FAQs Digital Signature Certificate MCA
FAQs Digital Signature Certificate MCA
FAQs Digital Signature Certificate MCA
✔ Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Applicants can directly approach Certifying Authorities
(CAs) with original supporting documents, and self-attested copies will be sufficient in this
✔ DSCs can also be obtained, wherever offered by CA, using Aadhar eKYC based authentication,
and supporting documents are not required in this case.
✔ A letter/certificate issued by a Bank containing the DSC applicant’s information as retained in
the Bank database can be accepted. Such letter/certificate should be certified by the Bank
Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) are the digital equivalent (that is electronic format) of physical
or paper certificates. Few Examples of physical certificates are drivers' licenses, passports or
membership cards. Certificates serve as proof of identity of an individual for a certain purpose; for
example, a driver's license identifies someone who can legally drive in a particular country.
Likewise, a digital certificate can be presented electronically to prove one’s identity, to access
information or services on the Internet or to sign certain documents digitally.
Physical documents are signed manually, similarly, electronic documents, for example e-forms are
required to be signed digitally using a Digital Signature Certificate.
A licensed Certifying Authority (CA) issues the digital signature. Certifying Authority (CA) means
a person who has been granted a license to issue a digital signature certificate under Section 24 of
the Indian IT-Act 2000.
5. What are the different types of Digital Signature Certificates valid for MCA21 program?
Class 2: Here, the identity of a person is verified against a trusted, pre-verified database.
Class 3: This is the highest level where the person needs to present himself or herself in front of a
Registration Authority (RA) and prove his/ her identity.
6. What type of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is to be obtained for e-Filing on the MCA
DSC of either Class 2 or Class 3 signing certificate category issued by a licensed Certifying
Authority (CA) needs to be obtained for e-Filing on the MCA Portal.
7. Is Director Identification Number (DIN) a pre-requisite to apply for DSC?
The cost of obtaining a digital signature certificate may vary as there are many entities issuing
DSCs and their charges may differ. Kindly check with Certifying Authority directly for charges.
The Certifying Authorities are authorized to issue a Digital Signature Certificate with a validity of
one or two years.
11. What steps can be taken if you face issues “please restart the emsigner”.
Please restart the emsigner by selecting “Run as administrator”. Then add a file path to the "Exception List" under the "Security Tab" of Java Control panel.
Digital Signatures are legally admissible in a Court of Law, as provided under the provisions
of IT Act, 2000.
13. What should I do if Certificate carries the message "validity unknown" in the Digital
Signature of ROC with a question mark?
When a Bank Official logs in the MCA21 portal for the first time, the system prompts the Bank
Official to register a DSC before proceeding further. The Bank official can then register the
DSC during first time login.
15. Why are you getting the error "Person affixing DSC as charge holder is not authorized"
on prescrutiny or upload of the charge forms?
MCA system verifies that the person signing as a charge holder already having any DSC
registered in the system with entered PAN. If any DSC is found but DSC affixed in the form
is different than error will be thrown.
The Bank Nodal Administrator creates and updates the bank official in the MCA system. The
bank official serves as the charge holder.
When the Bank Nodal Administrator logs into www.mca.gov.in, he will be shown
the 'Enter/Update Bank/Financial-institution details' service on left hand side.
On the service page the 'Add link will let the Bank Nodal Administrator to create a bank
17. How can I update my bank official DSC in MCA?
Any stakeholder can update his DSC in MCA system using the 'Update DSC' service
on www.mca.gov.in. Choose the 'Update DSC for Bank Official/Nodal Administrator' link
shown on the 'Update DSC' service page.
In case charge holder has registered the DSC once with PAN using the 'Associate DSC' service
on www.mca.gov.in, then new DSC can be updated with the same service.
If the person is having DIN issued, then update the DSC under director role using same
'Associate DSC' service on www.mca.gov.in..
19. The size of the e-form increases significantly after attaching the DSC. What should be
done to optimize the PDF file size?
Please follow the below instructions to limit the increase in PDF file size while affixing the
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).
No, user registration is not a pre-condition for registering the DSC through this facility on
MCA portal. However, if you are a business user and had already registered your DSC earlier,
then you are not required to register the same DSC through the Register DSC facility.
Directors, Manager and Secretary of the Company and practicing professionals i.e. CA, CS &
CWA should register their DSC on MCA portal, if they have not registered their DSC as a
business user earlier.
On registration of your DSC, MCA system shall capture the details of your DSC against your
DIN/ PAN, as the case may be. This information will be used to authenticate your digital
signature for role check purpose.
23. What is 'Role Check' functionality and from when is it effective?
'Role Check' functionality envisages that MCA21 System shall verify whether the digital
signatures affixed on the eForm belong to signatory of the company and/ or of a practicing
professional (if applicable). Role check has been implemented from July 1, 2007.
However, for Companies licensed under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, Role Check
will be applicable from 29th February, 2008.
24. What is the role of DIN and Income Tax PAN in 'Role Check' functionality?
DIN will be used for identification/ authentication on the MCA21 portal for the Directors and
Income Tax PAN for the manager, secretary and practicing professionals.
25. What will be the consequences if my DSC is not registered on the MCA portal?
Any eForm digitally signed by you for any Company being a director, manager, secretary or
practicing professional, will not be accepted on the MCA portal once Role Check is
implemented, as system will not recognize role associated with the digital signatures affixed
on the eForm.
To register your DSC, select the "Register Digital Signature" link on the MCA Services and
follow the given steps
No, director must have an approved DIN to register the DSC on MCA portal.
28. While registering my DSC as a professional, system shows an error message "Personal
details do not match with the professional membership details. Please ensure that the
personal details are as per your Institute's records". What should I do?
MCA system verifies the details submitted by you with the membership/ personal details
provided by your Institute. In case there is any mis-match, system throws this error message.
You should approach your Institute for necessary updation/ correction of the above details and
try again. Institutes will periodically provide updated data to for updation on the Portal. Once
updated, you will be able to register your DSC.
29. Whether all the directors, manager and secretary of the Company are required to
register their DSC on the MCA portal?
No, only those persons who will be signing the eforms on behalf of the Company are required
to register their DSC on the MCA portal.
30. Do I need to register my DSC multiple times for each Company in which I am a director?
You can update your DSC through the Register DSC facility by providing the necessary details.
32. As a professional, do I need to register my DSC multiple times for each Company, whose
form is being certified by me?
No, you are required to register on the MCA portal only once.
Yes. In such cases, you need to register your DSC as a professional and also as a Director even
if you use the same DSC in both roles.
34. Whether Digital Signature Certificate of 'Charge Holders' for example Banks, Financial
Institutions etc. are also required to be registered on MCA portal?
35. Who are not required to register their DSC on MCA portal?
✔ Charge-holder or assignee.
✔ Receiver or Manager in case of form CHG-6.
✔ Liquidator
✔ Person filing form for a Company to be incorporated/ registered (other than proposed
directors and practicing CA or CS)
36. Whether PAN is mandatory for DSC registration for persons other than director?
Yes, PAN is mandatory for Manager, Secretary and practicing professionals for DSC
registration purpose.
37. The Requirement of registration of DSC by the director, manager and secretary is
applicable to which type of companies?
All companies (Public Company, Private Company, Company not having share capital,
Company limited by share or guarantee. Unlimited Company) must comply with this
38. How will foreign directors on Indian companies register their DSC on the MCA portal?
Foreign directors are required to obtain Digital Signature Certificate from an Indian Certifying
Authority (List of Certifying Authorities is available on the MCA portal). The process of
registration of DSC is same as applicable to others.
39. Whether a company needs to authorize a practicing professional for certification of its
No, any practicing professional whose DSC is registered on the MCA portal as a practicing
professional can certify the eForm of the company.
40. On submitting details for DSC registration, system gives error message "Remove the
invalid characters(s) in…………." What should I do?
You are required to fill the name(s) without using any special character(s) such as dots ".". For
example if the name was filled in DIN application using words such as "Sh." or "Mrs." now
same should be filled as "Sh" or "Mrs".
41. Whether 'Role Check' also verifies the user ID used for uploading the eforms?
No, role check only verifies the digital signatures affixed on the eform. After an eform has
been duly signed, same can be uploaded by any person having a registered or business user ID
on the MCA portal.
Details of signatories of a company can be obtained from 'View Signatory Details' tab available
under 'Role check' link on the homepage of MCA portal. DSC registration status of the
signatories will also be shown under this service.