Ece Academic Contest 2019

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“Competition makes us Faster; Collaboration makes us Better.” This
quote probably explains most of the reason of the birth of the 40th ECE Week
Academic Contests. As students, we have continuously been learning about a
number of things every day. Even though this, there is more satisfaction in
knowledge acquisition if we challenge ourselves to take it to the next level, that is
battle it out with fellow ECE students. These competitions shall help ECE students
not just enhance their knowledge and experience but most of all gain friendship and
promote teamwork and camaraderie.

The event shall be collectively known as “Battle of the Brightest Brains”.
Participants will compete against each other to determine and recognize the ones
who are able to prove their cerebral supremacy by winning the respective
competitions. ECE Academic Contests 2019 shall be composed of a series of
competitions challenging the ECE students’ intellectual capability such as the
Mathematics, General Engineering and Applied Sciences, Electronics,
Electronic Systems and Technologies, Statistics, Spelling, Social Science,
General Knowledge, Philippine History and Information and Communications
Technology Quiz Bee.


In keeping with the ECE department’s vision of upholding academic excellence,
the ECE Academic Contests 2019 shall oversee the following ideals:
1. Showcase academic expertise and stimulate academic interest of ECE
2. Promote personality development such as gaining self-confidence and
3. Instill essential values specifically competitiveness, sportsmanship,
teamwork, and honesty among others.
4. Strengthen the bond between ECE students, ECESS and the ECE
5. Provide for a fresh and joyful learning experience for every participant.

All bona fide ECE students and ECESS members (except the JEO Academics
Committee) from first to fifth year are allowed to join the academic competitions.

General Rules and Mechanics:

1. Each section is entitled to send one team composed of three (3) members and
one (1) alternate.
2. Contestants are expected to be in their respective places fifteen (15) minutes
before the contest starts. Once the contest starts, no other team shall be
allowed to join even if they are registered.
3. A team may join the contest even in the absence of some members provided
that they are registered and come on time. In the event that a member of the
team arrives, he/she may be allowed to join the competition on the next
round/category of the contest.
4. The questions are classified as Easy, Average and Difficult. There will be ten
(10) questions of each type or a total of thirty (30) questions for the whole
5. Each question shall be displayed thru LCD projector while the quizmaster will
read each question twice.
6. Each participant is not allowed to write anything until the quizmaster says
7. Contestants will be given ten (10) seconds for every Identification question
and two (2) minutes for every Problem-Solving question.
8. The quizmaster will announce whom among the contestants got the correct
answer; the contestant will be given full credit worth points/allotted for the
9. The scoring per round is shown in the table:

Easy Round 3 -2 -1
Average Round 6 -4 -2
Difficult Round 9 -6 -3

10. Subtotals for the Easy, Average and Difficult rounds will then be added
and displayed on the tally board under total.
11. The final answers should be written on the official answer sheet and
should be enclosed by a rectangle.
12. Answers that are not enclosed by a rectangle will not be considered.
13. In case the contestants need to change their answers, they shall cross
out the previous answer and rewrite the final answer, clearly and enclosed by
a circle or a rectangle.
14. Watchers will be assigned to ensure that no alterations are made on
the official answer sheets at the end of the designated time limit.
15. Each question shall be read twice.
16. Timer starts upon the cue by the Quiz Master, after the question has
been read twice.
17. At the end of the time limit, one (1) member of the team stands holding
their answer sheet with a raised arm.
i. The Quiz Master will announce the correct answer
ii. Teams with correct answer shall remain holding their boards up.
iii. Watchers will then get the correct answer sheets and submit them
to the Quiz Master, who shall read out the answer(s) depending upon
the discretion of the Panel of Judges.
18. Wrong spelling in the written answers will constitute a wrong answer.
19. In case of mathematical answers, a wrong unit will make the answer
20. Questions with numerical answers will specify the required degree of
accuracy or number of decimal places, and failure to comply will
automatically render the answers unacceptable.
21. Further questions on accuracy of numerical answers will be referred to
the Board of Judges.
22. No other materials, (e.g., reference books, notebooks, etc.), will be
allowed during the contest.
23. In case of ties, a clincher question will be asked to break the tie.
24. The three teams with the highest cumulative points after three rounds
will be declared as Champion, First Runner-up, and Second Runner-Up.
25. Only the official participating members of each team actually on stage
may raise questions or clarifications on the answers already given.
26. Clarifications regarding the questions and/or answers should be
directed to the panel of judges only after the allotted time for the given
questions, but before reading the next question.
27. All questions shall be raised in proper decorum (good manners).
28. Any derogatory act by the participants to the Academics Committee,
Board of Judges and to ECESS shall be dealt/ met with corresponding penalty
to be decided and imposed by the committee including but not limited to
possible disqualification from the Quiz Show and ECE RA.
THE CONDUCT OF THE QUIZ SHOW (Subject to announcement prior to

General Rules and Mechanics:

1. Each sector is entitled to send three (3) teams composed of four (4) members.
Each team must have representatives from the first to fifth year level.
2. Contestants are expected to be in their respective places fifteen (15) minutes
before the contest starts. Once the contest starts, no other team shall be allowed
to join even if they are registered. A team may join the contest even in the
absence of some members provided that they are registered and come on time.
In the event that a member of the team arrives, he/she may be allowed to join
the competition on the next round/category of the contest.
3. The ECE Quiz Show shall be divided into three (3) rounds.
4. Round 1 will be a written examination. The top ten (10) teams, who get the ten
(10) highest accumulated scores, are qualified for the round 2 of the
5. Round 2 will test the wits of the contestants in this race type round. It will
consist of a series of tasks to be accomplished by the teams in thirty (30)
minutes. The top five (5) teams, who get the five (5) highest scores, are qualified
for the round 3 of the competition.
6. Every team shall be given a card where the tasks successfully done are marked
for tracking of points. After the given time, all the teams are required to go back
to the starting point to surrender their cards. Failure to do so shall incur
automatic disqualification.
7. Round 3 will be the Ultimate Quiz Bee.
8. The Round 3 is subdivided into three rounds namely: Kirchhoff (questions of 15
Multiple Choice), Thevenin (questions of 10 Identification), and Shockley
(questions of 10 Problem Solving) round, for a total of thirty-five (35) questions
for the whole contest.
9. Each question shall be displayed thru LCD projector while the quizmaster will
read each question twice.
10. Each participant is not allowed to write anything until the quizmaster says
11. Contestants will be given three (3) seconds to answer Kirchhoff round, ten
(10) seconds to answer Thevenin, and two (2) minutes to answer Shockley
12. The quizmaster will announce whom among the contestants got the correct
answer; the contestant will be given full credit worth points/allotted for the
13. The scoring per round is shown in the table:

Kirchhoff Round (Multiple Choice) 3 -2 -1
Thevenin Round (Identification) 6 -4 -2
Shockley Round (Problem Solving) 9 -6 -3

14. The first set is a multiple choice-type questions. Each multiple-choice

question is worth three (3) points. For every incorrect answer, contestant will be
given negative three (-2) points. No answer will be given negative one (-1) point.
15. The four (4) teams who will get the four highest scores from Kirchhoff round
shall proceed to the next set of questions.
16. The second set is an identification-type questions. Each identification
question is worth six (6) points. For every incorrect answer, contestant will be
given negative four (-4) points. No answer will be given negative two (-2) points.
17. The three (3) teams who will get the three highest scores from the Kirchhoff
to Thevenin round shall proceed to the Shockley round.
18. The third and last set of questions is a problem solving-type question. Each
problem-solving question is worth nine (9) points. For every incorrect answer,
contestant will be given negative four (-6) points. No answer will be given
negative two (-3) points.
19. Subtotals for each round will then be added and displayed on the tally board
under total.
20. Each team will be provided with answer sheets and scratch papers that will
be used for their computations.
21. The final answers should be written on the official answer sheet and should
be enclosed by a rectangle.
22. Answers that are not enclosed by a rectangle will not be considered.
23. In case the contestants need to change their answers, they shall cross out the
previous answer and rewrite the final answer, clearly and enclosed by a circle
or a rectangle.
24. Watchers will be assigned to ensure that no alterations are made on the
official answer sheets at the end of the designated time limit.
25. Each team have 8 power ups. Each team are required to use two power ups
for each round. These power ups should be chosen after the category of the
question is shown and before the question is asked. The teams only have 10
second to choose the power ups to be used. The team should inform the
assigned organizer the power up to be used. The power ups are as follows:
i. Darlington Pair – it doubles the corresponding points earned
whenever the team that uses it got the correct answer and no effect
when there is no answer provided or the answer is incorrect.
ii. H – Bridge – if the team user answers the question correctly, all the
deductions (if any) will become added instead. However, if the team
gives incorrect or no answer, standard way of deduction will be
applied (including the other power ups used on them, if any).
iii. Negative Feedback - It doubles the deduction points of the chosen
team whenever the chosen team provides no or incorrect answer.
iv. Voltage Divider - The team chosen will choose one among the team
to answer the question.
v. Current Mirror – the team user will copy the answer of their chosen
vi. Comparator - the team user will have the chance to peek at the
answer of the chosen team. After seeing the answer of the chosen
team, they will be given the choice if they will copy the answer or
vii. Multiplier – the team user will triple the earned points for that
question regardless whether they have corrected, incorrect or no
viii. Triple Inverter - It triples the deduction points of the chosen team
whenever the chosen team provides no or incorrect answer.
26. Each question shall be read twice.
27. Timer starts upon the cue by the Quiz Master, after the question has been
read twice.
28. At the end of the time limit, one (1) member of the team stands holding their
answer sheet with a raised arm.
i. The Quiz Master will announce the correct answer
ii. Teams with correct answer shall remain holding their boards up.
iii. Watchers will then get the correct answer sheets and submit them to the
Quiz Master, who shall read out the answer(s) depending upon the
discretion of the Panel of Judges.
29. Wrong spelling in the written answers will constitute a wrong answer.
30. In case of mathematical answers, a wrong unit will make the answer wrong.
31. Questions with numerical answers will specify the required degree of
accuracy or number of decimal places, and failure to comply will automatically
render the answers unacceptable.
32. Further questions on accuracy of numerical answers will be referred to the
Board of Judges.
33. No other materials, (e.g., reference books, notebooks, etc.), will be allowed
during the contest.
34. In case of ties, a clincher question will be asked to break the tie.
35. The three teams with the highest cumulative points after three rounds will be
declared as Champion, First Runner-up, and Second Runner-Up.
36. Only the official participating members of each team actually on stage may
raise questions or clarifications on the answers already given.
37. Clarifications regarding the questions and/or answers should be directed to
the panel of judges only after the allotted time for the given questions, but before
reading the next question.
38. All questions shall be raised in proper decorum (good manners).
39. Any derogatory act by the participants to the Academics Committee, Board of
Judges and to ECESS shall be dealt/ met with corresponding penalty to be
decided and imposed by the committee including but not limited to possible
disqualification from the Quiz Show and ECE RA.
THE QUIZ SHOW (Subject to announcement prior to execution)

Prepared by:


Event Head, ECE Academic Contests 2019
VP for Academic Affairs, PUP-ECESS

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