance



5.00 800W/m
Current [A]

4.00 2


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Voltage [V]
Data for model: VBHN240SE10
Cell temperature: 25 ºC

Figure 72. Variations of the module output with irradiance (model Panasonic HIT N240/N235).

It can be easily derived from Figure 72 that higher irradiances will imply higher output
powers. This has been represented in Figure 73, where the P-V curves have also been
What will happen with these curves if temperature changes are now considered?
In this case the current will remain almost constant, but the voltage will vary depending
on the chosen technology. In crystalline-Si modules these variations are large and should be
taken into account in the system dimensioning. As Figure 74 shows, higher temperatures will
cause lower output voltages (and viceversa).
This behaviour implies that in locations where low temperatures can occur, given that
the output voltage of each panel will increase by X volts and, in an array in series with N
panels, this increase will be X·N V1 .

This can be especially dangerous for the inverters if only VOC (ST C) has been considered for the
2.6. Characterization of PV Cells and Modules | 66

Figure 73. I-V and P-V curves in terms of solar irradiance: (Kyocera KC120-1 PV). Source:
A comparative study on converter topologies for maximum power point tracking application in
photovoltaic generation (Bhattacharjee et al., 2014).

Important! 2.22: Temperature Dependence in different PV Technologies

Not all the technologies exhibit the same temperature dependence. Crystalline-Si will
exhibit much higher voltage variations (VOC o VM P P ) than amorphous-Si, for example.
This means that if a PV installation is being considered for a location with very low
temperatures, this issue should probably be considered in the technology selection

Figure 74. Temperature dependence of I-V and P-V curves of a commercial panel. Source:
A comparative study on converter topologies for maximum power point tracking application in
photovoltaic generation (Bhattacharjee et al., 2014).
67 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Although the previous graphs are very illustrative, the dimensioning calculations will use
the temperature coefficients provided in the datasheet. Checking Figure 70 again, we can
see how VOC is −0.0821V /◦ C, which gives rise to a voltage deviation (in terms of its nominal
value) of 8.21 V for a temperature excursion of 10 ◦ C. The current coefficient is very low,
which means that normally it will not be necessary to use it for the calculations.
Question 2.14: Temperature Response: Crystalline and Amorphous Si [400

Search the internet for two PV modules associated with crystalline-Si and amorphous-
Si (or a similar thin-film technology): they must be different from those used in the
exercises of this course. Compare the temperature coefficients and briefly explain the
conclusions in your own words.

2.6.7 PV Modules: Hot-Spots

What are hot-spots in a PV Module? The hot-spot problem may cause the malfunction-
ing and complete breakdown of a PV module, and it is originated by a complete or partial
occlusion (shadowing) of one (or more) of the PV module cells. This occlusion can be caused
by birds, leaves, etc. Hot-spots constitute a serious threat for PV installations, so we will
analyze this issue in detail.
Let’s imagine an example: we have a standard panel with 36 cells in series. In normal
operation conditions (direct radiation) these cells generate a current that is dissipated in the
load R (a bulb or any other load connected to the module output).
What will happen if one of the cells is covered, for example by a tree leaf?
While the remaining 35 cells will generate current, cell C36 (Figure 75) will not contribute
and will act as a load. The voltage generated by the other 35 cells will fall (inversely) on
C36 (this will actually happen if the module is short-circuited, situation that may occur in
stand-alone systems1 with charge controllers). The current generated by the cells will also
circulate through C36, becoming heat dissipated by the load. If the current is high, the power
dissipated in C36 may also be too high and the cell will reach very high temperatures, leading
to a hot-spot.
Question 2.15: By-pass Diode [400 XP]s

Look for information about by-pass diodes in thin-film technologies: is there also
a restriction of 1 diode per 16 to 20 cells? How are these diodes implemented in the
cells? Explain this briefly in your own words, attaching the datasheet of a thin-film
model with information about the deployment of these diodes.

This situation may lead to in various problems, like damage of the PV laminate, of the
encapsulation material or even breakage of the module’s glass (Figure 76).

PV installations are often divided into stand-alone (the electricity generated is used locally, for example
in a home or in a sensor network) and grid-connected.
2.6. Characterization of PV Cells and Modules | 68

C1 C2 C3 C4 C36

+ -


C1 C2 C3 C4 C36

+ -


Figure 75. Example of the hot-spot problem: a PV module with 36 cells working in normal
operating conditions (above); PV module with the last cell covered. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

Figure 76. Examples of hot-spots effects: breakage of the module glass (left) and damage of
the PV cell and metallic strip (right). Source: PVEducation http://bit.ly/1M6tnpN (left) /
Europe-Solar http://bit.ly/2qJI8jF (right).

If hot-spots appear in a module, this usually implies its replacement. To avoid this situa-
tion, panels usually include so-called by-pass diodes. These devices offer an alternative path
to the current in the occluded cell, thus preventing its heating and damage (see Figure 77).
The ideal solution would be to include a by-pass diode per cell, but in commercial panels of
crystalline-Si this is not possible, so 1 diode per 16/18/20 cells is included.
69 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Shadowed Cell: Shadowed Cell:

without by-pass diodes with by-pass diodes

Solar Cell #1 Solar Cell #1

Solar Cell #2 Solar Cell #2

(occluded a (occluded a
50%) 50%)

Figure 77. By-pass diodes to avoid hot-spot effects. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

A partial/total shadowing of one or more cells will give rise to relevant losses in terms
of the module output power. In fact, for a string of cells in series, the string current will be
limited by the shadowed cell, thus decreasing the output power (Figure 78).

Without shadows

Module Current (A)


2 With shadows and

1 by-pass diode per 18 cells

0.5 With shadows and no by-pass diodes

0 5 10 15 20 25
Module Voltage (V)

Figure 78. Shadowing losses in a PV module. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

Finally, it is also worth noting that blocking diodes are also used in PV modules. These
diodes are installed in series with the PV cells and their goal is to prevent the current generated
by another panel array arranged in parallel (or from the batteries, if any) from being injected
into another string. Let’s see it this way: the current generated from the panels must always
go from the modules to outside, because if the current goes into the panels, they might
become deteriorated. Figure 79 shows an illustration of these blocking diodes.
2.7. PV Systems: Design and Dimensioning | 70


Diodes IB


Figure 79. PV module with by-pass and blocking diodes. Source: Electronics-Tutorials http:

2.7 PV Systems: Design and Dimensioning

The previous sections on solar photovoltaics really start to make sense when they are used
to design a PV installation. Firstly, let’s take a look at the different types of solar PV

Stand-Alone Systems designed to power supply, independent of the power grid, installa-
tions, infrastructures or devices (e.g. homes, Base Transceiver Stations or network
sensors). See Figure 80.
Grid-Connected Systems where the energy produced by the PV generator1 is injected into
the power grid, thus acting as a conventional power plant.

Both systems share many common features, but there are also remarkable differences
from the point of view of the chosen devices, as well as of their use and legislation.

2.7.1 PV system: elements

We will start to analyze the elements that form a grid-connected system, which can be
considered as the simplest scenario. As shown in Figure 81, a grid-connected PV system
is formed by the PV generator (group of panels associated in series/parallel), inverters,
the distribution/protection subsystem and a power meter.
On the other hand, a stand-alone system should also include a charge controller and
usually also a storage subsystem, i.e. batteries. Let’s briefly explain these elements:
PV generator refers to all the PV modules installed in a given system.
71 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

PV Generator CC Loads

DC Distribution Inverter

Charge Controller AC Loads

Batteries DC Connections
AC Connections

Figure 80. Schematic representation of a stand-alone PV system. Source: globalelectricity


PV Generator

Power Grid


Power Meter

Figure 81. Schematic representation of a grid-connected PV system. Source: globalelectricity


PV Generator Group of panels that will convert the solar radiation into electricity.

Inverter PV modules produce DC electricity. In some situations AC current might be needed

and inverters perform that DC-AC conversion.

Charge Controller In stand-alone systems, there are PV modules, loads (DC or AC) and
2.7. PV Systems: Design and Dimensioning | 72

batteries. Charge controllers manage the energy flux among these elements (e.g. from
the modules to the loads and/or batteries if there is enough solar radiation; or from
the batteries to the loads at night).

Batteries allow to store energy to be used when needed, for example at night or on cloudy

These are the main elements that form a PV system, but there are other important
elements whose influence on the final cost may be relevant: cables, module supports, DC-DC
converters, etc. The following sections will provide a detailed analysis of these elements.

2.7.2 DC-DC Converter

To clarify the use of this device it is important to remember the I-V curve of a PV cell/module.
A PV installation can be associated with different kinds of loads: batteries, lights in a house
or the power grid, for example. These loads will have their specific voltage and current
Imagine the case of a resistive load (Figure 82). For a solar irradiance of 1000 W/m2 the
inverter would work close to the optimum point MPP. However, if the irradiance were of 500
W/m2 , the PV module could only deliver part of the available power, as the working point
would be far away from 1000 W/m2 .

Figure 82. Example of PV module connected to a resistive load: solar irradiances of 500 and
1000 W/m2 . Source: Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology and Practice [Konrad Mertens]

A DC-DC converter enables isolating (making independent) the module output voltage
from the load working voltage, which will be the one offered by the converter output. Let’s
analyze this situation in Figure 83. It can be observed how now, working at a constant
voltage, it is possible to be closer to M P P1 and M P P2 for different irradiances.
In addition, for PV systems with heavy consumptions and large distances between the
elements (modules, batteries and so on), it might be interesting to convert the working
voltage to a higher one (typically from 12 to 24 or 34 V, for example). This way, a reduction
in the costs associated with the cables can be achieved.
The drawback of this solution is the converter efficiency, although it is normally above
73 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 83. Example of PV module connected to a resistive load via DC-DC converter: solar
irradiances of 500 and 1000 W/m2 . Source: Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology and Practice
[Konrad Mertens]

2.7.3 Inverter
As already mentioned, an inverter allows conversion from DC to AC current, which can be
of great use in PV installations. Most PV systems include inverters, in both stand-alone and
grid-connected systems. In the latter it will be always required and, in addition, high-quality
inverters (those that produce high-quality sinusoidal signals) are necessary for obvious reasons
in terms of the quality of the power grid service. Figure 84 shows two inverter models: for
small-scale systems (left, for capacities up to around 2.5 kW) and for large-scale installations
(solar farms) (right, PV plant in California of 35 MW).

Figure 84. Inverter models: (left) Model: SMA SUNNY BOY 1.5/2.5; (right) Model: Solaron

Inverters are key elements in a PV system. Consequently, the following sections will
thoroughly explore these devices. Apart from mere DC-AC conversion, inverters are also used

• Achieve a high efficiency (> 95%) for a wide range of output powers

• Perform a synchronous current injection (with the grid frequency)

• Carry out a MPP (Maximum Power Point) tracking

• Monitor the grid to prevent a possible situation of isolation from the grid

• Implement electrical protections

2.7. PV Systems: Design and Dimensioning | 74

• Offer data management and visualization via app

Inverters can be classified in terms of their design (technology): without transformer,

with transformer and high frequency inverters.
If high powers are in play, i.e. medium or large-scale PV systems are considered (over 5
KWp, for instance), a triphase inverter will normally be chosen, working with input voltages
(from the PV generator) of 600 to 800 V.
The efficiency of an inverter is a key parameter that has remarkably improved in the
last years, with values over 95%. The efficiency of an inverter is defined as the output AC
power divided by the DC input power:

ηinv = (2.12)

The manufacturer will include the efficiency curve, like the one depicted in Figure 85 on
the inverter datasheet. As represented, efficiency depends on the power generated (also on
the working voltage), with low values for low powers, reaching a maximum and then smoothly
decreasing towards the highest powers.
What happens if the inverter is working for low powers? In this situation, the inverter self-
consumption becomes relevant, implying a decrease of η 1 . An additional factor for efficiency
loss is heat dissipation.
Figure 86 presents a comparative of the efficiency of different inverter technologies. Invert-
ers without transformer exhibit the highest efficiencies, followed by high-frequency inverters.
If we look at the datasheet of this model, we can see how the efficiency is calculated
for two different parameters: maximium efficiency and European weighted efficiency.
The former (in this case 97.2%) indicates the efficiency for the optimum working point and
the latter takes into consideration several weights considering the % of time that an inverter
will operate in the different power ranges thorugh the day (depending on the location). This
European efficiency ηEu is defined as:

ηEu = 0.03η5% + 0.06η10% + 0.13η20% + 0.10η30% + 0.48η50% + 0.20η100% , (2.13)

where η5% is the inverter efficiency for an output power of 5% (in terms of the nominal
value of the module power). ηEu is therefore a much more interesting parameter to consider
in system dimensioning. For any solar PV plant, it would be more interesting to know the
average efficiency over the whole year than the efficiency for the optimum power.
To further clarify this issue, let’s analyze Figure 88, where solar irradiance for Freiburg
(Germany) is shown. The figure indicates the relative frequencies (of appearance) as well as
The inverter needs power supply to operate. This consumption must be considered in the dimensioning
75 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Efficiency Curve

Figure 85. Efficiency curve for SMA Sunny Boy 1.5/2.5 inverter. Source: Sunny Boy 1.5/2.5
datasheet http://bit.ly/2AICf5W.

Figure 86. Efficiencies for different inverter technologies: (no transformer ), hihg-frequency (HF
transformer ) and with low-frequency transformer (Mains transformer ). Source: Photovoltaics:
Fundamentals, Technology and Practice [Konrad Mertens].

the energy fraction (over the total annual solar energy) associated with each solar radiation.
If we only look at the maximum efficiency, we will make a significant mistake in the final
estimation of the system production. If a large-scale plant is under analysis, this error might
imply a lot of money.
It is interesting to note that there is a third way of expressing the efficiency of an inverter:
the California Energy Commission CEC-efficiency. Obviously, in this case the following
equation takes into account the solar radiation at this location:

ηCEC = 0.04η10% + 0.05η20% + 0.12η30% + 0.21η50% + 0.53η75% + 0.05η100% , (2.14)

2.7. PV Systems: Design and Dimensioning | 76

Figure 87. Part of the SMA Sunny Boy 1.5/2.5 datasheet. Source: Sunny Boy 1.5/2.5 datasheet

Figure 88. Relative frequencies and energy fraction associated with each radiation for Freiburg
(Germany, 2000). Source: Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology and Practice [Konrad

2.7.4 Inverter: MPP Tracking

One of the key roles of an inverter is MPPT: Maximum Power Point Tracking. Following the
points previously made for DC-DC converters, it is easy to understand that a PV generator
(let’s assume a single module, for example) will generate a given power in terms of the solar
irradiance, the temperature and the load. The ideal situation would be to always work at the
MPP point, but this will not be possible unless a control or tracking of this point be made.
Although there are different MPPT algorithms, one of the most commonly used ones is
P&O (Perturbation & Observation). The working principle has been illustrated in Figure 89
and it is very simple: the voltage of the PV generator is modified and the associated power
is evaluated to determine the MPP.
77 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

V = V+ΔV

V = V-ΔV

Figure 89. Flow chart and representation of the working principle of the P-O MPPT algorithm.
Source: Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology and Practice [Konrad Mertens].

2.7.5 Inverter: Configurations

When a PV system is being designed and dimensioned, it is necessary to determine the

number of inverters to be used and how they would be deployed (their configuration). Let’s
check the different configurations that can be employed:

Central inverter Assuming a PV system with several PV modules distributed in more than
1 string, a central inverter is used to uniformly manage all the strings. The main
advantage is that a single inverter is required (thus reducing the associated costs);
while the main drawback lies in the possible losses derived from shadowing on one or
more strings, for example, as the strings will be connected in parallel to the inverter.
Basically, a central inverter is not able to manage the MPP of each string, but each
string will be operating at a “mean” MPP estimated from all the strings. It should
be mentioned that a central inverter will also mean more complicated DC cabling and,
therefore, a higher cost.

Figure 90. Schematic representation of a central inverter configuration. Source: Photovoltaics:

Fundamentals, Technology and Practice [Konrad Mertens].
2.7. PV Systems: Design and Dimensioning | 78

Important! 2.23: Central Inverter

All the strings associated with a central inverter should have the same character-
istics. For example, it would not make any sense to choose a central inverter for
strings with panels with different orientations or inclinations, as this would imply
losses for the whole system. Notice that the inverter will try to find the MPP
of the PV generator but, if the strings have different characteristics, it would
be impossible to work at both MPPs. Example: it would be a bad design
choice to use a central inverter for a PV system in a roof with two orientations
(east/west) and panels in both sides of the roof.

Figure 91. PV systems with strings with different characteristics (orientation, inclination, shadows
...). A central inverter should be avoided in this case and an inverter for each individual string
(whith similar panels) should be considered. Source: Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology
and Practice [Konrad Mertens].

String inverter A string inverter is a more elegant solution. Even if it implies a higher
number (and cost) of inverters, it also allows a more efficient management of the PV
generator. Each string will be associated with 1 inverter and, therefore, efficient MPP
tracking will be performed. The cabling is, in this case, simpler than for a central
inverter. Connecting two strings in parallel to the same string inverter, may also be
considered, but only if both strings share the same characteristics.

Figure 92. Schematic representation of a string inverter. Source: Photovoltaics: Fundamentals,

Technology and Practice [Konrad Mertens].

Module inverter An inverter can be directly attached to a module, normally at the back of
the panel. Although this concept implies that each individual module can work at its
79 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

own MPP, it is often dismissed due to several drawbacks, except for certain specific or
demo projects. One of these disadvantages is the location of the inverter, as it is highly
recommended to deploy these devices indoors to extend their lifetime. It should also
be mentioned that a failure in the module or the inverter will require the substitution
of both elements.

Figure 93. Schematic representation of a module inverter. Source: Photovoltaics: Fundamentals,

Technology and Practice [Konrad Mertens].

Master-Slave Inverter This configuration is especially interesting for PV installations ex-

ceeding a given capacity threshold, for example above 30 KWp. Its working principle
is simple: when production is low (early mornings, cloudy days, etc.) only the master
inverter works. This way, a high load and efficiency are achieved. If the production of
the system exceeds the thresholds of the master inverter, the slave-1 and, if needed,
slave-2 will come into play.

Figure 94. Master-slave inverter configuration. Source: Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology

and Practice [Konrad Mertens].

Inverter: Dimensioning
As will be explained in the final section on PV system dimensioning, there are 3 main aspects
to be considered when choosing an inverter and to verify its suitable dimensioning within the
whole system:

Inverter: Power Dimensioning The initial selection of an inverter for a PV string/gener-

ator is usually made based on its power. Traditionally, the following rule was recom-
mended: the inverter power could be a 20% less than its associated PV generator.
2.7. PV Systems: Design and Dimensioning | 80

This meant that for a 2 KWp generator, a 1.6 KW inverter could be used. This rec-
ommendation was based on the low efficiency (for low capacities) of old inverters, thus
forcing them to work in medium/high capacity regions. The obvious drawback of this
design is that in some situations (sunny days, low temperatures) part of the produced
energy was lost, as it could not be managed by the inverter.
As current inverters exhibit an improved efficiency, a different rule is now recommended,
the so-called sizing ratio (SRAC ):

SRAC = , (2.15)

where PST C is the nominal capacity of the generator (of course, expressed for the
STCs) and PIN V −AC is the nominal output power of the inverter (AC). Although there
are different approximations, some studies recommend using a SRAC = 1.1.
Question 2.16: Inverter: Power Dimensioning [300 XP]

Try to justify the use of the Sizing-Ratio parameter, i.e. why can we not assume
that PST C = PIN V −AC ?

Inverter: Voltage Dimensioning Inverters have a maximum and minimum input voltage.
This means that the voltage derived from the PV strings should always be within that
range, also taking into account the effect of temperature on the module voltage.
Inverter: Current Dimensioning Inverters have a maximum input current IM AX that should
not be exceeded to avoid a possible damage. It must be verified that the PV string
current does not exceed this IM AX .

2.7.6 Power Meter

Grid-connected PV systems must include a power meter enabling the monitoring of the energy
produced and injected into the grid. Let’s see two examples to clarify this point:
In the first case, illustrated in Figure 95, a power meter is specifically used to measure
the energy produced, while a second device is employed to estimate the energy consumed in
the PV installation1 .
The second example, which has been represented in Figure 96, shows the use of a bi-
directional power meter (the “solar energy meter” might be avoided).
The first situation was typical some years ago in those countries where RE subsidies (feed-
in tariffs) were so high that they prevented the design of self-consumption (even partially)
systems. However, in most of these countries (e.g. Germany) these subsidies have decreased,
in some cases being even lower than the end-user cost of electricity (kWh). Logically, this
situation makes self-consumption more suitable.
Several different situations can be produced here, for example a roof-top PV installation in a home,
where part of the energy might be used for self-consumption.
81 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 95. Example of PV system with uni-directional power meter. Source: Photovoltaics:
Fundamentals, Technology and Practice [Konrad Mertens].

Figure 96. Example of PV system with bi-directional power meter. Source: Photovoltaics:
Fundamentals, Technology and Practice [Konrad Mertens].

2.7.7 Charge Controller

A charge controller is a key element in stand-alone PV systems. It is the “brain” of
the system, as it controls the state of the batteries, using the energy produced in the PV
modules to charge them or to directly power supply the associated loads. Apart from this
energy flow control within the system, a charge controller may also implement the following

• avoid battery overcharges

• avoid battery over-discharges

• provide information on the battery charge state

• enable self-protection

• MPP tracking (optional)

• manual/automatic voltage selection: 12 / 24 / 48 V (optional)

• manual/automatic battery technology selection (electrolyte/gel)

• provide user with information

2.7. PV Systems: Design and Dimensioning | 82

(1) (4)



Figure 97. Example of a stand-alone PV system: (1) PV generator; (2) Charge controller; (3)
Batteries; (4) Loads. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

In Figure 97 the charge controller is connected only to DC loads, but there is no limitation
in this regard. In fact, it is very common to find AC loads in a stand-alone system. In this
case, it would be necessary to include an inverter associated with the corresponding output
of the charge controller or with the batteries, as will be commented later on.
It is worth noting that charge controllers implement three connections for: (1) PV gen-
erator, (2) batteries and (3) loads.


Figure 98. Example of charge controller: Steca PR 3030 LG.

The dimensioning of a charge controller within a PV system must take into account the
chosen voltage (e.g. 12, 24 or 48 V) and the maximum input and output currents.
83 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Important! 2.24: Charge Controllers: PWM and MPPT

An important decision to make in this regard is the charge controller technology:

PWM Charge Controllers are simple devices that basically act as a switch between
the PV generator and the batteries. Pros: low cost, complexity and weight.
Cons: low efficiency in comparison to MPPTs, as in PWMs the PV generator
working voltage is limited by the battery voltage.

MPPT Charge Controllers are more sophisticated (and costly) and allow isolating
the working voltages of the PV generator and the battery. This way, the PV
generator can operate at its MPP, thus producing maximum energy. These
controllers are especially suitable for large-scale PV systems or when irradiance
or temperature conditions are far from optimal.

2.7.8 Batteries

Batteries are a key element in many stand-alone systems. In the so-called instantaneous
self-consumption systems (that can be understood as a subcategory within stand-alone
installations) batteries are not required, as the PV energy is instantly consumed the very
moment that it is produced. The energy produced when there is no consumption is lost.
Why should we opt for a system where part of the energy is wasted? There is no single
answer to this question: on the one hand, this will depend on the consumptions involved (for
example, the design of a system for an office, a restaurant or a home will note be the same).
On the other hand, batteries might imply a significant additional cost within a stand-alone
system, especially if their average lifetime is considered (less than 10 years, well under the
lifetime of other components, such as PV modules).
There are different technologies allowing energy storage in batteries: lead batteries, NI-
MH, Lithium-ion, Lithium polymer, etc. Only lead batteries are used in PV systems, mainly
due to their cost, cheaper than the other technologies. Figure 99 shows the costs associated
with the initial investment in a conventional stand-alone PV system and the costs associated
with maintenance of the installation after 20 years of operation. The contribution of the
batteries to the overall cost is remarkable.
Providing a detailed description of the working principle of lead-acid batteries is beyond
the scope of this course. However it is worth mentioning that these batteries are formed by
an electrolyte (dissolved sulfuric acid: H2 SO4 ) with a negative electrode (made of lead) and
a positive one made of lead oxide (P bO2 ).
Question 2.17: Solar Batteries
Search the internet for information about solar PV batteries. Are they any different
from conventional batteries? Explain it in your own words and attach a datasheet
of a solar battery, indicanting its main characteristics.
2.7. PV Systems: Design and Dimensioning | 84

Initial Investment
Costs (%) in a stand-alone PV system After 20 years



Electrical Installation


PV Generator

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 99. Costs associated with a stand-alone PV system: initial investment and after 20 years
of operation. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

Charge/discharge cycles give rise to a reduction in battery capacity1 , due to sulfation

affecting the electrodes. Moreover, the capacity is further jeopardized for deep discharges,
making it necessary to control them (via the charge controller) to avoid a shortening of their
lifetime2 .
This degradation of battery capacity with charge/discharge cycles can be clearly appre-
ciated in Figure 100. 4 different battery technologies have been studied, where different
strategies like electrode design allow to achieve different lifetimes, although they might re-
quire specific control solutions.
Question 2.18: Car Battery ... also for PV systems? [400 XP]

Can a car battery be used in a stand-alone PV system? What is a car battery mainly
designed for? Explain this in your own words.

Although it will be presented in a dimensioning exercise in the following section, it is

important to note that a key parameter in this regard is battery autonomy. It is expressed
in days and can be defined as the time that the PV system can be operative under poor
radiation conditions (cloudy days, etc.).
Low values of this parameter (2-3 days) will imply a cheaper, but less reliable solution;
if 9 to 10 days are considered, the situation will be the complete opposite. To make a
good decision in terms of the battery autonomy it will be important to take into account the
weather conditions where the system is located.

The capacity of a battery is defined as the maximum energy that can be stored in the battery; energy that
can be taken from the battery as electricity (Diccionario de Ingeniería Eléctrica/Universidad de Salamanca).
The lifetime of a battery is defined as the time when battery capacity is under 80% of its nominal
85 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 100. Capacity degradation of different battery technologies in terms of charge/discharge

cycles. Source: Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology and Practice [Konrad Mertens].

2.7.9 System cabling

Although the focus is normally on module selection, inverters, etc.; it is also necessary to pay
attention to the correct dimensioning of cabling, as this may give rise, not only to technical
problems, but also to an increase in the associated costs.
We already know that DC-DC converters can be included to increase the working voltage
and allow a reduction in the associated current and, consequently, in cable diameter.
Although there are different alternatives, a possible solution to the DC cabling dimen-
sioning lies in the use of the following expression:

S= , (2.16)

where S is the cable section (mm), L is the cable length, I the current, κ the conductivity
(the conductivity of copper is KCU = 56) and % the allowable voltage drop over the system
voltage (normally 1, 2 or 3%)1 .

2.8 PV Systems: Dimensioning

Having introduced the main concepts of PV technologies and systems, it is now time to
analyze some examples of the dimensioning of PV systems. However, prior of all, two pa-
rameters must be mentioned that may have a huge impact on the system’s performance: the
inclination and orientation of the PV generator.

This % is calculated as the % (e.g. 2%) over the working voltage: for 12V % it would be 0.24V.
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 86

2.8.1 Tilt and Orientation of a PV Generator

Have you ever thought about why PV modules are always inclined? Think about it and
try to find a possible answer before continuing to read.
A valid answer might be related to the module self-cleaning1 , which will occur with rain
only if the panels are inclined (a horizontal panel would not be effectively cleaned).
However, the real correct answer refers to the optimum reception of solar radiation. What
is the sun’s path like during the year? We know that it is not constant: the Sun appears
higher in the sky in summer and much lower in winter. This has a direct impact on a PV
system, as a vertical panel, for example, would receive more light in winter than in summer.
The key is to set a tilt angle enabling a solar radiation with an incidence as orthogonal
as possible on the panel surface, thus maximizing the captured radiation and, therefore, the
energy produced. Figure 101 shows an example of panel tilt in terms of the Sun’s path, while
Figure 102 presents both tilt β and orientation α angles.
Sun (summer)

Sun (winter)


β = 0º

Figure 101. Tilt angle of a PV generator in terms of the sun’s path (always looking for an
orthogonal incidence). Source: Jesus Mirapeix

Figure 102. Tilt β and orientation α of a PV generator. Source: E-Education http://bit.ly/


What is the optimal orientation for a module located in Spain? The answer is simple:
South! This is the orientation that maximizes the capture of solar radiation. A panel oriented
A suitable maintenance of the panels in terms of cleaning their surface is a key factor for the system’s
production: if the panel surface is uniformly dirty, less light will reach the PV cells and, consequently, less
energy will be produced. If there are spots of dirt, then a hot-spot problem may arise.
87 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

towards the North would not produce almost any energy. Orientation α is defined as the
angular deviation with respect to the South (α = 0 means South orientation.)
Important! 2.25: Orientation and hemispheres
It is worth noting that the South orientation is optimal only for locations in the Northern
Hemisphere. PV systems in the Southern Hemisphere should be oriented towards the

In Spain, if it is possible (for example for a ground-based PV system) PV modules will

be oriented towards the South. Nevertheless, there will some cases, for example for roof-top
systems, where there will be no possibility of changing the given orientation.

2.8.2 Optimal Tilt Angle of a PV System

How is the optimal tilt angle of a PV generator at a given location determined? The answer
is simple: in terms of the location latitude.

Design Period




Figure 103. Optimal tilt angle βOP T in terms of latitude φ. Source: Pliego de Condiciones
Técnicas para Instalaciones FV Aisladas del IDAE http://bit.ly/2CZgHak

The IDAE recommends (for Spanish PV systems) the procedure described in Figure 103.
The annual optimal tilt angle (the one that maximizes energy production per year) is calcu-
lated by simply subtracting 10 ◦ from the location’s latitude. It is also possible to calculate
and use optimal angles for given periods, like summer and winter. In the second column of
the table the parameter K appears. It refers to the ratio between the radiation associated
with the optimal tilt angle and the radiation associated with a horizontal installation of the
module (β = 0◦ ). There is also an equation that can be used to estimate βOP T :

βOP T = 3.7 + 0.69φ (2.17)

The PV module support options can also determine the final performance of the system.
There are different types of supports:

Fixed support It only allows a single tilt angle, which will normally be the annual βOP T .
Fixed support with different positions There are fixed supports that allow 2 or 4 different
positions. This way, the tilt angle can be modified according to the time of the year,
choosing for example the βOP T for summer and winter.
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 88

Solar Tracking Systems Solar tracking solutions are motorized platforms where the PV
generators are mounted, that track the Sun’s path during the day (and throughout the
year). The use of solar tracking systems (with one or two motorized axes) may give
rise to a production increase up to 40%.

Question 2.19: Solar Tracking Systems [500 XP]

Look for information about the different kinds of solar tracking systems (1 axis (polar
or azimutal) and 2 axes) and briefly explain their main features. Are they commonly
used in modern solar PV power plants?

Figure 104. Solar tracking systems at a PV plant in Cariñena (Spain) (August 2015). Source:
Diego Delso, delso.photo, Licencia CC-BY-SA. http://bit.ly/2mhjWj1

Question 2.20: Solar Tracking: Cariñena [300 XP]

Can you see any problems with the PV system design shown in Figure 104? Explain
the problem and the possible effects it could have on the system: How would you solve

Some comments on the tilt angle of PV modules:

• If panels are tilted and there is more than one row of modules, they might cast shad-
ows (one row on the other), situation that, obviously, should be avoided. Although
the required calculations are simple, the IDAE suggests using the criterion given in Fig-
ure 105. A distance must be observed between consecutive rows to avoid shadowing
(depending on the location latitude). Distance d can be estimated as:

d= (2.18)
tan(61◦ − latitude)
89 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

And k, which appears in the table:

k= (2.19)
tan(61◦ − latitude)

Latitude 29º 37º 39º 41º 43º 45º

k 1,600 2,246 2,475 2,747 3,078 3,487

Figure 105. IDAE procedure to avoid shadowing between modules in a PV installation. Source:
Pliego de Condiciones Técnicas para Instalaciones FV Conectadas a Red del IDAEhttp://bit.ly/

• Generally speaking, roof-top PV systems (especially for homes) tend to use the roof’s
own inclination as tilt angle, thus avoiding the use of structures that might imply
problems in terms of shadowing and, especially wind resistance (drag force). The
latter should be calculated and included in the associated project.

Figure 106. Examples of roof-top PV systems (left) using the inclination of the roof; (right) using
a structure to establish a better tilt angle. Source: (left) Wikipedia http://bit.ly/2DgfpFH Free
GNU License; (right) http://bit.ly/2CPua11 CC-BY-2.0
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 90

Without shadows 2 mod with shadows

4 mod with shadows 6 mod with shadows
8 mod with shadows

Current (A) 5
0 100 200 300 400 500
Voltage (V)


.... 1.2
Power (W)

0 100 200 300 400 500
Voltage (V)

Figure 107. Shading losses in modules connected in series. Source: Jesus Mirapeix (Data:
Planning and Installing Photovoltaic Systems (2nd edition)).

2.8.3 Shading

It is important to understand the effect of shades in a PV system. Figure 107 represents the
losses associated with a string formed by modules arranged in series. In this case, the losses
are quite significant. However, if panels are mounted in strings connected in parallel, losses
will vary according to the location of strings with respect to the shadows. If shades affect
more than 1 string (Figure 109), losses are significantly higher than if shadows affect several
panels of the same string (Figure 108).
Important! 2.26: Shading: Design Recommendations
To conclude, it seems obvious that if shades can not be prevented in the PV system,
it would be highly recommended to follow a design with strings in parallel, where the
least ammount of strings possible are affected by shades. On the contrary, if there are
no shading issues, the general recommendation is to favor a series design, thus giving
rise a lower complexity design (and lower currents), among other factors.
91 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Without shadows 2 mod with shadows

4 mod with shadows 6 mod with shadows
8 mod with shadows



Current (A)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Voltage (V)

Power (W)

0 20 40Tensión (V)60 80 100
Voltage (V)

Figure 108. Shading losses in strings connected in parallel (I). Source: Jesus Mirapeix (Data:
Planning and Installing Photovoltaic Systems (2nd edition)).
Without shadows 2 mod with shadows
4 mod with shadows 6 mod with shadows
8 mod with shadows


Current (A)



0 20 40 60 80 100
Voltage (V)

Power (W)

0 20 40 60 80 100
Voltage (V)

Figure 109. Shading losses in strings connected in parallel (II). Source: Jesus Mirapeix (Data:
Planning and Installing Photovoltaic Systems (2nd edition)).
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 92

2.8.4 Estimating losses caused by shading

In its specifications for grid-connected installations, the IDAE proposes the following method
for estimating solar radiation losses due to shading. The idea is to use a diagram with the
paths of the Sun throughout the year and represent the profile of the obstacles that
can block these paths and cast shadows on the PV generator. This obstacle profile can
be obtained using a theodolite, since it must be expressed in azimuth (angle of deviation
with respect to the South direction) and elevation (angle of inclination with respect to the
horizontal plane).

Figure 110. Sun trajectories. Source: Pliego de condiciones del IDAE para instalaciones conec-
tadas a red). Link: https://bit.ly/3doQ5AS

Thus, once the profile of the obstacles is arranged on the diagram in Figure 110, it is
a question of considering all the totally or partially hidden sectors, considering concealment
factors for each sector of 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, or 1. Each of those factors will be multiplied by the
corresponding coefficient in the chosen reference table. The reference table selected should
be the one with the values of β and α that are most similar to those of the PV generator
under study. Figure 111 shows an example of reference tables of the total of 11 that are
included in the IDAE document1 . Finally, the total shading losses will be obtained as the
sum of the contribution of all sectors.
Let’s see it through the example shown in Figure 112. We can see how the occultation
profile shows a building that will cast shadows during certain times of the year on the PV
generator of the installation under study. In the example, it is assumed that the installation
is in Madrid and that the generator’s inclination will be 30o , while its orientation will be 10o
Source: IDAE specifications for grid-connected installations). Link: https://bit.ly/3doQ5AS
93 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 111. Example of reference table for the estimation of shading losses. Source: Pliego de
condiciones del IDAE para instalaciones conectadas a red. Link: https://bit.ly/3doQ5AS

Figure 112. Ejemplo de cálculo de pérdidas por sombreado: diagrama de trayectorias del Sol con
perfil de ocultación. Fuente: Pliego de condiciones del IDAE para instalaciones conectadas a red).
Enlace: https://bit.ly/3doQ5AS

Thus, the reference table to choose in this case would be the one in Figure 113, since
it is the one with values of β and α closest to those of the example. Shading losses (in %)
would result from the following calculation:
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 94

Figure 113. Example of estimation of shading losses: reference table. Source: Pliego de condi-
ciones del IDAE para instalaciones conectadas a red). Link: https://bit.ly/3doQ5AS

P S(%) = 0, 25·B4+0, 5·A5+0, 75·A6+B6+0, 25·C6+A8+0, 5·B8+0, 25·A10 (2.20)

P S(%) == 0, 25·1, 89+0, 5·1, 84+0, 75·1, 79+1, 51+0, 25·1, 65+0, 98+0, 5·0, 99+0, 25·0, 11
Doing the sum, the value would be 6.16%. Considering the accuracy of the procedure, it
would make sense to round up and assume shading losses of approximately 6%.
95 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

2.8.5 Exercise 1: Grid-Connected PV System

The data associated with this grid-connected system is listed below:

• Single family home

• Maximum investment of 35000 euros

• Roof surface = 51 m2 (8.5 x 6.0 m)

• Southern orientation and roof tilt = 45◦

• Roof completely free of shadows

• Estimated cost of installed KWp = 5500 euros

• The customer would like to produce as much energy as possible

• Temperature range: (-10◦ C, 70◦ C)

• Longitude and latitude: Spain

Initial Approach
Although this step is not necessarily required, it might be interesting to start with an initial
estimation of the power/capacity of the final system. This can be performed in different
ways, for example if the PV technology surface/power ratio is known1 .
If we assume the use of mono-crystalline Si, the surface/power ratio might be 9m2 /kW p.

= 5.67kW p2 (2.22)
9m2 /kW p

Selection of the PV Module

Having decided to use monocrystalline-Si, it is now time to choose a specific model. This
decision will be influenced by our knowledge and experience with different manufacturers, etc.
In this case let’s assume that model SP 165-M 24V has been selected. The main parameters
of this module are:

• Peak power: 165 Wp

Normally, crystalline-Si will be always used, unless specific conditions require other solutions.
IMPORTANT!: This information is merely an estimation and it does NOT imply any constraint for
the following calculations.
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 96

• Length = 1.61 m; Width = 0.81 m

• VM P P (STC) = 35.35 V

• IM P P (STC) = 4.67 A

• VOC (STC) = 43.24 V

• ISC (STC) = 5.10 A

• Temperature Coefficient of VOC : TK (VOC ) = -168.636 mV/K

• Temperature Coefficient of ISC : TK (ISC ) = 2.0 mA/K

• Temperature Coefficient of PN OM : TK (PN OM ) = -0.420%/K

Estimation of the Number of Modules to be used

In this exercise, as we are dealing with a roof-top system, the number of modules will be
dictated by the available roof surface1 . As the roof and panel dimensions are known, the
process is simple:

Panels installed horizontally

Roof − Length = 8.5m

num_panels_length = = 5.27 (2.23)
M odule − Length = 1.61m

Roof − W idth = 6.0m

num_panels_width = = 7.41 (2.24)
M odule − W idth = 0.81m

Maximum number of panels: 5 x 7 = 35 modules (horizontally installed)

Panels installed vertically

Roof − Length = 8.5m

num_paneles_length = = 10.49 (2.25)
M odule − W idth = 0.81m

Roof − W idth = 6.0m

num_panels_width = = 3.73 (2.26)
M odule − Length = 1.61m

Maximum number of panels: 10 x 3 = 30 modules (vertically installed)

Please note that a “South” orientation has been assumed. Single-family homes normally have gable
roofs (with two sloped sides). Of course, modules WILL NOT be installed on the North side of the roof, as
the system will be installed in Spain (Northern Hemisphere).
97 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

In this case, the optimum configuration is the horizontal one, as it allows placing 35 PV
modules on the roof.
Important! 2.27: Module separation
If this does not appear in the manufacturer datasheet, it is advisable to consider a sep-
aration distance between adjacent modules to enable module refrigeration (especially
important for roof-top systems). This refrigeration will prevent overheating that, as
already explained in the course, could greatly jeopardize module performance.

2.8.6 Module Voltage Range

Temperature will affect the performance of the modules, especially their output voltage.
It is therefore necessary to calculate the output voltage variations using the corresponding
temperature coefficients.
Important! 2.28: Temperature Range
For Spain, it is recommended to consider a temperature range between −10 and 70◦ C
(i.e. with variations of −35 and +45◦ C in terms of the STC cell temperature). Unless
temperatures out of that range are specified, this is the temperature range to be used
in calculations.

The resulting voltage range for VOC y VM P P will be:

VOC (−10◦ C) = 43.24V + (−35◦ C) · (−168.636mV /K) = 49.14V (2.27)

VOC (70◦ C) = 43.24V + (45◦ C) · (−168.636mV /K) = 35.65V (2.28)

VM P P (−10◦ C) = 35.35V + (−35◦ C) · (−168.636mV /K) = 41.25V (2.29)

VM P P (70◦ C) = 35.35V + (45◦ C) · (−168.636mV /K) = 27.76V (2.30)

Important! 2.29: Voltage Range

With these calculations we can verify the theory: a monocrystalline-Si standard module
will exhibit a large output voltage variation for low and high temperatures. In these
cases, these variations (in terms of both nominal voltages) are 6 and 8 V. For connec-
tions in series, this value will be multiplied by the number of modules in series in each
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 98

Important! 2.30: Temperature Coefficients

It is VERY IMPORTANT to pay attention to how the temperature coefficients are
expressed in the datasheet. They can be expressed in mV/K (as in this example) or
in %/K. In this case the % has to be applied to the value of the associated nominal
parameter, VOC in the following example (to clarify this issue, the previous calculations
are repeated, but this time considering temperature coefficients expressed in %).

Temperature coefficients might also be expressed as %/K1 (the temperature coefficient

of power is always expressed in %):

• Temperature Coefficient of VOC : TK (VOC ) = −0.400%/K

• Temperature Coefficient of ISC : TK (ISC ) = 0.0232%/K

• Temperature Coefficient of PN OM : TK (PN OM ) = −0.420%/K

And doing the calculations again for VOC :

VOC (−10◦ C) = 43.24V + (−35◦ C) · (−0.400%/K(43.24V )) =

43.24V + (−35◦ C) · (−0.1730V /◦ C) = 49.29V (2.31)

2.8.7 Selection of Inverter

Generally speaking, for PV systems of up to 5 or 6kWp and where there are no further
restrictions in terms of, for example, shadowing , the selection of a central inverter design
is recommended.
How is the inverter selected? Let’s use Equation 2.15:

SRAC = (2.32)

It has been mentioned that a factor of SRAC = 1.1 is commonly applied. So, considering
35 modules of 165 Wp, the capacity of the PV generator will be of PGEN = 5775W p, and
the power of the inverter should be:

5775W p
PIN V −AC = = 5.25kW (2.33)
It is the same to express the temperature coefficients in K or ◦C, as a variation of 1 K is equal to a
variation of 1◦C
99 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Any given model satisfying this requirement could be used. Let’s use for example the
Sunny Boy models of SMA (link to download the datasheet: http://bit.ly/2Fu0k3T).
Attending to the parameter Max. recommended PV power (@ module STC), the model
Sunny-Boy 5000-US might be chosen. However, taking into consideration the Sizing Ratio
criterion, we should opt for the 6000 model (see AC nominal power )
The key parameters (from the dataset) for this dimensioning stage are:

• Max. DC voltage = 600 V

• Min. DC voltage = 250 V

• Max. input current / per string = 25 A / 20 A

• Number of MPP trackers / fused strings per MPP tracker = 1 / 4

• MPP voltage range = 250 V - 480 V

2.8.8 Module/Inverter Configuration: Number of Strings

Using the module voltage range previously determined, the maximum NM AX and minimum
NM IN number of modules connected in series per string can be established:

NM AX = VIN V M AXDC /(VM P P (−10◦ C)) = (600V )/(41.25V ) = 14.46modules (2.34)

NM AX = VIN V M IN DC /(VM P P (+70◦ C)) = (250V )/(27.76V ) = 9modules (2.35)

Only the condition for VM P P has been checked, but we know that the open circuit voltage
will always be the maximum that a module can produce, so this will always be the limiting
factor in terms of the maximum number of modules connected in series per string:

NM AX = VIN V M AXDC /(VOC (−10◦ C)) = (600V )/(49.14V ) = 12.21modules (2.36)

With these calculations three strings could be connected to the inverter (the selected
model allows up to 4 inout strings). Each string will have 9 to 12 panels connected in series.
With this information, and having determined that the roof allows the installation of 35
modules, the best configuration in terms of number of modules/capacity should be chosen.
In this case, this configuration would be formed by 3 strings with 11 modules per string
(33 modules).
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 100

Important! 2.31: Central Inverter

As already explained in this chapter, the inverter will be able to efficiently manage the
MPP of the whole PV generator if the modules of each string exhibit the same features
(tilt, orientation) and, of course, if each string has the same number of modules.

It is now necessary to verify that, for the chosen configuration, the current limitations of
the inverter are also satisfied:
The maximum module current (short-circuit) is ISC (STC) = 5.10 A. As three parallel
strings have been defined:

3·ISC = 15.30A ≤ 20A (2.37)

The current limitation of the inverter is therefore satisfied.

Important! 2.32: Final Design

The final design of the PV system will consist of 33 panels arranged in 3 parallel strings
with 11 panels in series for each string. The 3 strings will be controlled by a central

Question 2.21: Final Revision: Inverter [500 XP]

Check the inverter datasheet again and verify that, according to the exercise’s informa-
tion, the chosen model will not give rise to any problems according to the final design.
Justify your answer.

Question 2.22: Variations of the exercise [800 XP]

To verify that you have correctly understood the procedure used for this grid-connected
PV system dimensioning, repeat the process, this time considering the following mod-

• Roof: assume the same surface, but in this case the orientations will be East
and West (Each roof side has the same surface: 51m2 )

• Modules: look for other models of mono or poly-crystalline-Si modules and repeat
all the calculations. Try to find out the PV module price.

• Inverter: choose a different inverter model (from another manufacturer) and

repeat the necessary calculations to verify that it could be used in this system.
Try to find out the inverter price.
101 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

2.8.9 Exercise 2: stand-alone PV system for a home

In the previous exercise we carried out different calculations associated with a PV system.
However, there are aspects that are specifically limited to stand-alone PV systems, like the
analysis of the energy demand, battery dimensioning, etc.
Let’s see the information provided for this exercise:

• Stand-alone PV System for a home isolated from the power grid

• It will be used continuously between March and October, and intermittently during the

• The customer wants an AC installation (loads)

• Small, shadowed roof: the system will be installed on the ground, on an area adjacent
to the home (30 m away).

• Global efficiency of the PV system: 60%.

Table 2.3. Energy Demand Analysis

Loads P (W) No PT OT AL (W ) Hours Wh

Fluorescent Lamps 11 3 33 3 99
Kitchen Lamps 20 1 20 1.5 30
Other Lamps 100 2 200 0.2 40
TV 60 1 60 1 60
Microwave 700 1 700 0.4 140
Mixer 400 1 400 0.1 40
Refrigerator 80 1 80 5 400
Total 1493 W 809 Wh

Energy Demand
In this kind of PV system, it is very important to perform a correct study of the energy
demand. In this case, the consumptions described in Table 2.3 have been assumed.
Important! 2.33: Consumptions in homes with stand-alone PV systems

Although many different scenarios can be described, there are situations (homes that
are not considered as usual places of residence) were the consumptions will be reduced
as much as possible. If the system is designed for an usual place of residence, an
instantaneous self-consumption scheme, or a system backed by batteries might be
suitable alternatives. Additionally, diesel generators or even power-grid backup could
be also considered.
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 102

Solar Radiation Data

The home is located in Santander (latitude 43.47◦ ).

PVGIS will be chosen to retrieve these data: http://bit.ly/2D3ZMEl

Figure 114. Screenshot of the online application PVGIS. Source: PVGIS (c) European Com-
munities, 2001-2012. Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged. https:

Fixed supports for the panels will be assumed and, consequently, the annual optimum tilt
angle will be used. Following the IDAE criterion:

βOP T = α − 10 = 33.47◦

PVGIS gives us the possibility of selecting the tilt angle for the irradiance data.
A common rule for these systems is to carry out the dimensioning for the worst case
scenario, the “worst month” method.
It might be also interesting to work with irradiance data expressed in peak sun hours
(PSH)1 . In this case PSH = 2.29 hours.
Important! 2.34: Peak Solar Hours
PSH is an important concept. For a different location, use PVGIS to obtain the
irrandiance data and try to estimate the equivalent PSH for a given day in August.

PSHs are defined as the hours that, assuming a Sun with a constant irradiance of 1000W/m2 / (STC
irradiance), give rise to an irradiance equivalent to the measured one.
103 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 115. PVGIS data obtained for the chosen location. Source: PVGIS (c) European
Communities, 2001-2012. Reproduction is authorized, provided the source is acknowledged.

PV Generator Dimensioning
The expression to be used in this case to estimate the capacity of the PV generator is:

PP V = (2.38)

Where E is the demanded energy, G the irrandiance (expressed in PSHs) and etaSY S the
global efficiency of the PV system. Consequently:

809W h
PP V = = 591.4W p (2.39)
The system’s efficiency, 60% (0.6) in this case, should be specified in the exercise’s
information. It can be also calculated if the individual efficiencies of each system component
are known:

ηSY S = ηGEN ·ηCC ·ηC−GEN −CC ·ηBAT ·ηC−CC−BAT ·ηIN V ·ηC−BAT −IN V · (2.40)

PV generator, charge controller, PV-generator/charge-controller cabling, battery, charge-

controller cabling/battery cabling, inverter and battery/inverter cabling efficiencies are con-
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 104

Battery sizing
The capacity of the batteries can be sized using the following expression:

Q= (2.41)

Where E is again the energy demand, A the battery autonomy, V the working voltage
(24VDC in this case) and T the battery discharge depth (50% will be assumed). Replacing
these values in the previous expression:

809W h·5days
Q= = 386Ah (2.42)
24V ·0.5·0.9·0.97

Module Selection
As the PV capacity has been established in 591Wp and the working voltage is 24VDC , a
possible solution would be to choose 4 modules of 150 Wp and 12 V to be deployed in 2
strings with 2 panels in series in each string.
A possible PV module model: Renogy 150 Watt 12 Volt Monocrystalline Solar Panel1 .
The module datasheet specifies a short-circuit current of ISC = 9.05A. With the chosen
design this will imply a total PV generator current of: ISC = 18.10A.

Charge Controller Dimensioning

As indicated in the section on charge controllers, their sizing should take into account both
input and output currents:

IIN P U T = 1.25 · ISC−GEN ERAT OR = 1.25 · 18.10A = 22.625A (2.43)

IOU T P U T = 1.25 · (PDC + (PAC /ηIN V ))/VBAT (2.44)

Assuming AC loads:

IOU T P U T = 1.25 · (1493W/0.9)/24V = 86.4A (2.45)

105 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

Figure 116. Data associated with the chosen PV module: Renogy 150 Watt 12 Volt Monocrys-
talline Solar Panel

Now, an inverter must be selected with these data. A possible choice would be the Steca
PR-3030 model, with a maximum input current of 30 A1 .
Question 2.23: Charge Controller Selection [500 XP]

Check the manufacturer datasheet and verify that the chosen model can be safely used
in this system
Try to find possible alternative models and, if you can, their price.

System Design
Once the main calculations have been done, it is important to take a look at the resulting
design. Figure 117 depicts two possible solutions.
While the scheme at the top proposes the connection of the inverter to the batteries, in
the other solution it is directly attached to the output of the charge controller. Although
the latter allows a less demanding use of the battery, the recommended design is, generally
speaking, the former.
The connection of the inverter to the battery is recommended because, depending on
the chosen devices, the current demanded by the inverter (86A in this example) will clearly
exceed the one offered by the charge controller. This way, it would be more expensive to buy
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 106

DC Loads



Batteries AC Loads

Inverter connected to the Batteries

DC Loads



Batteries AC Loads

Inverter connected to the Charge-Controller

Figure 117. Possible solutions for a stand-alone PV system with AC loads. Source: Jesus Mirapeix.

a charge controller with these specifications than to connect the inverter to the battery.
Dimensioning in this exercise has now been finished. It only remains to determine the
cable section (with Equation 2.46) and choose an inverter able to provide the required power.
107 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

(1) (4)



Figure 118. Stand-alone PV system: (1) PV generator; (2) Charge controller; (3) Batteries; (4)
Loads. Source:Jesus Mirapeix.

2.8.10 Exercise: Stand-alone System for Home Outdoor Lighting

This is a very specific example, intended to serve as an exercise for analyzing the cable sizing
of a PV system. This is in fact a real project, carried out following the TFG1 by David
Lavín in “Instalación fotovoltaica aislada programable para alumbrado exterior con detector
de presencia”2 .

The goal of this project was to power supply a simple outdoor lighting system, which
also included presence detectors, for a single-family home in Cantabria. Tthe system was
intended, not only for lighting purposes, but also for anti-intruder purposes.
The system design was already presented in Figure 97. In this case, the PV system does
not require an inverter, as all the consumptions will be performed in DC.
The chosen module is a 100 Wp model, with a 15 W charge controller and a 55 Ah
battery. The project budget is also shown in Figure 120. It is worth noting that the cabling
cost is significant (148 euros) in terms of the global budget (cabling is more expensive in this
case than the PV generator, the charge controller and the battery).
Let’s see how cabling sizing was carried out:

Charge-controller/Loads Cable To avoid installing the module on the home roof, it was
finally installed on a concrete post (7 meters high), 29.5 m away from the charge
controller protection box. Using Equation 2.46:
TFG: Trabajo Fin de Grado [End-of-degree assignment].
The project document is available at: http://bit.ly/2DpnesS
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 108

Figure 119. PV system images (from top to bottom and left to right): single-family home with
the outdoor lighting system; detail of the installed PV module; 20W LED and PIR detector; charge
controller and battery. Source: Instalación fotovoltaica aislada programable para alumbrado exterior
con detector de presencia (David Lavín) . License: CC-BY-SA 3.0.

Figure 120. PV system budget. Source: Instalación fotovoltaica aislada programable para alum-
brado exterior con detector de presencia (David Lavín) . License: CC-BY-SA 3.0.
109 | Lecture 2. Solar Energy

S= = 20.10mm2 (2.46)

A cable section of 25mm2 will be chosen.

PV Generator/Charge Controller Cable The cable length in this case will be of 5.5 m
and the maximum current of 5.56 A. Repeating the previous process a cable section of
4.55mm2 was obtained, so a 6mm2 will be selected.

Important! 2.35: DC-DC Converter and Cabling in a PV System

This example has been included to point out the importance of performing a correct
cable sizing. This will not only affect the proper operation of the system, but also the
final system budget.
The designer must decide if including a DC-DC converter should be considered to
increase the working voltage and, therefore, allow a reduction in the associated cost.

2.8.11 Exercise: PV System based in “The Martian”

Figure 121. Cover of Andy Weir’s novel “The Martian”. Source: Wikimedia. License: Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. http://bit.ly/2mwwHaA

Andy Weir’s novel “The Martian”, which has also been adapted for the screen by Ridley
Scott and features Matt Damon in the leading role, tells the story of an astronaut abandoned
in Mars.
Our hero has to use all his resources to survive and, among his many adventures, he is
forced to design a PV system (there were PV modules in the station up there) to power
supply a Rover vehicle.
2.8. PV Systems: Dimensioning | 110

The novel and film are, by the way, very interesting. The first is particularly a tech and
science “geeks”, as the novel tries to be realistic at all times.
Inspired by this novel, the following exercise is proposed:
You are an astronaut abandoned in Mars, as your team has mistakenly assumed
that you were killed in an accident caused by a martian storm and they are on
their way back home (to Earth). Unfortunately, you can not communicate with
the NASA, so your only chance of survival is to travel the 3500 km that separate
you from the Mars Pathfinder location. It has some equipment that could allow
you to communicate with the NASA and increase your chances of being rescued.
To travel that distance you have:

• 2 Mars Rover vehicles, each one with a 9000 Wh battery.

• The autonomy of each rover is estimated to be 35 km, assuming a fully charged battery
and the consumption of the vehicle heating system for a standard mission (5 hours).

• The maximum speed of the Rover is 25 km/h.

• 50 PV modules (Efficiency 10.2 %) with a module surface of 2 m2

The average temperature on Mars is -60◦ C. This is why the Rovers include a heating
system (power = 200 W). Suppose that a day on Mars lasts 24h30min, and that there are 13
hours of daylight (to simplify calculations, you can use a constant irradiance over 12 hours,
for example).

1. Calculate how many panels are necessary to achieve your goal, and the time that it will
take (round trip)

2. Repeat the previous section, assuming that you now have a RTG (Radioisotope Ther-
moelectric Generator) powered by Plutonium-238 that generates 1500 W as heat or
1000 W of electricity. You can assume that the RPG produces enough heat as to
survive within the Rover or use the additional 1000 W of electricity to power supply
the system.

Question 2.24: The Martian: Solution [1500 XP]

Try to find a possible solution to this exercise. The solution will be published on the
Moodle website of the course.

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