Ehealth Care Management System - Report (Group-1)

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22SCSE1011232 22SCSE1011242 22SCSE1011322


Under the guidance of




I. Introduction 3

II. Survey on E-Health Care management 4

III. Objectives 5

IV. Problem specification 5

V. Proposed system 5-6

VI. Applications 6

VII. Design 7

VIII. Algorithms 8 -9

IX. Implementation 9-11

x. Contibution 12

XI. Conclusion and Future Enhancement 13


This project deals with the Corporate Medicare Management. This project is very
helpful to both Medicare staff as well as to the public. It is having mainly
Administration and Client modules. The growing quality demand in the hospital
sector makes it necessary to exploit the whole potential of stored data efficiently,
not only the clinical data, in order to improve diagnoses and treatments, but also
on management, in order to minimize costs and improve the care given to the

It is a process of implementing all the activities of the hospital in a computerized

automated way to fasten the performance. This project is to maintain the patient
details, lab reports and to calculate the bill of the patient. You can also manually
edit any patient details and issue bill receipt to patient within few seconds.

This project gives the procedural approach how a patient gets treatment, details
about date of treatment and finally depending on different criteria like room
allocated, lab reports, treatment and medicine take etc., how billing is calculated.

This project adds the details of every individual patient and the staff appointed to
them, it stores the schedule of doctors and their operation timings. It is a user
friendly system which can be used by any person. It can also store the duration of
a patient till the time of discharge. It helps in the satisfaction of the user and the
public itself.


Case 1:

E Healthcare management is a growing profession with increasing opportunities in both direct

and nondirect care settings. As defined by Buchbinder and Thompson (2010), direct care
settings are those organizations that provide care directly to a patient, resident or client who
seeks services from the organization.

Disadvantage :Existing system does not include Non-direct care settings. Non-direct care
settings are not directly involved in providing care to persons needing health services, but
rather support the care of individuals through products and services made available to direct
care settings.

Case 2:

The construction of medical information is important to improve the hospital medical care
capability, the management decision-making level of health and the hospital operational
efficiency. Nowadays, comprehensive hospital information services and management platform
have been established, centering on electronic medical records and clinical pathway.

Disadvantage: The establishment and use of these information systems played an important
role in improving the degree of patient satisfaction, enhancing hospital efficiency and
healthcare quality, protecting the safety of healthcare, and reducing healthcare costs which is
not there in existing system.

Case 3:

E Healthcare Management System (computerized) is increasingly becoming an emerging tool

in health care arena to efficiently enable delivery of high quality health services. These systems
have large computerized data bases intended primarily for communication and storing health
and administrative information. EHMS has different components and includes broad scope and
level of systems from departmental.

Disadvantage: Previously the Data was handled manually using record, pen etc. That were
difficult to handle physically as the burden on the user increases.


The main objective while implementing the project E-Health care management System
was to minimize the work and at the same time increase the speed of the work done.

Hospitals currently use a manual system for the management and maintenance of critical
information. The current system requires numerous paper forms, with data stores spread
throughout the hospital management infrastructure. Often information is incomplete or does
not follow management standards.

1. Integration of Corporate Medicare centers is very difficult while it is having different

2. In most of the cases the database is similar from one hospital to another hospital. In
those cases also we can’t easily adapt a new technology in the new hospital.
3. It is very difficult to analyze the usage percentage of hospital resources, Bed occupation
Ratio, Administration, Laboratory information even in a single center. Then we can
expect the complexity while integrating multi-specialty Medicare Centers.
4. Room Reservations, Doctor Appointment Schedules, Operation Schedules, and
Medicine indentation information is very difficult to maintain and share among the
different Medicare Centers.
5. Lack of generic and unique model we have to implement the same set of data model for
every newly established Medicare Center.

Forms are often lost in transit between departments requiring a comprehensive auditing process
to ensure that no vital information is lost. Multiple copies of the same information exist in the
hospital and may lead to inconsistencies in data in various data stores

The E-Health care Management System is designed for any hospital to replace their existing
manual paper based system. The new system is to control the information of patients. Room
availability, staff and operating room schedules and patient invoices. These services are to be

provided in an efficient, cost effective manner, with the goal of reducing the time and resources
currently required for such tasks.

In E-Health care Management System situations we are dealing with objectives such as:

1. To optimize bed occupation.

2. To improve the use of operating theatres, avoiding the cancellation of operations.
3. To know how emergencies affect to the administration of the hospital departments or
services (cancellation of operations, etc.).
4. To detect the influence of certain diseases in the hospital’s services.
5. To find clusters of patients.
6. This system is mainly built for the purpose to reduce the work and improve the
efficiency in the hospital’s management.
7. Recording information about the Patients that come.
8. Generating bills at any instance of time.
9. Recording information related to diagnosis given to Patients.
10. Keeping record of the Immunization provided to children/patients.
11. Keeping information about various diseases and medicines available to cure them.

These are the various jobs that need to be done in a Hospital by the operational .


1. Consistent user interface with high economic features built into it.
2. System design is modular and structured way so as to make the integration with other
subsystems easier.
3. User has complete control as it provides and accept only appropriate and valid data.
4. User-friendly error messages are provided wherever necessary.
5. Addition of new patient record, deletion of the existing record and modification of
existing records as when needed.
6. Provision of saving the info for new patient’s.
7. Generate bills for the patients respectively


Data Flow Chart


Display the menu

Input new Add the record

Option = patient
filename of new patient

Input File exist Store the reports.

Option= Diagnosis
Display error

Option=History Input
Filename File Exist Display the
history of patient

Option= Bill Input File Exist
Filename Generate the Bill

Display error
Display the uses
Option= Help
of every option.


Step 1: Enter the correct password.
Step 2: Menu will be displayed choose the required option you want to perform.
Step 3: Enter Option 1 i.e. the administration module which enables us to perform
the following operation illustrate below:
1. Insert the patient information
2. Update the patient information
3. View the patient information
4. Delete the patient information
Step 4: If number of patient>=max patients the display patient can’t be added and
If person is outpatient go to step 6 else step 5.
Step 5: option 2 provides us to store patient personal information here we need to
enter the following details:
1. Name :
2. Age :
3. Sex:
4. Address:
5. Weight:
Step 6 Now enter option 3 i.e outpatient module which take the information of
the outpatient i.e illustrated below:
1. Enter the ID :
2. Enter the dept depending on the disease :
3. Room number:
4. Date of admitted date of discharge :
Step 7: Now press 4 to create patient report which ask us to
1. Enter patient ID number:
2. Enter Weight
3. Enter Name of Doctor appointed to
4. Date
5. Enter Precipitation to be followed.
Step 8: now enter 5 to generate bill of the patient,to generate bill
1. Enter the id number of patient

2. Name Doctor appointed to
3. Doctor fee
4. Health card number(not compulsory)
5. Room bill
6. Medicine bill
7. Lab bill
8. Operation theatre charges
9. Nursing bill
Step 9 : Now press enter which will display you the total cost you charged.

Step 10 :Exit



Adding patient record

Adding Diagnosis report




The three of us equally contributed for the responsibility of finding

resources and the right project. Before start looking for sources, it
was important for us have a clear understanding of our project . This
help us to identify the types of sources we need and the keywords
we should used. We used sites like knowledge academy , superclinic
, medinious for information.

We equally contributed our knowledge we learnt under the guidance

of Mr Ravi Sharma and took responsiblity for writing the code that
makes up the project . We ensure that the code meets the project’s
requirements and is delivered on time.

We also made sure the quality assurance engineer for testing the
code to ensure that it meets the project’s requirements and is free of
bugs. We kept the clear communication amoung us to identify and
fix any issues that arise during testing.


• A fully menu driven user-friendly computerized system has been
developed where the user can perform task like entering data and
appending the information with great ease.
• All the operations are carried automatically preventing a lot of
manual work.
• Additional checks have also been incorporated into the system to
avoid duplications of data as far as possible.

Future Enhancement
Every project whether large or small has some limitations no matter
however diligently developed. In some cases limitations is small while
in other cases they may be broad also. The new system has got some
limitations. Major areas where modifications can be done are as
• Our system is not online so further it can be improved.
• The security is limited so some additional arrangement could be
made to provide more security to the system.


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