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HKMO2016 Final

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第三十三屆香港數學競賽 (2015/16)

1. 競賽共分八項,個人及團體各佔四項。
2. 每隊由已報名參加初賽的同學組成。其中任何四位可參加「個人項目」;又其中任何四
3. 每隊隊員必須穿著整齊校服,並由負責老師帶領,於上午 9 時正或以前向會場接待處註
4. 粵語將會被採用為指示語言。若參賽者不諳粵語,則可獲發給一份中、英文指示。比賽
5. 每一「個人項目」包括四部份。每一隊員回答其中一部份,其他隊友不得從旁協助,否
6. 「個人項目」中,四部份互有關連或沒有關連(參閱 FI2.3)。解答第二部份之隊員或需利
7. 每一「團體項目」亦包括四部份。但各部份不一定相關,且可由全隊共同作答。各隊員
8. 比賽時,參賽者不可使用計算工具,違例者將被取消資格或扣分。
9. 參賽者如有攜帶電子通訊器材,應關掉電源(包括響鬧功能)並放入手提包內或座位的椅
10. 除另有聲明外,所有答案須為數字,並應化簡,但無需呈交證明及算草。
11. 每一項目限時五分鐘。
12. 計分辦法如下:
(甲) 準確分: 個人項目 積分 團體項目 積分
答對第一部分 1 答對任何一部分 2
答對第二部分 2 答對任何兩部分 4
答對第三部分 3 答對任何三部分 7
答對第四部分 4 答對所有四部分 10
合共 10
(乙) 快捷分 積分所乘倍數
參賽隊伍完成並交出答案的時間 < 1 分鐘 4
1 分鐘 ≤ 參賽隊伍完成並交出答案的時間 < 2 分鐘 3
2 分鐘 ≤ 參賽隊伍完成並交出答案的時間 < 3 分鐘 2
參賽隊伍完成並交出答案的時間 ≥ 3 分鐘 1
(丙) 獎勵分
任何一隊在某一個人/團體項目競賽中,若全部答對時,可額外獲得 20 分。
(丁) 每項目之總分
準確分×倍數 + 獎勵分
13. 如有任何疑問,參賽者須於最後一項個人/團體賽完畢後 10 分鐘內向評判圑提出。所有
14. 得分最高之三隊將獲得獎盃及獎品。冠軍學校可保存總冠軍盾牌至下一屆香港數學競
15. 總成績將由評判團作最後裁決。

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 P.1 決賽規則(中文)

The Thirty-third Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (2015/16)
Regulations (Final Event)
1. The competition consists of 8 events, which are divided into 4 individual events and 4 group
2. Each participating should consist of students who have enrolled in the heat event. Any 4 of
them may take part in the individual event and any 4 of them may take part in the group event.
Teams of less than 4 members will not be allowed to participate.
3. Members of each team, accompanied by the teacher-in-charge, should wear proper school
uniform and present ID Card or student identification document when registering at the venue
reception not later than 9:00 a.m. Failing to do so, the team will be disqualified.
4. Verbal instruction will be given in Cantonese. However, for competitors who do not
understand Cantonese, instructions written in both Chinese and English will be provided.
Question papers are printed in both English and Chinese.
5. Each individual event consists of 4 parts. Each part must be completed by one member of the
team. Help from other team members would result in disqualification for that particular event.
6. In an individual event, the four parts may be interrelated or not related (e.g. See FI2.3). When
solving Part 2, one may have to make use of the answer obtained in Part 1; when solving Part
3, one may have to make use of the answer obtained in Part 2 and so on.
7. In a group event, the four parts are to be done by the whole team and the parts may or may not
be interrelated. Discussions are allowed provided that voice level is kept to a minimum.
8. The use of calculating devices will not be allowed; otherwise the team will risk
disqualification or deduction of marks.
9. Participants having electronic communication devices should turn them off (including the
alarm function) and be put inside the bags or under the chairs. Failing to do so, the team will
risk disqualification.
10. All answers should be numerical and reduced to the simplest form unless stated otherwise. No
proof or working is required.
11. The time limit for each event is 5 minutes.
12. The Marking System is as follows:
(a) Scores for accuracy:
Individual Events Scores Group Events Scores
Part 1 correct L 1 Any 1 part correct L2
Part 2 correct L 2 Any 2 parts correct L4
Part 3 correct L 3 Any 3 parts correct L7
Part 4 correct L 4 All 4 parts correct L10
Total LLLL 10
(b) Multiplying factors for speed:
Time taken for the teams to hand in their answer < 1 min. 4
1 min. ≤ Time taken for the teams to hand in their answer < 2 min. 3
2 min. ≤ Time taken for the teams to hand in their answer < 3 min. 2
Time taken for the teams to hand in their answer ≥ 3 min. 1
(c) Bonus Score:
Teams, which hand in their answers of anyone individual/group event have all the
answers in that event correct, will be awarded a bonus score of 20 marks.
(d) Total score for each event:
(Score for accuracy) × (Multiplying factor) + (Bonus score)
13. Any queries should reach the Judging Panel within 10 minutes after the end of the last
individual group event. The decision of the Judging Panel on the queries is final.
14. Trophies and prizes will be given to the three schools achieving the highest scores. The
champion school may keep the Champion shield until the next Hong Kong Mathematics
15. The decision of the Judging Panel on the overall results is final.

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 P.2 Final Events Regulation (English)

比賽資料 決賽隊伍數目:50 決賽日期:2016 年 4 月 23 日星期六 地點:香港教育學院
School ID Name of School
FE-01 Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
FE-02 Bishop Hall Jubilee School
FE-03 Buddhist Sin Tak College
FE-04 Carmel Pak U Secondary School
FE-05 Carmel Secondary School
FE-06 CCC Heep Woh College
FE-07 Cheung Chuk Shan College
FE-08 Chinese Foundation Secondary School
FE-09 Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School
FE-10 CNEC Christian College
FE-11 Diocesan Boys’ School
FE-12 G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College
FE-13 Good Hope School
FE-14 HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School
FE-15 Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School
FE-16 Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary
FE-17 Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College
FE-18 King’s College
FE-19 La Salle College
FE-20 Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
FE-21 Munsang College (Hong Kong Island)
FE-22 NTHYK Yuen Long District Secondary School
FE-23 PLK Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College
FE-24 PLK No. 1 WH Cheung College
FE-25 PLK Tang Yuk Tien College
FE-26 Pui Ching Middle School
FE-27 Pui Kiu College
FE-28 Queen Elizabeth School
FE-29 Queen’s College
FE-30 Sha Tin Government Secondary School
FE-31 Sha Tin Methodist College
FE-32 Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
FE-33 Sing Yin Secondary School
FE-34 SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School
FE-35 SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School
FE-36 SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
FE-37 South Island School
FE-38 St Joseph’s College
FE-39 St Paul’s Co-Educational College
FE-40 St Paul’s College
FE-41 St Stephan’s College
FE-42 STFA Lee Shau Kee College
FE-43 STFA Leung Kau Kui College
FE-44 Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial College
FE-45 Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School
FE-46 TWGH Kap Yan Directors’ College
FE-47 Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
FE-48 Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School
FE-49 Ying Wa College
FE-50 Yuen Long Merchant Association Secondary School

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 P.3 Finalist

Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (2015 – 2016)
Final Event 1 (Individual)
Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be expressed in numerals in their simplest form.

1. 解方程 log5 a + log3 a = log5 a ⋅ log3 a,其中 a > 1 為實數。

Solve the equation log5 a + log3 a = log5 a ⋅ log3 a for real number a > 1 . a=

2. 若 b = 8 + a + 8 − a ,求 b 的實數值。
If b = 8 + a + 8 − a , determine the real value of b . b=

3. 若方程 x2 – cx + b = 0 有兩個實數根及兩根之差為 1,
求兩根之和的最大可能值 c。
If the equation x2 – cx + b = 0 has two distinct real roots and their difference is 1,
determine the greatest possible value of the sum of the roots, c .

4. 設 d = xyz 為一不能被 10 整除的三位數。若 xyz 與 zyx 之和可被 c 整除,

求此整數的最大可能值 d。
Let d = xyz be a three-digit integer that is not divisible by 10 .
If the sum of integers xyz and zyx is divisible by c ,
determine the greatest possible value of such an integer d.


Score for Mult. factor for
× = Team No.
accuracy speed

+ score

Total score Min. Sec.

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 Final Events (Individual)
Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (2015 – 2016)
Final Event 2 (Individual)
Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be expressed in numerals in their simplest form.

1. 一個等邊三角形及一個正六邊形的周長比率為 1 : 1。
若三角形與六邊形的面積比率為 2 : a,求 a 的值。
Let the ratio of perimeter of an equilateral triangle to the perimeter of a regular hexagon a =
be 1 : 1. If the ratio of the area of the triangle to the area of the hexagon is 2 : a,
determine the value of a .


( )  1    1 
求 b = log 2 a 2 + log 4  2  × log a 2 + log a2   的值。
  a    2  b=

( )  1    1 
Determine the value of b = log 2 a 2 + log 4  2  × log a 2 + log a2   .
  a    2 

3. 在下圖中,正方形 ABCD 及 XYZW 相等而且互相交疊使得頂點 A 位在 XYZW 的

中心及綫段 AB 將綫段 YZ 邊分為 1 : 2。若 XYZW 的面積與交疊部分的面積比 c =
率為 c : 1,求 c 的值。
In the figure below, identical squares ABCD and XYZW overlap each other in such a
way that the vertex is at the centre of XYZW and the line segment AB cuts line segment
YZ into 1 : 2. If the ratio of the area of XYZW to the overlapped region is c : 1,
determine the value of c .


4. 若 76 與 d 的最小公倍數(L.C.M.)為 456 及 76 與 d 的最大公因數(H.C.F.)為 c,

求正整數 d 的值。
If the least common multiples (L.C.M.) of 76 and d is 456 and the highest common
factor (H.C.F.) of 76 and d is c, determine the value of the positive integer d.


Score for Mult. factor for
× = Team No.
accuracy speed

+ score

Total score Min. Sec.

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 Final Events (Individual)
Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (2015 – 2016)
Final Event 3 (Individual)
Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be expressed in numerals in their simplest form.

1. 若 f(x) = x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1,求 f(x5) 除以 f(x) 的餘值 a。

If f(x) = x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1, determine the remainder a of f(x5) divided by f(x) . a=

2. 設 n 為整數。求 na – n 除以 30 的餘值 b。
Let n be an integer. Determine the remainder b of na – n divided by 30 . b=

3. 若 0 < x < 1,求

 1+ x 1− x   1 1  c=
c =  + × 2
  − 1 − 
 1+ x − 1− x 1 − x2 + x − 1   x − b
x − b 

If 0 < x < 1, determine the value of
 1+ x 1− x   1 1 
c =  + × 2
  − 1 − .
 1+ x − 1− x 1 − x2 + x − 1   x − b
x − b 

4. 若實數 x 及 y 滿足方程 2 log10 (x + 2cy) = log10 x + log10 y,求 d = 的值。
y d=
If real numbers x and y satisfy the equation 2 log10 (x + 2cy) = log10 x + log10 y,
determine the value of d = .


Score for Mult. factor for
× = Team No.
accuracy speed

+ score

Total score Min. Sec.

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 Final Events (Individual)
Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (2015 – 2016)
Final Event 4 (Individual)
Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be expressed in numerals in their simplest form.

 m 4 n −4  −3  m −2 n 2 5 
1. 若 m 和 n 為正整數及 a = log 2  −1  ÷  −1 
  ,求 a 的值。
 m n  a=
 mn  

 m 4 n −4  −3  m −2 n 2 5 
If m and n are positive integers and a = log 2  −1  ÷  −1 
 ,
 m n   mn  

determine the value of a.

2. 當整數 1108 + a、1453、1844 + 2a 及 2281 除以正整數 n (> 1)都得相同餘數 b,

求 b 的值。 b=
When the integers 1108 + a, 1453, 1844 + 2a and 2281 divided by some positive
integer n (> 1), they all get the same remainder b. Determine the value of b.

6 10
3. 若 < x < ,求 c = x 2 − 2 x + 1 + x 2 − 6 x + 9 的值。
b b
6 10
If < x < , determine the value of c = x 2 − 2 x + 1 + x 2 − 6 x + 9 .
b b

4. 求 1 + 3c + (3c)2 + (3c)3 + (3c)4 除以 1 + 3 + 32 + 33 + 34 的餘值 d。

Determine the remainder d when 1 + 3c + (3c)2 + (3c)3 + (3c)4 is divided by
1 + 3 + 32 + 33 + 34 . d=


Score for Mult. factor for
× = Team No.
accuracy speed

+ score

Total score Min. Sec.

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 Final Events (Individual)
Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (2015– 2016)
Final Event 1 (Group)
Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be expressed in numerals in their simplest form.

1. 一項工程包括三個項目:A、B 和 C。若項目 A 開始三天後,項目 B 才可開始

進行。項目 C 亦必須在項目 B 開始四天後才可開始進行。若完成項目 A、B 和 P =
C 分別需要四天、六天和五天,求最少天數 (P) 完成全項工程。
A project comprises of three tasks, A, B and C. Suppose task B must begin 3 days later
than task A begins, and task C must begin 4 days later than task B begins. If the
numbers of days to complete tasks A, B and C are 4, 6 and 5, respectively, determine
the least number of days (P) to complete the project.

2. 指示牌牌上掛有紅、黃、綠閃燈。紅、黃、綠閃燈分別每隔 3 秒、4 秒、8 秒閃

爍一次。當 0 秒時,紅、黃、綠閃燈同時閃爍。若當 Q 秒時,第三次出現只有 Q =
紅及黃閃燈同時閃爍,求 Q 的值。
There are 3 blinking lights, red, yellow and green, on a panel. Red, yellow and green
lights blink at every 3, 4 and 8 seconds, respectively. Suppose each light blinks at the
time t = 0. At time Q (in seconds), there is the third time at which only red and yellow
lights blink, determine the value of Q .

 f n + 3 若 n 不是的
3. 設 f n+1 =  。 n=
 f n − 2 若 n 不是的

若 f1 = 60,求 n 的最少可能值,令當 m ≥ n 時,滿足 fm ≥ 63。

 f n + 3 if n is even
Let f n+1 =  .
 f n − 2 if n is odd
If f1 = 60, determine the smallest possible value of n satisfying fm ≥ 63 for all m ≥ n .

4. ( )( )( ) )
求 T = 32 + 1 × 32 + 1 × 32 + 1 × L × 32 + 1 的值。(答案以指數表示。)
0 1 2
( 10

Determine the value of T = (3 + 1)× (3 + 1)× (3 ) ( )

+ 1 × L × 32 + 1 .
0 1
2 2 22 10
(Leave your answer in index form.)


Score for Mult. factor for
× = Team No.
accuracy speed

+ score

Total score Min. Sec.

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 Final Events (Group)
Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (2015 – 2016)
Final Event 2 (Group)
Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be expressed in numerals in their simplest form.

1. 一個盒子有五個球,球面上分別印上號碼 3、4、6、9 或 10。由盒中同時隨機取

出 2 個球,並得出其號碼的總和。若 A 為不同總和的數量,求 A 的值。 A=
A box contains five distinctly marked balls with number markings being 3, 4, 6, 9 or
10. Two balls are randomly drawn without replacement from the box.
If A is the number of possible distinct sums of the selected numbers,
determine the value of A .

 f n−1 + 3 若 n 不3的的的
2. 設 f1 = 9 及 f n =  。 B=
 f n-1 − 1 若 n 不不3的的的

若 B 為 k 的值的可能數量,使得 fk < 11,求 B 的值。

 f n−1 + 3 if n is a multiple of 3
Let f1 = 9 and f n =  .
 f n-1 − 1 if n is not a multiple of 3
If B is the number of possible values of k such that fk < 11, determine the value of B.

3. 設 a1、a2、a3、a4、a5、a6 為非負整數,並滿足
a1 + 2a2 + 3a3 + 4a4 + 5a5 + 6a6 = 26 c=
 。
 a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 = 5
若 c 為方程系統的解的數量,求 c 的值。

Let a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6 be non-negative integers and satisfy

a1 + 2a2 + 3a3 + 4a4 + 5a5 + 6a6 = 26
 .
 a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 = 5
If c is the number of solutions to the system of equations, determine the value of c .

4. 設 d 及 f 為正整數及 a1 = 0.9。若 ai+1 = ai2 及 ∏ ai =
i =1 f

求 d 的最小可能值。
Let d and f be positive integers and a1 = 0.9. If ai+1 = a 2
i and ∏ ai = ,
i =1 f
determine the smallest possible value of d.


Score for Mult. factor for
× = Team No.
accuracy speed

+ score

Total score Min. Sec.

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 Final Events (Group)
Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (2015 – 2016)
Final Event 3 (Group)
Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be expressed in numerals in their simplest form.

1. 下圖是郵差的送信路線圖:從郵局開始,到達十二個地點送信,最後返回郵局。
若郵差從一地點步行到另一地點需要十分鐘及 K 為郵差需要的時數來完成整天路
線,求 K 的最小可能值。
The figure below represents routes of a postman. Starting at the post office, the
postman walks through all the 12 points and finally returns to the post office. If he
takes 10 minutes from a point to another adjacent point by walk and K is the number of
hours required for the postman to finish the routes, find the smallest possible value of

2. 若 n 為正整數,a1 = 0.8 及 an+1 = a n2 ,求 L 的最小值,滿足

a1 × a2 × … × aL < 0.3。 L=
If a1 = 0.8 and an+1 = a n2 for positive integers n,
determine the least value of L satisfying a1 × a2 × … × aL < 0.3 .

3. 若方程 3
5 + x + 3 5 − x = 1 ,求實數根 x。
Solve 3
5 + x + 3 5 − x = 1 for real number x . x=

a + b + y = 5
4. 若 a、b 及 y 為實數,並滿足  ,求 y 的最大值。
ab + by + ay = 3 y=
a + b + y = 5
If a, b and y are real numbers and satisfy  ,
ab + by + ay = 3
determine the greatest possible value of y .


Score for Mult. factor for
× = Team No.
accuracy speed

+ score

Total score Min. Sec.

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 Final Events (Group)
Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (2015 – 2016)
Final Event 4 (Group)
Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be expressed in numerals in their simplest form.

1. 若 a 及 b 為整數,且 a2 與 b2 相差 144,求 d = a + b 的最大值。

Let a and b are two integers and the difference between a2 and b2 is 144, d=
determine the largest possible value of d = a + b .

2. 若 n 為整數,n2 的個位及 10 位分別為 u 及 7,求 u 的值。

If n is an integer, and the units and tens digits of n2 are u and 7, respectively,
determine the value of u . u=

(4 + ) + (4 − )
3 3
15 2 15 2
3. 求實數 c = 的值。
(6 + 35 ) − (6 − 35 )
3 3
2 2

(4 + ) + (4 − )
3 3
15 2 15 2
Determine the value of real number c = .
(6 + 35 ) − (6 − 35 )
3 3
2 2

4. 求下列方程 x = 1 + 的正實數解。
1+ x=
Determine the positive real root of the following equation: x = 1 + .


Score for Mult. factor for
× = Team No.
accuracy speed

+ score

Total score Min. Sec.

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 Final Events (Group)
成績 Results
Ind Isum Group Gsum Total rank
code School Name Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4
FE-01 Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School 0 8 2 1 11 21 4 25 36 18
FE-02 Bishop Hall Jubilee School 1 5 2 0 8 4 8 12 20 33
FE-03 Buddhist Sin Tak College 2 2 2 1 7 2 30 32 39 14
FE-04 Carmel Pak U Secondary School 3 6 0 7 16 2 4 6 22 29
FE-05 Carmel Secondary School 1 6 3 1 11 7 7 14 25 26
FE-06 CCC Heep Woh College 3 4 0 1 8 7 7 14 22 29
FE-07 Cheung Chuk Shan College 1 2 4 1 8 2 7 9 17 38
FE-08 The Chinese Foundation Secondary School 1 2 0 1 4 0 0 0 4 50
FE-09 Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School 6 30 5 1 42 7 40 2 4 53 95 2
FE-10 CNEC Christian College 0 2 2 0 4 4 4 8 12 46
FE-11 Diocesan Boys’ School 0 0 1 9 10 14 14 28 38 15
FE-12 G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College 0 8 9 9 26 7 4 11 37 16
FE-13 Good Hope School 6 4 2 1 13 4 14 18 31 21
FE-14 HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School 0 4 0 7 11 21 14 35 46 10
FE-15 Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School 2 4 2 1 9 8 4 12 21 31
FE-16 Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School 1 0 1 1 3 30 7 37 40 13
FE-17 Hong Kong Chinese Women's Club College 30 6 2 1 39 4 14 18 57 7
FE-18 King's College 5 4 2 1 12 7 4 11 23 28
FE-19 La Salle College 6 8 3 6 23 40 40 80 103 1
FE-20 Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) 0 6 4 1 11 6 2 8 19 34
FE-21 Munsang College (Hong Kong Island) 3 1 2 1 7 2 4 6 13 45
FE-22 NTHYK Yuen Long District Secondary School 0 1 2 1 4 4 4 8 12 46
FE-23 PLK Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College 2 2 2 1 7 30 30 60 67 4
FE-24 PLK No. 1 WH Cheung College 6 6 3 1 16 8 4 12 28 23
FE-25 PLK Tang Yuk Tien College 2 0 0 1 3 6 8 14 17 38
FE-26 Pui Ching Middle School 8 6 2 3 19 7 7 14 33 20
http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 2016 Final Events results
成績 Results
FE-27 Pui Kiu College 0 0 2 3 5 14 8 22 27 25
FE-28 Queen Elizabeth School 0 1 2 1 4 7 7 14 18 35
FE-29 Queen's College 1 0 2 8 11 4 30 34 45 11
FE-30 Sha Tin Government Secondary School 1 6 2 0 9 7 2 9 18 35
FE-31 Sha Tin Methodist College 1 0 0 1 2 0 4 4 6 49
FE-32 Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School 1 1 3 4 9 4 4 8 17 38
FE-33 Sing Yin Secondary School 0 30 2 5 37 4 7 11 48 9
FE-34 SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School 0 1 0 6 7 4 4 8 15 43
FE-35 SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School 0 3 0 3 6 14 4 18 24 27
FE-36 SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School 0 1 1 0 2 8 8 16 18 35
FE-37 South Island School 0 4 2 1 7 7 7 14 21 31
FE-38 St Joseph's College 1 8 9 1 19 30 4 34 53 8
FE-39 St Paul's Co-Educational College 40 4 2 5 51 4 7 11 62 5
FE-40 St Paul's College 1 3 2 3 9 4 4 8 17 38
FE-41 St Stephan's College 3 1 2 0 6 4 0 4 10 48
FE-42 STFA Lee Shau Kee College 1 6 2 0 9 14 7 21 30 22
FE-43 STFA Leung Kau Kui College 0 0 2 1 3 30 4 34 37 16
FE-44 Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial College 0 8 0 0 8 7 30 37 45 11
FE-45 Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School 0 0 2 1 3 4 7 11 14 44
FE-46 TWGH Kap Yan Directors' College 6 6 0 6 18 4 6 10 28 23
FE-47 Wah Yan College, Hong Kong 2 2 10 6 20 8 7 15 35 19
FE-48 Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School 2 1 4 4 11 0 6 6 17 38
FE-49 Ying Wa College 12 16 3 6 37 14 30 44 81 3
FE-50 Yuen Long Merchant Association Secondary School 3 3 2 3 11 40 7 47 58 6

Champion La Salle College

1st runner up Ying Wa College
2nd runner up St Paul's Co-Educational College

http://www.hkedcity.net/ihouse/fh7878 2016 Final Events results

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