Sewer Pipe Inspecting Cleaning
Sewer Pipe Inspecting Cleaning
Sewer Pipe Inspecting Cleaning
Sewer pipe—inspecting
and cleaning
Sewer maintenance and repair operations include tive equipment (see paragraphs 33 and 34).
many tasks and varied equipment and present a Chemicals used for cleaning sewer lines may
myriad of known, suspected and potential hazards. cause violent reactions. Therefore, employees
should be trained in the importance of proper
1. The operations that involve entering manholes chemical handling and the need for immediate
to rod out accumulated concretions and evacuation of manhole or sewer and instant
blockages require strict attention to safe flushing of a line with water. Large quantities of
practices. This data sheet discusses these water that are already in a line help reduce this
practices and what procedures to follow to reaction, but the danger from gases and vapors
avoid personal injury. produced still may exist. Therefore, use only
National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Contact with sewage Health-certified respirators suitable for the gas
2. Chemical contamination of sewers has been or vapor at the concentrations present. Note:
considerably lessened since laws prohibit- Users must be properly trained in the use of the
ing unauthorized discharge of chemicals into respirators selected. Air-purifying respirators do
sewer systems have been enacted in many not supply oxygen and must not be used if the
cities and states. Because of accidents, fires, oxygen concentration is less than 19.5 percent.
leakage, bacterial action, oxidation and spills, In such cases, only use positive-pressure,
however, it is possible that oxygen-deficient self-contained breathing apparatus or a combi-
atmospheres and explosive and toxic gases will nation type C-supplied air respirator and SCBA.
be present in manholes and sewers. Therefore, Employees should wear protective clothing
the atmosphere within the confined space when chemical agents are used for cleaning
must be tested for oxygen deficiency and toxic blocked sewer lines. Gases and vapors from
and combustible gas. Employees exposed to chemicals are dangerous and should not be
these conditions should wear personal protec- inhaled. If oxygen concentrations are less than
0317 900010079 ©2017 National Safety Council
19.5 percent or toxic atmospheres exceed the per- flammable limit, also known as the lower explosive
missible exposure limits and entry into the sewer or limit, do not enter the confined space. Methane,
manhole is necessary, ventilation of the workspace which is used as a fuel at many sewage disposal
should be instituted, the confined space continu- plants and residences and may be produced by
ously monitored, and air-line respirator or SCBA organic decomposition within the sewer lines, is an
should be used. example of a flammable gas that may be found in a
sewer. Other flammable and combustible gases and
3. Flooding of manholes has been a frequent cause of vapors include:
injuries. Choked sewer lines are usually cleared from
the downstream end; therefore, employees should • Fuel gases, manufactured gas, natural gas and
be trained to detect a sudden release of blockages liquefied petroleum gases
so they will escape the danger of a sudden flood • Hydrogen
promptly. Manholes upstream of the one in which • Liquid fuel—naphtha, gasoline, kerosene,
the operation is being performed, should be benzene, etc.
checked before anyone descends to determine the • Solvents—toluene, mineral spirits, alcohols
amount of backed-up water and waste. This rule
should apply especially where a line extends along b. Toxic - Exposure to some gases with no odor,
steep and lengthy grades, because rapid flooding color or taste may be fatal even in very low concen-
can be expected from freeing an obstruction. When trations. For example, carbon monoxide may be
excessive back-ups are detected, a bulkhead fatal at one-tenth of 1 percent because it accumu-
may be constructed in the lines at the upstream lates in the body with continued exposure. Certain
manhole, and the sewage removed by pumping. gases, like hydrogen sulfide H2S, have paralyz-
ing effects on the sense of smell after the initial
4. Employees can fall into manholes or fall when they exposure. As a result, some people will not be able
are inside a manhole or sewer. Slippery footing to detect the smell of H2S at fatal concentrations.
within the sewer, corroded rungs breaking off as To avoid exposure to hydrogen sulfide, the only
an employee climbs into or out of a sewer, and safe precaution is use of prescribed testing
false bottoms due to crustations forming on sewer procedures. The following concentrations of
bottoms are the cause of many injuries. Because hydrogen sulfide can cause certain symptoms.
head injuries may occur from bumping against (see Table 1 on page 3).
objects, such as chemical formations (stalactites)
growing on sewer surfaces or other protrusions, it is c. Oxygen deficiency - Oxygen-deficient atmo-
a good practice to wear approved hardhats. spheres may occur when a sufficient amount of any
combination of harmful gases displaces the amount
Hazadous atmospheres of oxygen necessary to support life. Testing for
5. The following are hazardous atmospheres encoun- flammable/combustible or toxic gases may indicate
tered in sewers: this condition, but oxygen deficiency also can
occur when the oxygen is absorbed by earth strata
a. Flammable - The explosion of a flammable consumed by microorganisms or is depleted by the
gas or vapors is generally understood; however, oxidation of materials. Such oxygen deficiency can
it is important to note that a specific gas may be be determined only with an oxygen detector. If the
flammable throughout a wide range of mixtures oxygen content is less than 19.5 percent, do not
with air. Only testing can determine the existence enter the confined space, unless equipped with a
of such a hazard. If the testing instrument indicates positive-pressure SCBA or air-line respirator.
greater than or equal to 20 percent of the lower
Table 1. Symptoms of exposure to supervisor should determine the type of industries
hydrogen sulfide served by the particular sewer (to help anticipate
the hazardous atmospheres that may be en-
Concentration Symptoms/
(ppm) Effects countered). Employees involved should review all
possible hazards, the precautions to be taken and
0.00011-0.00033 Typical background concentrations.
the necessary actions in case of an emergency,
0.01-1.5 Odor threshold (when rotten egg smell is first noticeable
including rescue procedures, first aid and CPR.
to some). Odor becomes more offensive at 3-5 ppm.
Above 30 ppm, odor described as sweet or sickeningly
sweet. Entering Manholes
2-5 Prolonged exposure may cause nausea, tearing of the 8. Sewers are classified as confined Space, thus
eyes, headaches or loss of sleep. Airway pronlems
(bronchial constriction) in some patients. requirements for OSHA 1910.146 Permit required
entry into confined space must be followed.
20 Possible fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, irritability,
poor memory, dizziness. Because of the potential dangers in sewer cleaning
50-100 Slight conjunctivitis (“gas eyes”) and respiratory tract
operations, at least two employees should work
irritation after 1 hour. May cause digestive upset and loss on every sewer maintenance job, one acting as
of appetite.
supervisor. When using either portable-powered
100 Coughing, eye irritation, loss of smell after 2-15 minutes equipment or truck-mounted powered equipment,
(olfactory fatigue). Altered breathing, drowsiness after 15-
30 minutes. Throat irritation after 1 hour. Gradual increase properly block or chock the wheels of a unit to
in severity of symptoms over several hours. Death may
occur after 48 hours.
prevent movement during cleaning operations.
When truckmounted equipment is used, install
100-150 Loss of smell (olfactory fatigue or paralysis).
an audible back-up alarm on the truck to protect
200-300 Marked conjunctivitis and respratory tract irritation after employees working behind the unit.
1 hour. Pulmonary edema may occur from prolonged
9. Fixed metal-rung ladders are usually found in
500-700 Staggering, collapse in 5 minutes. Serious danage to the
eyes in 30 minutes. Death after 30-60 minutes. manholes. Examine them before use, since the
700-1000 Rapid unconsciousness, “knockdown” or immediate
collapse within 1 to 2 breaths, breathing stops, death
rungs may be corroded after exposure to the
within minutes. elements. For this reason, many municipalities use
1000-2000 Nearly instant death.
portable ladders to avoid risking falls from broken
metal rungs. Also check the condition of sidewalls
Note: limits of exposure for other toxic gases can be found in
for danger of collapse. If a well is found to be
OSHA regulations 26 CFR, 1910.1000, Tables Z-1, Z-2.
dangerous, it may be safer to operate from the next
6. Consider the general health of employees. Afterexpo-
sure to sewage or material within the sewer, provide 10. All employees entering sewer manholes must wear
facilities for removal of contaminated clothing and a full-body harness with lifelines attached to a winch
for wash-up as well as clean, dry clothing. Scru- or tripod device to permit rapid removal in case
pulous personal hygiene, up-to-date inoculations of collapse. (The atmosphere can change without
and prompt attention to cuts and abrasions are warning due to chemicals draining into the sewer.)
11. Smoking or open flames must never be permitted
Supervision and job instruction in or near a sewer line, sewer manhole or excava-
7. In addition to the employee in the confined space, tions. Provide sparkproof tools for all manual work
at least one trained and experienced employee to be done in underground structures; and when
should be present at all times during sewer cleaning employees are inside the structure, keep a fire
operations. Before starting these operations, a extinguisher readily available at all times. If forced
ventilation is used, ensure the ventilation equipment 18. If there is an indication of oxygen deficiency or toxic
is instrinsincally safe. gas greater than the PEL and ventilation will not
make the manhole safe, employees should wear
12. Before entering a sewer manhole located in an suitable NIOSH-certified respiratory protection to
industrial area where there is even a slight possibility enter. This may include positive-pressure SCBA or
of a manufacturing chemical draining into the sewer an air-line respirator with escape cylinder. When any
and creating a hazardous vapor or gas, place an employees are in a manhole under such conditions,
airmonitoring device in the manhole in which work is a standby employee with a SCBA available, who
being performed. Continuously monitor the manhole has been trained in emergency rescue procedures,
or sewer atmosphere while workers are inside. should remain outside the manhole prepared to
assist persons in the manhole, if the need arises.
13. Pre-entry precautions against hazardous atmo-
sphere include sampling and testing at all levels 19. Investigate the cause of contamination in sewers or
within the confined space to detect and monitor the manholes that cannot be cleared by ventilation.
presence of poisonous/toxic or flammable gases or
vapors, or an insufficient oxygen supply. If any one 20. Provide sufficient lighting when working in deep
of these conditions is detected, thoroughly ventilate manholes or sewers during either day- or night-time
the manhole with a forced-air blower to dilute the operations. Use only approved explosion-proof
atmosphere below the PEL and 10 percent of the lights.
LEL, whichever is lower. Then retest the atmo-
spheric condition before entry to determine if it Equipment handling
is safe. (Forced draft is superior to suction draft; 21. Careless handling of equipment can cause injuries,
however, enter manholes and sewers with caution, either when materials are passed down to or up
as dangerous pockets of toxic or flammable gases from an employee working in a manhole, or while
may still be present.) they are being used in a manhole. The use of a tool
pouch attached to a rope line is recommended for
14. Locate gasoline- or diesel-powered blowers lowering materials to employees in the manhole.
downwind from manholes to prevent accumulation 22. For shallow manholes (not exceeding six feet deep),
or introduction of carbon monoxide in the sewer or where manual rods are used, assemble cutters and
manhole. Blower intakes should be located where rods at ground level. Then lower to employees in
they pick up only fresh air and no engine exhaust the manhole and feed into the sewer. Employees in
vapors. a manhole should be wearing a safety hat, safety
glasses and safety shoes while a rod is being
15. Explosive/combustible gases can accumulate in passed down into the sewer. An employee at
sewers with traps, in regulators, and in combination ground level twists the rod, while the employee in
storm and sanitary lines. the manhole feeds the rod into the sewer. Extension
rods are attached by an employee on ground level.
16. Effects of toxic gas may include dizziness or drows-
iness. If either of these symptoms is noted, imme- 23. For manholes deeper than six feet, or when
diately order the employees out of a manhole or powered equipment, such as water jets or powered
sewer. rodders, are being used, use a guide pipe or “boot.”
Thread the manual rod or flexible rope of the powered
17. The symptoms of oxygen deficiency may include equipment through the boot, and attach a cutter at
difficulty in breathing. If these are noted, immediate- ground level. Fit the curved section of the boot into
ly order employees out of a manhole or sewer. a sewer line, and securely anchor the upper section
with a specially constructed clamp. The top of the 30. Injuries due to overexertion are common in this
device will not extend more than one foot above the type of operation. Workers should stand to the side
top of the manhole. The boot keeps the manual rod when pulling rods. When extra exertion becomes
or flexible wire in position and eliminates the need for necessary, obtain additional manpower or remove
having an employee in the manhole to feed the rod the rod mechanically. Pushing rods with jointed
or rope into the sewer. This procedure reduces the sections or exerting pressure against an obstruction
dangers of injury to employees in a manhole. is hazardous because of the danger of a sudden
collapse of the obstruction or the rod.
24. When bucket scooping is done, extra care must be
taken to ensure employees in a manhole are alert. 31. Turning rods with ratchets is also dangerous and
Use rope lines in good condition. No one should be should not be done. Manual push-rodding is con-
in the manhole when powered equipment is used. sidered safer, using a hand crank to turn the rod in
If the controls for powered equipment are located or out.
above ground, anyone in a manhole cannot control
the hazards to which he is exposed. 32. Closed-circuit television used for inspection
of sewer lines not only saves time, but assists
25. Good housekeeping around a manhole reduces the personnel in conducting safer inspection and
overhead hazard to employees below the surface, cleaning operations.
and helps prevent trips and falls. Keep materials in
an orderly fashion and as far away as practical from Personal protective equipment
the edge of an opening. Also, do not allow debris to 33. Protective clothing required for employees in sewer
lie where it can be accidentally kicked or knocked line cleaning includes rubber gloves, safety hats,
into a manhole. safety-toed rubber boots, goggles and raincoats.
Respiratory equipment (NIOSH-certified) also
26. Place manhole covers well away from the work should be immediately available for use.
area and away from traffic. Serious injuries have
occurred when vehicles strike manhole covers and 34. After each operation, clean and inspect protec-
throw them into nearby employees. tive clothing, equipment (such as boots, hats and
gloves), and other equipment used in sewer pipe
27. The metal rod and cutter used in mechanical cleaning operations for failures and defects. The
rodding can cause serious injuries. Gloves should clothing and accessories should fit well. During
be worn and extra precautions taken when applying continuous operations, provide clean clothing at the
cutting accessories to a rod. Note: Never use cloth beginning of each shift or workday. Loose or torn
gloves in handling sewer rods. Use only rubber or clothing is a real hazard when working in the tight
rubber-covered gloves. confines of a manhole.
28. Cautiously remove manually operated rods. If a rod 35. Publish and follow the rules and procedures deter-
suddenly springs free from a distorted position and mined by job safety analyses or risk assessments.
strikes an employee or throws the employee against These should include the following procedures:
the wall; arms, hands or other parts may be injured. Reporting accidents, emergency calls, use of respi-
To minimize this hazard, hold a rod firmly. ratory protection and safe work practices.
29. Rods that are burred or partly fractured can cause 36. All sewer cleaning and maintenance operations,
injury to an employee, possibly resulting in lost time: manual or mechanical, can and should be expected
Therefore, inspect them after each use. to have hazards associated with them. Conscien-
tiously prepared risk assessment and applied JSAs Source of information
can pinpoint these hazards, show when protec- National Safety Council. 1121 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca,
tive equipment is necessary and provide a training IL 60143.
program good for both operating procedures and
safety. Well-trained employees, good operating proce- OSHA 1910.146 Permit-required Confined Spaces
dures and planned preventive maintenance produce a
safe, productive sewer maintenance force. National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health,1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30333. Criteria
37. Remember, surveillance and enforcement of safe for a Recommended Standard: Centers for Disease
practices should be paramount in the duties of Control and Prevention1600 Clifton Rd.Atlanta,
supervisors and employees at all levels. GA30329-4027 USA Working Safely In Confined Space
Copyright ©2017 National Safety Council. All rights reserved. Although the information and recommendations contained in this publication have been compiled from sources 6
believed to be reliable, the National Safety Council makes no guarantee as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the correctness, sufficiency or completeness of such information
or recommendations. Other or additional safety measures may be required under particular circumstances.