Laznicka 1989 OGR

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Ore Geology Reviews, 4 (1989) 315-344 315

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam m Printed in The Netherlands




University of Manitoba, Department of Geological Sciences, 340 WallaceBuilding, Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2N2 (Canada)

(Received January 8, 1988; revised and accepted August 24, 1988)


Laznicka, P., 1989. Breccias and ores. Part 1: History, organization and petrography of breccias. Ore Geol. Rev., 4:

Although the term breccia is one of the oldest rock names stillin use and proliferatingin its application,a satisfac-
tory definition remains problematic and an overall classificationof breccias is non-existent. The names of breccia
varieties (severalhundred) please the heart rather than the computer, and there is littleinterdisciplinarycorrelation
among the more than fiftyspecializedschools of breccia study.
This contribution reviews briefly the history of breccia research and provides a listof the present study trends,
complete with references,with emphasis on ore-associated breccias wherever possible. Conventional breccia defini-
tions and their shortcomings are discussed and a case is made for the introduction of the petrographic category of
"coarse fragmentites" of which the "typical" sedimentary breccias and conglomerates as well as volcanic, tectonic,
hydrothermal, impact and other fragmental materials are members, whether designated or not as "breccia" in the
conventional literature.
This is followed by a proposed rational organization (classification)of coarse fragmentites and breccias based on
the regime of formation and architecture (fabric, "Geftige"). Two fundamental end-member sequences (a,b) and a
transitional suite (c) can be recognized: (a) Disaggregation fragmentites (D-breccias), produced from a solid progen-
itor by increasing rate of fracturing, expansion, rotation, mixing and attrition. The transitional sequence is crac-
kle-* mosaic -~ rubble-* mdlange -, milled breccia. (b) Aggregation fragmentites (A-breccias), generated by gathering,
aggregation and accumulation of originally dispersed fragments at the site of deposition. These materials form a
sequence ranging from tightly packed, fragment-supported matrix-free fragmentites through matrix-infilled, matrix-
supported fragmentites to lonestone rocks. (c) In-transport fragmentites (T-breccias) formed by redeposition of an
aggregate gathered in an earlier phase of development as an A-fragmentite, or by transportation and redeposition of
an advanced member (i.e. rubble, m~lange or milled fragmental aggregate) of a D-fragmentite. Examples of metallic
mineralizations coeval with, or superimposed on the fragmentite sequences are reviewed.

Introduction over 1000 items!) and considering their posi-

tion outside, along and across the borders of es-
As far as the overall systematics of breccias tablished petrographic disciplines. But we may
is concerned, there is none at present and some try, with the realization that the result will re-
geoscientists doubt that any can be prepared flect a particular premise of a scholar in metal-
given the enormous complexity and heteroge- liferous geology and that different premises may
neity of this type of rocks (the "Index of Coarse yield different products.
Fragmentite Names" in Laznicka, 1988, lists The objectively observable and measurable

0169-1368/89/$10.15 © 1989 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


properties of breccias and coarse fragmental breccia in the geognostic literature of the 17th
rocks are considered to be of fundamental im- and 18th centuries, Britain became the 19th
portance. The genetic factors are considered century leader in breccia study (e.g., Buckland,
secondary and auxiliary, highly dependent on 1819; Sedgwick, 1835; Ramsay, 1855). Most
the progress of science, fashion and subjective British breccias are sedimentogenic or sedi-
inclination of the investigator, yet worthy of a ment-hosted, although volcanogenic (dia-
"new look" and a rational organization because treme) breccias have been extensively treated
of their undisputed place in ore exploration in the classical memoir of Geikie (1902).
models. The German leadership in the study of ore
The present contribution is the first part of deposits ("Lagerst~ittenlehre") in the 18th and
a set examining all breccias and related rocks 19th centuries is reflected in the many detailed
as a cross-disciplinary petrographic category descriptions of breccias in hydrothermal veins,
and paying special emphasis to the association summarized by Von Cotta (1859). Blum (1860)
and origin of metallic ores. Part 2 (in prep. ) will briefly described several examples of breccias
attempt to put genesis of coarse fragmentites among his "Triimmergesteine" (a category also
and ores into a rational framework and Part 3 including sandstones) in his textbook on
(in prep.) will summarize existing and hypo- lithology.
thetical models of ore-bearing fragmentite sys- The French school (Daubrde, 1891; Lacroix,
tems. The ideas are an extension of the author's 1904, 1906) contributed significantly around
book on breccias and ores recently released the turn of this century to the understanding of
(Laznicka, 1988). volcanic breccias. In North America, many
breccia occurrences were recorded in geological
Evolution of and divisions in the field of survey memoirs from 1850 onwards (Logan,
breccia study, "brecciology" 1863; Chamberlin, 1883; Winslow, 1894; Van
Hise and Leith, 1911 ).
The terms breccia and br~che are thought to Several early reviews, classifications and or-
come from the vocabulary of a medieval warrior ganizations of all breccias appeared in the first
(it means break in the wall of a fortification), four decades of this century (Norton, 1917;
but were soon adapted by the Italian and French Grabau, 1924; Reynolds, 1928; Maslov, 1938),
quarrymen and builders to designate striking, but more recent contributions are scarce. In-
fragmental stones. Breccia is thus one of the creasing specialization of geoscientists in the
oldest rock names that has retained its funda- past half century resulted in fragmentation and
mental meaning up to the present. After the pe- compartmentalization of "brecciology" into
riod of occasional and haphazard use of the term many independent to semi-independent re-


Peter Laznicka was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia. He graduated from Charles University
(Dipl. Geol.) and the University of Manitoba (M.Sc., Ph.D.). Presently he is professor of
Mineral Deposits at Manitoba and during 1987/88 Gastprofessor at Heidelberg. He is en-
gaged mainly in a broadly based freelance study of the worldwide distribution of metallic
deposits as relatedto depositional environments and lithologicassociations.


16oo 18oo I~oo ~o ~9~o ~4o 19~o 196o I~6~ I~o ~9~ 198o I~5

GENERAL unclassified
//// ~ s-h~erial landfozms J
~lacial (~aleo)enviro~t s
/ karst/solution I

basal (stratigraphic) br~ccias

MVT/A~T deposits
/ ~ressure solution

mud volcanis~
isubmar, talus, slo~, turbid.
~ o l i s t o s ~ , sad. m~lanqe
carbonate buildups (reefs)
soils, duricrusts
hydrovolcanism, iz~,reatc~ _cin.
diatrmm~s ~%rs

subaerial lava flows

-- suba~eous lava flows
suba~eous ex~losive vole.
subglacial volcani~
calderas, cauldrons
ash-flow tuffs I
subaerial pyroclastic hx
I hydrothermalveins, bx
J hot sprin~s ]
~ h~Iraulic breccias
breccia pii~ms (all origins)
porphyry Cu, FD, etc.
carbonatite-alkaline c ~ l .
pebble dikes I
" m
plutonic (intr./inelus.bx)
d~ ra~l~tic, ultrauet~an.
/ cold flowage, halokineties
f dia~irs
fault r o c k ~ i
tector~-meta~orphic bx
subduction (flow) r~lan~es

tectono-sedimentary bx
tectonic m~lanqes
serpe~tinite protrusions
meteorite breccias
terrestrial ~ a c t s

OTHERS Illl. I I I /11 • i=' II
lunar bre~ias I
planetary breccias
I::==:I--o,I.,.c]E~S . . . . =. I ~ _ _ . - - i l Y "
anthropogenic breccias
megabreccias I

Fig. 1. Approximate representation of "specialized trends" of breccia study as they evolved over the years.

search trends, lacking mutual correlation. As- Nilsen, 1969, 1982; Bull, 1972; Garner, 1974;
sorted premises of breccia study preferentially Turner, 1980).
emphasized features, while others were ig- (3) Glacial environments and associations,
nored, and one-sided terminologies prolifer- blessed with a variety ofbreccias hidden behind
ated. Perhaps the most outstanding Tower of the terms tillite, tilloid and diamictite (Gold-
Babel in the field of petrography and petrology thwait, 1971; Edwards, 1978; Easterbrook, 1982;
was in the making. Evenson et al., 1983; Gravenor et al., 1984).
At present, several tens (Fig. 1 shows fifty) {4) Bases of stratigraphic units (lithologic
of "trends of breccia study", many with unique sequences) with a variety of basal breccias or
terminologies, are in existence. Most of them conglomerates (Pettijohn, 1975; Button and
evolved and reached a "solid footing" in the past Eriksson, 1981; Button and Tyler, 1981 ).
15 to 30 years and they are, now, spearheads of (5) Soil profiles and regoliths in various cli-
focussed progress. Most of the study trends in- matic zones, including duricrusts (calcrete, sil-
volve examples of ore-hosting breccias, but the crete), laterites and regoliths (Gordon et al.,
presence of ores is usually only a supplemen- 1958; Van Dorr and Barbosa, 1963; Goudie,
tary feature having no influence on the internal 1973; Ollier, 1975; Reeves, 1976; Lelong et al.,
order of the discipline. The field of "ore brec- 1976; Langford-Smith, 1978; Brunsden, 1979;
cias" briefly reviewed below, has developed in Button and Eriksson, 1981; Freytet et al., 1982;
isolation and is essentially restricted to the Esteban and Klappa, 1983).
study of objects at hand specimen and micro- (6) Shallow-marine carbonates with empha-
scopic scales. sis on depositional (constructional) features
such as organic buildups and reefs (Manten,
Sedimentary breccias 1971; Embry and Klovan, 1971; Bathurst, 1975;
Wilson, 1975; Longman, 1981; James, 1983;
The field of sedimentary and sediments- Scholle et al., 1983 ).
hosted breccias (Pettijohn, 1975) achieved a (7) Carbonate and detrital submarine talus,
special prominence and provided us with an im- slope and turbidite deposits including olistos-
age of a "typical breccia" (which is a consoli- tromes and overlapping with m~langes (Flores,
dated aggregate of coarse clastic fragments). 1955; Playford and Lowry, 1956; Abbate et al.,
Since about 1950, this field has been broken into 1970; Mountjoy et al., 1972; Cook and Enos,
several sub-disciplines, i.e. breccias and their 1977; McIlreath and James, 1978; Cook and
unconsolidated equivalents, and other coarse Mullins, 1983; Enos and Moore, 1983; Jacobi,
fragmentites, often departing significantly from 1984).
the ideal image. The following disciplines, en- (8) Karst and paleokarst, solution, solution-
vironments and lithologic associations have collapse and similar near-surface phenomena in
achieved a degree of uniqueness or specializa- carbonates and evaporites (Tute, 1870; Landes
tion in "their" breccia treatment (each can be et al., 1945; Stanton, 1966; McKee and Gut-
easily put into the ore-genesis context): schick, 1969; Smith, 1972; Esteban and Klappa,
(1) Recent subaerial landforms including 1983; Wenrich, 1985).
talus, landslides, avalanches, and debris flows (9) Pressure solution in carbonates and other
(Crandell, 1969; Krieger, 1977; Embleton and rocks, marked by stylolites and solution sur-
Thornes, 1979; Keefer, 1984; Eisbacher and faces (Bretz, 1950; Silberling and Wallace, 1969;
Clague 1984). Logan and Semeniuk, 1976).
(2) Arid (desert, semi-desert) (paleo-) en- (10) Genetically complex and multistage
vironments and "red beds", especially their carbonate terrains, hosting metallic deposits of
talus/alluvial fan lithologies (Glennie, 1970; the Mississippi Valley, Appalachian and simi-

lar types (Snyder and Odell, 1958; Heyl et al., (3) Hydrovolcanism, hyaloclastite associa-
1959; McKnight and Fischer, 1970; Lagny, 1975; tions, phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions
Sass-Gustkiewicz et al., 1982; Rhodes et al., (Peckover et al., 1973; Sheridan and Wohletz,
1984; Ohle, 1985). 1983; Wohletz and McQueen, 1984; Sigurdsson
(11) Mud volcanism and similar features in et al., 1984).
sediments undergoing compaction (Shnyukov (4) Subaqueous (mostly submarine) lava
et al., 1971; Cecile and Campbell, 1977; Khali- flow volcanism producing autobreccias, pillow
lov and Kerimov, 1983). lavas and breccias, hyaloclastites, and peper-
ites (Carlisle, 1963; Snyder and Fraser, 1963;
Volcanic breccias Moore et al., 1973; Dimroth et al., 1978; Good-
win, 1979; Cousineau and Dimroth, 1982).
The field of volcanic and volcanics-hosted (5) Subglacial eruptions (Walker and Blake,
breccias evolved relatively early into a reposi- 1966; Hamilton, 1972; Saemundsson, 1979; Al-
tory of coarse fragmental rocks rivaling sedi- len et al., 1982).
mentary associations in variety and complex- (6) Submarine, felsic to intermediate explo-
ity. The conformity of rock terminologies in sive volcanism (Lichtblau and Dimroth, 1980;
both fields has been, unfortunately, eliminated Burnham, 1983; Ohmoto and Takahashi, 1983;
quite early by the selection of different size lim- Busby-Spera, 1984).
its and by introduction of special terms for size
categories of volcanic fragments Magmatic breccias
(ash-~cinder-~lapilli-~bombs, blocks; Went-
worth and Williams, 1932; Rittmann, 1960; Magmatic (or plutonic, intrusive, intrusion-
Fisher, 1960, 1961, 1966; Vlodavets et al., 1962; related) breccias are a very heterogeneous
Williams and McBirney, 1979). The following group. They include; (a) breccias actually
volcanic associations coincide with trends of hosted by intrusive bodies; and (b) breccias
specialized breccia studies: generated as a consequence of evolution of an
( 1 ) Subaerial mafic volcanism dominated by intrusive complex in depth and directly related
non-explosive lava flows and cinder cones to expansion, shrinkage, hydraulic pressure,
(Jaggar, 1947; Macdonald, 1953; Wentworth hydrothermal activity, etc., and triggered and
and Macdonald, 1953; Greeley, 1977; Boudon et sustained by magmatic heat, but largely situ-
al., 1982 ). ated outside a solidified intrusion. The latter
(2) Subaerial explosive (pyroclastics-rich) breccias are transitional and very subjectively
volcanism (Fisher and Schmincke, 1984; Cas organized in the literature. The following as-
and Wright, 1986), with the emphasis on: (a) sociations and/or study trends can be identified:
composite volcanoes (stratovolcanoes) (Silli- (1) Calc-alkaline granitoid plutons in gen-
toe, 1975; Blackburn et al., 1976; Ianovici et al., eral, dominated by inclusion and intrusion
1976; Branch, 1976); (b) calderas and cauld- breccias (Bateman et al., 1963; Didier, 1973;
rons (Branch, 1976; Lipman et al., 1976; Sides Myers, 1975; Cobbing et al., 1981; Hutchison,
et al., 1981; Lindsay, 1982; Rytuba and McKee, 1982).
1984); (c) ash-flow tuff (incl. ignimbrite) se- (2) Plutonic mineralization systems of the
quences (Smith, 1960; Ross and Smith, 1961; "Porphyry" Cu,Mo,Au,U, (etc. )-type (Kents,
Ekren et al., 1984; Sheridan, 1979); and (d) 1964; Camus, 1975; Gustafson and Hunt, 1975;
maars and diatremes (Williams, 1936; Cloos, Bashkirov, 1983; Sillitoe, 1985).
1941; Hearn, 1968; Lorenz, 1973, 1975; Haw- (3) Deep-seated (katazonal) and/or meta-
thorne, 1975; Sillitoe and Bonham, 1984; Pas- somatic granite, pegmatite, or migmatite asso-
teris, 1984). ciation (agmatite and boudinage breccias)

(Mehnert, 1968; Hutchison, 1982; Ashworth, ing) followed by partial dissolution (e.g.,
1985). rauhwackes, see Leine, 1971; Speed, 1975;
(4) Carbonatites, kimberlites and some vol- Trfimpy, 1980), resedimentation of tectonic
atile-rich alkaline rocks (Sutherland, 1965; fragmentites and similar processes (Casey and
Garson, 1966; Verwoerd, 1967; Gold, 1972; Le Kidd, 1981 ).
Bas, 1977). (4) Mdlanges of several genetic and compo-
(5) Breccia pipes of variable mostly complex sitional varieties (trench, accretionary, flow,
origins (Kuhn, 1941; Sillitoe and Sawkins, 1971; subduction, etc.) which overlap with the pre-
Sawkins, 1977; Fletcher, 1984; Norman and vious category, and are still largely controver-
Sawkins, 1985). sial pillars of many consuming plate margin ge-
(6) Breccia ("pebble") dikes and "reefs" netic models (Karig and Sherman, 1975;
(Lovering and Goddard, 1950; Gilmour, 1977; Williams, 1975; Sibson, 1977; Hall, 1976; Cloos,
Morris and Lovering, 1979). 1982; Nelson, 1982; McCall, 1983; Raymond,
(7) Hydrothermal veins, mostly of plutonic 1984). Some are gradational into serpentinite
affiliation (Von Cotta, 1859; Byetekhtin et al., protrusions (Saleeby, 1979; Cowan, 1985).
1958; Ihlen et al., 1984).
(8) Hot spring systems (White et al., 1964; Other breccias
Nelson and Giles, 1985; Hedenquist and Hen-
ley, 1985). The remaining breccia study trends cannot
(9) Chemical and metasomatic breccias and be incorporated into a super-category. A sub-
pseudobreccias (Sawkins, 1969; Lane, 1984). division of nine groups is made. Groups 1 and 2
result from viscous flowage of rocks under load;
Tectonic breccias 3, 4, 5 and 6 are members of the field of meteo-
ritics and planetary sciences; 7 is considered
Tectonic breccias come from tectonized "artificial", so virtually never mentioned or
terranes and single tectonic structures (faults, treated in the geological literature; and 9 is a
shears) and include some of the earliest-known collection of often famous or economically im-
and architectonically utilized serpentinite, portant (mineralized) breccias of problematic
ophicalcite and marble breccias. Tectonism as origin from various localities.
an organizational system of breccias is very (1) "Cold" flowage and halokinetics (salt
broad, and includes the following categories and domes) (Murray, 1961; Halbouty, 1967; Price
trends, many of which are interactive or tran- et al., 1983; Talbot and Jarvis, 1984).
sitional into the earlier listed fields of study: ( 2 ) Diapirs (solid cold intrusions ) of several
( 1 ) Tectonic-metamorphic association dom- possible origins (in many cases still poorly
inated by breccias, produced by disruption of understood) (Coats, 1964; Braunstein and
continuum under semiplastic conditions (e.g., O'Brien, 1968; Dalgarno and Johnson, 1968;
boudinage, "durchbewegte" breccias) (Kinkel, Rouvier et al., 1985 ).
1967; Spry, 1969; Davis, 1972; Barrett et al., (3) Terrestrial impacts (meteorite craters)
1977; Lawrence, 1973; Ramsay and Huber, (Shoemaker, 1963; Short, 1970, 1975; Pohl et
1983). al., 1977; Roddy et al., 1977; Masaitis et al.,
(2) Fault rocks including brittle breccias and 1980).
gouge, as well as rarer breccias in the mylonite (4) Meteorites, meteorite breccias (Van
association (Higgins, 1971; Grocott, 1977; Sib- Schmus, 1969; Fodor et al., 1976).
son, 1977; Wise et al., 1984). (5) Lunar breccias (Mason and Melson,
(3) Tectonic-sedimentary breccias. These are 1970; Klein, 1972; Wilshire et al., 1973, 1981;
interactive rocks, formed by faulting (thrust- Ulrich et al., 1981 ).

(6) Planetary breccias (Wilson et al., 1973; Overall organization and terminology of
Soften and Snyder, 1976). breccias
(7) Anthropogenic breccias (Laznicka,
1988). The Glossary of Geology (Bates and Jack-
(8) Megabreccias (Noble, 1941; Landes et al., son, 1980) defines a breccia as: "a coarse-
1945; Lipman, 1976; Krieger, 1977; Pohl et al., grained clastic rock composed of large (greater
1977; Bell, 1986). than sand-size, or 2 mm in diameter), angular
(9) Problematica, e.g. "intrusive breccias" of and broken rock fragments that are cemented
Bryant and Metz (1966), Bryant (1968); Sud- together in a finer-grained matrix and that can
bury breccias (Dressier, 1984; Muir, 1984; Muir be of any composition, origin or mode of accu-
and Peredery, 1984); cryptoexplosion struc- mulation; the consolidated equivalent of rub-
tures (Bucher, 1936; Kiilsgaard et al., 1963; ble". Figure 2 is an approximate graphic rep-
Wilshire et al., 1972); Kiruna breccias (Geijer, resentation of the above definition. It also
1967; Frietsch, 1978; Par~ik, 1975, 1985); brec- reflects definitions that appear in textbooks on
cias at Olympic Dam, Australia (Roberts and sedimentology and sedimentary petrography
Hudson, 1983). (e.g., Pettijohn, 1975; Lewis, 1984) and general
Ore breccias A simple scrutiny reveals that many rocks
termed "breccia" are excluded from the Glos-
Fragmentites hosting subordinate quantities sary definition; for example, open-void breccias
of ore minerals (blebs, disseminations, vein- lacking matrix; breccias composed of mineral
lets, stringers, etc. ) have been described and or- (e.g., quartz, feldspar) or bioclast (e.g., bones,
ganized in the literature within one of the "rock" coral fragments) rather than rock fragments;
categories of breccias reviewed above. Breccias fault breccias that can range from cohesive
dominated by ore minerals and/or hydrother- (consolidated) to non-cohesive ones and oth-
mal gangue (as in veins), however, have re- ers. Several rocks and aggregates, on the other
ceived a specialized treatment in the past two hand, that would fit the Glossary definition, are
hundred years in the context of ore structures excluded from the breccia family. Fragmental
and textures (Ramdohr, 1955; Byetekhtin et al., lithic tuffs are termed tuff breccia only when
1958; Cameron, 1961 ). Two sets of fragmentite the size of the angular fragments exceeds 32 mm.
terms are in use: (1) those for macrostructures Further complications result from transition-
observed on the hand specimen-scale (meso- ality and textural variations. What about a rock
scale; e.g., ball ore; cockade, headcheese, coro- composed of 50% rounded and 50% angular
nary or concretionary structure; xenolithic ore; clastic fragments? What about a rock com-
ore breccia); and (2) those for microstructures posed of subrounded or rounded coarse frag-
(cataclastic, breccia, filigree, insular, shredded, ments that is not a clastic conglomerate? The
"durchbewegung", etc., microstructures or tex- glossary and textbook breccia definitions have
tures; see Schwartz, 1951; Edwards, 1954; Man- thus many shortcomings and define, at best, an
ilici et al., 1965 ). So far, the terminology of ore "ideal" or "typical" breccia only. Additional
(and gangue) breccias has been entirely non- terminological complications occur frequently
quantitative and named haphazardly after a in the case of heavily altered, weathered, re-
process, visual resemblance to various objects, crystallized, metamorphosed or similar coarse
and similarly. Terminological convergence of fragmental rocks impossible to place into the
"rock" and "ore" breccias and at least partial major divisions of petrography. If it is impos-
rational organization and quantification are, sible to tell whether an altered rock was origi-
however, on their way. nally sedimentary or pyroclastic (although its

no upper size limit

:. :.,':-:] ,:-:

. °.°:°:°°- °..°... '.

10 mm
:": -'9:'."::::'-:-.,',,.. (Russian usage)


rounded subrounded
I angular
0.1 mm


Other breccias: pyroclastic


Fig. 2. The "standard" genetic-textural organization of breccias based on a "typical" clastic breccia, prevalent through the

coarse sharpstone fragmental relic fabric is well dated rock composed of fragments, inclusions
recognizable), there is no "neutral" name or particles greater than at least 2 mm, subdi-
available so that a geologist is forced to make a vided in solid state from a former continuum,
quick, instant genetic assumption in order to or aggregated from dispersed particles". This
use either the term "breccia" (if sedimentary) definition excludes coarse-grained crystalline
or tuff (if pyroclastic). A name once commited rocks as well as rocks in which coarse particles
is difficult to remove and forget. Early termi- formed by in-situ accretion (e.g., nodular or
nological errors often adversely influence sub- concretionary sediments). The second-order
sequent geological interpretations and division separates rudaggregates (i.e. uncon-
exploration. solidated coarse fragmentites, e.g., rubble,
Unfortunately, there are no better overall gravel, tephra, impact fallback) and rudrocks
definitions of breccia than those defective ones (consolidated rudaggregates, e.g., clastic brec-
quoted above, including those in foreign lan- cia, tuff and tuff breccia, vein breccia, conglom-
guages. It might be better perhaps to approach erate, pillow breccia, etc.). Admittedly, many
the terminological problem from another end. fragmentites are transitional (semi-
Compile all rocks produced by fragmentation consolidated).
or fragment-aggregation with particle sizes of 2 Fragment-rounding and sphericity, a third-
mm or more, then subdivide t h e m into rational order division, has not been considered a suit-
groups, and name such groups provided that able attribute for an overall fragmentite clas-
names have not been available as a terminol- sification because only in the context of trans-
ogical heritage. Figure 3, (modified from Laz- ported clastic sediments it is a reflection of
nicka, 1988), tests such an approach: the first- textural maturity brought about largely by the
order division (all-inclusive, nongenetic) is length of transport (e.g., fluvial conglomerate)
termed "coarse fragmentite", and it is defined or duration/intensity of abrasion (beach con-
as an "unconsolidated aggregate or a consoli- glomerate). In some non-sedimentogenic coarse

fragment size 2ram plus

F R A ~
ANGUIAR transitional ROUNDED
rubble volcanic bombs
scree accret, lapilli
tephra loose concretions
fault "breccia" ( s o m e ) "balls" in gouge
some regoliths

sedim, breccia
pebble dike
< i


tuff breccia agglomerate

inpact breccia inclusion granite
intrusion breccia pillow breccia
vein breccia coral head breccia

Fig. 3. Nongenetic, overall organization of coarse fragmentites. Modified from Laznicka (1988).

fragmentites, fragment-rounding is achieved by be given the following composite name that

milling in a vent or conduit (as in agglomerates, provides, at the same time, description of the
pebble dike fills); aerodynamic shaping of a essential rock characteristics: "Transported,
plastic material (volcanic or meteorite impact granule ~o cobble sharpstone to subroundstone
bombs); accretion in a variety of media before (meso)breccia composed of heterolithologic
deposition (accretionary lapilli, concretions, chert, vein quartz and siliceous dolomite frag-
gangue/mylonite balls ); cooling (pillows); or- ments in semi-corresponding hematite pig-
ganic growth (coral heads, onkolites); mag- mented impure carbonate groundmass. Frag-
matic or chemical corrosion or resorption ments are groundmass-supported".
(magmatic inclusions); and other mechanisms.
The difference between rounded and angular Premise-based breccia terms
fragments in the above examples is of lesser to
insignificant importance, compared with the Terms like tillite, fold breccia, explosion
pair clastic breccia/conglomerate. Roundstone breccia, collapse breccia, landslide breccia, bone
fragmentites included in the above list are often breccia, melange, rauhwacke, impactite, etc.,
termed breccia (pseudoconglomerate is occa- have been defined and they exist within the
sionally used) and never conglomerate. The context of a certain geological discipline or a
coarse clastic roundstone fragmentites (gravel premise. Such terms can be purely genetic (e.g.,
and conglomerate) have thus a special position hydraulic breccia, friction breccia) or they can
in Fig. 3. combine genesis and composition (e.g., tachy-
Any breccia (and also any conglomerate) can lite breccia); genesis and provenance (e.g., epi-
be objectively described in empirical (non-ge- clastic breccia); environment (e.g., vent brec-
netic) terms, following the Universal Rudrock cia, fault breccia); and others (Fig. 5, Table 2).
Code (URC; Laznicka, 1988, Table 1) into Some breccia names indicate environment
which composition of the breccia constituents only (e.g., reef breccia, diatreme breccia, til-
has to be incorporated (that is fragments, ma- lite), but the origin is implied, and is considered
trix, cement). The rock shown in Fig. 4 could equivalent to a process or a set of processes op-


Checklist of the most common characteristics (terms) of coarse fragmentites, used in the Universal Rudrock Code


transported, in situ
aggregated, in-transport, disaggregated
expressed as average size or size-range (e.g. 3 on; 0.5-2 cm), or in traditional
size terms used for description of clastic conglomerates (Wentworth, 1922):
I-4 m
25 cm cobble block
64 mm
4 rmn pebble, lapilli, cinder
2 n~n granule
Fragmental origin: FRA(~4ENTITE
fragment size
over about IOOm Im to about 10Om 2mm to about Im under 2 ~m
general term megablocks consi- megafragmentite mesofragmentite microfragmentite
dered in their
own way coarse fragmentite

(sub) rounded UC gravel sand

clastic CS . . . . . . . . . conglomerate sandstone
angular, UC megarubble megarubble (meso)rubble sharpgrain micro-
any origin aggregate or
rock flour
CS megabreccia (meso)breccia " microbreccia
(sub)roun- UC roundstone roundstone roundgrain micro-
den, non- megarubble (meso)rubble or aggregate or
sedimentog. pseudogravel pseudosand
CS roundstone roundstone roundgrain micro-
megabreccia {meso)breccia or breccia or
pseudoconglomerate pseudosandstone
One fragment variety, one lithology SYNONYMS: Monomictic, monolithic, monolithologic;
homonictic, homolithic, homolithologic
Two fragment v~rieties, two lithologies bimictic, bilithic, bilithologic
Three ' three " trimictic, trilithic, trilithologic
Many " many " polymictic, polylithic, polylithologic
heteromictic, heterolithic, heterolitho-
Groundmass ,composition CORRESPONDING to fragment composition
Void filled by air or water
groundmass a general, non-genetic term, includes matrix and cement
matrix detrital, cataclastic, lava, tuff, magmatic, etc. groundmass
cement chemically precipitated, usually open-space filling, sometimes
recrystallized earlier matter
replacement compositionally may correspond to cement, emplaced by
substitution of an earlier matter. Often merges with cement.
-'-~gment-supported, interfragmental spaces empty (void)
fragment-supported, interfragmentals partly filled by groundmass, matriy, cement
fragment supported, interfragmentals completely filled
fragment supported in general
groundmass or matrix supported
Mineralogical (or substance) composition, e.g. quartz (silica), calcite, dolomite,
iron oxide, phosphorite, fluorite, barite, etc.
NOTES: Codes can be used in place of terms (e.g. in computerized data recording/
ABBREVIATIONS: UC=unconsolidated CS=consolidated

rocks already recorded and named earlier in

other branches of earth sciences. There is a large
quantity of synonyms and analogous words,
and, as a consequence, a single breccia variety
can be designated by a great variety of names.
The principal asset of premise-related brec-
cia names is their brevity: the term tillite, in a
single word, conveys to a specialist an extensive
set of characteristics that would otherwise re-
quire five or more sentences to express ade-
quately. The main danger of terms based on a
genetic premise is the often irresponsible read-
iness of m a n y geologists to apply such terms to
isolated ancient breccia occurrences that lack a
Fig. 4. Boulderof a tectonic breccia in the Sous River valley sufficiently convincing affiliation to a distinct
near Alouz, Morocco,derivedfrom Haut Atlas. It is used to paleoenvironment (e.g., a continental glacier,
demonstrate application of the Universal Rudrock Codeto volcanic edifice ). Premise-based terms given to
provide a detailed descriptive name to a fragmentite (see
breccias, the environmental affiliations or for-
mational processes of which have not really
f r i c t i o n bx been convincingly determined, inhibits prog-
crush bx explosion bx ress by placing mental blocks into the heads of
milled bx s o l u t i o n bx
PROCESS ~ " unwary readers. Additional reason against a
r e s e .d m. e n. t e.•u DX IZ/ \ \ k . 4 t Ihvdrovolcanic
." . . bx single breccia occurrence recorded under var-
stylobreccla ~ _ _ ~ ] f l o w i n t r u sbXi o n Dx ious names in the literature, is the one-sided-
/ W \ Ivent bx ness, rather t h a n mutual exclusivity, of m a n y
pyroclastic bx/ ~ . ~ , t ~ I c a n ~ a n bx
terms. The copper-bearing breccia from E1
m?ac,t bx / ~ lablation bx
Teniente, Chile, has been referred to as mosaic,
bone bx / W \ d i a p i r i c bx jigsaw puzzle, net-veined, hydraulic, monolith-
mua ~x / \ l ologic, explosive, and similar terms.
calcibreccia / ~l~
coquina /~
Rational petrographic organization
(classification) of breccias by regime and
broken pillow bx ]ange bx f a u ] t bx
magmatic bx I reef bx i n t r a f o r m a t i o n a l bx
pilIow bx Iplutonic bx fo]d bx
soi I bx I rauhwacke If one analyses the reasons why a non-ge-
netic petrographic organization of all breccias
Fig. 5. Examplesof non-quantitative breccia ( = bx) names has been lacking for so long and why some con-
in the process-ingredient-site context. From Laznicka sider breccias as impossible to classify, the an-
(1988). swer is quite clear: the students of breccias failed
to recognize and stress that these rocks are
erative in the respective environment. The products of two different fundamental regimes.
problem with these terms is that most are not These regimes are (1) disaggregation of origi-
rational, quantifiable and amenable to a sys- nally solid progenitor, and (2) aggregation of
tematic hierarchical organization. T h e y rap- formerly dispersed constituents. T h e y are of
idly proliferate being often coined by narrow mutually contrasting styles. It is impossible to
specialists who have little regard for equivalent apply the philosophy of interpretation and or-


Examples of premise-based breccia terms (bx = breccia (s) )

PROCESS OF BRECCIATION explosive bx, phreatomagmatic bx, hydrovolcanic bx,
chemical bx
~CH&NISMOF BRECCIATION friction bx, crush bx, milled bx, solution bx,
dessication bx, shrinkage bx, expansion bx
MECHANISMOF TRANSPORT debris flow bx, slurry bx, solifluction bx,
lodgement till, ablation till, turbidite bx,
slide bx, landslide bx
MECHANISMOF DEPOSITION fallback bx, fallout bx, intrusive bx, injection bx,
OR EMPLACEMENT inclusion bx
SITE (DEPOSITIONAL fault bx, intraformational bx, fold bx, basal bx,
ENVIRONMENT) sub-unconformity bx, reef bx, forereef bx
COMBINED PROCESS/INGRE- subductionmelange bx, olistostrome bx, karst bx
COMPOSITION bauxite bx, shale bx, basalt bx, limestone bx
SPECIAL INGREDIENT coquina, calcibreccia, tachylite bx, pseudotachylite
bx, ophicalcite bx
UNCONSOLIDATEDEQUIVA- scree bx, talus bx, diamicton bx, tephra bx
FABRIC, STRUCTURE crackle bx, mosaic bx, rubble bx, orthobreccia,
L(F~KL VARIETY NAME rauhwacke, ophicalcite
(controversial origin)

ganization suitable for transported aggregated

coarse fragmentites (such as conglomerates ) to \o~ DEPOSITION COMPACTION
fragmentites produced by in-situ fracturing and
expansion of a solid rock (such as a mosaic
breccia) as is the common practice, and expect ON (D) BREC.
to get meaningful results.
It is thus suggested to subdivide coarse frag-
mentites (including breccias) into three con-
constant vol. o
tinual spectra between two end members: .m4

(1) Disaggregation fragmentites (D-breccias); IN-TRANSPORT

(2) Aggregation fragmentites (A-breccias); (T) BRECCIA
and a transitional category of
(3) In-transport fragmentites (T-breccias) =-
(see Fig. 6 ).
a tbee~.oe
These fragmentite varieties have different
early formational histories, terminated by the AGGREC~T I ON
establishment of a protofragmentite (proto-
breccia), such as loose rubble, semi-cohesive
mosaic breccia, etc. The subsequent evolution,
in general, has phases common to all these three
breccia varieties, which are: (a) compaction (FRAUvlENT (COARSE BRECCIA
(often missing), and (b) cementation or lithi- SOURCE) FRAGMENT TTE)
fication (sometimes missing). Fig. 6. The three fundamental varieties of breccias, based
The proposed organization is virtually inde- on formational regime and architecture.

pendent of genesis, so it is applicable to descrip- shatter breccia; see Kents, 1964) is used when
tion and interpretation of all breccias, in par- this is considered as an end-member of the D-
ticular to those where the origin is unknown or breccia sequence. Some fractures can be slightly
obscure. The regime (disaggregation, aggrega- dilated (or filled by chemical cement, veinlets),
tion, transport) is usually apparent on single but the overall expansion rarely exceeds 5-10%.
hand specimens of end-members (e.g., a crac- When an emphasis is on the interconnected
kle/mosaic breccia or an orthoconglomerate in- (network) interfragmentally introduced ce-
dicate the disaggregation and aggregation, re- ment, the term stockwork can be used. Curved
spectively, quite convincingly). Affiliation of planes of discontinuity due to cooling or differ-
mid-sequence members and in-transport frag- ential weathering (e.g., in pillow lavas, some
mentites usually follows from the facies pro- diabases, gabbros, granitoids) may convert a
gression and has to be, as a rule, established in rock into a roundstone crackle breccia (or
the field by careful mapping. pseudoconglomerate).
Mosaic (or subsidence; see Kents, 1964)
Disaggregationfragmentites breccia forms from crackle breccia by expan-
sion (5-20%) and fragment detachment. The
Disaggregation fragmentites (D-breccias; see fragments are separated by empty voids; by
Figs. 7 and 8) are initiated by formation of dis- voids (often incompletely) filled with fine-
continuities in the parent rocks. A set of three grained fragments of the host rock; or by voids
or more intersecting planes of discontinuity, filled with precipitated chemical cement (e.g.,
most often fractures, is needed to convert a calcite, dolomite, quartz) including ore min-
massive rock into an aggregate of closely fitting erals. Jigsaw breccia is a variety in which the
angular segments. Such aggregate is usually fragments can be visually fitted together with-
termed "densely fractured rock", but an alter- out rotation. Other mosaic breccias have slightly
native term "crackle breccia" (also rupture, rotated fragments. The term net-veined breccia

1-5~ EXP,%NSI ON






(2 l i t h o l o g i e s ) (OR DENSELY ........ MILLED

Fig. 7. Evolutionary sequence of disaggregation fragmentites (D-breccias) established in a mechanically uniform, brittle
bilithological unit.





r/~ ¢9

stresses the interfragmental veining that could tite undergoes further expansion, dilution and,
be either chemical or magmatic. Injection brec- ultimately, dispersion.
cia (e.g., Speers, 1957 ) is a variety in which the
interfragmental spaces have been infilled by a M e t a l l i c ores
foreign material (fragmental slurry, magmatic Disaggregation fragmentite sequences host
impact melt) that itself can be a micro- or meso- the majority of breccia-related metallic ores, al-
breccia. though exact percentages cannot be given be-
Further expansion (up to 50%) causes con- cause of transitionality. Ideally, the ore em-
siderable loosening of the fragment aggregate, placement in single cycle breccias can: (a)
so that individual blocks start to tilt and sink predate the main, disaggregation phase of brec-
by gravity or stress and mutually rotate to form cia origin; (b) be penecontemporaneous with
a rubble breccia. Kents (1964) designated this it; (c) coincide with the process of breccia ce-
rock "heave breccia", defined as an "agglom- mentation that postdates completion of the
eration of large blocks and clasts up to several fragmental aggregate; and (d) is superimposed
metres in size, which have been shifted among on an already completed, lithified breccia.
themselves". "Kneaded breccia", according to Category a is represented by instances of dis-
Kents (1964), is formed from heavedbreccia by aggregation of an earlier orebody in solid rocks,
additional in-situ fracturing. resulting in physical transfer of the ore mate-
Continual expansion and loosening of the rial into the coarse ("fragments") or fine
fragment aggregate combined with the force of (groundmass) detrital phase. Most of the re-
gravity (collapse or downslope movement), corded examples are considered as merely mi-
nor variations of the "primary" orebody and
magmatic pressure, tectonic stress, explosion,
their breccia character is rarely emphasized.
etc., results in mixing of fragments (mixed
Here belong fragmentites in regoliths and pa-
breccia or m~lange). In thick homogeneous se-
leoregoliths over bauxites (e.g., the "unconso-
quences, fragment mixing may be unrecogniz-
lidated bauxitic laterite" in Guyana; B~rrange,
able because of compositional uniformity and
1977 ); iron formations and ironstones (rubbly
the breccia is of the monolithologic type. When
and breccia enriched ores; Dorr, 1969); and
the protolith was a set of compositionally vari-
many other bedrock mineralizations (e.g., frost-
able alternating layers (e.g., sandstone-shale;
heaved blocks containing Pb-Zn sulphides at
limestone-shale; basalt-chert), the mixing Nanisivik, Arctic Canada; Olson, 1984; and re-
produced bilithologic and heterolithologic sidual rubble to breccia of Zn-Pb mineralized
breccias. The generic term for mixed breccias is boulders with mudstone matrix in Tynagh, Ire-
m~lange and they may have a multitude of land; Morrissey and Whitehead, 1970).
origins. In the age of plate tectonics, however, In category b, breccias and ores have the
m~lange has a genetic connotation and is largely greatest degree of causal relationship, hence
associated with subductive continental mar- breccias serve as exploration indicators of pos-
gins. Fragment mixing can be accompanied by sible ore cccurrences. The best-publicized mod-
further internal fragmentation, or by milling: ern examples are hydraulic breccias in hot
that is, autogenous attrition of colliding frag- springs, subvolcanic and plutonic systems (e.g.,
ments in motion (milled breccia). hot springs Au-Sb-Hg deposits; epithermal and
Mixed or milled breccias terminate the pro- epizonal-plutonic vein, breccia "pipe" and sim-
gression of disaggregation fragmentites and ilar deposits; "porphyry" and "stockwork" Cu,
mark the beginning of the in-transport frag- Mo, Au, Sn, etc.; "greenstone belts" Au depos-
mentites (T-breccias), further discussed be- its; and others; Sillitoe, 1985; Sillitoe and Bon-
low. Alternatively, a mixed or milled fragmen- ham, 1984; Nelson and Giles, 1985; Hedenquist

and Henley, 1985; Burnham, 1985; Kerrich, (Sass-Gustkiewicz et al., 1982; Kyle, 1983; Alu-
1983). Additional cases of mineralized hy- sow et al., 1983); collapse breccias in silicate
draulic breccias have been interpreted at sev- rocks, impregnated by uranium minerals (Kerr
eral localities of the Mississippi-Valley Zn-Pb et al., 1957; Wenrich, 1985); collapse breccias
"type" (Phillips, 1972; Macqueen and Thomp- in impure carbonates and siliclastic sediments,
son, 1978); among the "SEDEX" Zn-Pb ore- mineralized by "invisible gold" (Carlin, Ne-
bodies (at Navan, Ireland; Andrew and Ashton, vada; Bakken and Einaudi, 1986); collapse
1985 ); at magmatic-hydrothermal Ni-Cu-PGE breccias in hydrothermally undermined breccia
complexes affiliated to gabbro-peridotite intru- pipes in volcano-plutonic systems, mineralized
sions, e.g., Noril'sk, USSR (Zolotukhin and Vi- by disseminated Cu-Mo, Au and other metals
lenskii, 1978), and others. (Sillitoe and Sawkins, 1971; Fletcher, 1984;
The most common genetic scenario assumes Norman and Sawkins, 1985).
generation of dilations (including breccias) by Category d. The ore complexes superimposed
overpressurized expanding fluids usually in the on lithified, non-porous breccias (e.g., veins,
wall- and roof-rock adjacent to a heat source, replacements) are in most cases purely acci-
followed by circulation of the same fluids and dental as far as the host breccia origin is con-
eventual dilation cementation. Some of the ce- cerned, and non-selective. Breccias provided the
ments are hydrothermally precipitated ores. host rocks, merely because they happened to
Category c. The fundamental role of coarse have been there and any other local rocks can
fragmentites in metallogeny is their permeabil- host comparable orebodies. The breccia pres-
ity and porosity, providing avenues of move- ence has thus no predictive value for ore pres-
ment to ore-bearing fluids and sites in which ence. A representative example is provided by
ore and/or gangue could precipitate. In the the evolutionary late, usually post-deforma-
present case, the process (es) of void generation tional hydrothermal gold-bearing lodes and
acted earlier and produced pre-breccias: unce- stockworks in Precambrian Greenstone belts
mented fragmentites. The voids were filled and (Hodgson and MacGeehan, 1982). These are
mineralized later. In uncomplicated cases the hosted by metavolcanics and metasediments
ore occurs in interfragmental spaces. In more regardless of their original depositional fabric
complex situations earlier, reactive breccia ce- (e.g., massive or pillow lavas, volcanic breccias,
ments (e.g., carbonates) have been selectively pyroclastics). This contrasts with the evolu-
replaced by ore, or replacive ore minerals in- tionary earlier, pre-deformational massive Fe-
vaded out of the interstices the (mega-)frag- Zn-Cu deposits in the same setting, where the
ments. Recorded examples are numerous, re- ore/breccia association is causal and corre-
lated to ascending, descending and laterally sponds to our categories b and c.
moving fluids; cool meteoric waters to magma-
togene hydrothermal fluids; surficial to abyssal Aggregation [ragmentites
settings; and others. They include: hydrother-
real breccia veins of base-, rare- and precious- These are produced by transport and accu-
metals filling faults; copper-mineralized, mulation of previously dispersed (scattered)
prehnite-pumpellyite altered flowtops of con- fragments in one place, to form initially a loose
tinental basalts as in Michigan (Jolly, 1974); aggregate of fragments, later lithified into a solid
brecciated calcrete hosting infiltrations of U-V rock (Fig. 9). The formation of an epiclastic or-
minerals (e.g., Yeelirrie, Australia; Arakel and thoconglomerate, extensively studied and de-
McConchie, 1982 ); collapse breccias in carbon- scribed by sedimentologists (e.g., Pettijohn,
ates, infilled and replaced by the low-tempera- 1975; Koster and Steel, 1984) provides a stan-
ture Mississippi Valley-type Zn-Pb association dard genetic model for aggregation fragmen-

Fig. 9. Examples of aggregation fragmentites. Top: Upper Proterozoic basal breccia, composed of angular fragments of
bleached and unbleached basement schist and quartzite in a slightly manganiferousgroundmass. Idikel Mn deposit, Anti-
Atlas, Morocco. Bottom: Heterolithologicrecent littoral carbonate cemented breccia to conglomerate.South of Almeria,

tites. Formation of m a n y non-epiclastic brec- ment mechanisms that initiate epiclastic sedi-
cias, however, proceeds along a comparable mentogenesis are usually treated in the context
scenario, briefly reviewed below. of physical and chemical weathering and have
(1) Source and release of fragments. The an extensive literature (e.g., Ollier, 1975;
fragments have to be detached from an existing Brunsden, 1979a). Physical weathering is more
source rock (recycled fragments), or newly important for breccia formation, because it
generated (e.g., by lava solidification, or or- tends to produce fresh sharpstone fragments (as
ganic skeleton building). Endogenous detach- in alpine talus). It appears, however, that most

breccias in sedimentary sequences (e.g., among fragment contact thus eliminating abrasion and
basal breccias) required a more powerful and sorting, yet it disappears by meltout upon
extreme fragmentation process, such as glacial reaching the terminus dumping its load in the
quarrying, growth faulting, explosive fragmen- form of angular and unsorted ablation till.
tation (e.g., in a diatreme), meteorite impact, (4) Fragment deposition. Conditioned or
etc., to form. Volcanic fragments are partly "ju- non-conditioned fragments finally reach their
venile" (e.g., lava fragments produced by cool- resting place to aggregate (to form a deposit).
ing, fuel-coolant interaction, vesiculation or The internal organization of such a deposit var-
explosive fragmentation), partly recycled (e.g., ies considerably, being somewhere between the
accidental fragments). Inclusion fragments in two end-members: a completely unsorted, non-
intrusive rocks were detached by roof stoping, bedded angular aggregate such as ablation till;
wall and floor "quarrying", or inherited as the and a size and compositionally sorted, bedded
magma invaded brittle fault rocks. deposit such as an oligomictic conglomerate.
(2) Fragment gathering (mobilization) and (5) Physical compaction. This may be sig-
transportation. The simplest mechanism of nificant in deposits consisting of fragile porous
transfer of fragments from source to the site of or soft fragments (e.g., bioclasts, pumice, scoria,
fragmentite deposition is gravitational fall or suevite, etc.) and negligible in case of well-
downslope roll. Both are controlled by an alti- sorted deposits of resistate gravel, such as
tude gradient produced gradually (by erosion conglomerates.
as rock fall from canyon walls to produce talus; (6) Diagenesis and lithification. With the
tectonically as escarpments) or suddenly (fall- exception of "hot" fragmentites (magmatic
out/fallback from volcanic or impact debris breccias, some welded pyroclastics, lava brec-
plumes; meteorite fall). cias, agglutinates), diagenesis and lithification
More complex mechanisms require fluid as starts some time after deposition, particularly
transportation medium (water, dense fluid, after burial. Diagenesis refers mostly to the set
magmatic melt) to carry, or force to move, the of equilibrating processes between the pore
fragments. The fluid moves either under the in- fluids and fragments (Chillingar et al., 1979).
fluence of gravity (as in streams), or forcefully Lithification is a consequence (product) of dia-
(magmas). genesis, generating cements converting a loose
(3) Fragment conditioning during transport. aggregate into a solid rock. When unstable or
Fragments transported for a short distance by soluble fragments are present (e.g., volcanic and
a simple gravity fall (e.g., blocks falling from impact glass; volcanics containing olivine, py-
ceilings of cavities or from overhanging walls of roxene, amphibole, sanidine, etc.; carbonate
canyons), undergo virtually no conditioning fragments), partial or complete degradation of
except breaking on impact. Rolling down talus fragments usually takes place and the fragment
cone slopes, however, may initiate fragment components are transferred into pseudomatrix,
rounding and aggregate sorting. Rounding and epimatrix, cements or removed in solution. This
sorting is substantial under conditions of stream may considerably modify the original deposi-
transport, producing size and gravity pre-sorted tional fabric often beyond recognition and ut-
bedloads. Magma-transported fragments most care is necessary in interpretation of lith-
undergo sorting and are rounded largely by as- ified fragmentites of other varieties than
similation and resorption. epiclastic conglomerates. Figure 10 shows the
Supraglacial and englacial (i.e. on top and spectrum of grain frameworks of aggregation
within glacier) fragment transport is special, fragmentites and usual terms as used in the
because the interstitial mass of ice prevents various trends of brecciology.

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l~ I -
-tl - :
k'.' ! .~.~
::" "'"":::'-2"
;.'. •.
"$ x

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i ;'"',:•.'."'"~':F':"
.~.k I" , .'.. 't': • ".. ,..:....','.:,4 ,!]
~~~i!i!'• •~..;. • •:.:::.:........: :"
SUPPO -~ cagment s u p p o r t 4 matrix suppor


COARSE FRA(NENTS 100% - ~ * UP TO 9 0 % - ~ - - - - - - 5 0 - 8 0 % ~ ~ 25-60% ~ *I0-35% ~*up to'10%---*
TEXTURE 4----- block-against-block ~ ~ diamictic
Youles (1984) q low = . m o d e r a t e - ~ , - - h i g h matrix breccia
Emery and Klovan (1971) = rudstone ~ 4 floatstone ~mudstone~
Dunham (1962) ~ grainstone vq-packstone-~ wackestone ~- m u d s t o n e ,
F o l k (1968) ~ sparrudite ~ micmdite - ~- r a i c r i t e ÷
-~-- orthobreccia/orthoconglomerate ,4--parabreccia/congl. .~ l o n e s t o n e r o c k s

F i g . 10. S p e c t r u m o f g r a i n f r a m e w o r k s o f a g g r e g a t i o n f r a g m e n t i t e s (A-breccias), resulting from deposition and diagenesis

(including a post-lithification pressure solution).

Mineralization size) grain dimension and accumulated in ma-

Metallic ores hosted by aggregation fragmen- trix rather than in the (mega)fragments, are
tites were emplaced in one of the four phases transitional to, or members of phase 2. Most
already outlined earlier (under D- coarse fragmentites, hosts of economically im-
fragmentites). portant detrital minerals, such as gold (recent
Phase 1. Pre-fragmentite ores. These are rep- placers; Witwatersrand paleoplacers ), cassiter-
resented by numerous examples of allochthon- ite, Ti-oxides, monazite, etc., are roundstone
ous ore accumulations, produced by mass wast- epiclastic conglomerates or gravels not treated
ing of bedrock deposits and by downslope in this review. Sharpstone fragmentite equiva-
transport of the detritus. Examples in which the lents are rare and economically insignificant.
ore substance is primarily accumulated in large Probably the economically and genetically
blocks detached from the original orebody, in- most interesting examples of penecontempor-
clude: cassiterite-mineralized Quaternary mo- aneous fragmentite lithogenesis and metal em-
raines and talus (Bolivia; E1 Rodeo, Apola- placement are hosted by usually heterolithol-
bamba, Kellguani, Potosl, etc.; see Ahlfeld and ogic transported breccia bodies formed by
Schneider-Scherbina, 1964; Rivas, 1977); gold- gaseous, vapour and steam explosions and vol-
bearing glacial drift and talus (Nome, Juneau, atile streaming and/or collapse at high plutonic
Breckenridge, Allakh-Yun, etc.; Bilibin, 1955; and subvolcanic levels. Such bodies are now
Nelson and Hopkins, 1972); seafloor (pa- preserved as relics of vents or diatremes or as
leo)talus of massive magnetite interpreted so pipes and fragmental dikes of a variety of
by Frater ( 1985 ) at the Archean Golden Grove shapes. They occur in porphyry Cu-Mo and
deposit, Australia; colluvial fragmentites con- stockwork-Mo fields (e.g., E1 Teniente, Camus
taining Sn, W, Au, Hg (Guadalcdzar, Mexico; 1975; Kounrad, Bashkirov, 1983); tin cupolas
Foshag and Fries, 1942); ferberite (Shyorongi, (Cornwall, Allman-Ward et al., 1982); epi-
Rwanda); epithermal gold (Belaya Gora, thermal Au-Ag systems (Sillitoe, 1985) and
USSR; Borodaevskaya and Rozhkov, 1974); elsewhere• The ore minerals precipitated from
and others. the fluids that have excavated the conduits and
Phase 2. Cases in which the ore substance is propelled the fragments. Alternatively, earlier
separated, of relatively small (i.e. sand to silt- ore accumulations have been physically rede-

posited, as in the dominantly post-ore struc- tites, such as T-fragmentite slurries collecting
tures (e.g., the Braden Formation at E1 Ten- wall- and floor-rock fragments as they move.
iente; Camus, 1985). Most in-transport fragmentites are unsorted
At several genetically enigmatic, although to poorly sorted, matrix-rich (either matrix or
economically important localities (Olympic large fragments supported), massive to bedded
Dam and Mount Painter Cu-U-Au and U fields, rocks, sometimes size-graded. The fragment
respectively; Roberts and Hudson, 1983), ore shape ranges from angular to rounded and in
deposition overlapped with breccia formation many associations angularity varies so widely
but the exact mechanisms are still not well that identical rocks have been listed in the lit-
understood. erature either as (para)conglomerates or as
Phase 3 has many examples among infil- breccias (example: till/tillite, diamictite). The
trated deposits of Cu-oxides and silicates (e.g., fragment rounding could have been inherited
Exotica, Chile; Roethe, 1975), manganese ox- (i.e. present before the initiation of the mass
ides, uranium oxides, etc., hosted by alluvial fan transport), or accomplished during the trans-
fragmentites. Zn-Pb ores of the Mississippi port mostly by physical attrition.
Valley-type have been recorded as superim-
posed on transported carbonate fragmentites Mineralization
interpreted as cave influvium (e.g., locally in (1) Pre-breccia ores have been frequently re-
Salafossa, Italy; Lagny, 1975; Les Malines, ported from the in-transport fragmentites, but
France; Fogli~rini et al., 1980). most occurrences are of transitional nature.
Subaerial, epiclastic debris flows carry locally
In-transport fragmentites (T-breccias) significant detrital cassiterite accumulations in
the Kinta Valley of Malaysia ("gugup placers";
In the literature, in-transport fragmentites Batchelor, 1979) and Guemul, Bolivia ("llam-
are usually treated jointly with the aggregation peras"; Ahlfeld and Schneider-Scherbina,
fragmentites under the heading "transported 1964).
breccias" (or conglomerates). Their early for- Submarine debris flows, in particular syn-
mational history, however, differs from the his- volcanic lahars, sometimes contain ore boul-
tory of A-fragmentites by lacking the fragment- ders derived from "exhalative" deposits at pa-
gathering stage, and by having the preservable leo-heights. In Buchans, Newfoundland
particle content greater than the volume of (Thurlow and Swanson, 1981 ), Silurian barite
transporting medium (in the case of mass and Zn, Cu, Pb-bearing lahars were economi-
movements of Brunsden, 1979b), or lacking cally mined. Among the "SEDEX" Zn-Pb de-
such a medium altogether (mass transport of posits, mineralized debris flows have been re-
Brunsden, 1979b). The evolutionary history of corded in Silvermines and Navan, Ireland
in-transport fragmentites thus starts with the (Taylor, 1984).
fragment aggregate already in place and its sub- The "ball" and "breccia" ores in tectonized
sequent transfer into its site of deposition is ac- ("durchbewegte") massive Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni,
complished by a slide, mass flow, fluidized flow Co-sulphide deposits (Vokes, 1973; Juve, 1967;
or a magmatic melt flow. The fragmentite de- Peredery et al., 1982; Gair and Slack, 1984)
posit finally in place, before compaction, differs combine features of phases 1 and 2, because pre-
little from the fragment aggregate while in ac- breccia ores have usually been partly or entirely
tive transport, hence the term "in-transport" modified (remobilized, recrystallized, an-
fragmentite. Admittedly, there are many tran- nealed) during or shortly after the deforma-
sitional members between A- and T-fragmen- tion. Many accretion and subduction m~lange-

hosted orebodies (e.g., Island Mountain, Cali- Transitions

fornia; Ergani Maden, Turkey; both massive Fe,
Cu, Zn sulphides in ophiolitic association), are Transitions a m o n g the main categories of
also partly fragmental tectonites. fragmentites (breccias) discussed above are
(2) The bulk of syn-breccia ores formed by common and generally can be subdivided into:
precipitation from gases and hydrothermal (a) facies transitions (contemporaneous); and
fluids acting as one of the agents of fragmen- (b) sequential transitions (separated in time,
tation and as propellant in magmatic and superimposed or resulting from lateral
phreatomagmatic systems (Sharp, 1978; Silli- reworking).
toe, 1985). There is a complete gradation be- Facies transitions between D-, I- and A-frag-
tween T-fragmentites that, once set into mo- mentites are common in some landslides/rock-
tion, travelled as a more or less closed system slides (e.g., in central Arizona; Krieger, 1977)
free of interaction with their wall and roof rocks, and mdlanges, where internally disaggregated
and A-fragmentites that continued to gather brecciated large rock slabs grade downslope into
fragments as they moved. The mineralization a mass transported rubble breccia which, in
is identical (described above). turn, was locally stream-reworked into an ag-
(3) Porosity-filling ores in T-breccias are gregated fragmentite. In meteorite impact cra-
probably exemplified by the Sustut copper de- ters such as the Ries, autochthonous crater floor
posit, British Columbia (Church, 1974), con- breccias and parautochthonous breccias in in-
taining copper sulphides in pervasively epido- ternally brecciated large, allochthonous rock
tized matrix of an andesitic laharic breccia. slices (i.e., D-breccias) grade into fallout and
Similar deposits are known from Chile, the fallback breccias (T- and A-breccias) (Pohl et
Philippines, the Lake Balkhash region (USSR), al., 1977).
and elsewhere. Sequential transitions in the direction D-

Fig. 11. Serpentinite conglomerate to breccia from Liguria, Italy (A- or T-fragmentite), later tectonically re-brecciated into
a superimposed D-breccia and cemented/veined by carbonate.

breccia~A-breccia are common above and be- proposals of several unknown manuscript re-
side fault and crush zones exposed at the paleo- viewers are also acknowledged.
surface, filled by a D-breccia (as an in-situ
brecciated wallrock) and/or T-breccia (fault References
breccia and gouge), later physically reworked
into a variety of talus and basal breccias and
Ahlfeld, F. and Schneider-Scherbina, A., 1964. Los yaci-
conglomerates (A-breccia). Transitions in the mientos minerales y de hidrocarburos de Bolivia. Dep.
opposite direction are rarer and represented by Nac. Geol. La Paz (Bolivia), Bol. 5,388 pp.
an ophiolitic serpentinite fragmentite from Allen, C.C., Jercinovic, M.J. and Allen, J.S.B., 1982. Subgl-
acial volcanism in north-central British Columbia and
Liguria, Italy, shown in Fig. 11. There, an ear-
Iceland. J. Geol., 90: 699-715.
lier polymictic conglomerate to breccia (A- or Allman-Ward, P., Halls, C., Rankin, A. and Bristow, C.M.,
T-fragmentite) has been tectonically re-brec- 1982. An intrusive hydrothermal breccia body at Wheal
ciated into a crackle to mosaic D-breccia and Remfry in the western part of the St. Austell granite
cemented by carbonate. pluton, Cornwall, England. In: A.M. Evans (Editor),
Metallization Associated with Acid Magmatism. Wiley,
Chichester, pp. 1-28.
Conclusions Alusow, E.W., Proctor, P.D. and Sweeney, P.H., 1983. Pri-
mary-secondary structures and ore relationships, Mag-
mont Mine, New Lead Belt, Missouri. In: G. Kisvar-
In the present contribution, breccias, some sanyi, S.K. Grant, W.P. Pratt and J.W. Koenig
other coarse fragmentites and related ores have (Editors), Int. Conf. Mississippi Valley Type Lead-Zinc
been organized and reviewed with the emphasis deposits. Univ. Missouri, Rolla, Mo., pp. 373-384.
Andrew, C.J. and Ashton, J.H., 1985. Regional setting, ge-
on objective (empirical, observational) prop- ology and metal distribution patterns of Navan ore-
erties. The attributes discussed here are consid- body, Ireland. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. (London), Sect.
ered sufficient for a reasonably detailed docu- B, 94: B66-B93.
mentation of a breccia field occurrence. But Arakel, A.V. and McConchie, D., 1982. Classification and
genesis of calcrete and gypsite lithofacies in paleodrain-
much more is needed. Science requires expla- age systems of inland Australia and their relationship
nation as to how natural objects have formed. to carnotite mineralization. J. Sediment. Petrol., 52:
In the present and past period of breccia study, 1149-1170.
writers have been fascinated with genesis al- Ashworth, J.R. (Editor), 1985. Migmatites. Blackie, Glas-
gow and London, 302 pp.
though in a rather one-sided and unsystematic Bakken, B.M. and Einaudi, M.T., 1986. Spatial and tem-
manner. Part 2 (in prep.) of this contribution poral relations between wall rock alteration and gold
will focus on some of the problems of breccia mineralization, Main Pit, Carlin gold mine, Nevada,
formation with the objective of improving the USA. In: A.J. Macdonald (Editor), Gold '86, Toronto.
pp. 388-4O3.
existing interpretations and suggesting a more
Barrett, F.M., Binns, R.A., Groves, D.I., Marston, R.J. and
realistic overall genetic organization ofbreccias McQueen, K.G., 1977. Structural history and metamor-
and their ores. phic modification of Archean volcanic-type nickel de-
posits, Yilgarn Block, western Australia, Econ. Geol.,
72: 1195-1223.
Acknowledgements Bashkirov, B.G., 1983. Explosion breccias in the Kounrad
porphyry copper deposit. Int. Geol. Rev., 25: 373-380.
Batchelor, B.C., 1979. Geological characteristics of certain
This manuscript was completed during my coastal and offshore placers as essential guides for tin
tenure as Gastprofessor at the Universit~it Hei- exploration in Sundaland, Southeast Asia. Geol. Soc.
delberg (F.R.G.). Thanks are due to Prof. C.G. Malays., Bull., 11: 283-313.
Amstutz for hospitality and facilities provided Bateman, P.C., Clark, L.D., Huber, N.K., Moore, J.G. and
Rinehart, C.D., 1963. The Sierra Nevada Batholith - a
in his Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Insti-
synthesis of recent work across the central part. U.S.
tut. Dr. K.H. Wolf is thanked for many helpful Geol. Surv., Prof. Pap. 414-D, 46 pp.
suggestions and editorial improvements. The Bates, R.L. and Jackson, J.A. (Editors), 1980. Glossary of

Geology, 2nd Ed. Am. Geol. Inst., Falls Church, Va., 751 Bull,W.B., 1972.Recognition of alluvial-fandepositsin the
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Bathurst, R.G.C., 1975. Carbonate Sediments and their (Editors),Recognition of Ancient Sedimentary Envi-
diagenesis. Developments in Sedimentology, 12. Else- ronments. Soc. Econ. Paleontol.Mineral.,Spec. Publ.,
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Bell, R.T., 1986. Megabreccias in northeastern Wernecke Burnham, C.W., 1983. Deep submarine pyroclastic erup-
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